Java tutorial
/* * /* ---------------------------------------------LICENSE----------------------------------------------------- * * * *YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO MODIFY THE LICENSE OR DELETE THE LICENSE FROM THE FILES * * * *This is an open source project hosted at github: * * * *This application is distributed with the following license: * *code with license EUPL v1.1 and content with license CC-BY-SA 4.0. * * * *The development of the application is funded by EL/LAK ( * * * * */ package sopho.Ofeloumenoi; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javafx.event.ActionEvent; import javafx.fxml.FXML; import javafx.fxml.Initializable; import javafx.scene.control.CheckBox; import javafx.scene.control.ComboBox; import javafx.scene.control.TextField; import javafx.stage.Stage; import org.apache.commons.lang3.math.NumberUtils; public class SearchOfeloumenoiController implements Initializable { @FXML public TextField startAge, endAge, dimos, epaggelma, eisodima, eksartiseis, ethnikotita, arTeknon, pathisi; @FXML public CheckBox anergos, metanastis, roma, mellousaMama, monogoneiki, politeknos, amea, xronios, monaxiko, emfiliVia, spoudastis, anenergos; @FXML public ComboBox oikKatastasi, asfForeas; sopho.StageLoader sl = new sopho.StageLoader(); sopho.DBClass db = new sopho.DBClass(); Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement pst = null; ResultSet rs = null; @Override public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle rb) { //initialize oikKatastasi combobox oikKatastasi.getItems().addAll("", "", "", "?"); //initialize asfForeas comboBox asfForeas.getItems().addAll("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", " ", ""); } @FXML public void Search(ActionEvent event) { //System.out.println("oikKatastasi sel index =" + oikKatastasi.getSelectionModel().getSelectedIndex()); //now we must check if we have at least one field filled with data or one checkbox selected if (startAge.getText().isEmpty() && endAge.getText().isEmpty() && dimos.getText().isEmpty() && !anergos.isSelected() && epaggelma.getText().isEmpty() && eisodima.getText().isEmpty() && eksartiseis.getText().isEmpty() && ethnikotita.getText().isEmpty() && !metanastis.isSelected() && !roma.isSelected() && oikKatastasi.getSelectionModel().getSelectedIndex() == -1 && arTeknon.getText().isEmpty() && !mellousaMama.isSelected() && !monogoneiki.isSelected() && !politeknos.isSelected() && asfForeas.getSelectionModel().getSelectedIndex() == -1 && !amea.isSelected() && !xronios.isSelected() && pathisi.getText().isEmpty() && !monaxiko.isSelected() && !emfiliVia.isSelected() && !spoudastis.isSelected() && !anenergos.isSelected()) { sopho.Messages.CustomMessageController cm = new sopho.Messages.CustomMessageController(null, "?!", "? ? ? .", "error"); cm.showAndWait(); } else if ((!NumberUtils.isNumber(startAge.getText()) && !startAge.getText().isEmpty()) && (!NumberUtils.isNumber(endAge.getText()) && !endAge.getText().isEmpty())) { sopho.Messages.CustomMessageController cm = new sopho.Messages.CustomMessageController(null, "?!", " ? ? ??. ? ? .", "error"); cm.showAndWait(); } else if (!NumberUtils.isNumber(eisodima.getText()) && !eisodima.getText().isEmpty()) { sopho.Messages.CustomMessageController cm = new sopho.Messages.CustomMessageController(null, "?!", " ? ? ??. ? ? .", "error"); cm.showAndWait(); } else if (!NumberUtils.isNumber(arTeknon.getText()) && !arTeknon.getText().isEmpty()) { sopho.Messages.CustomMessageController cm = new sopho.Messages.CustomMessageController(null, "?!", " ? ? ? ??. ? ? .", "error"); cm.showAndWait(); } else {//the user has filled at least one field or checked a checkbox if ((!startAge.getText().isEmpty() && !endAge.getText().isEmpty()) && (Integer.parseInt(startAge.getText()) > Integer.parseInt(endAge.getText()))) { sopho.Messages.CustomMessageController cm = new sopho.Messages.CustomMessageController(null, "?!", " ? . '' ? ?? ''", "error"); cm.showAndWait(); } else { try { String sql = "SELECT * FROM ofeloumenoi WHERE "; if (!startAge.getText().isEmpty()) { sql += "FLOOR(TIMESTAMPDIFF(hour,imGennisis,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP())/8766)>=" + Integer.parseInt(startAge.getText()) + " AND "; } if (!endAge.getText().isEmpty()) { sql += "FLOOR(TIMESTAMPDIFF(hour,imGennisis,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP())/8766)<=" + Integer.parseInt(endAge.getText()) + " AND "; } if (!dimos.getText().isEmpty()) { sql += "dimos = '" + dimos.getText() + "' AND "; } if (anergos.isSelected()) { sql += "anergos=1 AND "; } if (!epaggelma.getText().isEmpty()) { sql += "epaggelma='" + epaggelma.getText() + "' AND "; } if (!eisodima.getText().isEmpty()) { sql += "eisodima='" + eisodima.getText() + "' AND "; } if (!eksartiseis.getText().isEmpty()) { sql += "eksartiseis='" + eksartiseis.getText() + "' AND "; } if (!ethnikotita.getText().isEmpty()) { sql += "ethnikotita='" + ethnikotita.getText() + "' AND "; } if (metanastis.isSelected()) { sql += "metanastis=1 AND "; } if (roma.isSelected()) { sql += "roma=1 AND "; } int oikSelected = oikKatastasi.getSelectionModel().getSelectedIndex(); if (oikSelected > 0) { sql += "oikKatastasi=" + oikSelected + " AND "; } if (!arTeknon.getText().isEmpty()) { sql += "arithmosTeknon='" + arTeknon.getText() + "' AND "; } if (mellousaMama.isSelected()) { sql += "mellousaMama=1 AND "; } if (monogoneiki.isSelected()) { sql += "monogoneiki=1 AND "; } if (politeknos.isSelected()) { sql += "politeknos=1 AND "; } int asfSelected = asfForeas.getSelectionModel().getSelectedIndex(); if (asfSelected > 0) { sql += "asfForeas=" + asfSelected + " AND "; } if (amea.isSelected()) { sql += "amea=1 AND "; } if (xronios.isSelected()) { sql += "xronios=1 AND "; } if (!pathisi.getText().isEmpty()) { sql += "pathisi='" + pathisi.getText() + "' AND "; } if (monaxiko.isSelected()) { sql += "monaxikos=1 AND "; } if (emfiliVia.isSelected()) { sql += "emfiliVia=1 AND "; } if (spoudastis.isSelected()) { sql += "spoudastis=1 AND "; } if (anenergos.isSelected()) { sql += "anenergos=1 AND "; } sql = sql.substring(0, sql.length() - 4); //we have to remove the AND form the end of the string System.out.println("bare sql :" + sql); conn = db.ConnectDB(); pst = conn.prepareStatement(sql); System.out.println("pst sql :" + pst); rs = pst.executeQuery(); rs.last();//we go to the last line to get its number if (rs.getRow() > 0) {//we have results = rs; // we keep the results to a static var to access them later. if (sopho.StageLoader.lastStage.equals("/sopho/Ofeloumenoi/OfeloumenoiMain.fxml")) { sopho.Messages.CustomMessageController cm = new sopho.Messages.CustomMessageController( null, "!", "? ...", "confirm"); cm.showAndWait(); Stage stage = (Stage) startAge.getScene().getWindow(); try { sl.StageLoad("/sopho/Ofeloumenoi/SearchOfeloumenoiResults.fxml", stage, true, false); //resizable true, utility false } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(SearchOfeloumenoiController.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } else { Stage stage = (Stage) startAge.getScene().getWindow(); try { sl.StageLoad("/sopho/Ofeloumenoi/FiltersStatistika.fxml", stage, true, false); //resizable true, utility false } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(SearchOfeloumenoiController.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } } else {//we don't have results sopho.Messages.CustomMessageController cm = new sopho.Messages.CustomMessageController(null, "?...", " ? ?? ?. ??.", "error"); cm.showAndWait(); } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(SearchOfeloumenoiController.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } } } @FXML public void GoBack(ActionEvent event) throws IOException { Stage stage = (Stage) startAge.getScene().getWindow(); sl.StageLoad(sopho.StageLoader.lastStage, stage, false, true); //resizable false, utility true } }