Java tutorial
/** Copyright (C) <2016> <Santhilata Kuppili Venkata> This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package SimpleGui; /** * Created by santhilata on 12/02/16. */ /* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ import cern.jet.random.Normal; import cern.jet.random.Poisson; import cern.jet.random.engine.DRand; import cern.jet.random.engine.RandomEngine; import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.ExponentialDistribution; import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.PoissonDistribution; import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.UniformIntegerDistribution; import javax.swing.*; import*; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Created by santhilata on 6/2/16. */ public class QueryGenerator { private ConfigurationClass configuration; private int noEpochs; private String[] distributions; private int[] numbQs; private String[] percentQueryRepetition; private int[] numbSubQs; private String[] percentSubqueryRepetition; private double[] meanValues; private double[] varianceValues; private double[] meanExponentialValues; private int[] uniformLowerLimit; private int[] uniformUpperLimit; private double[] slopeValue; ArrayList<String> sub_queries = new ArrayList<>(); // String[] userLocations = new String[20]; ArrayList<String> userLocations = new ArrayList<>(); int noOfPQSS = 50; int NUMBER_OF_QUERY_SEGMENTS = 4000; // limiting no of query segments geb=nerated to some value final String[] conditionArray = { "eq", "gt", "lt", "gte", "lte", "true", "false", "other", "between" }; private static int noOfSQS = 0; // ArrayList<String> sqss = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<String> pqss = new ArrayList<>(50); public QueryGenerator() { } public int getNoEpochs() { return noEpochs; } public void setNoEpochs(int noEpochs) { this.noEpochs = noEpochs; } public String[] getDistributions() { return distributions; } public void setDistributions(String[] distributions) { this.distributions = distributions; } public int[] getNumbQs() { return numbQs; } public void setNumbQs(int[] numbQs) { this.numbQs = numbQs; } public String[] getPercentQueryRepetition() { return percentQueryRepetition; } public void setPercentQueryRepetition(String[] percentQueryRepetition) { this.percentQueryRepetition = percentQueryRepetition; } public int[] getNumbSubQs() { return numbSubQs; } public void setNumbSubQs(int[] numbSubQs) { this.numbSubQs = numbSubQs; } public String[] getPercentSubqueryRepetition() { return percentSubqueryRepetition; } public void setPercentSubqueryRepetition(String[] percentSubqueryRepetition) { this.percentSubqueryRepetition = percentSubqueryRepetition; } public double[] getMeanValues() { return meanValues; } public void setMeanValues(double[] meanValues) { this.meanValues = meanValues; } public double[] getMeanExponentialValues() { return meanExponentialValues; } public void setMeanExponentialValues(double[] meanExponentialValues) { this.meanExponentialValues = meanExponentialValues; } public double[] getVarianceValues() { return varianceValues; } public void setVarianceValues(double[] varianceValues) { this.varianceValues = varianceValues; } public int[] getUniformLowerLimit() { return uniformLowerLimit; } public void setUniformLowerLimit(int[] uniformLowerLimit) { this.uniformLowerLimit = uniformLowerLimit; } public int[] getUniformUpperLimit() { return uniformUpperLimit; } public void setUniformUpperLimit(int[] uniformUpperLimit) { this.uniformUpperLimit = uniformUpperLimit; } public double[] getSlopeValue() { return slopeValue; } public void setSlopeValue(double[] slopeValue) { this.slopeValue = slopeValue; } public ConfigurationClass getConfiguration() { if (this.configuration == null) { this.configuration = new ConfigurationClass(); } return configuration; } public ArrayList<String> getUserLocations() { return userLocations; } public void setUserLocations() { // int numULoc = this.configuration.getDistributedEnvironment().getDatabaseSchema().length; int numbLANs = this.configuration.getDistributedEnvironment().getNumbLANs(); int numbU_LANs = this.configuration.getDistributedEnvironment().getUserGroupsPerLAN(); int numULoc = numbLANs * numbU_LANs; System.out.println("num u loc" + numULoc); for (int i = 0; i < numbLANs; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < numbU_LANs; j++) { this.userLocations.add("ULoc" + i + "_" + j); } } } public void setConfiguration(ConfigurationClass configuration) { this.configuration = configuration; } /** * The following code will generate code and saves it in a comma separated file (.csv) * File contains two columns of values. * First column: arrival time of the query (as described in the distribution) * Second column: query itself */ public ArrayList<File> generateQuerySet() throws IOException { //1.Decide on number of single sub-queries (upto 5) //2. Generate all permutations of sub-queries from 1 to given number (for the given number of // sub-queries) into an arraylist //3. Generate values with given sub-query distribution //4. Pick a particular sub-query sequence and if it is shorter than the required length, add some // arbitrary sub-queries. //5. Save in an appropriate file with proper file name //===================================================================== ArrayList<File> inputFiles = new ArrayList<>(); File sqFile = null; FileWriter sqWriter = null; File qFile = null; FileWriter qWriter = null; // get distributions of user locations setUserLocations(); //generate query set for a specified number of epochs for (int epoch = 1; epoch <= this.getNoEpochs(); epoch++) { String distribution = this.distributions[epoch - 1]; int numQs = numbQs[epoch - 1]; String pcQueryRepeat = percentQueryRepetition[epoch - 1]; int numSubqs = numbSubQs[epoch - 1]; String pcSubQRepeat = percentSubqueryRepetition[epoch - 1]; int u_upper = uniformUpperLimit[epoch - 1]; int u_lower = uniformLowerLimit[epoch - 1]; double slope = slopeValue[epoch - 1]; // get distributions of arrival times int[] arrivalTimes = getDistributionValues(distribution, numQs, meanValues[epoch - 1], varianceValues[epoch - 1], meanExponentialValues[epoch - 1], u_lower, u_upper, slope, numQs); Arrays.sort(arrivalTimes); System.out.println(getUserLocations().size()); int[] userLocationDetails = getDistributionValues("Uniform", numQs, getUserLocations().size() / 2, getUserLocations().size() / 3, 2, 0, getUserLocations().size() - 1, 1, getUserLocations().size()); // The following if condition is to specify whether we would want only sub-query repeatition or only query repetition //if we want only sub-query repetition, then query repetition is chose to be "None" and vice versa. if (pcQueryRepeat.equals("None")) { //if you want only sub query repetition //Following code is to create queries with sub-query repeat sqFile = new File("//home//santhilata//Dropbox//CacheLearning//QGen//src//main//java//QueryInput//" + epoch + "_subqueryRepeat_10.csv"); sqWriter = new FileWriter(sqFile); sqWriter.flush(); //sqWriter.append("Arrival time,Query"); //sqWriter.append('\n'); //considering 10 uniq queries at the moment. So variance is not much double variance = 0; double slopeSubQ = 0; if (pcSubQRepeat.equals("Poisson")) variance = 3; else if (pcSubQRepeat.equals("Grading")) slopeSubQ = 1.5; createSubQuerySequences(numSubqs); //creates two lists: uniqQs and uniqSubQs ArrayList<String> sub_queryList = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<String> inputQueryList = null; int[] sampleSQValues = getDistributionValues(pcSubQRepeat, numQs, (double) uniqSubQs.size() / 2.0, variance, (double) uniqSubQs.size() / 3.0, 0, uniqSubQs.size() - 1, slopeSubQ, uniqSubQs.size()); for (int j = 0; j < numQs; j++) { String str = uniqSubQs.get(sampleSQValues[j]); String[] numSubQueries = str.split(Pattern.quote(")")); int remaining = numSubqs - numSubQueries.length; if (remaining > 0) { // if chosen sequences are less than required number of subqueries for (int i = 0; i < remaining; i++) { str = str + uniqSubQs.get(new Random().nextInt(uniqSubQs.size())); } } sub_queryList.add(str); } if (numSubqs == 1) inputQueryList = getQueryExpression_oneNode(sub_queryList); if (numSubqs == 2) inputQueryList = getQueryExpression_twoNode(sub_queryList); if (numSubqs == 3) inputQueryList = getQueryExpression_threeNode(sub_queryList); if (numSubqs == 4) inputQueryList = getQueryExpression_fourNode(sub_queryList); if (numSubqs == 5) inputQueryList = getQueryExpression_fiveNode(sub_queryList); //now write them back to a file for (int queries = 0; queries < numQs; queries++) { sqWriter.append(arrivalTimes[queries] + "@"); // add arrival times as the first column // File sub_querySamples = new File // ("//home//santhilata//dropbox//CacheLearning//QGen//src//main//java//QueryInput//SubQueries" + // ".txt"); sqWriter.append(userLocationDetails[queries] + "@"); sqWriter.append(inputQueryList.get(queries) + "\n"); } sqWriter.close(); } // if you want only sub query repetition else { //Following code is to create queries with sub-query repeat qFile = new File("//home//santhilata//Dropbox//CacheLearning//QGen//src//main//java//QueryInput//" + epoch + "_queryRepeat_10.csv"); qWriter = new FileWriter(qFile); qWriter.flush(); //qWriter.append("Arrival time,Query"); //qWriter.append('\n'); //considering 10 uniq queries at the moment. So variance is not much double variance = 0; double slopeQ = 0; // if (pcQueryRepeat.equals("Poisson")) variance = 3; // variance for 20 - 6, 50-12, 100-24 if (pcQueryRepeat.equals("Grading")) slopeQ = 1.5; createSubQuerySequences(numSubqs); ArrayList<String> queryList1 = null; //create unique query lists if (numSubqs == 1) queryList1 = getQueryExpression_oneNode(uniqQs); else if (numSubqs == 2) queryList1 = getQueryExpression_twoNode(uniqQs); else if (numSubqs == 3) queryList1 = getQueryExpression_threeNode(uniqQs); else if (numSubqs == 4) queryList1 = getQueryExpression_fourNode(uniqQs); else if (numSubqs == 5) queryList1 = getQueryExpression_fiveNode(uniqQs); int[] sampleQValues = getDistributionValues(pcQueryRepeat, numQs, (double) queryList1.size() / 2.0, (double) queryList1.size() / 4.0, (double) queryList1.size() / 3.0, 0, queryList1.size() - 1, slopeQ, queryList1.size()); for (int i = 0; i < numQs; i++) { qWriter.append(arrivalTimes[i] + "@"); qWriter.append(userLocationDetails[i] + "@"); qWriter.append(queryList1.get(sampleQValues[i]) + "\n"); } qWriter.close(); } countQueries(epoch); // to count unique queries. This step is for debugging purposes only File file; if (sqFile != null) file = sqFile; else file = qFile; inputFiles.add(file); } // for epoch loop // generateSubQuerySamples(4000); return inputFiles; } /** * sqss are the subject query segments */ private void createSQSS() { DatabaseDetails[] ddetails = this.getConfiguration().getDistributedEnvironment().getDatabaseSchema(); String tempSQS = ""; ArrayList<String> temp_sqss = new ArrayList<>(); for (int database = 1; database < ddetails.length; database++) { // for all databases for (int table = 1; table < ddetails[database].tables.length; table++) { // for tables within each database for (int attribute = 1; attribute < ddetails[database].attributes[table].length; attribute++) { // for all // attributes noOfSQS++; // tempSQS = "at"+attribute+table+database+":t"+table+database+":d"+database+""; tempSQS = ddetails[database].getAttributes()[table][attribute] + ":" + ddetails[database].getTables()[table] + ":" + ddetails[database].getDatabaseName(); if (!sqss.contains(tempSQS)) { sqss.add(tempSQS); } } // the following is to create multiple attributes tempSQS = ""; int attrLength = ddetails[database].attributes[table].length; for (int attribute = 1; attribute < attrLength; attribute++) { // for all attributes in each table Random randomIndex = new Random(); // Random noOfAttr = new Random(); Set checkRandom = new HashSet(5); // upto 5 attributes only int tempRandomIndexSQS = randomIndex.nextInt(attrLength); //to decide the attribute to pickup int noOfAttr = new Random().nextInt(4); // to decide number of attributes in SQS // checking for duplicates for (int i = 0; i < noOfAttr; i++) { while (checkRandom.contains(tempRandomIndexSQS)) { tempRandomIndexSQS = randomIndex.nextInt(attrLength); } //this piece of tempSQS is to make sure that there is atleast one attribute in SQS checkRandom.add(tempRandomIndexSQS); tempSQS = tempSQS + "at" + tempRandomIndexSQS + table + database + ";"; } tempRandomIndexSQS = randomIndex.nextInt(attrLength); while (checkRandom.contains(tempRandomIndexSQS)) { tempRandomIndexSQS = randomIndex.nextInt(attrLength); } tempSQS = tempSQS + "at" + tempRandomIndexSQS + table + database + ":t" + table + database + ":d" + database; if (!sqss.contains(tempSQS)) { sqss.add(tempSQS); } tempSQS = ""; } } //no of tables } //no of databases Collections.shuffle(sqss); } /** * pqss are predicate query segments that decide the number of rows */ private void createPQSS() { for (int p = 0; p < noOfPQSS; p++) { String tempPQS = ""; UniformIntegerDistribution uniform = new