Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 *                                                                           *
 *  Copyright 2014 Rice University                                           *
 *                                                                           *
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");          *
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.         *
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at                                  *
 *                                                                           *
 *                           *
 *                                                                           *
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software      *
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,        *
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. *
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and      *
 *  limitations under the License.                                           *
 *                                                                           *

package simsql.runtime;

import java.util.*;
import org.antlr.runtime.*;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.FileInputFormat;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.FileOutputFormat;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.filecache.DistributedCache;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.*;

class AggregateOp extends RelOp {

    // returns a set of necessary mappings.   
    public Set<String> getNecessaryValues() {
        return new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("operation", "input", "input.inFiles", "input.inAtts",
                "input.typeCode", "aggregates", "output", "output.outFile", "output.typeCode", "output.outAtts"));

    // returns the name of the operation
    public String getOperatorName() {
        return "Aggregate" + (isChained ? "Chained" : "");

    // returns the set of inputs
    public String[] getInputs() {
        ArrayList<String> inputSet = new ArrayList<String>();
        String[] foo = { "" };
        return inputSet.toArray(foo);

    public Map<String, Set<Set<String>>> getExistingSortAtts(PhysicalDatabase myDBase) {
        return getBaseSortAtts(myDBase, "input.inFiles", "input.inAtts");

    // returns the output of this operation
    public String getOutput() {
        return getValue("output.outFile").getStringLiteral();

    // returns the set of output attribute names
    public String[] getOutputAttNames() {

        ArrayList<String> out = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (Assignment a : getValue("output.outAtts").getAssignmentList()) {

        return out.toArray(new String[0]);

    public short getOutputTypeCode() {
        return getValue("output.typeCode").getInteger().shortValue();

    // set some configurations
    public void setConfigurations(Configuration conf, RuntimeParameter params) {

        ExampleRuntimeParameter p = (ExampleRuntimeParameter) params;
        conf.setLong("simsql.preAggregationBufferSize", (p.getMemoryPerCPUInMB() / 8) * 1024 * 1024);

    // number of reducers.
    public int getNumReducers(RuntimeParameter params) {

        // empty set of grouping attributes? one reducer in one tuple
        if (sortingAtts.isEmpty()) {
            return 1;

        // otherwise, use all the available CPUs as reducers.
        ExampleRuntimeParameter p = (ExampleRuntimeParameter) params;
        return p.getNumCPUs();

    // returns the functions -- from the selection, aggregate and output expressions
    public String[] getFunctions() {
        HashSet<String> one = new HashSet<String>();

        // go through the input selections
        ParsedRHS selRHS = getValue("input.selection");
        if (selRHS != null) {

        // go through the aggregate expressions
        for (AggregateExp agg : getValue("aggregates").getAggregateList()) {
            if (agg.getExpression() != null) {

        // go through the output selections
        ParsedRHS oSelRHS = getValue("output.selection");
        if (oSelRHS != null) {

        // and through the output attributes
        for (Assignment a : getValue("output.outAtts").getAssignmentList()) {

        return one.toArray(new String[0]);

    // returns the set of macro replacements
    public Map<String, String> buildMacroReplacements() {

        HashMap<String, String> replacements = new HashMap<String, String>();

        // get the basic replacements for the input.
        Map<String, String> inAtts = buildAttributeReplacements("input.inAtts", "");
        replacements.put("inputNumAtts", "" + inAtts.size());

        replacements.put("inputTypeCode", "" + getValue("input.typeCode").getInteger());
        replacements.put("inputSelection", buildSelectionReplacement("input.selection", inAtts));
        replacements.put("functionDeclarations", "" + buildFunctionDeclarations());

        // are there any grouping attributes?
        // "aggregatorHash" is the secondary hash.
        ParsedRHS groupByAttsRHS = getValue("input.groupByAtts");
        HashMap<String, String> aggAtts = new HashMap<String, String>();
        int counter = 0;
        if (groupByAttsRHS == null) {

