Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 *      This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *      it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *      the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *      (at your option) any later version.
 *      This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *      but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *      GNU General Public License for more details.
 *      You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *      along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 *      Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
 *      MA 02110-1301, USA.
package ssc;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONObject;

 * <p>This library is the client side of Sense Smart City. SSC is a restful 
 * server providing snow information such as weight, humidity, depth and 
 * temperature for a given location. The aim is to protect people and property.
 * SSC is developed and maintained by the Swedish city of Skellefte.
 * </p>
 * <p>This library is the result of a student project in the course D0016E 
 * digital projekt lp 3 2013. The target system is Android but this library is 
 * tested on standard JDK 6 without problem. Some minor changes was needed in 
 * RestfulClient to make it work on Android.
 * </p>
 * <p>Snow information is collected using sensors. There is different kinds of
 * sensors depending on type of measurement. Here only snow pressure is 
 * implemented. Measurement is done periodly and each reading is taged with
 * time, date and the id of the sensor. So for each sensor there is a set of 
 * readings. Sensors belongs to a specific domain. In order to collect data from
 * SSC user credentials is needed. A sensor can be visible to all users or 
 * private for users in the domain of that particular sensor. A sensor have 
 * location. 
 * </p>
 * <p>Note that the sensor itself and snow data collected by the same sensor is 
 * two different entities.
 * </p>
 * <p>Much functionality is missing but it should not be any problem to continue
 * the development. At least that was the idea behind the code structure. 
 * </p>
 * @author Jim Gunnarsson, di98jgu
public class SenseSmartCity {

    /** Restful client */
    private final RestfulClient ssc_client;

    /** Map sensor to readings */
    protected Map<Sensor, List<SnowPressure>> ssc_data;
    /** Default fields at request if none is given */
    protected Map<String, List<String>> ssc_fields;
    /** Default time period at request if none is given */
    protected String ssc_period;

    /** Username */
    private String user = null;
    /** Password */
    private String pwd = null;

     * User credentials is mandatory. 
    private SenseSmartCity() {

        ssc_client = null;


     * Initialises a new library given the user credentials
     * @param user Username 
     * @param pwd Password
     * @throws SSCException.NoUserCredentials if no user or password is provided
    public SenseSmartCity(String user, String pwd) {

        if (user == null || pwd == null) {

            throw new SSCException.NoUserCredentials("SenseSmartCity: No user credentials provided");

        this.user = user;
        this.pwd = pwd;

        this.ssc_client = new RestfulClient(user, pwd);

        this.ssc_data = new HashMap<Sensor, List<SnowPressure>>();
        this.ssc_fields = defaultFields();
        this.ssc_period = defaultPeriod();


     * Get a list of all sensors available for this user.
     * @return A list of all sensors
    public List<Sensor> getSensors() {

        if (ssc_data.isEmpty()) {

            ssc_data = requestAll();

        return getKeys(ssc_data);


     * Return all readings for a particular sensor. A empty list is returned if
     * no readings is found.
     * @param sensor A valid sensor
     * @return List of readings
    public List<SnowPressure> getSnowPressure(Sensor sensor) {

        if (ssc_data.isEmpty()) {

            ssc_data = requestAll();

        List<SnowPressure> readings = ssc_data.get(sensor);

        if (notNull(readings)) {

            return readings;

        return new ArrayList<SnowPressure>();


     * Request all data available for this user. Predefined values is used for 
     * fields and time period is to collect data. Default is last year and all
     * fields.
     * @return Map with Sensor as keys and values as a list of readings
    public Map<Sensor, List<SnowPressure>> requestAll() {

        List<Sensor> sensors = requestSensorList(new ArrayList<String>(), false);

        Map<Sensor, List<SnowPressure>> readings = requestSnowPressure(sensors,
                ssc_fields.get(SSCResources.TypeName.SNOWPRESSURE.getField()), ssc_period);

        return readings;


