Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2015 SteveKunG - More Planets Mod * * This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License. * To view a copy of this license, visit ******************************************************************************/ package stevekung.mods.moreplanets.core.handler; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.block.material.Material; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.ActiveRenderInfo; import net.minecraft.client.settings.GameSettings; import net.minecraft.enchantment.EnchantmentHelper; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.potion.Potion; import net.minecraft.util.MathHelper; import net.minecraft.util.Vec3; import; import; import net.minecraftforge.client.event.EntityViewRenderEvent; import net.minecraftforge.client.event.EntityViewRenderEvent.FogColors; import net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeModContainer; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11; import cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; public class PlanetFogHandler { private static double fogX, fogZ; private static boolean fogInit; private static float fogFarPlaneDistance; @SubscribeEvent @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void onGetFogColour(FogColors event) { if (event.entity instanceof EntityPlayer) { EntityPlayer player = (EntityPlayer) event.entity; World world = player.worldObj; int x = MathHelper.floor_double(player.posX); int y = MathHelper.floor_double(player.posY); int z = MathHelper.floor_double(player.posZ); Block blockAtEyes = ActiveRenderInfo.getBlockAtEntityViewpoint(world, event.entity, (float) event.renderPartialTicks); if (blockAtEyes.getMaterial() == Material.lava) { return; } Vec3 mixedColor; if (blockAtEyes.getMaterial() == Material.water) { mixedColor = getFogBlendColorWater(world, player, x, y, z, event.renderPartialTicks); } else { mixedColor = getFogBlendColour(world, player, x, y, z,,,, event.renderPartialTicks); } = (float) mixedColor.xCoord; = (float) mixedColor.yCoord; = (float) mixedColor.zCoord; } } @SubscribeEvent @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void onRenderFog(EntityViewRenderEvent.RenderFogEvent event) { Entity entity = event.entity; World world = entity.worldObj; int playerX = MathHelper.floor_double(entity.posX); int playerY = MathHelper.floor_double(entity.posY); int playerZ = MathHelper.floor_double(entity.posZ); if (playerX == fogX && playerZ == fogZ && fogInit) { renderFog(event.fogMode, fogFarPlaneDistance, 0.75f); return; } fogInit = true; int distance = 20; float fpDistanceBiomeFog = 0F; float weightBiomeFog = 0; for (int x = -distance; x <= distance; ++x) { for (int z = -distance; z <= distance; ++z) { BiomeGenBase biome = world.getBiomeGenForCoords(playerX + x, playerZ + z); if (biome instanceof IPlanetFog) { float distancePart = ((IPlanetFog) biome).getFogDensity(playerX + x, playerY, playerZ + z); float weightPart = 1; if (x == -distance) { double xDiff = 1 - (entity.posX - playerX); distancePart *= xDiff; weightPart *= xDiff; } else if (x == distance) { double xDiff = entity.posX - playerX; distancePart *= xDiff; weightPart *= xDiff; } if (z == -distance) { double zDiff = 1 - (entity.posZ - playerZ); distancePart *= zDiff; weightPart *= zDiff; } else if (z == distance) { double zDiff = entity.posZ - playerZ; distancePart *= zDiff; weightPart *= zDiff; } fpDistanceBiomeFog += distancePart; weightBiomeFog += weightPart; } } } float weightMixed = distance * 2 * distance * 2; float weightDefault = weightMixed - weightBiomeFog; float fpDistanceBiomeFogAvg = weightBiomeFog == 0 ? 