UniformIntegerDistribution(1, sqss.size() - 1); String attr2 = ""; String condition = ""; int tempAttr = uniform.sample(); while ((tempAttr == 0)) { // to avoid 0 tempAttr = uniform.sample(); } attr2 = sqss.get(tempAttr); // get a random value from sqss Random shouldHaveAttr2 = new Random(); int OKattr2 = shouldHaveAttr2.nextInt(4);//4 is an arbitrarily chosen to limit number of attributes if (OKattr2 >= 2) { // to have tempPQS = tempPQS + "," + attr2; condition = conditionArray[new Random().nextInt(8)]; // a value from condition //cardinality is a random number generated to give a number for size of the query long cardinality = Math.round(Math.abs(new Random().nextGaussian() * 1000)); // System.out.println("cardinality is "+cardinality); tempPQS = tempPQS + "," + condition + "-" + cardinality; } else { condition = conditionArray[new Random().nextInt(8)]; long cardinality = Math.round(Math.abs(new Random().nextGaussian() * 1000)); tempPQS = "," + condition + "-" + cardinality; } pqss.add(tempPQS);// + ">"); } } /** * Following method is to return an execution operator * @return */ private String getRoot() { String[] seq_parallel = { "&", "_" }; String root = seq_parallel[new Random().nextInt(2)]; return root; } /** * Creating specified number (numOfQuerySegments) of sub-queries * This should be first time to keep sub-queries set fixed for all inputs */ public ArrayList<String> generateSubQuerySamples(int numOfQuerySegments) throws IOException { /* File file = new File("//home//santhilata//Dropbox//CacheLearning//QGen//src//main//java//QueryInput" + "//SubQueries.txt"); FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(file); fw.flush(); */ DatabaseDetails[] ddetails = this.getConfiguration().getDistributedEnvironment().getDatabaseSchema(); int querySegmentSample = 0; String tempSTR = ""; ArrayList<String> queries = new ArrayList<>(numOfQuerySegments); createSQSS(); createPQSS(); for (int i = 0; i < numOfQuerySegments; i++) { String query = ""; ArrayList<String> tempListSQS = new ArrayList<>(); int noOfSQSInQuery = 0; // This variable is to select more than one sqss. This is to ensure we get data from multiple databases while (noOfSQSInQuery == 0) { noOfSQSInQuery = new Random().nextInt(ddetails.length) + 1; // upto no.of databases } int seed = new Random().nextInt(8); while (seed == 0) { seed = new Random().nextInt(8); } PoissonDistribution poisson = new PoissonDistribution(noOfSQS / seed); UniformIntegerDistribution uid = new UniformIntegerDistribution(noOfSQS / (seed + 1), noOfSQS / (seed)); //adding SQS in the query for (int j = 0; j < noOfSQSInQuery; j++) { // String tempSTR = sqss.get(poisson.sample()); if (querySegmentSample > sqss.size() - 1) querySegmentSample = 0; else { tempSTR = sqss.get(querySegmentSample); querySegmentSample++; } if (!tempListSQS.contains(tempSTR)) tempListSQS.add(tempSTR); else j--; } for (int j = 0; j < noOfSQSInQuery; j++) { query = query + "<" + tempListSQS.get(j) + ">"; } //till here added sqs in a query int tempAttr = new Random().nextInt(noOfSQSInQuery); //to ensure that first attribute is taken from the chosen subject query segments while ((tempAttr == 0)) { if (noOfSQSInQuery == 1) tempAttr = 1; else tempAttr = new Random().nextInt(noOfSQSInQuery); } String attr1 = ""; if (tempAttr == 1) attr1 = tempListSQS.get(0); else attr1 = tempListSQS.get(tempAttr); String attr2 = attr1 + "*"; // what is this star for? while (attr2.contains(attr1)) { //this is to avoid repetition of attributes in the predicates // System.out.println(attr2 +" "+attr1); PoissonDistribution poisson_PQS = new PoissonDistribution(pqss.size() / seed); int poisson_sample = poisson_PQS.sample(); while (poisson_sample >= pqss.size()) { poisson_sample = poisson_PQS.sample(); } attr2 = pqss.get(poisson_sample); // System.out.println("new attr2 "+attr2); } if (attr2 == null) { attr1 = attr1 + "," + conditionArray[new Random().nextInt(conditionArray.length)]; long cardinality = Math.round(Math.abs(new Random().nextGaussian() * 1000)); attr1 = attr1 + "," + conditionArray[new Random().nextInt(conditionArray.length)] + "-" + cardinality; } String str = "<" + attr1 + attr2 + ">"; query = query + "#" + str; queries.add(query); } /* for (String query: queries ) { fw.append(query+"\n"); } fw.close(); */ this.sub_queries = queries; return queries; } // end of query segments and