Java tutorial
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * vlsSMLM Software * * Copyright (C) 2014 Matthieu Palayret * Department of Chemistry * University of Cambridge, UK * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ package smlm.util; import gdsc.smlm.fitting.function.Gaussian2DFunction; import gdsc.smlm.ij.results.IJImagePeakResults; import gdsc.smlm.ij.results.ImagePeakResultsFactory; import gdsc.smlm.ij.results.ResultsImage; import gdsc.smlm.ij.results.ResultsMode; import gdsc.smlm.ij.settings.ResultsSettings; import gdsc.smlm.results.MemoryPeakResults; import gdsc.smlm.results.PeakResult; import ij.IJ; import ij.ImagePlus; import ij.ImageStack; import ij.WindowManager; import ij.gui.OvalRoi; import ij.gui.Overlay; import ij.gui.Plot; import ij.gui.Roi; import ij.gui.TextRoi; import; import; import; import ij.measure.ResultsTable; import ij.plugin.FileInfoVirtualStack; import ij.plugin.ImageCalculator; import ij.plugin.LutLoader; import ij.plugin.filter.GaussianBlur; import ij.process.ImageProcessor; import ij.process.ShortProcessor; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.Polygon; import java.awt.Rectangle; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Comparator; import javax.swing.JFileChooser; import javax.swing.filechooser.FileNameExtensionFilter; import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.Array2DRowRealMatrix; import smlm.Params; import smlm.fitting.FittingClassical; public class SRutil { public final static Color lightGrey = new Color(200, 200, 200); public final static Color grey = new Color(150, 150, 150); public final static Color royalBlue = new Color(0, 0, 128); public final static Color yellow = new Color(255, 165, 0); // OPERATE FILES public static String getFileName(String localRootDirName, String ending) { File folder = new File(localRootDirName); File[] listOfFiles = folder.listFiles(); // Find the image which name contains such an Ending int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < listOfFiles.length; i++) { if (listOfFiles[i].getName().indexOf(ending) >= 0) break; } if (i == listOfFiles.length) return null; else return listOfFiles[i].getName(); } public static String[] getSubDirNames(String dir) { File folder = new File(dir); File[] listOfFiles = folder.listFiles(); // Count the number of sub-directories int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < listOfFiles.length; i++) { if (listOfFiles[i].isDirectory()) count++; } // Fill SubDirNames String[] subDirNames = new String[count]; count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < listOfFiles.length; i++) { if (listOfFiles[i].isDirectory()) { subDirNames[count] = listOfFiles[i].getAbsolutePath(); count++; } } return subDirNames; } public static ImagePlus openImage(String localRootDirName, String ending, boolean virtual, boolean firstFrameOnly) { IJ.freeMemory(); File folder = new File(localRootDirName); File[] listOfFiles = folder.listFiles(); // Find the image which name contains such an Ending int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < listOfFiles.length; i++) { if (listOfFiles[i].getName().indexOf(ending) >= 0) break; } if (i == listOfFiles.length) return null; else { Opener opener = new Opener(); ImagePlus temp = opener.openImage(listOfFiles[i].getAbsolutePath(), 1); FileInfo info = temp.getOriginalFileInfo(); long memorySize = new File(listOfFiles[i].getAbsolutePath()).length();// info.getBytesPerPixel()*info.width*info.height*info.nImages; temp.close(); if (firstFrameOnly) return temp; temp.flush(); if (!virtual) virtual = (IJ.maxMemory() - IJ.currentMemory() < 1.3D * memorySize); // IJ.log("Max mem: "+IJ.maxMemory()+" Used mem: "+IJ.currentMemory()); // IJ.log("Size: "+MemorySize); if (virtual) { IJ.log("Open virtual tiff (" + IJ.d2s((IJ.maxMemory() - IJ.currentMemory()) / 100000.0D, 2) + " Gb): " + listOfFiles[i].getName()); ImagePlus imp = new ImagePlus(listOfFiles[i].getName(), (new FileInfoVirtualStack(info))); imp.setFileInfo(info); imp.close(); return imp; } else { IJ.log("Open tiff: " + listOfFiles[i].getAbsolutePath()); return opener.openImage(listOfFiles[i].getAbsolutePath()); } } } public static ImagePlus openImage(String localRootDirName, String ending, boolean virtual) { return openImage(localRootDirName, ending, virtual, false); } public static ImagePlus openImage(String localRootDirName, String ending) { return openImage(localRootDirName, ending, false); } public static String[] getAFile(String title, String initialRoot, String initialFile) { if (title == null || title == "") title = "Choose an analysed table:"; if (initialRoot == null || initialRoot == "") initialRoot = "E:\\Data"; OpenDialog dialog = new OpenDialog(title, initialRoot, initialFile); if (!new File(dialog.getDirectory() + File.separator + dialog.getFileName()).isFile()) return null; String[] retour = { dialog.getDirectory(), dialog.getFileName() }; return retour; } public static String[] getAFile() { return getAFile(null, null, ""); } public static String[][] getFiles(String title, String initialRoot, String initialFile) { if (title == null || title == "") title = "Choose files"; if (initialRoot == null || initialRoot == "") initialRoot = "E:\\Data"; JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser(); chooser.setFileSelectionMode(JFileChooser.FILES_AND_DIRECTORIES); FileNameExtensionFilter filter = new FileNameExtensionFilter("Tiff files", "tif", "tiff"); chooser.setFileFilter(filter); chooser.setDialogTitle(title); chooser.setCurrentDirectory(new File(initialRoot)); chooser.setMultiSelectionEnabled(true); int returnVal = chooser.showOpenDialog(null); if (returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { String[][] files = new String[chooser.getSelectedFiles().length][2]; for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { files[i][0] = chooser.getSelectedFiles()[i].getParent(); files[i][1] = chooser.getSelectedFiles()[i].getName(); } return files; } else return null; } public static void writeToFile(String h, String rootDirName) { try { FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(rootDirName, true); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(fw); String stringFile = h; bw.write(stringFile); bw.newLine(); bw.close(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception: " + e); } } public static void saveTiff(ImagePlus imp, String fullName, boolean flush) { fs = new; if (imp.getImageStackSize() > 1) fs.saveAsTiffStack(fullName); else fs.saveAsTiff(fullName); if (flush) imp.flush(); } public static void addMetaData(ImagePlus imp, String metaData) { Object prop = imp.getProperty("Info"); String oldInfo = (String) prop; String newInfo = metaData + "\n" + oldInfo; imp.setProperty("Info", newInfo); } public static Color getGradientColor(Color ini, Color fin, int numberOfSteps, int step) { if (numberOfSteps == 0) return ini; if (step % numberOfSteps == 0) return ini; if (step % numberOfSteps == numberOfSteps - 1) return fin; else { float[] hsbini = Color.RGBtoHSB(ini.getRed(), ini.getGreen(), ini.getBlue(), null); float[] hsbfin = Color.RGBtoHSB(fin.getRed(), fin.getGreen(), fin.getBlue(), null); float h = ((numberOfSteps - step % numberOfSteps) * hsbini[0] + (step % numberOfSteps) * hsbfin[0]) / numberOfSteps; float s = ((numberOfSteps - step % numberOfSteps) * hsbini[1] + (step % numberOfSteps) * hsbfin[1]) / numberOfSteps; float b = ((numberOfSteps - step % numberOfSteps) * hsbini[2] + (step % numberOfSteps) * hsbfin[2]) / numberOfSteps; return Color.getHSBColor(h, s, b); } } public static void saveVector(double[] vector, String path) { ResultsTableMt rt = new ResultsTableMt(); for (int i = 0; i < vector.length; i++) { rt.incrementCounter(); rt.addValue(0, vector[i]); } try { rt.saveAs(path); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public static double[] openVector(String path) { ResultsTableMt vector = ResultsTableMt.open2(path); double[] retour = new double[vector.getCounter()]; for (int row = 0; row < vector.getCounter(); row++) { retour[row] = vector.getValue(vector.getColumnHeading(0), row); } return retour; } // OPERATION ON VECTORS OR MATRICES (Average, Stdev...) public static double stdev(double[] vector, double mean, boolean donTCountZeros) { double retour = 0; int total = 0; if (vector == null) return 0; else { for (int j = 0; j < vector.length; j++) { if (donTCountZeros && vector[j] == 0) { } else { retour += java.lang.Math.pow((vector[j] - mean), 2); total++; } } if (total == 0) return 0; else return java.lang.Math.sqrt(retour / total); } } public static double stdev(double[][] matrix, double mean, int row, boolean donTCountZeros) { double retour = 0; int total = 0; if (matrix == null) return 0; else { for (int column = 0; column < matrix.length; column++) { if (matrix[column] != null && row < matrix[column].length) { if (donTCountZeros && matrix[column][row] == 0) { } else { retour += java.lang.Math.pow((matrix[column][row] - mean), 2); total++; } } } if (total == 0) return 0; else return java.lang.Math.sqrt(retour / total); } } public static double stdev(int[][] vector, double mean) { double retour = 0; for (int i = 0; i < vector.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < vector[0].length; j++) { retour += java.lang.Math.pow((vector[i][j] - mean), 2); } } return java.lang.Math.sqrt(retour / (vector.length * vector[0].length)); } public static double averaging(int[][] vector) { double retour = 0; for (int i = 0; i < vector.