Java tutorial
package sokobanMod.client; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraftforge.client.event.DrawBlockHighlightEvent; import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11; import sokobanMod.common.LevelRegistrator; import sokobanMod.common.SokobanMod; import sokobanMod.common.SokobanUtils; import cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; /** * Sokoban Mod * @author MineMaarten * * @license Lesser GNU Public License v3 ( * * This class is derived from Equivalent Exchange 3's DrawBlockHighlightHandler, found at */ @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public class HandlerLevelPreviewRenderer { private static float time = 0; private static boolean colliding = false; @SubscribeEvent public void onDrawBlockHighlightEvent(DrawBlockHighlightEvent event) { if (event.currentItem != null && (event.currentItem == new ItemStack(SokobanMod.ItemLevelGeneratorTutorial) || event.currentItem == new ItemStack(SokobanMod.ItemLevelConverter))) { renderPreview(event); } } private void renderPreview(DrawBlockHighlightEvent event) { double x = + 0.5F; double y = + 0.5F; double z = + 0.5F; double iPX = event.player.prevPosX + (event.player.posX - event.player.prevPosX) * event.partialTicks; double iPY = event.player.prevPosY + (event.player.posY - event.player.prevPosY) * event.partialTicks; double iPZ = event.player.prevPosZ + (event.player.posZ - event.player.prevPosZ) * event.partialTicks; int baseX =; int baseY = + 1; int baseZ =; float xScale = 0.1F; float yScale = 0.1F; float zScale = 0.1F; float xShift = 0.0F; float yShift = 1.0F; float zShift = 0.0F; // determine the line color int[] levelBounds; int[] rawLevelBounds; ForgeDirection sideHit = ForgeDirection.UP; if (event.currentItem == new ItemStack(SokobanMod.ItemLevelGeneratorTutorial)) { rawLevelBounds = LevelRegistrator.getLevelBounds(event.currentItem.getItemDamage()); levelBounds = rawLevelBounds.clone(); levelBounds[0]++; levelBounds[1]++; levelBounds[2]++; yShift += levelBounds[1] / 2; int orientation = SokobanUtils.determineOrientation(event.player); switch (orientation) { case 0: orientation = 3; break; case 3: orientation = 5; break; case 1: orientation = 4; break; } sideHit = ForgeDirection.getOrientation(orientation); xShift += (1 - levelBounds[0] % 2) / 2F; yShift -= (1 - levelBounds[1] % 2) / 2F; zShift += (1 - levelBounds[2] % 2) / 2F; } else { colliding = false; // always render the wireframe green. NBTTagCompound nbt = event.player.getCurrentEquippedItem().stackTagCompound; if (nbt != null && nbt.hasKey("x")) { int startX = nbt.getInteger("x"); int startY = nbt.getInteger("y"); int startZ = nbt.getInteger("z"); int endX =; int endY =; int endZ =; rawLevelBounds = new int[] { Math.abs(endX - startX), Math.abs(endY - startY), Math.abs(endZ - startZ) }; levelBounds = new int[] { rawLevelBounds[0] + 1, rawLevelBounds[1] + 1, rawLevelBounds[2] + 1 }; xShift -= (endX - startX) / 2F; yShift -= (endY - startY) / 2F + 1F; zShift -= (endZ - startZ) / 2F; } else { rawLevelBounds = new int[] { 1, 1, 1 }; levelBounds = new int[] { 1, 1, 1 }; yShift = 0F; } } switch (sideHit) { case NORTH: zShift += levelBounds[2] / 2; zShift -= 1 - levelBounds[2] % 2; zShift = -zShift; baseZ -= rawLevelBounds[2];// +2 baseX -= rawLevelBounds[0] / 2; break; case SOUTH: zShift += levelBounds[2] / 2; zShift -= 1 - levelBounds[2] % 2; baseX -= rawLevelBounds[0] / 2; break; case EAST: // zShift = 0; xShift += levelBounds[0] / 2; xShift -= 1 - levelBounds[0] % 2; baseZ -= rawLevelBounds[2] / 2; break; case WEST: xShift += levelBounds[0] / 2; xShift -= 1 - levelBounds[0] % 2; xShift = -xShift; baseX -= rawLevelBounds[0]; baseZ -= rawLevelBounds[2] / 2; break; default: } colliding = SokobanUtils.isCollidingWithLevel(event.player.worldObj, baseX, baseY, baseZ, baseX + rawLevelBounds[0], baseY + rawLevelBounds[1], baseZ + rawLevelBounds[2]); GL11.glDepthMask(false); GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D); // GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_CULL_FACE); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { ForgeDirection forgeDir = ForgeDirection.getOrientation(i); int zCorrection = i == 2 ? -1 : 1; GL11.glPushMatrix(); GL11.glTranslated(-iPX + x + xShift, -iPY + y + yShift, -iPZ + z + zShift); GL11.glScalef(levelBounds[0] + xScale, levelBounds[1] + yScale, levelBounds[2] + zScale); GL11.glRotatef(90, forgeDir.offsetX, forgeDir.offsetY, forgeDir.offsetZ); GL11.glTranslated(0, 0, 0.5f * zCorrection); GL11.glClear(GL11.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); renderPulsingQuad(); GL11.glPopMatrix(); } GL11.glDepthMask(true); GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D); } public static void renderPulsingQuad() { time += 0.001; if (time > 2 * Math.PI) time = 0; float quadPosX = (float) Math.sin(time) * 0.2F; float quadPosY = (float) Math.cos(time) * 0.2F; GL11.glColor4f(colliding ? 1F : 0F, colliding ? 0F : 1F, 0F, 1F); GL11.glLineWidth(3.0F); GL11.glBegin(GL11.GL_LINES); // the lines around the whole level GL11.glVertex3f(-0.5F, 0.5F, 0F); GL11.glVertex3f(0.5F, 0.5F, 0F); GL11.glVertex3f(0.5F, -0.5F, 0F); GL11.glVertex3f(-0.5F, -0.5F, 0F); // draw the lines from the bigger quad's corner to the small quad's // corner float quadSize = 0.1F; GL11.glVertex3f(-0.5F, 0.5F, 0F); GL11.glVertex3f(-quadSize + quadPosX, quadSize + quadPosY, 0F); GL11.glVertex3f(0.5F, 0.5F, 0F); GL11.glVertex3f(quadSize + quadPosX, quadSize + quadPosY, 0F); GL11.glVertex3f(0.5F, -0.5F, 0F); GL11.glVertex3f(quadSize + quadPosX, -quadSize + quadPosY, 0F); GL11.glVertex3f(-0.5F, -0.5F, 0F); GL11.glVertex3f(-quadSize + quadPosX, -quadSize + quadPosY, 0F); GL11.glEnd(); // draw the quad inside the big quad GL11.glBegin(GL11.GL_LINE_LOOP); GL11.glVertex3f(-quadSize + quadPosX, quadSize + quadPosY, 0F); GL11.glVertex3f(quadSize + quadPosX, quadSize + quadPosY, 0F); GL11.glVertex3f(quadSize + quadPosX, -quadSize + quadPosY, 0F); GL11.glVertex3f(-quadSize + quadPosX, -quadSize + quadPosY, 0F); GL11.glEnd(); } }