0 : fpDistanceBiomeFog / weightBiomeFog; float farPlaneDistance = (fpDistanceBiomeFog * 240 + event.farPlaneDistance * weightDefault) / weightMixed; float farPlaneDistanceScaleBiome = 0.1f * (1 - fpDistanceBiomeFogAvg) + 0.75f * fpDistanceBiomeFogAvg; float farPlaneDistanceScale = (farPlaneDistanceScaleBiome * weightBiomeFog + 0.75f * weightDefault) / weightMixed; fogX = entity.posX; fogZ = entity.posZ; fogFarPlaneDistance = Math.min(farPlaneDistance, event.farPlaneDistance); renderFog(event.fogMode, fogFarPlaneDistance, farPlaneDistanceScale); } private static void renderFog(int fogMode, float farPlaneDistance, float farPlaneDistanceScale) { if (fogMode < 0) { GL11.glFogf(GL11.GL_FOG_START, 0.0F); GL11.glFogf(GL11.GL_FOG_END, farPlaneDistance); } else { GL11.glFogf(GL11.GL_FOG_START, farPlaneDistance * farPlaneDistanceScale); GL11.glFogf(GL11.GL_FOG_END, farPlaneDistance); } } private static Vec3 postProcessColor(World world, EntityLivingBase player, float r, float g, float b, double renderPartialTicks) { double darkScale = (player.lastTickPosY + (player.posY - player.lastTickPosY) * renderPartialTicks) * world.provider.getVoidFogYFactor(); if (player.isPotionActive(Potion.blindness)) { int duration = player.getActivePotionEffect(Potion.blindness).getDuration(); darkScale *= duration < 20 ? 1 - duration / 20f : 0; } if (darkScale < 1) { darkScale = darkScale < 0 ? 0 : darkScale * darkScale; r *= darkScale; g *= darkScale; b *= darkScale; } if (player.isPotionActive(Potion.nightVision)) { int duration = player.getActivePotionEffect(Potion.nightVision).getDuration(); float brightness = duration > 200 ? 1 : 0.7f + MathHelper.sin((float) ((duration - renderPartialTicks) * Math.PI * 0.2f)) * 0.3f; float scale = 1 / r; scale = Math.min(scale, 1 / g); scale = Math.min(scale, 1 / b); r = r * (1 - brightness) + r * scale * brightness; g = g * (1 - brightness) + g * scale * brightness; b = b * (1 - brightness) + b * scale * brightness; } if (Minecraft.getMinecraft().gameSettings.anaglyph) { float aR = (r * 30 + g * 59 + b * 11) / 100; float aG = (r * 30 + g * 70) / 100; float aB = (r * 30 + b * 70) / 100; r = aR; g = aG; b = aB; } return Vec3.createVectorHelper(r, g, b); } private static Vec3 getFogBlendColorWater(World world, EntityLivingBase playerEntity, int playerX, int playerY, int playerZ, double renderPartialTicks) { int distance = 2; float rBiomeFog = 0; float gBiomeFog = 0; float bBiomeFog = 0; for (int x = -distance; x <= distance; ++x) { for (int z = -distance; z <= distance; ++z) { BiomeGenBase biome = world.getBiomeGenForCoords(playerX + x, playerZ + z); int waterColorMult = biome.waterColorMultiplier; float rPart = (waterColorMult & 0xFF0000) >> 16; float gPart = (waterColorMult & 0x00FF00) >> 8; float bPart = waterColorMult & 0x0000FF; if (x == -distance) { double xDiff = 1 - (playerEntity.posX - playerX); rPart *= xDiff; gPart *= xDiff; bPart *= xDiff; } else if (x == distance) { double xDiff = playerEntity.posX - playerX; rPart *= xDiff; gPart *= xDiff; bPart *= xDiff; } if (z == -distance) { double zDiff = 1 - (playerEntity.posZ - playerZ); rPart *= zDiff; gPart *= zDiff; bPart *= zDiff; } else if (z == distance) { double zDiff = playerEntity.posZ - playerZ; rPart *= zDiff; gPart *= zDiff; bPart *= zDiff; } rBiomeFog += rPart; gBiomeFog += gPart; bBiomeFog += bPart; } } rBiomeFog /= 255f; gBiomeFog /= 255f; bBiomeFog /= 255f; float weight = distance * 2 * distance * 2; float respirationLevel = EnchantmentHelper.getRespiration(playerEntity) * 0.2F; float rMixed = (rBiomeFog * 0.02f + respirationLevel) / weight; float gMixed = (gBiomeFog * 0.02f + respirationLevel) / weight; float bMixed = (bBiomeFog * 0.2f + respirationLevel) / weight; return