Java tutorial
/* Storybook: Open Source software for novelists and authors. Copyright (C) 2008 - 2015 Martin Mustun, Pete Keller This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package storybook.model; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.beans.BeanInfo; import java.beans.IntrospectionException; import java.beans.Introspector; import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import javax.swing.Icon; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.JCheckBox; import javax.swing.JComboBox; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JPopupMenu; import javax.swing.ListCellRenderer; import net.miginfocom.swing.MigLayout; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanUtils; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.ConvertUtils; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.converters.DateConverter; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.converters.SqlTimestampConverter; import org.hibernate.HibernateException; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.Transaction; import storybook.SbApp; import storybook.SbConstants; import storybook.action.ChapterOrderByTimestampAction; import storybook.action.ChapterReSortAction; import storybook.action.DeleteEntityAction; import storybook.action.EditEntityAction; import storybook.action.EditSceneLOAction; import storybook.action.NewEntityAction; import storybook.action.ShowInBookViewAction; import storybook.action.ShowInChronoViewAction; import storybook.action.ShowInGoogleMapsAction; import storybook.action.ShowInManageViewAction; import storybook.action.ShowInMemoriaAction; import storybook.action.ShowInfoAction; import storybook.controller.BookController; import storybook.model.handler.AbstractEntityHandler; import storybook.model.handler.CategoryEntityHandler; import storybook.model.handler.ChapterEntityHandler; import storybook.model.handler.GenderEntityHandler; import storybook.model.handler.IdeaEntityHandler; import storybook.model.handler.InternalEntityHandler; import storybook.model.handler.ItemEntityHandler; import storybook.model.handler.ItemLinkEntityHandler; import storybook.model.handler.LocationEntityHandler; import storybook.model.handler.PartEntityHandler; import storybook.model.handler.PersonEntityHandler; import storybook.model.handler.RelationshipEntityHandler; import storybook.model.handler.SceneEntityHandler; import storybook.model.handler.StrandEntityHandler; import storybook.model.handler.TagEntityHandler; import storybook.model.handler.TagLinkEntityHandler; import storybook.model.handler.TimeEventEntityHandler; import storybook.model.hbn.dao.AttributeDAOImpl; import storybook.model.hbn.dao.CategoryDAOImpl; import storybook.model.hbn.dao.ChapterDAOImpl; import storybook.model.hbn.dao.GenderDAOImpl; import storybook.model.hbn.dao.IdeaDAOImpl; import storybook.model.hbn.dao.ItemDAOImpl; import storybook.model.hbn.dao.ItemLinkDAOImpl; import storybook.model.hbn.dao.LocationDAOImpl; import storybook.model.hbn.dao.PartDAOImpl; import storybook.model.hbn.dao.PersonDAOImpl; import storybook.model.hbn.dao.SbGenericDAOImpl; import storybook.model.hbn.dao.SceneDAOImpl; import storybook.model.hbn.dao.StrandDAOImpl; import storybook.model.hbn.dao.TagDAOImpl; import storybook.model.hbn.dao.TagLinkDAOImpl; import storybook.model.hbn.entity.AbstractEntity; import storybook.model.hbn.entity.AbstractTag; import storybook.model.hbn.entity.AbstractTagLink; import storybook.model.hbn.entity.Attribute; import storybook.model.hbn.entity.Category; import storybook.model.hbn.entity.Chapter; import storybook.model.hbn.entity.Gender; import storybook.model.hbn.entity.Idea; import storybook.model.hbn.entity.Internal; import storybook.model.hbn.entity.Item; import storybook.model.hbn.entity.ItemLink; import storybook.model.hbn.entity.Location; import storybook.model.hbn.entity.Part; import storybook.model.hbn.entity.Person; import storybook.model.hbn.entity.Relationship; import storybook.model.hbn.entity.Scene; import storybook.model.hbn.entity.Strand; import storybook.model.hbn.entity.Tag; import storybook.model.hbn.entity.TagLink; import storybook.model.hbn.entity.TimeEvent; import storybook.toolkit.BookUtil; import storybook.toolkit.DateUtil; import storybook.toolkit.I18N; import storybook.toolkit.TextUtil; import storybook.toolkit.html.HtmlUtil; import storybook.toolkit.swing.AutoCompleteComboBox; import storybook.toolkit.swing.FontUtil; import storybook.ui.MainFrame; import storybook.ui.table.SbColumn; public class EntityUtil { public static void convertPlainTextToHtml(MainFrame mainFrame) { boolean useHtmlScenes = BookUtil.isUseHtmlScenes(mainFrame); boolean useHtmlDescr = BookUtil.isUseHtmlDescr(mainFrame); if (!useHtmlScenes && !useHtmlDescr) { return; } BookModel model = mainFrame.getBookModel(); Session session = model.beginTransaction(); // scenes SceneDAOImpl sceneDao = new SceneDAOImpl(session); List<Scene> scenes = sceneDao.findAll(); for (Scene scene : scenes) { if (useHtmlScenes) { scene.setSummary(HtmlUtil.textToHTML(scene.getSummary())); } if (useHtmlDescr) { scene.setNotes(HtmlUtil.textToHTML(scene.getNotes())); } session.update(scene); } // chapters ChapterDAOImpl chapterDao = new ChapterDAOImpl(session); List<Chapter> chapters = chapterDao.findAll(); for (Chapter chapter : chapters) { if (useHtmlDescr) { chapter.setDescription(HtmlUtil.textToHTML(chapter.getDescription())); chapter.setNotes(HtmlUtil.textToHTML(chapter.getNotes())); } } // persons PersonDAOImpl personDao = new PersonDAOImpl(session); List<Person> persons = personDao.findAll(); for (Person person : persons) { if (useHtmlDescr) { person.setDescription(HtmlUtil.textToHTML(person.getDescription())); person.setNotes(HtmlUtil.textToHTML(person.getNotes())); } } // locations LocationDAOImpl locationDao = new LocationDAOImpl(session); List<Location> locations = locationDao.findAll(); for (Location location : locations) { if (useHtmlDescr) { location.setDescription(HtmlUtil.textToHTML(location.getDescription())); location.setNotes(HtmlUtil.textToHTML(location.getNotes())); } } // tags TagDAOImpl tagDao = new