Java tutorial
/*** * itSIMPLE: Integrated Tool Software Interface for Modeling PLanning Environments * * Copyright (C) 2007-2012 University of Sao Paulo * * * This file is part of itSIMPLE. * * itSIMPLE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. Other licenses might be available * upon written agreement. * * itSIMPLE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with itSIMPLE. If not, see <>. * * Authors: Tiago S. Vaquero, * Victor Romero. **/ package src.planning; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import javax.swing.JLabel; import org.jaxen.JaxenException; import org.jaxen.XPath; import org.jaxen.jdom.JDOMXPath; import org.jdom.Element; import org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory; import org.jfree.chart.ChartPanel; import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart; import org.jfree.chart.axis.NumberAxis; import org.jfree.chart.axis.SymbolAxis; import org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation; import org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot; import org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYLineAndShapeRenderer; import; import; import src.gui.ItSIMPLE; import src.languages.uml.ocl.ExpressionTreeBuilder; import src.languages.uml.ocl.OCLUtilities; import src.languages.xml.XMLUtilities; public class PlanSimulator { private static final String changeColor = "009900"; private static Element theproblem = null; private static Element thedomain = null; private static Element theproject = null; /** * In the simulation process it creates the next state given a 'from' * snapshot and a action with its parameters * @param action * @param parameters * @param snapshot * @param domain * @param project * @return */ public static Element nextState(String action, List<String> parameters, Element snapshot, Element domain, Element project) { //System.out.println("Action: " + action + " " +parameters); Element next = null; //1. look for the operator in the domain Element domainOperator = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "elements/classes/class/operators/operator[lower-case(name)='" + action.toLowerCase() + "']"); domainOperator = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(project); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (domainOperator != null) { //2. initialize an action node Element instanceAction = new Element("action"); instanceAction.addContent((Element) domainOperator.getChild("name").clone()); //3. look for the same action at the state diagrams Element actionConditions = OCLUtilities.buildConditions(domainOperator); //XMLUtilities.printXML(actionConditions); //4. build the precondition and postcondition List<?> preconditions = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath("preconditions/descendant::condition"); preconditions = path.selectNodes(actionConditions); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } String oclpreExpression = ""; for (Iterator<?> iter = preconditions.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Element condition = (Element); oclpreExpression += condition.getText().trim(); if (iter.hasNext()) { oclpreExpression += " and "; } } List<?> postconditions = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath("postconditions/descendant::condition"); postconditions = path.selectNodes(actionConditions); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } String oclpostExpression = ""; for (Iterator<?> iter = postconditions.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Element condition = (Element); oclpostExpression += condition.getText().trim(); if (iter.hasNext()) { oclpostExpression += " and "; } } //System.out.println(oclpreExpression); //System.out.println(oclpostExpression); //5. create the expression tree ExpressionTreeBuilder pretreeBuilder = new ExpressionTreeBuilder(oclpreExpression); Element preexpTree = pretreeBuilder.getExpressionTree(); //XMLUtilities.printXML(preexpTree); ExpressionTreeBuilder treeBuilder = new ExpressionTreeBuilder(oclpostExpression); Element expTree = treeBuilder.getExpressionTree(); //XMLUtilities.printXML(expTree); //6.0 set up action parameters. Element instanceParameters = new Element("parameters"); int index = 0; //if expressions use 'self', add the class to the parameter list //look for self parameterin the precondition Element selfParamNodePre = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath("descendant::node[@data='self' and @instance='f']"); selfParamNodePre = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(preexpTree); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } //look for self parameterin the postcondition Element selfParamNodePost = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath("descendant::node[@data='self' and @instance='f']"); selfParamNodePost = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(expTree); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (selfParamNodePre != null || selfParamNodePost != null) { Element instanceParam = new Element("parameter"); //System.out.println("added\n"); Element paramName = new Element("name"); paramName.setText("self"); Element paramType = new Element("type"); paramType.setText(domainOperator.getParentElement().getParentElement().getAttributeValue("id")); Element paramValue = new Element("value"); paramValue.setText(parameters.get(index++)); instanceParam.addContent(paramName); instanceParam.addContent(paramType); instanceParam.addContent(paramValue); instanceParameters.addContent(instanceParam); } for (Iterator<?> iter = domainOperator.getChild("parameters").getChildren("parameter").iterator(); iter .hasNext();) { Element opParam = (Element); Element instanceParam = new Element("parameter"); Element paramValue = new Element("value"); paramValue.setText(parameters.get(index++)); instanceParam.addContent((Element) opParam.getChild("name").clone()); instanceParam.addContent((Element) opParam.getChild("type").clone()); instanceParam.addContent(paramValue); instanceParameters.addContent(instanceParam); } instanceAction.addContent(instanceParameters); instanceAction.addContent(new Element("precondition")); instanceAction.addContent(new Element("postcondition")); //XMLUtilities.printXML(instanceAction); //6.1 replace the parameters values for (Iterator<?> iter = instanceAction.getChild("parameters").getChildren("parameter").iterator(); iter .hasNext();) { Element parameter = (Element); //XMLUtilities.printXML(parameter); // look for the parameters in the tree List<?> expTreeParameters = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "descendant::node[@data='" + parameter.getChildText("name") + "' and @instance='f']"); expTreeParameters = path.selectNodes(expTree); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } for (Iterator<?> iterator = expTreeParameters.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Element expTreeParam = (Element); expTreeParam.setAttribute("data", parameter.getChildText("value")); expTreeParam.setAttribute("instance", "t"); } } //XMLUtilities.printXML(expTree); //7. evaluate the expression tree //7.1 checks if the expression tree root is an "and" node // if it's not, add the expression tree to a list so it can be iterated // this is done just to avoid code repetition List<Element> children; if (expTree.getAttributeValue("data").equals("and")) { children = expTree.getChildren(); } else { children = new ArrayList<Element>(); children.add(expTree); } List<Element> nodesToBeAdded = new ArrayList<Element>(); List<Element> nodesToBeDeleted = new ArrayList<Element>(); for (Iterator<?> iter = children.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Element node = (Element); if (node.getAttributeValue("data").equals("=")) { // node with expression Element left = (Element) node.getChildren().get(0); Element right = (Element) node.getChildren().get(1); Element attrOrAssoc = null; // get the attribute being set if (left.getAttributeValue("data").equals(".")) { attrOrAssoc = (Element) left.getChildren().get(1); } else if (left.getAttributeValue("type").equals("opd")) { attrOrAssoc = left; } // check whether the attribute is parameterized String attrOrAssocData = attrOrAssoc.getAttributeValue("data"); String attrOrAssocName; if (attrOrAssocData.indexOf('(') > 0) { // the attribute is parameterized // replace the parameter values attrOrAssocName = attrOrAssocData.substring(0, attrOrAssocData.indexOf('(')); String attrParameters = attrOrAssocData.substring(attrOrAssocData.indexOf('(') + 1, attrOrAssocData.lastIndexOf(')')); String attrValues = "("; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(attrParameters, ","); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String parameter = st.nextToken().trim().toLowerCase(); Element instanceParameter = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath("parameter[lower-case(name)='" + parameter + "']"); instanceParameter = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(instanceParameters); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (instanceParameter != null) { attrValues += instanceParameter.getChildText("value"); if (st.hasMoreTokens()) { attrValues += ","; } } else { //System.out.println("Parameter \""+ parameter +"\" not found in parameters list."); //TODO: Check if it is a literal Element literal = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "project/elements/classes/enumeration/literals/literal[lower-case(name)='" + parameter + "']"); literal = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(domain.getDocument()); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (literal != null) { attrValues += parameter; } else { attrValues += "#error"; } } } attrValues += ")"; String newAttrData = attrOrAssocName + attrValues; attrOrAssoc.setAttribute("data", newAttrData); attrOrAssoc.setAttribute("instance", "t"); } else { attrOrAssocName = attrOrAssocData; } if (right.getAttributeValue("type").equals("opr")) { // deal with int and float difference // look for the type of the attribute (int or float) Element modelAttrOrAssoc = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "elements/classes/class/attributes/attribute[lower-case(name)='" + attrOrAssocName.toLowerCase() + "'] | elements/classAssociations/" + "classAssociation[associationEnds/associationEnd/rolename[lower-case(value)='" + attrOrAssocName.toLowerCase() + "'] or lower-case(name)='" + attrOrAssocName.toLowerCase() + "']"); modelAttrOrAssoc = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(project); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (modelAttrOrAssoc != null) { //Element newRight = evaluateExpressionNode(right, instanceParameters, snapshot, domain, project); Element newRight = evaluateExpressionNodeInSnapshot(right, instanceParameters, snapshot, domain, project); if (modelAttrOrAssoc.getChild("type") != null && modelAttrOrAssoc.getChildText("type").equals("2")) {//int int value = (int) Double.parseDouble(newRight.getAttributeValue("data")); newRight.setAttribute("data", String.valueOf(value)); newRight.setAttribute("instance", "t"); } if (newRight != null) { node.removeContent(right); node.addContent(newRight); } else { //System.out.println("Error in evaluating procces"); } } } } else if (node.getAttributeValue("data").equals("->")) { Element left = (Element) node.getChildren().get(0); Element right = (Element) node.getChildren().get(1); // operations if (right.getAttributeValue("type").equals("opn")) { // forAll if (right.getAttributeValue("data").equals("forAll")) { // the left node represents a lisf of objects //Element newLeft = evaluateExpressionNode(left, instanceParameters, snapshot, domain, project); Element newLeft = evaluateExpressionNodeInSnapshot(left, instanceParameters, snapshot, domain, project); // get forAll parameters (only one is supported currently) List<?> forAllParameters = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath("node[@type='par']"); forAllParameters = path.selectNodes(right); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (forAllParameters != null && forAllParameters.size() == 1) { Element forAllParam = (Element) forAllParameters.get(0); String paramData = forAllParam.getAttributeValue("data"); String paramName = paramData.substring(0, paramData.indexOf(':')); int i = paramData.indexOf(':'); String paramType = ""; if (i > 0) { paramType = paramData.substring(i + 1, paramData.length()); } // get the model class representing the parameter type (if any) Element modelClass = null; if (!paramType.equals("")) { try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath("elements/classes/class[lower-case(name)='" + paramType.toLowerCase() + "']"); modelClass = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(project); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } for (Iterator<?> iterator = newLeft.getChildren().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Element object = (Element); // look for the model object Element modelObject = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath("elements/objects/object[lower-case(name)='" + object.getAttributeValue("data").toLowerCase() + "']"); modelObject = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(domain); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // if the parameter type is defined, check whether the object // is an instance of that type boolean rightType = true; if (modelClass != null) { if (!modelObject.getChildText("class") .equals(modelClass.getAttributeValue("id"))) { rightType = false; } } if (rightType) { // clone the node under "suchthat" node and replace // the forAll parameter with the object name // this way, for each object, an atribution will be created Element attributionClone = (Element) ((Element) right.getChildren() .get(right.getChildren().size() - 1)).getChild("node").clone(); if (attributionClone.getAttributeValue("data").equals("=")) { // replace the parameter value in all nodes where it appears List<?> nodesWithParameter = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "descendant::node[@data='" + paramName + "']"); nodesWithParameter = path.selectNodes(attributionClone); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } for (Iterator iterator2 = nodesWithParameter.iterator(); iterator2 .hasNext();) { Element nodeWithParameter = (Element); nodeWithParameter.setAttribute("data", modelObject.getChildText("name").toUpperCase()); } Element arrowNode = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath("descendant::node[@data='->']"); arrowNode = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(attributionClone); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (arrowNode != null) { // get including/excluding node (if any) Element incOrExc = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "node[@data='including' or @data='excluding']"); incOrExc = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(arrowNode); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (incOrExc != null) { // replace it in arrowNode place arrowNode.getParentElement().addContent(incOrExc.detach()); arrowNode.detach(); } } // add the atribution in the add list nodesToBeAdded.add((Element) attributionClone); } } } // add to the remove list nodesToBeDeleted.add(node); } } } } } for (Iterator iter = nodesToBeDeleted.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Element toBeDeleted = (Element); toBeDeleted.detach(); } for (Iterator iter = nodesToBeAdded.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Element toBeAdded = (Element); expTree.addContent(toBeAdded); } //XMLUtilities.printXML(expTree); //8. create the next snapshot //8.1 clone the current snapshot next = (Element) snapshot.clone(); // reset the colors List<?> colors = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath("descendant::color[text()!='']"); colors = path.selectNodes(next); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } for (Iterator<?> iter = colors.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Element color = (Element); color.setText(""); } //8.2 for each attribution in the postcondition, make the change it in the snapshot List<Element> attributions; if (!expTree.getAttributeValue("data").equals("and")) { // there is only one node in the tree attributions = new ArrayList<Element>(); attributions.add(expTree); } else { attributions = expTree.getChildren("node"); } for (Iterator<?