Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package; import; import org.datavec.api.records.reader.RecordReader; import org.datavec.api.records.reader.impl.csv.CSVRecordReader; import org.datavec.api.split.FileSplit; import org.deeplearning4j.datasets.datavec.RecordReaderDataSetIterator; import org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.MultiLayerConfiguration; import org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.NeuralNetConfiguration; import org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.Updater; import org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.layers.DenseLayer; import org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.layers.OutputLayer; import org.deeplearning4j.nn.multilayer.MultiLayerNetwork; import org.deeplearning4j.nn.weights.WeightInit; import org.deeplearning4j.optimize.listeners.ScoreIterationListener; import org.deeplearning4j.eval.Evaluation; import org.nd4j.linalg.dataset.api.iterator.DataSetIterator; import org.nd4j.linalg.dataset.DataSet; import org.nd4j.linalg.dataset.SplitTestAndTrain; import org.nd4j.linalg.dataset.api.preprocessor.DataNormalization; import org.nd4j.linalg.dataset.api.preprocessor.NormalizerStandardize; import org.nd4j.linalg.lossfunctions.LossFunctions.LossFunction; import org.nd4j.linalg.api.ndarray.INDArray; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.swing.*; import; import org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory; import org.jfree.chart.ChartPanel; import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart; import org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation; import; import; /** * * @author s146928 */ // NOTE BEFORE DELIVERING, CHECK COMMENTS FOR PROFESSIONALITY public class NeuralNetTest { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { int numInput = 12; //Setting the number of input neurons int numHidden = 50; // SUBJECT TO CHANGE setting the number of hidden layer neurons int numOutput = 9; // setting the number of output neurons int rngSeed = 123; // setting the RNG seed int batchSize = 150; // SUBJECT TO CHANGE setting the size of the mini-batch int numEpochs = 150; // SUBJECT TO CHANGE setting the number of epochs to run the training for int iterations = 10; // SUBJECT TO CHANGE setting the number of iterations double learningRate = 0.05; // SUBJECT TO CHANGE the learning rate of the network // Reading in the data from a file //MIGHT NOT NEED THIS /* int numLinesToSkip = 0; // SUBJECT TO CHANGE The amount of lines to be skipped (should be zero if we format our data well) String delimiter = ","; // what the data is going to be split on RecordReader recordReader = new CSVRecordReader(numLinesToSkip,delimiter); recordReader.initialize(new FileSplit(new ClassPathResource(data).getFile())); // NOTE UPDATE "data.txt" to where the actual file is, and it's name! */ int labelIndex = 12; // SUBJECT TO CHANGE: The index of where the label will be (The label is what the outcome should be) String data = "src/Data/test_data_1.csv"; // SUBJECT TO CHANGE the location of our data DataSet allData = readCSVDataset(data, batchSize, labelIndex, numOutput); allData.shuffle(); double ratio = 0.9; // SUBJECT TO CHANGE the percentage of data to be used for training (now set to 80%) SplitTestAndTrain testAndTrain = allData.splitTestAndTrain(ratio); DataSet trainingData = testAndTrain.getTrain(); DataSet testData = testAndTrain.getTest(); //Normalizing our data (giving us mean 0, unit variance): DataNormalization normalizer = new NormalizerStandardize();; // collect the statistics from the training data. This does not modify the input data normalizer.transform(trainingData); // Apply normalization to the training data normalizer.transform(testData); // Apply the normalization to the test data, using the statistics from the training set (which is bigger so should be the same or better) //Building the neural network NOTE: the format of the network is different across examples, might want to try a bunch of them out or research what vague things do System.out.println("Build Model...."); MultiLayerConfiguration conf = new NeuralNetConfiguration.Builder().seed(rngSeed).iterations(iterations) .learningRate(learningRate).updater(Updater.NESTEROVS).momentum(0.9) // Not exactly sure what this does, might want to leave it out or properly research this .regularization(true).l2(1e-4) // applying L2 regularizations to work against overfitting (that's an "l" not a one) .list().layer(0, new DenseLayer.Builder().nIn(numInput).nOut(numHidden).activation("relu") // again, not entirely sure what relu is, but this is the activation fucntion (might need to research) .weightInit(WeightInit.XAVIER).build()) .layer(1, new OutputLayer.Builder(LossFunction.NEGATIVELOGLIKELIHOOD).nIn(numHidden).nOut(numOutput) .activation("softmax") // again, but