Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2016 Crown Copyright * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package stroom.util; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.mutable.MutableInt; import stroom.entity.shared.SQLNameConstants; import stroom.feed.shared.Feed; import stroom.node.shared.Volume; import stroom.streamstore.shared.Stream; import stroom.streamstore.shared.StreamAttributeConstants; import stroom.streamstore.shared.StreamStatus; import stroom.streamstore.shared.StreamType; import stroom.util.concurrent.SimpleConcurrentMap; import; import; import; import stroom.util.shared.ModelStringUtil; import stroom.util.thread.ThreadScopeRunnable; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.Types; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.StringTokenizer; public class StreamRestoreTool extends DatabaseTool { public static final int KEY_PAD = 30; public static final int COUNT_PAD = 10; public static final String VOLUME_PATH = "VolumePath"; public static final String STREAM_TYPE_PATH = "StreamTypePath"; public static final String FILE_NAME = "FileName"; public static final String FEED_ID = "FeedId"; public static final String DATE_PATH = "DatePath"; public static final String DEPTH = "Depth"; private final BufferedReader inputReader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(, StreamUtil.DEFAULT_CHARSET)); private final SimpleConcurrentMap<String, KeyCount> streamTypeStreamCount = new SimpleConcurrentMap<String, KeyCount>() { @Override protected KeyCount initialValue(final String key) { return new KeyCount(key); } }; private final SimpleConcurrentMap<List<String>, KeyCount> streamTypeFeedStreamCount = new SimpleConcurrentMap<List<String>, KeyCount>() { @Override protected KeyCount initialValue(final List<String> key) { return new KeyCount(key); } }; private final SimpleConcurrentMap<String, SimpleConcurrentMap<String, SimpleConcurrentMap<String, KeyCount>>> streamTypeFeedDateStreamCount = new SimpleConcurrentMap<String, SimpleConcurrentMap<String, SimpleConcurrentMap<String, KeyCount>>>() { @Override protected SimpleConcurrentMap<String, SimpleConcurrentMap<String, KeyCount>> initialValue( final String key) { return new SimpleConcurrentMap<String, SimpleConcurrentMap<String, KeyCount>>() { @Override protected SimpleConcurrentMap<String, KeyCount> initialValue(final String key) { return new SimpleConcurrentMap<String, KeyCount>() { @Override protected KeyCount initialValue(final String key) { return new KeyCount(key); } }; } }; } }; public Integer autoDeleteThreshold = null; private String deleteFile = null; private Map<String, Long> pathStreamTypeMap = null; private Map<String, Long> pathVolumeMap = null; private Map<Long, String> feedIdNameMap = null; private boolean mock = false; private boolean inspect = false; private boolean sortKey = false; public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception { new StreamRestoreTool().doMain(args); } public void setDeleteFile(final String deleteFile) { this.deleteFile = deleteFile; } public String readLine(final String question) { try { System.out.print(question + " : "); final String line = inputReader.readLine(); return line; } catch (final Exception ex) { handleException(ex); return null; } } @SuppressWarnings("DM_EXIT") private void handleException(final Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); writeLine(ex.getMessage()); System.exit(1); } private Map<String, Long> getPathStreamTypeMap() throws SQLException { if (pathStreamTypeMap == null) { pathStreamTypeMap = new HashMap<>(); final String sql = "select " + StreamType.PATH + "," + StreamType.ID + " from " + StreamType.TABLE_NAME; try (Statement statement = getConnection().createStatement()) { try (ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(sql)) { while ( { pathStreamTypeMap.put(resultSet.getString(1), resultSet.getLong(2)); } resultSet.close(); } statement.close(); } } return pathStreamTypeMap; } private Map<String, Long> getPathVolumeMap() throws SQLException { if (pathVolumeMap == null) { pathVolumeMap = new HashMap<>(); final String sql = "select " + Volume.PATH + "," + Volume.ID + " from " + Volume.TABLE_NAME; try (Statement statement = getConnection().createStatement()) { try (ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(sql)) { while ( { pathVolumeMap.put(resultSet.getString(1), resultSet.getLong(2)); } resultSet.close(); } statement.close(); } } return pathVolumeMap; } private Map<Long, String> getFeedIdNameMap() throws SQLException { if (feedIdNameMap == null) { feedIdNameMap = new HashMap<>(); try (Statement statement = getConnection().createStatement()) { try (ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery( "select " + Feed.ID + "," + SQLNameConstants.NAME + " from " + Feed.TABLE_NAME)) { while ( { feedIdNameMap.put(resultSet.getLong(1), resultSet.getString(2)); } resultSet.close(); } statement.close(); } } return feedIdNameMap; } public void writeLine(final String msg) { System.out.println(msg); } private char readQuestion(final String question, final char[] options, final char def) { final String result = readLine(question + " " + Arrays.toString(options) + " " + def + "*").toLowerCase() .trim(); if (result.length() == 0) { return def; } for (final char opt : options) { if (opt == result.charAt(0)) { return opt; } } return def; } @Override public void run() { new ThreadScopeRunnable() { @Override protected void exec() { doThreadRun(); } }.run(); } public void doThreadRun() { String fileName = null; if (deleteFile != null) { fileName = deleteFile; } else { fileName = readLine("Please enter file name to process"); } try { final LineReader lineReader = new LineReader(new FileInputStream(fileName), StreamUtil.DEFAULT_CHARSET_NAME); String line = null; while ((line = lineReader.nextLine()) != null) { if (line.contains(".")) { final StringTokenizer stringTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(line, "/"); while (stringTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { final String part = stringTokenizer.nextToken(); if (part.equals("store")) { break; } } final String type = stringTokenizer.nextToken(); final String date = stringTokenizer.nextToken() + "/" + stringTokenizer.nextToken() + "/" + stringTokenizer.nextToken(); final String file = line.substring(line.lastIndexOf("/")); final String feed = file.substring(1, file.indexOf("=")); int dotCount = 0; int dotPos = 0; while ((dotPos = (file.indexOf('.', dotPos) + 1)) > 0) { dotCount++; } if (dotCount == 2) { streamTypeStreamCount.get(type).getCount().increment(); streamTypeFeedStreamCount.get(Arrays.asList(type, feed)).getCount().increment(); streamTypeFeedDateStreamCount.get(type).get(feed).get(date).getCount().increment(); } } } final List<KeyCount> sortedList = writeTable(streamTypeStreamCount.values(), "Stream Types"); final Map<String, Character> streamTypeResponse = new HashMap<>(); if (!inspect) { for (final KeyCount keyCount : sortedList) { final char response = readQuestion( keyCount.toString() + " (D)elete, (R)estore, (I)nspect, (S)kip", new char[] { 'd', 'r', 'i', 's' }, 's'); streamTypeResponse.put(keyCount.getKey().get(0), response); if (response == 'd') { processStreamTypeFeed(fileName, keyCount.getKey().get(0), null, response); } } } writeLine(""); final List<KeyCount> sortedStreamTypeFeed = new ArrayList<>(streamTypeFeedStreamCount.values()); sort(sortedStreamTypeFeed); for (final KeyCount streamTypeFeed : sortedStreamTypeFeed) { final String streamType = streamTypeFeed.getKey().get(0); final String feed = streamTypeFeed.getKey().get(1); if (inspect || streamTypeResponse.get(streamType).charValue() == 'i') { final String feedName = getFeedIdNameMap().get(Long.parseLong(feed)); final String longLabel = "Feed " + feed + " '" + feedName + "', Stream Type " + streamType; writeTable(streamTypeFeedDateStreamCount.get(streamType).get(feed).values(), longLabel); if (!inspect) { if (autoDeleteThreshold != null && streamTypeFeedDateStreamCount.get(streamType).get(feed) .keySet().size() < autoDeleteThreshold) { writeLine(longLabel + " Lower than threshold ... deleting"); processStreamTypeFeed(fileName, streamType, feed, 'd'); } else { final char response = readQuestion(longLabel + " (D)elete, (R)estore, (S)kip", new char[] { 'd', 'r', 's' }, 's'); if (response == 'd' || response == 'r') { processStreamTypeFeed(fileName, streamType, feed, response); } } } } } } catch (final IOException ioEx) { handleException(ioEx); } catch (final SQLException sqlException) { handleException(sqlException); } finally { closeConnection(); } } public void setMock(final boolean mock) { this.mock = mock; } public void setInspect(final boolean inspect) { this.inspect = inspect; } public void setAutoDeleteThreshold(final Integer autoDeleteThreshold) { this.autoDeleteThreshold = autoDeleteThreshold; } public void setSortKey(final boolean sortKey) { this.sortKey = sortKey; } private void sort(final List<KeyCount> list) { Collections.sort(list, (o1, o2) -> { if (sortKey) { return o1.getKey().toString().compareTo(o2.getKey().toString()); } else { return o1.getCount().compareTo(o2.getCount()); } }); } private Map<String, String> readAttributes(final String line, final String streamType, final String feedId) { final HashMap<String, String> rtnMap = new HashMap<>(); final StringTokenizer stringTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(line, "/"); final StringBuilder volumePath = new StringBuilder(); while (stringTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { final String part = stringTokenizer.nextToken(); if (part.equals("store")) { break; } volumePath.append("/"); volumePath.append(part); } rtnMap.put(VOLUME_PATH, volumePath.toString()); rtnMap.put(STREAM_TYPE_PATH, stringTokenizer.nextToken()); rtnMap.put(DATE_PATH, stringTokenizer.nextToken() + "-" + stringTokenizer.nextToken() + "-" + stringTokenizer.nextToken()); final String datePart = "YYYY-MM-DD"; final String fileName = line.substring(line.lastIndexOf("/")); rtnMap.put(FILE_NAME, fileName); if (fileName.indexOf(".") > 0) { final int splitPos = fileName.indexOf("="); rtnMap.put(FEED_ID, fileName.substring(1, splitPos)); rtnMap.put(StreamAttributeConstants.STREAM_ID, fileName.substring(splitPos + 1, fileName.indexOf("."))); int dotCount = 0; int dotPos = 0; while ((dotPos = (fileName.indexOf('.', dotPos) + 1)) > 0) { dotCount++; } rtnMap.put(DEPTH, String.valueOf(dotCount - 2)); } // Inspect File? (Expensive) if ((streamType == null || streamType.equals(rtnMap.get(STREAM_TYPE_PATH))) && (feedId == null || feedId.equals(rtnMap.get(FEED_ID)))) { final File file = new File(line); if (file.exists()) { final String fileLastModified = DateUtil.createNormalDateTimeString(file.lastModified()); rtnMap.put(StreamAttributeConstants.CREATE_TIME, rtnMap.get(DATE_PATH) + fileLastModified.substring(datePart.length())); } else { rtnMap.put(StreamAttributeConstants.CREATE_TIME, rtnMap.get(DATE_PATH) + "T00:00:00.000Z"); } } return rtnMap; } private Map<String, String> readManifestAttributes(final String rootFile) { final Map<String, String> rtnMap = new HashMap<>(); final File manifest = new File(rootFile.substring(0, rootFile.lastIndexOf(".")) + ".mf.dat"); if (manifest.isFile()) { final HeaderMap headerMap = new HeaderMap(); try (FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(manifest)) {, true); } catch (final IOException ioEx) { } rtnMap.putAll(headerMap); } return rtnMap; } public void processStreamTypeFeed(final String fileName, final String processStreamType, final String processFeedId, final char action) throws IOException, SQLException { final LineReader lineReader = new LineReader(new FileInputStream(fileName), StreamUtil.DEFAULT_CHARSET_NAME); String line = null; int lineCount = 0; int count = 0; long nextLog = System.currentTimeMillis() + 10000; while ((line = lineReader.nextLine()) != null) { final Map<String, String> streamAttributes = readAttributes(line, processStreamType, processFeedId); lineCount++; if (System.currentTimeMillis() > nextLog) { writeLine("Reading line " + lineCount + " " + line); nextLog = System.currentTimeMillis() + 10000; } if (processStreamType.equals(streamAttributes.get(STREAM_TYPE_PATH)) && (processFeedId == null || processFeedId.equals(streamAttributes.get(FEED_ID)))) { final File systemFile = new File(line); if (action == 'd') { if (mock) { writeLine("rm " + line); } else { writeLine("rm " + line); systemFile.delete(); } } // Restore and a root file if (action == 'r' && "0".equals(streamAttributes.get(DEPTH))) { streamAttributes.putAll(readManifestAttributes(line)); final Stream stream = new Stream(); stream.setId(Long.parseLong(streamAttributes.get(StreamAttributeConstants.STREAM_ID))); stream.setVersion((byte) 1); stream.setCreateMs(DateUtil .parseNormalDateTimeString(streamAttributes.get(StreamAttributeConstants.CREATE_TIME))); if (streamAttributes.containsKey(StreamAttributeConstants.EFFECTIVE_TIME)) { stream.setEffectiveMs(DateUtil.parseNormalDateTimeString( streamAttributes.get(StreamAttributeConstants.EFFECTIVE_TIME))); } if (stream.getEffectiveMs() == null) { stream.setEffectiveMs(stream.getCreateMs()); } if (streamAttributes.containsKey(StreamAttributeConstants.PARENT_STREAM_ID)) { stream.setParentStreamId( Long.valueOf(streamAttributes.get(StreamAttributeConstants.PARENT_STREAM_ID))); } stream.updateStatus(StreamStatus.UNLOCKED); stream.setFeed(Feed.createStub(Long.valueOf(streamAttributes.get(FEED_ID)))); stream.setStreamType(StreamType .createStub(getPathStreamTypeMap().get(streamAttributes.get(STREAM_TYPE_PATH)))); final String logInfo = StringUtils.leftPad(String.valueOf(stream.getId()), 10) + " " + DateUtil.createNormalDateTimeString(stream.getCreateMs()); writeLine("Restore " + logInfo + " for file " + line); if (!mock) { try { try (PreparedStatement statement1 = getConnection().prepareStatement( "insert into strm (id,ver, crt_ms,effect_ms, parnt_strm_id,stat, fk_fd_id,fk_strm_proc_id, fk_strm_tp_id) " + " values (?,1, ?,?, ?,?, ?,?, ?)")) { int s1i = 1; statement1.setLong(s1i++, stream.getId()); statement1.setLong(s1i++, stream.getCreateMs()); if (stream.getEffectiveMs() != null) { statement1.setLong(s1i++, stream.getEffectiveMs()); } else { statement1.setNull(s1i++, Types.BIGINT); } if (stream.getParentStreamId() != null) { statement1.setLong(s1i++, stream.getParentStreamId()); } else { statement1.setNull(s1i++, Types.BIGINT); } statement1.setByte(s1i++, stream.getStatus().getPrimitiveValue()); statement1.setLong(s1i++, stream.getFeed().getId()); statement1.setNull(s1i++, Types.BIGINT); statement1.setLong(s1i++, stream.getStreamType().getId()); statement1.executeUpdate(); statement1.close(); } try (PreparedStatement statement2 = getConnection().prepareStatement( "insert into strm_vol (ver, fk_strm_id,fk_vol_id) " + " values (1, ?,?)")) { int s2i = 1; statement2.setLong(s2i++, stream.getId()); statement2.setLong(s2i++, getPathVolumeMap().get(streamAttributes.get(VOLUME_PATH))); statement2.executeUpdate(); statement2.close(); } } catch (final Exception ex) { writeLine("Failed " + logInfo + " " + ex.getMessage()); } } count++; } } } writeLine("Processed " + ModelStringUtil.formatCsv(count) + " count"); } public ArrayList<KeyCount> writeTable(final Collection<KeyCount> values, final String heading) { writeLine("========================"); writeLine(heading); writeLine("========================"); final ArrayList<KeyCount> list = new ArrayList<>(); list.addAll(values); sort(list); for (final KeyCount keyCount : list) { writeLine(StringUtils.rightPad(keyCount.getKey().toString(), KEY_PAD) + StringUtils.leftPad(ModelStringUtil.formatCsv(keyCount.getCount()), COUNT_PAD)); } writeLine("========================"); return list; } static class KeyCount { List<String> key; MutableInt count; public KeyCount(final String key) { this.key = Arrays.asList(key); this.count = new MutableInt(); } public KeyCount(final List<String> key) { this.key = key; this.count = new MutableInt(); } public List<String> getKey() { return key; } public MutableInt getCount() { return count; } @Override public String toString() { return StringUtils.rightPad(getKey().toString(), KEY_PAD) + StringUtils.leftPad(ModelStringUtil.formatCsv(getCount()), COUNT_PAD); } } }