> iter = attributions.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Element node = (Element); //XMLUtilities.printXML(node); if (node.getAttributeValue("data").equals("=")) { Element left = (Element) node.getChildren().get(0); Element right = (Element) node.getChildren().get(1); //look for the "." (dot) operator (non global attributes) in left if (left.getAttributeValue("data").equals(".")) { // check whether the left node represents an attribute Element objectNode = (Element) left.getChildren().get(0); Element attrOrAssoc = (Element) left.getChildren().get(1); // look for the instance parameter Element instanceParameter = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath("parameter[lower-case(value)='" + objectNode.getAttributeValue("data").toLowerCase() + "']"); instanceParameter = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(instanceParameters); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (instanceParameter != null) { // look for the object class Element objectClass = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath("elements/classes/class[@id='" + instanceParameter.getChildText("type") + "']"); objectClass = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(project); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (objectClass != null) { // look for the object in the snapshot domain Element domainObject = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath("elements/objects/object[lower-case(name)='" + instanceParameter.getChildText("value").toLowerCase() + "']"); domainObject = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(domain); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (domainObject != null) { // look for the object in the snapshot Element snapshotObject = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath("objects/object[@id='" + domainObject.getAttributeValue("id") + "']"); snapshotObject = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(next); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (snapshotObject != null) { // look for an attribute (from class), association (from elements in project) or rolename (from elements in project) Element oclNode = null; String oclAttributeStr = attrOrAssoc.getAttributeValue("data"); String attrName; if (oclAttributeStr.indexOf('(') > 0) { // parameterized attribute attrName = oclAttributeStr.substring(0, oclAttributeStr.indexOf('(')); } else { attrName = oclAttributeStr; } try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "elements/classes/class/attributes/attribute[lower-case(name)='" + attrName.toLowerCase() + "'] | elements/classAssociations/classAssociation[" + "associationEnds/associationEnd/rolename[lower-case(value)='" + attrName.toLowerCase() + "'] or lower-case(name)='" + attrName.toLowerCase() + "']"); oclNode = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(project); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (oclNode != null) { //attributes if (oclNode.getName().equals("attribute")) { List<?> attrParameters = oclNode.getChild("parameters") .getChildren("parameter"); if (attrParameters.size() > 0) { //parameterized attribute String attrParams = oclAttributeStr.substring( oclAttributeStr.indexOf('(') + 1, oclAttributeStr.lastIndexOf(')')); String query = "attributes/attribute[@id='" + oclNode.getAttributeValue("id") + "']/value/parameterizedValue["; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(attrParams, ","); for (Iterator<?> iterator = attrParameters.iterator(); iterator .hasNext();) { Element attrParam = (Element); String paramValue = ""; if (st.hasMoreTokens()) { paramValue = st.nextToken().trim().toLowerCase(); } else { //System.out.println("There are fewer parameters than expected at attribute: "+ oclNode.getChildText("name")); } query += "parameters/parameter[@id='" + attrParam.getAttributeValue("id") + "' and lower-case(value)='" + paramValue + "']"; if (iterator.hasNext()) { query += " and "; } } query += "]"; if (st.hasMoreTokens()) { //System.out.println("There are more parameters than expected at attribute: "+ oclNode.getChildText("name")); } Element parameterizedValue = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath(query); parameterizedValue = (Element) path .selectSingleNode(snapshotObject); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (parameterizedValue != null) { //System.out.println("Before: "+ domainObject.getChildText("name")+ " - "+ oclNode.getChildText("name")); //XMLUtilities.printXML(parameterizedValue); //refresh the value in the snapshot parameterizedValue.getChild("value") .setText(right.getAttributeValue("data")); //set highlight color parameterizedValue.getChild("graphics").getChild("color") .setText(changeColor); //System.out.println("After:"); //XMLUtilities.printXML(parameterizedValue); //System.out.println("-----------------------------------------------"); } else { //System.out.println("Parameterized value \""+ oclAttributeStr // +"\" not found in snapshot object."); } } else { // not parameterized attributes Element objectAttribute = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath("attributes/attribute[@id='" + oclNode.getAttributeValue("id") + "' and @class='" + oclNode.getParentElement().getParentElement() .getAttributeValue("id") + "']"); objectAttribute = (Element) path .selectSingleNode(snapshotObject); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (objectAttribute != null) { //check whether the value is to be changed if (!right.getAttributeValue("data").toLowerCase() .equals(objectAttribute.getChildText("value") .toLowerCase())) { //System.out.println("Before: "+ domainObject.getChildText("name")+ " - "+ oclNode.getChildText("name")); //XMLUtilities.printXML(objectAttribute); // do the change objectAttribute.getChild("value") .setText(right.getAttributeValue("data")); // set highlight color objectAttribute.getChild("graphics").getChild("color") .setText(changeColor); //System.out.println("After:"); //XMLUtilities.printXML(objectAttribute); //System.out.println("-----------------------------------------------"); } } else { //System.out.println("Attribute \"" + oclAttributeStr + "\" not found in snapshot object."); } } } // associations else if (oclNode.getName().equals("classAssociation")) { Element targetAssociationEnd = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "associationEnds/associationEnd[rolename[lower-case(value)='" + oclAttributeStr.toLowerCase() + "']]"); targetAssociationEnd = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(oclNode); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (targetAssociationEnd == null) { // if it's null, there is no rolename, so check navigation try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "associationEnds/associationEnd[@navigation='true']"); targetAssociationEnd = (Element) path .selectSingleNode(oclNode); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } //TODO case with both association ends navigation true or false is not currently dealed if (targetAssociationEnd != null) { //XMLUtilities.printXML(oclNode); //XMLUtilities.printXML(domainObject); //rolename String objectAssociationEndID = (targetAssociationEnd .getAttributeValue("id").equals("1")) ? "2" : "1"; Element objectAssociation = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "associations/objectAssociation[classAssociation='" + oclNode.getAttributeValue("id") + "' and associationEnds/objectAssociationEnd[@element-id='" + domainObject.getAttributeValue("id") + "' and @id='" + objectAssociationEndID + "']]"); objectAssociation = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(next); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (right.getAttributeValue("data").toLowerCase() .equals("null")) { //System.out.print("remove"); if (objectAssociation != null) { //XMLUtilities.printXML(objectAssociation); // delete the object association Element associations = objectAssociation .getParentElement(); associations.removeContent(objectAssociation); //System.out.println("Association removed: " + oclNode.getChildText("name")); } } else if (right.getAttributeValue("data").equals("set")) { // the only currently supported structure is: a.b = a.b->including/excluding(c) //Element evalLeft = evaluateExpressionNode(left, instanceParameters, snapshot, domain, project); Element evalLeft = evaluateExpressionNodeInSnapshot(left, instanceParameters, snapshot, domain, project); List<?> leftChildren = evalLeft.getChildren(); List<?> rightChildren = right.getChildren(); // if right set has more nodes than left set, it's an including operation if (rightChildren.size() > leftChildren.size()) { Element rightClone = (Element) right.clone(); // done to keep the expression tree for (Iterator<?> iterator = leftChildren .iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Element leftChild = (Element); // look for the child in right set Element rightChild = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath("node[@data='" + leftChild.getAttributeValue("data") + "']"); rightChild = (Element) path .selectSingleNode(rightClone); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (rightChild != null) { // remove from set rightChild.detach(); } } // at the end, the only remaining node in right set is the one to be included if (rightClone.getChildren().size() == 1) { Element nodeToInclude = rightClone.getChild("node"); // find the second object, i. e., the object to which the association points Element valueObject = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "elements/objects/object[lower-case(name)='" + nodeToInclude .getAttributeValue( "data") .toLowerCase() + "']"); valueObject = (Element) path .selectSingleNode(domain); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (valueObject != null) { // create a new object association Element commonData = ItSIMPLE.getCommonData(); Element newObjectAssociation = (Element) commonData .getChild("definedNodes") .getChild("elements").getChild("model") .getChild("objectAssociation").clone(); newObjectAssociation .getChild("classAssociation") .setText(oclNode .getAttributeValue("id")); Element newSourceAssociationEnd = null; Element newTargetAssociationEnd = null; //(Element)newObjectAssociation.getChild("associationEnds").getChildren("objectAssociationEnd").get(1); try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "associationEnds/objectAssociationEnd[@id='" + targetAssociationEnd .getAttributeValue( "id") + "']"); newTargetAssociationEnd = (Element) path .selectSingleNode( newObjectAssociation); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (newTargetAssociationEnd != null) { String sourceId = (newTargetAssociationEnd .getAttributeValue("id") .equals("1")) ? "2" : "1"; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "associationEnds/objectAssociationEnd[@id='" + sourceId + "']"); newSourceAssociationEnd = (Element) path .selectSingleNode( newObjectAssociation); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (newSourceAssociationEnd != null) { } } // 1st association end newSourceAssociationEnd.setAttribute("element", "object"); newSourceAssociationEnd.setAttribute( "element-id", domainObject.getAttributeValue("id")); // 2nd association end newTargetAssociationEnd.setAttribute("element", "object"); newTargetAssociationEnd.setAttribute( "element-id", valueObject.getAttributeValue("id")); newObjectAssociation.setAttribute("id", String .valueOf(XMLUtilities.getId(snapshot .getChild("associations")))); //set the highlight color newObjectAssociation.getChild("graphics") .getChild("color").setText(changeColor); // add it to the snapshot next.getChild("associations") .addContent(newObjectAssociation); //System.out.println("Object association created: " // + oclNode.getChildText("name")+ " " // + domainObject.getChildText("name")+ " ---- " + valueObject.getChildText("name")); //System.out.println("-----------------------------------------------"); } } else { //System.out.println("ERROR: Set has more nodes than expected"); } } // if left set has more nodes than right set, it's an excluding operation else if (leftChildren.size() > rightChildren.size()) { for (Iterator<?> iterator = rightChildren .iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Element rightChild = (Element); // look for the child in right set Element leftChild = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath("node[@data='" + rightChild.getAttributeValue("data") + "']"); leftChild = (Element) path .selectSingleNode(evalLeft); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (rightChild != null) { // remove from set leftChild.detach(); } } // at the end, the only remaining node in left is the one to be excluded if (evalLeft.getChildren().size() == 1) { Element nodeToExclude = evalLeft.getChild("node"); Element valueObject = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "elements/objects/object[lower-case(name)='" + nodeToExclude .getAttributeValue( "data") .toLowerCase() + "']"); valueObject = (Element) path .selectSingleNode(domain); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (valueObject != null) { //String objectAssociationEndID = (associationEnd.getAttributeValue("id").equals("1")) ?"2" :"1"; Element association = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "associations/objectAssociation[classAssociation='" + oclNode.getAttributeValue( "id") + "' and associationEnds/objectAssociationEnd[@element-id='" + valueObject .getAttributeValue( "id") + "' and @id='" + targetAssociationEnd .getAttributeValue( "id") + "']]"); association = (Element) path .selectSingleNode(next); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (association != null) { association.detach(); //System.out.println("Association removed: " + oclNode.getChildText("name")); //System.out.println("-----------------------------------------------"); } } } else { //System.out.println("ERROR: Set has more nodes than expected"); } } } else if (right.getAttributeValue("data").equals("including")) { // the only currently supported structure is: a.b = a.b->including/excluding(c) Element nodeToInclude = right.getChild("node"); //Element evalLeft = evaluateExpressionNode(left, instanceParameters, snapshot, domain, project); Element evalLeft = evaluateExpressionNodeInSnapshot(left, instanceParameters, snapshot, domain, project); Element sameNode = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath("node[@data='" + nodeToInclude.getAttributeValue("data") + "']"); sameNode = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(evalLeft); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (sameNode == null) { // adds the node // find the second object, i. e., the object to which the association points Element valueObject = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "elements/objects/object[lower-case(name)='" + nodeToInclude .getAttributeValue("data") .toLowerCase() + "']"); valueObject = (Element) path .selectSingleNode(domain); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (valueObject != null) { // create a new object association Element commonData = ItSIMPLE.getCommonData(); Element newObjectAssociation = (Element) commonData .getChild("definedNodes") .getChild("elements").getChild("model") .getChild("objectAssociation").clone(); newObjectAssociation.getChild("classAssociation") .setText(oclNode.getAttributeValue("id")); Element newSourceAssociationEnd = null; Element newTargetAssociationEnd = null; //(Element)newObjectAssociation.getChild("associationEnds").getChildren("objectAssociationEnd").get(1); try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "associationEnds/objectAssociationEnd[@id='" + targetAssociationEnd .getAttributeValue("id") + "']"); newTargetAssociationEnd = (Element) path .selectSingleNode(newObjectAssociation); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (newTargetAssociationEnd != null) { String sourceId = (newTargetAssociationEnd .getAttributeValue("id").equals("1")) ? "2" : "1"; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "associationEnds/objectAssociationEnd[@id='" + sourceId + "']"); newSourceAssociationEnd = (Element) path .selectSingleNode( newObjectAssociation); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (newSourceAssociationEnd != null) { } } // 1st association end newSourceAssociationEnd.setAttribute("element", "object"); newSourceAssociationEnd.setAttribute("element-id", domainObject.getAttributeValue("id")); // 2nd association end newTargetAssociationEnd.setAttribute("element", "object"); newTargetAssociationEnd.setAttribute("element-id", valueObject.getAttributeValue("id")); newObjectAssociation.setAttribute("id", String.valueOf(XMLUtilities.getId(snapshot .getChild("associations")))); //set the highlight color newObjectAssociation.getChild("graphics") .getChild("color").setText(changeColor); // add it to the snapshot next.getChild("associations") .addContent(newObjectAssociation); //System.out.println("Object association created: " // + oclNode.getChildText("name")+ " " // + domainObject.getChildText("name")+ " ---- " + valueObject.getChildText("name")); //System.out.println("-----------------------------------------------"); } } } else if (right.getAttributeValue("data").equals("excluding")) { // the only currently supported structure is: a.b = a.b->including/excluding(c) Element nodeToExclude = right.getChild("node"); //Element evalLeft = evaluateExpressionNode(left, instanceParameters, snapshot, domain, project); Element evalLeft = evaluateExpressionNodeInSnapshot(left, instanceParameters, snapshot, domain, project); Element sameNode = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath("node[@data='" + nodeToExclude.getAttributeValue("data") + "']"); sameNode = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(evalLeft); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (sameNode != null) { // excludes node //nodeToExclude = evalLeft.getChild("node"); Element valueObject = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "elements/objects/object[lower-case(name)='" + nodeToExclude .getAttributeValue("data") .toLowerCase() + "']"); valueObject = (Element) path .selectSingleNode(domain); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (valueObject != null) { //String objectAssociationEndID = (associationEnd.getAttributeValue("id").equals("1")) ?"2" :"1"; Element association = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "associations/objectAssociation[classAssociation='" + oclNode .getAttributeValue("id") + "' and associationEnds/objectAssociationEnd[@element-id='" + valueObject .getAttributeValue("id") + "' and @id='" + targetAssociationEnd .getAttributeValue("id") + "']]"); association = (Element) path .selectSingleNode(next); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (association != null) { association.detach(); //System.out.println("Association removed: " + oclNode.getChildText("name")); //System.out.println("-----------------------------------------------"); } } } } else {//there is a value // look for the value in domain Element valueInstanceParameter = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath("parameter[value='" + right.getAttributeValue("data") + "']"); valueInstanceParameter = (Element) path .selectSingleNode(instanceParameters); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (valueInstanceParameter != null) { Element valueObject = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "elements/objects/object[lower-case(name)='" + valueInstanceParameter .getChildText("value") .toLowerCase() + "']"); valueObject = (Element) path .selectSingleNode(domain); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (valueObject != null) { boolean createAssociation; if (objectAssociation == null) { createAssociation = true; } else { Element firstAssociationEnd = (Element) objectAssociation .getChild("associationEnds") .getChildren("objectAssociationEnd") .get(0); Element secondAssociationEnd = (Element) objectAssociation .getChild("associationEnds") .getChildren("objectAssociationEnd") .get(1); String firstElementID = firstAssociationEnd .getAttributeValue("element-id"); String secondElementID = secondAssociationEnd .getAttributeValue("element-id"); if (firstElementID.equals( domainObject.getAttributeValue("id")) && secondElementID.equals(valueObject .getAttributeValue("id"))) { //don't create a new object association createAssociation = false; } else { // create a new association createAssociation = true; } } if (createAssociation) { // create a new object association Element commonData = ItSIMPLE.getCommonData(); Element newObjectAssociation = (Element) commonData .getChild("definedNodes") .getChild("elements").getChild("model") .getChild("objectAssociation").clone(); newObjectAssociation .getChild("classAssociation") .setText(oclNode .getAttributeValue("id")); Element newSourceAssociationEnd = null; Element newTargetAssociationEnd = null; //(Element)newObjectAssociation.getChild("associationEnds").getChildren("objectAssociationEnd").get(1); try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "associationEnds/objectAssociationEnd[@id='" + targetAssociationEnd .getAttributeValue( "id") + "']"); newTargetAssociationEnd = (Element) path .selectSingleNode( newObjectAssociation); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (newTargetAssociationEnd != null) { String sourceId = (newTargetAssociationEnd .getAttributeValue("id") .equals("1")) ? "2" : "1"; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "associationEnds/objectAssociationEnd[@id='" + sourceId + "']"); newSourceAssociationEnd = (Element) path .selectSingleNode( newObjectAssociation); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (newSourceAssociationEnd != null) { // 1st association end newSourceAssociationEnd.setAttribute( "element", "object"); newSourceAssociationEnd.setAttribute( "element-id", domainObject.getAttributeValue( "id")); // 2nd association end newTargetAssociationEnd.setAttribute( "element", "object"); newTargetAssociationEnd.setAttribute( "element-id", valueObject.getAttributeValue( "id")); newObjectAssociation.setAttribute("id", String.valueOf(XMLUtilities .getId(next.getChild( "associations")))); // set the highlight color newObjectAssociation .getChild("graphics") .getChild("color") .setText(changeColor); next.getChild("associations") .addContent( newObjectAssociation); //System.out.println("Object association created: "+ oclNode.getChildText("name")+ " " // + domainObject.getChildText("name")+ " ---- " + valueObject.getChildText("name")); if (objectAssociation != null) { // delete the old object association Element associations = objectAssociation .getParentElement(); associations.removeContent( objectAssociation); //System.out.println("Association removed: " + oclNode.getChildText("name")); //System.out.println("-----------------------------------------------"); } } } } } else { //System.out.println("Object \""+ valueInstanceParameter.getChildText("value") + // "\" not found in domain."); } } else { //System.out.println("Value \""+ right.getAttributeValue("data") +"\" not found in parameters list."); } } } else { //association //TODO associations without rolenames } } } else { //System.out.println("Attribute or association \"" + attrName + "\" not found in project."); } } else { //System.out.println("Object \"" + domainObject.getAttributeValue("id") + "\" not found in next snapshot."); } } else { //System.out.println("Object \"" + instanceParameter.getChildText("value") + "\" not found in domain."); } } else { //System.out.println("Class \"" + instanceParameter.getChildText("type") + "\" not found in domain."); } } else { //System.out.println("Object \"" + objectNode.getAttributeValue("data") + "\" not found in parameters list."); } } else { // global attributes Element classAttr = null; String attrName; if (left.getAttributeValue("data").indexOf("(") > 0) { // parameterized attribute attrName = left.getAttributeValue("data") .substring(0, left.getAttributeValue("data").indexOf("(")).toLowerCase(); } else { attrName = left.getAttributeValue("data").toLowerCase(); } try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "elements/classes/class[stereotype='utility']/attributes/attribute[lower-case(name)='" + attrName + "']"); classAttr = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(project); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (classAttr != null) { Element utilityClass = classAttr.getParentElement().getParentElement(); // not parameterized attribute // look for the domain object Element domainObject = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath("elements/objects/object[class='" + utilityClass.getAttributeValue("id") + "']"); domainObject = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(domain); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (domainObject != null) { // look for the snapshot object Element snapshotObject = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "objects/object[@id='" + domainObject.getAttributeValue("id") + "']"); snapshotObject = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(next); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (snapshotObject != null) { Element objectAttribute = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "attributes/attribute[@id='" + classAttr.getAttributeValue("id") + "' and @class='" + classAttr.getParentElement() .getParentElement().getAttributeValue("id") + "']"); objectAttribute = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(snapshotObject); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (objectAttribute != null) { List<?> attrParameters = classAttr.getChild("parameters") .getChildren("parameter"); if (attrParameters.size() > 0) { String leftData = left.getAttributeValue("data"); //parameterized attribute String attrParams = leftData.substring(leftData.indexOf('(') + 1, leftData.lastIndexOf(')')); String query = "attributes/attribute[@id='" + classAttr.getAttributeValue("id") + "']/value/parameterizedValue["; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(attrParams, ","); for (Iterator<?> iterator = attrParameters.iterator(); iterator .hasNext();) { Element attrParam = (Element); String paramValue = ""; if (st.hasMoreTokens()) { paramValue = st.nextToken().trim().toLowerCase(); } else { //System.out.println("There are fewer parameters than expected at attribute: "+ classAttr.getChildText("name")); } query += "lower-case(parameters/parameter[@id='" + attrParam.getAttributeValue("id") + "']/value)='" + paramValue + "'"; if (iterator.hasNext()) { query += " and "; } } query += "]"; if (st.hasMoreTokens()) { //System.out.println("There are more parameters than expected at attribute: "+ classAttr.getChildText("name")); } Element parameterizedValue = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath(query); parameterizedValue = (Element) path .selectSingleNode(snapshotObject); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (parameterizedValue != null) { //System.out.println("Before: "+ domainObject.getChildText("name")+ " - "+ classAttr.getChildText("name")); //XMLUtilities.printXML(parameterizedValue); //refresh the value in the snapshot parameterizedValue.getChild("value") .setText(right.getAttributeValue("data")); //set the highlight color parameterizedValue.getChild("graphics").getChild("color") .setText(changeColor); //System.out.println("After:"); //XMLUtilities.printXML(parameterizedValue); //System.out.println("-----------------------------------------------"); } else { //System.out.println("Parameterized value \""+ left.getAttributeValue("data") // +"\" not found in snapshot object."); } } else { // not parameterized value // check whether the value is to be changed if (!right.getAttributeValue("data").toLowerCase() .equals(objectAttribute.getChildText("value").toLowerCase())) { //System.out.println("Before: "+ domainObject.getChildText("name")+ " - "+ classAttr.getChildText("name")); //XMLUtilities.printXML(objectAttribute); // do the change objectAttribute.getChild("value") .setText(right.getAttributeValue("data")); // set the highlight color //set the highlight color objectAttribute.getChild("graphics").getChild("color") .setText(changeColor); //System.out.println("After:"); //XMLUtilities.printXML(objectAttribute); //System.out.println("-----------------------------------------------"); } } } else { //System.out.println("Attribute \"" + classAttr.getChildText("name") + "\" not found in snapshot object."); } } else { //System.out.println("Object with utility stereotype not found in snapshot."); } } else { //System.out.println("Object with utility stereotype not found in domain."); } } else { //System.out.println("Global attribute \""+ left.getAttributeValue("data") +"\" not found."); } } } } } else { //System.out.println("Operator \""+ action +"\" not found."); } return next; } /** * This method evaluate a expression node in a given snaphot considering * a list of action's parameters. * This method is depricated; use evaluateExpressionNodeInSnapshot instead. * @param node * @param instanceParameters * @param snapshot * @param domain * @param project * @return */ @Deprecated private static Element evaluateExpressionNode(Element node, Element instanceParameters, Element snapshot, Element domain, Element project) { Element evaluatedNode = null; String nodeData = node.getAttributeValue("data"); if (nodeData.equals(".")) { Element objectNode = (Element) node.getChildren().get(0); Element attrOrAssocNode = (Element) node.getChildren().get(1); String data = attrOrAssocNode.getAttributeValue("data"); String attrOrAssocName; if (data.indexOf("(") > 0) { // parameterized attribute (take off parenthesis) attrOrAssocName = data.substring(0, data.indexOf('(')).toLowerCase(); // replace parameter values String attrName = data.substring(0, data.indexOf('(')); String attrParameters = data.substring(data.indexOf('(') + 1, data.lastIndexOf(')')); String attrValues = "("; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(attrParameters, ","); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String parameter = st.nextToken().trim().toLowerCase(); Element instanceParameter = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath("parameter[lower-case(name)='" + parameter + "']"); instanceParameter = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(instanceParameters); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (instanceParameter != null) { attrValues += instanceParameter.getChildText("value"); if (st.hasMoreTokens()) { attrValues += ","; } } else { //System.out.println("Parameter \""+ parameter +"\" not found in parameters list."); //TODO: Check if it is a literal Element literal = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "project/elements/classes/enumeration/literals/literal[lower-case(name)='" + parameter + "']"); literal = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(domain.getDocument()); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (literal != null) { attrValues += parameter; } else { attrValues += "#error"; } //attrValues += "#error"; } } attrValues += ")"; String newAttrData = attrName + attrValues; attrOrAssocNode.setAttribute("data", newAttrData); attrOrAssocNode.setAttribute("instance", "t"); // update data data = newAttrData; } else { attrOrAssocName = data.toLowerCase(); } // look for the instance parameter Element instanceParameter = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath("parameter[lower-case(value)='" + objectNode.getAttributeValue("data").toLowerCase() + "']"); instanceParameter = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(instanceParameters); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (instanceParameter != null) { // look for the object class Element objectClass = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "elements/classes/class[@id='" + instanceParameter.getChildText("type") + "']"); objectClass = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(project); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (objectClass != null) { // look for the object in the snapshot domain Element domainObject = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath("elements/objects/object[lower-case(name)='" + instanceParameter.getChildText("value").toLowerCase() + "']"); domainObject = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(domain); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (domainObject != null) { // look for the object in the snapshot Element snapshotObject = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "objects/object[@id='" + domainObject.getAttributeValue("id") + "']"); snapshotObject = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(snapshot); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (snapshotObject != null) { // check whether the second node is an attribute or an association Element attrOrAssocModelNode = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "elements/classes/class/attributes/attribute[lower-case(name)='" + attrOrAssocName + "'] | elements/classAssociations/" + "classAssociation[associationEnds/associationEnd/rolename[lower-case(value)='" + attrOrAssocName + "'] or lower-case(name)='" + attrOrAssocName + "']"); attrOrAssocModelNode = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(project); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (attrOrAssocModelNode != null) { // attribute if (attrOrAssocModelNode.getName().equals("attribute")) { // look for the attribute in the object class Element classAttr = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "elements/classes/class/attributes/attribute[lower-case(name)='" + attrOrAssocName + "']"); classAttr = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(project); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (classAttr != null) { List<?