Java tutorial
/* * * * Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Alexei Drummond and Andrew Rambaut * * This file is part of BEAST. * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership and licensing. * * BEAST is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * BEAST is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with BEAST; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ package sphericalGeo; import org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath; import org.apache.commons.math.ConvergenceException; import org.apache.commons.math.FunctionEvaluationException; import org.apache.commons.math.analysis.UnivariateRealFunction; import org.apache.commons.math.analysis.integration.TrapezoidIntegrator; import org.apache.commons.math.analysis.integration.UnivariateRealIntegrator; import beast.core.Description; import beast.core.Input; import beast.core.Loggable; import beast.core.Input.Validate; import beast.core.parameter.RealParameter; import beast.evolution.datatype.DataType; import beast.evolution.substitutionmodel.EigenDecomposition; import beast.evolution.substitutionmodel.SubstitutionModel; import beast.evolution.tree.Node; import beast.util.Randomizer; // while FastMath is supposed to be faster, this is not evident in a small timing test. //import static org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath; import static java.lang.Math.*; import; @Description("Diffusion model that assumes a normal diffusion process on a sphere") public class SphericalDiffusionModel extends SubstitutionModel.Base implements Loggable { private static final double RAD2DEG = 180 / Math.PI; private static final double DEG2RAD = Math.PI / 180; public Input<RealParameter> precisionInput = new Input<>("precision", "precision of diffusion process", Validate.REQUIRED); public Input<Boolean> m_fast = new Input<>("fast", "Use an approximation for arccos for angles close to 0 " + "(|cos(x) > 0.9). In this range the approximation has an error of at most 1e-10, " + "and is faster than the Java version.", false); public Input<Double> thresholdInput = new Input<>("threshold", "angle (in degrees 0...180) below which there is no contribution to the probability density", 0.0); public SphericalDiffusionModel() { frequenciesInput.setRule(Validate.OPTIONAL); } public SphericalDiffusionModel(Double precision) { frequenciesInput.setRule(Validate.OPTIONAL); initByName("precision", precision.toString()); } RealParameter precision; boolean fast = false; double threshold; @Override public void initAndValidate() { precision = precisionInput.get(); fast = m_fast.get(); threshold = thresholdInput.get() * DEG2RAD; super.initAndValidate(); } public double getLogLikelihood(Node node, double[][] position, double[] branchLengths) { double[] start = position[node.getParent().getNr()]; double[] stop = position[node.getNr()]; double time = branchLengths[node.getNr()]; return getLogLikelihood(node, start, stop, time); } // assumes start = {latitude, longitude} // stop = {latitude, longitude} // and -90 < latitude < 90, -180 < longitude < 180 double maxTau = 0; int tauCount = 0; double sumTau = 0; double meanTau = 0; public double getLogLikelihood(Node node, double[] start, double[] stop, double time) { if (node == null || node.getNr() == 0) { maxTau = 0; meanTau = (tauCount == 0 ? 