Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 *   This file is part of CReST: The Cloud Research Simulation Toolkit 
 *   Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 John Cartlidge 
 *   For a full list of contributors, refer to file CONTRIBUTORS.txt 
 *   CReST was developed at the University of Bristol, UK, using 
 *   financial support from the UK's Engineering and Physical 
 *   Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) grant EP/H042644/1 entitled 
 *   "Cloud Computing for Large-Scale Complex IT Systems". Refer to
 *   <>
 *   CReST is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *   (at your option) any later version.
 *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *   GNU General Public License for more details.
 *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *   along with this program.  If not, see <>.
 *   For further information, contact: 
 *   Dr. John Cartlidge:
 *   Department of Computer Science,
 *   University of Bristol, The Merchant Venturers Building,
 *   Woodland Road, Bristol, BS8-1UB, United Kingdom.

import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.regression.SimpleRegression;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

import sim.event.StopSimEvent;
import sim.module.Module;
import sim.module.event.EventQueue;
import sim.module.log.Log;
import sim.module.log.LogManager;
import sim.module.pricing.configparams.PricingModuleConfigParams;
import sim.module.pricing.event.QuoteRequestEvent;
import sim.module.service.event.ServiceStartEvent;
import sim.physical.Datacentre;
import sim.physical.World;
import utility.time.TimeManager;

public class BrokerAgent {
    public static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(BrokerAgent.class);

    DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat("#.###");
    boolean firstReservation = true;

    /** Method used to forecast future demand **/
    private DemandForecaster demandForecaster;

    private boolean AGGRESSIVE;

    private boolean ADAPT;
    private double momentum = 0.3;
    private double alpha = 0.25;
    private double delta;
    private double maxTarget;
    private double minTarget;
    private ArrayList<Double> previousThresholds;

    private String name;
    private double balance; //monetary balance 
    //   private double assets;  //assets value ('retail value' of reserved instances owned)
    private double k;
    private double mruThreshold;
    private double costFactor;
    private int yearlySummedCapacity;
    /** TODO Replace learningPeriod with ReservationPeriod.getMonths() */
    private int learningPeriod;
    private double variance;

    //private int reservationMonths; //reserved instance length in months
    private ReservationPeriod reservationPeriod; //reserved instance reservation period

    private List<Double> previousDemand;
    private List<Integer> futureCapacity;
    private List<Integer> freeReservations;
     * Purchase history (per month) of reservations
    private List<Integer> reservationPurchases;

    private double yearlyProbability;
    private int yearlyReservationsMade;
    private int yearlyReservationsRequired;
    private int yearlyOnDemand;

    private int demandCounter;
    private double reserveMonthlyCost;
    //   private double lastestReservationUpfrontCost = 0;
    //private double onDemandMonthlyCost;

    /** Implement the 'payment bug' in: 
     * Rogers & Cliff (2012) "A financial brokerage for cloud computing", 
     * Journal of Cloud Computing: Advances, Systems and Applications, 2012, 1 (2)
     * The 'bug' is described in:
     * J. Cartlidge & P. Clamp (Submitted) "Correcting a financial brokerage model 
     * for cloud computing: the commercialisation window of opportunity has closed."
     * Journal of Cloud Computing: Advances, Systems and Applications (2013)
     * P. J. Clamp, (2013), "Pricing The Cloud: An Investigation into Financial 
     * Brokerage for Cloud Computing,"
     * Masters dissertation, Department of Computer Science, University of Bristol, UK.
     * Description of 'the bug': (Clamp, 2013: page 38, section 3.5, bullet point 2)
     * When the number of instances demanded, D, is greater than the reservation capacity, R,
     * the Broker is charged for the additional on-demand instances D-R. However, the broker
     * is *not* charged for the use of the reserved instances, hence is *undercharged* by:
     * R*reservedMonthlyPrice.
     * The 'bug' is included as a switch in the code to enable replication of the results
     * presented in Rogers & Cliff (2012)
    private boolean implement_payment_bug = false;

