Java tutorial
/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * Copyright (C) 2015 George Antony Papadakis ( */ package SupervisedMetablocking; import DataStructures.AbstractBlock; import DataStructures.BilateralBlock; import DataStructures.Comparison; import DataStructures.EntityIndex; import DataStructures.FastEntityIndex; import DataStructures.IdDuplicates; import DataStructures.UnilateralBlock; import Utilities.ComparisonIterator; import Utilities.Constants; import Utilities.ExecuteBlockComparisons; import Utilities.ProfileComparison; import Utilities.StatisticsUtilities; import jsc.contingencytables.ContingencyTable2x2; import jsc.contingencytables.FishersExactTest; import; import; import; import; import java.util.AbstractList; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.inference.ChiSquareTest; import weka.classifiers.Classifier; import weka.core.Attribute; import weka.core.DenseInstance; import weka.core.Instance; import weka.core.Instances; /** * * @author gap2 */ public abstract class AbstractSupervisedMetablocking implements Constants { protected final boolean dirtyER; protected int noOfAttributes; protected int noOfClassifiers; protected double noOfBlocks; protected double validComparisons; protected double[] comparisonsPerBlock; protected double[] nonRedundantCPE; protected double[] redundantCPE; protected Attribute classAttribute; protected ArrayList<Attribute> attributes; protected final FastEntityIndex entityIndex; protected Instances trainingInstances; protected final List<AbstractBlock> blocks; protected List<Double>[] overheadTimes; protected List<Double>[] resolutionTimes; protected List<Double> sampleMatches; protected List<Double> sampleNonMatches; protected List<Double>[] sampleComparisons; protected List<Double>[] sampleDuplicates; protected List<String> classLabels; protected final Set<IdDuplicates> duplicates; protected Set<Comparison> trainingSet; protected Set<IdDuplicates> detectedDuplicates; protected double[] counters; protected double[] counters_entro; protected double max_weight = 0.0d; protected List<Integer> neighbors = new ArrayList<>();; protected List<ArrayList<Instance>> testSet = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Instance>>();; protected Set<Integer> validEntities = new HashSet<>();; public double totalBlocks; public int counter_a = 0; //List<Integer> neighbors; protected int[] flags; public HashSet<Integer> counter_a_set = new HashSet<>(); public int counter_b = 0; public HashSet<Integer> counter_b_set = new HashSet<>(); public int counter_tot = 0; public ExecuteBlockComparisons ebc; private double threshold_max; private double threshold; private double[] averageWeight; public AbstractSupervisedMetablocking(int classifiers, List<AbstractBlock> bls, Set<IdDuplicates> duplicatePairs, ExecuteBlockComparisons ebc) { blocks = bls; dirtyER = blocks.get(0) instanceof BilateralBlock; entityIndex = new FastEntityIndex(blocks); duplicates = duplicatePairs; noOfClassifiers = classifiers; averageWeight = new double[entityIndex.getNoOfEntities()]; ; //BilateralBlock b=new Bi; this.ebc = ebc; getStatistics(); prepareStatistics(); getAttributes(); int noOfEntities = entityIndex.getNoOfEntities(); counters = new double[noOfEntities]; counters_entro = new double[noOfEntities]; flags = new int[noOfEntities]; totalBlocks = blocks.size(); for (int i = 0; i < noOfEntities; i++) { flags[i] = -1; } } protected abstract void applyClassifier(Classifier classifier, List<ArrayList<Instance>> testSet) throws Exception; protected abstract List<AbstractBlock> gatherComparisons(); protected abstract void initializeDataStructures(); protected abstract void processComparisons(int configurationId, int iteration, BufferedWriter writer1, BufferedWriter writer2, BufferedWriter writer3, BufferedWriter writer4, double th); protected double getWeight(int entityId, int neighborId) { //for (int