postProcessColor(world, playerEntity, rMixed, gMixed, bMixed, renderPartialTicks); } private static Vec3 getFogBlendColour(World world, EntityLivingBase playerEntity, int playerX, int playerY, int playerZ, float defR, float defG, float defB, double renderPartialTicks) { GameSettings settings = Minecraft.getMinecraft().gameSettings; int[] ranges = ForgeModContainer.blendRanges; int distance = 6; if (settings.fancyGraphics && settings.renderDistanceChunks >= 0 && settings.renderDistanceChunks < ranges.length) { distance = ranges[settings.renderDistanceChunks]; } float rBiomeFog = 0; float gBiomeFog = 0; float bBiomeFog = 0; float weightBiomeFog = 0; for (int x = -distance; x <= distance; ++x) { for (int z = -distance; z <= distance; ++z) { BiomeGenBase biome = world.getBiomeGenForCoords(playerX + x, playerZ + z); if (biome instanceof IPlanetFog) { IPlanetFog biomeFog = (IPlanetFog) biome; int fogColour = biomeFog.getFogColor(playerX + x, playerY, playerZ + z); float rPart = (fogColour & 0xFF0000) >> 16; float gPart = (fogColour & 0x00FF00) >> 8; float bPart = fogColour & 0x0000FF; float weightPart = 1; if (x == -distance) { double xDiff = 1 - (playerEntity.posX - playerX); rPart *= xDiff; gPart *= xDiff; bPart *= xDiff; weightPart *= xDiff; } else if (x == distance) { double xDiff = playerEntity.posX - playerX; rPart *= xDiff; gPart *= xDiff; bPart *= xDiff; weightPart *= xDiff; } if (z == -distance) { double zDiff = 1 - (playerEntity.posZ - playerZ); rPart *= zDiff; gPart *= zDiff; bPart *= zDiff; weightPart *= zDiff; } else if (z == distance) { double zDiff = playerEntity.posZ - playerZ; rPart *= zDiff; gPart *= zDiff; bPart *= zDiff; weightPart *= zDiff; } rBiomeFog += rPart; gBiomeFog += gPart; bBiomeFog += bPart; weightBiomeFog += weightPart; } } } if (weightBiomeFog == 0 || distance == 0) { return Vec3.createVectorHelper(defR, defG, defB); } rBiomeFog /= 255f; gBiomeFog /= 255f; bBiomeFog /= 255f; // Calculate day / night / weather scale for BiomeFog component float celestialAngle = world.getCelestialAngle((float) renderPartialTicks); float baseScale = MathHelper .clamp_float(MathHelper.cos(celestialAngle * (float) Math.PI * 2.0F) * 2.0F + 0.5F, 0, 1); float rScale = baseScale * 0.94F + 0.06F; float gScale = baseScale * 0.94F + 0.06F; float bScale = baseScale * 0.91F + 0.09F; float rainStrength = world.getRainStrength((float) renderPartialTicks); if (rainStrength > 0) { rScale *= 1 - rainStrength * 0.5f; gScale *= 1 - rainStrength * 0.5f; bScale *= 1 - rainStrength * 0.4f; } float thunderStrength = world.getWeightedThunderStrength((float) renderPartialTicks); if (thunderStrength > 0) { rScale *= 1 - thunderStrength * 0.5f; gScale *= 1 - thunderStrength * 0.5f; bScale *= 1 - thunderStrength * 0.5f; } // Apply post-processing to BiomeFog component. Default color was already processed by Vanilla. rBiomeFog *= rScale / weightBiomeFog; gBiomeFog *= gScale / weightBiomeFog; bBiomeFog *= bScale / weightBiomeFog; Vec3 processedColor = postProcessColor(world, playerEntity, rBiomeFog, gBiomeFog, bBiomeFog, renderPartialTicks); rBiomeFog = (float) processedColor.xCoord; gBiomeFog = (float) processedColor.yCoord; bBiomeFog = (float) processedColor.zCoord; // Mix default fog component with BiomeFog component float weightMixed = distance * 2 * distance * 2; float weightDefault = weightMixed - weightBiomeFog; processedColor.xCoord = (rBiomeFog * weightBiomeFog + defR * weightDefault) / weightMixed; processedColor.yCoord = (gBiomeFog * weightBiomeFog + defG * weightDefault) / weightMixed; processedColor.zCoord = (bBiomeFog * weightBiomeFog + defB * weightDefault) / weightMixed; return processedColor; } }