Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2015-2017 Robin Steel * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.startsWith; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.ImmutablePair; import org.jmock.Expectations; import org.jmock.Mockery; import org.jmock.States; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException; import com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException; import; import; import; import; import; import java.time.LocalDate; import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; /** * Tests the {@link BookingManager}. * * @author (Robin Steel) */ public class BookingManagerTest { // Variables for setting up subclass of class under test LocalDate fakeCurrentDate; String fakeCurrentDateString; bookingManager; String adminSnsTopicArn; // Mocks Mockery mockery = new Mockery(); final States database = mockery.states("database"); Context mockContext; LambdaLogger mockLogger; IOptimisticPersister mockOptimisticPersister; ILifecycleManager mockLifecycleManager; AmazonSNS mockSNSClient; // Create some example bookings to test with Booking existingSingleBooking; Booking singleBookingOfFreeCourt; Booking singleBookingWithinExistingBlockBooking; Booking existingBlockBooking; Booking blockBookingOfFreeCourts; Booking blockBookingOverlappingExistingSingleBooking; Booking blockBookingOverlappingExistingBlockBooking; String existingName; String newName; // Bookings before and after we attempt to change them by calling a booking // manager method List<Booking> bookingsBeforeCall; List<Booking> expectedBookingsAfterCall; @Rule public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none(); @Before public void beforeTest() { // Set up the valid date range fakeCurrentDate = LocalDate.of(2015, 10, 6); fakeCurrentDateString = fakeCurrentDate.format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd")); bookingManager = new; bookingManager.setCurrentLocalDate(fakeCurrentDate); // Set up the test bookings existingName = "A.Shabana/J.Power"; newName = "J.Willstrop/N.Matthew"; existingSingleBooking = new Booking(2, 1, 3, 1, existingName); existingSingleBooking.setDate(fakeCurrentDateString); blockBookingOverlappingExistingSingleBooking = new Booking(1, 3, 3, 2, newName); blockBookingOverlappingExistingSingleBooking.setDate(fakeCurrentDateString); blockBookingOverlappingExistingBlockBooking = new Booking(2, 2, 9, 2, newName); blockBookingOverlappingExistingBlockBooking.setDate(fakeCurrentDateString); singleBookingOfFreeCourt = new Booking(4, 1, 12, 1, newName); singleBookingOfFreeCourt.setDate(fakeCurrentDateString); existingBlockBooking = new Booking(3, 3, 10, 2, existingName); existingBlockBooking.setDate(fakeCurrentDateString); singleBookingWithinExistingBlockBooking = new Booking(4, 1, 11, 1, newName); singleBookingWithinExistingBlockBooking.setDate(fakeCurrentDateString); blockBookingOfFreeCourts = new Booking(1, 5, 13, 3, newName); blockBookingOfFreeCourts.setDate(fakeCurrentDateString); bookingsBeforeCall = new ArrayList<>(); bookingsBeforeCall.add(existingSingleBooking); bookingsBeforeCall.add(existingBlockBooking); expectedBookingsAfterCall = new ArrayList<>(); mockery = new Mockery(); // Set up mock context mockContext = mockery.mock(Context.class); mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { ignoring(mockContext); } }); // Set up mock logger mockLogger = mockery.mock(LambdaLogger.class); mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { ignoring(mockLogger); } }); // Set up mock lifecycle manager mockLifecycleManager = mockery.mock(ILifecycleManager.class); mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { ignoring(mockLifecycleManager); } }); bookingManager.setLifecycleManager(mockLifecycleManager); mockOptimisticPersister = mockery.mock(IOptimisticPersister.class); bookingManager.setOptimisticPersister(mockOptimisticPersister); adminSnsTopicArn = "adminSnsTopicArn"; bookingManager.setAdminSnsTopicArn(adminSnsTopicArn); } private void initialiseBookingManager() throws Exception { // Call this to initialise the booking manager in tests where this // initialisation is not the subject of the test. bookingManager.initialise(mockLogger); } private void expectCreateBookingToReturnUpdatedBookingsOrThrow(List<Booking> initialBookings, Booking bookingToCreate, Optional<Exception> exceptionToThrow) throws Exception { expectCreateBookingToReturnUpdatedBookingsOrThrow(initialBookings, bookingToCreate, exceptionToThrow, 1); } private void expectCreateBookingToReturnUpdatedBookingsOrThrow(List<Booking> initialBookings, Booking bookingToCreate, Optional<Exception> exceptionToThrow, int numCalls) throws Exception { // The value we use here is arbitrary - what matters is that the call // to put uses the same value that is returned from get - or else we would // get a conditional check failed exception from SimpleDB. Optional<Integer> expectedVersionNumber = Optional.of(4); // Create booking attribute for the booking being created String attributeName = bookingToCreate.getCourt().toString() + "-" + bookingToCreate.getCourtSpan().toString() + "-" + bookingToCreate.getSlot() + "-" + bookingToCreate.getSlotSpan().toString(); ReplaceableAttribute bookingAttribute = new ReplaceableAttribute(); bookingAttribute.setName(attributeName); bookingAttribute.setValue(newName); // Booking creation gets existing bookings before trying to make the new one expectOptimisticPersisterGetToReturnVersionedAttributesOrThrow(expectedVersionNumber, initialBookings, Optional.empty(), numCalls); if (!exceptionToThrow.isPresent()) { mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { exactly(numCalls).of(mockOptimisticPersister).put(with(equal(bookingToCreate.getDate())), with(equal(expectedVersionNumber)), with(equal(bookingAttribute))); } }); } else { mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { exactly(numCalls).of(mockOptimisticPersister).put(with(equal(bookingToCreate.getDate())), with(equal(expectedVersionNumber)), with(equal(bookingAttribute))); will(throwException(exceptionToThrow.get())); } }); } bookingManager.setOptimisticPersister(mockOptimisticPersister); } private List<Booking> expectOptimisticPersisterGetAllItemsToReturnAllBookings(boolean addNonBookingItems) { // (the version number must be set here but its value is irrelevant) List<ImmutablePair<String, List<Attribute>>> expectedDateAttributeListPairs = new ArrayList<>(); List<Attribute> attributes = new ArrayList<>(); // Add bookings that are not all on a single day. List<Booking> bookingsForMoreThanOneDay = new ArrayList<>(); bookingsForMoreThanOneDay.add(existingSingleBooking); Booking bookingForAnotherDay = new Booking(existingSingleBooking); bookingForAnotherDay .setDate(LocalDate.parse(existingSingleBooking.getDate(), DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd")) .minusDays(1).format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd"))); bookingsForMoreThanOneDay.add(bookingForAnotherDay); -> { attributes.add(new Attribute( booking.getCourt().toString() + "-" + booking.getCourtSpan().toString() + "-" + booking.getSlot().toString() + "-" + booking.getSlotSpan().toString(), booking.getName())); expectedDateAttributeListPairs.add(new