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < vector[0].length; j++) { retour += vector[i][j]; } } return retour / (vector.length * vector[0].length); } public static double averaging(double[] vector, boolean donTCountZeros) { double retour = 0; int total = 0; if (vector == null) return 0; else { for (int i = 0; i < vector.length; i++) { if (donTCountZeros && vector[i] == 0) { } else { retour += vector[i]; total++; } } if (total == 0) return 0; else return retour / total; } } public static double averaging(double[][] matrix, int row, boolean donTCountZeros) { double retour = 0; int total = 0; if (matrix == null) return 0; else { for (int column = 0; column < matrix.length; column++) { if (matrix[column] != null && row < matrix[column].length) { if (donTCountZeros && matrix[column][row] == 0) { } else { retour += matrix[column][row]; total++; } } } if (total == 0) return 0; else return retour / total; } } public static double[] runningAverage(double[] vector, int halfWindow) { double[] retour = new double[vector.length]; double[] sum = new double[2 * halfWindow + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < vector.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < sum.length; j++) sum[j] += vector[i]; if (i < sum.length) retour[i] = sum[i % sum.length] / (double) (i + 1); else retour[i] = sum[i % sum.length] / (double) sum.length; sum[i % sum.length] = 0; } return retour; } public static double[] derivative(double[] vector) { double[] retour = new double[vector.length]; for (int i = 1; i < vector.length - 1; i++) { retour[i] = (vector[i + 1] - vector[i - 1]) / 2.0D; } retour[0] = vector[1] - vector[0]; retour[vector.length - 1] = vector[vector.length - 1] - vector[vector.length - 2]; return retour; } public static double[] derivativeStack(ImageStack stack, int window) { double[] retour = new double[stack.getSize()]; for (int i = window; i < retour.length - window; i++) { ImagePlus impTemp = new ImageCalculator().run("Subtract create 32-bit", new ImagePlus("", stack.getProcessor(i + window + 1)), new ImagePlus("", stack.getProcessor(i - window + 1))); impTemp.getProcessor().abs(); impTemp.getProcessor().multiply(0.5D); retour[i] = impTemp.getStatistics().mean; } return retour; } public static double[][] derivativeStack(ImageStack stack) { double[][] retour = new double[stack.getSize() - 2][stack.getSize()]; for (int window = 1; window < retour.length; window++) retour[window - 1] = derivativeStack(stack, window); double maxIntensityPerPixelFrame = 0; for (int i = 0; i < stack.getSize(); i++) maxIntensityPerPixelFrame = Math.max(maxIntensityPerPixelFrame, stack.getProcessor(i + 1).getStatistics().mean); for (int i = 0; i < retour.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < retour[i].length; j++) retour[i][j] /= maxIntensityPerPixelFrame / 1000.0; } return retour; } // OPERATION ON Rt (TableFit) public static double translateCountsToPhotons(double i0, Params param, boolean removeOffset) { if (!param.photonCountMode) { return translateCountsToPhotons(i0, param.emGain / Params.ConversionGain[][param.gain], removeOffset ? param.offset : 0); } return i0; } public static double translatePhotonsToCounts(double i0, Params param, boolean removeOffset) { return translatePhotonsToCounts(i0, param.emGain / Params.ConversionGain[][param.gain], removeOffset ? param.offset : 0); } public static double translatePhotonsToCounts(double i0, double aduPerPhoton, double offset) { return i0 * aduPerPhoton + offset; } public static double translateCountsToPhotons(double i0, double aduPerPhoton, double offset) { return Math.max((i0 - offset) / aduPerPhoton, 0); } public static ResultsTableMt translateCountsToPhotons(ResultsTableMt rt, String i0, Params param, boolean removeOffset) { if (rt == null) return null; double[] values = getColumnFromRt(rt, i0); if (values != null) { int index = rt.getColumnIndex(i0); for (int row = 0; row < rt.getCounter(); row++) { rt.setValue(index, row, translateCountsToPhotons(values[row], param, removeOffset)); } } return rt; } public static ResultsTableMt translateCountsToPhotons(ResultsTableMt rt, int i0, Params param, boolean removeOffset) { if (rt == null) return null; double[] values = rt.getColumnAsDoubles(i0); for (int row = 0; row < rt.getCounter(); row++) { rt.setValue(i0, row, translateCountsToPhotons(values[row], param, removeOffset)); } return rt; } public static ResultsTableMt translateCountsToPhotons(ResultsTableMt rt, String i0, double aduPerPhoton, double offset) { if (rt == null) return null; double[] values = getColumnFromRt(rt, i0); if (values != null) { int index = rt.getColumnIndex(i0); for (int row = 0; row < rt.getCounter(); row++) { rt.setValue(index, row, translateCountsToPhotons(values[row], aduPerPhoton, offset)); } } return rt; } public static ResultsTableMt translateCountsToPhotons(ResultsTableMt rt, int i0, double aduPerPhoton, double offset) { if (rt == null) return null; double[] values = rt.getColumnAsDoubles(i0); for (int row = 0; row < rt.getCounter(); row++) { rt.setValue(i0, row, translateCountsToPhotons(values[row], aduPerPhoton, offset)); } return rt; } public static double sigmaRebuilt(Params param, ResultsTableMt rt, int row) { return sigmaRebuilt(param, rt.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.SIGMAX, row), rt.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.SIGMAY, row), rt.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.I0, row), rt.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.NOISE, row)); } public static double sigmaRebuilt(Params param, double sigmaX, double sigmaY, double i0, double noise) { return sigmaRebuilt(param, sigmaX, sigmaY, i0, noise, 2); } public static double sigmaRebuilt(Params param, double sigmaX, double sigmaY, double i0, double noise, int dimension) { if (!param.photonCountMode) { i0 = translateCountsToPhotons(i0, param, false); noise = translateCountsToPhotons(noise, param, true); } if (param.fitting == Params.Fitting.CountingFit || param.rebuilding == Params.Rebuilding.IdenticalCirclePSF || param.rebuilding == Params.Rebuilding.IdenticalGaussianPSF) return param.fixedPSFSizeRebuilt / param.pixelSize; if (dimension == 2) { double n = i0; if (param.theoreticalRebuilt) return Math.pow( 1.83 * (sigmaX * sigmaY + 1.0 / 12.0) / n * (16.0 / 9.0 + 8.0 * Math.PI * (sigmaX * sigmaY + 1.0 / 12.0) * Math.pow(noise, 2) / n), 0.5); else return 1.6142D * Math.pow(i0, -0.401);// Cf. MP069 // Stability.xlsx // Math.pow(4200000D/(Math.pow(param.PixelSize,2)*I0),0.5); } else if (dimension == 1) { double n = i0; return Math.pow( 1.83 * (sigmaX * sigmaY + 1.0 / 12.0) / n * (16.0 / 9.0 + 4.0 * Math.sqrt(Math.PI * (sigmaX * sigmaY + 1.0 / 12.0)) * noise / n), 0.5); } else return 0; } public static double sigmaZRebuilt(Params param, ResultsTableMt rt, int row) { return sigmaRebuilt(param, rt.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.SIGMAZ, row), rt.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.SIGMAZ, row), rt.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.IZ, row), rt.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.NOISE, row), 1); } public static double getAmplitude(double i0, double sigmaX, double sigmaY) { return i0 / (2.0 * Math.PI * sigmaX * sigmaY); } public static double getAmplitude(ResultsTableMt rt, int row) { return getAmplitude(rt.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.I0, row), rt.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.SIGMAX, row), rt.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.SIGMAY, row)); } public static ResultsTableMt refreshPostProcess(ResultsTableMt rt, ResultsTableMt tableMax, double[] backgroundPerFrame, Params param) { if (rt == null) return null; double[] vectorFrame = rt.getColumnAsDoubles(ResultsTableMt.FRAME), vectorX, vectorY; // Post-process if (tableMax != null && tableMax.getCounter() >= rt.getCounter()) { vectorX = tableMax.getColumnAsDoubles(ResultsTableMt.Xmax); vectorY = tableMax.getColumnAsDoubles(ResultsTableMt.Ymax); } else { vectorX = rt.getColumnAsDoubles(ResultsTableMt.X0); vectorY = rt.getColumnAsDoubles(ResultsTableMt.Y0); } if (vectorFrame != null && vectorX != null && vectorY != null) { for (int row = 0; row < rt.getCounter(); row++) { refreshPostProcessPerRow(rt, row, vectorX[row], vectorY[row], backgroundPerFrame[Math.max(0, (int) vectorFrame[row] - 1)], param); } } return rt; } public static ResultsTableMt refreshPostProcessPerRow(ResultsTableMt rt, int row, double Xmax, double Ymax, double BackgroundPerFrame, Params param) { // Post-process if (param.fitting != Params.Fitting.CountingFit) { if (param.i0Threshold > 0 && (rt.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.NOISE, row) < 100 && rt.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.I0, row) / rt.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.NOISE, row) < 10.0) || (rt.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.NOISE, row) >= 100 && rt.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.I0, row) / rt.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.NOISE, row) < 2.0)) { rt.setValue(ResultsTableMt.IS_FITTED, row, -1); } else if ((rt.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.NOISE, row) < 100 && rt.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.I0, row) / (2.0 * Math.PI * rt.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.SIGMAX, row) * rt.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.SIGMAY, row)) < 1.0 * BackgroundPerFrame) || (rt.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.NOISE, row) >= 100 && rt.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.I0, row) / (2.0 * Math.PI * rt.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.SIGMAX, row) * rt.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.SIGMAY, row)) < 1.0 * BackgroundPerFrame)) { // Centered // position higher than 1.0*Background rt.setValue(ResultsTableMt.IS_FITTED, row, -2); } else if (param.ellipticityThreshold > 0 && (rt.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.SIGMAX, row) / rt.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.SIGMAY, row) > Math.max(param.ellipticityThreshold, 1.0 / param.ellipticityThreshold) || rt.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.SIGMAY, row) / rt.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.SIGMAX, row) > Math.max(param.ellipticityThreshold, 1.0 / param.ellipticityThreshold))) { rt.setValue(ResultsTableMt.IS_FITTED, row, -3); } else if ((param.sigmaThreshold > 0 && rt.