Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package Store; /** * * @author AnonymousHacker */ /********************************************************************************************************************** * # COPYRIGHT (C) 2014 AFRICASTALKING LTD <> * ********************************************************************************************************************** *AFRICAStALKING SMS GATEWAY CLASS IS A FREE SOFTWARE IE. CAN BE MODIFIED AND/OR REDISTRIBUTED * *UNDER THER TERMS OF GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENCES AS PUBLISHED BY THE * *FREE SOFTWARE FOUNDATION VERSION 3 OR ANY LATER VERSION * ********************************************************************************************************************** *THE CLASS IS DISTRIBUTED ON 'AS IS' BASIS WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO * *THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * *IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, * *WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE * *OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * **********************************************************************************************************************/ import*; import*; import java.util.*; import javax.swing.RowFilter; import org.json.*; public class AfricasTalkingGateway { private String _username; private String _apiKey; private int responseCode; private static final String SMSURLString = ""; private static final String VOICEURLString = ""; private static final String SUBSCRIPTION_URL = ""; private static final String USERDATAURLString = ""; private static final String AIRTIMEURLString = ""; private static final int HTTP_CODE_OK = 200; private static final int HTTP_CODE_CREATED = 201; //Change debug flag to true to view raw server response private static final boolean DEBUG = false; public AfricasTalkingGateway(String username_, String apiKey_) { _username = username_; _apiKey = apiKey_; } //Bulk messages methods public JSONArray sendMessage(String to_, String message_) throws Exception { HashMap<String, String> data = new HashMap<String, String>(); data.put("username", _username); data.put("to", to_); data.put("message", message_); return sendMessageImpro(to_, message_, data); } public JSONArray sendMessage(String to_, String message_, String from_, int bulkSMSMode_) throws Exception { HashMap<String, String> data = new HashMap<String, String>(); data.put("username", _username); data.put("to", to_); data.put("message", message_); if (from_.length() > 0) data.put("from", from_); data.put("bulkSMSMode", Integer.toString(bulkSMSMode_)); return sendMessageImpro(to_, message_, data); } public JSONArray sendMessage(String to_, String message_, String from_, int bulkSMSMode_, HashMap<String, String> options_) throws Exception { HashMap<String, String> data = new HashMap<String, String>(); data.put("username", _username); data.put("to", to_); data.put("message", message_); if (from_.length() > 0) data.put("from", from_); data.put("bulkSMSMode", Integer.toString(bulkSMSMode_)); if (options_.containsKey("enqueue")) data.put("enqueue", options_.get("enqueue")); if (options_.containsKey("keyword")) data.put("keyword", options_.get("keyword")); if (options_.containsKey("linkId")) data.put("linkId", options_.get("linkId")); if (options_.containsKey("retryDurationInHours")) data.put("retryDurationInHours", options_.get("retryDurationInHours")); return sendMessageImpro(to_, message_, data); } public JSONArray fetchMessages(int lastReceivedId_) throws Exception { String requestUrl = SMSURLString + "?" + URLEncoder.encode("username", "UTF-8") + "=" + URLEncoder.encode(_username, "UTF-8") + "&" + URLEncoder.encode("lastReceivedId", "UTF-8") + "=" + URLEncoder.encode(Integer.toString(lastReceivedId_), "UTF-8"); String response = sendGETRequest(requestUrl); if (responseCode == HTTP_CODE_OK) { JSONObject jsObject = new JSONObject(response); return jsObject.getJSONObject("SMSMessageData").getJSONArray("Messages"); } throw new Exception(response.toString()); } //Subcscription methods public JSONObject createSubscription(String phoneNumber_, String shortCode_, String keyword_) throws Exception { if (phoneNumber_.length() == 0 || shortCode_.length() == 0 || keyword_.length() == 0) throw new Exception("Please supply phoneNumber, shortCode and keyword"); HashMap<String, String> data_ = new HashMap<String, String>(); data_.put("username", _username); data_.put("phoneNumber", phoneNumber_); data_.put("shortCode", shortCode_); data_.put("keyword", keyword_); String requestUrl = SUBSCRIPTION_URL + "/create"; String response = sendPOSTRequest(data_, requestUrl); if (responseCode != HTTP_CODE_CREATED) throw new Exception(response.toString()); JSONObject jsObject = new JSONObject(response); return jsObject; } public JSONObject deleteSubscription(String phoneNumber_, String shortCode_, String keyword_) throws Exception { if (phoneNumber_.length() == 0 || shortCode_.length() == 0 || keyword_.length() == 0) throw new Exception("Please supply phone number, short code and keyword"); HashMap<String, String> data_ = new HashMap<String, String>(); data_.put("username", _username); data_.put("phoneNumber", phoneNumber_); data_.put("shortCode", shortCode_); data_.put("keyword", keyword_); String requestUrl = SUBSCRIPTION_URL + "/delete"; String response = sendPOSTRequest(data_, requestUrl); if (responseCode != HTTP_CODE_CREATED) throw new Exception(response.toString()); JSONObject jsObject = new JSONObject(response); return jsObject; } public JSONArray fetchPremiumSubscriptions(String shortCode_, String keyword_, int lastReceivedId_) throws Exception { if (shortCode_.length() == 0 || keyword_.length() == 0) throw new Exception("Please supply short code and