Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2014 - Underbalanced * * This utilities.file is part of org.starnub a Java Wrapper for Starbound. * * This above mentioned StarNub software is free software: * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms * of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. This above mentioned CodeHome software * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See * the GNU General Public License for more details. You should * have received a copy of the GNU General Public License in * this StarNub Software. If not, see <>. */ package starnubserver.connections.player.session; import com.j256.ormlite.field.DataType; import com.j256.ormlite.field.DatabaseField; import com.j256.ormlite.table.DatabaseTable; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import starbounddata.packets.Packet; import; import; import starbounddata.packets.connection.ClientDisconnectRequestPacket; import starbounddata.packets.connection.ServerDisconnectPacket; import; import; import starnubdata.generic.BanType; import starnubdata.generic.DisconnectReason; import starnubserver.StarNub; import starnubserver.connections.player.StarNubConnection; import starnubserver.connections.player.StarNubProxyConnection; import starnubserver.connections.player.account.Account; import starnubserver.connections.player.account.AccountPermission; import starnubserver.connections.player.character.CharacterIP; import starnubserver.connections.player.character.PlayerCharacter; import starnubserver.connections.player.generic.Ban; import starnubserver.connections.player.generic.StaffEntry; import starnubserver.connections.player.groups.Group; import starnubserver.connections.player.session.location.ExactLocation; import starnubserver.connections.player.session.location.ShipsLocation; import starnubserver.database.tables.Characters; import starnubserver.database.tables.PlayerSessionLog; import; import; import starnubserver.resources.NameBuilder; import starnubserver.resources.files.GroupsManagement; import utilities.connectivity.ConnectionType; import utilities.connectivity.connection.Connection; import utilities.exceptions.CollectionDoesNotExistException; import utilities.strings.StringUtilities; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import; /** * StarNub's Player class that represents a sender. This class * purpose of this class is to represent a Players Session. * <p> * The data in this class will always change between log-ins. The * Account and Character classes will save the permanent data to * a database. * <p> * All data is based on a "Session" with StarNub. * * @author Daniel (Underbalanced) ( * @since 1.0 */ @DatabaseTable(tableName = "PLAYER_SESSION_LOG") public class PlayerSession { private final static PlayerSessionLog PLAYER_SESSION_LOG_DB = PlayerSessionLog.getInstance(); private final static NameBuilder NAME_BUILDER = NameBuilder.getInstance(); //TODO DB METHODS /* COLUMN NAMES */ private final static String SESSION_ID_COLUMN = "SESSION_ID"; private final static String TYPE_COLUMN = "TYPE"; private final static String IP_COLUMN = "IP"; private final static String START_TIME_COLUMN = "START_TIME"; private final static String END_TIME_COLUMN = "END_TIME"; private final static String CHARACTER_ID_COLUMN = "CHARACTER_ID"; @DatabaseField(generatedId = true, columnName = SESSION_ID_COLUMN) private volatile int sessionID; @DatabaseField(dataType = DataType.ENUM_STRING, columnName = TYPE_COLUMN) private final ConnectionType CONNECTION_TYPE; @DatabaseField(dataType = DataType.STRING, columnName = IP_COLUMN) private volatile String sessionIpString; @DatabaseField(dataType = DataType.DATE_TIME, columnName = START_TIME_COLUMN) private volatile DateTime startTimeUtc; @DatabaseField(dataType = DataType.DATE_TIME, columnName = END_TIME_COLUMN) private volatile DateTime endTimeUtc; @DatabaseField(foreign = true, canBeNull = false, columnName = CHARACTER_ID_COLUMN) private volatile PlayerCharacter playerCharacter; private volatile long starboundClientId; private volatile String gameName; private volatile String nickName; private volatile String cleanNickName; private volatile boolean op; private volatile boolean afk; private volatile long idleTime; private volatile ExactLocation location; private volatile ShipsLocation ship; private final Connection CONNECTION; private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, ConcurrentHashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>> PERMISSIONS = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); /** * Constructor for database purposes */ public PlayerSession() { CONNECTION_TYPE = null; CONNECTION = null; } public PlayerSession(Connection connection, String playerName, UUID playerUUID) { if (connection instanceof StarNubProxyConnection) { CONNECTION_TYPE = ConnectionType.PROXY_IN_GAME; } else if (connection instanceof StarNubConnection) { CONNECTION_TYPE = ConnectionType.REMOTE; } else { CONNECTION_TYPE = null; } CONNECTION = connection; InetAddress playerIP = connection.getClientIP(); StarNub.getConnections().getINTERNAL_IP_WATCHLIST().removeCache(playerIP); this.startTimeUtc =; this.sessionIpString = StringUtils.remove(playerIP.toString(), "/"); this.playerCharacter = PlayerCharacter.getPlayerCharacter(playerName, playerUUID); this.gameName = playerCharacter.getName(); this.nickName = playerCharacter.getName(); this.cleanNickName = playerCharacter.getCleanName(); CharacterIP characterIP = new CharacterIP(playerCharacter, playerIP, false); characterIP.logCharacterIp(); this.idleTime = 0L; try { this.op = StarNub.getConnections().getCONNECTED_PLAYERS().getOPERATORS().collectionContains("uuids"); } catch (Exception e) { this.op = false; } loadPermissions(); PlayerSessionLog.getInstance().create(this); new StarNubEvent("Player_New_Session", playerCharacter); } public int getSessionID() { return sessionID; } public static PlayerSession getSession(Object playerIdentifier) { return StarNub.getConnections().getCONNECTED_PLAYERS().getOnlinePlayerByAnyIdentifier(playerIdentifier); } public String getSessionIpString() { return sessionIpString; } public DateTime getStartTimeUtc() { return startTimeUtc; } public DateTime getEndTimeUtc() { return endTimeUtc; } public void setEndTimeUtc() { this.endTimeUtc =; PlayerSessionLog.getInstance().update(this); } public PlayerCharacter getPlayerCharacter() { return playerCharacter; } public long getStarboundClientId() { return starboundClientId; } /** * WARNING: Do not use this method, not for public consumption. * * @param starboundClientId int that set the Starbound Client ID */ public void setStarboundClientId(long starboundClientId) { this.starboundClientId = starboundClientId; } public String getGameName() { return gameName; } public String getNickName() { return nickName; } public void setNickName(String nickName) { this.nickName = nickName; this.cleanNickName = StringUtilities.completeClean(nickName); } public String getCleanNickName() { return cleanNickName; } public boolean isOp() { return op; } public void makeOp() throws IOException, CollectionDoesNotExistException { this.op = true; StarNub.getConnections().getCONNECTED_PLAYERS().getOPERATORS().addToOperators(playerCharacter.getUuid()); } public void removeOp() throws IOException { this.op = false; StarNub.getConnections().getCONNECTED_PLAYERS().getOPERATORS() .removeFromOperators(playerCharacter.getUuid()); } public boolean isAfk() { return afk; } public void makeAfk() { this.afk = true; } public void removeAfk() { this.afk = false; } public ConnectionType getCONNECTION_TYPE() { return CONNECTION_TYPE; } public Connection getCONNECTION() { return CONNECTION; } public void addBan(Account staffAccount, String staffDescription, BanType banType, DateTime dateExpires) { addBan(this, staffAccount, staffDescription, banType, dateExpires); } public static void addBan(PlayerSession playerSession, Account staffAccount, String staffDescription, BanType banType, DateTime dateExpires) { PlayerCharacter playerCharacter = playerSession.playerCharacter; String sessionIpString = playerSession.sessionIpString; String identifier = sessionIpString; String uuidString = playerCharacter.getUuid().toString(); StaffEntry staffEntry = new StaffEntry(staffAccount, staffDescription, true); switch (banType) { case IP: { break; } case UUID: { identifier = uuidString; break; } case BOTH: { new Ban(playerCharacter, identifier,, dateExpires, staffEntry, true); identifier = uuidString; break; } case IP_ALL_UUIDS: { uuidBanAll(sessionIpString, staffEntry, dateExpires); break; } case ALL_IPS: { ipBanAll(playerCharacter, staffEntry, dateExpires); break; } case ALL_UUIDS: { identifier = uuidString; uuidBanAll(sessionIpString, staffEntry, dateExpires); break; } case ALL: { ipBanAll(playerCharacter, staffEntry, dateExpires); uuidBanAll(sessionIpString, staffEntry, dateExpires); break; } } new