0 : sumTau / tauCount); tauCount = 0; sumTau = 0; } // if (time <= 1e-4) { // time = 1e-4; // } if (time <= 1e-20) { return -1e99; } // if (time <= 1e-4) { // return -20; // } if (fast) { return getLogLikelihood2(node, start, stop, time); } if (start[0] == stop[0] && start[1] == stop[1]) { return -1e100; } double latitude1 = start[0]; double longitude1 = start[1]; double theta1 = (latitude1) * Math.PI / 180.0; if (longitude1 < 0) longitude1 += 360; double phi1 = longitude1 * Math.PI / 180; double latitude2 = stop[0]; double longitude2 = stop[1]; double theta2 = (latitude2) * Math.PI / 180.0; if (longitude2 < 0) longitude2 += 360; double phi2 = longitude2 * Math.PI / 180; double Deltalambda = phi2 - phi1; // See double angle = Math.acos( Math.sin(theta1) * Math.sin(theta2) + Math.cos(theta1) * Math.cos(theta2) * Math.cos(Deltalambda)); final double tau = time / precision.getValue(0); final double logN = calcLogN(tau, node); final double logP = 0.5 * Math.log(angle * sin(angle)) - Math.log(tau) + -angle * angle / (tau * 2.0); // double inverseVariance = precision.getValue(0) / time; // // See Equation (8) from // // logN normalising 'constant' // double logP = 0.5 * Math.log(angle * Math.sin(angle)) + 0.5 * Math.log(inverseVariance) -0.5 * angle*angle * inverseVariance; // //double logP = - 0.5 * angle*angle * inverseVariance; // System.err.println(start[0] + " " + start[1] + " -> " + stop[0] + " " + stop[1] + " => " + logP + " " + angle + " " + // (0.5 * Math.log(angle * Math.sin(angle))) + " " + ( -0.5 * angle*angle * inverseVariance) + " " + logN); return logP - logN; } static double[] in = new double[] { 0.0000006743496, 0.0000009536743, 0.000001348699, 0.000001907349, 0.000002697398, 0.000003814697, 0.000005394797, 0.000007629395, 0.00001078959, 0.00001525879, 0.00002157919, 0.00003051758, 0.00004315837, 0.00006103516, 0.00008631675, 0.0001220703, 0.0001726335, 0.0002441406, 0.000345267, 0.0004882812, 0.000690534, 0.0009765625, 0.001381068, 0.001953125, 0.002762136, 0.00390625, 0.005524272, 0.0078125, 0.01104854, 0.015625, 0.02209709, 0.03125, 0.04419417, 0.0625, 0.08838835, 0.125, 0.1767767, 0.25, 0.3535534, 0.5, 0.7071068, 1, 1.414214, 2, 2.828427, 4, 5.656854, 8, 11.31371, 16, 22.62742, 32, 45.25483, 64, 90.50967, 128, 181.0193, 256, 362.0387, 512, 724.0773, 1024, 1448.155, 2048, 2896.309, 4096, 5792.619, 8192, 11585.24, 16384, 23170.48, 32768, 46340.95, 65536, 92681.9, 131072, 185363.8, 262144, 370727.6, 524288, 741455.2, 1048576, 1482910, 2097152, 2965821, 4194304, 5931642, 8388608, 11863280, 16777220, 23726570, 33554430, 47453130, 67108860, 94906270, 134217700, 189812500, 268435500, 379625100, 536870900, 759250100 }; static double[] out = new double[] { 0.9999999, 0.9999998, 0.9999998, 0.9999997, 0.9999996, 0.9999994, 0.9999991, 0.9999987, 0.9999982, 0.9999975, 0.9999964, 0.9999949, 0.9999928, 0.9999898, 0.9999856, 0.9999797, 0.9999712, 0.9999593, 0.9999425, 0.9999186, 0.9998849, 0.9998372, 0.9997698, 0.9996745, 0.9995397, 0.999349, 0.9990795, 0.9986983, 0.9981593, 0.9973972, 0.9963198, 0.994797, 0.992645, 0.9896045, 0.9853106, 0.9792494, 0.9706989, 0.9586452, 0.9416613, 0.9177062, 0.8837365, 0.8353602, 0.7681435, 0.6813698, 0.5805998, 0.4757169, 0.3765316, 0.2896687, 0.2179294, 0.1612042, 0.1177539, 0.08522718, 0.06127549, 0.0438445, 0.0312647, 0.02223985, 0.01579263, 0.01120063, 0.007936867, 0.005620646, 0.003978664, 0.002815455, 0.001991886, 0.001409006, 0.0009965826, 0.0007048228, 