keyword"); lastReceivedId_ = lastReceivedId_ > 0 ? lastReceivedId_ : 0; String requestUrl = SUBSCRIPTION_URL + "?username=" + _username + "&shortCode=" + shortCode_ + "&keyword=" + keyword_ + "&lastReceivedId=" + lastReceivedId_; String response = sendGETRequest(requestUrl); if (responseCode == HTTP_CODE_OK) { JSONObject jsObject = new JSONObject(response); return jsObject.getJSONArray("responses"); } throw new Exception(response.toString()); } public void call(String from_, String to_) throws Exception { HashMap<String, String> data = new HashMap<String, String>(); data.put("username", _username); data.put("from", from_); data.put("to", to_); String urlString = VOICEURLString + "/call"; String response = sendPOSTRequest(data, urlString); JSONObject jsObject = new JSONObject(response); if (!jsObject.getString("Status").equals("Success")) throw new Exception(jsObject.getString("ErrorMessage")); } //Call methods public int getNumQueuedCalls(String phoneNumber, String queueName) throws Exception { HashMap<String, String> data = new HashMap<String, String>(); data.put("username", _username); data.put("phoneNumber", phoneNumber); data.put("queueName", queueName); return queuedCalls(data); } public int getNumQueuedCalls(String phoneNumber) throws Exception { HashMap<String, String> data = new HashMap<String, String>(); data.put("username", _username); data.put("phoneNumbers", phoneNumber); return queuedCalls(data); } public void uploadMediaFile(String url_) throws Exception { HashMap<String, String> data = new HashMap<String, String>(); data.put("username", _username); data.put("url", url_); String requestUrl = VOICEURLString + "/mediaUpload"; String response = sendPOSTRequest(data, requestUrl); JSONObject jsObject = new JSONObject(response); if (!jsObject.getString("Status").equals("Success")) throw new Exception(jsObject.getString("ErrorMessage")); } //Airtime methods public JSONArray sendAirtime(String recipients_) throws Exception { HashMap<String, String> data_ = new HashMap<String, String>(); data_.put("username", _username); data_.put("recipients", recipients_); String urlString = AIRTIMEURLString + "/send"; String response = sendPOSTRequest(data_, urlString); if (responseCode == HTTP_CODE_CREATED) { JSONObject jsObject = new JSONObject(response); JSONArray results = jsObject.getJSONArray("responses"); if (results.length() > 0) return results; throw new Exception(jsObject.getString("errorMessage")); } throw new Exception(response); } //User data method public JSONObject getUserData() throws Exception { String requestUrl = USERDATAURLString + "?username=" + _username; String response = sendGETRequest(requestUrl); if (responseCode == HTTP_CODE_OK) { JSONObject jsObject = new JSONObject(response); return jsObject.getJSONObject("UserData"); } throw new Exception(response); } private JSONArray sendMessageImpro(String to_, String message_, HashMap<String, String> data_) throws Exception { String response = sendPOSTRequest(data_, SMSURLString); if (responseCode == HTTP_CODE_CREATED) { JSONObject jsObject = new JSONObject(response); JSONArray recipients = jsObject.getJSONObject("SMSMessageData").getJSONArray("Recipients"); return recipients; } throw new Exception(response); } //Private accessor methods private int queuedCalls(HashMap<String, String> data_) throws Exception { String requestUrl = VOICEURLString + "/queueStatus"; String response = sendPOSTRequest(data_, requestUrl); JSONObject jsObject = new JSONObject(response); if (jsObject.getString("Status").equals("Success")) return jsObject.getInt("NumQueued"); throw new Exception(jsObject.getString("ErrorMessage")); } private String sendPOSTRequest(HashMap<String, String> dataMap_, String urlString_) throws Exception { try { String data = new String(); Iterator<Map.Entry<String, String>> it = dataMap_.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<String, String> pairs = (Map.Entry<String, String>); data += URLEncoder.encode(pairs.getKey().toString(), "UTF-8"); data += "=" + URLEncoder.encode(pairs.getValue().toString(), "UTF-8"); if (it.hasNext()) data += "&"; } URL url = new URL(urlString_); URLConnection conn = url.openConnection(); conn.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json"); conn.setRequestProperty("apikey", _apiKey); conn.setDoOutput(true); OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(conn.getOutputStream()); writer.write(data); writer.flush(); HttpURLConnection http_conn = (HttpURLConnection) conn; responseCode = http_conn.getResponseCode(); BufferedReader reader; if (responseCode == HTTP_CODE_OK || responseCode == HTTP_CODE_CREATED) reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(http_conn.getInputStream())); else reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(http_conn.getErrorStream())); String response = reader.readLine(); if (DEBUG) System.out.println(response); reader.close(); return response; } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } } private String sendGETRequest(String urlString) throws Exception { try { URL url = new URL(urlString); URLConnection connection = (URLConnection) url.openConnection(); connection.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json"); connection.setRequestProperty("apikey", _apiKey); HttpURLConnection http_conn = (HttpURLConnection) connection; responseCode = http_conn.getResponseCode(); BufferedReader reader; if (responseCode == HTTP_CODE_OK || responseCode == HTTP_CODE_CREATED) reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(http_conn.getInputStream())); else reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(http_conn.getErrorStream())); String response = reader.readLine(); if (DEBUG) System.out.println(response); reader.close(); return response; } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } } }