Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2014 Stefano Fornari. * All Rights Reserved. No use, copying or distribution of this * work may be made except in accordance with a valid license * agreement from Stefano Fornari. This notice must be * included on all copies, modifications and derivatives of this * work. * * STEFANO FORNARI MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES ABOUT THE SUITABILITY * OF THE SOFTWARE, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. STEFANO FORNARI SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DAMAGES SUFFERED BY LICENSEE AS A RESULT OF USING, MODIFYING OR DISTRIBUTING * THIS SOFTWARE OR ITS DERIVATIVES. */ package ste.web.http; import java.util.Base64; import java.util.Base64.Encoder; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.ImmutablePair; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import org.apache.http.HttpHeaders; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.HttpStatus; import org.apache.http.HttpVersion; import org.apache.http.RequestLine; import org.apache.http.StatusLine; import org.apache.http.entity.BasicHttpEntity; import org.apache.http.message.BasicHeader; import org.apache.http.message.BasicHttpRequest; import org.apache.http.protocol.HTTP; import static; import static org.assertj.core.api.BDDAssertions.then; import org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpHeader; import org.junit.Test; import static ste.web.beanshell.BeanShellUtils.CONTENT_TYPE_JSON; import static ste.web.beanshell.BugFreeBeanShellUtils.TEST_URI_PARAMETERS; /** * * @author ste */ public class BugFreeHttpUtils { @Test public void create_simple_response() { HttpResponse r = HttpUtils.getBasicResponse(); StatusLine l = r.getStatusLine(); then(l).isNotNull(); then(l.getProtocolVersion()).isEqualTo(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1); then(l.getStatusCode()).isEqualTo(HttpStatus.SC_OK); then(l.getReasonPhrase()).isEqualTo("OK"); } @Test public void create_simple_response_with_entity() { HttpResponse r = HttpUtils.getBasicResponse(true); then(r.getEntity()).isNotNull().isInstanceOf(BasicHttpEntity.class); } @Test public void send_temporary_redirect_ok() { HttpResponse r = HttpUtils.getBasicResponse(); HttpUtils.sendTemporaryRedirect(r, "newurl.html"); then(r.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()).isEqualTo(HttpStatus.SC_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT); then(r.getLastHeader(HttpHeader.LOCATION.asString()).getValue()).isEqualTo("newurl.html"); } @Test public void sent_temporary_redirect_with_null_or_empty_parametetrs() { try { HttpUtils.sendTemporaryRedirect(null, "something"); fail("missing check for not nullable parameters"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException x) { then(x.getMessage()).contains("response can not be null"); } final HttpResponse r = HttpUtils.getBasicResponse(); final String[] BLANKS = new String[] { null, "", " ", " " }; for (String BLANK : BLANKS) { try { HttpUtils.sendTemporaryRedirect(r, BLANK); fail("missing check for not emptyable parameters"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException x) { then(x.getMessage()).contains("url can not be empty"); } } } @Test public void has_JSON_body() throws Exception { BasicHttpRequest request = new BasicHttpRequest("GET", TEST_URI_PARAMETERS); then(HttpUtils.hasJSONBody(request)).isFalse(); request.setHeader(HTTP.CONTENT_TYPE, "text/plain"); then(HttpUtils.hasJSONBody(request)).isFalse(); request.setHeader(HTTP.CONTENT_TYPE, CONTENT_TYPE_JSON); then(HttpUtils.hasJSONBody(request)).isTrue(); request.setHeader(HTTP.CONTENT_TYPE, CONTENT_TYPE_JSON + "; cherset=UTF8"); then(HttpUtils.hasJSONBody(request)).isTrue(); } @Test public void get_simple_get() throws Exception { final String[] URIS = new String[] { "/test1", "index.html", "/test/test1/test2" }; for (String URI : URIS) { BasicHttpRequest r = HttpUtils.getSimpleGet(URI); then(r).isNotNull(); RequestLine l = r.getRequestLine(); then(l.getMethod()).isEqualTo("GET"); then(l.getUri()).isEqualTo(URI); } } @Test public void parse_basic_auth_ok() throws Exception { final Pair<String, String>[] PAIRS = new Pair[] { new ImmutablePair<>("abcd", "1234"), new ImmutablePair<>("defg", "5678"), new ImmutablePair<>("hij", ""), }; Encoder b64 = Base64.getEncoder(); for (Pair<String, String> p : PAIRS) { then(HttpUtils.parseBasicAuth(new BasicHeader(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION, "Basic " + b64.encodeToString((p.getLeft() + ':' + p.getRight()).getBytes("UTF-8"))))) .isEqualTo(p); } Pair<String, String> p = new ImmutablePair<>("klm", null); then(HttpUtils.parseBasicAuth(new BasicHeader(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION, "Basic " + b64.encodeToString(p.getLeft().getBytes("UTF-8"))))).isEqualTo(p); } @Test public void parse_basic_auth_ko() throws Exception { Encoder b64 = Base64.getEncoder(); final String[] PAIRS = new String[] { null, "", "Basic ", "Basic " + b64.encodeToString("".getBytes("UTF-8")), "Basic " + b64.encodeToString(":onlypassword".getBytes("UTF-8")), "something " + b64.encodeToString("abc:123".getBytes("UTF-8")), "somethingsimple" }; for (String P : PAIRS) { then(HttpUtils.parseBasicAuth(new BasicHeader(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION, P))).isNull(); } } @Test public void extract_session_id_from_cookies() throws Exception { for (String C : getCookies(SessionHeader.DEFAULT_SESSION_HEADER)) { System.out.println(C); then(HttpUtils.extractSessionId(C)).isEqualTo("123456"); } for (String C : getCookies("testid1")) { System.out.println(C); then(HttpUtils.extractSessionId("testid1", C)).isEqualTo("123456"); } } @Test public void extract_jsession_from_cookies_null_if_not_found() throws Exception { final String[] COOKIES = new String[] { "SESSIONID=123456;", "", null, " ", "\t" }; for (String C : COOKIES) { System.out.println(C); then(HttpUtils.extractSessionId(C)).isNull(); } } // --------------------------------------------------------- private methods private String[] getCookies(String name) { return new String[] { name + "=123456;", name + "=\"123456\"", name + "=123456", "COOKIE1=one;" + name + "=123456;COOKIE2=two", "COOKIE1=one;" + name + "=123456;", name + "=123456;COOKIE1=two" }; } }