> attrParameters = classAttr.getChild("parameters").getChildren(); if (attrParameters.size() > 0) { // parameterized attribute String attrParams = data.toLowerCase().substring(data.indexOf('(') + 1, data.lastIndexOf(')')); String query = "attributes/attribute[@id='" + classAttr.getAttributeValue("id") + "']/value/parameterizedValue["; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(attrParams, ","); for (Iterator<?> iter = attrParameters.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Element attrParam = (Element); String value = ""; if (st.hasMoreTokens()) { value = st.nextToken().trim().toLowerCase(); } else { //System.out.println("There are less parameters than expected at attribute: "+ classAttr.getChildText("name")); } query += "parameters/parameter[@id='" + attrParam.getAttributeValue("id") + "' and lower-case(value)='" + value + "']"; if (iter.hasNext()) { query += " and "; } } query += "]"; if (st.hasMoreTokens()) { //System.out.println("There are more parameters than expected at attribute: "+ classAttr.getChildText("name")); } Element parameterizedValue = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath(query); parameterizedValue = (Element) path .selectSingleNode(snapshotObject); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (parameterizedValue != null) { //returns the value given in the snapshot evaluatedNode = (Element) node.clone(); evaluatedNode.removeContent(); evaluatedNode.setAttribute("type", "opd"); evaluatedNode.setAttribute("data", parameterizedValue.getChildText("value")); evaluatedNode.setAttribute("instance", "t"); } else { //System.out.println("Parameterized value "+ attrOrAssocName +" not found in snapshot object."); } } else { // not parameterized attribute Element objectAttribute = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "attributes/attribute[@id='" + classAttr.getAttributeValue("id") + "' and @class='" + classAttr.getParentElement() .getParentElement().getAttributeValue("id") + "']"); objectAttribute = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(snapshotObject); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (objectAttribute != null) { // returns the value given in the snapshot evaluatedNode = (Element) node.clone(); evaluatedNode.removeContent(); evaluatedNode.setAttribute("type", "opd"); evaluatedNode.setAttribute("data", objectAttribute.getChildText("value")); evaluatedNode.setAttribute("instance", "t"); } else { //System.out.println("Object attribute \"" + classAttr.getChildText("name") + "\" not found in snapshot."); } } } else { //System.out.println("Attribute \"" + attrOrAssocNode.getAttributeValue("data") + "\" not found in project."); } } else { // association //get the second object association end has the rolename or the navigation false Element secondObjectAssociationEnd = null; // try with rolename try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "associationEnds/associationEnd[lower-case(rolename/value)='" + attrOrAssocName.toLowerCase() + "']"); secondObjectAssociationEnd = (Element) path .selectSingleNode(attrOrAssocModelNode); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (secondObjectAssociationEnd == null) { // if it's null, there is no rolename, so check navigation try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "associationEnds/associationEnd[@navigation='true']"); secondObjectAssociationEnd = (Element) path .selectSingleNode(attrOrAssocModelNode); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } //TODO case with both association ends navigation true or false is not currently dealed // get the first object of the association Element firstObject = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath("elements/objects/object[lower-case(name)='" + objectNode.getAttributeValue("data").toLowerCase() + "']"); firstObject = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(domain); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (secondObjectAssociationEnd != null && firstObject != null) { // get the class association Element classAssociation = secondObjectAssociationEnd.getParentElement() .getParentElement(); //get the first object association end id String secondObjectAssociationEndId = secondObjectAssociationEnd .getAttributeValue("id"); String firstObjectAssociationEndId = (secondObjectAssociationEndId .equals("1")) ? "2" : "1"; // get all object associations with that name and with the same first object List<?> objectAssociations = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "associations/objectAssociation[classAssociation='" + classAssociation.getAttributeValue("id") + "' and " + "associationEnds/objectAssociationEnd[@element='object' and " + "@element-id='" + firstObject.getAttributeValue("id") + "' and " + "@id='" + firstObjectAssociationEndId + "']]"); objectAssociations = path.selectNodes(snapshot); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // create the set node to receive the objects evaluatedNode = new Element("node"); evaluatedNode.setAttribute("type", "opd"); evaluatedNode.setAttribute("data", "set"); evaluatedNode.setAttribute("instance", "t"); for (Iterator<?> iter = objectAssociations.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Element objectAssociation = (Element); // for each object association, get the second object Element currentSecondObjectAssociationEnd = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "associationEnds/objectAssociationEnd[@id='" + secondObjectAssociationEndId + "']"); currentSecondObjectAssociationEnd = (Element) path .selectSingleNode(objectAssociation); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (currentSecondObjectAssociationEnd != null) { // get the object corresponding to this association end Element currentSecondObject = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "elements/objects/object[@id='" + currentSecondObjectAssociationEnd .getAttributeValue("element-id") + "']"); currentSecondObject = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(domain); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (currentSecondObject != null) { // add a node to the set Element newNode = new Element("node"); newNode.setAttribute("type", "opd"); newNode.setAttribute("data", currentSecondObject.getChildText("name").toUpperCase()); newNode.setAttribute("instance", "t"); evaluatedNode.addContent(newNode); } } } } } } } else { //System.out.println("Object \"" + domainObject.getAttributeValue("id") + "\" not found in snapshot."); } } else { //System.out.println("Object \"" + instanceParameter.getChildText("value") + "\" not found in domain."); } } else { //System.out.println("Class \"" + instanceParameter.getChildText("type") + "\" not found in domain."); } } else { //System.out.println("Object \"" + objectNode.getAttributeValue("data") + "\" not found in parameters list."); } } else if (nodeData.equals("->")) {// including, excluding Element left = (Element) node.getChildren().get(0); Element right = (Element) node.getChildren().get(1); String rightData = right.getAttributeValue("data"); //Element set = evaluateExpressionNode(left, instanceParameters, snapshot, domain, project); Element set = evaluateExpressionNodeInSnapshot(left, instanceParameters, snapshot, domain, project); // with including or excluding, it will return the result of the set // after the inclusion or exclusion if (rightData.equals("including") || rightData.equals("excluding")) { //Element param = evaluateExpressionNode(right.getChild("node"), instanceParameters, snapshot, domain, project); Element param = evaluateExpressionNodeInSnapshot(right.getChild("node"), instanceParameters, snapshot, domain, project); if (rightData.equals("including")) { // add the node to the set set.addContent(param); } else {// excluding // look for the node in the set Element nodeToBeDeleted = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "node[lower-case(@data)='" + param.getAttributeValue("data").toLowerCase() + "']"); nodeToBeDeleted = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(set); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (nodeToBeDeleted != null) { // exclude the node from set nodeToBeDeleted.detach(); } else { //System.out.println("Object to be excluded \""+ param.getAttributeValue("data") // +"\" not found."); } } evaluatedNode = set; } } else if (nodeData.equals("+") || nodeData.equals("-") || nodeData.equals("*") || nodeData.equals("/")) { Element left = (Element) node.getChildren().get(0); Element right = (Element) node.getChildren().get(1); //XMLUtilities.printXML(left); //XMLUtilities.printXML(right); //Element evalLeft = evaluateExpressionNode(left, instanceParameters, snapshot, domain, project); Element evalLeft = evaluateExpressionNodeInSnapshot(left, instanceParameters, snapshot, domain, project); //Element evalRight = evaluateExpressionNode(right, instanceParameters, snapshot, domain, project); Element evalRight = evaluateExpressionNodeInSnapshot(right, instanceParameters, snapshot, domain, project); //XMLUtilities.printXML(evalLeft); //XMLUtilities.printXML(evalRight); evaluatedNode = (Element) node.clone(); evaluatedNode.removeContent(); evaluatedNode.setAttribute("type", "opd"); evaluatedNode.setAttribute("instance", "t"); switch (node.getAttributeValue("data").charAt(0)) { case '+': { double result = Double.parseDouble(evalLeft.getAttributeValue("data")) + Double.parseDouble(evalRight.getAttributeValue("data")); evaluatedNode.setAttribute("data", String.valueOf(result)); } break; case '-': { double result = Double.parseDouble(evalLeft.getAttributeValue("data")) - Double.parseDouble(evalRight.getAttributeValue("data")); evaluatedNode.setAttribute("data", String.valueOf(result)); } break; case '*': { double result = Double.parseDouble(evalLeft.getAttributeValue("data")) * Double.parseDouble(evalRight.getAttributeValue("data")); evaluatedNode.setAttribute("data", String.valueOf(result)); } break; case '/': { double result = Double.parseDouble(evalLeft.getAttributeValue("data")) / Double.parseDouble(evalRight.getAttributeValue("data")); evaluatedNode.setAttribute("data", String.valueOf(result)); } break; } } else if (node.getAttributeValue("type").equals("opd")) { // check whether the attribute is global (stereotype 'utility') String attrData = node.getAttributeValue("data"); String attrNodeName; if (attrData.indexOf("(") > 0) { // parameterized attribute attrNodeName = attrData.substring(0, attrData.indexOf("(")).toLowerCase(); } else { attrNodeName = attrData.toLowerCase(); } Element classAttr = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "elements/classes/class[stereotype='utility']/attributes/attribute[lower-case(name)='" + attrNodeName + "']"); classAttr = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(project); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (classAttr != null) { Element utilityClass = classAttr.getParentElement().getParentElement(); // look for the domain object Element domainObject = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "elements/objects/object[class='" + utilityClass.getAttributeValue("id") + "']"); domainObject = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(domain); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (domainObject != null) { // look for the snapshot object Element snapshotObject = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "objects/object[@id='" + domainObject.getAttributeValue("id") + "']"); snapshotObject = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(snapshot); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (snapshotObject != null) { Element objectAttribute = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "attributes/attribute[@id='" + classAttr.getAttributeValue("id") + "' and @class='" + classAttr .getParentElement().getParentElement().getAttributeValue("id") + "']"); objectAttribute = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(snapshotObject); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (objectAttribute != null) { List<?> attrParameters = classAttr.getChild("parameters").getChildren(); if (attrParameters.size() > 0) { // parameterized attribute String attrParams = attrData.substring(attrData.indexOf('(') + 1, attrData.lastIndexOf(')')); String query = "attributes/attribute[@id='" + objectAttribute.getAttributeValue("id") + "']/value/parameterizedValue["; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(attrParams, ","); for (Iterator<?> iter = attrParameters.