Ban(playerCharacter, identifier,, dateExpires, staffEntry, true); } private static void ipBanAll(PlayerCharacter playerCharacter, StaffEntry staffEntry, DateTime dateExpires) { List<CharacterIP> characterIPs = getIpsByCharacters(playerCharacter); for (CharacterIP characterIP : characterIPs) { new Ban(characterIP.getPlayerCharacter(), characterIP.getSessionIpString(),, dateExpires, staffEntry, true); } } private static void uuidBanAll(String sessionIpString, StaffEntry staffEntry, DateTime dateExpires) { List<CharacterIP> characterIPs = getCharactersByIP(sessionIpString); for (CharacterIP characterIP : characterIPs) { Characters.getInstance().refresh(characterIP.getPlayerCharacter()); PlayerCharacter playerCharacter2 = characterIP.getPlayerCharacter(); new Ban(playerCharacter2, playerCharacter2.getUuid().toString(),, dateExpires, staffEntry, true); } } public void removeBan(BanType banType) { removeBan(this, banType); } public static void removeBan(PlayerSession playerSession, BanType banType) { PlayerCharacter playerCharacter = playerSession.playerCharacter; String sessionIpString = playerSession.sessionIpString; String identifier = sessionIpString; String uuidString = playerCharacter.getUuid().toString(); switch (banType) { case IP: { break; } case UUID: { identifier = uuidString; break; } case ALL_IPS: { ipBanRemoveAll(playerCharacter); break; } case ALL_UUIDS: { identifier = uuidString; uuidBanRemoveAll(sessionIpString); break; } case IP_ALL_UUIDS: { uuidBanRemoveAll(sessionIpString); break; } case ALL: { ipBanRemoveAll(playerCharacter); uuidBanRemoveAll(sessionIpString); break; } } StarNub.getConnections().getBANSList().banRemoval(identifier); } private static void ipBanRemoveAll(PlayerCharacter playerCharacter) { List<CharacterIP> characterIPs = getIpsByCharacters(playerCharacter); for (CharacterIP characterIP : characterIPs) { String sessionIpString = characterIP.getSessionIpString(); StarNub.getConnections().getBANSList().banRemoval(sessionIpString); } } private static void uuidBanRemoveAll(String sessionIpString) { List<CharacterIP> characterIPs = getCharactersByIP(sessionIpString); for (CharacterIP characterIP : characterIPs) { Characters.getInstance().refresh(characterIP.getPlayerCharacter()); PlayerCharacter playerCharacter2 = characterIP.getPlayerCharacter(); String uuid = playerCharacter2.getUuid().toString(); StarNub.getConnections().getBANSList().banRemoval(uuid); } } public static List<CharacterIP> getCharactersByIP(String sessionIpString) { return CharacterIP.getCharacterIpLogsByIP(sessionIpString); } public static List<CharacterIP> getIpsByCharacters(PlayerCharacter playerCharacter) { return CharacterIP.getCharacterIpLogsByCharacter(playerCharacter); } //TODO Get game tags //TODO Get console tags public void sendChatMessage(Object sender, Mode mode, String message) { ChannelHandlerContext CLIENT_CTX = CONNECTION.getCLIENT_CTX(); if (CONNECTION_TYPE == ConnectionType.PROXY_IN_GAME) { String nameOfSender = NAME_BUILDER.msgUnknownNameBuilder(sender, true, false); ChatReceivePacket chatReceivePacket = new ChatReceivePacket(CLIENT_CTX, mode, "Server", 1, nameOfSender, message); chatReceivePacket.routeToDestinationNoFlush(); StarNub.getLogger().cChatPrint("StarNub", message, chatReceivePacket); } else if (CONNECTION_TYPE == ConnectionType.REMOTE) { //TODO - REMOTE } } public void sendServerChatMessage(ChatSendMode chatSendMode, String message) { ChannelHandlerContext SERVER_CTX = ((StarNubProxyConnection) CONNECTION).getSERVER_CTX(); if (CONNECTION_TYPE == ConnectionType.PROXY_IN_GAME) { ChatSendPacket chatSendPacket = new ChatSendPacket(SERVER_CTX, chatSendMode, message); chatSendPacket.routeToDestinationNoFlush(); } } public void removeConnection() { ChannelHandlerContext CLIENT_CTX = CONNECTION.getCLIENT_CTX(); if (CONNECTION_TYPE == ConnectionType.PROXY_IN_GAME) { StarNub.getConnections().getCONNECTED_PLAYERS().remove(CLIENT_CTX); } } public boolean disconnect() { boolean disconnect = CONNECTION.disconnect(); disconnectCleanUp(DisconnectReason.OTHER); return disconnect; } public boolean disconnectReason(DisconnectReason reason) { ChannelHandlerContext CLIENT_CTX = CONNECTION.getCLIENT_CTX(); boolean isConnectedCheck = CONNECTION.disconnect(); if (!isConnectedCheck) { PlayerSession playerSession = StarNub.getConnections().getCONNECTED_PLAYERS().remove(CLIENT_CTX); new DisconnectEvent(playerSession, reason); disconnectCleanUp(reason); } return