ImmutablePair<>(booking.getDate(), attributes)); }); if (addNonBookingItems) { // OptimisticPersister also has items for booking rules and lifecycle // state. The booking manager should ignore these items when returning the // bookings. List<Attribute> nonBookingAttributes = new ArrayList<>(); nonBookingAttributes.add(new Attribute("Some attribute name", "Some arbitrary value")); expectedDateAttributeListPairs.add(new ImmutablePair<>("LifecycleState", nonBookingAttributes)); expectedDateAttributeListPairs .add(new ImmutablePair<>("BookingRulesAndExclusions", nonBookingAttributes)); } // Set up mock optimistic persister to return these bookings - or to throw mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { oneOf(mockOptimisticPersister).getAllItems(); will(returnValue(expectedDateAttributeListPairs)); } }); bookingManager.setOptimisticPersister(mockOptimisticPersister); return bookingsForMoreThanOneDay; } private void expectOptimisticPersisterGetToReturnVersionedAttributesOrThrow( Optional<Integer> expectedVersionNumber, List<Booking> expectedBookings, Optional<Exception> exceptionToThrow) throws Exception { expectOptimisticPersisterGetToReturnVersionedAttributesOrThrow(expectedVersionNumber, expectedBookings, exceptionToThrow, 1); } private void expectOptimisticPersisterGetToReturnVersionedAttributesOrThrow( Optional<Integer> expectedVersionNumber, List<Booking> expectedBookings, Optional<Exception> exceptionToThrow, int numCalls) throws Exception { Set<Attribute> attributes = new HashSet<>(); -> { attributes.add(new Attribute( booking.getCourt().toString() + "-" + booking.getCourtSpan().toString() + "-" + booking.getSlot().toString() + "-" + booking.getSlotSpan().toString(), booking.getName())); }); // Set up mock optimistic persister to return these bookings - or to throw if (!exceptionToThrow.isPresent()) { mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { exactly(numCalls).of(mockOptimisticPersister).get(with(equal(fakeCurrentDateString))); will(returnValue(new ImmutablePair<>(expectedVersionNumber, attributes))); } }); } else { mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { exactly(numCalls).of(mockOptimisticPersister).get(with(equal(fakeCurrentDateString))); will(throwException(exceptionToThrow.get())); } }); } bookingManager.setOptimisticPersister(mockOptimisticPersister); } private void expectDeleteBookingToReturnUpdatedBookingsOrThrow(Booking bookingToDelete, Optional<List<Booking>> expectedBookingsAfterDelete, Optional<Exception> exceptionToThrow) throws Exception { String attributeName; attributeName = bookingToDelete.getCourt().toString() + "-" + bookingToDelete.getCourtSpan().toString() + "-" + bookingToDelete.getSlot().toString() + "-" + bookingToDelete.getSlotSpan().toString(); Attribute attribute = new Attribute(); attribute.setName(attributeName); attribute.setValue(bookingToDelete.getName()); if (!exceptionToThrow.isPresent()) { mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { oneOf(mockOptimisticPersister).delete(with(equal(bookingToDelete.getDate())), with(equal(attribute))); } }); // We expect call to getBookings after the delete Integer someArbitraryNumber = 42; expectOptimisticPersisterGetToReturnVersionedAttributesOrThrow(Optional.of(someArbitraryNumber), expectedBookingsAfterDelete.get(), Optional.empty()); } else { mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { oneOf(mockOptimisticPersister).delete(with(equal(bookingToDelete.getDate())), with(equal(attribute))); will(throwException(exceptionToThrow.get())); } }); } bookingManager.setOptimisticPersister(mockOptimisticPersister); } @After public void afterTest() { mockery.assertIsSatisfied(); } // Define a test booking manager with some overrides to facilitate testing public class TestBookingManager extends BookingManager { private AmazonSNS snsClient; private String adminSnsTopicArn; private LocalDate currentLocalDate; private IOptimisticPersister optimisticPersister; private ILifecycleManager lifecycleManager; public void setOptimisticPersister(IOptimisticPersister optimisticPersister) { this.optimisticPersister = optimisticPersister; } @Override public IOptimisticPersister getOptimisticPersister() { return optimisticPersister; } public void setLifecycleManager(ILifecycleManager lifecycleManager) { this.lifecycleManager = lifecycleManager; } @Override public ILifecycleManager getLifecycleManager() { return lifecycleManager; } public void setSNSClient(AmazonSNS snsClient) { this.snsClient = snsClient; } @Override public AmazonSNS getSNSClient() { return snsClient; } public void setAdminSnsTopicArn(String adminSnsTopicArn) { this.adminSnsTopicArn = adminSnsTopicArn; } public void setCurrentLocalDate(LocalDate localDate) { currentLocalDate = localDate; } @Override public LocalDate getCurrentLocalDate() { return currentLocalDate; } @Override public String getEnvironmentVariable(String variableName) { if (variableName.equals("AdminSNSTopicArn")) { return adminSnsTopicArn; } if (variableName.equals("AWS_REGION")) { return "eu-west-1"; } return null; } } @Test public void testGetBookingsThrowsWhenBookingManagerUninitialised() throws Exception { // ARRANGE thrown.expect(Exception.class); thrown.expectMessage("The booking manager has not been initialised"); // ACT // Do not initialise the booking manager first - so we should throw // N.B. Second parameter is arbitrary here. bookingManager.getBookings(fakeCurrentDateString, true); } @Test public void testGetAllBookingsThrowsWhenBookingManagerUninitialised() throws Exception { // ARRANGE thrown.expect(Exception.class); thrown.expectMessage("The booking manager has not been initialised"); // ACT // Do not initialise the booking manager first - so we should throw // N.B. Parameter is arbitrary here. bookingManager.getAllBookings(true); } @Test public void testGetAllBookingsReturnsCorrectBookings() throws Exception { // ARRANGE initialiseBookingManager(); // Expect bookings that are not all on a single day. Also expect presence of // booking rules and lifecycle state in the database to be ignored. List<Booking> bookingsForMoreThanOneDay = expectOptimisticPersisterGetAllItemsToReturnAllBookings(true); // ACT // N.B. Parameter is arbitrary here. List<Booking> actualBookings = bookingManager.getAllBookings(true); // ASSERT for (Booking expectedBooking : bookingsForMoreThanOneDay) { assertTrue("Expected " + expectedBooking.toString(), actualBookings.contains(expectedBooking)); actualBookings.removeIf(booking -> booking.equals(expectedBooking)); } assertTrue("More bookings than expected were returned", actualBookings.size() == 0); } @Test public void testGetAllBookingsCorrectlyCallsTheLifecycleManagerWhenCalledFromUser() throws Exception { // Test getAllBookings calls the lifecycle manager to check booking // retrieval is valid in current lifecycle state. This tests for when the // call originates from an end-user - rather than e.g. from the system // applying booking rules. doTestGetAllBookingsCorrectlyCallsTheLifecycleManager(true); } @Test public void testGetAllBookingsCorrectlyCallsTheLifecycleManagerWhenCalledFromSystem() throws