0.0004984513, 0.0003524914, 0.0002492657, 0.0001762657, 0.0001246428, 0.00008813786, 0.00006232392, 0.00004407018, 0.00003116258, 0.0000220354, 0.00001558145, 0.00001101778, 0.000007790763, 0.00000550891, 0.000003895391, 0.00000275446, 0.000001947698, 0.000001377231, 0.0000009738497, 0.0000006886158, 0.000000486925, 0.000000344308, 0.0000002434625, 0.000000172154, 0.0000001217313, 0.00000008607701, 0.00000006086564, 0.00000004303851, 0.00000003043282, 0.00000002151925, 0.00000001521641, 0.00000001075963, 0.000000007608205, 0.000000005379814, 0.000000003804103 }; static double[] logout; static double minin, maxin, logminin; static { logout = new double[out.length]; for (int i = 0; i < out.length; i++) { logout[i] = Math.log(out[i]); } minin = in[0]; logminin = FastMath.log(minin); maxin = in[in.length - 1]; } private double[] lastTau;// = -1; private double[] lastN;// = 0; double calcLogN(double tau, Node node) { if (node != null) { // check the per node cache if (lastTau == null) { lastTau = new double[node.getTree().getNodeCount()]; lastN = new double[lastTau.length]; } if (tau == lastTau[node.getNr()]) { return lastN[node.getNr()]; } lastTau[node.getNr()] = tau; } // try approximation of pieces of the curve by polynomials double logN; if (1e-6 <= tau && tau < 1e-1) { final double a = -0.0087466200605258813, b = -0.16664983515519927, c = -1.4116091739448584e-07; logN = (a * tau + b) * tau + c; } else if (1e-1 <= tau && tau <= 1) { final double a = -0.017361715075749726, b = -0.1617395191006793, c = -0.00064481343766429537; logN = (a * tau + b) * tau + c; } else if (tau < 1e-6) { logN = 0; } else if (tau < 10) { // this is terrible for tau>10 but those kinds of values should not matter final double a = -0.14247308312783535, b = 1.2366027188629642, c = -1.7402299884011929; final double lt = FastMath.log(tau); logN = -FastMath.exp(lt * (a * lt + b) + c); } else { // tau >= 10 // fall back on original approximation logN = calcLogN2(tau); } if (node != null) { lastN[node.getNr()] = logN; } return logN; } /** approximation described in the GEO_SPHERE paper **/ double calcLogN2(double tau) { if (tau < minin) { return 0; } if (tau > maxin) { return FastMath.log(2.888266 / tau); } int i = (int) ((FastMath.log(tau) - logminin) / 0.3465735); if (i == in.length - 1) { return logout[i]; } // int i = Arrays.binarySearch(in, tau); // if (i >= 0) { // // found exact match // return logout[i]; // } // i = - i - 2; // interpolation needed to reconstruct trans prob //double fiTime = CACHE_SIZE * fTime / m_fMaxTime; //int iTime = (int) fiTime; double logout1 = logout[i]; double logout2 = logout[i + 1]; double fWeight2 = (tau - in[i]) / (in[i + 1] - in[i]); double fWeight1 = 1.0 - fWeight2; // TODO Auto-generated method stub double logN = logout1 * fWeight1 + logout2 * fWeight2; return logN; } // static double log0(double x) { // double y = (x-1.)/(1+x) ; // // making this 2*y reduces accuracy to 1e-8 over [1e-8,2] // return 2*(y*(1 + y*y/3)); // } // static int N = 100; // // static public double log(double x) { // int v = 0; // while( x < 1 ) { // x *= Math.E; // v -= 1; // } // while ( x > Math.E ) { // x /= Math.E; // v += 1; // } // // assert 1 <= x <= math.e // int i = (int)(N*(x - 1)/(Math.E-1)); // return v + tab1[i] + log0(x * tab0[i]); // } // // static double[] tab0 = new double[N+1]; // static double[] tab1 = new double[N+1]; // // static { // for(int i = 0; i < 101; ++i) { // tab0[i] = 1/(1 + (1./N) * i * (Math.E - 1)); // tab1[i] = -Math.log(tab0[i]); // } // } // // public static double logBadApprox(double x) { // System.err.println(x); // return 6 * (x - 1) / (x + 1 + 4 * (Math.sqrt(x))); // } //@Override public double getLogLikelihood2(Node node, double[] start, double[] stop, double time) { if (time <= 1e-20) { return -1e100; } if (start[0] == stop[0] && start[1] == stop[1]) { return -1e100; } // assumes start = {latitude, longitude} // assumes stop = {latitude, longitude} // and -90 < latitude < 90, -180 < longitude < 180 double latitude1 = start[0]; double longitude1 = start[1]; //final double DEG2RAD = Math.PI / 180.0; final double theta1 = latitude1 * DEG2RAD; if (longitude1 < 0) longitude1 += 360; //final double phi1 = longitude1 * DEG2RAD; double latitude2 = stop[0]; double longitude2 = stop[1]; final double theta2 = latitude2 * DEG2RAD; if (longitude2 < 0) longitude2 += 360; //final double phi2 = longitude2 * DEG2RAD; final double deltaLambda = (longitude2 - longitude1) * DEG2RAD; //phi2 - phi1, in radians; // Use trigonometric equalities to reduce cost of computing both sin(x)*sin(y) and cos(x)*cos(y) // to two cos() calls and 4 +/- and one '/2'. final double cosplus = cos(theta1 + theta2); final double cosminus = cos(theta1 - theta2); final double twicecoscos = (cosminus + cosplus); final double twicesinsin = (cosminus - cosplus); final double x = (twicesinsin + twicecoscos * cos(deltaLambda)) / 2; // final double x = FastMath.sin(theta1) * FastMath.sin(theta2) + // FastMath.cos(theta1) * FastMath.cos(theta2) * FastMath.cos(deltaLambda); final double angle; if (fast) { angle = (abs(x) > .9 ? acos_parts_fast7(x) : FastMath.acos(x)); } else { angle = acos(x); } // no contribution when angle is less than 1 degree ~ 110km if (angle < threshold) { return 0; } // final double inverseVariance = precision.getValue(0) / time; final double tau = time / precision.getValue(0); maxTau = Math.max(tau, maxTau); sumTau += tau; tauCount++; final double logN = calcLogN(tau, node); //final double logP = -angle * angle * inverseVariance / 2.0 + 0.5 * Math.log(angle * sin(angle)) + Math.log(inverseVariance); //final double logP = Math.log(Math.sqrt(angle * sin(angle)) / tau * exp(-angle * angle / (tau * 2.0)); // = Math.log(Math.sqrt(angle * sin(angle)) / tau) + log(exp(-angle * angle / (tau * 2.0)); // = Math.log(Math.sqrt(angle * sin(angle)) - Math.log(tau) + -angle * angle / (tau * 2.0); // = 0.5 * Math.log(angle * sin(angle)) - Math.log(tau) + -angle * angle / (tau * 2.0); // = 0.5 * Math.log(angle * sin(angle)) + Math.log(inverseVariance) + -angle * angle * inverseVariance / 2.0; final double logP = 0.5 * Math.log(angle * sin(angle)) - Math.log(tau) + -angle * angle / (tau * 2.0); // System.err.println(start[0] + " " + start[1] + " -> " + stop[0] + " " + stop[1] + " => " + logP); return logP - logN; } final static int NR_OF_STEPS = 1000; public double[] sample(double[] start, double time, double precision) throws ConvergenceException, FunctionEvaluationException, IllegalArgumentException { return sample(start, time, precision, new double[] { 0.0, Math.PI * 2.0 }); } /** anglerange[0] = lower bound, anglerange[1] = upper bound of range for angle2 * **/ public double[] sample(double[] start, double time, double precision, double[] angleRange) throws