            // if it is null, then everyone will hash/belong to the same group.
            replacements.put("groupingAttsAssignments", "");
            replacements.put("groupingAttsComparisons", "");
            replacements.put("groupingAttsPositions", "");
            replacements.put("aggregatorHash", "");
            replacements.put("primaryHash", "");
        } else {

            // otherwise, the first attributes are for the groupBy.
            // and the hash is computed for them.
            String gbStr = "";
            String hhStr = "";
            String coStr = "";
            String poStr = "";
            String primhhStr = "";
            boolean firstPos = true;
            for (String att : groupByAttsRHS.getIdentifierList()) {
                String newName = "atts[" + counter + "]";

                gbStr += "aggRec." + newName + " = " + inAtts.get(att) + ";\n    ";
                hhStr += " ^ " + newName + ".getHashCode()";
                if (sortingAtts.contains(att)) {
                    primhhStr += " ^ " + newName + ".getHashCode()";

                coStr += " && " + newName + ".equals(rec." + newName + ").allAreTrue()";

                if (firstPos) {
                    poStr += counter;
                    firstPos = false;
                } else {
                    poStr += ", " + counter;

                aggAtts.put("input." + att, newName);

            replacements.put("groupingAttsAssignments", gbStr);
            replacements.put("groupingAttsComparisons", coStr);
            replacements.put("groupingAttsPositions", poStr);
            replacements.put("aggregatorHash", hhStr);
            replacements.put("primaryHash", primhhStr);

        // now, we'll create the aggregator attributes and their initializers/consumers/finalizers.
        String initStr = ""; // initializers
        String consStr = ""; // consumers. finalizers are put in the HashMap of the attributes.

        for (AggregateExp agg : getValue("aggregates").getAggregateList()) {

            String finStr = "";
            String funcStr = "lessThan"; // for the max/min

            switch (agg.getType()) {

            case COUNTALL: {
                String attCount = "atts[" + counter + "]";

                initStr += "aggRec." + attCount + " = aggRec.isPresent";
                for (String s : inAtts.keySet()) {
                    initStr += ".and(" + inAtts.get(s) + ".isNull().not())";
                initStr += ".toInt();\n\t";

                consStr += attCount + " = " + attCount + ".add(me." + attCount + ");\n\t";
                aggAtts.put("aggregates." + agg.getIdentifier(), attCount);

            case COUNT: {
                String attCount = "atts[" + counter + "]";
                String tempAttCount = "temp_" + counter;

                initStr += "aggRec." + attCount + " = " + agg.getExpression().print(inAtts)
                        + ".isNull().not().and(aggRec.isPresent).toInt();\n\t";

                // add recycling stuff
                consStr += "Attribute " + tempAttCount + " = " + attCount + ";\n\t";
                consStr += attCount + " = " + attCount + ".add(me." + attCount + ");\n\t";

                consStr += tempAttCount + ".recycle();\n\t";
                consStr += "me." + attCount + ".recycle();\n\t";

                aggAtts.put("aggregates." + agg.getIdentifier(), attCount);

            case SUM: {
                String attSum = "atts[" + counter + "]";
                String tempAttSum = "temp_" + counter;


                initStr += "aggRec." + attSum + " = aggRec.isPresent.toInt().multiply("
                        + agg.getExpression().print(inAtts) + ");\n\t";

                // add recycling stuff.
                consStr += "Attribute " + tempAttSum + " = " + attSum + ";\n\t";
                consStr += attSum + " = " + attSum + ".add(me." + attSum + ");\n\t";

                consStr += tempAttSum + ".recycle();\n\t";
                consStr += "me." + attSum + ".recycle();\n\t";

                aggAtts.put("aggregates." + agg.getIdentifier(), attSum);

            case AVG: {
                String attCount = "atts[" + counter + "]";
                String tempAttCount = "temp_" + counter;