     * Implement the 'deficit bug' in:
     * Rogers & Cliff (2012) "A financial brokerage for cloud computing", 
     * Journal of Cloud Computing: Advances, Systems and Applications, 2012, 1 (2)
     * Pseudo-code of Rogers & CLiff (2012) implementation is detailed in:
     * "Algorithm 2", page 26, of P. J. Clamp, (2013), 
     * "Pricing The Cloud: An Investigation into Financial 
     * Brokerage for Cloud Computing," Masters dissertation, 
     * Department of Computer Science, University of Bristol, UK.
     * We see on line 12 that 'deficit' is calculated as the different between forecast demand and future capacity.
     * However, the algorithm shows that although the new reservations to be purchased are added to the "freeReservations"
     * array, they are not immediately added to the "capacity" array (this only happens once the new reservations are purchased from 
     * the provider. Hence, there is a 'bug' on line 12 of Algorithm 2, page 26, where deficit = demand - capacity. 
     * Actually, this *should* be deficit = demand - freeReservations, since capacity does not vary during the loop
     * (it is only incremented to equal freeReservations once the loop has completed and reserved instances are purchased from
     * the provider).
     * Example:
     * numHedge = 4
     * freeReservations (next month) = 1
     * demand = [3, 4, 5]
     * capacity = [3, 3, 3]
     * freeReservations = capacity  = [3, 3, 3]
     * MRU = 0.5
     * first iteration:
     *    the first unit demanded is covered by the freeReservation available. Now numHedge=3, freeReservations=0
     * second iteration:
     *  there are no reservations available for the following month, so calculate the expected marginal utilisation of a new reservation purchase.
     *  Deficit = demand - capacity = [3, 4, 5] - [3, 3, 3] = [0, 1, 2], therefore months deficit = 2/3 
     *  Since 2/3> 0.5, the broker will reserve a new instance, so now: 
     *  freeReservations = [4, 4, 4]
     * third iteration:
     *  Again, there are no reservations available next month, so calculate the expected marginal utilisation of a new reservation purchase.
     *  Deficit = demand - capacity = [3, 4, 5] - [3, 3, 3] = [0, 1, 2], therefore months deficit = 2/3 
     *  Since 2/3 > 0.5, the broker *will* reserve a new instance.
     *  However, the broker has already decided to purchase a new instance in the second iteration, so in actual fact, to calculate expected marginal
     *  utilisation of a new reservation purchase, the broker should perform the following calculation:
     *  Deficit = demand - freeReservations = [3, 4, 5] - [4, 4, 4] = [-1, 0, 1], therefore months deficit = 1/3 
     *  Since 1/3 < 0.5, the broker *will not* reserve a new instance.
     * fourth iteration:
     *  once again, using 'capacity' to calculate deficit will lead to another reservation purchase. However, using 'freeReservations' will *not*
     * Thus, here we use a switch: 
     * If 'implement_deficit_bug = true', then the implementation is an exact replication of Rogers & Cliff 2012, i.e., 'deficit = demand - capacity'
     * If 'implement_deficit_bug = false', then 'deficit' is calculated using 'deficit = demand - freeReservations'. This 
     * approach considers new reserved instances the broker is going to purchase this month when calculating the marginal resource 
     * utilisation of further purchases.
    private boolean implement_deficit_bug = false;