     * Request list of sensors. A list of sensor id, serials, can be provided. A
     * empty list equals all sensors. All sensors regardless of domain sensors is
     * requested by setting all to true. 
     * @param sensors List of sensor id, empty for all sensors
     * @param all <code>True</code> for all public sensors, <code>false</code> 
     * for private sensors only 
     * @return List with sensors.
    public List<Sensor> requestSensorList(List<String> sensors, boolean all) {

        Map<String, String> args = new HashMap<String, String>();

        if (notNull(sensors) && !sensors.isEmpty()) {
            String sensors_str = (new JSONArray(sensors)).toString();
            args.put(SSCResources.Query.SENSORS, sensors_str);

        args.put(SSCResources.Query.PUBLIC_SENSORS, ((all) ? "yes" : "no"));
        args.put(SSCResources.Query.FORMAT, "json");

        String data = ssc_client.getData(SSCResources.Url.HTTPS_SSC + SSCResources.Url.GET_SENSOR_LIST, args);

        return parseSensorData(responseArray(data));


     * Request snow pressure readings. This is a compromise greatly simplify the
     * design of this library but of course limit readings to snow pressure only.
     * Should of course be able to handle all type of sensors.
     * Need a list of sensors, at least one. None throws an exception. Desired
     * fields is given as a list of queries, this can be empty but only a limit
     * number of fields is then returned. A time period might be given, none is
     * needed. All valid periods is found in SSCResources.
     * @param sensors List of sensors
     * @param querys List of fields
     * @param period Time period
     * @return A map with sensor as keys and list of readings as value
    public Map<Sensor, List<SnowPressure>> requestSnowPressure(List<Sensor> sensors, List<String> querys,
            String period) {


        Map<String, String> args = new HashMap<String, String>();

        // Filter requested sensors, for now we only accept SnowPressure
        List<Sensor> sensors_sp = getSensorType(sensors, "SnowPressure");

        JSONArray sensors_json = new JSONArray(getSensorSerials(sensors_sp));
        args.put(SSCResources.Query.SENSORS, sensors_json.toString());

        // Fields, none provided means all available.
        if (notNull(querys) && !querys.isEmpty()) {

            JSONArray fields_json = new JSONArray(querys);
            args.put(SSCResources.Query.FIELDS, fields_json.toString());

        // Time period, just ignore it if null.
        if (notNull(period) && period.trim() != "") {

            args.put(SSCResources.Query.PERIOD, validatePeriod(period));

        // Undocumented option but needed, else we get XML in return.
        args.put(SSCResources.Query.FORMAT, "json");

        String data = ssc_client.getData(SSCResources.Url.HTTPS_SSC + SSCResources.Url.GET_SNOWPRESURE, args);

        return parseSnowPressureData(sensors_sp, responseObject(data));


     * Get sensors of a given type. A filter simply, returning a list of Sensors
     * of a desired type.
     * @param sensors List of sensors
     * @param type Type of sensor desired
     * @return A sublist of sensors of desired type or empty if none is found
    private List<Sensor> getSensorType(List<Sensor> sensors, String type) {

        List<Sensor> sensor_type = new ArrayList<Sensor>();

        Iterator<Sensor> i = sensors.iterator();

        while (i.hasNext()) {

            Sensor s =;

            if (s.getTypeName().equals(type)) {



        return sensor_type;


     * Get a list of sensor serials. Serials is the unique id for each sensor.
     * @param sensors List of sensors
     * @return List of serials
    private List<String> getSensorSerials(List<Sensor> sensors) {

        List<String> serials = new ArrayList<String>();

        Iterator<Sensor> i = sensors.iterator();

        while (i.hasNext()) {

            Sensor s =;


        return serials;


     * Take a response object and return response array. The response object is
     * the raw JSON data retrieved from SSC server. It contain a key and a value.
     * Here the value is assumed to be an array.
     * @param data Raw JSON object from SSC server
     * @return A JSON array containing the requested data
     * @throws SSCException.MalformedData if data is not extractable
    private JSONArray responseArray(String data) {

        JSONArray data_array;

        try {

            JSONObject response = new JSONObject(data);
            data_array = response.getJSONArray(SSCResources.Query.RESPONSE);