i = 0; i < entityIndex.getNoOfEntities(); i++) { //processEntity(entityId); // } long[] vE = new long[2]; long[] v_E = new long[2]; //@fof long abE = (long) counters[neighborId]; long aE = entityIndex.getNoOfEntityBlocks(entityId, 0) - abE; long bE = entityIndex.getNoOfEntityBlocks(neighborId, 0) - abE; //@fon counter_tot++; // if (abE < 1) { // System.out.println("ab < 1"); // } // if (aE < 0) { // counter_a++; // } // if (bE < 0) { // counter_b++; // } vE[0] = (long) counters[neighborId]; vE[1] = entityIndex.getNoOfEntityBlocks(entityId, 0) - vE[0]; v_E[0] = entityIndex.getNoOfEntityBlocks(neighborId, 0) - vE[0]; v_E[1] = (int) (totalBlocks - (vE[0] + vE[1] + v_E[0])); if (vE[0] < 1) { vE[0] = 1; } if (v_E[0] < 1) { v_E[0] = 1; } if (vE[1] < 1) { vE[1] = 1; } if (v_E[1] < 1) { v_E[1] = 1; } long[][] cME = { vE, v_E }; //ChisqTest inferenceChiE = new ChisqTest(cME); ChiSquareTest chi_squared_test_E = new ChiSquareTest(); //GTest g_test = new GTest(); //chi_squared_test.chiSquareTest(cME); if (max_weight == 0.0d) { //System.out.println("max weight chi = 0"); //return (inferenceChiE.testStatistic * counters_entro[neighborId]); //double a1 = 2 * vE[0] + vE[1] + v_E[0]; double a2 = vE[0] + 2 * v_E[0] + v_E[1]; double a3 = vE[0] + vE[1] + v_E[0]; double a4 = vE[1] + v_E[0] + 2 * v_E[1]; //System.out.println("---" + counters_entro[neighborId]); Double x = counters_entro[neighborId]; // if(entityId==114 && neighborId==4592+entityIndex.getDatasetLimit()){ // System.out.println(" vE[0] " + vE[0] + " vE[1] " + vE[0] + " v_E[0] "+ v_E[0] + " v_E[1] "+ v_E[1]); // } return chi_squared_test_E.chiSquare(cME) * counters_entro[neighborId]; //return chi_squared_test_E.chiSquare(cME) * counters_entro[neighborId] * (a1 + a2 + a3 + a4); //double[] expected = new double[]{(double) vE[0], (double) vE[1]}; //return g_test.g(expected, v_E) * counters_entro[neighborId]; } else { //return (inferenceChiE.testStatistic * entityIndex.get_common_entropy(comparison, true)) / max_weight; System.out.println("Not implemented"); } // int id =((BilateralBlock) blocks.get(0)).getIndex1Entities(); return -1; } public void setThreshold(int entityId) { threshold_max = 0; double min = Double.MAX_VALUE; double w = 0; threshold = 0; for (int neighborId : validEntities) { w = getWeight(entityId, neighborId); threshold_max = Math.max(threshold_max, w); min = Math.min(min, w); } threshold = threshold_max / 2; } public void applyProcessing(int apagar, int iteration, Classifier[] classifiers, ExecuteBlockComparisons ebc, int tamanho, BufferedWriter writer1, BufferedWriter writer2, BufferedWriter writer3, BufferedWriter writer4, int i2, String string) throws Exception { loadTrainingSet(); randomSelection(); for (int i = 0; i < classifiers.length; i++) { System.out.println("\n\nClassifier id\t:\t" + i); initializeDataStructures(); long startingTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); classifiers[i].buildClassifier(trainingInstances); applyClassifier(classifiers[i], testSet); // List<AbstractBlock> newBlocks = gatherComparisons(); // double overheadTime = System.currentTimeMillis()-startingTime; // System.out.println("CL"+i+" Overhead time\t:\t" + overheadTime); // overheadTimes[i].add(overheadTime); // // //commented out for faster experiments // //use when measuring resolution time // long comparisonsTime = 0;//ebc.comparisonExecution(newBlocks); // System.out.println("CL"+i+" Classification time\t:\t" + (comparisonsTime+overheadTime)); // resolutionTimes[i].add(new Double(comparisonsTime+overheadTime)); // // double th = 0; // processComparisons(i, iteration, writer1, writer2,writer3, writer4,th); } } private void randomSelection() { Random r = new Random(); int levelSize[] = new int[150]; int count = 0; ArrayList<Instance> list; for (int i = 0; i < testSet.size(); i++) { list = testSet.get(i); for (int j = 0; j < list.size(); j++) { count++; } levelSize[i] = count; count = 0; } // for (int i = 0; i < levelSize.length; i++) { // System.out.println(levelSize[i]); // } trainingInstances = new Instances("trainingSet", attributes, 500); trainingInstances.setClassIndex(noOfAttributes - 1); double nonMatchRatio = 2500 / (50000); int trueMetadata = 0, falseP = 0; for (int i = 0; i < testSet.size(); i++) { list = testSet.get(i); count = 0; //Iterator<Instance> listit = list.iterator(); int controle = 0; while (controle < list.size()) { count++; int temp = r.nextInt(levelSize[i]); if (temp < 30) { // System.out.println(levelSize[i] +" 20928 " + temp ); Instance ins = list.get(controle++); int match = NON_DUPLICATE; // false if (ins.valueSparse(attributes.size() - 1) == 1) { trueMetadata++; if (r.nextDouble() < 0.30) { //trueMetadata++; match = DUPLICATE; // true } else { // continue; } } else { falseP++; } if (0.000005 <= r.nextDouble()) { // continue; } else falseP++; if (ins.valueSparse(attributes.size() - 1) == 0 && ins.valueSparse(0) > 100) { continue; } trainingInstances.add(ins); } controle++; } //System.out.println("apagar"); //System.out.println(list.size()+ "--------\n\n\n"); } System.out.println(" true " + trueMetadata + " falseP " + falseP); } private void loadTrainingSet() { for (int j = 0; j < 150; j++) testSet.add(new ArrayList<Instance>()); // Instances instances = loadSet("/tmp/test.arff"); ArrayList<Instance> list; for (Iterator iterator = instances.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Instance instance = (Instance); int indice = (int) instance.valueSparse(0) / 30; if (!testSet.isEmpty() && testSet.get(indice) != null) { list = testSet.get(indice); list.add(instance); //testSet.add(indice, list); } else { list = new ArrayList<Instance>(); list.add(instance); testSet.add(list); } } int count = 0; System.out.println("total size " + count); } public void applyProcessing(int iteration, Classifier[] classifiers, ExecuteBlockComparisons ebc, int tamanho, BufferedWriter writer1, BufferedWriter writer2, BufferedWriter writer3, BufferedWriter writer4, int i2, String string) throws Exception { // for (int i = 0; i < entityIndex.getNoOfEntities(); i++) { // processEntity(i); // setThreshold(i); // averageWeight[i] = threshold; // } // initializeDataStructures(); // classifiers[0].buildClassifier(loadSet("/tmp/final_treina.arff")); // // // Instances data=loadSet("/tmp/test.arff"); // // // int count=0,erro=0,falso_positivo=0; // for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) { // int instanceLabel = (int) classifiers[0].classifyInstance(data.get(i)); // if (instanceLabel == 1) { // // if(data.get(i).classValue()==1){ // count++; // } // }else // { // if(data.get(i).classValue()==1){ // erro++; // for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++) { // System.out.print(data.get(i).value(j) +" "); // } // System.out.println(""); // //System.out.println(data.get(i).v); // }else // falso_positivo++; // // } // } // System.out.println("count " + count +" erro "+ erro +" "+ falso_positivo); getTrainingSet(iteration); for (int i = 0; i < classifiers.length; i++) { System.out.println("\n\nClassifier id\t:\t" + i); initializeDataStructures(); long startingTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); classifiers[i].buildClassifier(trainingInstances); applyClassifier(classifiers[i], testSet); List<AbstractBlock> newBlocks = gatherComparisons(); double overheadTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startingTime; System.out.println("CL" + i + " Overhead time\t:\t" + overheadTime); overheadTimes[i].add(overheadTime); //commented out for faster experiments //use when measuring resolution time long comparisonsTime = 0;//ebc.comparisonExecution(newBlocks); System.out.println("CL" + i + " Classification time\t:\t" + (comparisonsTime + overheadTime)); resolutionTimes[i].add(new Double(comparisonsTime + overheadTime)); double th = 