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.SIGMAX, row) > param.sigmaThreshold) || rt.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.SIGMAX, row) <= 0 || (param.sigmaThreshold > 0 && rt.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.SIGMAY, row) > param.sigmaThreshold) || rt.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.SIGMAY, row) <= 0) { rt.setValue(ResultsTableMt.IS_FITTED, row, -4); } else if (param.fitting != Params.Fitting.PeakFit && Math.pow(rt.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.X0, row) - Xmax, 2) + Math.pow(rt.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.Y0, row) - Ymax, 2) > Math.pow(2.0, 2)) { rt.setValue(ResultsTableMt.IS_FITTED, row, -5); } else rt.setValue(ResultsTableMt.IS_FITTED, row, 1); } rt.setValue(ResultsTableMt.SIGMArebuilt, row, sigmaRebuilt(param, rt, row)); if (rt.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.SIGMAZ, row) != 0) rt.setValue(ResultsTableMt.SIGMArebuiltZ, row, sigmaZRebuilt(param, rt, row)); rt.setValue(ResultsTableMt.AMPLITUDE, row, getAmplitude(rt, row)); return rt; } public static int getFrameNumberPerCycle(ResultsTableMt Rt) { int FrameNumberPerCycle = 0; for (int row = 0; row < Rt.getCounter(); row++) { if (!Rt.columnExists(ResultsTableMt.CYCLE) || Rt.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.CYCLE, row) != 1) { FrameNumberPerCycle = Math.max(FrameNumberPerCycle, (int) Rt.getValue("Frame", row)); } } return FrameNumberPerCycle; } public static double[][] transpose(double[][] M) { return new Array2DRowRealMatrix(M).transpose().getData(); } public static double[] getSortedIndexes(double[] vector) { double[] Rows = new double[vector.length]; for (int row = 0; row < Rows.length; row++) Rows[row] = row; // Sort Rt following the "frame" column double[][] RtDouble = new double[2][vector.length]; RtDouble[0] = Rows; RtDouble[1] = vector; RtDouble = transpose(RtDouble); class Comp implements Comparator<double[]> { @Override public int compare(double[] o1, double[] o2) { return ((Double) o1[1]).compareTo(o2[1]); } } Comp comp = new Comp(); Arrays.sort(RtDouble, comp); return transpose(RtDouble)[0]; } public static ResultsTableMt sortRt(ResultsTableMt rt, String Column) { if (rt.getColumnIndex(Column) == -1) return null; IJ.showStatus("Sorting results by " + Column); double[] rows = getSortedIndexes(rt.getColumnAsDoubles(rt.getColumnIndex(Column))); ResultsTableMt rt_Sorted = new ResultsTableMt(); rt_Sorted.incrementCounter(); rt_Sorted.addValue("OriginalFit", 0); rt_Sorted.deleteRow(0); int originalFit = rt_Sorted.getColumnIndex("OriginalFit"); for (int row = 0; row < rows.length; row++) { addRow(rt, rt_Sorted, (int) rows[row]); rt_Sorted.addValue(originalFit, rows[row]); } return rt_Sorted; } public static double[] log10(double[] vector) { double[] retour = new double[vector.length]; for (int i = 0; i < vector.length; i++) { retour[i] = Math.log10(vector[i]); } return retour; } public static double getSum(double[] vector) { double sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < vector.length; i++) sum += vector[i]; return sum; } public static ResultsTable[] getGroups(ResultsTable[] Rts_Groups) { if (Rts_Groups.length <= 3) return null; ResultsTable[] Groups = new ResultsTable[Rts_Groups.length - 3]; for (int groupi = 3; groupi < Rts_Groups.length; groupi++) { Groups[groupi - 3] = Rts_Groups[groupi]; } return Groups; } public static int[] getIntensityTraceOverTime(ResultsTableMt Groups_group, int group, ImageStack vStack, Params param, boolean TraceAndSaveData) { return getIntensityTraceOverTime(Groups_group, group, vStack, param, TraceAndSaveData, null); } public static int[] getIntensityTraceOverTime(ResultsTableMt Groups_group, int group, ImageStack vStack, Params param, boolean TraceAndSaveData, ResultsTableMt tON_OFF) { int totalFrame = vStack.getSize();// (int)SRutil.getMax(Rt, "Frame"); double[][] TraceFitted = new double[2][totalFrame]; double[] x = new double[totalFrame]; int totalIntensity = 0; for (int fit = 0; fit < Groups_group.getCounter(); fit++) { TraceFitted[0][(int) Groups_group.getValue("RealFrame", fit) - 1] = Groups_group .getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.I0, fit); totalIntensity += Groups_group.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.I0, fit); } // Group everything within 50 frames ResultsTableMt TimeGroups = new ResultsTableMt(); boolean Grouping = false; int lastFramePartOfGroup = 0; for (int frame = 0; frame < totalFrame; frame++) { if (frame - lastFramePartOfGroup >= 50) Grouping = false; if (!Grouping) { while (frame < totalFrame && TraceFitted[0][frame] == 0) frame++; if (frame < totalFrame) { Grouping = true; lastFramePartOfGroup = frame; TimeGroups.incrementCounter(); TimeGroups.addValue("NumberOfPSFs", 1); TraceFitted[1][frame] = TimeGroups.getCounter(); } } else { if (TraceFitted[0][frame] != 0) { lastFramePartOfGroup = frame; TimeGroups.addValue("NumberOfPSFs", TimeGroups.getValue("NumberOfPSFs", TimeGroups.getCounter() - 1) + 1); TraceFitted[1][frame] = TimeGroups.getCounter(); } } } // Count groups having more than two PSFs (noise otherwise) int numberOfGroups = 0; for (int group_ = 0; group_ < TimeGroups.getCounter(); group_++) { if (TimeGroups.getValue("NumberOfPSFs", group_) > 2) { numberOfGroups++; } else { for (int frame = 0; frame < totalFrame; frame++) { if (TraceFitted[1][frame] == group_ + 1) TraceFitted[1][frame] = -group_ - 1; } } } // Fill tON_OFF if (tON_OFF != null) { tON_OFF.incrementCounter(); tON_OFF.addValue("tON_Monomer", 0); tON_OFF.addValue("tOFF_Monomer", 0); tON_OFF.addValue("tON_Adjacent", 0); tON_OFF.addValue("tOFF_Adjacent", 0); tON_OFF.addValue("NbreOfPSFsPerMonomer", 0); for (int group_ = 0; group_ < TimeGroups.getCounter(); group_++) { if (TimeGroups.getValue("NumberOfPSFs", group_) > 2) { tON_OFF.setValue("NbreOfPSFsPerMonomer", tON_OFF.getCounter() - 1, TimeGroups.getValue("NumberOfPSFs", group_)); tON_OFF.incrementCounter(); } } boolean ON_Monomer = false; int previousFrameMonomer = 0; boolean ON_Adjacent = false; int previousFrameAdj = 0; int[] rowsON_OFF = new int[4]; for (int frame = 0; frame < totalFrame; frame++) { if (ON_Monomer && TraceFitted[1][frame] <= 0) { if (tON_OFF.getCounter() <= rowsON_OFF[0]) tON_OFF.incrementCounter(); tON_OFF.setValue("tON_Monomer", rowsON_OFF[0], frame - previousFrameMonomer); previousFrameMonomer = frame; ON_Monomer = false; rowsON_OFF[0]++; } else if (!ON_Monomer && TraceFitted[1][frame] > 0) { if (tON_OFF.getCounter() <= rowsON_OFF[1]) tON_OFF.incrementCounter(); tON_OFF.setValue("tOFF_Monomer", rowsON_OFF[1], frame - previousFrameMonomer); previousFrameMonomer = frame; ON_Monomer = true; rowsON_OFF[1]++; } if (ON_Adjacent && TraceFitted[1][frame] == 0) { if (tON_OFF.getCounter() <= rowsON_OFF[2]) tON_OFF.incrementCounter(); tON_OFF.setValue("tON_Adjacent", rowsON_OFF[2], frame - previousFrameAdj); previousFrameAdj = frame; ON_Adjacent = false; rowsON_OFF[2]++; } else if (!ON_Adjacent && TraceFitted[1][frame] != 0) { if (tON_OFF.getCounter() <= rowsON_OFF[3]) tON_OFF.incrementCounter(); tON_OFF.setValue("tOFF_Adjacent", rowsON_OFF[3], frame - previousFrameAdj); previousFrameAdj = frame; ON_Adjacent = true; rowsON_OFF[3]++; } } // for(int row=0; row<tON_OFF.getCounter(); row++) // if(tON_OFF.getValue("NbreOfPSFsPerMonomer", row) != 0) // IJ.log("c " + tON_OFF.getValue("NbreOfPSFsPerMonomer", row)); } if (TraceAndSaveData) { double[] TraceData = new double[totalFrame]; ResultsTableMt OutputGroups = new ResultsTableMt(); OutputGroups = ResultsTableMt.open2(param.fileDirName + File.separator + "OutPut_Groups.txt"); int row = 0; while (row < OutputGroups.getCounter() && OutputGroups.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.GROUP, row) < group + 1) row++; if (OutputGroups.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.GROUP, row) != group + 1) IJ.log("" + group + " // " + (int) (OutputGroups.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.X0, row) + 0.5D) + " // " + (int) (OutputGroups.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.Y0, row) + 0.5D)); for (int frame = 0; frame < totalFrame; frame++) { if (!vStack.isVirtual()) { ImageProcessor ipTemp = vStack.getProcessor(frame + 1); ipTemp.setRoi(new Rectangle( (int) (OutputGroups.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.X0, row) + 0.5D) - 4, (int) (OutputGroups.