Java tutorial
/* Copyright 2011 (c) Suneido Software Corp. All rights reserved. * Licensed under GPLv2. */ package suneido.database.immudb; import java.util.Arrays; import; import; import; import suneido.database.immudb.Bootstrap.TN; /** * Table stats - nextfield, nrows, totalsize, indexInfo * <p> * Semi-immutable: * loaded => immutable => with => mutable => store => immutable * <p> * Only mutable within a thread confined transaction. * <p> * Unlike cSuneido, table and index info is not kept in the system tables * since that requires more expensive updates. * <p> * Index info is stored one after another following the table info * in the same record. */ class TableInfo extends DbHashTrie.Entry { private int adr; final int tblnum; final int nextfield; private int nrows; private long totalsize; final ImmutableList<IndexInfo> indexInfo; TableInfo(int tblnum, int nextfield, int nrows, long totalsize, ImmutableList<IndexInfo> indexInfo) { adr = 0; this.tblnum = tblnum; this.nextfield = nextfield; this.nrows = nrows; this.totalsize = totalsize; this.indexInfo = indexInfo; } TableInfo(Record rec, int adr) { this.adr = adr; int i = 0; tblnum = rec.getInt(i++); nextfield = rec.getInt(i++); nrows = rec.getInt(i++); totalsize = rec.getLong(i++); ImmutableList.Builder<IndexInfo> list = ImmutableList.builder(); for (; i < rec.size(); i += IndexInfo.NFIELDS) list.add(new IndexInfo(rec, i)); indexInfo =; } TableInfo(TableInfo ti, ImmutableList<IndexInfo> indexInfo) { this(ti.tblnum, ti.nextfield, ti.nrows, ti.totalsize, indexInfo); } /** When a table is dropped, its table info is replaced by an empty entry */ static TableInfo empty(int tblnum) { return new TableInfo(tblnum, 0, 0, 0, ImmutableList.of()); } @Override int key() { return tblnum; } @Override int value() { return adr; } int nrows() { return nrows; } long totalsize() { return totalsize; } private boolean stored() { return adr != 0; } TableInfo with(int nr, int size) { if (stored()) return new TableInfo(tblnum, nextfield, nrows + nr, totalsize + size, indexInfo); else { nrows += nr; totalsize += size; return this; } } /** @return the address of the stored record */ int store(Storage stor) { if (!stored()) { RecordBuilder rb = new RecordBuilder(); rb.add(tblnum).add(nextfield).add(nrows).add(totalsize); for (IndexInfo info : indexInfo) info.addToRecord(rb); DataRecord r =; r.tblnum(TN.TABLES); adr =; } return adr; } IndexInfo getIndex(int[] indexColumns) { for (IndexInfo ii : indexInfo) if (Arrays.equals(ii.columns, indexColumns)) return ii; return null; } void check() { for (IndexInfo ii : indexInfo) ii.check(); } @Override public String toString() { return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this).add("tblnum", tblnum).add("nextfield", nextfield) .add("nrows", nrows).add("totalsize", totalsize).addValue(Iterables.toString(indexInfo)).toString(); } }