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Element attrParam = (Element); String attrParamName = ""; if (st.hasMoreTokens()) { attrParamName = st.nextToken().trim().toLowerCase(); } else { //System.out.println("There are less parameters than expected at attribute: "+ classAttr.getChildText("name")); } // look for the attribute parameter value in instance parameters Element instanceParameter = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath("parameter[lower-case(name)='" + attrParamName.toLowerCase() + "']"); instanceParameter = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(instanceParameters); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (instanceParameter != null) { query += "lower-case(parameters/parameter[@id='" + attrParam.getAttributeValue("id") + "']/value)='" + instanceParameter.getChildText("value").toLowerCase() + "'"; if (iter.hasNext()) { query += " and "; } } else { //System.out.println("Error evaluating parameterized value: " + // "instance parameter \""+ attrParamName +"\" not found."); } } query += "]"; //System.out.println(query); if (st.hasMoreTokens()) { //System.out.println("There are more parameters than expected at attribute: "+ classAttr.getChildText("name")); } Element parameterizedValue = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath(query); parameterizedValue = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(snapshotObject); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (parameterizedValue != null) { //returns the value given in the snapshot evaluatedNode = (Element) node.clone(); evaluatedNode.removeContent(); evaluatedNode.setAttribute("type", "opd"); evaluatedNode.setAttribute("data", parameterizedValue.getChildText("value")); evaluatedNode.setAttribute("instance", "t"); } else { //System.out.println("Parameterized value "+ attrData +"not found in snapshot object."); } } else { evaluatedNode = (Element) node.clone(); evaluatedNode.removeContent(); evaluatedNode.setAttribute("type", "opd"); evaluatedNode.setAttribute("data", objectAttribute.getChildText("value")); evaluatedNode.setAttribute("instance", "t"); } } else { //System.out.println("Attribute \"" + classAttr.getChildText("name") + "\" not found in snapshot object."); } } else { //System.out.println("Object with utility stereotype not found in snapshot."); } } else { //System.out.println("Object with utility stereotype not found in domain."); } } else { // returns the node itself evaluatedNode = (Element) node.clone(); } } return evaluatedNode; } /** * This method evaluate a expression node in a given snapshot based considering * a list of action's parameters (if such list exists). If the list do not exist * it will look for key elements in the domain. * @param node * @param instanceParameters * @param snapshot * @param domain * @param project * @return */ private static Element evaluateExpressionNodeInSnapshot(Element node, Element instanceParameters, Element snapshot, Element domain, Element project) { Element evaluatedNode = null; String nodeData = node.getAttributeValue("data"); if (nodeData.equals(".")) { Element objectNode = (Element) node.getChildren().get(0); Element attrOrAssocNode = (Element) node.getChildren().get(1); String data = attrOrAssocNode.getAttributeValue("data"); String attrOrAssocName; if (data.indexOf("(") > 0) { // parameterized attribute (take off parenthesis) attrOrAssocName = data.substring(0, data.indexOf('(')).toLowerCase(); // replace parameter values String attrName = data.substring(0, data.indexOf('(')); String attrParameters = data.substring(data.indexOf('(') + 1, data.lastIndexOf(')')); String attrValues = "("; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(attrParameters, ","); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { boolean foundIt = false; String parameter = st.nextToken().trim().toLowerCase(); Element instanceParameter = null; //1. try to find if in the parameters try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath("parameter[lower-case(name)='" + parameter + "']"); instanceParameter = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(instanceParameters); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (instanceParameter != null) { attrValues += instanceParameter.getChildText("value"); foundIt = true; if (st.hasMoreTokens()) { attrValues += ","; } } //2.try to see if it is an enumeration if (!foundIt) { //System.out.println("Parameter \""+ parameter +"\" not found in parameters list."); //TODO: Check if it is a literal Element literal = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "project/elements/classes/enumeration/literals/literal[lower-case(name)='" + parameter + "']"); literal = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(domain.getDocument()); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (literal != null) { attrValues += parameter; foundIt = true; } } //3.try to see if it is an object from the domain if (!foundIt) { //System.out.println("Parameter \""+ parameter +"\" not found in parameters list."); //TODO: Check if it is a literal Element object = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "elements/objects/object[lower-case(name)='" + parameter + "']"); object = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(domain); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (object != null) { attrValues += parameter; foundIt = true; } } //If it was not found at all sen error if (!foundIt) { attrValues += "#error"; } } attrValues += ")"; String newAttrData = attrName + attrValues; attrOrAssocNode.setAttribute("data", newAttrData); attrOrAssocNode.setAttribute("instance", "t"); // update data data = newAttrData; } else { attrOrAssocName = data.toLowerCase(); } boolean foundObjectNode = false; Element domainObject = null; Element objectClass = null; //1. check if it is a instance parameter Element instanceParameter = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath("parameter[lower-case(value)='" + objectNode.getAttributeValue("data").toLowerCase() + "']"); instanceParameter = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(instanceParameters); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (instanceParameter != null) { //look for the object class try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "elements/classes/class[@id='" + instanceParameter.getChildText("type") + "']"); objectClass = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(project); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (objectClass != null) { //look for the object in the snapshot domain try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath("elements/objects/object[lower-case(name)='" + instanceParameter.getChildText("value").toLowerCase() + "']"); domainObject = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(domain); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (domainObject != null) { foundObjectNode = true; } } } //2. check if it is an object from the domain if (!foundObjectNode) { try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath("elements/objects/object[lower-case(name)='" + objectNode.getAttributeValue("data").toLowerCase() + "']"); domainObject = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(domain); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (domainObject != null) { //look for the object class try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "elements/classes/class[@id='" + domainObject.getChildText("class") + "']"); objectClass = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(project); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (objectClass != null) { foundObjectNode = true; } } } //If it was not found at all sen error if (!foundObjectNode) { System.out.println("object \"" + objectNode.getAttributeValue("data") + "\" not found in domain."); } //if we found the object if (foundObjectNode) { //look for the object in the snapshot Element snapshotObject = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "objects/object[@id='" + domainObject.getAttributeValue("id") + "']"); snapshotObject = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(snapshot); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (snapshotObject != null) { // check whether the second node is an attribute or an association Element attrOrAssocModelNode = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath("elements/classes/class/attributes/attribute[lower-case(name)='" + attrOrAssocName + "'] | elements/classAssociations/" + "classAssociation[associationEnds/associationEnd/rolename[lower-case(value)='" + attrOrAssocName + "'] or lower-case(name)='" + attrOrAssocName + "']"); attrOrAssocModelNode = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(project); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (attrOrAssocModelNode != null) { // attribute if (attrOrAssocModelNode.getName().equals("attribute")) { // look for the attribute in the object class Element classAttr = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "elements/classes/class/attributes/attribute[lower-case(name)='" + attrOrAssocName + "']"); classAttr = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(project); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (classAttr != null) { List<?> attrParameters = classAttr.getChild("parameters").getChildren(); if (attrParameters.size() > 0) { // parameterized attribute String attrParams = data.toLowerCase().substring(data.indexOf('(') + 1, data.lastIndexOf(')')); String query = "attributes/attribute[@id='" + classAttr.getAttributeValue("id") + "']/value/parameterizedValue["; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(attrParams, ","); for (Iterator<?> iter = attrParameters.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Element attrParam = (Element); String value = ""; if (st.hasMoreTokens()) { value = st.nextToken().trim().toLowerCase(); } else { //System.out.println("There are less parameters than expected at attribute: "+ classAttr.getChildText("name")); } query += "parameters/parameter[@id='" + attrParam.getAttributeValue("id") + "' and lower-case(value)='" + value + "']"; if (iter.hasNext()) { query += " and "; } } query += "]"; if (st.hasMoreTokens()) { //System.out.println("There are more parameters than expected at attribute: "+ classAttr.getChildText("name")); } Element parameterizedValue = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath(query); parameterizedValue = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(snapshotObject); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (parameterizedValue != null) { //returns the value given in the snapshot evaluatedNode = (Element) node.clone(); evaluatedNode.removeContent(); evaluatedNode.setAttribute("type", "opd"); evaluatedNode.setAttribute("data", parameterizedValue.getChildText("value")); evaluatedNode.setAttribute("instance", "t"); } else { //System.out.println("Parameterized value "+ attrOrAssocName +" not found in snapshot object."); } } else { // not parameterized attribute Element objectAttribute = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "attributes/attribute[@id='" + classAttr.getAttributeValue("id") + "' and @class='" + classAttr.getParentElement() .getParentElement().getAttributeValue("id") + "']"); objectAttribute = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(snapshotObject); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (objectAttribute != null) { // returns the value given in the snapshot evaluatedNode = (Element) node.clone(); evaluatedNode.removeContent(); evaluatedNode.setAttribute("type", "opd"); evaluatedNode.setAttribute("data", objectAttribute.getChildText("value")); evaluatedNode.setAttribute("instance", "t"); } else { //System.out.println("Object attribute \"" + classAttr.getChildText("name") + "\" not found in snapshot."); } } } else { //System.out.println("Attribute \"" + attrOrAssocNode.getAttributeValue("data") + "\" not found in project."); } } else { // association //get the second object association end has the rolename or the navigation false Element secondObjectAssociationEnd = null; // try with rolename try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "associationEnds/associationEnd[lower-case(rolename/value)='" + attrOrAssocName.toLowerCase() + "']"); secondObjectAssociationEnd = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(attrOrAssocModelNode); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (secondObjectAssociationEnd == null) { // if it's null, there is no rolename, so check navigation try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "associationEnds/associationEnd[@navigation='true']"); secondObjectAssociationEnd = (Element) path .selectSingleNode(attrOrAssocModelNode); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } //TODO case with both association ends navigation true or false is not currently dealed // get the first object of the association Element firstObject = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath("elements/objects/object[lower-case(name)='" + objectNode.getAttributeValue("data").toLowerCase() + "']"); firstObject = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(domain); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (secondObjectAssociationEnd != null && firstObject != null) { // get the class association Element classAssociation = secondObjectAssociationEnd.getParentElement() .getParentElement(); //get the first object association end id String secondObjectAssociationEndId = secondObjectAssociationEnd .getAttributeValue("id"); String firstObjectAssociationEndId = (secondObjectAssociationEndId.equals("1")) ? "2" : "1"; // get all object associations with that name and with the same first object List<?> objectAssociations = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath("associations/objectAssociation[classAssociation='" + classAssociation.getAttributeValue("id") + "' and " + "associationEnds/objectAssociationEnd[@element='object' and " + "@element-id='" + firstObject.getAttributeValue("id") + "' and " + "@id='" + firstObjectAssociationEndId + "']]"); objectAssociations = path.selectNodes(snapshot); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // create the set node to receive the objects evaluatedNode = new Element("node"); evaluatedNode.setAttribute("type", "opd"); evaluatedNode.setAttribute("data", "set"); evaluatedNode.setAttribute("instance", "t"); for (Iterator<?> iter = objectAssociations.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Element objectAssociation = (Element); // for each object association, get the second object Element currentSecondObjectAssociationEnd = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath("associationEnds/objectAssociationEnd[@id='" + secondObjectAssociationEndId + "']"); currentSecondObjectAssociationEnd = (Element) path .selectSingleNode(objectAssociation); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (currentSecondObjectAssociationEnd != null) { // get the object corresponding to this association end Element currentSecondObject = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath("elements/objects/object[@id='" + currentSecondObjectAssociationEnd .getAttributeValue("element-id") + "']"); currentSecondObject = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(domain); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (currentSecondObject != null) { // add a node to the set Element newNode = new Element("node"); newNode.setAttribute("type", "opd"); newNode.setAttribute("data", currentSecondObject.getChildText("name").toUpperCase()); newNode.setAttribute("instance", "t"); evaluatedNode.addContent(newNode); } } } } } } } else { System.out.println( "Object \"" + domainObject.getAttributeValue("id") + "\" not found in snapshot."); } } } else if (nodeData.equals("->")) {// including, excluding Element left = (Element) node.getChildren().get(0); Element right = (Element) node.getChildren().get(1); String rightData = right.getAttributeValue("data"); Element set = evaluateExpressionNodeInSnapshot(left, instanceParameters, snapshot, domain, project); // with including or excluding, it will return the result of the set // after the inclusion or exclusion if (rightData.equals("including") || rightData.equals("excluding")) { Element param = evaluateExpressionNodeInSnapshot(right.getChild("node"), instanceParameters, snapshot, domain, project); if (rightData.equals("including")) { // add the node to the set set.addContent(param); } else {// excluding // look for the node in the set Element nodeToBeDeleted = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "node[lower-case(@data)='" + param.getAttributeValue("data").toLowerCase() + "']"); nodeToBeDeleted = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(set); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (nodeToBeDeleted != null) { // exclude the node from set nodeToBeDeleted.detach(); } else { //System.out.println("Object to be excluded \""+ param.getAttributeValue("data") // +"\" not found."); } } evaluatedNode = set; } } else if (nodeData.equals("+") || nodeData.equals("-") || nodeData.equals("*") || nodeData.equals("/")) { Element left = (Element) node.getChildren().get(0); Element right = (Element) node.getChildren().get(1); //XMLUtilities.printXML(left); //XMLUtilities.printXML(right); Element evalLeft = evaluateExpressionNodeInSnapshot(left, instanceParameters, snapshot, domain, project); Element evalRight = evaluateExpressionNodeInSnapshot(right, instanceParameters, snapshot, domain, project); //XMLUtilities.printXML(evalLeft); //XMLUtilities.printXML(evalRight); evaluatedNode = (Element) node.clone(); evaluatedNode.removeContent(); evaluatedNode.setAttribute("type", "opd"); evaluatedNode.setAttribute("instance", "t"); switch (node.getAttributeValue("data").charAt(0)) { case '+': { double result = Double.parseDouble(evalLeft.getAttributeValue("data")) + Double.parseDouble(evalRight.getAttributeValue("data")); evaluatedNode.setAttribute("data", String.valueOf(result)); } break; case '-': { double result = Double.parseDouble(evalLeft.getAttributeValue("data")) - Double.parseDouble(evalRight.getAttributeValue("data")); evaluatedNode.setAttribute("data", String.valueOf(result)); } break; case '*': { double result = Double.parseDouble(evalLeft.getAttributeValue("data")) * Double.parseDouble(evalRight.getAttributeValue("data")); evaluatedNode.setAttribute("data", String.valueOf(result)); } break; case '/': { double result = Double.parseDouble(evalLeft.getAttributeValue("data")) / Double.parseDouble(evalRight.getAttributeValue("data")); evaluatedNode.setAttribute("data", String.valueOf(result)); } break; } } else if (node.getAttributeValue("type").equals("opd")) { // check whether the attribute is global (stereotype 'utility') String attrData = node.getAttributeValue("data"); String attrNodeName; if (attrData.indexOf("(") > 0) { // parameterized attribute attrNodeName = attrData.substring(0, attrData.indexOf("(")).toLowerCase(); } else { attrNodeName = attrData.toLowerCase(); } Element classAttr = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "elements/classes/class[stereotype='utility']/attributes/attribute[lower-case(name)='" + attrNodeName + "']"); classAttr = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(project); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (classAttr != null) { Element utilityClass = classAttr.getParentElement().getParentElement(); // look for the domain object Element domainObject = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "elements/objects/object[class='" + utilityClass.getAttributeValue("id") + "']"); domainObject = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(domain); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (domainObject != null) { // look for the snapshot object Element snapshotObject = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "objects/object[@id='" + domainObject.getAttributeValue("id") + "']"); snapshotObject = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(snapshot); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (snapshotObject != null) { Element objectAttribute = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "attributes/attribute[@id='" + classAttr.getAttributeValue("id") + "' and @class='" + classAttr .getParentElement().getParentElement().getAttributeValue("id") + "']"); objectAttribute = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(snapshotObject); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (objectAttribute != null) { List<?