Java tutorial
/** * Written by Morgan Allen. * I intend to slap on some kind of open-source license here in a while, but * for now, feel free to poke around for non-commercial purposes. */ package; import src.util.*; import java.awt.image.*; import*; import java.nio.*; import javax.imageio.*; import org.lwjgl.opengl.*; import org.lwjgl.*; /** Generalised class for loading and application of 2-dimensional image files * to OpenGL engine constructs. */ final public class Texture { /** xdim - size, in pixels, of the original image along x axis. * ydim - size, in pixels, of the original image along y axis. * size - the present power-of-2 size of the texture accomodating the image. * * xRatio - the ratio of image width/texture size. * yRatio - the ratio of image height/texture size. */ protected ByteBuffer buffer; protected Colour averaged; private static int totalBytesUsed = 0; private static byte tempRGBA[] = new byte[4]; protected int xdim, ydim, trueSize; private float uRange = 1.0f, vRange = 1.0f; private int glID = -1; private boolean cached = false; private String texName = "", alphaName = ""; public int xdim() { return xdim; } public int ydim() { return ydim; } public int trueSize() { return trueSize; } public float maxU() { return uRange; } public float maxV() { return vRange; } public String name() { return texName; } public String alpha() { return alphaName; } /** Convenient factory methods- */ public static Texture[] loadTextures(String... names) { final Texture loaded[] = new Texture[names.length]; for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) loaded[i] = loadTexture(names[i], null); return loaded; } public static Texture loadTexture(String name) { return Texture.loadTexture(name, null); } public static Texture loadTexture(DataInputStream in) throws Exception { final String texName = LoadService.readString(in); final String alphaName = LoadService.readString(in); return loadTexture(texName, alphaName); } public static void saveTexture(Texture tex, DataOutputStream out) throws Exception { LoadService.writeString(out, tex.texName); LoadService.writeString(out, tex.alphaName); } /** The main loading method used by most external classes- */ public static Texture loadTexture(String pathName, String alphaName) { // // Firstly, check to see if the texture in question has already been // loaded- Object cached = LoadService.getResource(pathName); if (cached != null) return (Texture) cached; // // Otherwise, load up the underlying images, extract the pixel data, and // pass that onto the dedicated setup method- final Texture newTex = new Texture(); try { pathName = LoadService.safePath(pathName); BufferedImage image = File(pathName)); final int xdim = newTex.xdim = image.getWidth(), ydim = newTex.ydim = image.getHeight(); final int imageP[] = new int[xdim * ydim]; image.getRGB(0, 0, xdim, ydim, imageP, 0, xdim); // // Alpha is optional, so we may have to skip it- int alphaP[] = null; if (alphaName != null && alphaName.length() > 0) { alphaName = LoadService.safePath(alphaName); BufferedImage mask = File(alphaName)); alphaP = new int[xdim * ydim]; mask.getRGB(0, 0, xdim, ydim, alphaP, 0, xdim); } newTex.setup(alphaP, imageP, xdim, ydim, 0, xdim); } // // If something goes wrong, report the problem and return a blank texture- catch (IOException e) { I.say("PROBLEM LOADING TEXTURE. " + pathName + " / " + alphaName); ///e.printStackTrace() ; return WHITE_TEX; } // // Cache the texture for future reference, and return- LoadService.cacheResource(newTex, pathName); newTex.texName = pathName; newTex.alphaName = alphaName; return newTex; } private Texture() { } /** A few basic utility textures for general use. */ public final static Texture CLEAR_TEX = new Texture(), GRAYS_TEX = new Texture(), BLACK_TEX = new Texture(), WHITE_TEX = Texture.loadTexture("media/Terrain/blank_white.png"); static { CLEAR_TEX.setup(1, 1); CLEAR_TEX.buffer.putInt(0x00000000); GRAYS_TEX.setup(1, 1); GRAYS_TEX.buffer.putInt(0x99999999); BLACK_TEX.setup(1, 1); BLACK_TEX.buffer.putInt(0xff000000); } public static Texture createTexture(int w, int h) { final Texture tex = new Texture(); tex.setup(w, h); return tex; } private void setup(int w, int h) { xdim = w; ydim = h; trueSize = 1; while (trueSize < Math.max(w, h)) trueSize *= 2; uRange = ((float) xdim) / trueSize; vRange = ((float) ydim) / trueSize; buffer = BufferUtils.createByteBuffer(trueSize * trueSize * 4); } public Colour averaged() { return this.averaged; } public void putBytes(byte vals[]) { buffer.clear(); buffer.put(vals); this.cached = false; } public void putColour(Colour c, int x, int y) { c.storeByteValue(tempRGBA, 0); final int limit = buffer.limit(); final