Java tutorial
/** * Written by Morgan Allen. * I intend to slap on some kind of open-source license here in a while, but * for now, feel free to poke around for non-commercial purposes. */ package; //import; import*; import src.util.*; import org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath; public final class Spacing implements TileConstants { private Spacing() { } final static int CLUSTER_SIZE = 8; private final static Vec3D pA = new Vec3D(), pB = new Vec3D(); private final static Box2D tA = new Box2D(), tB = new Box2D(); public final static Tile tempT4[] = new Tile[4], tempT8[] = new Tile[8], tempT9[] = new Tile[9]; public final static Boardable tempB4[] = new Boardable[4], tempB8[] = new Boardable[8]; final static Tile PERIM_ARRAYS[][] = { new Tile[8], new Tile[12], new Tile[16], new Tile[20] }; final static Element NEAR_ARRAYS[][] = { new Element[8], new Element[12], new Element[16], new Element[20] }; public static void wipeTempArrays() { Visit.wipe(tempT4); Visit.wipe(tempT8); Visit.wipe(tempT9); Visit.wipe(tempB4); Visit.wipe(tempB8); for (Tile t[] : PERIM_ARRAYS) Visit.wipe(t); for (Element e[] : NEAR_ARRAYS) Visit.wipe(e); } // // Method for getting all tiles around the perimeter of a venue/area. public static Tile[] perimeter(Box2D area, World world) { final int minX = (int) Math.floor(area.xpos()), minY = (int) Math.floor(area.ypos()), maxX = (int) (minX + area.xdim() + 1), maxY = (int) (minY + area.ydim() + 1), wide = 1 + maxX - minX, high = 1 + maxY - minY; ///if (wide < 3) I.say("WIDE IS: "+wide+", area: "+area) ; final Tile perim[]; if (wide == high && wide <= 6) perim = PERIM_ARRAYS[wide - 3]; else perim = new Tile[(wide + high - 2) * 2]; int tX, tY, pI = 0; for (tX = minX; tX++ < maxX;) perim[pI++] = world.tileAt(tX, minY); for (tY = minY; tY++ < maxY;) perim[pI++] = world.tileAt(maxX, tY); for (tX = maxX; tX-- > minX;) perim[pI++] = world.tileAt(tX, maxY); for (tY = maxY; tY-- > minY;) perim[pI++] = world.tileAt(minX, tY); return perim; } public static Tile[] under(Box2D area, World world) { final Batch<Tile> under = new Batch<Tile>(); for (Tile t : world.tilesIn(area, true)) under.add(t); return (Tile[]) under.toArray(Tile.class); } public static int[] entranceCoords(int xdim, int ydim, float face) { if (face == Venue.ENTRANCE_NONE) return new int[] { 0, 0 }; face = (face + 0.5f) % Venue.NUM_SIDES; float edgeVal = face % 1; ///I.say("Face/edge-val: "+face+"/"+edgeVal) ; int enterX = 1, enterY = -1; if (face < Venue.ENTRANCE_EAST) { // This is the north edge. enterX = (int) (xdim * edgeVal); enterY = ydim; } else if (face < Venue.ENTRANCE_SOUTH) { // This is the east edge. enterX = xdim; enterY = (int) (ydim * (1 - edgeVal)); } else if (face < Venue.ENTRANCE_WEST) { // This is the south edge. enterX = (int) (xdim * (1 - edgeVal)); enterY = -1; } else { // This is the west edge. enterX = -1; enterY = (int) (ydim * edgeVal); } return new int[] { enterX, enterY }; } /** Methods for assisting placement-viability checks: */ // // This method checks whether the placement of the given element in this // location would create secondary 'gaps' along it's perimeter that might // lead to the existence of inaccessible 'pockets' of terrain- that would // cause pathing problems. public static boolean perimeterFits(Element element) { final Box2D area = element.area(tA); final Tile perim[] = perimeter(area, element.origin().world); // // Here, we check the first perimeter. First, determine where the first // taken (reserved) tile after a contiguous gap is- boolean inClearSpace = false; int index = perim.length - 1; while (index >= 0) { final Tile t = perim[index]; if (t == null || t.owningType() >= element.owningType()) { if (inClearSpace) break; } else { inClearSpace = true; } index--; } // // Then, starting