Exception { // Test getAllBookings calls the lifecycle manager to check booking // retrieval is valid in current lifecycle state. This tests for when the // call originates from the system - e.g. from the system applying booking // rules, rather than from an end user. doTestGetAllBookingsCorrectlyCallsTheLifecycleManager(false); } private void doTestGetAllBookingsCorrectlyCallsTheLifecycleManager(boolean isSquashServiceUserCall) throws Exception { // ARRANGE initialiseBookingManager(); // Set up mock lifecycle manager mockLifecycleManager = mockery.mock(ILifecycleManager.class, "replacementLifecycleManagerMock"); mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { oneOf(mockLifecycleManager).throwIfOperationInvalidForCurrentLifecycleState(true, isSquashServiceUserCall); } }); bookingManager.setLifecycleManager(mockLifecycleManager); // Set up optimistic persister - this is incidental to the test, but needs // to be setup for the test to run at all. expectOptimisticPersisterGetAllItemsToReturnAllBookings(false); // ACT bookingManager.getAllBookings(isSquashServiceUserCall); } @Test public void testGetAllBookingsThrowsIfLifecycleManagerThrows() throws Exception { // The lifecycle manager signifies booking retrieval is invalid in current // lifecycle state by throwing. This checks any such throw is thrown on by // the booking manager. // ARRANGE thrown.expect(Exception.class); String message = "Test lifecycle manager exception"; thrown.expectMessage(message); initialiseBookingManager(); // Set up mock lifecycle manager to throw mockLifecycleManager = mockery.mock(ILifecycleManager.class, "replacementLifecycleManagerMock"); mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { oneOf(mockLifecycleManager).throwIfOperationInvalidForCurrentLifecycleState( with.booleanIs(anything()), with.booleanIs(anything())); will(throwException(new Exception(message))); } }); bookingManager.setLifecycleManager(mockLifecycleManager); // ACT and ASSERT // N.B. Parameter is arbitrary here - since it should throw before using it. bookingManager.getAllBookings(false); } @Test public void testGetBookingsThrowsWhenTheOptimisticPersisterThrows() throws Exception { // ARRANGE thrown.expect(Exception.class); String message = "Test OptimisticPersister exception"; thrown.expectMessage(message); initialiseBookingManager(); expectOptimisticPersisterGetToReturnVersionedAttributesOrThrow(Optional.empty(), bookingsBeforeCall, Optional.of(new AmazonServiceException(message))); // ACT // Ask for the bookings - which should throw // N.B. Second parameter is arbitrary here. bookingManager.getBookings(fakeCurrentDateString, true); } @Test public void testGetBookingsCorrectlyCallsTheOptimisticPersister() throws Exception { // ARRANGE // Set up mock optimistic persister to expect the call (the version number // must be set here but its value is irrelevant, as we're not testing what // getBookings returns in this test) initialiseBookingManager(); expectOptimisticPersisterGetToReturnVersionedAttributesOrThrow(Optional.of(1), bookingsBeforeCall, Optional.empty()); // ACT // N.B. Second parameter is arbitrary here. bookingManager.getBookings(fakeCurrentDateString, true); } @Test public void testGetBookingsCorrectlyCallsTheLifecycleManagerWhenCalledFromUser() throws Exception { // Test getBookings calls the lifecycle manager to check booking retrieval // is valid in current lifecycle state. This tests for when the call // originates from an end-user - rather than e.g. from the system applying // booking rules. doTestGetBookingsCorrectlyCallsTheLifecycleManager(true); } @Test public void testGetBookingsCorrectlyCallsTheLifecycleManagerWhenCalledFromSystem() throws Exception { // Test getBookings calls the lifecycle manager to check booking retrieval // is valid in current lifecycle state. This tests for when the call // originates from the system - e.g. from the system applying booking rules, // rather than from an end user. doTestGetBookingsCorrectlyCallsTheLifecycleManager(false); } private void doTestGetBookingsCorrectlyCallsTheLifecycleManager(boolean isSquashServiceUserCall) throws Exception { // ARRANGE initialiseBookingManager(); // Set up mock lifecycle manager mockLifecycleManager = mockery.mock(ILifecycleManager.class, "replacementLifecycleManagerMock"); mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { oneOf(mockLifecycleManager).throwIfOperationInvalidForCurrentLifecycleState(true, isSquashServiceUserCall); } }); bookingManager.setLifecycleManager(mockLifecycleManager); // Set up optimistic persister - this is incidental to the test, but needs // to be setup for the test to run at all. expectOptimisticPersisterGetToReturnVersionedAttributesOrThrow(Optional.of(1), bookingsBeforeCall, Optional.empty()); // ACT bookingManager.getBookings(fakeCurrentDateString, isSquashServiceUserCall); } @Test public void testGetBookingsThrowsIfLifecycleManagerThrows() throws Exception { // The lifecycle manager signifies booking retrieval is invalid in current // lifecycle state by throwing. This checks any such throw is thrown on by // the booking manager. // ARRANGE thrown.expect(Exception.class); String message = "Test lifecycle manager exception"; thrown.expectMessage(message); initialiseBookingManager(); // Set up mock lifecycle manager to throw mockLifecycleManager = mockery.mock(ILifecycleManager.class, "replacementLifecycleManagerMock"); mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { oneOf(mockLifecycleManager).throwIfOperationInvalidForCurrentLifecycleState( with.booleanIs(anything()), with.booleanIs(anything())); will(throwException(new Exception(message))); } }); bookingManager.setLifecycleManager(mockLifecycleManager); // ACT and ASSERT // N.B. Parameters are arbitrary here - since it should throw before using // them. bookingManager.getBookings(fakeCurrentDateString, false); } @Test public void testGetBookingsReturnsCorrectBookings() throws Exception { // Test happy path for getBookings: we query for a valid date and verify // that we get back the bookings we expect // ARRANGE initialiseBookingManager(); // (the version number must be set here but its value is irrelevant) expectOptimisticPersisterGetToReturnVersionedAttributesOrThrow(Optional.of(42), bookingsBeforeCall, Optional.empty()); // ACT // Ask for the bookings for a valid date. N.B. Second parameter is arbitrary // here. List<Booking> actualBookings = bookingManager.getBookings(fakeCurrentDateString, true); // ASSERT for (Booking expectedBooking : bookingsBeforeCall) { assertTrue("Expected " + expectedBooking.toString(), actualBookings.contains(expectedBooking)); actualBookings.removeIf(booking -> booking.equals(expectedBooking)); } assertTrue("More bookings than expected were returned", actualBookings.size() == 0); } @Test public void testCreateBookingThrowsWhenBookingManagerUninitialised() throws Exception { // ARRANGE thrown.expect(Exception.class); thrown.expectMessage("The booking manager has not been initialised"); // ACT // Do not initialise the booking manager first - so we should throw // N.B. Second parameter is arbitrary here. bookingManager.createBooking(singleBookingOfFreeCourt, true); } @Test