     * Implement the 'reservations bug' in:
     * Rogers & Cliff (2012) "A financial brokerage for cloud computing", 
     * Journal of Cloud Computing: Advances, Systems and Applications, 2012, 1 (2).
     * 'The bug' is described in:
     * J. Cartlidge & P. Clamp (Submitted) "Correcting a financial brokerage model 
     * for cloud computing: the commercialisation window of opportunity has closed."
     * Journal of Cloud Computing: Advances, Systems and Applications (2013)
     * P. J. Clamp, (2013), "Pricing The Cloud: An Investigation into Financial 
     * Brokerage for Cloud Computing," Masters dissertation, 
     * Department of Computer Science, University of Bristol, UK.
     * On page 26, "algorithm 2" presents pseudo-code of the R&C implementation. Pages 27 and 28 then describe the
     * implementation with a numerical example. Page 33 then explains:
     *  "Analysis of the algorithm reveals what may be a mistake - line 22 (Algorithm 2, Page 26) involves adding a
     *  'free' reservation upon the purchase of a reservation. However, the model suggests that the reservation being purchased 
     *  would simply be added to the total capacity and would not be 'free' as suggested. This leads to much fewer reservations
     *  being purchased than one would have initially expected. While this may indeed by a 'bug', it does not necessarily
     *  invalidate the results as it simply means that the number of reservations purchased is just a function of the number of
     *  instances to hedge, most likely offsetting the time at which instances are purchased. Because this is only a minor wrinkle
     *  and doesn't invalidate the model, the algorithm was kept in the original form for experimentation." Clamp (2013, page 33)
     * Thus, for each new reservation that will be purchased, the "following" unit of demand is also expected to use this reservation.
     * This is clearly a bug in the work of Rogers & CLiff (2012). For the reasons given above it is also replicated in Clamp 2013.
     * To 'fix' the bug, change line 21 of algorithm 2 on page 26 to only increment reservations for months 2 or more ahead (i.e., *not* next month).
     * This then stops the next demanded unit from being 'swallowed' by the new instance to reserve.
     * Thus, here we use a switch: 
     * If 'implement_reservations_bug = true', then the implementation is an exact replication of Rogers & Cliff 2012
     * If 'implement_reservations_bug = false', then *do not* increment next months free reservations when a new instance will be purchased. Only increment 2 or more months ahead.
    private boolean implement_reservations_bug = false;

    public BrokerAgent(String name) {"Building BrokerAgent " + name); = name;
        this.AGGRESSIVE = false;
        this.balance = 0.0;
        //      this.assets = 0;
        this.yearlySummedCapacity = 0;
        this.ADAPT = ((BrokerModuleConfigParams) Module.BROKER_MODULE.getParams()).getAdapt();
        this.momentum = ((BrokerModuleConfigParams) Module.BROKER_MODULE.getParams()).getAdaptMomentum();
        this.alpha = ((BrokerModuleConfigParams) Module.BROKER_MODULE.getParams()).getAdaptAlpha();
        this.k = ((BrokerModuleConfigParams) Module.BROKER_MODULE.getParams()).getK();
        this.costFactor = ((BrokerModuleConfigParams) Module.BROKER_MODULE.getParams()).getCostFactor();
        this.mruThreshold = ((BrokerModuleConfigParams) Module.BROKER_MODULE.getParams()).getMRU();
        //this.learningPeriod = ((BrokerModuleConfigParams) Module.BROKER_MODULE.getParams()).getLearningPeriod();

        this.variance = ((BrokerModuleConfigParams) Module.BROKER_MODULE.getParams()).getVariance();
        this.maxTarget = 1.0;
        this.minTarget = 0.0; = 0.0;
        this.previousThresholds = new ArrayList<Double>();
        this.previousDemand = new ArrayList<Double>();
        this.futureCapacity = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        this.freeReservations = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        this.reservationPurchases = new ArrayList<Integer>(); // history of reservation purchases
        this.yearlyReservationsRequired = 0;
        this.yearlyOnDemand = 0;
        this.yearlyReservationsMade = 0;
        this.demandCounter = 0;
        this.reservationPeriod = ((BrokerModuleConfigParams) Module.BROKER_MODULE.getParams())
        this.learningPeriod = reservationPeriod.getMonths();
        for (int i = 0; i < BrokerModuleRunner.getInstance().getSimulationLength() + learningPeriod; i++) {

        // Do we implement the 'payment bug' of Rogers & Cliff (2012)? i.e., where the Broker fails to pay for monthly usage of some reserved instances
        this.implement_payment_bug = ((BrokerModuleConfigParams) Module.BROKER_MODULE.getParams())

        // Do we implement the 'reservations bug' of Rogers & Cliff (2012)? i.e., where the latest reservation swallows two demand units
        this.implement_reservations_bug = ((BrokerModuleConfigParams) Module.BROKER_MODULE.getParams())

        // Do we implement the 'free reservations bug' of Rogers & Cliff (2012)? i.e., where capacity is used to calculate deficit, not freeReservations
        this.implement_deficit_bug = ((BrokerModuleConfigParams) Module.BROKER_MODULE.getParams())