TagDAOImpl(session); List<Tag> tags = tagDao.findAll(); for (Tag tag : tags) { if (useHtmlDescr) { tag.setDescription(HtmlUtil.textToHTML(tag.getDescription())); tag.setNotes(HtmlUtil.textToHTML(tag.getNotes())); } } // items ItemDAOImpl itemDao = new ItemDAOImpl(session); List<Item> items = itemDao.findAll(); for (Item item : items) { if (useHtmlDescr) { item.setDescription(HtmlUtil.textToHTML(item.getDescription())); item.setNotes(HtmlUtil.textToHTML(item.getNotes())); } } // ideas IdeaDAOImpl ideaDao = new IdeaDAOImpl(session); List<Idea> ideas = ideaDao.findAll(); for (Idea idea : ideas) { if (useHtmlDescr) { idea.setNotes(HtmlUtil.textToHTML(idea.getNotes())); } } model.commit(); } public static void convertHtmlToPlainText(MainFrame mainFrame) { boolean usePlainTextScenes = !BookUtil.isUseHtmlScenes(mainFrame); boolean usePlainTextDescr = !BookUtil.isUseHtmlDescr(mainFrame); if (!usePlainTextScenes && !usePlainTextDescr) { return; } BookModel model = mainFrame.getBookModel(); Session session = model.beginTransaction(); // scenes SceneDAOImpl sceneDao = new SceneDAOImpl(session); List<Scene> scenes = sceneDao.findAll(); for (Scene scene : scenes) { if (usePlainTextScenes) { scene.setSummary(HtmlUtil.htmlToText(scene.getSummary(), true)); } if (usePlainTextDescr) { scene.setNotes(HtmlUtil.htmlToText(scene.getNotes())); } session.update(scene); } // chapters ChapterDAOImpl chapterDao = new ChapterDAOImpl(session); List<Chapter> chapters = chapterDao.findAll(); for (Chapter chapter : chapters) { if (usePlainTextDescr) { chapter.setDescription(HtmlUtil.htmlToText(chapter.getDescription(), true)); chapter.setNotes(HtmlUtil.htmlToText(chapter.getNotes(), true)); } } // persons PersonDAOImpl personDao = new PersonDAOImpl(session); List<Person> persons = personDao.findAll(); for (Person person : persons) { if (usePlainTextDescr) { person.setDescription(HtmlUtil.htmlToText(person.getDescription(), true)); person.setNotes(HtmlUtil.htmlToText(person.getNotes(), true)); } } // locations LocationDAOImpl locationDao = new LocationDAOImpl(session); List<Location> locations = locationDao.findAll(); for (Location location : locations) { if (usePlainTextDescr) { location.setDescription(HtmlUtil.htmlToText(location.getDescription(), true)); location.setNotes(HtmlUtil.htmlToText(location.getNotes(), true)); } } // tags TagDAOImpl tagDao = new TagDAOImpl(session); List<Tag> tags = tagDao.findAll(); for (Tag tag : tags) { if (usePlainTextDescr) { tag.setDescription(HtmlUtil.htmlToText(tag.getDescription(), true)); tag.setNotes(HtmlUtil.htmlToText(tag.getNotes(), true)); } } // items ItemDAOImpl itemDao = new ItemDAOImpl(session); List<Item> items = itemDao.findAll(); for (Item item : items) { if (usePlainTextDescr) { item.setDescription(HtmlUtil.htmlToText(item.getDescription(), true)); item.setNotes(HtmlUtil.htmlToText(item.getNotes(), true)); } } // ideas IdeaDAOImpl ideaDao = new IdeaDAOImpl(session); List<Idea> ideas = ideaDao.findAll(); for (Idea idea : ideas) { if (usePlainTextDescr) { idea.setNotes(HtmlUtil.htmlToText(idea.getNotes(), true)); } } model.commit(); } public static List<Long> getReadOnlyIds(AbstractEntity entity) { ArrayList<Long> ret = new ArrayList<>(); if (entity instanceof Category) { ret.add(1L); ret.add(2L); } else if (entity instanceof Gender) { ret.add(1L); ret.add(2L); } else if (entity instanceof Part) { ret.add(1L); } else if (entity instanceof Strand) { ret.add(1L); } return ret; } public static Date findFirstDate(MainFrame mainFrame) { BookModel model = mainFrame.getBookModel(); Session session = model.beginTransaction(); SceneDAOImpl dao = new SceneDAOImpl(session); Date date = dao.findFirstDate(); model.commit(); return date; } public static Date findLastDate(MainFrame mainFrame) { BookModel model = mainFrame.getBookModel(); Session session = model.beginTransaction(); SceneDAOImpl dao = new SceneDAOImpl(session); Date date = dao.findLastDate(); model.commit(); return date; } public static void printBeanProperties(AbstractEntity entity) { SbApp.trace("EntityUtil.printBeanProperties(" + entity.getClass().getName() + ")"); try { BeanInfo bi = Introspector.getBeanInfo(entity.getClass()); for (PropertyDescriptor propDescr : bi.getPropertyDescriptors()) { String name = propDescr.getName(); Object val = propDescr.getReadMethod().invoke(entity); String isNull = "not null"; if (val == null) { isNull = "is null"; } System.out.println("EntityUtil.printProperties(): " + name + ": '" + val + "' " + (val == null ? "isNull" : "not null")); } } catch (IntrospectionException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException e) { System.err.println("EntityUtil.printBeanProperties(" + entity + ") Exception : " + e.getMessage()); } } public static void deleteTagAndItemLinks(BookModel model, AbstractEntity entity) { Session session = model.beginTransaction(); TagLinkDAOImpl tagLinkDao = new TagLinkDAOImpl(session); List<TagLink> tagLinks = null; if (entity instanceof Scene) { tagLinks = tagLinkDao.findByStartOrEndScene((Scene) entity); } else if (entity instanceof Person) { tagLinks = tagLinkDao.findByPerson((Person) entity); } else if (entity instanceof Location) { tagLinks = tagLinkDao.findByLocation((Location) entity); } session.close(); if (tagLinks != null && !tagLinks.isEmpty()) { for (TagLink link : tagLinks) { model.setDeleteTagLink(link); } } session = model.beginTransaction(); ItemLinkDAOImpl itemLinkDao = new ItemLinkDAOImpl(session); List<ItemLink> itemLinks = null; if (entity instanceof Scene) { itemLinks = itemLinkDao.findByStartOrEndScene((Scene) entity); } else if (entity instanceof Person) { itemLinks = itemLinkDao.findByPerson((Person) entity); } else if (entity instanceof Location) { itemLinks = itemLinkDao.findByLocation((Location) entity); } session.close(); if (itemLinks != null && !itemLinks.isEmpty()) { for (ItemLink link : itemLinks) { model.setDeleteItemLink(link); } } } public static void copyEntityProperties(MainFrame mainFrame, AbstractEntity entity, AbstractEntity newEntity) { try { ConvertUtils.register(new DateConverter(null), Date.class); ConvertUtils.register(new