public void testCreateBookingThrowsWhenTheOptimisticPersisterThrows() throws Exception { // N.B. This applies except when the optimistic persister throws a // conditional check failed exclusion, which is covered by other tests. // ARRANGE thrown.expect(Exception.class); String message = "Test OptimisticPersister exception"; thrown.expectMessage(message); initialiseBookingManager(); // Set up optimistic persister to throw AmazonServiceException ase = new AmazonServiceException(message); // Mark this as not being a ConditionalCheckFailed error ase.setErrorCode("SomeOtherError"); expectCreateBookingToReturnUpdatedBookingsOrThrow(bookingsBeforeCall, singleBookingOfFreeCourt, Optional.of(ase)); // ACT // Try to create a booking - which should throw // N.B. Second parameter is arbitrary here. bookingManager.createBooking(singleBookingOfFreeCourt, true); } @Test public void testCreateBookingThrowsIfTheOptimisticPersisterThrowsAConditionalCheckFailedExceptionThreeTimesRunning() throws Exception { // The optimistic persister can throw a conditional check failed exception // if two database writes happen to get interleaved. Almost always, a retry // should fix this, and we allow up to three tries. This tests that if all // three tries fail then the rule manager will give up and throw. // ARRANGE thrown.expect(Exception.class); String message = "Database put failed - conditional check failed"; thrown.expectMessage(message); initialiseBookingManager(); // Set up optimistic persister to throw three times expectCreateBookingToReturnUpdatedBookingsOrThrow(bookingsBeforeCall, singleBookingOfFreeCourt, Optional.of(new Exception(message)), 3); // ACT // Try to create a booking - which should throw - albeit after three tries // N.B. Second parameter is arbitrary here. bookingManager.createBooking(singleBookingOfFreeCourt, true); } @Test public void testCreateBookingDoesNotThrowIfTheOptimisticPersisterThrowsAConditionalCheckFailedExceptionOnlyTwice() throws Exception { // The optimistic persister can throw a conditional check failed exception // if two database writes happen to get interleaved. Almost always, a retry // should fix this, and we allow up to three tries. This tests that if we // throw twice but the third try succeeds, then the rule manager does not // throw. // ARRANGE String message = "Database put failed - conditional check failed"; initialiseBookingManager(); mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { // Two failures... // Set up optimistic persister to throw two times expectCreateBookingToReturnUpdatedBookingsOrThrow(bookingsBeforeCall, singleBookingOfFreeCourt, Optional.of(new Exception(message)), 2); // ... but third attempt succeeds expectCreateBookingToReturnUpdatedBookingsOrThrow(bookingsBeforeCall, singleBookingOfFreeCourt, Optional.empty()); } }); // ACT // Try to create a booking - which should _not_ throw - we are allowed three // tries internally. N.B. Second parameter is arbitrary here. bookingManager.createBooking(singleBookingOfFreeCourt, true); } @Test public void testCreateBookingCorrectlyCallsTheOptimisticPersisterForSingleBooking() throws Exception { // Test createBooking makes the correct calls to the optimistic persister // when booking a single court // ARRANGE initialiseBookingManager(); // Set up optimistic persister to expect a single booking to be created expectCreateBookingToReturnUpdatedBookingsOrThrow(bookingsBeforeCall, singleBookingOfFreeCourt, Optional.empty()); // Act // N.B. Second parameter is arbitrary here. bookingManager.createBooking(singleBookingOfFreeCourt, true); } @Test public void testCreateBookingCorrectlyCallsTheOptimisticPersisterForBlockBooking() throws Exception { // Test createBooking makes the correct calls to the optimistic persister // when creating a block booking. // ARRANGE initialiseBookingManager(); // Set up mock optimistic persister to expect a block booking to be created expectCreateBookingToReturnUpdatedBookingsOrThrow(bookingsBeforeCall, blockBookingOfFreeCourts, Optional.empty()); // Act // N.B. Second parameter is arbitrary here. bookingManager.createBooking(blockBookingOfFreeCourts, true); } @Test public void testCreateBookingCorrectlyCallsTheLifecycleManagerWhenCalledFromUser() throws Exception { // Test createBooking calls the lifecycle manager to check booking creation // is valid in current lifecycle state. This tests for when the call // originates from an end-user - rather than e.g. from the system applying // booking rules. doTestCreateBookingCorrectlyCallsTheLifecycleManager(true); } @Test public void testCreateBookingCorrectlyCallsTheLifecycleManagerWhenCalledFromSystem() throws Exception { // Test createBooking calls the lifecycle manager to check booking creation // is valid in current lifecycle state. This tests for when the call // originates from the system - e.g. from the system applying booking rules, // rather than from an end user. doTestCreateBookingCorrectlyCallsTheLifecycleManager(false); } private void doTestCreateBookingCorrectlyCallsTheLifecycleManager(boolean isSquashServiceUserCall) throws Exception { // ARRANGE initialiseBookingManager(); // Set up mock lifecycle manager mockLifecycleManager = mockery.mock(ILifecycleManager.class, "replacementLifecycleManagerMock"); mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { oneOf(mockLifecycleManager).throwIfOperationInvalidForCurrentLifecycleState(false, isSquashServiceUserCall); } }); bookingManager.setLifecycleManager(mockLifecycleManager); // Set up optimistic persister to expect a single booking to be created - // this is incidental to the test, but needs to be setup for the test to run // at all. expectCreateBookingToReturnUpdatedBookingsOrThrow(bookingsBeforeCall, singleBookingOfFreeCourt, Optional.empty()); // ACT bookingManager.createBooking(singleBookingOfFreeCourt, isSquashServiceUserCall); } @Test public void testCreateBookingThrowsIfLifecycleManagerThrows() throws Exception { // The lifecycle manager signifies booking creation is invalid in current // lifecycle state by throwing. This checks any such throw is thrown on by // the booking manager. // ARRANGE thrown.expect(Exception.class); String message = "Test lifecycle manager exception"; thrown.expectMessage(message); initialiseBookingManager(); // Set up mock lifecycle manager to throw mockLifecycleManager = mockery.mock(ILifecycleManager.class, "replacementLifecycleManagerMock"); mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { oneOf(mockLifecycleManager).throwIfOperationInvalidForCurrentLifecycleState( with.booleanIs(anything()), with.booleanIs(anything())); will(throwException(new Exception(message))); } }); bookingManager.setLifecycleManager(mockLifecycleManager); // ACT and ASSERT // N.B. Parameters are arbitrary here - since it should throw before using // them. bookingManager.createBooking(singleBookingOfFreeCourt, true); } @Test public void testCreateBookingReturnsCorrectBookings() throws Exception { // ARRANGE initialiseBookingManager(); // Set up mock optimistic persister to expect a booking to be created