> attrParameters = classAttr.getChild("parameters").getChildren(); if (attrParameters.size() > 0) { // parameterized attribute String attrParams = attrData.substring(attrData.indexOf('(') + 1, attrData.lastIndexOf(')')); String query = "attributes/attribute[@id='" + objectAttribute.getAttributeValue("id") + "']/value/parameterizedValue["; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(attrParams, ","); for (Iterator<?> iter = attrParameters.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Element attrParam = (Element); String attrParamName = ""; if (st.hasMoreTokens()) { attrParamName = st.nextToken().trim().toLowerCase(); } else { //System.out.println("There are less parameters than expected at attribute: "+ classAttr.getChildText("name")); } // look for the attribute parameter value in instance parameters Element instanceParameter = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath("parameter[lower-case(name)='" + attrParamName.toLowerCase() + "']"); instanceParameter = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(instanceParameters); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (instanceParameter != null) { query += "lower-case(parameters/parameter[@id='" + attrParam.getAttributeValue("id") + "']/value)='" + instanceParameter.getChildText("value").toLowerCase() + "'"; if (iter.hasNext()) { query += " and "; } } else { //System.out.println("Error evaluating parameterized value: " + // "instance parameter \""+ attrParamName +"\" not found."); } } query += "]"; //System.out.println(query); if (st.hasMoreTokens()) { //System.out.println("There are more parameters than expected at attribute: "+ classAttr.getChildText("name")); } Element parameterizedValue = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath(query); parameterizedValue = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(snapshotObject); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (parameterizedValue != null) { //returns the value given in the snapshot evaluatedNode = (Element) node.clone(); evaluatedNode.removeContent(); evaluatedNode.setAttribute("type", "opd"); evaluatedNode.setAttribute("data", parameterizedValue.getChildText("value")); evaluatedNode.setAttribute("instance", "t"); } else { //System.out.println("Parameterized value "+ attrData +"not found in snapshot object."); } } else { evaluatedNode = (Element) node.clone(); evaluatedNode.removeContent(); evaluatedNode.setAttribute("type", "opd"); evaluatedNode.setAttribute("data", objectAttribute.getChildText("value")); evaluatedNode.setAttribute("instance", "t"); } } else { //System.out.println("Attribute \"" + classAttr.getChildText("name") + "\" not found in snapshot object."); } } else { //System.out.println("Object with utility stereotype not found in snapshot."); } } else { //System.out.println("Object with utility stereotype not found in domain."); } } else { // returns the node itself evaluatedNode = (Element) node.clone(); } } return evaluatedNode; } /** * This method creates a sequence of object diagrams (snapshots) for a given planning problem using a plan as a guide. * Starting from the initial state, the process fires each action in the plan compousing a movie. * @param xmlPlan * @param problem * @return */ public static Element getMovie(Element xmlPlan, Element problem) { //hold problem, domain and project theproblem = problem; thedomain = problem.getParentElement().getParentElement(); theproject = problem.getDocument().getRootElement(); //set movie node Element movie = new Element("movie"); //GET MOVIE // get init snapshot Element currentSnapshot = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath("objectDiagrams/objectDiagram[sequenceReference='init']"); currentSnapshot = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(problem); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (currentSnapshot != null) { // add it to movie (first scene) currentSnapshot = (Element) currentSnapshot.clone(); movie.addContent(currentSnapshot); // set id = 1 (first scene) currentSnapshot.setAttribute("id", "1"); // get metrics from inital snapshot //gatherMetricsDataset(metrics, null, currentSnapshot); // iterate over all actions in xmlPlan List<?> actions = xmlPlan.getChild("plan").getChildren("action"); // diagrams sequence int i = 2; JLabel status = ItSIMPLE.getInstance().getPlanSimStatusBar(); status.setText("Status: Generating movie... (0%)"); int progressIndex = 0; for (Iterator<?> iter = actions.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Element action = (Element); // get next snap shot String actionName = action.getAttributeValue("id"); List<String> actionParams = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Iterator<?> iterator = action.getChild("parameters").getChildren("parameter") .iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Element param = (Element); actionParams.add(param.getAttributeValue("id")); } // objectDiagrams domain Element domain = problem.getParentElement().getParentElement(); Element project = problem.getDocument().getRootElement(); //generates next state currentSnapshot = nextState(actionName, actionParams, currentSnapshot, domain, project); // set the id currentSnapshot.setAttribute("id", String.valueOf(i++)); //get action start time (restricted so far to INTEGER int startTime = i - 1; try { startTime = Integer.parseInt(action.getChildText("startTime")); } catch (Exception e) { } //get action duration (restricted so far to INTEGER int duration = 1; try { duration = Integer.parseInt(action.getChildText("duration")); } catch (Exception e) { } int snapshotRef = startTime + duration; // set the sequence time //currentSnapshot.getChild("sequenceReference").setText(action.getChildText("startTime")); currentSnapshot.getChild("sequenceReference").setText(Integer.toString(snapshotRef)); movie.addContent(currentSnapshot); // get metrics from inital snapshot //gatherMetricsDataset(metrics, action, currentSnapshot); // refresh the status bar int progressPercentage = (int) ((double) ++progressIndex / (double) actions.size() * 100); status.setText("Status: Generating movie... (" + progressPercentage + "%)"); } status.setText("Status: Done generating movie!"); } //XMLUtilities.printXML(metrics); //PUT METRICS IN THE PLAN //xmlPlan.removeChildren("metrics"); //clear metrics //xmlPlan.addContent(metrics); //put the metrics in the plan //XMLUtilities.printXML(movie); return movie; } public static void buildPlanAnalysisDataset(Element analysis, Element xmlPlan, Element problem) { if (analysis != null && xmlPlan != null && problem != null) { Element currentSnapshot = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath("objectDiagrams/objectDiagram[sequenceReference='init']"); currentSnapshot = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(problem); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Element planNode = xmlPlan.getChild("plan"); List<?> actions = planNode.getChildren("action"); //get the status bar JLabel status = ItSIMPLE.getInstance().getPlanSimStatusBar(); int progressIndex = 0; status.setText("Status: Generating chart... (0%)"); if (currentSnapshot != null) { for (int i = 0; i <= actions.size(); i++) { // get the values first List<?> variables = analysis.getChild("variables").getChildren("variable"); for (Iterator<?> iterator = variables.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Element variable = (Element); if (variable.getAttributeValue("type").equals("attr")) { // attribute // get the attribute in the current snapshot Element snapshotObjectAttr = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath("objects/object[@id='" + variable.getChild("object").getAttributeValue("id") + "']/attributes/attribute[@class='" + variable.getChild("object").getChild("attribute") .getAttributeValue("class") + "' and @id='" + variable.getChild("object").getChild("attribute").getAttributeValue("id") + "']"); snapshotObjectAttr = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(currentSnapshot); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (snapshotObjectAttr != null) { if (snapshotObjectAttr.getChild("value").getChildren().size() == 0) { // not parameterized attribute Element value = new Element("value"); value.setAttribute("id", String .valueOf(variable.getChild("values").getChildren("value").size())); value.setText(snapshotObjectAttr.getChildText("value")); variable.getChild("values").addContent(value); } else { // TODO parameterized attribute } } } } // get next snap shot if (i < actions.size()) {// in the last state, there is no "next state" Element action = (Element) actions.get(i); String actionName = action.getAttributeValue("id"); List<String> actionParams = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Iterator<?> iterator = action.getChild("parameters").getChildren("parameter") .iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Element param = (Element); actionParams.add(param.getAttributeValue("id")); } // objectDiagrams domain Element domain = problem.getParentElement().getParentElement(); Element project = problem.getDocument().getRootElement(); currentSnapshot = nextState(actionName, actionParams, currentSnapshot, domain, project); // refresh the status bar int progressPercentage = (int) ((double) ++progressIndex / (double) actions.size() * 100); status.setText("Status: Generating chart... (" + progressPercentage + "%)"); } } status.setText("Status: Done generating chart!"); } else { System.out.println( "No initial snapshot was found in problem \"" + problem.getChildText("name") + "\"."); } XMLUtilities.printXML(analysis); } } public static List<ChartPanel> drawCharts(Element analysis, Element problem) { List<ChartPanel> charts = new ArrayList<ChartPanel>(); // draw the charts List<?> variables = analysis.getChild("variables").getChildren("variable"); for (Iterator<?> iter = variables.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Element variable = (Element); Element domainObject = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath("elements/objects/object[@id='" + variable.getChild("object").getAttributeValue("id") + "']"); domainObject = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(problem.getParentElement().getParentElement()); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Element attribute = variable.getChild("object").getChild("attribute"); Element classAttr = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "project/elements/classes/class[@id='" + attribute.getAttributeValue("class") + "']/attributes/attribute[@id='" + attribute.getAttributeValue("id") + "']"); classAttr = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(problem.getDocument()); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } String chartTitle = domainObject.getChildText("name") + "." + classAttr.getChildText("name"); if (variable.getAttributeValue("type").equals("attr")) { // attribute String attrType = variable.getChild("object").getChild("attribute").getAttributeValue("type"); if (attrType.equals("1")) { //BOOLEAN attribute XYSeriesCollection dataset = new XYSeriesCollection(); XYSeries series = new XYSeries("Boolean"); int stepIndex = 0; for (Iterator<?> iterator = variable.getChild("values").getChildren("value") .iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Element value = (Element); series.add(stepIndex++, (value.getText().equals("false") ? 0 : 1)); } dataset.addSeries(series); JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createXYStepChart(chartTitle, "Values", "Steps", dataset, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, false, true, false); XYPlot plot = (XYPlot) chart.getPlot(); NumberAxis domainAxis = new NumberAxis("Steps"); domainAxis.setStandardTickUnits(NumberAxis.createIntegerTickUnits()); domainAxis.setAutoRangeIncludesZero(false); plot.setDomainAxis(domainAxis); String[] values = { "false", "true" }; SymbolAxis rangeAxis = new SymbolAxis("Values", values); plot.setRangeAxis(rangeAxis); ChartPanel chartPanel = new ChartPanel(chart); chartPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(chartPanel.getSize().width, 175)); charts.add(chartPanel); } else if (attrType.equals("2") || attrType.equals("3")) { //NUMERIC attributes XYSeriesCollection dataset = new XYSeriesCollection(); XYSeries series = new XYSeries("variable"); int stepIndex = 0; for (Iterator<?> iterator = variable.getChild("values").getChildren("value") .iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Element value = (Element); series.add(stepIndex++, Double.parseDouble(value.getText())); } dataset.addSeries(series); JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createXYLineChart(chartTitle, "Steps", "Values", dataset, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, false, true, false); XYPlot xyPlot = (XYPlot) chart.getPlot(); XYLineAndShapeRenderer renderer = (XYLineAndShapeRenderer) xyPlot.getRenderer(); renderer.setShapesVisible(true); renderer.setShapesFilled(true); NumberAxis rangeAxis = (NumberAxis) xyPlot.getRangeAxis(); rangeAxis.setAutoRangeIncludesZero(true); rangeAxis.setStandardTickUnits(NumberAxis.createIntegerTickUnits()); if (attrType.equals("2")) { NumberAxis domainAxis = (NumberAxis) xyPlot.getDomainAxis(); domainAxis.setStandardTickUnits(NumberAxis.createIntegerTickUnits()); } ChartPanel chartPanel = new ChartPanel(chart); charts.add(chartPanel); } else if (!attrType.equals("4")) {//NOT PRIMITIVE attributes Element attrClass = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "project/elements/classes/class[@id='" + classAttr.getChildText("type") + "']"); attrClass = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(problem.getDocument()); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (attrClass != null) { List<Element> classes = XMLUtilities.getClassDescendents(attrClass); String query = "elements/objects/object["; for (Iterator<?> iterator = classes.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Element childClass = (Element); query += "class='" + childClass.getAttributeValue("id") + "'"; query += " or ";// the last or is for the parent class } query += "class='" + attrClass.getAttributeValue("id") + "']"; // get all the objects of all descendant classes, including the parent class List<?