Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package strategies; import communication.OrderStatus; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import static java.lang.Double.max; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.jdom2.Attribute; import org.jdom2.Document; import org.jdom2.Element; import org.jdom2.JDOMException; import org.jdom2.input.SAXBuilder; import org.jdom2.output.Format; import org.jdom2.output.XMLOutputter; import tradingapp.FilePaths; import tradingapp.TradeFormatter; import tradingapp.MailSender; import tradingapp.Settings; import tradingapp.TradeOrder; import tradingapp.TradeTimer; /** * * @author Muhe */ public class StatusDataForNinety { private final static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Logger.GLOBAL_LOGGER_NAME); public Map<String, HeldStock> heldStocks = new HashMap<>(); public double moneyToInvest = 40000.0; public double currentCash = 20000.0; public double currentFees = 0; public static double GetOrderFee(int position) { return max(1.0, position * 0.005); } public void UpdateHeldByOrderStatus(OrderStatus order) { HeldStock held = heldStocks.get(order.order.tickerSymbol); if (order.filled == 0) { return; } // Add new stock if (held == null) { if (order.order.orderType == TradeOrder.OrderType.SELL) { logger.severe("Trying to sell not held stock: " + order.order.tickerSymbol); return; } held = new HeldStock(); held.tickerSymbol = order.order.tickerSymbol; StockPurchase purchase = new StockPurchase(); = TradeTimer.GetLocalDateNow(); purchase.portions = 1; purchase.position = order.filled; purchase.priceForOne = order.fillPrice; held.purchases.add(purchase); heldStocks.put(held.tickerSymbol, held); CountInOrderFee(order.filled); logger.finer("New stock added: " + held.toString()); MailSender.AddLineToMail("OPEN new - " + held.tickerSymbol + ", price: " + TradeFormatter.toString(order.fillPrice) + "$, position: " + order.filled); return; } if (order.order.orderType == TradeOrder.OrderType.SELL) { double profit = held.CalculateProfitIfSold(order.fillPrice); double profitPercent = held.CalculatePercentProfitIfSold(order.fillPrice); if (order.filled != held.GetPosition()) { logger.severe("Not all position has been sold for: " + held.tickerSymbol); // TODO: nejak poresit return; } heldStocks.remove(held.tickerSymbol); CountInProfit(profit); CountInOrderFee(order.filled);"Stock removed - profit: " + TradeFormatter.toString(profit) + " = " + TradeFormatter.toString(profitPercent) + "%, " + order.toString()); MailSender.AddLineToMail("SELL - " + held.tickerSymbol + ", profit: " + TradeFormatter.toString(profit) + " = " + TradeFormatter.toString(profitPercent) + "%, sellPrice: " + TradeFormatter.toString(order.fillPrice) + ", portions: " + held.GetPortions()); UpdateTradeLogs(order, held); } else { int newPortions = Ninety.GetNewPortionsToBuy(held.GetPortions()); if (newPortions == 0) { logger.severe("Bought stock '" + held.tickerSymbol + "' has somehow " + held.GetPortions() + " bought portions!!!"); //TODO: dafuq? } StockPurchase purchase = new StockPurchase(); = TradeTimer.GetLocalDateNow(); purchase.portions = newPortions; purchase.position = order.filled; purchase.priceForOne = order.fillPrice; held.purchases.add(purchase); CountInOrderFee(order.filled); logger.fine("More stock bought - " + held.toString()); MailSender.AddLineToMail( "SCALE up - " + held.tickerSymbol + ", price: " + TradeFormatter.toString(order.fillPrice) + "$, position: " + order.filled + ", portion: " + newPortions); } } public void SaveTradingStatus() { try { Element rootElement = new Element("status"); Document doc = new Document(rootElement); Element moneyElement = new Element("money"); moneyElement.setAttribute("currentCash", TradeFormatter.toString(currentCash)); moneyElement.setAttribute("currentFees", TradeFormatter.toString(currentFees)); rootElement.addContent(moneyElement); Element heldPosElement = new Element("heldPositions"); heldPosElement.setAttribute("heldStocks", Integer.toString(heldStocks.size())); rootElement.addContent(heldPosElement); for (HeldStock held : heldStocks.values()) { held.AddToXml(heldPosElement); } XMLOutputter xmlOutput = new XMLOutputter(); File statusFile = new File(FilePaths.tradingStatusPathFileOutput); statusFile.createNewFile(); FileOutputStream oFile = new FileOutputStream(statusFile, false); xmlOutput.setFormat(Format.getPrettyFormat()); xmlOutput.output(doc, oFile); } catch (IOException e) { logger.severe("Failed to save held positions to XML file - " + e.toString()); } } public void LoadTradingStatus() { heldStocks.clear(); try { File inputFile = new File(FilePaths.tradingStatusPathFileInput); SAXBuilder saxBuilder = new SAXBuilder(); Document document =; Element rootElement = document.getRootElement(); Element moneyElement = rootElement.getChild("money"); Attribute attribute = moneyElement.getAttribute("currentCash"); currentCash = attribute.getDoubleValue(); attribute = moneyElement.getAttribute("currentFees"); currentFees = attribute.getDoubleValue(); List<Element> heldStocksElements = rootElement.getChild("heldPositions").getChildren(); for (Element heldElement : heldStocksElements) { HeldStock held = new HeldStock(); held.LoadFromXml(heldElement); heldStocks.put(held.tickerSymbol, held); } } catch (JDOMException e) { logger.severe("Error in loading from XML: JDOMException.