Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


  *  Written by Morgan Allen.
  *  I intend to slap on some kind of open-source license here in a while, but
  *  for now, feel free to poke around for non-commercial purposes.


import src.util.*;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;

public class TerrainMesh extends MeshBuffer implements TileConstants {

    /**  Field definitions, setup and constructors-
    final int numTiles;
    private Texture textures[];
    private float animFrame = 0;

    protected TerrainMesh(int numTiles, Texture... textures) {
        super(numTiles * 2);
        this.numTiles = numTiles;

    protected TerrainMesh(TerrainMesh refers) {
        this.numTiles = refers.numTiles;

    public void assignTexture(Texture... textures) {
        this.textures = textures;
        for (Texture t : textures) {
            if (t == null)
                I.complain("NULL TEXTURE ASSIGNED!");

    public void setAnimTime(float progress) {
        this.animFrame = (progress % 1) * textures.length;

    /**  Rendering methods-
    final static int GL_DISABLES[] = new int[] { GL11.GL_CULL_FACE, GL11.GL_ALPHA_TEST,

    public int[] GL_disables() {
        return GL_DISABLES;

    public void renderTo(Rendering rendering) {
        if (textures == null)
            I.complain("TEXTURE NOT ASSIGNED");
        if (numFacets == 0)
        final Texture tex = textures[(int) animFrame];
        if (tex == null)

        textures[(int) animFrame].bindTex();

        if (textures.length > 1) {
            Texture nextTex = textures[(int) (animFrame + 1) % textures.length];
            float opacity = animFrame - (int) animFrame;
            final Colour c = colour == null ? Colour.WHITE : colour;
            GL11.glColor4f(c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a * opacity);
            render(1, 0, null, vertBuffer, normBuffer, textBuffer, numFacets);

    /**  Generates a mesh from a mask object-
    public static TerrainMesh genMesh(int minX, int minY, int maxX, int maxY, Texture texture,
            final byte heightMap[][],
            //final byte varsIndex[][],
            TileMask mask) {
        //  We iterate through each tile, recording the stream of geometry
        //  produced-
        int numTiled = 0;
        final boolean nullsCount = mask.nullsCount();
        for (int x = maxX; x-- > minX;)
            for (int y = maxY; y-- > minY;) {
                //  We assume the use of inner fringing here, so only masked tiles are
                //  considered-
                if (!mask.maskAt(x, y))
                int numNear = 0;
                for (int n : N_INDEX) {
                    final int nX = N_X[n] + x;
                    final int nY = N_Y[n] + y;
                    try {
                        nearT[n] = mask.maskAt(nX, nY);
                    } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
                        nearT[n] = nullsCount;
                    if (nearT[n])
                final float UVslices[][] = (numNear == 8) ? TerrainPattern.extraFringeUV(mask.varID(x, y), false)
                        : TerrainPattern.innerFringeUV(nearT);
                //  Get geometry and normals appropriate to this tile, and push them
                //  for each slice (as multiple adjacent tiles might contribute fringing.)
                final float verts[] = getVertsAt(x, y, heightMap);
                final float norms[] = getNormsAt(x, y, heightMap);
                for (float[] slice : UVslices)
                    if (slice != null) {
                        MeshBuffer.recordGeom(verts, norms, slice);
        return compiledMesh(numTiled, texture);

    /**  Convenience method for compiling geometry data-
    private static TerrainMesh compiledMesh(int numTiled, Texture texture) {
        final Object geometry[] = MeshBuffer.compileRecord();
        TerrainMesh mesh = new TerrainMesh(numTiled * 2, texture);
        mesh.update((float[]) geometry[0], (float[]) geometry[1], (float[]) geometry[2]);
        return mesh;

    /**  Generates an array of meshes from the given sequence of terrain textures
      *  and a particular source.
    public static TerrainMesh[] genMeshes(int minX, int minY, int maxX, int maxY, Texture textures[],
            final byte heightMap[][], final byte typeIndex[][], final byte varsIndex[][]) {
        final TerrainMesh meshes[] = new TerrainMesh[textures.length];
        for (int index = 0; index < textures.length; index++) {
            meshes[index] = TerrainMesh.genMesh(minX, minY, maxX, maxY, textures[index], index, heightMap,
                    typeIndex, varsIndex);
        return meshes;

    /**  Generates a single terrain mesh with a particular texture from the given
      *  source.
    public static TerrainMesh genMesh(int minX, int minY, int maxX, int maxY, Texture texture, int texID,
            byte heightMap[][], byte typeIndex[][], byte varsIndex[][]) {
        //  We iterate through each tile, recording the stream of geometry
        //  produced-
        int numTiled = 0;
        for (int x = maxX; x-- > minX;)
            for (int y = maxY; y-- > minY;) {
                //  Actually matching the tile type may result in a random variation.
                //  Otherwise, get the identity of surrounding tiles, and the UV slices
                //  appropriate.
                float UVslices[][];
                if (texID == typeIndex[x][y]) {
                    UVslices = TerrainPattern.extraFringeUV(varsIndex[x][y], true);
                } else {
                    if (typeIndex[x][y] > texID)
                    for (int n : N_INDEX) {
                        final int nX = N_X[n] + x;
                        final int nY = N_Y[n] + y;
                        try {
                            nearT[n] = typeIndex[nX][nY] == texID;
                        } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
                            nearT[n] = false;
                    UVslices = TerrainPattern.outerFringeUV(nearT);
                //  Get geometry and normals appropriate to this tile, and push them
                //  for each slice (as multiple adjacent tiles might contribute fringing.)
                final float verts[] = getVertsAt(x, y, heightMap);
                final float norms[] = getNormsAt(x, y, heightMap);
                for (float[] slice : UVslices)
                    if (slice != null) {
                        MeshBuffer.recordGeom(verts, norms, slice);
        return compiledMesh(numTiled, texture);

