Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package sketchwars.scenes; import org.joml.Vector2d; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11; import; import sketchwars.input.MouseState; import sketchwars.input.MouseHandler; /** * * @author Najash Najimudeen <> */ public class Camera implements GameObject { private static final float SLOW_RADIUS = 0.05f; private static final float REACHED_RADIUS = 0.01f; private static final float MAX_PAN_ACCEL = 0.01f; private static final float MAX_ZOOM_ACCEL = 0.01f; private static final float PAN_SPEED = 0.0020f; private static final float ZOOM_SPEED = 0.0020f; private float panSpeed; private float zoomSpeed; private Vector2d panVelocity; private Vector2d zoomVelocity; private final float worldLeft; private final float worldRight; private final float worldTop; private final float worldBottom; private final float worldWidth; private final float worldHeight; private float left; private float top; private float nextLeft; private float nextTop; private float width; private float height; private float nextWidth; private float nextHeight; private boolean panning; private boolean zooming; private float xMouseFalling; private float yMouseFalling; private boolean expired; private boolean dragReset; public Camera(float worldLeft, float worldTop, float worldWidth, float worldHeight) { this.worldLeft = worldLeft; this.worldRight = worldLeft + worldWidth; this.worldTop = worldTop; this.worldBottom = worldTop - worldHeight; this.panSpeed = PAN_SPEED; this.zoomSpeed = ZOOM_SPEED; this.worldWidth = worldWidth; this.worldHeight = worldHeight; this.width = this.worldWidth; this.height = this.worldHeight; this.nextWidth = this.width; this.nextHeight = this.height; this.left = this.worldLeft; = this.worldTop; this.nextLeft = this.left; this.nextTop =; this.expired = false; this.panVelocity = new Vector2d(); this.zoomVelocity = new Vector2d(); this.dragReset = true; } public void toggleDragReset() { dragReset = !dragReset; } public void setDragReset(boolean value) { dragReset = value; } public boolean isDragResetOn() { return dragReset; } public boolean isPanning() { return panning; } public boolean isZooming() { return zooming; } public float getPanSpeed() { return panSpeed; } public void setPanSpeed(float panSpeed) { this.panSpeed = panSpeed; } public void setZoomSpeed(float zoomSpeed) { this.zoomSpeed = zoomSpeed; } public void setCameraSize(float width, float height) { this.width = width; this.height = height; } public void setNextCameraSize(float width, float height) { this.nextWidth = width; this.nextHeight = height; zooming = true; } public void setCameraPosition(float xCenter, float yCenter) { left = getBoundedXFromCenter(xCenter); top = getBoundedYFromCenter(yCenter); } private float getBoundedXFromCenter(float xCenter) { float xOffset = width / 2.0f; float maxLeft = worldRight - width; return (float) Math.min(Math.max(xCenter - xOffset, worldLeft), maxLeft); } private float getBoundedYFromCenter(float yCenter) { float yOffset = height / 2.0f; float minTop = worldBottom + height; return (float) Math.max(Math.min(yCenter + yOffset, worldTop), minTop); } private float getBoundedX(float x) { float maxLeft = worldRight - width; float minLeft = worldLeft; return (float) Math.min(Math.max(x, minLeft), maxLeft); } private float getBoundedY(float y) { float minTop = worldBottom + height; float maxTop = worldTop; return (float) Math.max(Math.min(y, maxTop), minTop); } public void setNextCameraPosition(float xCenter, float yCenter) { nextLeft = getBoundedXFromCenter(xCenter); nextTop = getBoundedYFromCenter(yCenter); panning = true; } @Override public void update(double delta) { if (zooming) { handleCameraZooming(delta); } if (panning && !zooming) { handleCameraPan(delta); } } public void applyCameraSettings() { Vector2d offset = getOffset(); GL11.glLoadIdentity(); GL11.glOrtho(worldLeft, worldRight, worldBottom, worldTop, -1.0, 1.0); GL11.glScalef(worldWidth / width, worldHeight / height, 1); GL11.glTranslatef((float) offset.x, (float) offset.y, 0); } private Vector2d getOffset() { if (MouseHandler.rightBtnState == MouseState.FALLING) { xMouseFalling = MouseHandler.xNormalized; yMouseFalling = MouseHandler.yNormalized; } else if (MouseHandler.rightBtnState == MouseState.DOWN) { float xMouse = MouseHandler.xNormalized; float yMouse = MouseHandler.yNormalized; float xDragOffset = xMouseFalling - xMouse; float yDragOffset = yMouseFalling - yMouse; left = getBoundedX(left + xDragOffset); top = getBoundedY(top + yDragOffset); } Vector2d offset = new Vector2d(); float xOffset = -(left + (width / 2.0f)); float yOffset = -(top - (height / 2.0f)); offset.set(xOffset, yOffset); return offset; } private void handleCameraPan(double delta) { Vector2d distance = new Vector2d(nextLeft - left, nextTop - top); Vector2d direction = new Vector2d(); distance.normalize(direction); float dist = (float) distance.length(); float targetSpeed = panSpeed; if (dist < SLOW_RADIUS) { targetSpeed = (panSpeed * dist / SLOW_RADIUS); } if (dist < REACHED_RADIUS) { panning = false; panVelocity = new Vector2d(); } else { Vector2d linearAccel = new Vector2d(direction.x * MAX_PAN_ACCEL, direction.y * MAX_PAN_ACCEL); panVelocity.x += linearAccel.x * delta; panVelocity.y += linearAccel.y * delta; if (panVelocity.length() > targetSpeed) { panVelocity.normalize(); panVelocity = new Vector2d(panVelocity.x * targetSpeed, panVelocity.y * targetSpeed); } left += panVelocity.x * delta; top += panVelocity.y * delta; } } public void setExpired(boolean expired) { this.expired = expired; } @Override public boolean hasExpired() { return expired; } public float getWidth() { return width; } public float getHeight() { return height; } public float getWorldLeft() { return worldLeft; } public float getWorldTop() { return worldTop; } public float getLeft() { return left; } public float getTop() { return top; } public float getWorldWidth() { return worldWidth; } public float getWorldHeight() { return worldHeight; } private void handleCameraZooming(double delta) { Vector2d distance = new Vector2d(nextWidth - width, nextHeight - height); Vector2d direction = new Vector2d(); distance.normalize(direction); float targetSpeed = zoomSpeed; float dist = (float) distance.length(); if (dist < SLOW_RADIUS) { targetSpeed = (zoomSpeed * dist / SLOW_RADIUS); } if (dist < REACHED_RADIUS) { zooming = false; zoomVelocity = new Vector2d(); } else { Vector2d linearAccel = new Vector2d(direction.x * MAX_ZOOM_ACCEL, direction.y * MAX_ZOOM_ACCEL); zoomVelocity.x += linearAccel.x * delta; zoomVelocity.y += linearAccel.y * delta; if (zoomVelocity.length() > targetSpeed) { zoomVelocity.normalize(); zoomVelocity = new Vector2d(zoomVelocity.x * targetSpeed, zoomVelocity.y * targetSpeed); } float xVelocity = (float) (zoomVelocity.x * delta); float yVelocity = (float) (zoomVelocity.y * delta); width += xVelocity; height += yVelocity; left -= xVelocity / 2.0f; top += yVelocity / 2.0f; } } public float getWorldRight() { return worldRight; } public float getWorldBottom() { return worldBottom; } public float getCenterX() { return left + width / 2.0f; } public float getCenterY() { return top - height / 2.0f; } }