SqlTimestampConverter(null), Timestamp.class); ConvertUtils.register(new NullConverter(), Integer.class); ConvertUtils.register(new NullConverter(), Long.class); BeanUtils.copyProperties(newEntity, entity); } catch (IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException e) { System.err.println("EntityUtil.copyEntityProperties() Exception : " + e.getMessage()); } } public static AbstractEntity cloneEntity(MainFrame mainFrame, AbstractEntity entity) { try { ConvertUtils.register(new DateConverter(null), Date.class); ConvertUtils.register(new SqlTimestampConverter(null), Timestamp.class); ConvertUtils.register(new NullConverter(), Integer.class); return (AbstractEntity) BeanUtils.cloneBean(entity); } catch (IllegalAccessException | InstantiationException | InvocationTargetException | NoSuchMethodException e) { System.err.println("EntityUtil.cloneEntityProperties() Exception : " + e.getMessage()); } return null; } public static void copyEntity(MainFrame mainFrame, AbstractEntity entity) { AbstractEntityHandler handler = getEntityHandler(mainFrame, entity); AbstractEntity newEntity = handler.createNewEntity(); BookModel model = mainFrame.getBookModel(); Session session = model.beginTransaction(); session.refresh(entity); copyEntityProperties(mainFrame, entity, newEntity); // AbstractEntity newEntity = cloneEntity(mainFrame, entity); markCopiedEntity(mainFrame, newEntity); List<Person> persons = new ArrayList<>(); List<Location> locations = new ArrayList<>(); List<Item> items = new ArrayList<>(); List<Strand> strands = new ArrayList<>(); if (entity instanceof Scene) { // correct date / relative scene Scene scene = (Scene) entity; Scene newScene = (Scene) newEntity; if (!scene.hasRelativeScene()) { newScene.removeRelativeScene(); } persons = scene.getPersons(); locations = scene.getLocations(); strands = scene.getStrands(); } List<Attribute> attributes = new ArrayList<>(); if (entity instanceof Person) { Person person = (Person) entity; attributes = person.getAttributes(); } model.commit(); BookController ctrl = mainFrame.getBookController(); ctrl.newEntity(newEntity); // re-set "stolen" bag links if (entity instanceof Scene) { Scene scene = (Scene) entity; List<Person> copyPersons = new ArrayList<>(); for (Person person : persons) { copyPersons.add(person); } scene.setPersons(copyPersons); List<Location> copyLocations = new ArrayList<>(); for (Location location : locations) { copyLocations.add(location); } scene.setLocations(copyLocations); List<Strand> copyStrands = new ArrayList<>(); for (Strand strand : strands) { copyStrands.add(strand); } scene.setStrands(copyStrands); } if (entity instanceof Person) { Person person = (Person) entity; List<Attribute> copyAttributes = new ArrayList<>(); for (Attribute attribute : attributes) { copyAttributes.add(attribute); } person.setAttributes(copyAttributes); } ctrl.updateEntity(entity); } private static void markCopiedEntity(MainFrame mainFrame, AbstractEntity entity) { String copyStr = "(" + I18N.getMsg("msg.common.copy") + ") "; if (entity instanceof Scene) { Scene e = (Scene) entity; e.setTitle(copyStr + e.getTitle()); return; } if (entity instanceof Chapter) { Chapter e = (Chapter) entity; e.setTitle(copyStr + e.getTitle()); return; } if (entity instanceof Part) { Part e = (Part) entity; e.setName(copyStr + e.getName()); return; } if (entity instanceof Strand) { Strand e = (Strand) entity; e.setName(copyStr + e.getName()); return; } if (entity instanceof Person) { Person e = (Person) entity; e.setFirstname(copyStr + e.getFirstname()); return; } if (entity instanceof Relationship) { // nothing to copy return; } if (entity instanceof Category) { Category e = (Category) entity; e.setName(copyStr + e.getName()); return; } if (entity instanceof Gender) { Gender e = (Gender) entity; e.setName(copyStr + e.getName()); return; } if (entity instanceof Location) { Location e = (Location) entity; e.setName(copyStr + e.getName()); return; } if (entity instanceof AbstractTag) { AbstractTag e = (AbstractTag) entity; e.setName(copyStr + e.getName()); return; } if (entity instanceof Idea) { Idea e = (Idea) entity; e.setNotes(copyStr + e.getNotes()); return; } if (entity instanceof AbstractTagLink) { // no string value can be changed //return; } } public static boolean hasHierarchyChanged(AbstractEntity oldEntity, AbstractEntity updEntity) { if (oldEntity == null || updEntity == null) { return false; } if (oldEntity instanceof Idea) { Idea old = (Idea) oldEntity; Idea upd = (Idea) updEntity; return !Objects.equals(old.getStatus(), upd.getStatus()); } if (oldEntity instanceof Scene) { Scene old = (Scene) oldEntity; Scene upd = (Scene) updEntity; if (old.getChapter() == null && upd.getChapter() != null) { return true; } if (old.getChapter() != null && upd.getChapter() == null) { return true; } return old.getChapter() != null && upd.getChapter() != null && (!Objects.equals(old.getChapter().getId(), upd.getChapter().getId())); } if (oldEntity instanceof Person) { Person old = (Person) oldEntity; Person upd = (Person) updEntity; if (!Objects.equals(old.getCategory().getId(), upd.getCategory().getId())) { return true; } return !Objects.equals(old.getGender().getId(), upd.getGender().getId()); } if (oldEntity instanceof Relationship) { return false; } if (oldEntity instanceof Location) { Location old = (Location) oldEntity; Location upd = (Location) updEntity; Location oldSite = (Location) old.getSite(); Location updSite = (Location) upd.getSite(); String oldCity = old.getCity(); String updCity = upd.getCity(); String oldCountry = old.getCountry(); String updCountry = upd.getCountry(); if (oldSite == null && updSite != null) { return true; } if (oldSite != null && updSite == null) { return true; } if (!oldSite.equals(updSite)) { return true; } if (oldCity == null && updCity != null) { return true; } if (oldCity != null && updCity == null) { return true; } if (!oldCity.equals(updCity)) { return true; } if (oldCountry == null && updCountry != null) { return true; } if (oldCountry != null && updCountry == null) { return true; } return !oldCountry.equals(updCountry); } if (oldEntity instanceof AbstractTag) { AbstractTag old = (AbstractTag) oldEntity; AbstractTag upd = (AbstractTag) updEntity; if (old.getCategory() == null && upd.getCategory() == null) { return false; } if (old.getCategory() != null || upd.getCategory() != null) { return true; } return !old.getCategory().equals(upd.getCategory()); } return false; } public static JPopupMenu createPopupMenu(MainFrame mainFrame, AbstractEntity entity) { JPopupMenu menu = new JPopupMenu(); if (entity == null) { return null; } if (entity.isTransient()) { return null; } JLabel lbTitle = new JLabel(" " + entity.toString()); lbTitle.setFont(FontUtil.getBoldFont()); menu.add(lbTitle); menu.add(new JPopupMenu.Separator()); menu.add(new EditEntityAction(mainFrame, entity, false)); if (entity instanceof Scene) { if (BookUtil.isUseLibreOffice(mainFrame)) { menu.add(new EditSceneLOAction(mainFrame, entity)); } } menu.add(new DeleteEntityAction(mainFrame, entity)); menu.add(new JPopupMenu.Separator()); if (entity instanceof Scene || entity instanceof Chapter) { menu.add(new ShowInChronoViewAction(mainFrame, entity)); menu.add(new ShowInBookViewAction(mainFrame, entity)); menu.add(new ShowInManageViewAction(mainFrame, entity)); } menu.add(new ShowInfoAction(mainFrame, entity)); if (isAvailableInMemoria(entity)) { menu.add(new ShowInMemoriaAction(mainFrame, entity)); } menu.add(new JPopupMenu.Separator()); if (entity instanceof Scene) { } if (entity instanceof Chapter) { menu.add(new ChapterOrderByTimestampAction(mainFrame, (Chapter) entity)); menu.add(new ChapterReSortAction(mainFrame, (Chapter) entity)); menu.add(new JPopupMenu.Separator()); } menu.add(new NewEntityAction(mainFrame, entity)); if (entity instanceof Location) { // google maps menu.add(new JPopupMenu.Separator()); menu.add(new ShowInGoogleMapsAction((Location) entity)); } if (menu.getComponents().length == 0) { return null; } return menu; } public static boolean isAvailableInMemoria(AbstractEntity entity) { return entity instanceof Person || entity instanceof Location || entity instanceof Scene || entity instanceof Tag || entity instanceof Item; } public static List<Attribute> getEntityAttributes(MainFrame mainFrame, AbstractEntity entity) { if (entity.isTransient()) { return new ArrayList<>(); } if (entity instanceof Person) { BookModel model = mainFrame.getBookModel(); Session session = model.beginTransaction(); Person person = (Person) entity; session.refresh(person); List<Attribute> ret = person.getAttributes(); model.commit(); return ret; } return new ArrayList<>(); } public static void setEntityAttributes(MainFrame mainFrame, AbstractEntity entity, List<Attribute> attributes) { if (entity.isTransient()) { return; } if (entity instanceof Person) { try { Person person = (Person) entity; BookModel model = mainFrame.getBookModel(); // delete attributes Session session = model.beginTransaction(); person.setAttributes(new ArrayList<>()); session.saveOrUpdate(person); // delete orphans AttributeDAOImpl dao = new AttributeDAOImpl(session); //dao.deleteOrphans(); // add attributes for (Attribute property : attributes) {; } model.commit(); // update person person.setAttributes(attributes); mainFrame.getBookController().updatePerson(person); } catch (HibernateException e) { SbApp.error("EntityUtil.copyEntityProperties()", e); } } } public static AbstractEntityHandler getEntityHandler(MainFrame mainFrame, AbstractEntity entity) { if (entity instanceof Scene) { return new SceneEntityHandler(mainFrame); } if (entity instanceof Chapter) { return new ChapterEntityHandler(mainFrame); } if (entity instanceof Part) { return new PartEntityHandler(mainFrame); } if (entity instanceof Location) { return new LocationEntityHandler(mainFrame); } if (entity instanceof Person) { return new PersonEntityHandler(mainFrame); } if (entity instanceof Relationship) { return new RelationshipEntityHandler(mainFrame); } if (entity instanceof Gender) { return new GenderEntityHandler(mainFrame); } if (entity instanceof Category) { return new CategoryEntityHandler(mainFrame); } if (entity instanceof Strand) { return new StrandEntityHandler(mainFrame); } if (entity instanceof Idea) { return new IdeaEntityHandler(mainFrame); } if (entity instanceof Tag) { return new TagEntityHandler(mainFrame); } if (entity instanceof Item) { return new ItemEntityHandler(mainFrame); } if (entity instanceof TagLink) { return new TagLinkEntityHandler(mainFrame); } if (entity instanceof ItemLink) { return new ItemLinkEntityHandler(mainFrame); } if (entity instanceof Internal) { return new InternalEntityHandler(mainFrame); } if (entity instanceof TimeEvent) { return new TimeEventEntityHandler(mainFrame); } return null; } public static Class<?> getEntityClass(AbstractEntity entity) { // note: hibernate sometimes returns // "entity.Tag_$$_javassist_2", which matches to "instanceof Tag", // but cannot be used as a class "Tag" parameter in reflection if (entity instanceof Person) { return Person.class; } if (entity instanceof Relationship) { return Relationship.class; } if (entity instanceof Category) { return Category.class; } if (entity instanceof Gender) { return Gender.class; } if (entity instanceof Location) { return Location.class; } if (entity instanceof Scene) { return Scene.class; } if (entity instanceof Chapter) { return Chapter.class; } if (entity instanceof Part) { return Part.class; } if (entity instanceof Tag) { return Tag.class; } if (entity instanceof TagLink) { return TagLink.class; } if (entity instanceof Item) { return Item.class; } if (entity instanceof ItemLink) { return ItemLink.class; } if (entity instanceof Strand) { return Strand.class; } if (entity instanceof Idea) { return Idea.class; } if (entity instanceof Internal) { return Internal.class; } if (entity instanceof TimeEvent) { return TimeEvent.class; } return null; } public static List<JCheckBox> createCategoryCheckBoxes(MainFrame mainFrame, ActionListener comp) { List<JCheckBox> list = new ArrayList<>(); BookModel model = mainFrame.getBookModel(); Session session = model.beginTransaction(); CategoryDAOImpl dao = new CategoryDAOImpl(session); List<Category> categories = dao.findAllOrderBySort(); model.commit(); for (Category category : categories) { JCheckBox cb = new JCheckBox(category.getName()); cb.putClientProperty(SbConstants.ComponentName.CB_CATEGORY, category); cb.setOpaque(false); cb.addActionListener(comp); cb.setSelected(true); list.add(cb); } return list; } public static List<JCheckBox> createCountryCheckBoxes(MainFrame mainFrame, ActionListener comp) { List<JCheckBox> list = new ArrayList<>(); BookModel model = mainFrame.getBookModel(); Session session = model.beginTransaction(); LocationDAOImpl dao = new LocationDAOImpl(session); List<String> countries = dao.findCountries(); model.commit(); for (String country : countries) { JCheckBox chb = new JCheckBox(country); chb.setOpaque(false); chb.addActionListener(comp); chb.setSelected(true); list.add(chb); } return list; } public static List<JCheckBox> createPersonCheckBoxes(MainFrame mainFrame, List<JCheckBox> cbl, ActionListener comp) { List<JCheckBox> list = new ArrayList<>(); BookModel model = mainFrame.getBookModel(); Session session = model.beginTransaction(); PersonDAOImpl dao = new PersonDAOImpl(session); for (JCheckBox cb : cbl) { if (cb.isSelected()) { Category category = (Category) cb.getClientProperty(SbConstants.ComponentName.CB_CATEGORY); List<Person> persons = dao.findByCategory(category); for (Person person : persons) { JCheckBox cbPerson = new JCheckBox(person.getFullNameAbbr()); cbPerson.setOpaque(false); cbPerson.putClientProperty(SbConstants.ComponentName.CB_PERSON, person); cbPerson.addActionListener(comp); list.add(cbPerson); } } } model.commit(); return list; } public static List<JCheckBox> createItemCheckBoxes(MainFrame m, ActionListener comp) { List<JCheckBox> list = new ArrayList<>(); BookModel model = m.getBookModel(); Session session = model.beginTransaction(); ItemDAOImpl dao = new ItemDAOImpl(session); List<Item> items = dao.findAll(); for (Item item : items) { JCheckBox cbItem = new JCheckBox(item.getName()); cbItem.setOpaque(false); cbItem.putClientProperty(SbConstants.ComponentName.CB_ITEM, item); cbItem.addActionListener(comp); list.add(cbItem); } model.commit(); return list; } public static void renumberScenes(MainFrame mainFrame, Chapter chapter) { BookModel model = mainFrame.getBookModel(); BookController ctrl = mainFrame.getBookController(); Session session = model.beginTransaction(); ChapterDAOImpl dao = new ChapterDAOImpl(session); List<Scene> scenes = dao.findScenes(chapter); session.close(); int counter = 1; for (Scene scene : scenes) { scene.setSceneno(counter); ctrl.updateScene(scene); ++counter; } } public static Scene createScene(Strand strand, Chapter chapter) { Scene scene = new Scene(); scene.setStrand(strand); scene.setStatus(1); scene.setChapter(chapter); scene.setSceneno(1); scene.setDate(new Date()); scene.setTitle("scene 1"); scene.setSummary("scene text"); scene.setNotes(""); return scene; } public static void abandonEntityChanges(MainFrame mainFrame, AbstractEntity entity) { try { if (entity.isTransient()) // nothing to do for a new entity { return; } BookModel model = mainFrame.getBookModel(); Session session = model.getSession(); if (session != null && session.isOpen()) { Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction(); session.refresh(entity); transaction.commit(); } } catch (HibernateException e) { SbApp.error("EntityUtil.copyEntityProperties()", e); } } public static String getToolTip(AbstractEntity entity) { return getToolTip(entity, null); } public static String getToolTip(AbstractEntity entity, Date date) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); buf.append("<html>"); buf.append("<table width='300'>"); buf.append("<tr><td>"); buf.append(HtmlUtil.getTitle(entity.toString())); if (entity instanceof Person) { toolTipAppendPerson(buf, (Person) entity, date); } else if (entity instanceof Scene) { toolTipAppendScene(buf, (Scene) entity); } else if (entity instanceof Relationship) { toolTipAppendRelationship(buf, (Relationship) entity); } else if (entity instanceof Location) { toolTipAppendLocation(buf, (Location) entity); } else if (entity instanceof AbstractTag) { toolTipAppendTag(buf, (AbstractTag) entity); } buf.append("</td></tr>"); buf.append("</table>"); buf.append("</html>"); return buf.toString(); } private static void toolTipAppendTag(StringBuffer buf, AbstractTag tag) { buf.append(TextUtil.truncateText(tag.getDescription())); } private static void toolTipAppendLocation(StringBuffer buf, Location location) { buf.append(I18N.getMsgColon("")); buf.append(" "); buf.append(location.getCity()); buf.append("<br>"); buf.append(I18N.getMsgColon("")); buf.append(" "); buf.append(location.getCountry()); buf.append("<p style='margin-top:5px'>"); buf.append(TextUtil.truncateText(location.getDescription())); } private static void toolTipAppendScene(StringBuffer buf, Scene scene) { buf.append(scene.getSummary(true, 600)); } private static void toolTipAppendPerson(StringBuffer buf, Person person, Date date) { if (date != null && person.getBirthday() != null) { buf.append(I18N.getMsgColon("msg.dlg.person.age")); buf.append(" "); buf.append(person.calculateAge(date)); if (person.isDead(date)) { buf.append("+"); } buf.append("<br>"); } buf.append(I18N.getMsgColon("msg.dlg.mng.persons.gender")); buf.append(" "); buf.append(person.getGender()); buf.append("<br>"); buf.append(I18N.getMsgColon("msg.dlg.mng.persons.category")); buf.append(" "); buf.append(person.getCategory()); buf.append("<p style='margin-top:5px'>"); buf.append(TextUtil.truncateText(person.getDescription())); } private static void toolTipAppendRelationship(StringBuffer buf, Relationship relationship) { buf.append(I18N.getMsgColon("msg.common.persons")); buf.append(" "); if (relationship.getPerson1() != null) buf.append(relationship.getPerson1().getAbbr()).append(" "); if (relationship.getPerson2() != null) buf.append(relationship.getPerson2().getAbbr()).append(" "); List<Person> persons = relationship.getPersons(); if (!persons.isEmpty()) { for (Person p : persons) { buf.append(p.getAbbr()).append(" "); } } List<Item> items = relationship.getItems(); if (!items.isEmpty()) { buf.append("<br>"); buf.append(I18N.getMsgColon("msg.common.items")); for (Item p : items) { buf.append(p.getName()).append(" "); } } List<Location> locations = relationship.getLocations(); if (!locations.isEmpty()) { buf.append("<br>"); buf.append(I18N.getMsgColon("msg.common.locations")); for (Location p : locations) { buf.append(p.getName()).append(" "); } } } public static String getDeleteInfo(MainFrame mainFrame, AbstractEntity entity) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); buf.append(HtmlUtil.getHeadWithCSS()); boolean warnings = addDeletionInfo(mainFrame, entity, buf); if (warnings) { buf.append(HtmlUtil.getHr()); } buf.append(getInfo(mainFrame, entity, true)); return buf.toString(); } public static String getInfo(MainFrame mainFrame, AbstractEntity entity) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append(HtmlUtil.getHeadWithCSS()); buf.append(getInfo(mainFrame, entity, false)); return buf.toString(); } private static String getInfo(MainFrame mainFrame, AbstractEntity entity, boolean truncate) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); addInfo(mainFrame, entity, buf, truncate); return buf.toString(); } private static boolean addDeletionInfo(MainFrame mainFrame, AbstractEntity entity, StringBuffer buf) { BookModel model = mainFrame.getBookModel(); Session session = model.beginTransaction(); boolean warnings = false; if (entity instanceof Category) { Category category = (Category) entity; CategoryDAOImpl dao = new CategoryDAOImpl(session); List<Person> persons = dao.findPersons(category); if (!persons.isEmpty()) { buf.append("<p style='padding-top:10px'>"); buf.append(HtmlUtil.getWarning(I18N.getMsg("msg.category.delete.warning"))); buf.append("</p><br>"); buf.append(I18N.getMsgColon("msg.common.persons")); buf.append("<br><ul>"); for (Person person : persons) { buf.append("<li>"); buf.append(person); buf.append("</li>\n"); } buf.append("</ul>"); warnings = true; } } else if (entity instanceof Gender) { Gender gender = (Gender) entity; GenderDAOImpl dao = new GenderDAOImpl(session); List<Person> persons = dao.findPersons(gender); if (!persons.isEmpty()) { buf.append("<p style='padding-top:10px'>"); buf.append(HtmlUtil.getWarning(I18N.getMsg("msg.gender.delete.warning"))); buf.append("</p><br>"); buf.append(I18N.getMsgColon("msg.common.persons")); buf.append("<br><ul>"); for (Person person : persons) { buf.append("<li>"); buf.append(person); buf.append("</li>\n"); } buf.append("</ul>"); warnings = true; } } else if (entity instanceof Chapter) { Chapter chapter = (Chapter) entity; ChapterDAOImpl dao = new ChapterDAOImpl(session); List<Scene> scenes = dao.findScenes(chapter); if (!scenes.isEmpty()) { buf.append("<p style='margin-top:10px'>"); buf.append(HtmlUtil.getWarning(I18N.getMsg("msg.warning.chapter.has.assigned.scenes"))); buf.append("</p><br>"); buf.append(I18N.getMsgColon("msg.common.scenes")); buf.append("<br><ul>"); for (Scene scene : scenes) { buf.append("<li>"); buf.append(scene); buf.append("</li>\n"); } buf.append("</ul>"); warnings = true; } } else if (entity instanceof Scene) { Scene scene = (Scene) entity; SceneDAOImpl dao = new SceneDAOImpl(session); List<Scene> scenes = dao.findScenesWithRelativeSceneId(scene); if (!scenes.isEmpty()) { buf.append("<p style='padding-top:10px'>"); buf.append(HtmlUtil.getWarning(I18N.getMsg("msg.relativedate.delete.warning"))); buf.append("</p><br>"); buf.append(I18N.getMsgColon("msg.common.scenes")); buf.append("<br><ul>"); for (Scene scene2 : scenes) { buf.append("<li>"); buf.append(scene2); buf.append("</li>\n"); } buf.append("</ul>"); warnings = true; } } else if (entity instanceof Part) { Part part = (Part) entity; PartDAOImpl dao = new PartDAOImpl(session); List<Chapter> chapters = dao.findChapters(part); if (!chapters.isEmpty()) { buf.append("<p style='padding-top:10px'>"); buf.append(HtmlUtil.getWarning(I18N.getMsg(""))); buf.append("</p><br>"); buf.append(I18N.getMsgColon("msg.common.chapters")); buf.append("<br><ul>"); for (Chapter chapter : chapters) { buf.append("<li>"); buf.append(chapter); buf.append("</li>\n"); } buf.append("</ul>"); warnings = true; } } else if (entity instanceof Strand) { Strand strand = (Strand) entity; StrandDAOImpl dao = new StrandDAOImpl(session); List<Scene> scenes = dao.findScenes(strand); if (!scenes.isEmpty()) { buf.append("<p style='padding-top:10px'>"); buf.append(HtmlUtil.getWarning(I18N.getMsg("msg.dlg.mng.strands.delete.warning"))); buf.append("</p><br>"); buf.append(I18N.getMsgColon("msg.common.scenes")); buf.append("<br><ul>"); for (Scene scene : scenes) { buf.append("<li>"); buf.append(scene); buf.append("</li>\n"); } buf.append("</ul>"); warnings = true; } } else if (entity instanceof Tag) { Tag tag = (Tag) entity; TagLinkDAOImpl dao = new TagLinkDAOImpl(session); List<TagLink> links = dao.findByTag(tag); if (!links.isEmpty()) { buf.append("<p style='padding-top:10px'>"); buf.append(HtmlUtil.getWarning(I18N.getMsg("msg.tags.links.warning.delete.all"))); buf.append("</p><br>"); buf.append(I18N.getMsgColon("msg.tags.links")); buf.append("<br><ul>"); for (TagLink link : links) { buf.append("<li>"); buf.append(link); buf.append("</li>\n"); } buf.append("</ul>"); warnings = true; } } else if (entity instanceof Item) { Item item = (Item) entity; ItemLinkDAOImpl dao = new ItemLinkDAOImpl(session); List<ItemLink> links = dao.findByItem(item); if (!links.isEmpty()) { buf.append("<p style='padding-top:10px'>"); buf.append(HtmlUtil.getWarning(I18N.getMsg("msg.item.links.warning.delete.all"))); buf.append("</p><br>"); buf.append(I18N.getMsgColon("msg.item.assignments")); buf.append("<br><ul>"); for (ItemLink link : links) { buf.append("<li>"); buf.append(link); buf.append("</li>\n"); } buf.append("</ul>"); warnings = true; } } model.commit(); return warnings; } private static void addInfo(MainFrame mainFrame, AbstractEntity entity, StringBuffer buf, boolean truncate) { AbstractEntityHandler entityHandler = getEntityHandler(mainFrame, entity); Class<? extends AbstractEntity> clazz = entity.getClass(); for (SbColumn col : entityHandler.getColumns()) { String methodName = "get" + col.getMethodName(); if (methodName.equals("getId") || methodName.equals("getIcon")) { continue; } if (col.isHideOnInfo()) { continue; } buf.append("<p>"); buf.append(HtmlUtil.getBold(col.toString())); buf.append(": "); try { BookModel model = mainFrame.getBookModel(); Session session = model.beginTransaction(); session.refresh(entity); Method method = clazz.getMethod(methodName); Object ret = method.invoke(entity); if (ret != null) { String str = ""; if (ret instanceof Boolean) { str = ((Boolean) ret ? I18N.getMsg("msg.common.yes") : I18N.getMsg("")); } else if (ret instanceof List<?