Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2014 - Underbalanced * * This utilities.file is part of org.starnub a Java Wrapper for Starbound. * * This above mentioned StarNub software is free software: * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms * of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. This above mentioned CodeHome software * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See * the GNU General Public License for more details. You should * have received a copy of the GNU General Public License in * this StarNub Software. If not, see <>. */ package starnubserver.servers.starbound; import io.netty.bootstrap.Bootstrap; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import io.netty.buffer.Unpooled; import; import; import; import io.netty.handler.codec.ReplayingDecoder; import starbounddata.packets.Packet; import starbounddata.packets.Packets; import starnubdata.generic.DisconnectReason; import starnubserver.StarNub; import starnubserver.cache.wrappers.IPCacheWrapper; import starnubserver.connections.player.StarNubProxyConnection; import starnubserver.connections.player.session.PlayerSession; import; import; import utilities.cache.objects.IntegerCache; import utilities.connectivity.connection.ProxyConnection; import; import utilities.exceptions.CacheWrapperOperationException; import utilities.numbers.RandomNumber; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import static utilities.compression.Zlib.decompress; /** * Represents the starbounddata.packets.Packet Decoder for StarNub Client and Server Connections. * <p> * This class SHOULD NOT BE REUSED. * <p> * When this class is instantiated by TCPProxyServer's Channel Initializer, * it will set the side its on in order to set the packet routing variables * known as ChannelHandlerContexts or "CTX". * <p> * Credit goes to (Asynchronous API) examples. * <p> * * @author Daniel (Underbalanced) ( * @since 1.0 */ class TCPProxyServerPacketDecoder extends ReplayingDecoder<TCPProxyServerPacketDecoder.DecoderState> { private final String starboundAddress; private final int starboundPort; private ChannelHandlerContext destinationCTX; private final Packet.Direction CONNECTION_SIDE; private final HashMap<Byte, Packet> PACKET_POOL = new HashMap<>(); private final PacketEventRouter PACKET_EVENT_ROUTER = PacketEventRouter.getInstance(); private int vlqLength; private int payloadLength; private boolean compressed; private int packetIDIndex; private Packet packet; private StarNubProxyConnection starNubProxyConnection; public TCPProxyServerPacketDecoder(String starboundAddress, int starboundPort, Packet.Direction connectionSide) { super(DecoderState.READ_PACKET_ID); this.starboundAddress = starboundAddress; this.starboundPort = starboundPort; this.CONNECTION_SIDE = connectionSide; } private TCPProxyServerPacketDecoder(Packet.Direction connectionSide, ChannelHandlerContext clientCTX) { super(DecoderState.READ_PACKET_ID); this.starboundAddress = null; this.starboundPort = 0; this.CONNECTION_SIDE = connectionSide; this.destinationCTX = clientCTX; } public enum DecoderState { READ_PACKET_ID, READ_VLQ, ROUTE_DATA, READ_PAYLOAD } public void clearVLQ() { vlqLength = 0; payloadLength = 0; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public void decode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf in, List<Object> out) throws Exception { switch (state()) { case READ_PACKET_ID: { packetIDIndex = in.readerIndex(); byte packetId = in.getByte(packetIDIndex); packet = PACKET_POOL.get(packetId); checkpoint(DecoderState.READ_VLQ); } case READ_VLQ: { clearVLQ(); int tempIndexMarker = packetIDIndex + 1; while (vlqLength <= 10) { int tmpByte = in.getByte(tempIndexMarker); payloadLength = (payloadLength << 7) | (tmpByte & 0x7f); vlqLength++; if ((tmpByte & 0x80) == 0) { break; } tempIndexMarker++; } if ((payloadLength & 1) == 0x00) { payloadLength = payloadLength >> 1; } else { payloadLength = -((payloadLength >> 1) + 1); } compressed = payloadLength < 0; if (compressed) { payloadLength = -payloadLength; } checkpoint(DecoderState.READ_PAYLOAD); } case READ_PAYLOAD: { if (packet != null) { HashSet<EventSubscription> hashSet = PACKET_EVENT_ROUTER.getEVENT_SUBSCRIPTION_MAP() .get(packet.getClass()); /* Handle Packet if there is an events handler for it, else do not create objects */ if (hashSet != null) { in.skipBytes(1 + vlqLength); if (compressed) {, decompress(in.readBytes(payloadLength).array()))); } else {; } for (EventSubscription<Packet> packetEventSubscription : hashSet) { if (packet.isRecycle()) { break; } packetEventSubscription.getEVENT_HANDLER().onEvent(packet); } /* Write packet out, if not recycling */ if (!packet.isRecycle()) { packet.routeToDestination(); } else { packet.resetRecycle(); } } else { destinationCTX.writeAndFlush(in.readSlice(1 + vlqLength + payloadLength).retain(), destinationCTX.voidPromise()); } } else { destinationCTX.writeAndFlush(in.readSlice(1 + vlqLength + payloadLength).retain(), destinationCTX.voidPromise()); } checkpoint(DecoderState.READ_PACKET_ID); break; } default: throw new Error("Error Decoding - Reached the unreachable void."); } } /** * When we add this handler we want to set the routing information for both * sides, if the handler is instantiated on the StarNub Server Socket, * then this will spawn a starbounddata.packets.connection through the proxy to the Starbound Server. * * @param ctx ChannelHandlerContext represents the context this handler is attached to * @throws Exception */ @Override