\r\n" + e); } catch (IOException ioe) { logger.severe("Error in loading from XML: IOException.\r\n" + ioe); } } public void UpdateCashSettings() { heldStocks.clear(); moneyToInvest = Settings.investCash * Settings.leverage; logger.fine("Updated cash settings - moneyToInvest: " + moneyToInvest); } public int GetBoughtPortions() { int boughtPortions = 0; for (HeldStock heldStock : heldStocks.values()) { boughtPortions += heldStock.GetPortions(); } if (boughtPortions > 20) { logger.severe("Bought portions more than 20!!!"); } return boughtPortions; } public double GetOnePortionValue() { return moneyToInvest / 20.0; } public void PrintStatus() { logger.fine("Status report - currentCash: " + currentCash + " number of held stock: " + heldStocks.size()); logger.fine("Held portions: " + GetBoughtPortions() + "/20"); for (HeldStock heldStock : heldStocks.values()) { logger.fine(heldStock.toString()); } } private void CountInProfit(double profit) { currentCash += profit; } private void CountInOrderFee(int position) { double fee = GetOrderFee(position); currentCash -= fee; currentFees += fee; } public void UpdateEquityFile() { Writer writer = null; try { File equityFile = new File(FilePaths.equityPathFile); equityFile.createNewFile(); writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(equityFile, true), "UTF-8")); String line = TradeTimer.GetLocalDateNow().toString() + "," + currentCash + "\r\n"; writer.append(line); logger.fine("Updated equity file with value " + currentCash); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { logger.severe("Cannot find equity file: " + ex); } catch (IOException ex) { logger.severe("Error updating equity file: " + ex); } finally { try { if (writer != null) { writer.close(); } } catch (IOException ex) { logger.severe("Error updating equity file: " + ex); } } } static public void UpdateTradeLogs(OrderStatus order, HeldStock held) { if (order.order.orderType != TradeOrder.OrderType.SELL) { logger.warning("Trying to add BUY order to trade log."); return; } if (held.purchases.isEmpty()) { logger.warning("Trying to add empty held stock to trade log."); return; } UpdateCloseTradeLogFile(order, held); UpdateDetailedTradeLogFile(order, held); } static public void UpdateCloseTradeLogFile(OrderStatus order, HeldStock held) { Writer writer = null; try { File equityFile = new File(FilePaths.tradeLogPathFile); equityFile.createNewFile(); writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(equityFile, true), "UTF-8")); double profit = held.CalculateProfitIfSold(order.fillPrice); double profitPercent = held.CalculatePercentProfitIfSold(order.fillPrice); writer.append(TradeTimer.GetLocalDateNow().toString() + ","); writer.append(held.purchases.get(0).date + ","); writer.append(held.tickerSymbol + ","); writer.append(TradeFormatter.toString(profit) + ","); writer.append(TradeFormatter.toString(profitPercent) + ","); writer.append(held.GetPortions() + ","); writer.append(TradeFormatter.toString(held.GetTotalPricePaid()) + ","); double fees = held.GetTotalFeesPaid(); writer.append(TradeFormatter.toString(fees) + "\r\n"); logger.finer("Updated close trade log file."); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { logger.severe("Cannot find close trade log file: " + ex); } catch (IOException ex) { logger.severe("Error updating close trade log file: " + ex); } finally { try { if (writer != null) { writer.close(); } } catch (IOException ex) { logger.severe("Error updating close trade log file: " + ex); } } } static public void UpdateDetailedTradeLogFile(OrderStatus order, HeldStock held) { Writer writer = null; try { File equityFile = new File(FilePaths.tradeLogDetailedPathFile); equityFile.createNewFile(); writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(equityFile, true), "UTF-8")); for (StockPurchase purchase : held.purchases) { writer.append( + ", "); if (purchase.portions == 1) { writer.append("OPEN, "); } else { writer.append("SCALE, "); } writer.append("Ticker: " + held.tickerSymbol + ", "); writer.append("Price: " + TradeFormatter.toString(purchase.priceForOne) + ", "); writer.append("Position: " + purchase.position + "\r\n"); } double profit = held.CalculateProfitIfSold(order.fillPrice); double profitPercent = held.CalculatePercentProfitIfSold(order.fillPrice); writer.append(TradeTimer.GetLocalDateNow().toString() + ", "); writer.append("CLOSE, "); writer.append("Ticker: " + held.tickerSymbol + ", "); writer.append("Price: " + TradeFormatter.toString(order.fillPrice) + ", "); writer.append("Position: " + held.GetPosition() + ", "); writer.append("Profit: " + TradeFormatter.toString(profit) + "$ = " + TradeFormatter.toString(profitPercent) + "%, "); writer.append("Portions: " + held.GetPortions() + ", "); writer.append("Fees: " + TradeFormatter.toString(held.GetTotalFeesPaid()) + "$\r\n\r\n"); logger.finer("Updated detailed trade log file."); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { logger.severe("Cannot find detailed trade log file: " + ex); } catch (IOException ex) { logger.severe("Error updating detailed trade log file: " + ex); } finally { try { if (writer != null) { writer.close(); } } catch (IOException ex) { logger.severe("Error updating detailed trade log file: " + ex); } } } }