int offset = ((y * trueSize) + x) * 4; buffer.position(offset); buffer.put(tempRGBA, 0, 4); buffer.limit(limit); buffer.position(limit); cached = false; } /** Helper methods for accessing RGBA values at relative texture UV or pixel * coordinates. */ public Colour getColour(float tU, float tV) { final int tX = (int) ((tU * trueSize) * uRange), tY = (int) (((1 - tV) * trueSize) * vRange); final int pixVal = getPixelVal(Visit.clamp(tX, trueSize), Visit.clamp(tY, trueSize)); // // TODO: This requires different treatment on different platforms. Shoot. // See if there's any way to detect that. final Colour c = new Colour(); c.r = ((pixVal >> 16) & 0xff) / 255f; c.g = ((pixVal >> 8) & 0xff) / 255f; c.b = ((pixVal >> 0) & 0xff) / 255f; c.a = ((pixVal >> 24) & 0xff) / 255f; /* c.r = ((pixVal >> 24) & 0xff) / 255f ; c.g = ((pixVal >> 16) & 0xff) / 255f ; c.b = ((pixVal >> 8 ) & 0xff) / 255f ; c.a = ((pixVal >> 0 ) & 0xff) / 255f ; //*/ ///I.say("colour obtained at "+tX+" "+tY+" is: \n"+c) ; return c; } public int getPixelVal(int tX, int tY) { //tY = trueSize - (tY + 1) ; return buffer.getInt(((tY * trueSize) + tX) * 4); } /** Internal method used to combine colour and relAlpha channels (which may be * stored seperately,) to create a texture from a portion of a given * composite image. * @param fill the relAlpha channel data. * @param pix the colour channel data. * @param wide the width of the total sample image used. * @param high the height of the total samples image used. * @param start the x offset to begin sampling at. * @param len the width of the sample to use. */ private void setup(int mask[], int fill[], int wide, int high, int start, int len) { final int max = ((len > high) ? len : high); trueSize = 1; while (trueSize < max) trueSize *= 2; uRange = ((float) xdim) / trueSize; vRange = ((float) ydim) / trueSize; // // If a separate mask texture isn't provided, use the base texture for // relAlpha values. final int shiftA; if (mask == null) { mask = fill; shiftA = 24; } else shiftA = 0; final byte vals[] = new byte[trueSize * trueSize * 4]; // // We must average rgb values. float aR = 0, aB = 0, aG = 0; float sumWeights = 0; int yp = 0, xp, ind, alpha, pixel, v = 0, r, g, b, a; // // We also need to convert from ARGB to RGBA- for (; yp < high; yp++) { v = yp * trueSize * 4; ind = (yp * wide) + start; for (xp = 0; xp < len; xp++) { alpha = mask[ind]; pixel = fill[ind++]; r = (pixel >> 16) & 0xff; g = (pixel >> 8) & 0xff; b = (pixel >> 0) & 0xff; a = (alpha >> shiftA) & 0xff; // // weight the average by relAlpha, and insert the bytes into the array: final float w = a / 255f; if (w > 0) { sumWeights += w; aR += r * w; aG += g * w; aB += b * w; } vals[v++] = (byte) r; vals[v++] = (byte) g; vals[v++] = (byte) b; vals[v++] = (byte) a; } } // // Finish averaging and store results (diminishing saturation a little.) averaged = new Colour().set(aR / (sumWeights * 255), aG / (sumWeights * 255), aB / (sumWeights * 255), sumWeights / (high * len)); final float HSV[] = averaged.getHSV(null); HSV[1] *= 0.7f; averaged.setHSV(HSV); // // Create the byte buffer and store contents- buffer = BufferUtils.createByteBuffer(vals.length); totalBytesUsed += buffer.capacity(); //I.say("Total bytes allocated to textures: "+totalBytesUsed) ; //I.say("Creating texture of size in KB: "+(buffer.capacity() / 1000)) ; buffer.put(vals); } /** Binds this texture to the current Gl rendering context, caching itself * as neccesary. */ public void bindTex() { if (!cached) cacheTex(); GL11.glBindTexture(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D, glID); } public static void setDefaultTexParams(int target) { GL11.glTexParameteri(target, GL11.GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL11.GL_LINEAR); GL11.glTexParameteri(target, GL11.GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL11.GL_LINEAR); GL11.glTexParameteri(target, GL11.GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL11.GL_CLAMP); GL11.glTexParameteri(target, GL11.GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL11.GL_CLAMP); } /** Caches this texture for later binding- */ private static IntBuffer tmpID = BufferUtils.createIntBuffer(1); private void cacheTex() { if (glID == -1) { tmpID.rewind(); GL11.glGenTextures(tmpID); glID = tmpID.get(0); } GL11.glBindTexture(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D, glID); buffer.flip(); setDefaultTexParams(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D); GL11.glTexImage2D(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL11.GL_RGBA, trueSize, trueSize, 0, GL11.GL_RGBA, GL11.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, buffer); cached = true; } }