hence query /** * Creating sub-query sequences * Arraylist -> query_2sequences_10 contains 10 queries with 2 sub-query sequences */ public void createSubQuerySequences(int sequenceLength) throws IOException { // int[] sub_QueryArray = {10,20, 50, 100}; int sub_Queries = 10; ArrayList<String> singleSequences = generateSubQuerySamples(sub_Queries); //create single sub-queries ArrayList<String> temp = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<String> temp1 = new ArrayList<>(); String str = ""; for (int i = 0; i < singleSequences.size(); i++) { temp.add("(" + singleSequences.get(i) + ")"); uniqSubQs.add("(" + singleSequences.get(i) + ")"); } int mark = 1; int markTemp = 1; int seqNo = 0; for (int seq = 2; seq <= sequenceLength; seq++) { for (int k = 0; k < temp.size(); k++) { for (seqNo = mark; seqNo < singleSequences.size(); seqNo++) { String sample = getlastElement(temp.get(k)); if (!sample.equals(singleSequences.get(seqNo))) { str = temp.get(k) + "(" + singleSequences.get(seqNo) + ")"; if (isAscendingOrder(str, singleSequences)) { temp1.add(str); uniqSubQs.add(str); if (seq == sequenceLength) uniqQs.add(str); } } } //for seqNo mark++; if (mark > singleSequences.size() && temp.size() > 0) { mark = markTemp + 1; if (!getlastElement(temp.get(k)).equals(singleSequences.get(singleSequences.size() - 1))) { k--; } } } //for k temp.clear(); temp.addAll(temp1); temp1.clear(); markTemp++; mark = markTemp; } // for seq /* if (sub_Queries == 10 ){ if (sequence ==2) query_2sequences_10 = sequenceList; if (sequence == 3) query_3sequences_10 = sequenceList; if (sequence ==4 )query_4sequences_10 = sequenceList; if (sequence== 5) query_5sequences_10 = sequenceList; } if (sub_Queries == 20){ if (sequence ==2) query_2sequences_20 = sequenceList; if (sequence == 3) query_3sequences_20 = sequenceList; if (sequence ==4 )query_4sequences_20 = sequenceList; if (sequence== 5) query_5sequences_20 = sequenceList; } if (sub_Queries == 50){ if (sequence ==2) query_2sequences_50 = sequenceList; if (sequence == 3) query_3sequences_50 = sequenceList; if (sequence ==4 )query_4sequences_50 = sequenceList; if (sequence== 5) query_5sequences_50 = sequenceList; } if (sub_Queries == 100){ if (sequence ==2) query_2sequences_100 = sequenceList; if (sequence == 3) query_3sequences_100 = sequenceList; if (sequence ==4 )query_4sequences_100 = sequenceList; if (sequence== 5) query_5sequences_100 = sequenceList; } */ Collections.shuffle(uniqSubQs); Collections.shuffle(uniqQs); } /** * Internal private function to be used in create subquerysequences- that creates in all ascending combinations * @param str * @return */ private String getlastElement(String str) { String[] sampleStr = str.split(Pattern.quote(")")); String sample = sampleStr[sampleStr.length - 1]; sample = sample.substring(1, sample.length()); return sample; } /** * Internal private function to be used in create subquery sequences- that creates in all ascending combinations * @param str * @param singleSequencesList * @return */ private boolean isAscendingOrder(String str, ArrayList<String> singleSequencesList) { String[] sampleStr = str.split(Pattern.quote(")")); for (int i = 0; i < sampleStr.length - 1; i++) { for (int j = i; j < sampleStr.length; j++) { String sample1 = sampleStr[i]; sample1 = sample1.substring(1, sample1.length()); String sample2 = sampleStr[j]; sample2 = sample2.substring(1, sample2.length()); if (singleSequencesList.indexOf(sample1) > singleSequencesList.indexOf(sample2)) return false; } } return true; } /** * following piece of code is to check how many distinct queries that are present in the list * It should present only single query in this case. Count should be 3000 */ public void countQueries(int epoch) throws IOException { int independentQuery = -1; Query_Count[] distinctQueries = new Query_Count[10000]; ArrayList<String> queryList = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList arrivalTimes = new ArrayList(); ArrayList userLocations = new ArrayList(); try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader( new FileReader("//home//santhilata//Dropbox//CacheLearning//QGen//src//main//java//QueryInput//" + epoch + "_queryRepeat_10.csv"))) { String sCurrentLine; while ((sCurrentLine = br.readLine()) != null) { String[] query = sCurrentLine.split(Pattern.quote("@(")); queryList.add("(" + query[1]); //each