                String attSum = "atts[" + counter + "]";
                String tempAttSum = "temp_" + counter;

                initStr += "aggRec." + attCount + " = " + agg.getExpression().print(inAtts)
                        + ".isNull().not().and(aggRec.isPresent).toInt();\n\t";
                initStr += "aggRec." + attSum + " = aggRec.isPresent.toInt().multiply("
                        + agg.getExpression().print(inAtts) + ");\n\t";

                // add recycling stuff.
                consStr += "Attribute " + tempAttCount + " = " + attCount + ";\n\t";
                consStr += "Attribute " + tempAttSum + " = " + attSum + ";\n\t";

                consStr += attCount + " = " + attCount + ".add(me." + attCount + ");\n\t";
                consStr += attSum + " = " + attSum + ".add(me." + attSum + ");\n\t";

                consStr += tempAttCount + ".recycle();\n\t";
                consStr += tempAttSum + ".recycle();\n\t";

                consStr += "me." + attCount + ".recycle();\n\t";
                consStr += "me." + attSum + ".recycle();\n\t";

                aggAtts.put("aggregates." + agg.getIdentifier(), attSum + ".divide(" + attCount + ")");

            case STDEV:
                finStr = "_agg_sqrt.apply";

            case VAR: {
                String attCount = "atts[" + counter + "]";

                String attSum = "atts[" + counter + "]";

                String attSumSq = "atts[" + counter + "]";

                initStr += "aggRec." + attCount + " = " + agg.getExpression().print(inAtts)
                        + ".isNull().not().and(aggRec.isPresent).toInt();\n\t";
                initStr += "aggRec." + attSum + " = aggRec.isPresent.toInt().multiply("
                        + agg.getExpression().print(inAtts) + ");\n\t";
                initStr += "aggRec." + attSumSq + " = aggRec.isPresent.toInt().multiply("
                        + agg.getExpression().print(inAtts) + ".multiply(" + agg.getExpression().print(inAtts)
                        + "));\n\t";

                consStr += attCount + " = " + attCount + ".add(me." + attCount + ");\n\t";
                consStr += attSum + " = " + attSum + ".add(me." + attSum + ");\n\t";
                consStr += attSumSq + " = " + attSumSq + ".add(me." + attSumSq + ");\n\t";

                finStr += "((" + attSumSq + ".divide(" + attCount + ")).subtract((" + attSum + ".divide(" + attCount
                        + ")).multiply(" + attSum + ".divide(" + attCount + "))))";

                aggAtts.put("aggregates." + agg.getIdentifier(), finStr);


            case MAX:
                funcStr = "greaterThan";

            case MIN: {
                String attValue = "atts[" + counter + "]";
                String valueBit = "max_" + counter;

                initStr += "aggRec." + attValue + " = " + agg.getExpression().print(inAtts) + ";\n\t";
                consStr += "Bitstring " + valueBit + " = " + attValue + "." + funcStr + "(me." + attValue
                        + ").and(me.isPresent);\n\t";
                consStr += attValue + " = " + attValue + ".multiply(" + valueBit + ".toInt()).add(me." + attValue
                        + ".multiply(" + valueBit + ".not().toInt()));\n\t";

                aggAtts.put("aggregates." + agg.getIdentifier(), attValue);

            case VECTOR: {
                String attValue = "atts[" + counter + "]";
                initStr += "aggRec." + attValue + " = new AggregatorVector((ScalarAttribute)"
                        + agg.getExpression().print(inAtts) + ");\n\t";
                consStr += attValue + " = " + "((AggregatorVector)" + attValue + ").combine((AggregatorVector)me."
                        + attValue + ");\n\t";
                aggAtts.put("aggregates." + agg.getIdentifier(), "((AggregatorVector)" + attValue + ").condense()");