    /**  Generates a single terrain mesh, intended to allow a particular texture
      *  to be overlaid uniformly on top of the terrain.
    public static TerrainMesh getTexUVMesh(int minX, int minY, int maxX, int maxY, byte heightMap[][],
            int texSize) {
        final int mapSize = heightMap.length - 1;
        int numTiled = 0;
        for (int x = maxX; x-- > minX;)
            for (int y = maxY; y-- > minY;) {
                final float verts[] = getVertsAt(x, y, heightMap);
                final float norms[] = getNormsAt(x, y, heightMap);
                final float UV[] = genTexUV(verts, mapSize, texSize);
                MeshBuffer.recordGeom(verts, norms, UV);
        final Object geometry[] = MeshBuffer.compileRecord();
        TerrainMesh mesh = new TerrainMesh(numTiled * 2);
        mesh.update((float[]) geometry[0], (float[]) geometry[1], (float[]) geometry[2]);
        return mesh;

    public static TerrainMesh meshAsReference(TerrainMesh origin) {
        final TerrainMesh ref = new TerrainMesh(origin);
        return ref;

    /**  Assorted helper methods and temporary data.
    final private static float tempV[] = new float[18], tempN[] = new float[18], tempT[] = new float[12];
    final private static Vec3D tempNorm = new Vec3D();
    final private static boolean nearT[] = new boolean[8];

    private static float[] getVertsAt(int x, int y, byte heightMap[][]) {
        tempV[0] = tempV[9] = x - 0.5f;
        tempV[1] = tempV[4] = y - 0.5f;
        tempV[3] = tempV[6] = x + 0.5f;
        tempV[7] = tempV[10] = y + 0.5f;
        tempV[2] = heightMap[x][y] / 4f;
        tempV[5] = heightMap[x + 1][y] / 4f;
        tempV[8] = heightMap[x + 1][y + 1] / 4f;
        tempV[11] = heightMap[x][y + 1] / 4f;
        copyLast2(tempV, 0);
        return tempV;

    private static float[] getNormsAt(int x, int y, byte heightMap[][]) {
        packNormAt(x, y, heightMap, 0);
        packNormAt(x + 1, y, heightMap, 3);
        packNormAt(x + 1, y + 1, heightMap, 6);
        packNormAt(x, y + 1, heightMap, 9);
        copyLast2(tempN, 0);
        return tempN;

    private static float[] genTexUV(float verts[], int mapSize, int texSize) {
        int vI = 0, tI = 0;
        final float min = 0.5f / texSize, max = (texSize - 0.5f) / texSize;
        while (tI < tempT.length) {
            tempT[tI++] = Visit.clamp(verts[vI++] / (mapSize + 1), min, max);
            tempT[tI++] = Visit.clamp(verts[vI++] / (mapSize + 1), min, max);
        return tempT;

    private static void packNormAt(int x, int y, byte heightMap[][], int i) {
        //  We have to allow for 'edge cases' against the sides of the map, which
        //  complicates matters slightly.
        final float slopeX;
        if (x > 0 && x < heightMap.length - 1)
            slopeX = ((heightMap[x][y] - heightMap[x - 1][y]) + (heightMap[x + 1][y] - heightMap[x][y])) / 2;
        else if (x == 0)
            slopeX = heightMap[x + 1][y] - heightMap[x][y];
            slopeX = heightMap[x][y] - heightMap[x - 1][y];
        //  By getting the average slope at a given corner of a tile, we can get an
        //  apropriate normal value.
        final float slopeY;
        if (y > 0 && y < heightMap[0].length - 1)
            slopeY = ((heightMap[x][y] - heightMap[x][y - 1]) + (heightMap[x][y + 1] - heightMap[x][y])) / 2;
        else if (y == 0)
            slopeY = heightMap[x][y + 1] - heightMap[x][y];
            slopeY = heightMap[x][y] - heightMap[x][y - 1];
        //  We then pack said normal into the array at the proper index, and
        //  return-
        tempNorm.set(-slopeX / 4, -slopeY / 4, 1);
        tempN[0 + i] = tempNorm.x;
        tempN[1 + i] = tempNorm.y;
        tempN[2 + i] = tempNorm.z;

    private final static void copyLast2(final float a[], final int i) {
        for (int n = 3; n-- > 0;) {
            a[i + 12 + n] = a[i + 0 + n];
            a[i + 15 + n] = a[i + 6 + n];