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.Y0, row) + 0.5D) - 4, 9, 9)); TraceData[frame] = ipTemp.crop().getStatistics().mean * 10.0D; } x[frame] = frame; } double[] minMaxIni; double MaxFin = SRutil.getMax(TraceFitted[0]); if (!vStack.isVirtual()) { minMaxIni = SRutil.getMinMax(TraceData); TraceData = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(TraceData).scalarAdd(-minMaxIni[0]) .scalarMultiply(MaxFin / (minMaxIni[1] - minMaxIni[0])).getColumn(0); } Plot plot = new Plot("", "frame # (number of groups: " + numberOfGroups + " )", "intensity of the fit (G) (photons) or of the data (R) (A.U.) (group #" + (group + 1) + ")"); plot.setSize(2048, 512); plot.setLimits(0, totalFrame - 1, 0, MaxFin); if (!vStack.isVirtual()) { plot.setLineWidth(1); plot.setColor(Color.RED); plot.addPoints(x, TraceData, Plot.LINE); plot.draw(); } plot.setLineWidth(2); plot.setColor(Color.GREEN); plot.addPoints(x, TraceFitted[0], Plot.LINE); plot.draw(); plot.setColor(Color.GRAY); for (int frame = 0; frame < totalFrame - 1; frame++) { if (TraceFitted[1][frame] > 0 || TraceFitted[1][frame + 1] > 0) { plot.drawLine(x[frame], TraceFitted[0][frame], x[frame + 1], TraceFitted[0][frame + 1]); } } plot.draw(); SRutil.saveTiff(plot.getImagePlus(), param.fileDirName + File.separator + "Temp" + File.separator + "Trace_Group-" + (group + 1) + ".tif", true); } return new int[] { numberOfGroups, totalIntensity }; } public static void changeGroupFromTo(ResultsTableMt rt, int previousGroup, int newGroup) { double[] vectorGroup = rt.getColumnAsDoubles(ResultsTableMt.GROUP); if (vectorGroup == null) return; for (int fit = 0; fit < rt.getCounter(); fit++) { if (vectorGroup[fit] - 1 == previousGroup) rt.setValue(ResultsTableMt.GROUP, fit, newGroup + 1); } } public static double getPrecisionHistogram(ResultsTableMt rt, Params param, boolean show) { return getPrecisionHistogram(rt, param, false, show); } public static double getPrecisionHistogram(ResultsTableMt rt, Params param, boolean Zdirection, boolean show) { int SigmaRebuilt = ResultsTableMt.SIGMArebuilt; if (Zdirection) SigmaRebuilt = ResultsTableMt.SIGMArebuiltZ; if (rt == null || rt.getCounter() == 0) return 0; double[] MinMax = getMinMax(rt, SigmaRebuilt); double[] bin = new double[1001]; double PixelSize = param.pixelSize; if (Zdirection) PixelSize = param.pixelSizeZ; for (int i = 0; i < bin.length; i++) bin[i] = (MinMax[0] + (MinMax[1] - MinMax[0]) * i / (bin.length - 1)) * PixelSize; double[] hist = new double[bin.length]; for (int row = 0; row < rt.getCounter(); row++) hist[Math.min((int) ((rt.getValueAsDouble(SigmaRebuilt, row) - MinMax[0]) * (bin.length - 1) / (MinMax[1] - MinMax[0])), hist.length - 1)]++; int max = 0; for (int i = 1; i < bin.length; i++) if (hist[i] > hist[max]) max = i; Plot histogram = new Plot("Precision histogram (max: " + (int) (bin[max]) + " nm)", "Bins (nm)", "Number of PSFs"); histogram.setLimits(0, bin[bin.length - 1], 0, hist[max]); histogram.addPoints(bin, hist, Plot.LINE); histogram.draw(); histogram.setColor(Color.GRAY); histogram.setLineWidth(2); double[] histRunningAverage = runningAverage(hist, 10); histogram.addPoints(bin, histRunningAverage, Plot.LINE); histogram.draw(); if (show); String saveName; if (new File(param.fileDirName).isDirectory()) saveName = param.fileDirName; else saveName = param.rootDirName; if (Zdirection) saveName += File.separator + "10_PrecisionZHistogram.tif"; else saveName += File.separator + "10_PrecisionHistogram.tif"; saveTiff(histogram.getImagePlus(), saveName, false); max = 0; for (int i = 1; i < bin.length; i++) if (histRunningAverage[i] > histRunningAverage[max]) max = i; return bin[max]; } public static void addRow(ResultsTableMt from, ResultsTableMt to, int row) { to.incrementCounter(); for (int column = 0; column <= from.getLastColumn(); column++) { if (from.columnExists(column) && from.getColumnHeading(column) != null) to.addValue(from.getColumnHeading(column), from.getValueAsDouble(column, row)); } } public static ResultsTableMt changeRtNamesSFLtoMP(ResultsTableMt steveRt, Params param) { ResultsTableMt mtRt = new ResultsTableMt(); for (int row = 0; row < steveRt.getCounter(); row++) { mtRt.incrementCounter(); mtRt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.FRAME, steveRt.getValue("Frame", row)); mtRt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.X0, steveRt.getValue("X Center", row)); mtRt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.Y0, steveRt.getValue("Y Center", row)); mtRt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.SIGMAX, steveRt.getValue("Width", row)); mtRt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.SIGMAY, steveRt.getValue("Width", row)); mtRt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.I0, steveRt.getValue("Amplitude", row)); mtRt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.NOISE, steveRt.getValue("Offset", row)); mtRt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.IS_FITTED, steveRt.getValue("Good Fit?", row)); mtRt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.SIGMArebuilt, sigmaRebuilt(param, mtRt, row)); mtRt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.AMPLITUDE, getAmplitude(mtRt, mtRt.getCounter() - 1)); } return mtRt; } public static MemoryPeakResults getPeakFitResultsFromRt(ResultsTableMt rt) { MemoryPeakResults results = new MemoryPeakResults(rt.getCounter()); int[] rtIndexes = { ResultsTableMt.X0, ResultsTableMt.Y0, ResultsTableMt.SIGMAX, ResultsTableMt.SIGMAY, ResultsTableMt.NOISE, ResultsTableMt.FRAME, ResultsTableMt.I0, ResultsTableMt.IS_FITTED, ResultsTableMt.OFFSET }; double[][] values = getColumnsFrom(rt, rtIndexes); for (int psf = 0; psf < rt.getCounter(); psf++) { float[] param = new float[7]; param[Gaussian2DFunction.X_POSITION] = (float) values[0][psf]; param[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_POSITION] = (float) values[1][psf]; param[Gaussian2DFunction.X_WIDTH] = (float) values[2][psf]; param[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_WIDTH] = (float) values[3][psf]; param[Gaussian2DFunction.AMPLITUDE] = (float) getAmplitude(rt, psf); param[Gaussian2DFunction.BACKGROUND] = (float) values[4][psf]; results.add((int) values[5][psf], (int) (values[0][psf] + 0.5), (int) (values[1][psf] + 0.5), (float) values[6][psf], (float) values[7][psf], (float) values[8][psf], param, null); } return results; } public static ResultsTableMt changeRtNamesPeakFitToMP(String file, Params param) { // Remove the 7 first lines from the PeakFit results File tempFile = null; try { File inputFile = new File(file); tempFile = new File(param.fileDirName + File.separator + "TableFit_PeakFit.Temp.txt"); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(inputFile)); BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(tempFile)); String currentLine; int i = 1; while ((currentLine = reader.readLine()) != null) { if (i > 7) writer.write(currentLine + "\n"); // if(i>7) IJ.log(""+currentLine); i++; } writer.close(); reader.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } // Open the new trimmed result file as a ResultsTable ResultsTableMt mtRt = new ResultsTableMt(); ResultsTableMt rt = ResultsTableMt.open2(param.fileDirName + File.separator + "TableFit_PeakFit.Temp.txt"); int[] mtRtIndexes = { ResultsTableMt.FRAME, ResultsTableMt.X0, ResultsTableMt.Y0, ResultsTableMt.SIGMAX, ResultsTableMt.SIGMAY, ResultsTableMt.I0, ResultsTableMt.NOISE, ResultsTableMt.IS_FITTED, ResultsTableMt.SIGMArebuilt, ResultsTableMt.AMPLITUDE }; String[] rtHeadings = { "#Frame", "X", "Y", "X SD", "Y SD", "Signal", "Noise", "Error" }; double[][] values = getColumnsFrom(rt, rtHeadings); for (int row = 0; row < rt.getCounter(); row++) { int column = 0; mtRt.incrementCounter(); for (; column < rtHeadings.length; column++) mtRt.addValue(mtRtIndexes[column], values[column][row]); mtRt.addValue(mtRtIndexes[column], sigmaRebuilt(param, mtRt, mtRt.getCounter() - 1)); mtRt.addValue(mtRtIndexes[column + 1], getAmplitude(mtRt, mtRt.getCounter() - 1)); } tempFile.delete(); return mtRt; } public static ResultsTableMt changeRtNamesQuickPALMToMP(String File, Params param) { // Open the new trimmed result file as a ResultsTable ResultsTableMt mtRt = new ResultsTableMt(); ResultsTableMt rt = ResultsTableMt.open2(File); for (int row = 0; row < rt.getCounter(); row++) { mtRt.incrementCounter(); mtRt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.FRAME, rt.getValue("Frame Number", row)); mtRt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.X0, rt.getValue("X (px)", row)); mtRt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.Y0, rt.getValue("Y (px)", row)); mtRt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.SIGMAX, 0.5 * (rt.getValue("Left-Width(px)", row) + rt.getValue("Right-Width (px)", row))); mtRt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.SIGMAY, 0.5 * (rt.getValue("Up-Height (px)", row) + rt.getValue("Down-Height (px)", row))); mtRt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.I0, rt.getValue("Intensity", row)); mtRt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.NOISE, 0); mtRt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.IS_FITTED, 1); mtRt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.SIGMArebuilt, sigmaRebuilt(param, mtRt, row)); mtRt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.AMPLITUDE, getAmplitude(mtRt, mtRt.getCounter() - 1)); } return mtRt; } public static ResultsTableMt changeRtNamesrapidSTORMToMP(String file, Params param) { // Remove the first line from the rapidSTORM results File tempFile = null; try { File inputFile = new File(file); tempFile = new File(param.fileDirName + File.separator + "TableFit_rapidSTORM.Temp.txt"); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(inputFile)); BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(tempFile)); String currentLine; int i = 1; while ((currentLine = reader.readLine()) != null) { if (i == 1) writer.write("X_nm" + "\t" + "Y_nm" + "\t" + "Frame" + "\t" + "Sigma_X_nm" + "\t" + "Sigma_Y_nm" + "\t" + "Intensity" + "\t" + "Chi_Squared" + "\t" + "Noise" + "\n"); if (i > 1) writer.write(currentLine.replace(" ", "\t") + "\n"); // if(i>7) IJ.log(""+currentLine); i++; } writer.close(); reader.