> objects = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath(query); objects = path.selectNodes(problem.getParentElement().getParentElement()); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (objects.size() > 0) { //build a list with all the objects names String[] names = new String[objects.size() + 1];// the array is for the axis names[0] = "null";// default null value List<String> objectNames = new ArrayList<String>(); int i = 1; for (Iterator<?> iterator = objects.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Element object = (Element); names[i++] = object.getChildText("name"); objectNames.add(object.getChildText("name").toLowerCase()); } XYSeriesCollection dataset = new XYSeriesCollection(); XYSeries series = new XYSeries("Objects"); int stepIndex = 0; for (Iterator<?> iterator = variable.getChild("values").getChildren("value") .iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Element value = (Element); series.add(stepIndex++, objectNames.indexOf(value.getText().toLowerCase()) + 1); } dataset.addSeries(series); // draw the chart JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createXYStepChart(chartTitle, "Objects", "Steps", dataset, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, false, true, false); XYPlot plot = (XYPlot) chart.getPlot(); NumberAxis domainAxis = new NumberAxis("Steps"); domainAxis.setStandardTickUnits(NumberAxis.createIntegerTickUnits()); domainAxis.setAutoRangeIncludesZero(false); plot.setDomainAxis(domainAxis); SymbolAxis rangeAxis = new SymbolAxis("Objects", names); plot.setRangeAxis(rangeAxis); ChartPanel chartPanel = new ChartPanel(chart); charts.add(chartPanel); } } } } } return charts; } /** * This method creates a html version of the plan analysis with charts based on the seceted variables. * @param analysis the xml node with the values of all attributes being analyzed * @param the plan (in a xml format) * @param the problem (in xml format) * @return a string with representing the content of a html file. */ public static String createHTMLPlanAnalysis(Element analysis, Element xmlPlan, Element problem) { String html = "<html> \n" + " <head> \n" + " <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\" /> \n" + " <title>itSIMPLE Plan Analysis - Variable Tracking</title> \n" + " <script language=\"JavaScript\" src=\"jsclass/FusionCharts.js\"></script> \n" + " </head> \n" + " <body> \n"; //Set html Title html += " <h1 align=\"center\">" + problem.getChildText("name") + "</h1> <br><br> \n"; Integer chartIndex = 0; // draw the charts List<?> variables = analysis.getChild("variables").getChildren("variable"); for (Iterator<?> iter = variables.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Element variable = (Element); //Get object (from domain, to get the name and properties) Element domainObject = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath("elements/objects/object[@id='" + variable.getChild("object").getAttributeValue("id") + "']"); domainObject = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(problem.getParentElement().getParentElement()); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } //get attribute (from domain, to get the name and its properties) Element attribute = variable.getChild("object").getChild("attribute"); Element classAttr = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "project/elements/classes/class[@id='" + attribute.getAttributeValue("class") + "']/attributes/attribute[@id='" + attribute.getAttributeValue("id") + "']"); classAttr = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(problem.getDocument()); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } String chartTitle = domainObject.getChildText("name") + "." + classAttr.getChildText("name"); //html += " <h2><img src=\"LogoSmalTest.png\"> " + chartTitle + "</h2> \n"; html += " <h2>" + chartTitle + "</h2> \n"; if (variable.getAttributeValue("type").equals("attr")) { // attribute String attrType = variable.getChild("object").getChild("attribute").getAttributeValue("type"); String attrTypeStr = ""; String dataXML = ""; //XML data in the FusionChart format //XMLUtilities.printXML(variable); //BOOLEAN attribute if (attrType.equals("1")) { attrTypeStr = "Boolean"; int horizLines = variable.getChild("values").getChildren("value").size() - 1; //Set the string containing the xml data of the chart (FusionChart format) dataXML = "<graph caption='Attribute " + chartTitle + "' subcaption='(" + attrTypeStr + ")' " + "xAxisName='Steps' yAxisName='" + classAttr.getChildText("name") + "' yAxisMinValue='0' yAxisMaxValue='3' " + "zeroPlaneThickness='0' showhovercap='0' numVDivLines='" + horizLines + "' " + "numdivlines='2' showLimits='0' showDivLineValue='0' decimalPrecision='0' " + "formatNumberScale='0' showNames='1' showValues='0' showAlternateHGridColor='1' " + "AlternateHGridColor='ff5904' divLineColor='FF0000' divLineAlpha='20' alternateHGridAlpha='5' " + "showShadow='0'>"; String categories = "<categories>"; String dataSetTrue = "<dataset seriesname='True' color='1D8BD1' showValue='1' alpha='100' showAnchors='1' lineThickness='5'>"; String dataSetFalse = "<dataset seriesname='False' color='FF0000' showValue='1' alpha='80' showAnchors='1' lineThickness='5'>"; //read each value (X,Y) and creat each set of the graph for (Iterator<?> iterator = variable.getChild("values").getChildren("value") .iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Element value = (Element); categories += "<category name='" + value.getAttributeValue("id") + "' />"; dataSetTrue += "<set value='2' alpha='" + (value.getText().equals("false") ? "1" : "100") + "' />"; dataSetFalse += "<set value='1' alpha='" + (value.getText().equals("false") ? "100" : "1") + "' />"; //Just to create a final line to show what happen after the plan. if (!iterator.hasNext()) { //int duringLastStep = Integer.parseInt(value.getAttributeValue("id")) + 1; //categories += "<category name='" + duringLastStep + "' />"; categories += "<category name='' />"; dataSetTrue += "<set value='2' alpha='" + (value.getText().equals("false") ? "1" : "100") + "' />"; dataSetFalse += "<set value='1' alpha='" + (value.getText().equals("false") ? "100" : "1") + "' />"; } } categories += "</categories>"; dataSetTrue += "</dataset>"; dataSetFalse += "</dataset>"; dataXML += categories + dataSetTrue + dataSetFalse; dataXML += "<trendlines>" + "<line startvalue='2' displayValue='true' color='009999' thickness='1' isTrendZone='0'/>" + "<line startvalue='1' displayValue='false' color='FF0000' thickness='1' isTrendZone='0'/>" + "</trendlines>"; dataXML += "</graph>"; //Create the html chart component with the dataXML html += " <table width=\"98%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"3\" align=\"center\"> \n" + " <tr> \n" + " <td valign=\"top\" class=\"text\" align=\"center\"> \n" + " <div id=\"chartdiv" + chartIndex + "\" align=\"center\">" + chartTitle + "</div> \n" + " <script type=\"text/javascript\"> \n" + " var chart" + chartIndex + " = new FusionCharts(\"charts/FCF_MSLine.swf\", \"ChartId\", \"750\", \"400\"); \n" + " chart" + chartIndex + ".setDataXML(\"" + dataXML + "\"); \n" + " chart" + chartIndex + ".render(\"chartdiv" + chartIndex + "\"); \n" + " </script> \n" + " </td> \n" + " </tr> \n" + " </table> \n"; } //NUMERIC attributes else if (attrType.equals("2") || attrType.equals("3")) { if (attrType.equals("2")) attrTypeStr = "Integer"; else attrTypeStr = "Float"; //Set the string containing the xml data of the chart (FusionChart format) dataXML = "<graph caption='Attribute " + chartTitle + "' subcaption='(" + attrTypeStr + ")' " + "xAxisName='Steps' yAxisMinValue='0' yAxisName='Value' " + "decimalPrecision='0' formatNumberScale='0' showNames='1' " + "showValues='0' showAlternateHGridColor='1' AlternateHGridColor='ff5904' " + "divLineColor='ff5904' divLineAlpha='20' alternateHGridAlpha='5' >"; //read each value (X,Y) and creat each set of the graph for (Iterator<?> iterator = variable.getChild("values").getChildren("value") .iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Element value = (Element); dataXML += "<set name='" + value.getAttributeValue("id") + "' value='" + value.getText() + "' hoverText='" + value.getAttributeValue("id") + "'/>"; //html += " <p>Chart Point: (X=" + value.getAttributeValue("id") + "; Y=" + value.getText() + ")</p> \n"; //extend the X Axis by one unit for convinience when viewing the last points if (!iterator.hasNext()) { int lastIndex = Integer.parseInt(value.getAttributeValue("id")) + 1; dataXML += "<set name='" + lastIndex + "' value='' hoverText='" + lastIndex + "'/>"; } } dataXML += "</graph>"; //Create the html chart component with the dataXML html += " <table width=\"98%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"3\" align=\"center\"> \n" + " <tr> \n" + " <td valign=\"top\" class=\"text\" align=\"center\"> \n" + " <div id=\"chartdiv" + chartIndex + "\" align=\"center\">" + chartTitle + "</div> \n" + " <script type=\"text/javascript\"> \n" + " var chart" + chartIndex + " = new FusionCharts(\"charts/FCF_Line.swf\", \"ChartId\", \"750\", \"400\"); \n" + " chart" + chartIndex + ".setDataXML(\"" + dataXML + "\"); \n" + " chart" + chartIndex + ".render(\"chartdiv" + chartIndex + "\"); \n" + " </script> \n" + " </td> \n" + " </tr> \n" + " </table> \n"; } //NOT PRIMITIVE attributes else if (!attrType.equals("4")) { //Get the corresponding class Element attrClass = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "project/elements/classes/class[@id='" + classAttr.getChildText("type") + "']"); attrClass = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(problem.getDocument()); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (attrClass != null) { attrTypeStr = attrClass.getChildText("name"); List<Element> classes = XMLUtilities.getClassDescendents(attrClass); String query = "elements/objects/object["; for (Iterator<?> iterator = classes.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Element childClass = (Element); query += "class='" + childClass.getAttributeValue("id") + "'"; query += " or ";// the last or is for the parent class } query += "class='" + attrClass.getAttributeValue("id") + "']"; // get all the objects of all descendant classes, including the parent class List<?> objects = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath(query); objects = path.selectNodes(problem.getParentElement().getParentElement()); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (objects.size() > 0) { //build a list with all the objects names String[] names = new String[objects.size() + 1];// the array is for the axis names[0] = "null";// default null value List<String> objectNames = new ArrayList<String>(); int i = 1; for (Iterator<?> iterator = objects.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Element object = (Element); names[i++] = object.getChildText("name"); objectNames.add(object.getChildText("name").toLowerCase()); } /** XYSeriesCollection dataset = new XYSeriesCollection(); XYSeries series = new XYSeries("Objects"); int stepIndex = 0; for (Iterator<?> iterator = variable.getChild("values").getChildren("value").iterator(); iterator .hasNext();) { Element value = (Element); series.add(stepIndex++, objectNames.indexOf(value.getText().toLowerCase())+1); } dataset.addSeries(series); // draw the chart JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createXYStepChart(chartTitle, "Objects", "Steps", dataset, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, false, true, false); XYPlot plot = (XYPlot)chart.getPlot(); NumberAxis domainAxis = new NumberAxis("Steps"); domainAxis.setStandardTickUnits(NumberAxis.createIntegerTickUnits()); domainAxis.setAutoRangeIncludesZero(false); plot.setDomainAxis(domainAxis); SymbolAxis rangeAxis = new SymbolAxis("Objects", names); plot.setRangeAxis(rangeAxis); ChartPanel chartPanel = new ChartPanel(chart); charts.add(chartPanel); **/ } } } } chartIndex++; } html = html + " </body> \n" + "</html>"; /** String html ="<html> \n" + " <body> \n" + " <h1>Some header</h1> \n" + " <p>A paragraph with a <a href=\"\">link</a>.</p> \n" + " </body> \n"+ "</html>"; **/ return html; } /** * This method fill out the metrics' datasets for a given snapshot * @param metrics the set of metrics been capture/analyzed * @param action the action that produced the snapshot (null when is the init) * @param snapshot the snapshot */ public static void setMetricDatasetsForSnapshot(Element metrics, Element action, Element snapshot) { if (metrics != null && snapshot != null) { //get the status bar //JLabel status = ItSIMPLE.getInstance().getPlanSimStatusBar(); //int progressIndex = 0; //status.setText("Status: Generating chart... (0%)"); for (Iterator it = metrics.getChildren().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Element eacMetric = (Element); //Sets the sequence reference String sequenceReference = snapshot.getChildText("sequenceReference"); //System.out.println(sequenceReference); if (sequenceReference.equals("init")) { sequenceReference = "0"; } else { try { //Parse to int (TODO, treat the other cases) Integer ref = Integer.parseInt(sequenceReference); sequenceReference = ref.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Unable to identify reference " + sequenceReference + " on the plan"); } } //Check the type //VARIABLE - ATTRIBUE if (eacMetric.getChildText("type").equals("variable")) { // variable /** * qualityMetric * name * type * variable * chosenVariable * object * variable * dataset * set * set * ... */ Element chosenVariable = eacMetric.getChild("variable").getChild("chosenVariable"); Element chosenObject = chosenVariable.getChild("object"); Element chosenAttribute = chosenObject.getChild("attribute"); // get the attribute in the current snapshot Element snapshotObjectAttr = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath("objects/object[@id='" + chosenObject.getAttributeValue("id") + "']/attributes/attribute[@class='" + chosenAttribute.getAttributeValue("class") + "' and @id='" + chosenAttribute.getAttributeValue("id") + "']"); snapshotObjectAttr = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(snapshot); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (snapshotObjectAttr != null) { if (snapshotObjectAttr.getChild("value").getChildren().size() == 0) { // not parameterized attribute Element set = new Element("set"); set.setAttribute("name", sequenceReference); set.setAttribute("value", snapshotObjectAttr.getChildText("value")); String comments = ""; if (action != null) { comments = action.getAttributeValue("id"); } else { comments = "init"; } set.setAttribute("comments", comments); eacMetric.getChild("dataset").addContent(set); } else { //TODO: parameterized attribute } } } //If it's a expression //TODO: evaluate an expression with objects and global variables. else if (eacMetric.getChildText("type").equals("expression")) { // expression /** * qualityMetric * name * type * expression * rule * dataset * set * set * ... */ Element expressionNode = eacMetric.getChild("expression"); String rule = expressionNode.getChildText("rule"); ExpressionTreeBuilder treeBuilder = new ExpressionTreeBuilder(rule); Element expTree = treeBuilder.getExpressionTree(); //XMLUtilities.printXML(expTree); Element eval = evaluateExpressionNodeInSnapshot(expTree, null, snapshot, thedomain, theproject); //XMLUtilities.printXML(eval); Element set = new Element("set"); set.setAttribute("name", sequenceReference); if (eval != null) { set.setAttribute("value", eval.getAttributeValue("data")); } //put zero if something went wrong else { set.setAttribute("value", "0"); System.out.println("System cound not parse the metric expression at snapshot reference '" + sequenceReference + "'"); } String comments = ""; if (action != null) { comments = action.getAttributeValue("id"); } else { comments = "init"; } set.setAttribute("comments", comments); eacMetric.getChild("dataset").addContent(set); } //if it's an actionCounter else if (eacMetric.getChildText("type").equals("actionCounter")) { // actionCounter /** * qualityMetric * name * type * actionCounter * chosenOperator * parameters * parameter * dataset * set * set * ... */ Element chosenOperator = eacMetric.getChild("actionCounter").getChild("chosenOperator"); Element chosenParameters = chosenOperator.getChild("parameters"); Element counterValue = eacMetric.getChild("actionCounter").getChild("value"); if (action != null) { String operatorName = chosenOperator.getAttributeValue("name").trim().toLowerCase(); String actionName = action.getAttributeValue("id").trim().toLowerCase(); if (actionName.equals(operatorName)) { boolean canCount = true; //check parameters List actionParametersList = action.getChild("parameters").getChildren(); List chosenParametersList = chosenParameters.getChildren(); //Check each parameter to see if is the chosen action for (int i = 0; i < actionParametersList.size(); i++) { Element actionPar = (Element) actionParametersList.get(i); Element chosenPar = (Element) chosenParametersList.get(i); String actionParStr = actionPar.getAttributeValue("id").trim().toLowerCase(); String chosenParStr = chosenPar.getAttributeValue("objectName").trim() .toLowerCase(); if (!chosenParStr.equals("")) {//if there is something specify if (!actionParStr.equals(chosenParStr)) {//if it is not the parameter canCount = false; } } } //update the counter if (canCount) { int thevalue = Integer.parseInt(counterValue.getText()); thevalue += 1; counterValue.setText(Integer.toString(thevalue)); } } } //add set element to dataset Element set = new Element("set"); set.setAttribute("name", sequenceReference); set.setAttribute("value", counterValue.getText()); String comments = ""; if (action != null) { comments = action.getAttributeValue("id"); } else { comments = "init"; } set.setAttribute("comments", comments); eacMetric.getChild("dataset").addContent(set); } } } //XMLUtilities.printXML(metrics); } /** * This method fill out the metrics' data set only when they do not require simulation (e.g., action counter) * @param metrics the reference metrics (domain and problem, all together). It is the result of createMetricNode method * @param xmlPlan the plan */ public static void setMetricDatasetsForNoSimulation(Element metrics, Element xmlPlan) { if (metrics != null && xmlPlan != null) { //create the first set/value 0 which represent the initial state for (Iterator it = metrics.getChildren().