        // The method used to forecast future demand based on historical demand
        this.demandForecaster = ((BrokerModuleConfigParams) Module.BROKER_MODULE.getParams()).getDemandForecaster();"Created new BrokerAgent: " + this);

    public String toString() {
        String s = "Broker Agent " + name + ": ";
        s += "{ k=" + k + ", costFactor=" + costFactor + ", theta=" + mruThreshold + " } ";
        s += "DemandForecaster = " + demandForecaster.getName() + ", ";
        s += "ReservationPeriod = " + reservationPeriod + ", ";
        if (implement_payment_bug) {
            s += " Implementing the 'payment bug' in: Rogers & Cliff (2012) 'A financial brokerage for cloud computing', "
                    + "Journal of Cloud Computing: Advances, Systems and Applications, 2012, 1 (2)";
        return s;

     * Approaches each user and asks for their list of options requirements for next period
     * Charges users for options
    public void chargeReservations() {
        if (firstReservation)
            firstReservation = false; //This causes us to double-log at the start of broker trading... (i.e., after the learning period)

        int month = BrokerModuleRunner.getInstance().getCurrentMonth();
        logger.debug("Month is now: " + month);

        if (BrokerModuleRunner.getInstance()
                .getCurrentMonth() >= BrokerModuleRunner.getInstance().getSimulationLength() - 1) {
            logger.warn(TimeManager.log("No more demand - sending StopSimEvent..."));
        }"Broker is charging for reservations...");
        double totalProbability;

        //      int numEachAgent = BrokerModuleRunner.getInstance().getNumEachAgent();
        totalProbability = 0.0;
        for (UserAgent user : BrokerModuleRunner.getInstance().getUserAgents()) {
            double p = user.getReservation();
            double fee = costFactor * (k * Math.pow(p, 2) / 2);
            balance += fee;
            totalProbability += p;
        yearlyProbability += totalProbability;

        int numHedge = (int) Math.round(totalProbability);
        int reservationsMade = 0;

        if (ADAPT && month >= learningPeriod) {
            determineAggressiveness(month, numHedge);
            adaptThreshold(numHedge, freeReservations.get(month + 1));

        // Calculate future demand forecasts...
        List<Double> forecastDemand = new ArrayList<Double>();
        if (month >= learningPeriod - 1) {
            //Get forecast of future demand...

            // get recent historic demand (last 36 months, including this month) subList(from index inclusive, to index exclusive)
            List<Double> historicDemand = previousDemand.subList(month - learningPeriod + 1, month + 1); //NOTE: The PLUS 1 is very important!!!

            // Now forecast future demand using historic demand data...
            switch (demandForecaster) {

                // TODO WARNING: REGRESSION_DEMAND_FORECASTER currently only allows 36 months historic demand, so hard code this value
                historicDemand = previousDemand.subList(month - 36 + 1, month + 1); //NOTE: The PLUS 1 is very important!!!
                forecastDemand = getForecastDemandUsingLinearRegression(historicDemand);
                forecastDemand = getForecastDemandUsingRogersAndCliff2012(historicDemand);
            default: {
                // we should *never* get here, unless there are demand forecasters in the enumeration that we haven't caught in the switch statement
                logger.fatal("We have an unknown Demand Forecaster: " + demandForecaster + ". Exiting system.");
                break; //redundant

            logger.debug("Future capacity = " + futureCapacity.subList(month + 1, month + 1 + learningPeriod));

         * This is the implementation of the Reservations Hedging algorithm 2, presented in:
         *  P J Clamp (2013) "Pricing the cloud", masters thesis, page 26.
         */"Total number to hedge = " + numHedge);

        // Do we have enough free reservations to cover demand?
        if (numHedge <= freeReservations.get(month + 1)) {
            // we have enough free reservations to cover demand, do nothing...
  "NumHedge = " + numHedge + " can be covered by free reservations = "
                    + freeReservations.get(month + 1) + " so not reserving any more...");
        } else {
            // we do not have enough free reservations to cover demand, so decide whether we need to reserve new instances...