from that point, and scanning in the other direction, // ensure there's no more than a single contiguous clear space- final int firstTaken = (index + perim.length) % perim.length, firstClear = (firstTaken + 1) % perim.length; inClearSpace = false; int numSpaces = 0; for (index = firstClear; index != firstTaken;) { final Tile t = perim[index]; if (t == null || t.owningType() >= element.owningType()) { inClearSpace = false; } else if (!inClearSpace) { inClearSpace = true; numSpaces++; } index = (index + 1) % perim.length; } if (numSpaces > 1) return false; return true; } public static int numNeighbours(Element element, World world) { if (element.xdim() > 4 || element.xdim() != element.ydim()) { I.complain("This method is intended only for small, regular elements."); } final int size = element.xdim() - 1; int numNeighbours = 0; final Element near[] = NEAR_ARRAYS[size]; final Tile perim[] = (size == 0) ? element.origin().allAdjacent(PERIM_ARRAYS[0]) : Spacing.perimeter(element.area(tA), world); for (Tile t : perim) if (t != null) { final Element o = t.owner(); if (o != null && o.flaggedWith() == null) { near[numNeighbours++] = o; o.flagWith(element); } } for (int i = numNeighbours; i-- > 0;) near[i].flagWith(null); return numNeighbours; } public static boolean isEntrance(Tile t) { for (Tile n : t.edgeAdjacent(tempT4)) { if (n == null || !(n.owner() instanceof Boardable)) continue; for (Boardable b : ((Boardable) n.owner()).canBoard(tempB4)) { if (b == t) return true; } } return false; } public static Batch<Element> entranceFor(Tile t) { final Batch<Element> batch = new Batch<Element>(); for (Tile n : t.edgeAdjacent(tempT4)) { if (n == null || !(n.owner() instanceof Boardable)) continue; for (Boardable b : ((Boardable) n.owner()).canBoard(tempB4)) { if (b == t) batch.add((Element) n.owner()); } } return batch; } /** Used to ensure that diagonally-adjacent tiles are fully accessible. */ public static void cullDiagonals(Object batch[]) { for (int i : Tile.N_DIAGONAL) if (batch[i] != null) { if (batch[(i + 7) % 8] == null) batch[i] = null; if (batch[(i + 1) % 8] == null) batch[i] = null; } } /** Proximity methods- */ public static Target nearest(Series<? extends Target> targets, final Target client) { final Visit<Target> v = new Visit<Target>() { public float rate(Target t) { return 0 - distance(t, client); } }; return v.pickBest((Series) targets); } public static Tile nearestOpenTile(Box2D area, Target client, World world) { final Vec3D p = client.position(pA); final Tile o = world.tileAt(p.x, p.y); float minDist = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY; Tile nearest = null; int numTries = 0; while (nearest == null && numTries++ < (CLUSTER_SIZE / 2)) { for (Tile t : perimeter(area, world)) { if (t == null || t.blocked()) continue; if (t != o && t.inside().size() > 0) continue; final float dist = distance(o, t); if (dist < minDist) { minDist = dist; nearest = t; } } area.expandBy(1); } return nearest; } public static Tile nearestOpenTile(Target t, Target client) { final Tile under =; return nearestOpenTile(under, client); } public static Tile nearestOpenTile(Tile tile, Target client) { if (tile == null) return null; if (!tile.blocked()) return tile; return nearestOpenTile(tile.area(tB), client,; } public static Tile nearestOpenTile(Element element, Target client, World world) { if (element.pathType() >= Tile.PATH_HINDERS) { return nearestOpenTile(element.area(tA), client, world); } else { final Vec3D p = element.position(pA); return world.tileAt(p.x, p.y); } } /** Returns a semi-random unblocked tile around the given element. */ // TODO: Move this to the Placement class. public static Tile pickFreeTileAround(Target t, Element client) { final Tile perim[]; if (t instanceof Tile) { perim = ((Tile) t).allAdjacent(null); } else if (t instanceof Element) { final Element e = (Element) t; perim = perimeter(e.area(tA),; } else return null; // // We want to avoid any tiles that are obstructed, including by other // actors, and probably to stay in the same spot if possible. final Tile l = client.origin(); final boolean inPerim = Visit.arrayIncludes(perim, l); ///if (inPerim && Rand.num() > 0.2f) return l ; final float weights[] = new float[perim.length]; float sumWeights = 0; int index = -1; for (Tile p : perim) { index++; if (p == null || p.blocked()) continue; if (p.inside().size() > 0) continue; final float dist = Spacing.distance(p, l); if (inPerim && dist > 4) continue; final float weight = 1f / (1 + dist); weights[index] = weight; sumWeights += weight; } float roll = Rand.num() * sumWeights; sumWeights = 0; for (int n = 0; n < perim.length; n++) { if (roll < weights[n]) return perim[n]; sumWeights += weights[n]; } return nearestOpenTile(t, client); } public static Tile pickRandomTile(Target t, float range, World world) { final double angle = Rand.num() * Math.PI * 2; final float dist = Rand.num() * range, max = world.size - 1; final Vec3D o = t.position(pA); return world.tileAt(Visit.clamp(o.x + (float) (Math.cos(angle) * dist), 0, max), Visit.clamp(o.y + (float) (Math.sin(angle) * dist), 0, max)); } /** Distance calculation methods- */ final public static float distance(final Target a, final Target b) { final float dist = innerDistance(a, b) - (a.radius() + b.radius()); return (dist < 0) ? 0 : dist; } final public static float innerDistance(final Target a, final Target b) { a.position(pA); b.position(pB); final float xd = pA.x - pB.x, yd = pA.y - pB.y; return (float) FastMath.sqrt((xd * xd) + (yd * yd)); } final public static int outerDistance(final Target a, final Target b) { final float dist = innerDistance(a, b); return (int) FastMath.ceil(dist + a.radius() + b.radius()); } final public static float distance(final Tile a, final Tile b) { final int xd = a.x - b.x, yd = a.y - b.y; return (float) FastMath.sqrt((xd * xd) + (yd * yd)); } public static int maxAxisDist(Tile a, Tile b) { final int xd = Math.abs(a.x - b.x), yd = Math.abs(a.y - b.y); return Math.max(xd, yd); } public static int sumAxisDist(Tile a, Tile b) { final int xd = Math.abs(a.x - b.x), yd = Math.abs(a.y - b.y); return xd + yd; } public static boolean adjacent(Tile t, Element e) { if (t == null || e == null) return false; e.area(tA); tA.expandBy(1); return tA.contains(t.x, t.y); } public static boolean edgeAdjacent(Tile a, Tile b) { if (a.x == b.x) return a.y == b.y + 1 || a.y == b.y - 1; if (a.y == b.y) return a.x == b.x + 1 || a.x == b.x - 1; return false; } public static boolean adjacent(Element a, Element b) { if (a == null || b == null) return false; a.area(tA); b.area(tB); return tA.intersects(tB); } } /* public static Tile[] traceSurrounding(Element element, int maxLen) { final Tile perim[] = perimeter(element.area(), ; Tile temp[] = new Tile[8] ; Tile lastClear = null, lastBlock = null ; for (Tile t : perim) if (! t.blocked()) { lastClear = t ; break ; } if (lastClear != null) for (Tile t : lastClear.edgeAdjacent(temp)) { if (t.blocked()) { lastBlock = t ; break ; } } if (lastClear == null || lastBlock == null) return new Tile[0] ; final Batch <Tile> clear = new Batch <Tile> () ; Tile nextClear, nextBlock ; // TODO: Figure out how this works. return (Tile[]) clear.toArray(Tile.class) ; } //*/ /* private static boolean checkClustering(Element a, Tile t, boolean checkType) { final Element b = t.owner() ; if (checkType && (b == null || b.owningType() < a.owningType())) return true ; final Tile oA = a.origin(), oB = b.origin() ; return ((oA.x / CLUSTER_SIZE) != (oB.x / CLUSTER_SIZE)) || ((oA.y / CLUSTER_SIZE) != (oB.y / CLUSTER_SIZE)) ; } //*/