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } // Open the new trimmed result file as a ResultsTable ResultsTableMt mtRt = new ResultsTableMt(); ResultsTableMt rt = ResultsTableMt .open2(param.fileDirName + File.separator + "TableFit_rapidSTORM.Temp.txt"); for (int row = 0; row < rt.getCounter(); row++) { mtRt.incrementCounter(); mtRt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.FRAME, rt.getValue("Frame", row)); mtRt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.X0, rt.getValue("X_nm", row) / param.pixelSize); mtRt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.Y0, rt.getValue("Y_nm", row) / param.pixelSize); mtRt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.SIGMAX, fwhmToStdev(rt.getValue("Sigma_Y_nm", row) / param.pixelSize)); mtRt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.SIGMAY, fwhmToStdev(rt.getValue("Sigma_Y_nm", row) / param.pixelSize)); mtRt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.I0, rt.getValue("Intensity", row)); mtRt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.NOISE, rt.getValue("Chi_Squared", row)); mtRt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.IS_FITTED, rt.getValue("Noise", row)); mtRt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.SIGMArebuilt, sigmaRebuilt(param, mtRt, mtRt.getCounter() - 1)); mtRt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.AMPLITUDE, getAmplitude(mtRt, mtRt.getCounter() - 1)); // IJ.log(""+row); } tempFile.delete(); return mtRt; } public static ResultsTableMt changeRtNamesThunderSTORMToMP(String file, Params param) { // Open the result file as a ResultsTable ResultsTableMt mtRt = new ResultsTableMt(); ResultsTableMt rt = ResultsTableMt.open2(file); for (int row = 0; row < rt.getCounter(); row++) { mtRt.incrementCounter(); mtRt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.FRAME, rt.getValue("\"frame\"", row)); mtRt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.X0, rt.getValue("\"x [nm]\"", row) / param.pixelSize); mtRt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.Y0, rt.getValue("\"y [nm]\"", row) / param.pixelSize); mtRt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.SIGMAX, rt.getValue("\"sigma [nm]\"", row) / param.pixelSize); mtRt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.SIGMAY, rt.getValue("\"sigma [nm]\"", row) / param.pixelSize); mtRt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.I0, translatePhotonsToCounts(rt.getValue("\"intensity [photon]\"", row), param, false)); mtRt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.NOISE, translatePhotonsToCounts(rt.getValue("\"bkgstd [photon]\"", row), param, false)); mtRt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.IS_FITTED, rt.getValue("\"uncertainty [nm]\"", row)); mtRt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.SIGMArebuilt, sigmaRebuilt(param, mtRt, mtRt.getCounter() - 1)); mtRt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.AMPLITUDE, getAmplitude(mtRt, mtRt.getCounter() - 1)); // IJ.log(""+row); } return mtRt; } public static ResultsTableMt changeRtNamesM2LEToMP(String file, Params param) { // Open the result file as a ResultsTable ResultsTableMt mtRt = new ResultsTableMt(); ResultsTableMt rt = ResultsTableMt.open2(file); for (int row = 0; row < rt.getCounter(); row++) { mtRt.incrementCounter(); mtRt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.FRAME, rt.getValue("Frame", row)); mtRt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.X0, rt.getValue("x (px)", row)); mtRt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.Y0, rt.getValue("y (px)", row)); mtRt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.SIGMAX, fwhmToStdev(rt.getValue("Width x", row))); mtRt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.SIGMAY, fwhmToStdev(rt.getValue("Width y", row))); mtRt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.I0, (rt.getValue("Intensity x", row) + rt.getValue("Intensity y", row)) * 5e5D); mtRt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.NOISE, rt.getValue("Background x", row) + rt.getValue("Background y", row)); mtRt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.IS_FITTED, 1); mtRt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.SIGMArebuilt, sigmaRebuilt(param, mtRt, mtRt.getCounter() - 1)); mtRt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.AMPLITUDE, getAmplitude(mtRt, mtRt.getCounter() - 1)); // IJ.log(""+row); } return mtRt; } public static ResultsTableMt changeRtNamesGraspJToMP(String file, Params param) { // Open the result file as a ResultsTable ResultsTableMt mtRt = new ResultsTableMt(); ResultsTableMt rt = ResultsTableMt.open2(file); for (int row = 0; row < rt.getCounter(); row++) { mtRt.incrementCounter(); mtRt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.FRAME, rt.getValue("Frame", row)); mtRt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.X0, rt.getValue("x (px)", row)); mtRt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.Y0, rt.getValue("y (px)", row)); mtRt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.SIGMAX, rt.getValue("Width x", row)); mtRt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.SIGMAY, rt.getValue("Width y", row)); mtRt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.I0, translatePhotonsToCounts( (rt.getValue("Intensity x", row) + rt.getValue("Intensity y", row)), param, false)); mtRt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.NOISE, translatePhotonsToCounts( (rt.getValue("Background x", row) + rt.getValue("Background y", row)), param, false)); mtRt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.IS_FITTED, 1); mtRt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.SIGMArebuilt, sigmaRebuilt(param, mtRt, mtRt.getCounter() - 1)); mtRt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.AMPLITUDE, getAmplitude(mtRt, mtRt.getCounter() - 1)); // IJ.log(""+row); } return mtRt; } public static double fwhmToStdev(double fwhm) { final double factor = Math.sqrt(8.0 * Math.log(2)); return fwhm / factor; } public static double stdevtoFWHM(double sigma) { final double factor = Math.sqrt(8.0 * Math.log(2)); return factor * sigma; } public static double[] getColumnFromRt(ResultsTableMt rt, String x0) { if (rt == null) return null; int index = rt.getColumnIndex(x0); if (index == ResultsTable.COLUMN_NOT_FOUND) return null; return rt.getColumnAsDoubles(index); } public static int[] getIndexOf(ResultsTableMt rt, String[] headings) { if (rt == null) return null; int[] indexes = new int[headings.length]; for (int column = 0; column < headings.length; column++) indexes[column] = rt.getColumnIndex(headings[column]); return indexes; } public static int[] addHeadingsTo(ResultsTableMt rt, String[] headings) { if (rt == null) return null; int[] indexes = getIndexOf(rt, headings); boolean deleteRow0 = false; if (rt.getCounter() == 0) { rt.incrementCounter(); deleteRow0 = true; } for (int column = 0; column < headings.length; column++) { if (indexes[column] == ResultsTable.COLUMN_NOT_FOUND) { rt.addValue(headings[column], 0); indexes[column] = rt.getColumnIndex(headings[column]); } } if (deleteRow0) rt.deleteRow(0); return indexes; } public static double[][] getColumnsFrom(ResultsTableMt rt, String[] headings) { if (rt == null) return null; double[][] values = new double[headings.length][]; int[] indexes = getIndexOf(rt, headings); for (int column = 0; column < headings.length; column++) { if (indexes[column] != ResultsTable.COLUMN_NOT_FOUND) values[column] = rt.getColumnAsDoubles(indexes[column]); } return values; } public static double[][] getColumnsFrom(ResultsTableMt rt, int[] indexes) { if (rt == null) return null; double[][] values = new double[indexes.length][]; for (int column = 0; column < indexes.length; column++) values[column] = rt.getColumnAsDoubles(indexes[column]); return values; } public static ResultsTableMt getTableMaxFromTableFit(ResultsTableMt tableFit) { ResultsTableMt tableMax = new ResultsTableMt(); int[] tableMaxIndexes = { ResultsTableMt.FRAME, ResultsTableMt.Xmax, ResultsTableMt.Ymax, ResultsTableMt.Imax };// addHeadingsTo(tableMax, // tableMaxHeadings); int[] tableFitIndexes = { ResultsTableMt.FRAME, ResultsTableMt.X0, ResultsTableMt.Y0, ResultsTableMt.I0 }; double[][] values = getColumnsFrom(tableFit, tableFitIndexes); for (int row = 0; row < tableFit.getCounter(); row++) { tableMax.incrementCounter(); for (int column = 0; column < tableMaxIndexes.length; column++) tableMax.addValue(tableMaxIndexes[column], (int) values[column][row]); } return tableMax; } public static ResultsTableMt concatenate(ResultsTableMt rt1, ResultsTableMt rt2) { if (rt2 == null) return rt1; IJ.showStatus("Combining results..."); String[] rt1Headings = rt1.getHeadings(); double[][] rt2Values = getColumnsFrom(rt2, rt1Headings); for (int i = 0; i < rt2.getCounter(); i++) { if (i % 100 == 0) IJ.showProgress(i, rt2.getCounter()); rt1.incrementCounter(); for (int j = 0; j <= rt1.getLastColumn(); j++) if (rt2Values[j] != null) rt1.addValue(j, rt2Values[j][i]); } IJ.showProgress(1); return rt1; } public static double[] concatenate(double[] vector1, double[] vector2) { double[] result = new double[vector1.length + vector2.length]; for (int i = 0; i < vector1.length; i++) result[i] = vector1[i]; for (int i = 0; i < vector2.length; i++) result[vector1.length + i] = vector2[i]; return result; } public static int getRealFrameNumber(ResultsTableMt rt, int rowInRt, int frameNumberPerCycle) { if (rt.columnExists(ResultsTableMt.CYCLE)) return (int) (rt.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.FRAME, rowInRt) + (rt.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.CYCLE, rowInRt) - 2) * frameNumberPerCycle); else return (int) (rt.