expectCreateBookingToReturnUpdatedBookingsOrThrow(bookingsBeforeCall, singleBookingOfFreeCourt, Optional.empty()); expectedBookingsAfterCall.addAll(bookingsBeforeCall); expectedBookingsAfterCall.add(singleBookingOfFreeCourt); // Act // N.B. Second parameter is arbitrary here. List<Booking> actualBookings = bookingManager.createBooking(singleBookingOfFreeCourt, true); // ASSERT // Verify the returned list of bookings is same as that returned from the // optimistic persister. for (Booking expectedBooking : expectedBookingsAfterCall) { assertTrue("Expected " + expectedBooking.toString(), actualBookings.contains(expectedBooking)); actualBookings.removeIf(booking -> booking.equals(expectedBooking)); } assertTrue("More bookings than expected were returned", actualBookings.size() == 0); } @Test public void testCreateBookingThrowsIfOptimisticPersisterThrows() throws Exception { // ARRANGE thrown.expect(Exception.class); String message = "Test optimistic persister exception"; thrown.expectMessage(message); initialiseBookingManager(); expectCreateBookingToReturnUpdatedBookingsOrThrow(bookingsBeforeCall, singleBookingOfFreeCourt, Optional.of(new Exception(message))); // ACT and ASSERT // N.B. Second parameter is arbitrary here. bookingManager.createBooking(singleBookingOfFreeCourt, true); } @Test public void testCreateBookingThrowsIfSingleBookingClashesWithExistingSingleBooking() throws Exception { // Test createBooking throws when we try to book a single court that is // already booked. initialiseBookingManager(); doTestCreateBookingThrowsIfBookingClashesWithExistingBooking(existingSingleBooking); } @Test public void testCreateBookingThrowsIfSingleBookingClashesWithExistingBlockBooking() throws Exception { // Test createBooking throws when we try to book a single court that is // part of an existing block booking. initialiseBookingManager(); doTestCreateBookingThrowsIfBookingClashesWithExistingBooking(singleBookingWithinExistingBlockBooking); } @Test public void testCreateBookingThrowsIfBlockBookingClashesWithExistingBlockBooking() throws Exception { // Test createBooking throws when we try to create a block booking that // overlaps an existing block booking. initialiseBookingManager(); doTestCreateBookingThrowsIfBookingClashesWithExistingBooking(blockBookingOverlappingExistingBlockBooking); } @Test public void testCreateBookingThrowsIfBlockBookingClashesWithExistingSingleBooking() throws Exception { // Test createBooking throws when we try to create a block booking that // overlaps an existing single booking. initialiseBookingManager(); doTestCreateBookingThrowsIfBookingClashesWithExistingBooking(blockBookingOverlappingExistingSingleBooking); } private void doTestCreateBookingThrowsIfBookingClashesWithExistingBooking(Booking clashingBookingToCreate) throws Exception { // Test createBooking throws when we try to create a booking that // overlaps an existing booking. // ARRANGE thrown.expect(Exception.class); thrown.expectMessage("Booking creation failed"); // Set up mock optimistic persister to return the initial bookings expectCreateBookingToReturnUpdatedBookingsOrThrow(bookingsBeforeCall, clashingBookingToCreate, Optional.empty()); // ACT and ASSERT // N.B. Second parameter is arbitrary here. bookingManager.createBooking(clashingBookingToCreate, true); } @Test public void testDeleteAllBookingsThrowsWhenBookingManagerUninitialised() throws Exception { // ARRANGE thrown.expect(Exception.class); thrown.expectMessage("The booking manager has not been initialised"); // ACT // Do not initialise the booking manager first - so we should throw // N.B. Parameter is arbitrary here. bookingManager.deleteAllBookings(false); } @Test public void testDeleteAllBookingsCorrectlyCallsTheOptimisticPersister() throws Exception { // ARRANGE initialiseBookingManager(); List<ImmutablePair<String, List<Attribute>>> allDateAttributeListPairs = new ArrayList<>(); List<Attribute> attributes = new ArrayList<>(); -> { attributes.add(new Attribute( booking.getCourt().toString() + "-" + booking.getCourtSpan().toString() + "-" + booking.getSlot().toString() + "-" + booking.getSlotSpan().toString(), booking.getName())); }); allDateAttributeListPairs.add(new ImmutablePair<>(fakeCurrentDateString, attributes)); // Set up mock optimistic persister to return these bookings mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { oneOf(mockOptimisticPersister).getAllItems(); will(returnValue(allDateAttributeListPairs)); } }); bookingManager.setOptimisticPersister(mockOptimisticPersister); // Set up mock optimistic persister to expect all bookings to be deleted // N.B. expectedBookingsAfterCall is arbitrary here. for (Booking booking : bookingsBeforeCall) { expectDeleteBookingToReturnUpdatedBookingsOrThrow(booking, Optional.of(expectedBookingsAfterCall), Optional.empty()); } // Act // N.B. Parameter is arbitrary here. bookingManager.deleteAllBookings(false); } @Test public void testDeleteAllBookingsCorrectlyCallsTheLifecycleManagerWhenCalledFromUser() throws Exception { // Test deleteAllBookings calls the lifecycle manager to check // booking deletion is valid in current lifecycle state. This tests for when // the call originates from an end-user - rather than e.g. from the system // applying booking rules. doTestDeleteAllBookingsCorrectlyCallsTheLifecycleManager(true); } @Test public void testDeleteAllBookingsCorrectlyCallsTheLifecycleManagerWhenCalledFromSystem() throws Exception { // Test deleteAllBookings calls the lifecycle manager to check // booking deletion is valid in current lifecycle state. This tests for when // the call originates from the system - e.g. from the system applying // booking rules, rather than from an end user. doTestDeleteAllBookingsCorrectlyCallsTheLifecycleManager(false); } private void doTestDeleteAllBookingsCorrectlyCallsTheLifecycleManager(boolean isSquashServiceUserCall) throws Exception { // ARRANGE initialiseBookingManager(); // Set up mock lifecycle manager mockLifecycleManager = mockery.mock(ILifecycleManager.class, "replacementLifecycleManagerMock"); mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { oneOf(mockLifecycleManager).throwIfOperationInvalidForCurrentLifecycleState(false, isSquashServiceUserCall); // There's an internal call to getAllBookings which calls lifecycle // manager with a true argument. allowing(mockLifecycleManager).throwIfOperationInvalidForCurrentLifecycleState(true, isSquashServiceUserCall); } }); bookingManager.setLifecycleManager(mockLifecycleManager); // Set up optimistic persister to to return no bookings - this is incidental // to the test, but needs to be setup for the test to run at all. List<ImmutablePair<String, List<Attribute>>> emptyList = new ArrayList<>(); mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { oneOf(mockOptimisticPersister).getAllItems(); will(returnValue(emptyList)); } }); bookingManager.setOptimisticPersister(mockOptimisticPersister); // ACT bookingManager.deleteAllBookings(isSquashServiceUserCall); } @Test public void testDeleteAllBookingsThrowsIfLifecycleManagerThrows() throws Exception { // The lifecycle manager signifies booking deletion is invalid in current // lifecycle state by throwing. This checks any such throw is thrown on by // the booking manager. // ARRANGE