            case ROWMATRIX: {
                String attValue = "atts[" + counter + "]";
                initStr += "aggRec." + attValue + " = new AggregatorMatrix((VectorAttribute)"
                        + agg.getExpression().print(inAtts) + ", true);\n\t";
                consStr += attValue + " = " + "((AggregatorMatrix)" + attValue + ").combine((AggregatorMatrix)me."
                        + attValue + ");\n\t";
                aggAtts.put("aggregates." + agg.getIdentifier(), "((AggregatorMatrix)" + attValue + ").condense()");

            case COLMATRIX: {
                String attValue = "atts[" + counter + "]";
                initStr += "aggRec." + attValue + " = new AggregatorMatrix((VectorAttribute)"
                        + agg.getExpression().print(inAtts) + ", false);\n\t";
                consStr += attValue + " = " + "((AggregatorMatrix)" + attValue + ").combine((AggregatorMatrix)me."
                        + attValue + ");\n\t";
                aggAtts.put("aggregates." + agg.getIdentifier(), "((AggregatorMatrix)" + attValue + ").condense()");

                throw new RuntimeException("Undefined aggregate type " + agg.getType().toString());
        replacements.put("aggregateInitializers", initStr);
        replacements.put("aggregateConsumers", consStr);
        replacements.put("numAggregatorAtts", "" + counter);

        // now, get the output parts.
        Map<String, String> allAtts = buildAttributeAssignReplacements("output.outAtts", "", "finalRec.");
        replacements.put("outputSelection", buildSelectionReplacement("output.selection", allAtts));
        replacements.put("outputAssignments", buildAssignmentReplacements("output.outAtts", "finalRec.", allAtts));
        replacements.put("outputNumAtts", "" + getValue("output.outAtts").getAssignmentList().size());
        replacements.put("outputTypeCode", "" + getValue("output.typeCode").getInteger());

        // to-do
        return replacements;

    // returns the name of the template Java source file.
    public String getTemplateFile() {
        return "AggregateRecords.javat";

    // returns a straight pipe if the aggregate is chained
    private boolean isChained = false;
    private PipeNetwork chainedNetwork = null;

    public boolean acceptsAppendable() {
        return false;

    public boolean acceptsPipelineable() {
        return !isChained;

    public boolean isAppendable(String[] inx) {

        // if we are already chained, we cannot append.
        if (isChained) {
            return false;

        // to avoid over-optimistically pushing aggregates over long
        // chains of joins and ruining the potential for reducing the number
        // of join jobs, we won't let this operation be appendable unless all of the
        // non-pipelined inputs are still not materialized, because they could be
        // re-evaluated. but if we append before they are re-evaluated, we lose the
        // opportunity to pipeline the preceding operator!
        for (int i = 0; i < inx.length; i++) {
            if (getPathsActualSize(new String[] { inx[i] }) == 0) {
                return false;

        return true;

    public PipeNetwork getAppendableNetwork() {

        if (isChained) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Aggregate operation is already chained/appended!");

        // build the new input network
        PipeNetwork chainedNetwork = new PipeNetwork(getInputFiles(), new Short[] { 7747 }); // 7747 is the typecode for the aggregators.

        // get the current input network
        PipeNetwork currentInput = getPipelinedVersion();

        // set the flag.
        isChained = true;

        // replace the network.

        return currentInput;

    public PipeNetwork getPipelinedVersion() {
        return addPipelinedOperationToInputPipeNetwork(new PipelinedAggregate(this));

    // returns the mapper class.
    // if this aggregate is chained, use a different mapper class.
    public Class<? extends Mapper> getMapperClass() {
        if (isChained)
            return ChainedAggregateMapper.class;

        return AggregateMapper.class;

    // returns the reducer class.
    public Class<? extends Reducer> getReducerClass() {
        return AggregateReducer.class;

    public AggregateOp(Map<String, ParsedRHS> inValues) {

        // set up the default algorithm to run.
        ParsedRHS gbRHS = getValue("input.groupByAtts");
        sortingAtts = new HashSet<String>();
        groupingAtts = new HashSet<String>();
        if (gbRHS != null && gbRHS.getIdentifierList().size() > 0) {

        allSortingAtts = new HashSet<Set<String>>();