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.FRAME, rowInRt)); } public static double getMax(ResultsTableMt rt, String x0) { if (rt.getColumnIndex(x0) != -1) return getMinMax(rt.getColumnAsDoubles(rt.getColumnIndex(x0)))[1]; else return -1; } public static double getMax(ResultsTableMt rt, int x0) { if (x0 >= 0) return getMinMax(rt.getColumnAsDoubles(x0))[1]; else return -1; } public static double getMin(ResultsTableMt rt, String x0) { if (rt.getColumnIndex(x0) != -1) return getMinMax(rt.getColumnAsDoubles(rt.getColumnIndex(x0)))[0]; else return -1; } public static double getMin(ResultsTableMt rt, int x0) { if (x0 >= 0) return getMinMax(rt.getColumnAsDoubles(x0))[0]; else return -1; } public static double[] getMinMax(ResultsTableMt rt, String x0) { if (rt.getColumnIndex(x0) != -1) return getMinMax(rt.getColumnAsDoubles(rt.getColumnIndex(x0))); else return null; } public static double[] getMinMax(ResultsTableMt rt, int x0) { return getMinMax(rt.getColumnAsDoubles(x0)); } public static double getIQR(double[] vector, boolean discardZeros) { double[] ordered = vector.clone(); Arrays.sort(ordered); if (discardZeros) { int row = 0; while (row < ordered.length && ordered[row] == 0) row++; if (row == ordered.length) return vector.length; else return ordered[(int) (0.75 * (double) (ordered.length - row)) + row + 1] - ordered[(int) (0.25 * (double) (ordered.length - row)) + row]; } else return ordered[Math.min((int) (0.75 * (double) ordered.length) + 1, ordered.length - 1)] - ordered[(int) (0.25 * (double) ordered.length)]; } public static double getIQR(double[] vector) { return getIQR(vector, false); } public static double getIQR(ResultsTableMt rt, String x0) { if (rt.getColumnIndex(x0) != -1) return getIQR(rt.getColumnAsDoubles(rt.getColumnIndex(x0))); else return -1; } public static double getIQR(ResultsTableMt rt, int x0) { return getIQR(rt.getColumnAsDoubles(x0)); } public static double getMean(ResultsTableMt rt, String x0) { if (rt.getColumnIndex(x0) != -1) return getMean(rt.getColumnAsDoubles(rt.getColumnIndex(x0))); else return -1; } public static double getMean(ResultsTableMt rt, int x0) { return getMean(rt.getColumnAsDoubles(x0)); } public static double[] getMeanAndStdev(ResultsTableMt rt, String x0) { if (rt.getColumnIndex(x0) != -1) return getMeanAndStdev(rt.getColumnAsDoubles(rt.getColumnIndex(x0))); else return null; } public static double getMean(double[] vector, boolean discardZeros) { double mean = 0; int tot = 0; for (int row = 0; row < vector.length; row++) { if (!discardZeros || vector[row] != 0) { mean += vector[row]; tot++; } } return mean / (double) tot; } public static double getMean(double[] vector) { return getMean(vector, false); } public static double[] getMeanAndStdev(double[] vector) { double[] meanAndStdev = new double[2]; meanAndStdev[0] = getMean(vector); for (int row = 0; row < vector.length; row++) { meanAndStdev[1] += Math.pow(vector[row] - meanAndStdev[0], 2); } meanAndStdev[1] = Math.sqrt(meanAndStdev[1] / (double) vector.length); return meanAndStdev; } public static double getMax(double[] vector) { return getMinMax(vector)[1]; } public static double getMin(double[] vector) { return getMinMax(vector)[0]; } public static ResultsTableMt getMinMaxS(double[] vector) { ResultsTableMt minMaxS = new ResultsTableMt(); int minNumber = 0; int maxNumber = 0; double[] derivative = derivative(vector); minMaxS.incrementCounter(); if (derivative[0] > 0) { minMaxS.addValue("xmin", 0); minMaxS.addValue("Min", vector[0]); minNumber++; } else { minMaxS.addValue("xmax", 0); minMaxS.addValue("Max", vector[0]); maxNumber++; } for (int i = 1; i < vector.length; i++) { if (derivative[i] * derivative[i - 1] < 0) { if (derivative[i - 1] > 0) { while (minMaxS.getCounter() <= maxNumber) minMaxS.incrementCounter(); minMaxS.setValue("xmax", maxNumber, i); minMaxS.setValue("Max", maxNumber, vector[i]); maxNumber++; } else { while (minMaxS.getCounter() <= minNumber) minMaxS.incrementCounter(); minMaxS.setValue("xmin", minNumber, i); minMaxS.setValue("Min", minNumber, vector[i]); minNumber++; } } } return minMaxS; } public static double[] getMinMax(double[] vector) { double[] minMax = { Math.pow(2, 128), 0 }; for (int row = 0; row < vector.length; row++) { if (vector[row] > minMax[1]) minMax[1] = vector[row]; if (vector[row] < minMax[0]) minMax[0] = vector[row]; } return minMax; } public static int getMax(int[] vector) { int max = 0; for (int row = 0; row < vector.length; row++) { if (vector[row] > max) max = vector[row]; } return max; } public static int getMax(int[][] matrix) { int max = 0; for (int column = 0; column < matrix.length; column++) { int temp = getMax(matrix[column]); if (temp > max) max = temp; } return max; } public static int getMin(int[] vector) { int min = (int) Math.pow(2, 128); for (int row = 0; row < vector.length; row++) { if (vector[row] < min) min = vector[row]; } return min; } public static int getMin(int[][] matrix) { int min = (int) Math.pow(2, 128); for (int column = 0; column < matrix.length; column++) { int temp = getMin(matrix[column]); if (temp < min) min = temp; } return min; } public static int[] doubleToInt(double[] vector) { int[] retour = new int[vector.length]; for (int i = 0; i < vector.length; i++) { retour[i] = (int) (vector[i] + 0.5D); } return retour; } public static double[] intToDouble(int[] vector) { double[] retour = new double[vector.length]; for (int i = 0; i < vector.length; i++) { retour[i] = vector[i]; } return retour; } public static final int VoronoiDensity = 10000; public static final int CircleDensity = 10001; public static final int SquareDensity = 10002; public static double linearInterpolation(double xi, double yi, ResultsTableMt closeBy) { // double det = (closeBy.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.Y0, 1) - closeBy.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.Y0, 2)) * (closeBy.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.X0, 0) - closeBy.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.X0, 2)) + (closeBy.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.X0, 2) - closeBy.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.X0, 1)) * (closeBy.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.Y0, 0) - closeBy.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.Y0, 2)); if (det == 0) { closeBy.incrementCounter(); closeBy.addValue(ResultsTableMt.X0, xi); closeBy.addValue(ResultsTableMt.Y0, yi); double d14 = getDistanceBetweenPix(closeBy, closeBy.getCounter() - 1, 0); double d24 = getDistanceBetweenPix(closeBy, closeBy.getCounter() - 1, 1); double d34 = getDistanceBetweenPix(closeBy, closeBy.getCounter() - 1, 2); double max = Math.max(d14, Math.max(d24, d34)); if (max == d14) return (d24 * closeBy.getValue("Density", 1) + d34 * closeBy.getValue("Density", 2)) / (d24 + d34); else if (max == d24) return (d14 * closeBy.getValue("Density", 0) + d34 * closeBy.getValue("Density", 2)) / (d14 + d34); else if (max == d34) return (d14 * closeBy.getValue("Density", 0) + d24 * closeBy.getValue("Density", 1)) / (d14 + d24); else return closeBy.getValue("Density", 0); } else { double lambda1 = ((closeBy.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.Y0, 1) - closeBy.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.Y0, 2)) * (xi - closeBy.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.X0, 2)) + (closeBy.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.X0, 2) - closeBy.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.X0, 1)) * (yi - closeBy.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.Y0, 2))) / det; double lambda2 = ((closeBy.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.Y0, 2) - closeBy.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.Y0, 0)) * (xi - closeBy.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.X0, 2)) + (closeBy.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.X0, 0) - closeBy.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.X0, 2)) * (yi - closeBy.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.Y0, 2))) / det; double lambda3 = 1.0D - lambda1 - lambda2; // IJ.log("lamda1: "+lambda1+" / lambda2: "+lambda2); return (lambda1 * closeBy.getValue("Density", 0) + lambda2 * closeBy.getValue("Density", 1) + lambda3 * closeBy.getValue("Density", 2)); } } public static double[][] closestNeighbours(double[] x, double[] y, double xi, double yi, int neighbours) { ResultsTableMt rt = new ResultsTableMt(); for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(x.length, y.length); i++) { rt.incrementCounter(); rt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.X0, x[i]); rt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.Y0, y[i]); } rt.incrementCounter(); rt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.X0, xi); rt.addValue(ResultsTableMt.Y0, yi); return closestNeighbours(rt, rt.getCounter() - 1, neighbours); } public static double[] closestNeighbour(ResultsTableMt rt, int psf) { return closestNeighbours(rt, psf, 1)[0]; } public static double[][] closestNeighbours(ResultsTableMt rt, int psf, int neighbours) { double[][] retour = new double[neighbours][2]; for (int n = 0; n < neighbours; n++) retour[n][0] = 10000; double temp; for (int i = 0; i < rt.getCounter(); i++) { if (i != psf) { temp = getDistanceBetweenPix(rt, i, psf); for (int n = neighbours - 1; n >= 0; n--) { if (n == neighbours - 1 && temp < retour[n][0]) { retour[n][0] = temp; retour[n][1] = i; } else if (n < neighbours - 1 && retour[n + 1][0] < retour[n][0]) { temp = retour[n][0]; retour[n][0] = retour[n + 1][0]; retour[n + 1][0] = temp; temp = retour[n][1]; retour[n][1] = retour[n + 1][1]; retour[n + 1][1] = temp; } else break; } } } return retour; } public static double getDistanceBetweenPix(ResultsTableMt rt, int rowInRt1, int rowInRt2) { int x0 = ResultsTableMt.X0, y0 = ResultsTableMt.Y0; if (!rt.columnExists(x0)) { if (rt.columnExists(ResultsTableMt.Xmax)) { x0 = ResultsTableMt.Xmax; y0 = ResultsTableMt.Ymax; } else if (rt.columnExists(ResultsTableMt.X_CENTROID)) { x0 = ResultsTableMt.X_CENTROID; y0 = ResultsTableMt.Y_CENTROID; } else if (rt.columnExists(ResultsTableMt.X_CENTER_OF_MASS)) { x0 = ResultsTableMt.X_CENTER_OF_MASS; y0 = ResultsTableMt.Y_CENTER_OF_MASS; } } return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(rt.getValueAsDouble(x0, rowInRt1) - rt.getValueAsDouble(x0, rowInRt2), 2.0) + Math.pow(rt.getValueAsDouble(y0, rowInRt1) - rt.getValueAsDouble(y0, rowInRt2), 2.0)); } public static ImagePlus rebuildingPeakFit(ResultsTableMt rt, String nameOfTheFile, Params param, ResultsSettings resultsSettings) { if (resultsSettings.getResultsImage() == null) resultsSettings.setResultsImage(ResultsImage.LOCALISATIONS_PRECISION); resultsSettings.showDeviations = false; Rectangle rec = param.roi; // Display the configured output IJImagePeakResults image = ImagePeakResultsFactory.createPeakResultsImage(resultsSettings.getResultsImage(), resultsSettings.weightedImage, resultsSettings.equalisedImage, nameOfTheFile, rec, param.pixelSize, 1f, resultsSettings.imageScale, resultsSettings.precision, ResultsMode.ADD); image.setRollingWindowSize(resultsSettings.imageRollingWindow); MemoryPeakResults results = getPeakFitResultsFromRt(rt); image.begin(); final int totalSteps = results.size(); final int