thrown.expect(Exception.class); String message = "Test lifecycle manager exception"; thrown.expectMessage(message); initialiseBookingManager(); // Set up mock lifecycle manager to throw mockLifecycleManager = mockery.mock(ILifecycleManager.class, "replacementLifecycleManagerMock"); mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { oneOf(mockLifecycleManager).throwIfOperationInvalidForCurrentLifecycleState( with.booleanIs(anything()), with.booleanIs(anything())); will(throwException(new Exception(message))); } }); bookingManager.setLifecycleManager(mockLifecycleManager); // ACT and ASSERT // N.B. Parameter is arbitrary here - since it should throw before using it. bookingManager.deleteAllBookings(true); } @Test public void testDeleteAllBookingsThrowsIfTheBookingManagerThrowsTooManyRequestsExceptionsThreeTimesRunning() throws Exception { // The booking manager can throw a TooManyRequests exception // if there are many bookings being deleted. If this happens we should // pause for a short time and then continue deleting. We allow up to three // attempts to delete each booking before giving up. This tests that // if all three tries fail then the booking manager will give up and throw. // ARRANGE thrown.expect(Exception.class); String message = "Boom!"; thrown.expectMessage(message); // ACT initialiseBookingManager(); // Set up some bookings to return. These are arbitrary here - what matters // here is that the optimistic persister delete call throws three times. List<ImmutablePair<String, List<Attribute>>> allDateAttributeListPairs = new ArrayList<>(); List<Attribute> attributes = new ArrayList<>(); -> { attributes.add(new Attribute( booking.getCourt().toString() + "-" + booking.getCourtSpan().toString() + "-" + booking.getSlot().toString() + "-" + booking.getSlotSpan().toString(), booking.getName())); }); allDateAttributeListPairs.add(new ImmutablePair<>(fakeCurrentDateString, attributes)); // Set up mock optimistic persister to throw too many requests errors // Configure the TooManyRequests error (429) AmazonServiceException ase = new AmazonServiceException(message); ase.setErrorCode("429"); mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { exactly(3).of(mockOptimisticPersister).delete(with(anything()), with(anything())); will(throwException(ase)); allowing(mockOptimisticPersister).get(with(anything())); allowing(mockOptimisticPersister).getAllItems(); will(returnValue(allDateAttributeListPairs)); } }); bookingManager.setOptimisticPersister(mockOptimisticPersister); // ACT // This should throw - albeit after three tries // N.B. Parameter is arbitrary here. bookingManager.deleteAllBookings(false); } @Test public void testRestoreAllBookingsAndBookingRulesShouldNotThrowIfTheRuleManagerThrowsTooManyRequestsExceptionsOnlyTwice() throws Exception { // The rule manager can throw a TooManyRequests exception during restore // if there are many booking rules being restored. If this happens we should // pause for a short time and then continue restoring. We allow up to three // attempts to restore each booking rule before giving up. This tests that // if we throw twice but the third try succeeds, then the backup manager // does not throw. // ARRANGE String message = "Boom!"; // ACT initialiseBookingManager(); // Set up a single booking to return. This is arbitrary here - what matters // here is that the optimistic persister delete call throws twice, then // succeeds List<ImmutablePair<String, List<Attribute>>> allDateAttributeListPairs = new ArrayList<>(); List<Attribute> attributes = new ArrayList<>(); Booking booking = bookingsBeforeCall.get(0); attributes.add(new Attribute( booking.getCourt().toString() + "-" + booking.getCourtSpan().toString() + "-" + booking.getSlot().toString() + "-" + booking.getSlotSpan().toString(), booking.getName())); allDateAttributeListPairs.add(new ImmutablePair<>(fakeCurrentDateString, attributes)); Integer someArbitraryNumber = 42; expectOptimisticPersisterGetToReturnVersionedAttributesOrThrow(Optional.of(someArbitraryNumber), Arrays.asList(bookingsBeforeCall.get(0)), Optional.empty()); // Set up mock optimistic persister to throw too many requests errors // Configure the TooManyRequests error (429) AmazonServiceException ase = new AmazonServiceException(message); ase.setErrorCode("429"); mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { // Throw twice... exactly(2).of(mockOptimisticPersister).delete(with(anything()), with(anything())); will(throwException(ase)); // ...but succeed the third time oneOf(mockOptimisticPersister).delete(with(anything()), with(anything())); allowing(mockOptimisticPersister).getAllItems(); will(returnValue(allDateAttributeListPairs)); } }); bookingManager.setOptimisticPersister(mockOptimisticPersister); // ACT // This should _not_ throw - we are allowed three tries // N.B. Parameter is arbitrary here. bookingManager.deleteAllBookings(false); } @Test public void testDeleteBookingThrowsWhenBookingManagerUninitialised() throws Exception { // ARRANGE thrown.expect(Exception.class); thrown.expectMessage("The booking manager has not been initialised"); // ACT // Do not initialise the booking manager first - so we should throw // N.B. Second parameter is arbitrary here. bookingManager.deleteBooking(existingSingleBooking, true); } @Test public void testDeleteBookingThrowsWhenTheOptimisticPersisterThrows() throws Exception { // (But see exception to this rule in later test) // ARRANGE thrown.expect(Exception.class); String message = "Test SimpleDB exception"; thrown.expectMessage(message); initialiseBookingManager(); AmazonServiceException ase = new AmazonServiceException(message); // Mark this as not being an AttributeDoesNotExist error ase.setErrorCode("SomeOtherError"); expectDeleteBookingToReturnUpdatedBookingsOrThrow(existingSingleBooking, Optional.empty(), Optional.of(ase)); // ACT // Try to delete a booking - which should throw // N.B. Second parameter is arbitrary here. bookingManager.deleteBooking(existingSingleBooking, true); } @Test public void testDeleteBookingCorrectlyCallsTheOptimisticPersister() throws Exception { // Test deleteBooking makes the correct calls to the optimistic persister. // ARRANGE initialiseBookingManager(); // Set up mock optimistic persister to expect a booking to be deleted expectedBookingsAfterCall.addAll(bookingsBeforeCall); // Remove the booking we're deleting - so the manager thinks the delete is // successful expectedBookingsAfterCall.removeIf(booking -> booking.equals(existingSingleBooking)); expectDeleteBookingToReturnUpdatedBookingsOrThrow(existingSingleBooking, Optional.of(expectedBookingsAfterCall), Optional.empty()); // Act // N.B. Second parameter is arbitrary here. bookingManager.deleteBooking(existingSingleBooking, true); } @Test public void testDeleteBookingReturnsCorrectBookings() throws Exception { // ARRANGE initialiseBookingManager(); expectedBookingsAfterCall.addAll(bookingsBeforeCall); // Remove the booking we're deleting - so the manager thinks the delete is // successful expectedBookingsAfterCall.removeIf(booking -> booking.equals(existingSingleBooking)); expectDeleteBookingToReturnUpdatedBookingsOrThrow(existingSingleBooking, Optional.of(expectedBookingsAfterCall), Optional.empty()); // Act // N.B. Second parameter is arbitrary here. List<Booking> actualBookings = bookingManager.deleteBooking(existingSingleBooking, true); // ASSERT // Verify the returned list of bookings is same as that returned from // the optimistic persister. for (Booking expectedBooking : expectedBookingsAfterCall) { assertTrue("Expected " + expectedBooking.toString(), actualBookings.contains(expectedBooking)); actualBookings.removeIf(booking -> booking.equals(expectedBooking)); } assertTrue("More bookings than expected were returned", actualBookings.size() == 0); } @Test public void testDeleteBookingThrowsIfTheOptimisticPersisterThrows_SingleBooking() throws Exception { // ARRANGE initialiseBookingManager(); doTestDeleteBookingThrowsWhenTheOptimisticPersisterThrows(existingSingleBooking); } @Test public void testDeleteBookingThrowsIfTheOptimisticPersisterThrows_BlockBooking() throws Exception { initialiseBookingManager(); doTestDeleteBookingThrowsWhenTheOptimisticPersisterThrows(existingBlockBooking); } private void doTestDeleteBookingThrowsWhenTheOptimisticPersisterThrows(Booking bookingToDelete) throws Exception { // Tests that we forward exceptions from the optimistic persister. // ARRANGE thrown.expect(Exception.class); String message = "Test optimistic persister exception"; thrown.expectMessage(message); initialiseBookingManager(); expectDeleteBookingToReturnUpdatedBookingsOrThrow(bookingToDelete, Optional.empty(), Optional.of(new Exception(message))); // ACT and ASSERT // N.B. Second parameter is arbitrary here. bookingManager.deleteBooking(bookingToDelete, true); } @Test public void testDeleteBookingCorrectlyCallsTheLifecycleManagerWhenCalledFromUser() throws Exception { // Test deleteBooking calls the lifecycle manager to check booking deletion // is valid in current lifecycle state. This tests for when the call // originates from an end-user - rather than e.g. from the system applying // booking rules. doTestDeleteBookingCorrectlyCallsTheLifecycleManager(true); } @Test public void testDeleteBookingCorrectlyCallsTheLifecycleManagerWhenCalledFromSystem() throws Exception { // Test deleteBooking calls the lifecycle manager to check booking deletion // is valid in current lifecycle state. This tests for when the call // originates from the system - e.g. from the system applying booking rules, // rather than from an end user. doTestDeleteBookingCorrectlyCallsTheLifecycleManager(false); } private void doTestDeleteBookingCorrectlyCallsTheLifecycleManager(boolean isSquashServiceUserCall) throws Exception { // ARRANGE initialiseBookingManager(); // Set up mock lifecycle manager mockLifecycleManager = mockery.mock(ILifecycleManager.class, "replacementLifecycleManagerMock"); mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { oneOf(mockLifecycleManager).throwIfOperationInvalidForCurrentLifecycleState(false, isSquashServiceUserCall); } }); bookingManager.setLifecycleManager(mockLifecycleManager); // Set up optimistic persister to expect a single booking to be deleted - // this is incidental to the test, but needs to be setup for the test to run // at all. expectedBookingsAfterCall.addAll(bookingsBeforeCall); // Remove the booking we're deleting - so the manager thinks the delete is // successful expectedBookingsAfterCall.removeIf(booking -> booking.equals(existingSingleBooking)); expectDeleteBookingToReturnUpdatedBookingsOrThrow(existingSingleBooking, Optional.of(expectedBookingsAfterCall), Optional.empty()); // ACT bookingManager.deleteBooking(existingSingleBooking, isSquashServiceUserCall); } @Test public void testDeleteBookingThrowsIfLifecycleManagerThrows() throws Exception { // The lifecycle manager signifies booking deletion is invalid in current // lifecycle state by throwing. This checks any such throw is thrown on by // the booking manager. // ARRANGE thrown.expect(Exception.class); String message = "Test lifecycle manager exception"; thrown.expectMessage(message); initialiseBookingManager(); // Set up mock lifecycle manager to throw mockLifecycleManager = mockery.mock(ILifecycleManager.class, "replacementLifecycleManagerMock"); mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { oneOf(mockLifecycleManager).throwIfOperationInvalidForCurrentLifecycleState( with.booleanIs(anything()), with.booleanIs(anything())); will(throwException(new Exception(message))); } }); bookingManager.setLifecycleManager(mockLifecycleManager); // ACT and ASSERT // N.B. Parameters are arbitrary here - since it should throw before using // them. bookingManager.deleteBooking(existingSingleBooking, true); } @Test public void testDeleteYesterdaysBookingsThrowsWhenBookingManagerUninitialised() throws Exception { // ARRANGE thrown.expect(Exception.class); thrown.expectMessage("The booking manager has not been initialised"); // ACT // Do not initialise the booking manager first - so we should throw // N.B. Parameter is arbitrary here. bookingManager.deleteYesterdaysBookings(false); } @Test public void testDeleteYesterdaysBookingsNotifiesTheSnsTopicWhenItThrows() throws Exception { // It is useful for the admin user to be notified whenever the deleting // of bookings does not succeed - so that they can clean the database // manually instead. This tests that whenever the booking manager catches an // exception while deleting bookings, it notifies the admin SNS topic. // ARRANGE thrown.expect(Exception.class); String message = "Test Exception"; thrown.expectMessage(message); initialiseBookingManager(); // Make method throw String yesterday = fakeCurrentDate.minusDays(1).format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd")); AmazonServiceException ase = new AmazonServiceException(message); mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { oneOf(mockOptimisticPersister).deleteAllAttributes(with(equal(yesterday))); will(throwException(ase)); } }); bookingManager.setOptimisticPersister(mockOptimisticPersister); // Set up mock SNS client to expect a notification mockSNSClient = mockery.mock(AmazonSNS.class); String partialMessage = "Apologies - but there was an error deleting yesterday's bookings from the database"; mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { oneOf(mockSNSClient).publish(with(equal(adminSnsTopicArn)), with(startsWith(partialMessage)), with(equal("Sqawsh bookings for yesterday failed to delete"))); } }); bookingManager.setSNSClient(mockSNSClient); // ACT - this should throw - and notify the SNS topic // N.B. Parameter is arbitrary here. bookingManager.deleteYesterdaysBookings(false); } @Test public void testDeleteYesterdaysBookingsCorrectlyCallsTheOptimisticPersister() throws Exception { // Set up mock optimistic persister to expect yesterday's bookings to be // deleted. initialiseBookingManager(); String yesterday = fakeCurrentDate.minusDays(1).format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd")); mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { oneOf(mockOptimisticPersister).deleteAllAttributes(with(equal(yesterday))); } }); bookingManager.setOptimisticPersister(mockOptimisticPersister); // Act // N.B. Parameter is arbitrary