Java tutorial
/** * Written by Morgan Allen. * I intend to slap on some kind of open-source license here in a while, but * for now, feel free to poke around for non-commercial purposes. */ package; import org.lwjgl.opengl.*; import; import src.util.*; /** The Viewport represents a given portion of the screen, and the various view * transforms for 'looking into' the world through a virtual camera. The * viewport is used to set up OpenGL perspective transforms, as well as * provide basic view-culling functionality. */ public class Viewport { final public static float DEFAULT_SCALE = 40.0F, DEFAULT_ROTATE = (float) Math.toRadians(45), DEFAULT_ELEVATE = (float) Math.toRadians(65); final public static Viewport DEFAULT_VIEW = new Viewport(); final public Vec3D cameraPosition = new Vec3D(); public float cameraRotation = DEFAULT_ROTATE, cameraElevated = DEFAULT_ELEVATE, cameraZoom = 1.0f; final public Box2D viewBounds = new Box2D(); private float screenX, //middle-of-the-screen coordinates. screenY, screenS, //screen scale, invertS; //and, finally, 1-over-screen-scale. private Mat3D viewMatrix = new Mat3D(), viewInvert = new Mat3D(); public Viewport() { this.updateView(); } /** Initialises this viewport for use prior to actual scene rendering (to * ensure that scenegraph culling is performed correctly. See the Rendering * class for details.) */ public void updateView() { viewMatrix.setIdentity(); viewMatrix.rotateX(cameraElevated); viewMatrix.rotateZ(cameraRotation); viewMatrix.inverse(viewInvert); screenX = (viewBounds.xpos() + viewBounds.xmax()) / 2; screenY = (viewBounds.ypos() + viewBounds.ymax()) / 2; //-centre of view on screen. screenS = cameraZoom * DEFAULT_SCALE; invertS = 1f / screenS; projectMode = MODE_INIT; } /** Called immediately prior to sprite rendering, setting up exact OpenGL * viewport bounds: */ public void applyView() { GL11.glViewport((int) viewBounds.xpos(), (int) viewBounds.ypos(), (int) viewBounds.xdim(), (int) viewBounds.ydim()); } /** Checks to see whether the given Box3D intersects the view bounds of this * viewport. This does not use a precise intersection formula- instead, it * employs a 'bounding sphere' for the box, which is then in turn bounded * with a box2d, and checked for intersection with the view bounds. Only * intended for very rough culling. */ private void sphereBound(Box3D box) { centre.set(box.xdim(), box.ydim(), box.zdim()); centre.scale(0.5f); radius = centre.length(); centre.x += box.xpos(); centre.y += box.ypos(); centre.z += box.zpos(); } private static Vec3D centre = new Vec3D(); private static float radius; private static Box2D boxB = new Box2D(); /** Used to check if mouse position roughly intersects the given box, etc. */ public boolean intersects(Box3D box, int sX, int sY) { sphereBound(box); isoToScreen(centre); final float x = centre.x - sX, y = centre.y - sY; return Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y)) < radius * screenS; } /** Checks if mouse position exactly overlaps the given point+radius... */ public boolean mouseIntersects(Vec3D point, float radius, HUD UI) { isoToScreen(centre.setTo(point)); final float x = centre.x - UI.mouseX(), y = centre.y - UI.mouseY(); return Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y)) < radius * screenS; } /** Used to check if the given box roughly intersects the screen... */ public boolean intersects(Box3D box) { sphereBound(box); return intersects(centre, radius); } /** Used to check if the given point (+ radius) roughly intersects the * screen. */ public boolean intersects(Vec3D point, float radius) { isoToScreen(centre.setTo(point)); radius *= screenS; boxB.set(centre.x - radius, centre.y - radius, radius * 2, radius * 2); return viewBounds.intersects(boxB); } /** returns the exact ratio of in-world unit distance to pixels on-screen. */ public float screenScale() { return screenS; } /** Return the current view bounds: */ public int viewWide() { return (int) viewBounds.xdim(); } public int viewHigh() { return (int) viewBounds.ydim(); } public Box2D viewBounds() { return viewBounds; } /** Flags used to record the current projection mode. */ private final static byte MODE_FLAT = 0, MODE_SCREEN = 2, MODE_ISOMETRIC = 3, MODE_INIT = -1; private byte projectMode = MODE_INIT; /** Used to render 2D image-based sprites, flat mode disables lighting and * face culling and eliminates rotation transforms. */ public void setFlatMode() { if (projectMode == MODE_FLAT) return; GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_CULL_FACE); doOrtho(); GL11.glMatrixMode(GL11.GL_MODELVIEW); GL11.glLoadIdentity(); projectMode = MODE_FLAT; } /** Used to render 3D joint-based sprites, static model sprites, etc- Iso * mode applies isometric view transforms and enables lighting and face * culling. */ public void setIsoMode() { if (projectMode == MODE_ISOMETRIC) return; GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_CULL_FACE); GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_LIGHTING); doOrtho(); GL11.glRotatef((float) (0 - cameraElevated * 180 / Math.PI), 1, 0, 0); GL11.glRotatef((float) (0 - cameraRotation * 180 / Math.PI), 0, 0, 1); GL11.glTranslatef(0 - cameraPosition.x, 0 - cameraPosition.y, 0 - cameraPosition.z); GL11.glMatrixMode(GL11.GL_MODELVIEW); GL11.glLoadIdentity(); projectMode = MODE_ISOMETRIC; } /** Similar to flat mode, but the coordinates used correspond directly with * screen-pixel coordinates. */ public void setScreenMode() { if (projectMode == MODE_SCREEN) return; GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_LIGHTING); GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_CULL_FACE); GL11.glMatrixMode(GL11.GL_PROJECTION); GL11.glLoadIdentity(); GL11.glOrtho(0, viewBounds.xdim(), 0, viewBounds.ydim(), -100 * screenS, 100 * screenS); GL11.glMatrixMode(GL11.GL_MODELVIEW); GL11.glLoadIdentity(); projectMode = MODE_SCREEN; } /** Sets the OpenGL projection matrix to the correct height and width. */ private void doOrtho() { final float wide = viewBounds.xdim() * 0.5f / screenS, high = viewBounds.ydim() * 0.5f / screenS; GL11.glMatrixMode(GL11.GL_PROJECTION); GL11.glLoadIdentity(); GL11.glOrtho(0 - wide, wide, 0 - high, high, -100 / cameraZoom, 100 / cameraZoom); } public Vec3D viewMatrix(Vec3D v) { return viewMatrix.trans(v); } public Vec3D viewInvert(Vec3D v) { return viewInvert.trans(v); } /** Transforms the given vector from in-world isometric to flat-mode * coordinates. */ public Vec3D isoToFlat(Vec3D ItF) { ItF.sub(cameraPosition); viewMatrix.trans(ItF); return ItF; } /** Transforms the given vector from flat-mode to in-world isometric * coordinates. */ public Vec3D flatToIso(Vec3D ItF) { viewInvert.trans(ItF); ItF.add(cameraPosition); return ItF; } /** Transforms the given vector from screen-pixel to isometric coordinates. */ public Vec3D screenToIso(Vec3D StI) { StI.x = (StI.x - screenX) * invertS; StI.y = (StI.y - screenY) * invertS; StI.z = StI.z * invertS / cameraZoom; viewInvert.trans(StI); StI.add(cameraPosition); return StI; } /** Transforms the given vector from isometric to screen-pixel coordinates. */ public Vec3D isoToScreen(Vec3D ItS) { ItS.sub(cameraPosition); viewMatrix.trans(ItS); ItS.x = (ItS.x * screenS) + screenX; ItS.y = (ItS.y * screenS) + screenY; ItS.z = ItS.z * cameraZoom * screenS; return ItS; } }