step = (totalSteps > 400) ? totalSteps / 200 : 2; int slice = 0; for (PeakResult r : results.getResults()) { if (++slice % step == 0) IJ.showProgress(slice, totalSteps); image.add(r.peak, r.origX, r.origY, r.origValue, r.error, r.noise, r.params, r.paramsStdDev); } IJ.showProgress(1); image.end(); if (param.scaleBar) { int ScaleBarSize = (int) Math.round(1000.0 / param.pixelSize * param.rebuiltScale); if (ScaleBarSize + 4 * param.rebuiltScale < image.getImagePlus().getWidth()) { image.getImagePlus().setColor(Color.WHITE); image.getImagePlus().getProcessor().fill(new Roi(new Rectangle(2 * param.rebuiltScale, (param.roi.height - 2) * param.rebuiltScale, ScaleBarSize, param.rebuiltScale))); image.getImagePlus().updateImage(); } } String FileName = param.fileDirName + File.separator + "RebuiltSRPicture_PeakFit" + nameOfTheFile + ".tif"; saveTiff(image.getImagePlus(), FileName, false); return image.getImagePlus(); } public static ImagePlus rebuilding(ResultsTableMt rtGrouped, String nameOfTheFile, Params param) { if (!param.hasBeenInitialised) param.getNewParameters(); // Preparing the Rebuilt image and window int rebuiltScale = param.rebuiltScale; if (param.rebuilding == Params.Rebuilding.DiffractionLimited) rebuiltScale = 1; double pixelSize = param.pixelSize; boolean colouring = param.rebuilding == Params.Rebuilding.ColouringCirclePSF; boolean boolean_ = (param.rebuilding == Params.Rebuilding.BooleanAddPSF || param.rebuilding == Params.Rebuilding.BooleanReplacePSF); ImageProcessor ipRebuilt; if (!nameOfTheFile.equalsIgnoreCase("None")) { if (colouring) nameOfTheFile += "-TimeStamp"; else if (boolean_) nameOfTheFile += "-Boolean"; else if (param.rebuilding == Params.Rebuilding.ColorCodedPerGroup) nameOfTheFile += "-ShowGroups"; else if (param.rebuilding == Params.Rebuilding.DiffractionLimited) nameOfTheFile += "-DiffractionLimited"; else nameOfTheFile += "-Proba"; } String FileName = param.fileDirName + File.separator + "RebuiltSRPicture" + nameOfTheFile; if (param.roi == null) { if (new File(param.rootDirName + File.separator + param.fileName).exists()) { ImagePlus Temp = new Opener().openImage(param.rootDirName + File.separator + param.fileName, 1); param.roi = new Rectangle(0, 0, Temp.getWidth(), Temp.getHeight()); } else { param.roi = new Rectangle(0, 0, (int) (getMax(rtGrouped, ResultsTableMt.X0) + 10.5), (int) (getMax(rtGrouped, ResultsTableMt.Y0) + 10.5)); } } if (colouring || param.rebuilding == Params.Rebuilding.ColorCodedPerGroup) { // Showing // the legend ipRebuilt = new ShortProcessor((rebuiltScale) * (param.roi.width + 2), rebuiltScale * param.roi.height); for (int k = 1 * rebuiltScale; k < (param.roi.height - 2) * rebuiltScale; k++) { for (int l = 0; l < rebuiltScale; l++) { ipRebuilt.set(l + param.roi.width * rebuiltScale, k, (int) ((k - 1.0 * rebuiltScale) / ((param.roi.height - 3.0) * rebuiltScale) * 65535.0)); } } if (param.rebuilding == Params.Rebuilding.ColorCodedPerGroup) maxGroup = getMax(rtGrouped, ResultsTableMt.GROUP); } else { if (param.rebuilding == Params.Rebuilding.DiffractionLimited) ipRebuilt = /* Float */new ShortProcessor((rebuiltScale) * param.roi.width, rebuiltScale * param.roi.height); else ipRebuilt = new ShortProcessor((rebuiltScale) * param.roi.width, rebuiltScale * param.roi.height); } ImagePlus impRebuilt = new ImagePlus("Rebuilt super-resolved picture", ipRebuilt); WindowManager.setTempCurrentImage(impRebuilt); LutLoader lut = new LutLoader(); if (colouring || param.rebuilding == Params.Rebuilding.ColorCodedPerGroup)"Red Hot"); // Or any other inbuilt LUT else"Blue Green Red"); WindowManager.setTempCurrentImage(null); int frameLength = (int) getMax(rtGrouped.getColumnAsDoubles(ResultsTableMt.FRAME)); scaleIntensity = 1.0D; llhFunct = new FittingClassical(param, ipRebuilt, 10, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); llhFunct.setFast(true); // No need to have PixelPrecision>1 for (int i = 0; i < rtGrouped.getCounter(); i++) { // Update the rebuilt picture if (i % 1000 == 0) { impRebuilt = addToRebuiltImp(rtGrouped, i, param, frameLength, impRebuilt, true); } else impRebuilt = addToRebuiltImp(rtGrouped, i, param, frameLength, impRebuilt, false); } if (param.scaleBar && !nameOfTheFile.equalsIgnoreCase("None")) { int ScaleBarSize = (int) Math.round(1000.0 / pixelSize * rebuiltScale); if (ScaleBarSize + 4 * param.rebuiltScale < ipRebuilt.getWidth()) { ipRebuilt.fill(new Roi(new Rectangle(2 * param.rebuiltScale, (param.roi.height - 2) * param.rebuiltScale, ScaleBarSize, param.rebuiltScale))); } } impRebuilt.setProcessor(ipRebuilt); impRebuilt.updateAndDraw(); if (!nameOfTheFile.equalsIgnoreCase("None")) { saveTiff(impRebuilt, FileName + ".tif", false); if (boolean_) { double precisionForBlurring = 20.0; // in nm new GaussianBlur().blurGaussian(ipRebuilt, precisionForBlurring / pixelSize * rebuiltScale, precisionForBlurring / pixelSize * rebuiltScale, 0.01); ipRebuilt.setAutoThreshold(ImageProcessor.ISODATA2, ImageProcessor.NO_LUT_UPDATE); impRebuilt.updateAndDraw(); saveTiff(impRebuilt, FileName + "_GaussianBlurred.tif", false); } } return impRebuilt; } private static double scaleIntensity = 1.0; private static double maxGroup = 0; private static FittingClassical llhFunct; static final double MAX = Math.pow(2, 15); public static ImagePlus addToRebuiltImp(ResultsTableMt rtGrouped, int i, Params param, int frameLength, ImagePlus impRebuilt, boolean refresh) { // if(RtGrouped.getValue(ResultsTableMt.IS_FITTED, i)>=1) { if (rtGrouped.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.IS_FITTED, i) > 0 && (param.sigmaThreshold < 0 || (rtGrouped.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.SIGMAX, i) < param.sigmaThreshold && rtGrouped.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.SIGMAY, i) < param.sigmaThreshold)) && (param.i0Threshold < 0 || rtGrouped.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.I0, i) > param.i0Threshold) && (param.ellipticityThreshold < 0 || Math.max( rtGrouped.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.SIGMAX, i) / rtGrouped.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.SIGMAY, i), rtGrouped.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.SIGMAY, i) / rtGrouped .getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.SIGMAX, i)) < param.ellipticityThreshold)) { IJ.showProgress(i, rtGrouped.getCounter() - 1); IJ.showStatus("Rebuilding the final SR picture..."); int rebuiltScale = param.rebuiltScale; if (param.rebuilding == Params.Rebuilding.DiffractionLimited) rebuiltScale = 1; ImageProcessor ipRebuilt = impRebuilt.getProcessor(); short[] pixels = (short[]) ipRebuilt.getPixels(); int index = ((int) (rtGrouped.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.Y0, i) * rebuiltScale) - param.roi.y * rebuiltScale) * ipRebuilt.getWidth() + ((int) (rtGrouped.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.X0, i) * rebuiltScale) - param.roi.x * rebuiltScale); if (param.rebuilding == Params.Rebuilding.BooleanReplacePSF) pixels[index] = (short) 65000; else if (param.rebuilding == Params.Rebuilding.BooleanAddPSF) pixels[index] += 1000; else { double psfSigma = 1.323 / (param.pixelSize * 2.0 * Math.PI * / param.lambda) * 2.0; int psfSigmaInt = (int) Math.max(Math.ceil(psfSigma), 2); double psfSigmaRebuilt = sigmaRebuilt(param, rtGrouped, i); int widthRebuiltBox = 3; if (param.rebuilding == Params.Rebuilding.DiffractionLimited) widthRebuiltBox *= 20; int xmin0 = (int) (rtGrouped.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.X0, i) - widthRebuiltBox * psfSigmaInt) * rebuiltScale; int ymin0 = (int) (rtGrouped.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.Y0, i) - widthRebuiltBox * psfSigmaInt) * rebuiltScale; int length0 = (2 * widthRebuiltBox * psfSigmaInt + 1) * rebuiltScale; double[] paramTemp = { rtGrouped.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.X0, i) * rebuiltScale, rtGrouped.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.Y0, i) * rebuiltScale, psfSigmaRebuilt * rebuiltScale, psfSigmaRebuilt * rebuiltScale, rtGrouped.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.I0, i) * Math.pow(rebuiltScale, 2), 0 }; if (param.rebuilding == Params.Rebuilding.IdenticalGaussianPSF) paramTemp[4] = 5000; if (param.rebuilding == Params.Rebuilding.DiffractionLimited) { paramTemp[2] = rtGrouped.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.SIGMAX, i) * rebuiltScale; paramTemp[3] = rtGrouped.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.SIGMAY, i) * rebuiltScale; } if (param.rebuilding == Params.Rebuilding.ColouringCirclePSF || param.rebuilding == Params.Rebuilding.IdenticalCirclePSF || param.rebuilding == Params.Rebuilding.ColorCodedPerGroup) { paramTemp[2] = param.fixedPSFSizeRebuilt; paramTemp[3] = param.fixedPSFSizeRebuilt; double add = 0; if (param.rebuilding == Params.Rebuilding.ColouringCirclePSF) add = rtGrouped.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.FRAME, i) / frameLength * (65535.0 - 12000.0) + 12000.0; else if (param.rebuilding == Params.Rebuilding.ColorCodedPerGroup) add = rtGrouped.