    // sets of sorting and grouping attributes to use.
    private Set<Set<String>> allSortingAtts;
    private Set<String> sortingAtts;
    private Set<String> groupingAtts;

    // here, we determine if we are going to do a map-side aggregate, and which
    // sort order we'll be following.
    public void determineWhatAlgorithmToRun(Set<Set<String>> votes, Map<String, Set<String>> fds,
            Map<String, Set<Set<String>>> sortingAttsIn) {

        // get the set of input sorts.
        String feederFile = getNetworkOnInputSide().getFeeder(getInputs()[0]);
        Set<Set<String>> inSortingAtts = sortingAttsIn.get(feederFile);
        if (inSortingAtts == null) {
            inSortingAtts = new HashSet<Set<String>>();

        inSortingAtts.addAll(getNetworkOnInputSide().findAnyAdditionalSortAttributes(feederFile, inSortingAtts));

        // check if we have an empty set of grouping/sorting atts. there is nothing
        // we can do in that case because the output is a single tuple.
        if (groupingAtts.isEmpty()) {

        // we'll try to do a map-side aggregate first, which can only be done if
        // the relation is not final and if we have not previously chained the aggregate.
        if (!isFinal && !isChained) {

            // get all the subsets to our grouping atts.
            Set<Set<String>> allGroupings = SubsetMachine.getAllSubsets(groupingAtts);

            // if any of those subsets are contained by our input sort
            // attributes, we'll do a map-side aggregate on that, and
            // preserve the order.
            for (Set<String> ss : allGroupings) {

                if (inSortingAtts.contains(ss)) {
                    System.out.println("Matched aggregate sorting on " + ss);
                    sortingAtts = ss;
                    allSortingAtts = inSortingAtts;

        // if we got here, we have to reduce. then, we'll see if we can
        // honor any of the requested sort orders.
        if (votes.size() > 0) {

            // of all the requested orders that are subsets of our grouping
            // atts, find the largest.
            Set<Set<String>> allGroupings = SubsetMachine.getAllSubsets(groupingAtts);

            Set<String> biggest = null;
            for (Set<String> s : votes) {
                if (allGroupings.contains(s) && (biggest == null || s.size() > biggest.size())) {
                    biggest = s;

            // did we find something?
            if (biggest != null) {
                System.out.println("Sorting aggregate groups on " + biggest + " (requested)");
                sortingAtts = biggest;

            System.out.println("Sorting aggregate groups on " + sortingAtts + " (original)");

    // simply returns the sorting atts we have decided.
    public Set<Set<String>> getSortedOutputAtts() {
        return allSortingAtts;

    // our possible sorting atts are: all subsets of the set of grouping atts.
    public Set<Set<String>> getAllPossibleSortingAtts() {

        if (groupingAtts.size() > 0)
            return SubsetMachine.getAllSubsets(groupingAtts);
            return new HashSet<Set<String>>();

    // we *do* have a preferred sort order: our grouping attributes.
    public Set<String> getPreferredSortOrder(String fName, Map<String, Set<String>> fds,
            Set<Set<String>> allPossibleSortingAtts) {

        // get the largest possible sort order that can help us do our aggregate.
        if (groupingAtts.isEmpty()) {

            // though, null if we don't need anything in particular.
            return null;

        Set<Set<String>> allGroupings = SubsetMachine.getAllSubsets(groupingAtts);
        Set<String> biggest = null;
        for (Set<String> ss : allGroupings) {
            if (allPossibleSortingAtts.contains(ss) && (biggest == null || ss.size() > biggest.size())) {
                biggest = ss;

        // return it -- null if we found nothing.
        return biggest;