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Element eacMetric = (Element); //add set element to dataset Element set = new Element("set"); set.setAttribute("name", "0"); set.setAttribute("value", "0"); String comments = "init"; set.setAttribute("comments", comments); eacMetric.getChild("dataset").addContent(set); } //create the other set/value for the plan List<Element> actions = xmlPlan.getChild("plan").getChildren("action"); int planIndex = 0; for (Iterator<Element> ita = actions.iterator(); ita.hasNext();) { Element action =; //analyze each metric for (Iterator it = metrics.getChildren().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Element eacMetric = (Element); //get action start time (restricted so far to INTEGER) int startTime = planIndex; try { startTime = Integer.parseInt(action.getChildText("startTime")); } catch (Exception e) { } //get action duration (restricted so far to INTEGER) int duration = 1; try { duration = Integer.parseInt(action.getChildText("duration")); } catch (Exception e) { } //Action index int snapshotRef = startTime + duration; //Sets the sequence reference String sequenceReference = Integer.toString(snapshotRef); //System.out.println(sequenceReference); //if it's an actionCounter if (eacMetric.getChildText("type").equals("actionCounter")) { // variable /** * qualityMetric * name * type * actionCounter * chosenOperator * parameters * parameter * ... * dataset * set * set * ... */ Element chosenOperator = eacMetric.getChild("actionCounter").getChild("chosenOperator"); Element chosenParameters = chosenOperator.getChild("parameters"); Element counterValue = eacMetric.getChild("actionCounter").getChild("value"); String operatorName = chosenOperator.getAttributeValue("name").trim().toLowerCase(); String actionName = action.getAttributeValue("id").trim().toLowerCase(); if (actionName.equals(operatorName)) { boolean canCount = true; //check parameters List actionParametersList = action.getChild("parameters").getChildren(); List chosenParametersList = chosenParameters.getChildren(); //Check each parameter to see if is the chosen action for (int i = 0; i < actionParametersList.size(); i++) { Element actionPar = (Element) actionParametersList.get(i); Element chosenPar = (Element) chosenParametersList.get(i); String actionParStr = actionPar.getAttributeValue("id").trim().toLowerCase(); String chosenParStr = chosenPar.getAttributeValue("objectName").trim() .toLowerCase(); if (!chosenParStr.equals("")) {//if there is something specify if (!actionParStr.equals(chosenParStr)) {//if it is not the parameter canCount = false; } } } //update the counter if (canCount) { int thevalue = Integer.parseInt(counterValue.getText()); thevalue += 1; counterValue.setText(Integer.toString(thevalue)); } } //add set element to dataset Element set = new Element("set"); set.setAttribute("name", sequenceReference); set.setAttribute("value", counterValue.getText()); String comments = action.getAttributeValue("id"); set.setAttribute("comments", comments); eacMetric.getChild("dataset").addContent(set); } //OTHER CASES (FUTURE) } planIndex++; } } //XMLUtilities.printXML(metrics); } /** * This method creates the metrics node for containing all metrics (together) from domain and problem * for filling the datasets * @param problem * @param domain */ public static Element createMetricsNode(Element problem, Element domain) { //hold problem, domain and project theproblem = problem; thedomain = domain; theproject = domain.getDocument().getRootElement(); //METRICS PREPARATION //set metrics node Element metrics = new Element("metrics"); //collect all metrics List<Element> metricList = new ArrayList<Element>(); //gather metrics from domain List domainMetrics = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath("metrics/qualityMetric"); domainMetrics = path.selectNodes(problem.getParentElement().getParentElement()); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (domainMetrics != null) { metricList.addAll(domainMetrics); } //gather metrics from problem List problemMetrics = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath("metrics/qualityMetric"); problemMetrics = path.selectNodes(problem); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (problemMetrics != null) { metricList.addAll(problemMetrics); } for (Iterator it = metricList.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Element eaMetric = (Element); Element refMetric = new Element(eaMetric.getName()); /** * qualityMetric * name * type * type node (expession, variavle, or actionCounter) * dataset * value * evaluation */ //set main attributes of node quality metric Element levelParent = eaMetric.getParentElement().getParentElement(); refMetric.setAttribute("level", levelParent.getName()); refMetric.setAttribute("id", eaMetric.getAttributeValue("id")); //cloning the basics refMetric.addContent((Element) eaMetric.getChild("name").clone()); //name refMetric.addContent((Element) eaMetric.getChild("type").clone()); //type refMetric.addContent((Element) eaMetric.getChild("weight").clone()); //weight String type = eaMetric.getChildText("type"); refMetric.addContent((Element) eaMetric.getChild(type).clone()); //type node (variable, expression, actionCounter) refMetric.addContent((Element) eaMetric.getChild("preferenceFunction").clone()); //preferenceFunction //facilitate search and action counter, put the name of the // operator at the qualitMetric and also the name of parameters if (type.equals("actionCounter")) { //find operator in the project Element chosenOperator = refMetric.getChild("actionCounter").getChild("chosenOperator"); Element chosenParameters = chosenOperator.getChild("parameters"); //Put the name of the operator Element operator = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath("project/elements/classes/class[@id='" + chosenOperator.getAttributeValue("class") + "']/operators/operator[@id='" + chosenOperator.getAttributeValue("id") + "']"); operator = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(problem.getDocument()); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (operator != null) { //set the name as a attribute of the node "name" chosenOperator.setAttribute("name", operator.getChildText("name")); } //put the name of the parameters for (Iterator it1 = chosenParameters.getChildren().iterator(); it1.hasNext();) { Element param = (Element); String objectName = ""; if (!param.getAttributeValue("object").equals("")) { //find object in the domain Element pObject = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath( "elements/objects/object[@id='" + param.getAttributeValue("object") + "']"); pObject = (Element) path .selectSingleNode(problem.getParentElement().getParentElement()); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (pObject != null) { objectName = pObject.getChildText("name"); } } param.setAttribute("objectName", objectName); } //add this node for storing the counter amount (total for example Element value = new Element("value"); value.setText("0"); refMetric.getChild("actionCounter").addContent(value); } refMetric.addContent(new Element("dataset")); //node to store metric value and evaluation refMetric.addContent(new Element("value")); Element evaluationNode = new Element("evaluation"); evaluationNode.setAttribute("value", ""); refMetric.addContent(evaluationNode); metrics.addContent(refMetric); } //XMLUtilities.printXML(metrics); return metrics; } /** * This method fill out the metric dataset for the problem solution given the plan. * Since some metrics require simulation, the methods uses the movie for * creating the sets/values. If a movie is provided the method uses that to fill out the * value sets; otherwise, the method can create it by itself. * @param metrics the reference metrics (domain and problem, all together). It is the result of createMetricNode method * @param xmlPlan the plan * @param problem the problem * @param domain the domain * @param movie the movie (can also be null or a given one) */ public static void createMetricDatasets(Element metrics, Element xmlPlan, Element problem, Element domain, Element movie) { //1. Check if the metrics need simualtion. // The cases in which simulation is required are the types: variable, expression // The cases that simulation is NOT required: actionCounter. boolean needSilumation = false; List simulationMetrics = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath("qualityMetric[type='variable' or type='expression']"); simulationMetrics = path.selectNodes(metrics); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (simulationMetrics != null && simulationMetrics.size() > 0) { needSilumation = true; } //if we need simulation we need the movie if (needSilumation) { if (movie == null) { movie = getMovie(xmlPlan, problem); } Element snapshotInit = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath("objectDiagram[sequenceReference='init']"); snapshotInit = (Element) path.selectSingleNode(movie); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (snapshotInit != null) { // get metrics from inital snapshot setMetricDatasetsForSnapshot(metrics, null, snapshotInit); int actionIndex = 0; List<Element> actions = xmlPlan.getChild("plan").getChildren("action"); List<Element> snapshots = movie.getChildren("objectDiagram"); for (Iterator<?> iter = snapshots.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Element snapshot = (Element); //jump init scene because its was already done if (!snapshot.getChildText("sequenceReference").equals("init")) { Element currentAction = actions.get(actionIndex); // get metrics from inital snapshot setMetricDatasetsForSnapshot(metrics, currentAction, snapshot); actionIndex++; } } } } //in case there is no need for simulation else { //System.out.println("No simulation Case"); setMetricDatasetsForNoSimulation(metrics, xmlPlan); } //XMLUtilities.printXML(metrics); } /*public static void main(String[] args){ Element project = null; try { project = XMLUtilities.readFromFile("examples/LogisticDomainv2.xml").getRootElement(); } catch (JDOMException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Element domain = (Element)project.getChild("diagrams").getChild("planningDomains").getChildren("domain").get(1); List<String> parameters = new ArrayList<String>(); parameters.add("SATELLITE0"); parameters.add("INSTRUMENT0"); parameters.add("STAR0"); parameters.add("IMAGE2"); Element snapshot = null; try { XPath path = new JDOMXPath("diagrams/planningDomains/domain[2]/planningProblems/problem[1]/objectDiagrams/objectDiagram[1]"); snapshot = (Element)path.selectSingleNode(project); } catch (JaxenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println("##################### Step 1 #####################"); parameters.add("TRUCK2"); parameters.add("PKG2"); parameters.add("LOCATIONRJ1"); //parameters.add("TABLE1"); Element next1 = nextState("LOADTRUCK", parameters, snapshot, domain, project); System.out.println("##################################################\n"); System.out.println("##################### Step 2 #####################"); parameters.clear(); parameters.add("TRUCK1"); parameters.add("PKG1"); parameters.add("LOCATIONSP1"); Element next2 = nextState("LOADTRUCK", parameters, next1, domain, project); System.out.println("##################################################\n"); System.out.println("##################### Step 3 #####################"); parameters.clear(); parameters.add("AIRPLANE2"); parameters.add("AIRPORTRJ1"); parameters.add("AIRPORTSP1"); //parameters.add("TABLE1"); Element next3 = nextState("FLY", parameters, next2, domain, project); System.out.println("##################################################\n"); System.out.println("##################### Step 4 #####################"); parameters.clear(); parameters.add("TRUCK2"); parameters.add("LOCATIONRJ1"); parameters.add("AIRPORTRJ1"); parameters.add("RIODEJANEIRO"); Element next4 = nextState("DRIVE", parameters, next3, domain, project); System.out.println("##################################################\n"); System.out.println("##################### Step 5 #####################"); parameters.clear(); parameters.add("TRUCK2"); parameters.add("PKG2"); parameters.add("AIRPORTRJ1"); Element next5 = nextState("UNLOADTRUCK", parameters, next4, domain, project); System.out.println("##################################################\n"); System.out.println("##################### Step 6 #####################"); parameters.clear(); parameters.add("TRUCK2"); parameters.add("PKG3"); parameters.add("AIRPORTRJ1"); //parameters.add("TABLE1"); Element next6 = nextState("UNLOADTRUCK", parameters, next5, domain, project); System.out.println("##################################################\n"); System.out.println("##################### Step 7 #####################"); parameters.clear(); parameters.add("TRUCK1"); parameters.add("LOCATIONSP1"); parameters.add("AIRPORTSP1"); parameters.add("SAOPAULO"); Element next7 = nextState("DRIVE", parameters, next6, domain, project); System.out.println("##################################################\n"); System.out.println("##################### Step 8 #####################"); parameters.clear(); parameters.add("TRUCK1"); parameters.add("PKG1"); parameters.add("AIRPORTSP1"); //parameters.add("TABLE1"); Element next8 = nextState("UNLOADTRUCK", parameters, next7, domain, project); System.out.println("##################################################\n"); System.out.println("##################### Step 9 #####################"); parameters.clear(); parameters.add("AIRPLANE2"); parameters.add("PKG1"); parameters.add("AIRPORTSP1"); //parameters.add("TABLE1"); Element next9 = nextState("LOADAIRPLANE", parameters, next8, domain, project); System.out.println("##################################################\n"); System.out.println("##################### Step 10 #####################"); parameters.clear(); parameters.add("AIRPLANE2"); parameters.add("PKG1"); parameters.add("AIRPORTSP1"); //parameters.add("TABLE1"); nextState("UNLOADAIRPLANE", parameters, next9, domain, project); System.out.println("##################################################\n"); }*/ }