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.GROUP, i) / maxGroup * (65535.0 - 12000.0) + 12000.0; else add = rtGrouped.getValueAsDouble(ResultsTableMt.I0, i); ipRebuilt.setColor((int) (add + 0.5D)); OvalRoi roi = new OvalRoi((int) (paramTemp[0] + 0.5), (int) (paramTemp[1] + 0.5), (int) (2.0 * (paramTemp[2] + 0.5)), (int) (2.0 * (paramTemp[3] + 0.5))); ipRebuilt.fill(roi); } else { for (int ii = Math.max(xmin0, param.roi.x * rebuiltScale); ii < Math.min(xmin0 + length0, (param.roi.x + param.roi.width) * rebuiltScale); ii++) { for (int jj = Math.max(ymin0, param.roi.y * rebuiltScale); jj < Math.min(ymin0 + length0, (param.roi.y + param.roi.height) * rebuiltScale); jj++) { double add = llhFunct.PSFintegration(ii, jj, paramTemp) * scaleIntensity; index = (jj - param.roi.y * rebuiltScale) * ipRebuilt.getWidth() + ii - param.roi.x * rebuiltScale; if (ipRebuilt.getBitDepth() < 32) { while (pixels[index] + (int) add > MAX) { ipRebuilt.setPixels(pixels); ipRebuilt.multiply(0.5); pixels = (short[]) ipRebuilt.getPixels(); scaleIntensity *= 0.5; add *= 0.5; } } pixels[index] += (int) add; } } } } ipRebuilt.setPixels(pixels); if (refresh) impRebuilt.updateAndDraw(); } return impRebuilt; } // FILTER ON IMAGE // Gaussian filter Cf Matlab bpass.m public static ImageProcessor gaussianFilter(ImageProcessor ip, double lowNoise, double highNoise, Params param) { ImageProcessor ipR = ip.duplicate(); // String newLineToFile = ""; int kernel_size = 2 * 5 * (int) lowNoise + 1; int squaredKernel_size = (int) (Math.pow(kernel_size, 2)); float[] gaussian_kernel = new float[squaredKernel_size]; float sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < kernel_size; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < kernel_size; j++) { gaussian_kernel[j + i * kernel_size] = (float) (Math .exp(-Math.pow((-5 * (int) lowNoise + j) / (2.0 * lowNoise), 2.0))) * (float) (Math.exp(-Math.pow((-5 * (int) lowNoise + i) / (2.0 * lowNoise), 2.0))); sum += gaussian_kernel[j + i * kernel_size]; } } for (int i = 0; i < kernel_size; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < kernel_size; j++) { gaussian_kernel[j + i * kernel_size] /= sum; } } ImageProcessor ip2 = ip.duplicate(); ip2.convolve(gaussian_kernel, kernel_size, kernel_size); kernel_size = 2 * (int) Math.round(highNoise) + 1; squaredKernel_size = (int) (Math.pow(kernel_size, 2)); float[] boxcar_kernel = new float[squaredKernel_size]; for (int i = 0; i < squaredKernel_size; i++) { boxcar_kernel[i] = (float) (1.0D / squaredKernel_size); } ImageProcessor ip3 = ip.duplicate(); ip3.convolve(boxcar_kernel, kernel_size, kernel_size); if (param.fitting == Params.Fitting.CountingFit) ipR = ip2; // TODO: DEAL WITH THAT!!! else { for (int i = 0; i < ip.getWidth(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < ip.getHeight(); j++) { ipR.set(i, j, Math.max(ip2.get(i, j) - ip3.get(i, j), 0)); } } } // Zero out the values on the edges to signal that they're not useful. int lzero = Math.max((int) Math.round(highNoise), 5 * (int) lowNoise); for (int i = 0; i < lzero; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < ip.getWidth(); j++) { ipR.set(j, i, 0); ipR.set(j, ip.getHeight() - (i + 1), 0); } for (int j = 0; j < ip.getHeight(); j++) { ipR.set(i, j, 0); ipR.set(ip.getWidth() - (i + 1), j, 0); } } return ipR; } /** * Puts imageprocessor (ROI) into a new imageprocessor of size width x * height y at position (x,y). The image is mirrored around its edges to * avoid wrap around effects of the FFT. */ public static ImageProcessor tileMirror(ImageProcessor ip, int width, int height, int x, int y) { if (x < 0 || x > (width - 1) || y < 0 || y > (height - 1)) { IJ.log("Image to be tiled is out of bounds."); return null; } ImageProcessor ipout = ip.createProcessor(width, height); ImageProcessor ip2 = ip.crop(); int w2 = ip2.getWidth(); int h2 = ip2.getHeight(); // how many times does ip2 fit into ipout? int i1 = (int) Math.ceil(x / (double) w2); int i2 = (int) Math.ceil((width - x) / (double) w2); int j1 = (int) Math.ceil(y / (double) h2); int j2 = (int) Math.ceil((height - y) / (double) h2); // tile if ((i1 % 2) > 0.5) ip2.flipHorizontal(); if ((j1 % 2) > 0.5) ip2.flipVertical(); for (int i = -i1; i < i2; i += 2) { for (int j = -j1; j < j2; j += 2) { ipout.insert(ip2, x - i * w2, y - j * h2); } } ip2.flipHorizontal(); for (int i = -i1 + 1; i < i2; i += 2) { for (int j = -j1; j < j2; j += 2) { ipout.insert(ip2, x - i * w2, y - j * h2); } } ip2.flipVertical(); for (int i = -i1 + 1; i < i2; i += 2) { for (int j = -j1 + 1; j < j2; j += 2) { ipout.insert(ip2, x - i * w2, y - j * h2); } } ip2.flipHorizontal(); for (int i = -i1; i < i2; i += 2) { for (int j = -j1 + 1; j < j2; j += 2) { ipout.insert(ip2, x - i * w2, y - j * h2); } } return ipout; } // OPERATIONS ON CELLS public static Polygon[] getCells(String localRootDirName) { ImagePlus impWL = openImage(localRootDirName, "_WL.tif");; Polygon[] cells = getCellContours(impWL, 1, localRootDirName, true); impWL.close(); impWL.flush(); return cells; } public static Polygon[] getCellContours(ImagePlus rebuilt, int rebuiltScale, String rootDirName, boolean getNewIfNone) { Polygon[] cells = new Polygon[20]; int cell = 0; if (new File(rootDirName + File.separator + "0_Cell1-Contour.txt").isFile() || new File(rootDirName.substring(0, rootDirName.lastIndexOf(File.separator)).substring(0, rootDirName.substring(0, rootDirName.lastIndexOf(File.separator)) .substring(0, rootDirName.lastIndexOf(File.separator)).lastIndexOf(File.separator)) + File.separator + "0_Cell1-Contour.txt").isFile()) { String rootDirNameTemp; if (new File(rootDirName + File.separator + "0_Cell1-Contour.txt").isFile()) rootDirNameTemp = rootDirName; else rootDirNameTemp = rootDirName.substring(0, rootDirName.lastIndexOf(File.separator)).substring(0, rootDirName.substring(0, rootDirName.lastIndexOf(File.separator)) .substring(0, rootDirName.lastIndexOf(File.separator)).lastIndexOf(File.separator)); while (new File(rootDirNameTemp + File.separator + "0_Cell" + (cell + 1) + "-Contour.txt").isFile()) { ResultsTableMt saveCell = ResultsTableMt .open2(rootDirNameTemp + File.separator + "0_Cell" + (cell + 1) + "-Contour.txt"); if (getSum(saveCell.getColumnAsDoubles(saveCell.getColumnIndex("Xi"))) + getSum(saveCell.getColumnAsDoubles(saveCell.getColumnIndex("Yi"))) % 1 == 0) { cells[cell] = new Polygon( doubleToInt(saveCell.getColumnAsDoubles(saveCell.getColumnIndex("Xi"))), doubleToInt(saveCell.getColumnAsDoubles(saveCell.getColumnIndex("Yi"))), saveCell.getCounter()); } else { int[] xPol = new int[saveCell.getCounter()]; int[] yPol = new int[xPol.length]; for (int pol = 0; pol < xPol.length; pol++) { xPol[pol] = (int) Math.floor(saveCell.getValue("Xi", pol) + 0.5); yPol[pol] = (int) Math.floor(saveCell.getValue("Yi", pol) + 0.5); } cells[cell] = new Polygon(xPol, yPol, xPol.length); } cell++; } } else if (getNewIfNone) { ij.gui.WaitForUserDialog waitingGUI = new ij.gui.WaitForUserDialog("Roi selector", "Please select a roi in the new window and press 'OK'.");; int cellNumber = 0; while (!waitingGUI.escPressed() && cellNumber < cells.length) { cells[cellNumber] = rebuilt.getRoi().getPolygon(); cellNumber++; // ImageProcessor cell = Rebuilt.getRoi().getMask(); // cell.add(Rebuilt.getStatistics().mean); Overlay ol = rebuilt.getOverlay(); if (ol == null) ol = new Overlay(); Roi roiTemp = rebuilt.getRoi(); roiTemp.setFillColor(new Color(cellNumber * 10, cellNumber * 10, cellNumber * 10)); roiTemp.setStrokeColor(new Color(cellNumber * 10, cellNumber * 10, cellNumber * 10)); ol.add(roiTemp); TextRoi label1 = new TextRoi( rebuilt.getRoi().getBounds().x + (int) ((double) rebuilt.getRoi().getBounds().width / 2.0), rebuilt.getRoi().getBounds().y + (int) ((double) rebuilt.getRoi().getBounds().height / 2.0), "" + cellNumber, new Font(Font.SANS_SERIF, Font.PLAIN, 8)); label1.setStrokeColor(Color.BLACK); label1.setNonScalable(false); ol.add(label1); rebuilt.setOverlay(ol); rebuilt.setHideOverlay(false); rebuilt.updateAndDraw();; // rebuilt.setOverlay(Rebuilt.getRoi(), Color.WHITE, 0, // Color.GRAY); // rebuilt.updateImage(); rebuilt.deleteRoi(); waitingGUI = new ij.gui.WaitForUserDialog("Roi selector", "Please select a roi in the new window and press 'OK'.");; } for (cell = 0; cell < cells.length && cells[cell] != null; cell++) { Polygon polygon = cells[cell]; ResultsTableMt saveCell = new ResultsTableMt(); for (int i = 0; i < polygon.npoints; i++) { saveCell.incrementCounter(); saveCell.addValue("Xi", (int) (((double) polygon.xpoints[i]) / ((double) rebuiltScale) + 0.5)); saveCell.addValue("Yi", (int) (((double) polygon.ypoints[i]) / ((double) rebuiltScale) + 0.5)); } try { saveCell.saveAs(rootDirName + File.separator + "0_Cell" + (cell + 1) + "-Contour.txt"); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } cells[cell] = new Polygon(doubleToInt(saveCell.getColumnAsDoubles(saveCell.getColumnIndex("Xi"))), doubleToInt(saveCell.getColumnAsDoubles(saveCell.getColumnIndex("Yi"))), saveCell.getCounter()); } } Polygon[] retour = new Polygon[cell]; for (int i = 0; i < cell; i++) retour[i] = cells[i]; return retour; } // Cf. && // // return area of polygon public static double area(Polygon polygon) { return Math.abs(signedArea(polygon)); } public static double area(Point[] points) { Polygon polygon = new Polygon(); for (int i = 0; i < points.length; i++) { polygon.addPoint((int) (points[i].x + 0.5D), (int) (points[i].y + 0.5D)); } return area(polygon); } public static double area(Rectangle rectangle) { return rectangle.getHeight() * rectangle.getWidth(); } // return signed area of polygon public static double signedArea(Polygon polygon) { double sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < polygon.npoints - 1; i++) { sum += (polygon.xpoints[i] * polygon.ypoints[i + 1]) - (polygon.ypoints[i] * polygon.xpoints[i + 1]); } return 0.5 * sum; } public static boolean intersects(float cx, float cy, float radius, float left, float top, float right, float bottom) { float closestX = (cx < left ? left : (cx > right ? right : cx)); float closestY = (cy < top ? top : (cy > bottom ? bottom : cy)); float dx = closestX - cx; float dy = closestY - cy; return (dx * dx + dy * dy) <= radius * radius; } // COMPUTER public static class Time { private long start, end; public Time() { start = System.currentTimeMillis(); } public void start() { start = System.currentTimeMillis(); } public long stop(boolean print) { end = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (print) IJ.log("Time taken by the algorithm: " + (int) ((end - start) / 1000.0) + " s."); return end - start; } } public static double[] reverse(double[] vector) { double[] retour = new double[vector.length]; for (int i = 0; i < vector.length; i++) { retour[i] = vector[vector.length - 1 - i]; } return retour; } }