Java tutorial
/***************************************************************************** * * * Copyright 2014 Rice University * * * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * * limitations under the License. * * * *****************************************************************************/ package simsql.runtime; import java.util.*; import*; import org.antlr.runtime.*; import; import; import simsql.code_generator.*; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.FileInputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.FileOutputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.filecache.DistributedCache; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.*; import*; public class SelectionOp extends RelOp { // returns a set of necessary mappings. public Set<String> getNecessaryValues() { return new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("operation", "input", "input.inFiles", "input.typeCode", "input.inAtts", "output", "output.outFile", "output.typeCode", "output.outAtts")); } // returns the name of the operation public String getOperatorName() { return "Selection" + (isChained ? "Chained" : ""); } // returns the set of inputs public String[] getInputs() { ArrayList<String> inputSet = new ArrayList<String>(); inputSet.addAll(getValue("input.inFiles").getStringList()); String[] foo = { "" }; return inputSet.toArray(foo); } public Map<String, Set<Set<String>>> getExistingSortAtts(PhysicalDatabase myDBase) { return getBaseSortAtts(myDBase, "input.inFiles", "input.inAtts"); } // returns the output of this operation public String getOutput() { return getValue("output.outFile").getStringLiteral(); } public short getOutputTypeCode() { return getValue("output.typeCode").getInteger().shortValue(); } // returns the set of output attribute names public String[] getOutputAttNames() { ArrayList<String> out = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Assignment a : getValue("output.outAtts").getAssignmentList()) { out.add(a.getIdentifier()); } return out.toArray(new String[0]); } // returns the functions -- from the selections and output expressions public String[] getFunctions() { HashSet<String> one = new HashSet<String>(); // go through the selections ParsedRHS selRHS = getValue("selection"); if (selRHS != null) { one.addAll(selRHS.getExpression().getAllFunctions()); } // and through the output attributes for (Assignment a : getValue("output.outAtts").getAssignmentList()) { one.addAll(a.getExpression().getAllFunctions()); } return one.toArray(new String[0]); } // number of reducers -- depends on duplicate removal. public int getNumReducers(RuntimeParameter params) { // map-only job if there is no duplicate removal / finals. if (!runSelectionReducer) { return 0; } // otherwise, use reducers. ExampleRuntimeParameter p = (ExampleRuntimeParameter) params; return p.getNumCPUs(); } // returns the set of macro replacements public Map<String, String> buildMacroReplacements() { Map<String, String> replacements = new HashMap<String, String>(); Map<String, String> inAtts = buildAttributeReplacements("input.inAtts", ""); replacements.put("inputNumAtts", "" + inAtts.size()); replacements.put("inputTypeCode", "" + getValue("input.typeCode").getInteger()); replacements.put("inputSelection", buildSelectionReplacement("selection", inAtts)); replacements.put("inputAssignments", buildAssignmentReplacements("output.outAtts", "returnVal.", inAtts)); replacements.put("outputNumAtts", "" + getValue("output.outAtts").getAssignmentList().size()); replacements.put("outputTypeCode", "" + getValue("output.typeCode").getInteger()); replacements.put("functionDeclarations", "" + buildFunctionDeclarations()); // make a hash on all the output attributes. String hhStr = ""; String phStr = ""; for (int i = 0; i < getValue("output.outAtts").getAssignmentList().size(); i++) { hhStr += " ^ atts[" + i + "].getHashCode()"; if (sortingAtts.contains(getValue("output.outAtts").getAssignmentList().get(i).getIdentifier())) { phStr += " ^ atts[" + i + "].getHashCode()"; } } replacements.put("selectionHash", hhStr); replacements.put("primaryHash", phStr); return replacements; } // returns the name of the template Java source file. public String getTemplateFile() { return "SelectionRecords.javat"; } // returns the mapper class. public Class<? extends Mapper> getMapperClass() { return isChained ? ChainedSelectionMapper.class : SelectionMapper.class; } // returns the reducer class. public Class<? extends Reducer> getReducerClass() { return SelectionReducer.class; } public Class getOutputValueClass() { return SelectionOut.class; } // configure the job... public void setConfigurations(Configuration conf, RuntimeParameter params) { // set for removing duplicates conf.setBoolean("simsql.removeDuplicates", removeDuplicates); // set for reducer thing. conf.setBoolean("simsql.runSelectionReducer", runSelectionReducer); // set the pre-dedup buffer size: 1/8 of available memory. ExampleRuntimeParameter p = (ExampleRuntimeParameter) params; conf.setLong("simsql.duplicatesBufferSize", (p.getMemoryPerCPUInMB() / 8) * 1024 * 1024); } public SelectionOp(Map<String, ParsedRHS> valuesIn) { super(valuesIn); // get the set of all output atts. outputAtts = new HashSet<String>(); for (Assignment a : getValue("output.outAtts").getAssignmentList()) { outputAtts.add(a.getIdentifier()); } // are we removing duplicates? ParsedRHS removeDup = getValue("removeDuplicates"); removeDuplicates = (removeDup != null && removeDup.getStringLiteral().equals("true")); // if we remove duplicates, our output attributes are our default sorting attributes. sortingAtts = new HashSet<String>(); if (removeDuplicates) { sortingAtts.addAll(outputAtts); } allSortingAtts = new HashSet<Set<String>>(); allSortingAtts.add(sortingAtts); // by default, run a reducer if we are removing duplicates. runSelectionReducer = (removeDuplicates); } // do we remove duplicate records? private boolean removeDuplicates; // do we run a reducer on this? private boolean runSelectionReducer; // our set of sorting and output attributes. private Set<String> sortingAtts; private Set<Set<String>> allSortingAtts; private Set<String> outputAtts; public boolean removeDuplicates() { return removeDuplicates; } // are we chained already? private boolean isChained = false; public boolean acceptsAppendable() { return false; } public boolean acceptsPipelineable() { return !isChained; } public boolean isPipelineable(int megabytesIn) { // can't pipeline if already chained. though that doesn't make // sense but it's good to check for sanity! if (isChained) { return false; } // pipelined duplicate removals not supported yet (requires sort). if (removeDuplicates) { return false; } // i had to disable this for seeds... for (Assignment a : getValue("output.outAtts").getAssignmentList()) { Expression e = a.getExpression(); if (e.getType().equals("func") && e.getValue().contains("seed")) { return false; } } // take some 16MB for all the data structures and processing and // whatnot. return 16L < megabytesIn; } public boolean isAppendable(String[] inx) { // TO-DO: cannot append if already chained. return !isChained; } public PipeNetwork getAppendableNetwork() { if (isChained) { throw new RuntimeException("Selection operation is already chained/appended!"); } // build the new input network PipeNetwork chainedNetwork = new PipeNetwork(getInputFiles(), new Short[] { -1 }); // 7747 is the typecode for the aggregators. // get the current input network PipeNetwork currentInput = addPipelinedOperationToInputPipeNetwork(new PipelinedSelection(this, true)); // set the flag. isChained = true; // replace the network. replaceNetworkOnInputSide(chainedNetwork); return currentInput; } public PipeNetwork getPipelinedVersion() { return addPipelinedOperationToInputPipeNetwork(new PipelinedSelection(this, false)); } // execution -- if we're chained and don't have to reduce, we skip // all of this. public boolean run(RuntimeParameter params, boolean verbose) { // if not chained OR if we need to run a reducer, run normally. if (!isChained || runSelectionReducer) { return, verbose); } // otherwise, just rename. System.out.println("This is a chained map-only selection that does not need to run a job."); System.out.println("Renaming the input/output paths and copying the stats."); String[] inDirs = getNetworkOnInputSide().getPipelinedInputFiles(); if (inDirs.length > 1) { throw new RuntimeException("Why is this selection using more than one input?"); } // set