here. bookingManager.deleteYesterdaysBookings(false); } @Test public void testDeleteYesterdaysBookingsCorrectlyCallsTheLifecycleManagerWhenCalledFromUser() throws Exception { // Test deleteYesterdaysBookings calls the lifecycle manager to check // booking deletion is valid in current lifecycle state. This tests for when // the call originates from an end-user - rather than e.g. from the system // applying booking rules. doTestDeleteYesterdaysBookingsCorrectlyCallsTheLifecycleManager(true); } @Test public void testDeleteYesterdaysBookingsCorrectlyCallsTheLifecycleManagerWhenCalledFromSystem() throws Exception { // Test deleteYesterdaysBookings calls the lifecycle manager to check // booking deletion is valid in current lifecycle state. This tests for when // the call originates from the system - e.g. from the system applying // booking rules, rather than from an end user. doTestDeleteYesterdaysBookingsCorrectlyCallsTheLifecycleManager(false); } private void doTestDeleteYesterdaysBookingsCorrectlyCallsTheLifecycleManager(boolean isSquashServiceUserCall) throws Exception { // ARRANGE initialiseBookingManager(); // Set up mock lifecycle manager mockLifecycleManager = mockery.mock(ILifecycleManager.class, "replacementLifecycleManagerMock"); mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { oneOf(mockLifecycleManager).throwIfOperationInvalidForCurrentLifecycleState(false, isSquashServiceUserCall); } }); bookingManager.setLifecycleManager(mockLifecycleManager); // Set up optimistic persister to expect bookings to be deleted - // this is incidental to the test, but needs to be setup for the test to run // at all. String yesterday = fakeCurrentDate.minusDays(1).format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd")); mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { oneOf(mockOptimisticPersister).deleteAllAttributes(with(equal(yesterday))); } }); bookingManager.setOptimisticPersister(mockOptimisticPersister); // ACT bookingManager.deleteYesterdaysBookings(isSquashServiceUserCall); } @Test public void testDeleteYesterdaysBookingsThrowsIfLifecycleManagerThrows() throws Exception { // The lifecycle manager signifies booking deletion is invalid in current // lifecycle state by throwing. This checks any such throw is thrown on by // the booking manager. // ARRANGE thrown.expect(Exception.class); String message = "Test lifecycle manager exception"; thrown.expectMessage(message); initialiseBookingManager(); // Set up mock lifecycle manager to throw mockLifecycleManager = mockery.mock(ILifecycleManager.class, "replacementLifecycleManagerMock"); mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { oneOf(mockLifecycleManager).throwIfOperationInvalidForCurrentLifecycleState( with.booleanIs(anything()), with.booleanIs(anything())); will(throwException(new Exception(message))); } }); bookingManager.setLifecycleManager(mockLifecycleManager); // ACT and ASSERT // N.B. Parameter is arbitrary here - since it should throw before using it. bookingManager.deleteYesterdaysBookings(true); } @Test public void testValidateBookingThrowsIfCourtBelowValidRange() throws Exception { doTestValidateBookingThrowsIfBookingInvalid(0, // Invalid 2, 3, 3, "ValidName", "The booking court number is outside the valid range (1-5)"); } @Test public void testValidateBookingThrowsIfCourtAboveValidRange() throws Exception { doTestValidateBookingThrowsIfBookingInvalid(6, // Invalid 2, 3, 3, "ValidName", "The booking court number is outside the valid range (1-5)"); } @Test public void testValidateBookingThrowsIfCourtSpanBelowValidRange() throws Exception { doTestValidateBookingThrowsIfBookingInvalid(1, 0, // Invalid 3, 3, "ValidName", "The booking court span is outside the valid range (1-(6-court))"); } @Test public void testValidateBookingThrowsIfCourtSpanAboveValidRange() throws Exception { int court = 1; int invalidCourtSpan = 6 - court + 1; doTestValidateBookingThrowsIfBookingInvalid(court, invalidCourtSpan, // Invalid 3, 3, "ValidName", "The booking court span is outside the valid range (1-(6-court))"); } @Test public void testValidateBookingThrowsIfTimeSlotBelowValidRange() throws Exception { doTestValidateBookingThrowsIfBookingInvalid(1, 2, 0, // Invalid 2, "ValidName", "The booking time slot is outside the valid range (1-16)"); } @Test public void testValidateBookingThrowsIfTimeSlotAboveValidRange() throws Exception { doTestValidateBookingThrowsIfBookingInvalid(1, 2, 17, // Invalid 2, "ValidName", "The booking time slot is outside the valid range (1-16)"); } @Test public void testValidateBookingThrowsIfTimeSlotSpanBelowValidRange() throws Exception { doTestValidateBookingThrowsIfBookingInvalid(1, 2, 1, 0, // Invalid "ValidName", "The booking time slot span is outside the valid range (1- (17 - slot))"); } @Test public void testValidateBookingThrowsIfTimeSlotSpanAboveValidRange() throws Exception { int slot = 4; int invalidSlotSpan = 17 - slot + 1; doTestValidateBookingThrowsIfBookingInvalid(1, 2, slot, invalidSlotSpan, // Invalid "ValidName", "The booking time slot span is outside the valid range (1- (17 - slot))"); } @Test public void testValidateBookingDoesNotThrowIfBookingNameOnLengthLimit() throws Exception { // ARRANGE initialiseBookingManager(); Booking booking = new Booking(); booking.setCourt(1); booking.setCourtSpan(2); booking.setSlot(3); booking.setSlotSpan(4); booking.setDate("2001-01-01"); booking.setName("Right on thirrrrrty characters"); // ACT // Should not throw bookingManager.validateBooking(booking); } @Test public void testValidateBookingThrowsIfBookingNameInWrongFormat_TooLong() throws Exception { doTestValidateBookingThrowsIfBookingInvalid(1, 2, 3, 4, "Longer than thirty character limit", "The booking name must have a valid format"); } @Test public void testValidateBookingThrowsIfBookingNameInWrongFormat_InvalidCharacter() throws Exception { // ? is invalid doTestValidateBookingThrowsIfBookingInvalid(1, 2, 3, 4, "Playera/?", "The booking name must have a valid format"); } @Test public void testValidateBookingThrowsIfBookingNameInWrongFormat_PotentialXssContent() throws Exception { // Booking names (and hence also Booking Rule names) should be rejected if // they contain content that might cause XSS. We check for one example here. doTestValidateBookingThrowsIfBookingInvalid(1, 2, 3, 4, "<script>Alert('Boo!')</script>", "The booking name must have a valid format"); } @Test public void testValidateBookingThrowsIfBookingNameInWrongFormat_EmptyName() throws Exception { doTestValidateBookingThrowsIfBookingInvalid(1, 2, 3, 4, "", "The booking name must have a valid format"); } private void doTestValidateBookingThrowsIfBookingInvalid(int court, int courtSpan, int slot, int slotSpan, String name, String message) throws Exception { // ARRANGE thrown.expect(Exception.class); thrown.expectMessage(message); initialiseBookingManager(); // Validate a booking with an invalid parameter - which should throw Booking booking = new Booking(); booking.setCourt(court); booking.setCourtSpan(courtSpan); booking.setSlot(slot); booking.setSlotSpan(slotSpan); booking.setName(name); booking.setDate("2001-01-01"); bookingManager.validateBooking(booking); } }