isConnectedCheck; } private void disconnectCleanUp(DisconnectReason reason) { /* Each type of connection*/ setEndTimeUtc(); playerCharacter.updatePlayedTimeLastSeen(); /* In-game connections only */ if (CONNECTION_TYPE == ConnectionType.PROXY_IN_GAME) { ChannelHandlerContext CLIENT_CTX = CONNECTION.getCLIENT_CTX(); ChannelHandlerContext SERVER_CTX = ((StarNubProxyConnection) CONNECTION).getSERVER_CTX(); if (reason != DisconnectReason.QUIT) { new ClientDisconnectRequestPacket(SERVER_CTX); new ServerDisconnectPacket(CLIENT_CTX, ""); } } } /* Permission Methods*/ public void reloadPermissions() { PERMISSIONS.clear(); loadPermissions(); } public void loadPermissions() { Account account = playerCharacter.getAccount(); LinkedHashSet<String> permissions = new LinkedHashSet<>(); if (account == null) { GroupsManagement.getInstance().getGROUPS().values().stream() .filter(group -> group.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("noaccount")).forEach(group -> { permissions.addAll(group.getGROUP_PERMISSIONS()); }); } else { List<AccountPermission> accountPermissions = AccountPermission.getAccountPermissionsByAccount(account); permissions.addAll(; TreeMap<Integer, Group> allGroups = account.getAllGroupsOrderedByRank(); NavigableMap<Integer, Group> navigableMap = allGroups.descendingMap(); for (Group group : navigableMap.values()) { permissions.addAll(group.getGROUP_PERMISSIONS()); } } permissions.forEach(this::addPermissionToMap); System.out.println(PERMISSIONS); } public String addPermission(String permission) { Account account = playerCharacter.getAccount(); if (account == null) { return "Could not add permission \"" + permission + "\" to \"" + playerCharacter.getName() + "\". No account was found."; } new AccountPermission(account, permission, true); reloadPermissions(); if (hasPermission(permission, false)) { return "Permission \"" + permission + "\" added to \"" + playerCharacter.getName() + "\"'s account."; } return "Critical Error Adding Permission"; } private void addPermissionToMap(String permission) { String[] permissionBreak = permission.split("\\.", 3); if (permissionBreak.length == 3) { PERMISSIONS.putIfAbsent(permissionBreak[0], new ConcurrentHashMap<>()); PERMISSIONS.get(permissionBreak[0]).putIfAbsent(permissionBreak[1], new ArrayList<>()); PERMISSIONS.get(permissionBreak[0]).get(permissionBreak[1]).add(permissionBreak[2]); } else if (permissionBreak.length == 2) { PERMISSIONS.putIfAbsent(permissionBreak[0], new ConcurrentHashMap<>()); PERMISSIONS.get(permissionBreak[0]).putIfAbsent(permissionBreak[1], new ArrayList<>()); } else if (permissionBreak.length == 1) { PERMISSIONS.putIfAbsent(permissionBreak[0], new ConcurrentHashMap<>()); } } public String deletePermission(String permission) { Account account = playerCharacter.getAccount(); if (account == null) { return "Could not delete permission \"" + permission + "\" from \"" + playerCharacter.getName() + "\". No account was found."; } AccountPermission accountPermission = AccountPermission.getAccountPermissionByAccountFirstMatch(account, permission); accountPermission.deleteFromDatabase(); deletePermissionFromMap(permission); if (hasPermission(permission, false)) { return "Permission \"" + permission + "\" was deleted from \"" + playerCharacter.getName() + "\"'s account."; } return "Critical Error Adding Permission"; } private void deletePermissionFromMap(String permission) { String[] permissionBreak = permission.split("\\.", 3); if (permissionBreak.length == 3) { PERMISSIONS.get(permissionBreak[0]).get(permissionBreak[1]).remove(permissionBreak[2]); if (PERMISSIONS.get(permissionBreak[0]).get(permissionBreak[1]).isEmpty()) { PERMISSIONS.get(permissionBreak[0]).remove(permissionBreak[1]); if (PERMISSIONS.get(permissionBreak[0]).isEmpty()) { PERMISSIONS.remove(permissionBreak[0]); } } } else if (permissionBreak.length == 2) { PERMISSIONS.get(permissionBreak[0]).remove(permissionBreak[1]); if (PERMISSIONS.get(permissionBreak[0]).isEmpty()) { PERMISSIONS.remove(permissionBreak[0]); } } else if (permissionBreak.length == 1) { PERMISSIONS.remove(permissionBreak[0]); } } public boolean hasBasePermission(String basePermission) { return op || PERMISSIONS.containsKey("*") || PERMISSIONS.containsKey(basePermission); } private boolean hasSubPermission(String basePermission, String subPermission, boolean checkWildCards) { if (PERMISSIONS.containsKey("*") && checkWildCards) { return true; } ConcurrentHashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> concurrentHashMap = PERMISSIONS.get(basePermission); if (concurrentHashMap == null) { return false; } if (checkWildCards) { return concurrentHashMap.containsKey("*") || concurrentHashMap.containsKey(subPermission); } else { return false; } } private boolean hasFullPermission(String basePermission, String subPermission, String fullPermission, boolean checkWildCards) { if (PERMISSIONS.containsKey("*") && checkWildCards) { return true; } ConcurrentHashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> concurrentHashMap = PERMISSIONS.get(basePermission); if (concurrentHashMap == null) { return false; } if (concurrentHashMap.containsKey("*") && checkWildCards) { return true; } ArrayList<String> strings = concurrentHashMap.get(subPermission); if (strings == null) { return false; } if (checkWildCards) { return strings.contains("*") || strings.contains(fullPermission); } else { return false; } } public boolean hasPermission(String permission, boolean checkWildCards) { if (op && checkWildCards) { return true; } else { String[] permissions = permission.split("\\.", 3); boolean fullPermission = permissions.length == 3; if (fullPermission) { return hasFullPermission(permissions[0], permissions[1], permissions[2], checkWildCards); } else { return hasSubPermission(permissions[0], permissions[1], checkWildCards); } } } /** * This represents a higher level method for StarNubs API. * <p> * Recommended: For Plugin Developers & Anyone else. * <p> * Uses: This will return if a player has a permission. It will check OP and Wildcards first then for partial or full permission. * <P> * Example: {plugname}.{subpermission}.{command} * starnub.server.shutdown * starnub.server.startUDPServer * starnub.server.* * starnub.* * <br> * The first line would give me shutdown. The second line would be startUDPServer. The third line give me anything under * starnub.server, The fourth line gives me all PERMISSIONS for the starnub related commands that fall under starnub. . * * <p> * @param basePermission String representing the plugin command name to check * @param subPermission String representing the plugins command specific sub permission * @param fullPermission String representing the plugins sub permission specific Command * @return boolean if the account has the permission */ public boolean hasPermission(String basePermission, String subPermission, String fullPermission, boolean checkWildCards) { return op && checkWildCards || hasFullPermission(basePermission, subPermission, fullPermission, checkWildCards); } public String getSpecificPermission(String basePermission, String subPermission) { ConcurrentHashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> concurrentHashMap = PERMISSIONS.get(basePermission); if (concurrentHashMap == null) { return null; } ArrayList<String> arrayList = concurrentHashMap.get(subPermission); if (arrayList.size() == 0) { return null; } return arrayList.get(0); } public String getSpecificPermission(String permission) { String[] permissions = permission.split("\\.", 3); return getSpecificPermission(permissions[0], permissions[1]); } public int getSpecificPermissionInteger(String permission) { String[] permissions = permission.split("\\.", 3); return getSpecificPermissionInteger(permissions[0], permissions[1]); } public int getSpecificPermissionInteger(String basePermission, String subPermission) { if (op) { return -10000; } String permissionVariable = getSpecificPermission(basePermission, subPermission); if (permissionVariable == null) { return -100001; } try { return Integer.parseInt(permissionVariable); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return -100002; } } public static PlayerSession getPlayerSession(Packet packet) { return StarNub.getConnections().getCONNECTED_PLAYERS().getOnlinePlayerByAnyIdentifier(packet); } /* DB Methods */ public static void retreiveSession(PlayerCharacter playerCharacter) { } @Override public String toString() { return "PlayerSession{" + "sessionID=" + sessionID + ", sessionIpString='" + sessionIpString + '\'' + ", startTimeUtc=" + startTimeUtc + ", endTimeUtc=" + endTimeUtc + ", playerCharacter=" + playerCharacter + ", starboundClientId=" + starboundClientId + ", gameName='" + gameName + '\'' + ", nickName='" + nickName + '\'' + ", cleanNickName='" + cleanNickName + '\'' + ", op=" + op + ", afk=" + afk + ", CONNECTION_TYPE=" + CONNECTION_TYPE + ", CONNECTION=" + CONNECTION + '}'; } }