the size. if (getDB() != null) { long inSize = getDB().getTableSize(getDB().getTableName(inDirs[0])); getDB().setTableSize(getDB().getTableName(getOutput()), inSize); getDB().setNumAtts(getDB().getTableName(getOutput()), getOutputAttNames().length); } // do the renaming try { Configuration conf = new Configuration(); FileSystem dfs = FileSystem.get(conf); Path src = new Path(inDirs[0]); Path dest = new Path(getOutput()); return dfs.rename(src, dest); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not rename directories!" + e); } } // here, we determine if we are going to do a map-side selection, and which // sort orders we'll be following. public void determineWhatAlgorithmToRun(Set<Set<String>> votes, Map<String, Set<String>> fds, Map<String, Set<Set<String>>> sortingAttsIn) { // first off, get the set of sorting atts that we have from the input. String feeder = getNetworkOnInputSide().getFeeder(getInputs()[0]); Set<Set<String>> inSortAtts = new HashSet<Set<String>>(); sortingAttsIn.get(feeder); if (sortingAttsIn.containsKey(feeder)) { inSortAtts.addAll(sortingAttsIn.get(feeder)); } // update it with the rest. inSortAtts.addAll(getNetworkOnInputSide().findAnyAdditionalSortAttributes(feeder, inSortAtts)); // check if we are removing duplicates or if this is a final // relation. in the case of finals -- we just pass on our stuff, // and in the case of duplicate removals, we do the sorting we // want to do. if (isFinal || removeDuplicates) { if (!removeDuplicates) { allSortingAtts = inSortAtts; } System.out.println("No change due to finals/removed duplicates: " + allSortingAtts); return; } // if we have sort order requests, we'll try to honor them. if (votes.size() > 0) { // if our input sort is among those sort requests, we'll just keep it and don't do anything. for (Set<String> s : inSortAtts) { if (votes.contains(s)) { allSortingAtts = inSortAtts; System.out.println("Maintaining selection orders on " + allSortingAtts); return; } } // if not, then see if we have some statistics on the input // attributes, so as to choose a single one. try { HDFSTableStats stats = new HDFSTableStats(); stats.load(getInputs()[0]); if (stats.numTuples() > 0) { // get the array of input attributes. ArrayList<String> inputAtts = new ArrayList<String>(); inputAtts.addAll(getValue("input.inAtts").getIdentifierList()); String largestAtt = null; long largestSize = -1; for (Set<String> sw : votes) { for (String s : sw) { // get the position onf the attribute in the array. int attPos = inputAtts.indexOf(s); // and get its stats long itsSize = stats.numUniques(attPos); if (largestSize < itsSize) { largestSize = itsSize; largestAtt = s; } } } // the attribute with most distinct values is the one we choose. Set<String> wow = new HashSet<String>(); wow.add(largestAtt); System.out.println("Obtaining sorting attributes from statistics: " + wow); sortingAtts = wow; allSortingAtts.clear(); allSortingAtts.add(wow); runSelectionReducer = true; return; } } catch (Exception e) { // nothing here, in fact. } // otherwise, we'll find the largest of the requested sort orders. Set<String> biggest = null; for (Set<String> s : votes) { if (biggest == null || s.size() > biggest.size()) { biggest = s; } } System.out.println("Sorting selection output on " + biggest); runSelectionReducer = true; sortingAtts = biggest; allSortingAtts.clear(); allSortingAtts.add(biggest); return; } // final case: just give out these input sorting atts System.out.println("Maintaining selection orders without any matching: " + inSortAtts); allSortingAtts = inSortAtts; } // simply returns the sorting atts we have decided. public Set<Set<String>> getSortedOutputAtts() { return allSortingAtts; } // we can sort on anything we output, except in the case of a strict // duplicate removal. public Set<Set<String>> getAllPossibleSortingAtts() { if (removeDuplicates) { Set<Set<String>> outSet = new HashSet<Set<String>>(); outSet.addAll(allSortingAtts); return outSet; } return SubsetMachine.getAllSubsets(outputAtts); } // this asks the relational operation whether it has a preferred sort order for the input atts public Set<String> getPreferredSortOrder(String fName, Map<String, Set<String>> fds, Set<Set<String>> allPossibleSortingAtts) { return null; } }