0; processComparisons(i, iteration, writer1, writer2, writer3, writer4, th); } } private Instances loadSet(String file) { BufferedReader reader; try { reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); Instances data = new Instances(reader); reader.close(); data.setClassIndex(data.numAttributes() - 1); //Instances dt = null; //dt.addAll(data); return data; } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } protected boolean areMatching(Comparison comparison) { if (dirtyER) { final IdDuplicates duplicatePair1 = new IdDuplicates(comparison.getEntityId1(), comparison.getEntityId2()); final IdDuplicates duplicatePair2 = new IdDuplicates(comparison.getEntityId2(), comparison.getEntityId1()); return duplicates.contains(duplicatePair1) || duplicates.contains(duplicatePair2); } // if(comparison.getEntityId1()< comparison.getEntityId2()){ final IdDuplicates duplicatePair1 = new IdDuplicates(comparison.getEntityId1(), comparison.getEntityId2()); return duplicates.contains(duplicatePair1); // }else // return false; } private void getAttributes() { attributes = new ArrayList<Attribute>(); attributes.add(new Attribute("ECBS")); attributes.add(new Attribute("RACCB")); attributes.add(new Attribute("JaccardSim")); attributes.add(new Attribute("NodeDegree1")); attributes.add(new Attribute("NodeDegree2")); // attributes.add(new Attribute("teste weight")); attributes.add(new Attribute("teste weight")); attributes.add(new Attribute("teste weight")); classLabels = new ArrayList<String>(); classLabels.add(NON_MATCH); classLabels.add(MATCH); classAttribute = new Attribute("class", classLabels); attributes.add(classAttribute); noOfAttributes = attributes.size(); } private void getStatistics() { noOfBlocks = blocks.size(); System.out.println("BLOCK SIZE " + (blocks.size() + 1)); validComparisons = 0; int noOfEntities = entityIndex.getNoOfEntities(); redundantCPE = new double[noOfEntities]; nonRedundantCPE = new double[noOfEntities]; comparisonsPerBlock = new double[(int) (blocks.size() + 1)]; for (AbstractBlock block : blocks) { block.setNoOfComparisons(((BilateralBlock) block).getIndex1Entities().length * ((BilateralBlock) block).getIndex2Entities().length); // System.out.println("block.getNoOfComparisons() " +block.getNoOfComparisons() +" block.getBlockIndex() " + block.getBlockIndex()); comparisonsPerBlock[block.getBlockIndex()] = block.getNoOfComparisons(); ComparisonIterator iterator = block.getComparisonIterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Comparison comparison =; int entityId2 = comparison.getEntityId2() + entityIndex.getDatasetLimit(); redundantCPE[comparison.getEntityId1()]++; redundantCPE[entityId2]++; if (!entityIndex.isRepeated(block.getBlockIndex(), comparison)) { validComparisons++; nonRedundantCPE[comparison.getEntityId1()]++; nonRedundantCPE[entityId2]++; } } } } protected void setNormalizedNeighborEntities(int blockIndex, int entityId) { int datasetLimit = entityIndex.getDatasetLimit(); neighbors.clear(); // for (AbstractBlock block : blocks) { // // sort entity ids in block // List<Integer> entityIds = new ArrayList<>(); // for (int id : ((BilateralBlock) block).getIndex1Entities()) { // entityIds.add(id); // } // for (int id : ((BilateralBlock) block).getIndex2Entities()) { // entityIds.add(id+datasetLimit); // } // Collections.sort(entityIds); // arrayOfBlocks[counter++] = entityIds.toArray(new Integer[entityIds.size()]); // } if (true) { //int datasetLimit; if (entityId < datasetLimit) { for (int originalId : ((BilateralBlock) blocks.get(blockIndex)).getIndex2Entities()) { neighbors.add(originalId + datasetLimit); //neighbors_entro.add(); } } else { for (int originalId : ((BilateralBlock) blocks.get(blockIndex)).getIndex1Entities()) { neighbors.add(originalId); } } } //;/if(neighbors.size()>5) // System.out.println(neighbors.size() +"\n\n "); // } else { // if (!nodeCentric) { // for (int neighborId : uBlocks[blockIndex].getEntities()) { // if (neighborId < entityId) { // neighbors.add(neighborId); // } // } // } else { // for (int neighborId : uBlocks[blockIndex].getEntities()) { // if (neighborId != entityId) { // neighbors.add(neighborId); // } // } // } // } } protected void processEntity(int entityId) { validEntities.clear(); final int[] associatedBlocks = entityIndex.getEntityBlocks(entityId, 0); if (associatedBlocks.length == 0) { return; } // if(entityId==114) // System.out.println("ok"); for (int blockIndex : associatedBlocks) { setNormalizedNeighborEntities(blockIndex, entityId); for (int neighborId : neighbors) { if (flags[neighborId] != entityId) { counters[neighborId] = 0; counters_entro[neighborId] = 0; flags[neighborId] = entityId; } // if(neighborId==4592+entityIndex.getDatasetLimit()) // System.out.println("ok"); counters[neighborId]++; counters_entro[neighborId] += entityIndex.getEntropyBlock(blockIndex); // if(counters[neighborId]>5) // System.out.println(counters[neighborId]+ " counters_entro: " + counters_entro[neighborId] + " " + neighborId); validEntities.add(neighborId); } } } double countT = 0; int count = 0; protected Instance getFeatures(int match, List<Integer> commonBlockIndices, Comparison comparison, double noOfBlocks2) { double[] instanceValues = new double[noOfAttributes]; int entityId2 = comparison.getEntityId2() + entityIndex.getDatasetLimit(); double ibf1 = Math.log(noOfBlocks / entityIndex.getNoOfEntityBlocks(comparison.getEntityId1(), 0)); double ibf2 = Math.log(noOfBlocks / entityIndex.getNoOfEntityBlocks(comparison.getEntityId2(), 1)); instanceValues[0] = commonBlockIndices.size() * ibf1 * ibf2; double raccb = 0; for (Integer index : commonBlockIndices) { raccb += 1.0 / comparisonsPerBlock[index]; } if (raccb < 1.0E-6) { raccb = 1.0E-6; } instanceValues[1] = raccb; instanceValues[2] = commonBlockIndices.size() / (redundantCPE[comparison.getEntityId1()] + redundantCPE[entityId2] - commonBlockIndices.size()); instanceValues[3] = nonRedundantCPE[comparison.getEntityId1()]; instanceValues[4] = nonRedundantCPE[entityId2]; // if(match==1) // instanceValues[5]=getWeight(comparison.getEntityId1(),comparison.getEntityId2()+entityIndex.getDatasetLimit()); // instanceValues[6]= Math.sqrt(Math.pow(averageWeight[comparison.getEntityId1()], 2) + Math.pow(averageWeight[entityId2], 2)) / 4; // System.out.println(instanceValues[6]); // if(comparison.getEntityId1()==114 && comparison.getEntityId2()==4592){ // System.out.print(comparison.getEntityId1() + " "+ comparison.getEntityId2() +" " +" --------- "+ ebc.getSimilarityAttribute(comparison.getEntityId1(), comparison.getEntityId2())); // for (int i = 0; i < instanceValues.length-1; i++) { // System.out.print(instanceValues[i]+" "); // } // } // instanceValues[5] =ebc.getSimilarityAttribute(comparison.getEntityId1(), comparison.getEntityId2()); //System.out.println(instanceValues[5]); // if(areMatching(comparison)){ // countT+=getWeight(comparison.getEntityId1(),comparison.getEntityId2()); // count++; // System.out.println("Mat---" + countT/count++ +" count " + count); // } // else //if(count%100==0) //System.out.println(" non "+ getWeight(comparison.getEntityId1(),comparison.getEntityId2())); // System.out.print(match +" \n"); if (comparison.getEntityId1() == 24522 && comparison.getEntityId2() == 19397) System.out.println(); instanceValues[5] = match; Instance newInstance = new DenseInstance(1.0, instanceValues); newInstance.setDataset(trainingInstances); return newInstance; } protected void getTrainingSet(int iteration) { int trueMetadata = 0; Random random = new Random(iteration); int matchingInstances = (int) (SAMPLE_SIZE * duplicates.size() + 1); double nonMatchRatio = matchingInstances / (validComparisons - duplicates.size()); trainingSet = new HashSet<Comparison>(4 * matchingInstances); trainingInstances = new Instances("trainingSet", attributes, 