public void handlerAdded(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception { StarNub.getConnections().getOPEN_SOCKETS().put(ctx, System.currentTimeMillis()); if (CONNECTION_SIDE == Packet.Direction.TO_STARBOUND_CLIENT) { new StarNubEvent("StarNub_Socket_Connection_Attempt_Client", ctx); setClientConnection(ctx); } setPACKET_POOL(ctx); } private void setClientConnection(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws CacheWrapperOperationException { InetAddress connectingIp = ((InetSocketAddress); IPCacheWrapper lastActiveCache = StarNub.getConnections().getINTERNAL_IP_WATCHLIST(); IntegerCache cache = (IntegerCache) lastActiveCache.getCache(connectingIp); int randomInt = RandomNumber.randInt(3000, 6000); boolean clientSuccess = false; String failReason = null; if (cache != null) { int cachedTimer = cache.getInteger(); boolean isPastTime = cache.isPastDesignatedTimeRefreshTimeNowIfPast(cachedTimer); System.out.println(cachedTimer); if (!isPastTime) { cache.setInteger(cachedTimer + randomInt); failReason = "StarNub_Socket_Connection_Failed_Client_DOS_Detected"; } else { cache.setInteger(randomInt); clientSuccess = openServerConnection(ctx); } } else { lastActiveCache.addCache(connectingIp, new IntegerCache(randomInt)); clientSuccess = openServerConnection(ctx); } if (clientSuccess) { new StarNubEvent("StarNub_Socket_Connection_Success_Client", ctx); } else { ctx.close(); if (failReason == null || failReason.isEmpty()) { failReason = "StarNub_Socket_Connection_Failure_Client_Server_Connection_Failed"; } new StarNubEvent(failReason, ctx); } } private boolean openServerConnection(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) { new StarNubEvent("StarNub_Socket_Connection_Attempt_Server", ctx); Bootstrap starNubMainOutboundSocket = new Bootstrap(); .option(ChannelOption.TCP_NODELAY, StarboundServer.getInstance().getTcpProxyServer().isNoDelay()) .option(ChannelOption.ALLOCATOR, StarboundServer.getInstance().getTcpProxyServer().getSocketBuffer()) .handler(new TCPProxyServerPacketDecoder(Packet.Direction.TO_STARBOUND_SERVER, ctx)); ChannelFuture f = starNubMainOutboundSocket.connect(starboundAddress, starboundPort); destinationCTX =; if (destinationCTX != null) { new StarNubEvent("StarNub_Socket_Connection_Success_Server", ctx); StarNubProxyConnection.ConnectionProcessingType connectionProcessingType = null; if ((boolean) StarNub.getConfiguration().getNestedValue("advanced_settings", "packet_decoding")) { connectionProcessingType = StarNubProxyConnection.ConnectionProcessingType.PLAYER; } else { connectionProcessingType = StarNubProxyConnection.ConnectionProcessingType.PLAYER_NO_DECODING; } starNubProxyConnection = new StarNubProxyConnection(connectionProcessingType, ctx, destinationCTX); return true; } else { new StarNubEvent("StarNub_Socket_Connection_Failure_Cannot_Connect_Starbound", ctx); return false; } } /** * Recommended: For connections StarNub usage. * <p> * Uses: This will create new packets from the packet cache and insert them into a HashMap Packet Pool to be used in * this sockets connection. * * @param ctx ChannelHandlerContext representing this chanels context */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void setPACKET_POOL(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) { HashMap<Packets, Class> packetClasses = Packets.getPacketClasses(); for (Map.Entry<Packets, Class> packetsClassEntry : packetClasses.entrySet()) { Class packetClass = packetsClassEntry.getValue(); Packets packet = packetsClassEntry.getKey(); Constructor constructor; Packet packetToConstruct = null; Packet.Direction direction = null; if (packet.getDirection() != CONNECTION_SIDE) { direction = CONNECTION_SIDE == Packet.Direction.TO_STARBOUND_CLIENT ? Packet.Direction.TO_STARBOUND_SERVER : Packet.Direction.TO_STARBOUND_CLIENT; try { constructor = packetClass.getConstructor(Packet.Direction.class, ChannelHandlerContext.class, ChannelHandlerContext.class); packetToConstruct = (Packet) constructor.newInstance(direction, ctx, destinationCTX); PACKET_POOL.put(packet.getPacketId(), packetToConstruct); } catch (InvocationTargetException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | NoSuchMethodException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } @Override public void channelInactive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) { closeConnection(ctx); } /** * This is set so we can collect information about starbounddata.packets.connection issues. * * @param ctx ChannelHandlerContext represents the context this handler is attached to * @param cause Throwable reason * @throws Exception */ @Override public void exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Throwable cause) throws Exception { if (!cause.getMessage().contains("forcibly closed by the remote")) { cause.printStackTrace(); /* Debug Print */ closeConnection(ctx); } } @Override protected void handlerRemoved0(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception { closeConnection(ctx); } private void closeConnection(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) { PlayerSession playerSession = StarNub.getConnections().getCONNECTED_PLAYERS() .getOnlinePlayerByAnyIdentifier(ctx); if (playerSession != null) { playerSession.disconnectReason(DisconnectReason.DECODER_CLOSED); return; } ProxyConnection proxyConnection = StarNub.getConnections().getPROXY_CONNECTION().get(ctx); if (proxyConnection != null) { proxyConnection.disconnect(); } else { if (destinationCTX != null) { destinationCTX.close(); } } } }