ConvergenceException, FunctionEvaluationException, IllegalArgumentException { // first, sample an angle from the spherical diffusion density final double inverseVariance = precision / time; UnivariateRealFunction function = new UnivariateRealFunction() { @Override public double value(double x) throws FunctionEvaluationException { double logR = -x * x * inverseVariance / 2.0 + 0.5 * Math.log(x * Math.sin(x) * inverseVariance); return Math.exp(logR); } }; UnivariateRealIntegrator integrator = new TrapezoidIntegrator(); integrator.setAbsoluteAccuracy(1.0e-10); integrator.setRelativeAccuracy(1.0e-14); integrator.setMinimalIterationCount(2); integrator.setMaximalIterationCount(25); double[] cumulative = new double[NR_OF_STEPS]; for (int i = 1; i < NR_OF_STEPS; i++) { cumulative[i] = cumulative[i - 1] + integrator.integrate(function, (i - 1) * Math.PI / NR_OF_STEPS, i * Math.PI / NR_OF_STEPS); } // normalise double sum = cumulative[NR_OF_STEPS - 1]; for (int i = 0; i < NR_OF_STEPS; i++) { cumulative[i] /= sum; } int i = Randomizer.randomChoice(cumulative); double angle = i * Math.PI / NR_OF_STEPS; // now we have an angle, use this to rotate the point [0,0] over // this angle in a random direction angle2 double angle2 = angleRange[0] + Randomizer.nextDouble() * (angleRange[1] - angleRange[0]); //angleRange[0] = angle2; double[] xC = new double[] { Math.cos(angle), Math.sin(angle) * Math.cos(angle2), Math.sin(angle) * Math.sin(angle2) }; // convert back to latitude, longitude relative to (lat=0, long=0) double[] xL = cartesian2Sperical(xC, true); //double [] sC = spherical2Cartesian(start[0], start[1]); double[] position = reverseMap(xL[0], xL[1], start[0], start[1]); return position; } public static double getAngle(double[] start, double[] stop) { double latitude1 = start[0]; double longitude1 = start[1]; double theta1 = (latitude1) * Math.PI / 180.0; if (longitude1 < 0) longitude1 += 360; double phi1 = longitude1 * Math.PI / 180; double latitude2 = stop[0]; double longitude2 = stop[1]; double theta2 = (latitude2) * Math.PI / 180.0; if (longitude2 < 0) longitude2 += 360; double phi2 = longitude2 * Math.PI / 180; double Deltalambda = phi2 - phi1; // See double angle = Math.acos( Math.sin(theta1) * Math.sin(theta2) + Math.cos(theta1) * Math.cos(theta2) * Math.cos(Deltalambda)); return angle; } /** Convert spherical coordinates (latitude,longitude) in degrees on unit sphere * to Cartesian (x,y,z) coordinates **/ public static double[] spherical2Cartesian(double fLat, double fLong) { double fPhi = fLong * DEG2RAD; double fTheta = (90 - fLat) * DEG2RAD; //double fTheta = (fLat) * Math.PI / 180.0; //{x}=\rho \, \sin\theta \, \cos\phi //{y}=\rho \, \sin\theta \, \sin\phi //{z}=\rho \, \cos\theta double[] fNorm = new double[3]; final double sinTheta = FastMath.sin(fTheta); fNorm[0] = sinTheta * FastMath.cos(fPhi); fNorm[1] = sinTheta * FastMath.sin(fPhi); fNorm[2] = FastMath.cos(fTheta); // fNorm[0] = Math.sin(fTheta) * Math.cos(fPhi); // fNorm[1] = Math.sin(fTheta) * Math.sin(fPhi); // fNorm[2] = Math.cos(fTheta); return fNorm; } // spherical2Cartesian /** inverse of spherical2Cartesian **/ public static double[] cartesian2Sperical(double[] f3dRotated2, boolean fastApprox) { final double v = usemyat ? at2(f3dRotated2[1], f3dRotated2[0], 30) : fast_atan2(f3dRotated2[1], f3dRotated2[0]); //assert abs(v - v1) < 1e-5; return new double[] { //Math.acos(-f3dRotated2[2]) * RAD2DEG - 90, !fastApprox ? FastMath.acos(-f3dRotated2[2]) * RAD2DEG - 90 : myacos(-f3dRotated2[2]) * RAD2DEG - 90, // <- faster but considerably less accurate //Math.atan2(f3dRotated2[1], f3dRotated2[0]) * 180.0/Math.PI //FastMath.atan2(f3dRotated2[1], f3dRotated2[0]) * 180.0/Math.PI v * 180.0 / Math.PI }; } // from /** Fast approximation of 1.0 / sqrt(x). * See <a href=""></a> * @param x Positive value to estimate inverse of square root of * @return Approximately 1.0 / sqrt(x) **/ public static double invSqrt(double x) { double xhalf = 0.5 * x; long i = Double.doubleToRawLongBits(x); i = 0x5FE6EB50C7B537AAL - (i >> 1); x = Double.longBitsToDouble(i); x = x * (1.5 - xhalf * x * x); return x; } /** Approximation of arctangent. * Slightly faster and substantially less accurate than * {@link Math#atan2(double, double)}. **/ public static double fast_atan2(double y, double x) { double d2 = x*x + y*y; // Bail out if d2 is NaN, zero or subnormal if (Double.isNaN(d2) || (Double.doubleToRawLongBits(d2) < 0x10000000000000L)) { return Double.NaN; } // Normalise such that 0.0 <= y <= x boolean negY = y < 0.0; if (negY) {y = -y;} boolean negX = x < 0.0; if (negX) {x = -x;} boolean steep = y > x; if (steep) { double t = x; x = y; y = t; } // Scale to unit circle (0.0 <= y <= x <= 1.0) double rinv = invSqrt(d2); // rinv 1.0 / hypot(x, y) x *= rinv; // x cos y *= rinv; // y sin , hence asin y // Hack: we want: ind = floor(y * 256) // We deliberately force truncation by adding floating-point numbers whose // exponents differ greatly. The FPU will right-shift y to match exponents, // dropping all but the first 9 significant bits, which become the 9 LSBs // of the resulting mantissa. // Inspired by a similar piece of C code at // double yp = FRAC_BIAS + y; int ind = (int) Double.doubleToRawLongBits(yp); // Find (a first approximation of ) from the LUT double = ASIN_TAB[ind]; double c = COS_TAB[ind]; // cos() // sin() == ind / 256.0 // Note that s is truncated, hence not identical to y. double s = yp - FRAC_BIAS; double sd = y * c - x * s; // sin(-) sin cos - cos sin // asin(sd) sd + sd (from first 2 terms of Maclaurin series) double d = (6.0 + sd * sd) * sd * ONE_SIXTH; double = + d; // Translate back to correct octant if (steep) { = Math.PI * 0.5 - ; } if (negX) { = Math.PI - ; } if (negY) { = -; } return ; } private static final double ONE_SIXTH = 1.0 / 6.0; private static final int FRAC_EXP = 8; // LUT precision == 2 ** -8 == 1/256 private static final int LUT_SIZE = (1 << FRAC_EXP) + 1; private static final double FRAC_BIAS = Double.longBitsToDouble((0x433L - FRAC_EXP) << 52); private static final double[] ASIN_TAB = new double[LUT_SIZE]; private static final double[] COS_TAB = new double[LUT_SIZE]; static { /* Populate trig tables */ for (int ind = 0; ind < LUT_SIZE; ++ind) { double v = ind / (double) (1 << FRAC_EXP); double asinv = Math.asin(v); COS_TAB[ind] = Math.cos(asinv); ASIN_TAB[ind] = asinv; } } public static double[] reverseMap(double fLat, double fLong, double fLatT, double fLongT) { // from spherical to Cartesian coordinates double[] f3DPoint = spherical2Cartesian(fLat, fLong); // double [] p = cartesian2Sperical(f3DPoint); // rotate, first latitude, then longitude double[] f3DRotated = new double[3]; double fC = Math.cos(fLongT * DEG2RAD); double fS = Math.sin(fLongT * DEG2RAD); double[] f3DRotated2 = new double[3]; double fC2 = Math.cos(-fLatT * DEG2RAD); double fS2 = Math.sin(-fLatT * DEG2RAD); // rotate over latitude f3DRotated[0] = f3DPoint[0] * fC2 + f3DPoint[2] * fS2; f3DRotated[1] = f3DPoint[1]; f3DRotated[2] = -f3DPoint[0] * fS2 + f3DPoint[2] * fC2; // rotate over longitude f3DRotated2[0] = f3DRotated[0] * fC - f3DRotated[1] * fS; f3DRotated2[1] = f3DRotated[0] * fS + f3DRotated[1] * fC; f3DRotated2[2] = f3DRotated[2]; double[] point = cartesian2Sperical(f3DRotated2, true); //System.err.println(Arrays.toString(point) + " " + Arrays.toString(f3DRotated2) + " " + Arrays.toString(f3DRotated)); return point; } // map /** convert spherical coordinates (latitude,longitude) to * 2D point in interval [-180, -90] x [180, 90] * wrt plane defined by fNorm * * * * Alternatives: * <= looks very promissing, comes with inverse * */ public static double[] map(double fLat, double fLong, double fLatT, double fLongT) { // from spherical to Cartesian coordinates double[] f3DPoint = spherical2Cartesian(fLat, fLong); // rotate, first longitude, then latitude double[] f3DRotated = new double[3]; double fC = Math.cos(-fLongT * DEG2RAD); double fS = Math.sin(-fLongT * DEG2RAD); double[] f3DRotated2 = new double[3]; double fC2 = Math.cos(fLatT * DEG2RAD); double fS2 = Math.sin(fLatT * DEG2RAD); // rotate over longitude f3DRotated[0] = f3DPoint[0] * fC - f3DPoint[1] * fS; f3DRotated[1] = f3DPoint[0] * fS + f3DPoint[1] * fC; f3DRotated[2] = f3DPoint[2]; // rotate over latitude // f3DRotated2 = f3DRotated; f3DRotated2[0] = f3DRotated[0] * fC2 + f3DRotated[2] * fS2; f3DRotated2[1] = f3DRotated[1]; f3DRotated2[2] = -f3DRotated[0] * fS2 + f3DRotated[2] * fC2; //System.err.println(Arrays.toString(f3DPoint) + " " + Arrays.toString(f3DRotated) + " " + Arrays.toString(f3DRotated2)); // translate back to (longitude, latitude) double[] point = cartesian2Sperical(f3DRotated2, true); return point; } // map // first 7 terms from the classic expansion // coefficients for series expansion static final double c_3 = 1.0 / 6.0; static final double c_5 = 3.0 / 40.0; static final double c_7 = 5.0 / 112.0; static final double c_9 = 35.0 / 1152.0; static final double c_11 = 63.0 / 2816.0; static final double c_13 = 231.0 / 13312; static final double halfpi = Math.PI / 2; private static double th = sqrt(2.0) / 2; static double acos_fast7(double x) { assert -1 <= x && x <= 1; final double u2 = x * x; final double u3 = u2 * x; final double u5 = u3 * u2; final double u7 = u5 * u2; final double u9 = u7 * u2; final double u11 = u9 * u2; final double u13 = u11 * u2; return halfpi - x - c_3 * u3 - c_5 * u5 - c_7 * u7 - c_9 * u9 - c_11 * u11 - c_13 * u13; } static public double acos_parts_fast7(double x) { if (x > th) { return (halfpi - acos_fast7(sqrt(1 - x * x))); } else if (x < -th) { return halfpi + acos_fast7(sqrt(1 - x * x)); } else { return acos_fast7(x); } } static private double myacos(double x) { // This can happen if calling code is not carefull. Hack at the moment if (Double.isInfinite(x) || Double.isNaN(x)) { return x; } assert -1 <= x && x <= 1; return acos_parts_fast7(x); } static final int NN = 100; static private double[] phi = new double[NN]; // [2.