line contain <arrivalTime, userLocation, query> ==<int, int, string> arrivalTimes.add(query[0].split(Pattern.quote("@"))[0]); userLocations.add(query[0].split(Pattern.quote("@"))[1]); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } for (String query : queryList) { boolean present = false; int z = 0; while (z <= independentQuery) { if (query.equals(distinctQueries[z].getQuery())) { distinctQueries[z].addCount(1); present = true; break; } else { z++; } // System.out.println("z = "+z); } if (!present) { independentQuery++; distinctQueries[independentQuery] = new Query_Count(query, queryList.indexOf(query)); } } String fileOut = "//home//santhilata//Desktop//QueryOutput//CountQueries//test.csv"; File outFile11 = new File(fileOut); FileWriter writer1 = new FileWriter(outFile11); writer1.flush(); writer1.append("QueryNumber,QRepetitions"); writer1.append('\n'); int total = 0; for (int i = 0; i < independentQuery; i++) { if (distinctQueries[i].getCount() > 0) { System.out.println(distinctQueries[i].getIndex() + " " + distinctQueries[i].getQuery() + " " + distinctQueries[i].getCount()); writer1.append(distinctQueries[i].getIndex() + "," + distinctQueries[i].getCount() + "\n"); total += distinctQueries[i].getCount(); } } System.out.println("total queries " + total); writer1.close(); String arrivalTime = "//home//santhilata//Desktop//QueryOutput//CountQueries//arrivalTimes.csv"; File aTFile = new File(arrivalTime); FileWriter Atwriter = new FileWriter(aTFile); Atwriter.flush(); Atwriter.append("ArrivalTimes,noOfTimes" + "\n"); int noOfTimes = 1; Collections.sort(arrivalTimes); for (int i = 0; i < arrivalTimes.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) { if (Integer.parseInt((String) arrivalTimes.get(i)) == Integer .parseInt((String) arrivalTimes.get(i - 1))) { noOfTimes++; } else { Atwriter.append(arrivalTimes.get(i - 1) + "," + noOfTimes + "\n"); noOfTimes = 1; } } } for (int i = 0; i < queryList.size(); i++) { if (!arrivalTimes.contains(i + "")) { Atwriter.append(i + "," + 0 + "\n"); } } Atwriter.close(); } /** * following function is to generate one node queries * @return */ private ArrayList<String> getQueryExpression_oneNode(ArrayList<String> newSubQuery) { ArrayList<String> queryList = new ArrayList<>(); if (newSubQuery != null) for (int i = 0; i < newSubQuery.size(); i++) { String str = newSubQuery.get(0) + ")"; queryList.add(str); } return queryList; } /** * Following function generates two node queries separated by root value * || & * / \ / \ * O O O O * @param uniqQs * @return */ private ArrayList<String> getQueryExpression_twoNode(ArrayList<String> uniqQs) { ArrayList<String> queryList = new ArrayList<>(); if (uniqQs != null) for (int i = 0; i < uniqQs.size(); i++) { String[] queryArray = uniqQs.get(i).split(Pattern.quote(")")); String query = ""; query = queryArray[0] + ")" + getRoot() + queryArray[1] + ")"; queryList.add(query); } return queryList; } /** * Following function generates three node queries * 1. R 2. R 3. R * / | \ / \ / \ * O O O O SR SR O * / \ / \ * O O O O * @param uniqQs * @return */ private ArrayList<String> getQueryExpression_threeNode(ArrayList<String> uniqQs) { ArrayList<String> queryList = new ArrayList<>(); String queryExpression = ""; if (uniqQs != null) for (int i = 0; i < uniqQs.size(); i++) { String[] newSubQuery = uniqQs.get(i).split(Pattern.quote(")")); int treeType = new Random().nextInt(4); String root = getRoot(); String subRoot = getRoot(); switch (treeType) { case 1: { queryExpression = newSubQuery[0] + ")" + root + newSubQuery[1] + ")" + root + newSubQuery[2] + ")"; break; } case 2: { // two levels. right subtree has children queryExpression = newSubQuery[0] + ")" + root; queryExpression = queryExpression + "(" + newSubQuery[1] + ")" + subRoot + newSubQuery[2] + "))"; break; } case 3: { // two levels, left subtree has children queryExpression = "(" + newSubQuery[0] + ")" + subRoot + newSubQuery[1] + "))"; queryExpression = queryExpression + root + newSubQuery[2] + ")"; break; } default: { queryExpression = newSubQuery[0] + ")" + root + newSubQuery[1] + ")" + root + newSubQuery[2] + ")"; break; } } queryList.add(queryExpression); } // for loop return queryList; } /** * Following function generates four node queries * redraw following * 1. R 2. R 3. R * / | \ / \ / \ * O O O O SR SR O * / \ / \ * O O O O * @param uniqQs * @return */ private ArrayList<String> getQueryExpression_fourNode(ArrayList<String> uniqQs) { ArrayList<String> queryList = new ArrayList<>(); String queryExpression = ""; String root = getRoot(); String subRoot1 = getRoot(); String subRoot2 = getRoot(); int treeType = new Random().nextInt(5); if (uniqQs != null) { for (int i = 0; i < uniqQs.size(); i++) { String[] newSubQuery = uniqQs.get(i).split(Pattern.quote(")")); switch (treeType) { case 1: { // complete binary tree , three levels queryExpression = newSubQuery[0] + ")" + subRoot1 + newSubQuery[1] + ")"; queryExpression = queryExpression + root; queryExpression = queryExpression + newSubQuery[2] + ")" + subRoot1 + newSubQuery[3] + ")"; break; } case 2: { //root node has three children. middle child has two children queryExpression = newSubQuery[0] + ")" + root; queryExpression = queryExpression + "(" + newSubQuery[1] + ")" + subRoot1 + newSubQuery[2] + "))"; queryExpression = queryExpression + root + newSubQuery[3] + ")"; break; } case 3: { //three levels. root has two children. Right child has three children queryExpression = newSubQuery[0] + ")" + root; queryExpression = queryExpression + "(" + newSubQuery[1] + ")" + subRoot1 + newSubQuery[2] + ")" + subRoot1 + newSubQuery[3] + "))"; break; } case 4: { //three levels. root has two children. Left child has three children queryExpression = "(" + newSubQuery[0] + ")" + subRoot1 + newSubQuery[1] + ")" + subRoot1 + newSubQuery[2] + "))"; queryExpression = queryExpression + root + newSubQuery[3] + ")"; break; } default: { queryExpression = newSubQuery[0] + ")" + subRoot1 + newSubQuery[1] + ")"; queryExpression = queryExpression + root; queryExpression = queryExpression + newSubQuery[2] + ")" + subRoot1 + newSubQuery[3] + ")"; break; } } queryList.add(queryExpression); } // for loop } return queryList; } /** * This function is to generate ive node query expressions * @param uniqQs * @return */ private ArrayList<String> getQueryExpression_fiveNode(ArrayList<String> uniqQs) { ArrayList<String> queryList = new ArrayList<>(); String queryExpression = ""; String root = getRoot(); int treeType = new Random().nextInt(5); if (uniqQs != null) { for (int i = 0; i < uniqQs.size(); i++) { String[] newSubQuery = uniqQs.get(i).split(Pattern.quote(")")); switch (treeType) { case 1: { //four levels. root has two children. Left child has three children. one of the children have two // children. queryExpression = ""; String subRoot1 = getRoot(); String subRoot2 = getRoot(); queryExpression = queryExpression + "(" + newSubQuery[0] + ")" + subRoot1; queryExpression = queryExpression + newSubQuery[1] + ")" + subRoot1; queryExpression = queryExpression + "(" + newSubQuery[2] + ")" + subRoot2 + newSubQuery[3] + ")))"; queryExpression = queryExpression + root + newSubQuery[4] + ")"; break; } case 2: { // root has two children. left child has two children and right child has three. // three level tree String subRoot1 = getRoot(); String subRoot2 = getRoot(); queryExpression = ""; queryExpression = queryExpression + "(" + newSubQuery[0] + ")" + subRoot1 + newSubQuery[1] + "))"; queryExpression = queryExpression + root; queryExpression = queryExpression + "(" + newSubQuery[2] + ")" + subRoot2 + newSubQuery[3] + ")" + subRoot2 + newSubQuery[4] + "))"; break; } case 3: { queryExpression = ""; String subRoot1 = getRoot(); queryExpression = queryExpression + newSubQuery[0] + ")" + root; queryExpression = queryExpression + "(" + newSubQuery[1] + ")" + subRoot1 + newSubQuery[2] + ")" + subRoot1 + newSubQuery[3] + "))"; queryExpression = queryExpression + root + newSubQuery[4] + ")"; break; } case 4: { queryExpression = ""; String subRoot1 = getRoot(); String subRoot2 = getRoot(); queryExpression = queryExpression + newSubQuery[0] + ")" + root; queryExpression = queryExpression + "(" + newSubQuery[1] + ")" + "" + subRoot1 + "(" + newSubQuery[2] + ")" + subRoot2 + "" + newSubQuery[3] + "))" + subRoot1 + newSubQuery[4] + "))"; break; } default: { queryExpression = ""; String subRoot1 = getRoot(); String subRoot2 = getRoot(); queryExpression = queryExpression + "(" + newSubQuery[0] + ")" + subRoot1; queryExpression = queryExpression + newSubQuery[1] + ")" + subRoot1; queryExpression = queryExpression + "(" + newSubQuery[2] + ")" + subRoot2 + newSubQuery[3] + ")))"; queryExpression = queryExpression + root + newSubQuery[4] + ")"; break; } } queryList.add(queryExpression); } //for loop } return queryList; } /** * Returns array of values in a given distribution * @param distribution * @param numQs * @param mean * @param variance * @param exponentialMean * @param u_lower * @param u_upper * @return */ public int[] getDistributionValues(String distribution, int numQs, double mean, double variance, double exponentialMean, int u_lower, int u_upper, double slope, int upperBoundary) { int[] values = new int[numQs]; switch (distribution) { case "Poisson": { RandomEngine engine = new DRand(); Poisson poisson = new Poisson(mean, engine); int poissonObs = poisson.nextInt(); Normal normal = new Normal(mean, variance, engine); for (int i = 0; i < numQs; i++) { double normalObs = normal.nextDouble(); int sample = (int) Math.abs(normalObs); while (sample >= upperBoundary) { normalObs = normal.nextDouble(); sample = (int) Math.abs(normalObs); } values[i] = sample; //System.out.println(values[i]+"from poisson"); //============================================= PoissonDistribution p = new PoissonDistribution(mean); int randomInt = p.sample(); // values[i] = randomInt; } // Arrays.sort(values); break; } case "Random": { Random randomGenerator = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < numQs; i++) { int randomInt = randomGenerator.nextInt(numQs - 1); values[i] = randomInt + 1; // to avoid '0' } break; } case "Uniform": { for (int i = 0; i < numQs; i++) { UniformIntegerDistribution u = new UniformIntegerDistribution(u_lower, u_upper); int randomInt = u.sample(); while (randomInt >= upperBoundary) { randomInt = u.sample(); } if (randomInt == 0) values[i] = randomInt + 1; // to avoid random '0' else values[i] = randomInt; } break; } case "Exponential": { for (int i = 0; i < numQs; i++) { ExponentialDistribution e = new ExponentialDistribution(exponentialMean); double exponential = e.sample(); while (exponential >= upperBoundary - 1) { exponential = e.sample(); } values[i] = new Double(exponential).intValue() + 1; //to avoid random value '0' } break; } case "Grading": { // y=mx+c. increment and then decrement for positive slopes. int constant = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numQs; i++) { constant += slope; int nextVal = new Double(constant).intValue(); System.out.println(upperBoundary); if (nextVal >= upperBoundary || nextVal < 0) { slope = -1 * slope; i--; } else values[i] = nextVal; } break; } } // Arrays.sort(values); return values; } /** * Need to add percent query and sub-queries * @return */ @Override public String toString() { String s = ""; s = s + "No.of Epochs: " + noEpochs; for (int i = 0; i < noEpochs; i++) { s = s + "epoch[" + i + "]: "; s = s + " Query Arrival Distribution: " + distributions[i]; s = s + " No.of Queries: " + numbQs[i]; s = s + " Query repetition: " + percentQueryRepetition[i]; s = s + " sub-query repetition: " + percentSubqueryRepetition[i]; } return s; } ArrayList<String> uniqSubQs = new ArrayList<>();// to keep uniq subQueries standard for a given list ArrayList<String> uniqQs = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<String> query_2sequences_20; ArrayList<String> query_2sequences_50; ArrayList<String> query_2sequences_10; ArrayList<String> query_2sequences_100; ArrayList<String> query_3sequences_20; ArrayList<String> query_3sequences_50; ArrayList<String> query_3sequences_10; ArrayList<String> query_3sequences_100; ArrayList<String> query_4sequences_20; ArrayList<String> query_4sequences_50; ArrayList<String> query_4sequences_10; ArrayList<String> query_4sequences_100; ArrayList<String> query_5sequences_20; ArrayList<String> query_5sequences_50; ArrayList<String> query_5sequences_10; ArrayList<String> query_5sequences_100; /** * The following class is an internal class, * used for counting unique queries in the distribution. */ class Query_Count { String query; int count = 0; int index = 0; public Query_Count(String query, int index) { this.query = query; count = 1; this.index = index; } public String getQuery() { return query; } public void setQuery(String query) { this.query = query; } public int getCount() { return count; } public void setCount(int count) { this.count = count; } public int getIndex() { return index; } public void setIndex(int index) { this.index = index; } public void addCount(int i) { this.count += i; } } }