>) { List<?> list = (List<?>) ret; if (!list.isEmpty()) { StringBuilder buf2 = new StringBuilder(); buf2.append("<ul>"); for (Object o : list) { session.refresh(o); buf2.append("<li>"); buf2.append(o.toString()); buf2.append("</li>"); } buf2.append("</ul>"); str = buf2.toString(); } } else if (ret instanceof Color) { Color clr = (Color) ret; str = HtmlUtil.getColorSpan(clr); } else if (ret instanceof Date) { Date date = (Date) ret; DateFormat formatter; if (DateUtil.isZeroTimeDate(date)) { formatter = I18N.getLongDateFormatter(); date = DateUtil.getZeroTimeDate(date); } else if (entity instanceof TimeEvent) { formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(((TimeEvent) entity).getStepFormat()); } else { formatter = I18N.getDateTimeFormatter(); } str = formatter.format(date); } else { str = ret.toString(); if (methodName.endsWith("Notes") || methodName.endsWith("Description") || methodName.endsWith("Summary")) { str = HtmlUtil.getCleanHtml(str); } } if (truncate) { str = TextUtil.truncateString(HtmlUtil.htmlToText(str), 200); } buf.append(str); } model.commit(); } catch (HibernateException | NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException e) { System.err.println("EntityUtil.addInfo(mainFrame, entity) Exception : " + e.getMessage()); } buf.append("</p>\n"); } } public static AbstractEntity get(MainFrame mainFrame, Class<? extends AbstractEntity> c, Long entityId) { BookModel model = mainFrame.getBookModel(); Session session = model.beginTransaction(); AbstractEntity entity = (AbstractEntity) session.get(c, entityId); model.commit(); return entity; } public static void refresh(MainFrame mainFrame, AbstractEntity entity) { BookModel model = mainFrame.getBookModel(); Session session = model.beginTransaction(); session.refresh(entity); model.commit(); } public static AbstractEntityHandler getEntityHandler(MainFrame mainFrame, Object obj, Method method, AbstractEntity entity) { if (obj instanceof Scene || method.getReturnType() == Scene.class) { return new SceneEntityHandler(mainFrame); } if (obj instanceof Chapter || method.getReturnType() == Chapter.class) { return new ChapterEntityHandler(mainFrame); } if (obj instanceof Gender || method.getReturnType() == Gender.class) { return new GenderEntityHandler(mainFrame); } if (obj instanceof Part || method.getReturnType() == Part.class) { return new PartEntityHandler(mainFrame); } if (obj instanceof Category || method.getReturnType() == Category.class) { return new CategoryEntityHandler(mainFrame); } if (obj instanceof Strand || method.getReturnType() == Strand.class) { return new StrandEntityHandler(mainFrame); } if (obj instanceof Person || method.getReturnType() == Person.class) { return new PersonEntityHandler(mainFrame); } if (obj instanceof Relationship || method.getReturnType() == Relationship.class) { return new RelationshipEntityHandler(mainFrame); } if (obj instanceof Location || method.getReturnType() == Location.class) { return new LocationEntityHandler(mainFrame); } if (obj instanceof Tag || method.getReturnType() == Tag.class) { return new TagEntityHandler(mainFrame); } if (obj instanceof Item || method.getReturnType() == Item.class) { return new ItemEntityHandler(mainFrame); } if (obj instanceof TagLink || method.getReturnType() == TagLink.class) { return new TagLinkEntityHandler(mainFrame); } if (obj instanceof ItemLink || method.getReturnType() == ItemLink.class) { return new ItemLinkEntityHandler(mainFrame); } if (obj instanceof Internal || method.getReturnType() == Internal.class) { return new InternalEntityHandler(mainFrame); } if (obj instanceof TimeEvent || method.getReturnType() == TimeEvent.class) { return new TimeEventEntityHandler(mainFrame); } if ((obj != null && obj instanceof Integer) || method.getReturnType() == Integer.class) { if (method.getName().contains("RelativeScene")) { return new SceneEntityHandler(mainFrame); } } if ((obj != null && obj instanceof List) || method.getReturnType() == List.class) { if (method.getName().endsWith("Persons")) { return new PersonEntityHandler(mainFrame); } if (method.getName().endsWith("Items")) { return new ItemEntityHandler(mainFrame); } if (method.getName().endsWith("Locations")) { return new LocationEntityHandler(mainFrame); } if (method.getName().endsWith("Strands")) { return new StrandEntityHandler(mainFrame); } } if ((obj != null && obj instanceof String) || method.getReturnType() == String.class) { if (method.getName().endsWith("City") || method.getName().endsWith("Country")) { return new LocationEntityHandler(mainFrame); } if (method.getName().endsWith("Category")) { if (entity instanceof Tag) { return new TagEntityHandler(mainFrame); } if (entity instanceof Item) { return new ItemEntityHandler(mainFrame); } if (entity instanceof Idea) { return new IdeaEntityHandler(mainFrame); } if (entity instanceof TimeEvent) { return new TimeEventEntityHandler(mainFrame); } } } return null; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static void fillAutoCombo(MainFrame mainFrame, AutoCompleteComboBox autoCombo, AbstractEntityHandler entityHandler, String text, String methodName) { try { JComboBox combo = autoCombo.getJComboBox(); combo.removeAllItems(); BookModel model = mainFrame.getBookModel(); Session session = model.beginTransaction(); SbGenericDAOImpl<?, ?> dao = entityHandler.createDAO(); dao.setSession(session); Method m = dao.getClass().getMethod(methodName, (Class<?>[]) null); List<Object> items = (List<Object>) m.invoke(dao); model.commit(); for (Object item : items) { if (item == null || ((item instanceof String) && (((String) item).isEmpty()))) { continue; } combo.addItem(item); } combo.addItem(""); combo.getModel().setSelectedItem(text); combo.revalidate(); } catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException e) { SbApp.error("EntityUtil.copyEntityProperties()", e); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static void fillEntityCombo(MainFrame mainFrame, JComboBox combo, AbstractEntityHandler entityHandler, AbstractEntity entity, boolean isNew, boolean addEmptyItem) { combo.removeAllItems(); ListCellRenderer renderer = entityHandler.getListCellRenderer(); if (renderer != null) { combo.setRenderer(renderer); } int i = 0; if (addEmptyItem) { ++i; combo.addItem(""); } BookModel model = mainFrame.getBookModel(); Session session = model.beginTransaction(); SbGenericDAOImpl<?, ?> dao = entityHandler.createDAO(); dao.setSession(session); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<AbstractEntity> entities = (List<AbstractEntity>) dao.findAll(); for (AbstractEntity entity2 : entities) { session.refresh(entity2); combo.addItem(entity2); if (entity != null) { if (entity.getId().equals(entity2.getId())) // don't use combo.setSelectedItem(entity) here // leads to a "no session" exception for tag links { combo.setSelectedIndex(i); } } ++i; } combo.revalidate(); model.commit(); } public static JPanel getEntityTitlePanel(AbstractEntity entity) { // GradientPanel panel = new // GradientPanel(GradientPanel.DIAGONAL_RIGHT); // panel.setForeground(new Color(0x6495ED)); // panel.setBackground(new Color(255, 255, 255, 0)); // panel.setLayout(new MigLayout("flowx,ins 2")); // panel.add(getEntityIconLabel(entity)); // panel.add(getEntityTitleLabel(entity)); JPanel panel = new JPanel(new MigLayout("flowx,ins 2")); panel.setOpaque(false); panel.add(getEntityIconLabel(entity)); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("<html>\n").append(getEntityFullTitle(entity)).append("\n"); panel.add(new JLabel(buf.toString())); return panel; } public static String getEntityFullTitle(AbstractEntity entity) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("<span ").append(getCSSTitle1()).append(">\n").append(getEntityTitle(entity)) .append("</span>\n"); if (!entity.isTransient()) { buf.append(" ").append("<span ").append(getCSSTitle2()).append("/>\n") .append(entity.toString()).append("</span>"); } return buf.toString(); } public static JLabel getEntityIconLabel(AbstractEntity entity) { return new JLabel(getEntityIcon(entity)); } public static Icon getEntityIcon(AbstractEntity entity) { if (entity instanceof Scene) { return I18N.getIcon("icon.small.scene"); } if (entity instanceof Chapter) { return I18N.getIcon("icon.small.chapter"); } if (entity instanceof Part) { return I18N.getIcon("icon.small.part"); } if (entity instanceof Location) { return I18N.getIcon("icon.small.location"); } if (entity instanceof Person) { if (entity.isTransient()) { return I18N.getIcon("icon.small.person"); } return ((Person) entity).getIcon(); } if (entity instanceof Relationship) { return I18N.getIcon("icon.small.relationship"); } if (entity instanceof Gender) { return I18N.getIcon("icon.small.gender"); } if (entity instanceof Category) { return I18N.getIcon("icon.small.category"); } if (entity instanceof Strand) { return I18N.getIcon("icon.small.strand"); } if (entity instanceof Idea) { return I18N.getIcon("icon.small.idea"); } if (entity instanceof Tag) { return I18N.getIcon("icon.small.tag"); } if (entity instanceof Item) { return I18N.getIcon("icon.small.item"); } if (entity instanceof TagLink) { return I18N.getIcon(""); } if (entity instanceof ItemLink) { return I18N.getIcon(""); } if (entity instanceof Internal) { return I18N.getIcon("icon.small.hammer"); } return new ImageIcon(); } private static String getCSSTitle1() { return getCSSTitle1(""); } private static String getCSSTitle1(String styles) { return "style='font-weight:bold;font-size:12px;" + styles + "'"; } private static String getCSSTitle2() { return getCSSTitle2(""); } private static String getCSSTitle2(String styles) { return "style='font-weight:bold;font-size:10px;" + styles + "'"; } public static String getEntityTitle(AbstractEntity entity) { return getEntityTitle(entity, null); } public static String getEntityTitle(AbstractEntity entity, Boolean setIsTransient) { boolean isTransient = entity.isTransient(); if (setIsTransient != null) { isTransient = setIsTransient; } if (entity instanceof Scene) { if (isTransient) { return I18N.getMsg("msg.common.scene.add"); } return I18N.getMsg("msg.common.scene"); } if (entity instanceof Chapter) { if (isTransient) { return I18N.getMsg("msg.common.chapter.add"); } return I18N.getMsg("msg.common.chapter"); } if (entity instanceof Part) { if (isTransient) { return I18N.getMsg(""); } return I18N.getMsg("msg.common.part"); } if (entity instanceof Location) { if (isTransient) { return I18N.getMsg(""); } return I18N.getMsg("msg.common.location"); } if (entity instanceof Person) { if (isTransient) { return I18N.getMsg(""); } return I18N.getMsg("msg.common.person"); } if (entity instanceof Relationship) { if (isTransient) { return I18N.getMsg(""); } return I18N.getMsg("msg.relationship"); } if (entity instanceof Gender) { if (isTransient) { return I18N.getMsg(""); } return I18N.getMsg("msg.dlg.person.gender"); } if (entity instanceof Category) { if (isTransient) { return I18N.getMsg("msg.persons.category"); } return I18N.getMsg("msg.common.category"); } if (entity instanceof Strand) { if (isTransient) { return I18N.getMsg(""); } return I18N.getMsg("msg.common.strand"); } if (entity instanceof Idea) { if (isTransient) { return I18N.getMsg(""); } return I18N.getMsg("msg.idea.table.idea"); } if (entity instanceof Tag) { if (isTransient) { return I18N.getMsg(""); } return I18N.getMsg("msg.tag"); } if (entity instanceof Item) { if (isTransient) { return I18N.getMsg(""); } return I18N.getMsg("msg.item"); } if (entity instanceof TagLink) { if (isTransient) { return I18N.getMsg(""); } return I18N.getMsg(""); } if (entity instanceof ItemLink) { if (isTransient) { return I18N.getMsg(""); } return I18N.getMsg(""); } if (entity instanceof Internal) { if (isTransient) { return "New Internal"; } return I18N.getMsg("msg.internal"); } return ""; } }