        } catch (org.json.JSONException e) {

            throw new SSCException.MalformedData(e);


        return data_array;


     * Take a response object and return response object. The response object is
     * the raw JSON data retrieved from SSC server. It contain a key and a value.
     * Here the value is assumed to be a object.
     * @param data Raw JSON object from SSC server
     * @return A JSON object containing the requested data
     * @throws SSCException.MalformedData if data is not extractable 
    private JSONObject responseObject(String data) {

        JSONObject data_obj;

        try {

            JSONObject response = new JSONObject(data);
            data_obj = response.getJSONObject(SSCResources.Query.RESPONSE);

        } catch (org.json.JSONException e) {

            throw new SSCException.MalformedData(e);


        return data_obj;


     * Parse the sensor data in a JSON array. 
     * @param data A JSON array with sensor data
     * @return List with sensors
    private List<Sensor> parseSensorData(JSONArray data) {

        return Sensor.getSensors(data);


     * Parse a JSON object for sensor readings. A list of sensors is needed to
     * verify and link sensor and readings together. 
     * @param sensors List of Sensors
     * @param data A JSON object with sensor readings
     * @return A map with Sensors as keys and list of readings as values 
     * @throws SSCException.MalformedData if data is not extractable 
    private Map<Sensor, List<SnowPressure>> parseSnowPressureData(List<Sensor> sensors, JSONObject data) {

        Map<Sensor, List<SnowPressure>> readings = new HashMap<Sensor, List<SnowPressure>>();

        Iterator<Sensor> i = sensors.iterator();

        try {

            while (i.hasNext()) {

                Sensor sensor =;
                JSONArray fields = data.getJSONArray(sensor.getSerial());
                List<SnowPressure> snowdata = SnowPressure.getSnowPressure(sensor.getSerial(), fields);

                readings.put(sensor, snowdata);


        } catch (org.json.JSONException e) {

            throw new SSCException.MalformedData(e);


        return readings;

     * Null watch. If given object is null a exception is thrown.
     * @param obj Object to check
     * @return obj if it is not null
     * @throws java.lang.NullPointerException if obj is null
    private <T> T nullWatch(T obj) {

        if (obj == null) {

            String msg = "Need a value and none was provided";
            throw new java.lang.NullPointerException(msg);


        return obj;


     * Empty watch. If given list is empty a exception is thrown.
     * @param list List to check
     * @return list if it is not empty
     * @throws SSCException.MalformedData if list is empty
    private <T> List<T> emptyWatch(List<T> list) {

        if (list.isEmpty()) {

            String msg = "List must not be empty, need at least one list item";
            throw new SSCException.MalformedData(msg);

        return list;


     * Return true if obj is not null. 
     * @param obj Object to check
     * @return <code>true</code> if obj is not null else <code>false</code>
    private <T> boolean notNull(T obj) {

        return (obj == null) ? false : true;


     * Validate a given time period. All valid time periods is defined by
     * SSCResources.Period.
     * @param period Time period to validate
     * @throws SSCException.MalformedData if period is not valid
    private String validatePeriod(String period) {

        String str = period.trim();

        // Will throw a suitable exception if period is not valid

        return str;


     * Get all keys in a map as a list
     * @param map Map with keys K
     * @return List with keys K
    private <K, V> List<K> getKeys(Map<K, V> map) {

        List<K> keys = new ArrayList<K>();

        Iterator<K> i = map.keySet().iterator();

        while (i.hasNext()) {



        return keys;


     * Set values for default fields. If no fields is given at a request to SSC 
     * server this is the values to to use. Each sensor type have set of valid
     * fields. A map is created there keys is the type of sensor and value is a
     * list of all valid fields for that type. 
     * @return A map with type of sensor as key and a list of fields as value
    private Map<String, List<String>> defaultFields() {

        Map<String, List<String>> default_fields = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();

        List<String> fields = new ArrayList<String>();


        default_fields.put(SSCResources.TypeName.SNOWPRESSURE.getField(), fields);

        return default_fields;


    private String defaultPeriod() {

        return SSCResources.Period.YEAR.getField();