2 * matchingInstances); trainingInstances.setClassIndex(noOfAttributes - 1); // counters = new double[entityIndex.getNoOfEntities()]; // counters_entro = new double[entityIndex.getNoOfEntities()]; int matchming = 0; System.out.println("matchingInstances " + matchingInstances); for (AbstractBlock block : blocks) { ComparisonIterator iterator = block.getComparisonIterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Comparison comparison =; final List<Integer> commonBlockIndices = entityIndex.getCommonBlockIndices(block.getBlockIndex(), comparison); if (commonBlockIndices == null) { continue; } int match = NON_DUPLICATE; // false if (areMatching(comparison)) { matchming++; if (random.nextDouble() < SAMPLE_SIZE) { trueMetadata++; match = DUPLICATE; // true } else { continue; } } else if (nonMatchRatio <= random.nextDouble()) { continue; } trainingSet.add(comparison); System.out.println("match " + match + " "); Instance newInstance = getFeatures(match, commonBlockIndices, comparison, nonMatchRatio); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { System.out.print(newInstance.valueSparse(i) + " "); } System.out.println(); trainingInstances.add(newInstance); } } sampleMatches.add((double) trueMetadata); sampleNonMatches.add((double) (trainingSet.size() - trueMetadata)); System.out.println( "match " + trueMetadata + " " + (trainingSet.size() - trueMetadata) + " total dup " + matchming); } private void prepareStatistics() { sampleMatches = new ArrayList<Double>(); sampleNonMatches = new ArrayList<Double>(); overheadTimes = new ArrayList[noOfClassifiers]; resolutionTimes = new ArrayList[noOfClassifiers]; sampleComparisons = new ArrayList[noOfClassifiers]; sampleDuplicates = new ArrayList[noOfClassifiers]; for (int i = 0; i < noOfClassifiers; i++) { overheadTimes[i] = new ArrayList<Double>(); resolutionTimes[i] = new ArrayList<Double>(); sampleComparisons[i] = new ArrayList<Double>(); sampleDuplicates[i] = new ArrayList<Double>(); } } public void printStatistics() { System.out.println("\n\n\n\n\n+++++++++++++++++++++++Printing overall statistics+++++++++++++++++++++++"); double avSMatches = StatisticsUtilities.getMeanValue(sampleMatches); double avSNonMatches = StatisticsUtilities.getMeanValue(sampleNonMatches); System.out.println("Sample matches\t:\t" + avSMatches + "+-" + StatisticsUtilities.getStandardDeviation(avSMatches, sampleMatches)); System.out.println("Sample non-matches\t:\t" + avSNonMatches + "+-" + StatisticsUtilities.getStandardDeviation(avSNonMatches, sampleNonMatches)); for (int i = 0; i < overheadTimes.length; i++) { System.out.println("\n\n\n\n\nClassifier id\t:\t" + (i + 1)); double avOTime = StatisticsUtilities.getMeanValue(overheadTimes[i]); double avRTime = StatisticsUtilities.getMeanValue(resolutionTimes[i]); double avSEComparisons = StatisticsUtilities.getMeanValue(sampleComparisons[i]); double avSDuplicates = StatisticsUtilities.getMeanValue(sampleDuplicates[i]); final List<Double> pcs = new ArrayList<Double>(); for (int j = 0; j < sampleMatches.size(); j++) { pcs.add(sampleDuplicates[i].get(j) / (duplicates.size()) * 100.0); } double avSPC = StatisticsUtilities.getMeanValue(pcs); System.out.println("Overhead time\t:\t" + avOTime + "+-" + StatisticsUtilities.getStandardDeviation(avOTime, overheadTimes[i])); System.out.println("Resolution time\t:\t" + avRTime + "+-" + StatisticsUtilities.getStandardDeviation(avRTime, resolutionTimes[i])); System.out.println("Sample duplicates\t:\t" + avSDuplicates + "+-" + StatisticsUtilities.getStandardDeviation(avSDuplicates, sampleDuplicates[i])); System.out.println("Sample PC\t:\t" + avSPC); System.out.println("Sample comparisons\t:\t" + avSEComparisons + "+-" + StatisticsUtilities.getStandardDeviation(avSEComparisons, sampleComparisons[i])); } } protected void savePairs(int i, ExecuteBlockComparisons ebc) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }