Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2015-2016 Robin Steel * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package steps.squash; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static; import steps.argumenttransforms.StepArgumentTransforms; import steps.hooks.Booking; import steps.hooks.BookingSet; import; import; import; import; import cucumber.api.Scenario; import; import cucumber.api.java8.En; import java.time.LocalDate; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; /** * Steps related to bookings. * * @author (Robin Steel) */ public class BookingSteps implements En { private CourtAndTimeSlotChooserPage courtAndTimeSlotChooserPage; private ErrorPage errorPage; private CourtReservationPage courtReservationPage; private BookingSet bookingsPotentiallyMadeDuringScenario; private Scenario scenario; @Before public void before(Scenario scenario) { // Can use the Scenario object to output text and/or images to the html // report this.scenario = scenario; } public BookingSteps(CourtAndTimeSlotChooserPage courtAndTimeSlotChooserPage, ErrorPage errorPage, CourtReservationPage courtReservationPage, BookingSet bookings) { this.courtAndTimeSlotChooserPage = courtAndTimeSlotChooserPage; this.errorPage = errorPage; this.courtReservationPage = courtReservationPage; bookingsPotentiallyMadeDuringScenario = bookings; Then("^court start times should be every (\\d{2}) minutes between (\\d{1,2}(?::\\d{2})? (?:AM|PM)) and (\\d{1,2}(?::\\d{2})? (?:AM|PM)) inclusive$", (String intervalMinutes, String tFirstS, String tLastS) -> { java.time.LocalTime tFirst = new StepArgumentTransforms.LocalTimeConverter().transform(tFirstS); java.time.LocalTime tLast = new StepArgumentTransforms.LocalTimeConverter().transform(tLastS); assertTrue("Expect bookings page to be loaded before calling this method", this.courtAndTimeSlotChooserPage.isLoaded()); List<java.time.LocalTime> startTimes = this.courtAndTimeSlotChooserPage .getAllPossibleBookingStartTimes(); // Check first start time assertTrue("Expected first start time to be at " + tFirst.toString() + " but got: " + startTimes.get(0), startTimes.get(0).toString().equals(tFirst.toString())); // Check each subsequent start time is <intervalMinutes> later Iterator<java.time.LocalTime> it = startTimes.iterator(); java.time.LocalTime previousTime =; while (it.hasNext()) { java.time.LocalTime currentTime =; assertTrue( "Court start times should be " + intervalMinutes + " minutes apart. Previous time: " + previousTime.toString() + " Next time: " + currentTime.toString(), previousTime.plusMinutes(Integer.parseInt(intervalMinutes)).equals(currentTime)); previousTime = currentTime; } // Check last start time assertTrue( "Expected last start time to be at " + tLast.toString() + " but got: " + startTimes.get(startTimes.size() - 1), startTimes.get(startTimes.size() - 1).toString().equals(tLast.toString())); }); Given("^I have viewed bookings for today$", () -> { viewBookingsForDate(; }); When("^I view bookings for today$", () -> { viewBookingsForDate(; }); When("^I attempt to view bookings for the (earliest|most future) date$", (String earliestOrLatest) -> { List<LocalDate> bookingDates = this.courtAndTimeSlotChooserPage.getAllPossibleBookingDates(); viewBookingsForDate(earliestOrLatest.equals("earliest") ? bookingDates.get(0) : bookingDates.get(bookingDates.size() - 1)); }); When("^I attempt to view bookings for a date (\\d+) days in the future$", (Integer daysAhead) -> { viewBookingsForDate(; }); When("^I attempt to view bookings for a date (\\d+) day(?:s)? in the past$", (Integer daysAgo) -> { viewBookingsForDate(; }); When("^I (attempt to |)book court (\\d) at (\\d{1,2}:\\d{1,2} (?:AM|PM)) today using password (.*)$", (String attemptOrNot, Integer court, String timeS, String password) -> { java.time.LocalTime time = new StepArgumentTransforms.LocalTimeConverter().transform(timeS); attemptToBookCourt(court, time,, "A.Shabana/J.Power", password, attemptOrNot.equals("attempt to ") ? false : true); }); When("^I (attempt to |)book court (\\d) at (\\d{1,2}:\\d{1,2} (?:AM|PM)) today for (.*)$", (String attemptOrNot, Integer court, String timeS, String name) -> { java.time.LocalTime time = new StepArgumentTransforms.LocalTimeConverter().transform(timeS); attemptToBookCourt(court, time,, name, "pAssw0rd", attemptOrNot.equals("attempt to ") ? false : true); }); Given("^I have booked court (\\d) at (\\d{1,2}:\\d{1,2} (?:AM|PM)) today$", (Integer court, String timeS) -> { java.time.LocalTime time = new StepArgumentTransforms.LocalTimeConverter().transform(timeS); attemptToBookCourt(court, time,, "A.Shabana/J.Power", "pAssw0rd", true); }); When("^I book court (\\d) at (\\d{1,2}:\\d{1,2} (?:AM|PM))( today|)$", (Integer court, String timeS, String todayOrNot) -> { java.time.LocalTime time = new StepArgumentTransforms.LocalTimeConverter().transform(timeS); attemptToBookCourt(court, time, todayOrNot.equals(" today") ? : this.courtAndTimeSlotChooserPage.getDate(), "A.Shabana/J.Power", "pAssw0rd", true); }); Then("^court (\\d) (should(?:| not)?) be booked at (\\d{1,2}:\\d{1,2} (?:AM|PM))( today|)$", (Integer court, String shouldOrNot, String timeS, String todayOrNot) -> { java.time.LocalTime time = new StepArgumentTransforms.LocalTimeConverter().transform(timeS); assertCourtBooked(court, time, todayOrNot.equals(" today") ? : this.courtAndTimeSlotChooserPage.getDate(), shouldOrNot); }); Then("^there should be (\\d{1,2}) booked court(?:s)?(?: today)?$", (Integer numBookedCourts) -> { LocalDate date =; if (!this.courtAndTimeSlotChooserPage.getDate().equals(date)) { System.out.println("Dates unequal - so selecting date"); this.courtAndTimeSlotChooserPage.selectDate(date); } Multimap<Integer, java.time.LocalTime> bookedTimes = this.courtAndTimeSlotChooserPage .getBookedStartTimes(); assertTrue("Expected " + numBookedCourts.toString() + " booked courts, got " + bookedTimes.size() + " booked courts", (bookedTimes.size() == numBookedCourts)); }); Then("^I should be shown bookings for a date (\\d+) days in the future$", this::assertBookingsShownFor); Then("^I should be taken to the (squash booking page|error page)$", (String pageName) -> { // Assert the expected page is loaded if (pageName.equals("squash booking page")) { assertTrue("Squash booking page should be fully loaded", this.courtAndTimeSlotChooserPage.isLoaded()); } else { // HtmlUnit redirects immediately from the error page. String webDriverType = System.getProperty("WebDriverType"); if (!webDriverType.equals("HtmlUnit")) { assertTrue("Squash error page should be fully loaded", this.errorPage.isLoaded()); } } }); Then("^I should be shown bookings for today$", this::assertBookingsShownForToday); Then("^I should receive feedback that the booking details were invalid$", () -> { assertTrue("Expected to have received feedback that the booking details were invalid", this.courtReservationPage.hasReceivedFeedbackOnInvalidBookingDetails()); }); } private void assertBookingsShownFor(Integer daysAhead) { java.time.LocalDate expectedDate =; java.time.LocalDate actualDate = this.courtAndTimeSlotChooserPage.getDate(); assertTrue( "Expected displayed date to be " + expectedDate.toString() + " but got: " + actualDate.toString(), expectedDate.equals(actualDate)); } private void assertBookingsShownForToday() { assertBookingsShownFor(0); } private void viewBookingsForDate(java.time.LocalDate date) { assertTrue("Expect bookings page to be loaded before calling this method", this.courtAndTimeSlotChooserPage.isLoaded()); if (this.courtAndTimeSlotChooserPage.getDate().equals(date)) { return; } this.courtAndTimeSlotChooserPage.selectDate(date); } private void assertCourtBooked(Integer court, java.time.LocalTime time, java.time.LocalDate date, String shouldOrNot) { if (!this.courtAndTimeSlotChooserPage.isLoaded()) { this.courtAndTimeSlotChooserPage.get(Optional.empty()); } if (!this.courtAndTimeSlotChooserPage.getDate().equals(date)) { this.courtAndTimeSlotChooserPage.selectDate(date); } Multimap<Integer, java.time.LocalTime> bookedTimes = this.courtAndTimeSlotChooserPage.getBookedStartTimes(); if (shouldOrNot.equals("should")) { assertTrue("Expected court time to be booked: " + time.toString(), bookedTimes.containsEntry(court, time)); } else { assertTrue("Expected court time to be unbooked: " + time.toString(), !bookedTimes.containsEntry(court, time)); } } private void attemptToBookCourt(Integer court, java.time.LocalTime time, java.time.LocalDate date, String name, String password, boolean expectBookingToSucceed) { assertTrue("Expect bookings page to be loaded before calling this method", this.courtAndTimeSlotChooserPage.isLoaded()); assertTrue("Court number is not valid: " + court.toString(), this.courtAndTimeSlotChooserPage.isCourtNumberValid(court)); assertTrue("Court start time is not valid: " + time.toString(), this.courtAndTimeSlotChooserPage.isStartTimeValid(time)); if (!this.courtAndTimeSlotChooserPage.getDate().equals(date)) { this.courtAndTimeSlotChooserPage.selectDate(date); } assertTrue("Court " + court.toString() + " is already booked at " + time.toString(), !this.courtAndTimeSlotChooserPage.isCourtBookedAtTime(court, time)); try { this.courtAndTimeSlotChooserPage.bookCourt(court, time, name, password, expectBookingToSucceed); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); } // Note this attempted booking so can attempt to remove it on scenario // teardown if (expectBookingToSucceed) { bookingsPotentiallyMadeDuringScenario.add(new Booking(name, court, time, date)); } } }