vague, but I have some idea what a softmax function is (S function, 1/(1+e^-x)) .weightInit(WeightInit.XAVIER).build()) .pretrain(false).backprop(true) // of course we're using backpropagation! .build(); MultiLayerNetwork model = new MultiLayerNetwork(conf); model.init(); model.setListeners(new ScoreIterationListener(1)); // Listens to the score every iteration (might want to raise this value if we start training on large datasets double[] trainAccuracies = new double[numEpochs]; double[] testAccuracies = new double[numEpochs]; Evaluation eval = new Evaluation(numOutput); // HERE BE BUGS! System.out.println("Train model....");; for (int i = 0; i < numEpochs; i++) { // for the total amount of epochs System.out.println("====================="); System.out.println(" Epoch " + i); System.out.println("=====================");; INDArray outputTraining = model.output(trainingData.getFeatureMatrix()); INDArray outputTest = model.output(testData.getFeatureMatrix()); //Here we want some of the data from the evaluation, so we can make nice plots regarding the accuracy so we can say something about overfitting //evaluating on the training data and storing the accuracy in the array eval.eval(trainingData.getLabels(), outputTraining); trainAccuracies[i] = eval.accuracy(); //evaluating on the test data and storing the accuracy in the array eval.eval(testData.getLabels(), outputTest); testAccuracies[i] = eval.accuracy(); } //creating a list for the two accuracy arrays so we can use them for plotting List<NamedDataSet> AccuracyData = new ArrayList<>(); NamedDataSet trainAccurSet = new NamedDataSet("Training", trainAccuracies); NamedDataSet testAccurSet = new NamedDataSet("Test", testAccuracies); AccuracyData.add(trainAccurSet); AccuracyData.add(testAccurSet); plotDataSet(AccuracyData); //Evaluate the model on the test set System.out.println("Evaluate model...."); INDArray outputTraining = model.output(trainingData.getFeatureMatrix()); INDArray outputTest = model.output(testData.getFeatureMatrix()); System.out.println("Scores on training data"); eval.eval(trainingData.getLabels(), outputTraining); System.out.println(eval.stats()); System.out.println("Scores on test data"); eval.eval(testData.getLabels(), outputTest); System.out.println(eval.stats()); //Degbug code /* System.out.println("Test accuracy"); System.out.print("["); for(int i=0; i<testAccuracies.length;i++){ System.out.print(testAccuracies[i]+" "); } System.out.print("]"); System.out.println(); System.out.println("Train accuracy"); System.out.print("["); for(int i=0; i<trainAccuracies.length;i++){ System.out.print(trainAccuracies[i]+" "); } System.out.print("]"); System.out.println(); */ //This is the predicting bit! /* double[][] voorspellingData = new double[][]{{4,4,3,4,1,5,4,4,4,2,4,3},{4,4,4,1,4,5,4,4,4,3,2,3}}; INDArray voorspeldata = Nd4j.create(voorspellingData); int[] resultaat = model.predict(voorspeldata); System.out.println("Testje voor het voorspellen"); System.out.print("["); for(int i=0; i<resultaat.length;i++){ System.out.print(resultaat[i]+" "); } System.out.print("]"); System.out.println(); */ } // Ends the whole damn thing /** * used for testing and training * * @param csvFileClasspath * @param batchSize * @param labelIndex * @param numClasses * @return * @throws IOException * @throws InterruptedException */ private static DataSet readCSVDataset(String csvFileClasspath, int batchSize, int labelIndex, int numClasses) throws IOException, InterruptedException { RecordReader rr = new CSVRecordReader(); File file = new File(csvFileClasspath); // rr.initialize(new FileSplit(new ClassPathResource(csvFileClasspath).getFile())); rr.initialize(new FileSplit(file)); DataSetIterator iterator = new RecordReaderDataSetIterator(rr, batchSize, labelIndex, numClasses); return; } /* Generate a scatterplot of the datasets provided */ private static void plotDataSet(List<NamedDataSet> ArraySetList) { XYSeriesCollection plotData = new XYSeriesCollection(); for (NamedDataSet ns : ArraySetList) { XYSeries series = new XYSeries(ns.getName()); double[] data = ns.getArray(); for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { series.add((double) i, data[i]); } plotData.addSeries(series); } String title = "Overfitting Data"; String xAxisLabel = "Epochs"; String yAxisLabel = "Accuracy"; PlotOrientation orientation = PlotOrientation.VERTICAL; boolean legend = true; // might wanna set this to true at some point, but research the library boolean tooltips = false; boolean urls = false; JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createScatterPlot(title, xAxisLabel, yAxisLabel, plotData, orientation, legend, tooltips, urls); JPanel panel = new ChartPanel(chart); JFrame f = new JFrame(); f.add(panel); f.setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); f.pack(); f.setTitle("Overfitting data"); f.setVisible(true); } }