**(-k) for k in range(1,n+1)] static private double[] ap = new double[NN]; // [math.atan(phi[n]) for n in range(len(phi))] static double at2(double y, double x, int N) { //#ap = [math.atan(x) for x in phi] //#v = [cos(0.25), sin(0.25)]'; % Starting vector (input) boolean r1 = false; if (x < 0) { x = -x; r1 = true; } boolean r2 = false; if (y < 0) { y = -y; r2 = true; } boolean r = false; if (y > x) { final double t = x; x = y; y = t; r = true; } double a = 0; for (int n = 0; n < N; ++n) { //final double s = y > 0 ? 1 : -1; final double p = y > 0 ? phi[n] : -phi[n]; a += y > 0 ? ap[n] : -ap[n]; final double tx = x + p * y; y -= p * x; x = tx; //System.err.println("a " + a + " " + x + " " + y); } if (r) { a = Math.PI / 2 - a; } if (r1) { a = Math.PI - a; } if (r2) { a = -a; } return a; } @Override public void getTransitionProbabilities(Node node, double fStartTime, double fEndTime, double fRate, double[] matrix) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public EigenDecomposition getEigenDecomposition(Node node) { return null; } @Override public boolean canHandleDataType(DataType dataType) { return false; } static boolean usemyacos = false; static boolean usemyat = false; // Args - N seed , 0/1 (0 fastmath/ 1 jhacos), 0/1 (0 fastmath/ 1 jhatn) 0/1 (0 gen rands inline / 1 pre allocate) public static void main(String[] args) { for (int k = 1; k < NN + 1; ++k) { phi[k - 1] = Math.pow(2.0, -k); ap[k - 1] = Math.atan(phi[k - 1]); } // speed test final int N = args.length > 0 ? Integer.parseInt(args[0]) : 10000000; final int seed = args.length > 1 ? Integer.parseInt(args[1]) : 123; Randomizer.setSeed(seed); if (args.length > 2) { usemyacos = (Integer.parseInt(args[2]) != 0); } if (args.length > 3) { usemyat = (Integer.parseInt(args[3]) != 0); } boolean pre = true; if (args.length > 4) { pre = (Integer.parseInt(args[4]) != 0); } long start; double a0 = 0, a1 = 1; double x0 = 0, x1 = 1; if (pre) { double[][] point = new double[N][2]; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { point[i][0] = Randomizer.nextDouble() * 180 - 90; point[i][1] = Randomizer.nextDouble() * 360 - 180; } System.err.println("Starting..."); start = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { double[] cart = SphericalDiffusionModel.spherical2Cartesian(point[i][0], point[i][1]); double[] sper = SphericalDiffusionModel.cartesian2Sperical(cart, usemyacos); x0 += sper[0]; x1 += sper[1]; a0 += point[i][0]; a1 += point[i][1]; } } else { double[] point = new double[2]; System.err.println("Starting..."); start = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { point[0] = Randomizer.nextDouble() * 180 - 90; point[1] = Randomizer.nextDouble() * 360 - 180; double[] cart = SphericalDiffusionModel.spherical2Cartesian(point[0], point[1]); double[] sper = SphericalDiffusionModel.cartesian2Sperical(cart, usemyacos); x0 += sper[0]; x1 += sper[1]; a0 += point[0]; a1 += point[1]; } } long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.err.println("N : " + N + " seed: " + seed + (usemyacos ? " jhacos" : " fastmath") + (usemyat ? " jhatan2" : " atanapprox")); System.err.println("Expeted sum: " + a0 + " " + a1); System.err.println("Calculated : " + x0 + " " + x1); System.err.println( "Diff : " + Math.abs(a0 - x0) / Math.max(a0, x0) + " " + Math.abs(a1 - x1) / Math.max(a1, x1)); System.err.println("Runtime: " + ((end - start) / 1000.0) + " seconds"); } @Override public void init(PrintStream out) { out.print("maxtau\t"); out.print("meantau\t"); } @Override public void log(long sample, PrintStream out) { out.print(maxTau + "\t"); out.print(meanTau + "\t"); } @Override public void close(PrintStream out) { } }