            //firstly, fill up all free reservations...
  "Free reservations next month = " + freeReservations.get(month + 1)
                    + ", using these for hedging...");
            numHedge -= freeReservations.get(month + 1);
            freeReservations.set(month + 1, 0);

            for (int i = 0; i < numHedge; i++) {
                logger.debug("Hedging " + i + "/" + numHedge);
                        "Free reservations \t= " + freeReservations.subList(month + 1, month + 1 + learningPeriod));
                        "Future capacity   \t= " + futureCapacity.subList(month + 1, month + 1 + learningPeriod));
                if (freeReservations.get(month + 1) >= 1) {
                    logger.debug("Free reservations next month = " + freeReservations.get(month + 1));
                    freeReservations.set(month + 1, freeReservations.get(month + 1) - 1);
                            "Using one of next months free reservations for current demand unit. Now free reservations next month = "
                                    + freeReservations.get(month + 1));
                } else {
                    logger.debug("Free reservations next month = " + freeReservations.get(month + 1));
                    double mru = 0.0;
                    if (month >= learningPeriod - 1) {

                        // Calculate expected monthly deficits using a demand forecast... 

                        int monthsDeficit = 0;

                        if (implement_deficit_bug) {

                            // Rogers & Cliff (2012) Calculate 'deficit' using future capacity (i.e., reservations already owned)...
                            monthsDeficit = this.getMonthsWithForecastDeficit(forecastDemand,
                                    futureCapacity.subList(month + 1, month + 1 + learningPeriod));
                            logger.debug("MRU using capacity (the 'deficit bug') = "
                                    + monthsDeficit / (double) learningPeriod);
                        } else {

                            // The new way - calculate 'deficit' using freeReservations array rather than capacity, (i.e., include reservations that we intend to purchase)...
                            monthsDeficit = this.getMonthsWithForecastDeficit(forecastDemand,
                                    freeReservations.subList(month + 1, month + 1 + learningPeriod));
                                    "MRU using freeReservations      = " + monthsDeficit / (double) learningPeriod);

                        mru = monthsDeficit / (double) learningPeriod;

                        //               //THE OLD LOGIC -- TODO REMOVE
                        //               int monthsDeficit = 0;
                        //               if (use_RC_2012_demand_forecast) {
                        //                  // Use Rogers & Cliff (2012) method, such that: 
                        //                  // Forecast_demand(month t) - Actual_demand(month t-36)
                        //                  for (int j = month - learningPeriod + 1; j < month + 1; j++) {
                        //                     int deficit = (int)(numEachAgent * previousDemand.get(j)) - futureCapacity.get(j + learningPeriod);
                        //                     if (deficit > 0) {
                        //                        monthsDeficit++;
                        //                     }
                        //                  }
                        //        "Old way: deficit = " + monthsDeficit);
                        //                  if(monthsDeficit != this.getMonthsWithForecastDefecit(forecastDemand, futureCapacity.subList(month+1, month+1+learningPeriod))) {
                        //                     logger.error("Old way different answer to new way!");
                        //                     logger.error("New way answer = " + this.getMonthsWithForecastDefecit(forecastDemand, futureCapacity.subList(month+1, month+1+learningPeriod)));
                        //                     System.exit(-1);
                        //                  }
                        //                  monthsDeficit = this.getMonthsWithForecastDefecit(forecastDemand, futureCapacity.subList(month+1, month+1+learningPeriod));
                        //        "New way: deficit = " + monthsDeficit);
                        //                  mru = monthsDeficit / (double)learningPeriod;
                        //               } else {
                        //                  // Use linear regression for trend forecast...
                        //                  //TODO monthsDeficit = getForecastDeficitUsingLinearRegression();
                        //               }
                    if (mru > mruThreshold) {
                        reservationsMade += 1;
                        logger.debug("Reservations made is now = " + reservationsMade);

                        if (implement_reservations_bug) { //the 'buggy' implementation of Rogers & CLiff (2012)
                            for (int k = month + 1; k < month + learningPeriod + 1; k++) {
                                //This is the bug... since k = month + 1, we increment *next* month's free reservations, 
                                //which will be 'swallowed' by the next unit of demand (and hence we 'allocate it twice')
                                freeReservations.set(k, freeReservations.get(k) + 1);

                                // Phil Clamp's (2013, page 33) masters thesis suggests this is a bug in Rogers & Cliff (2012) implementation
                                // "adding a 'free' reservation upon the purchase of a reservation. However,
                                // the model suggests that the free reservation being purchased would simply be added to the total capacity 
                                // and would not be 'free' as suggested. While this may indeed be a 'bug', it does not necessarily invalidate the results 
                                // as it simply means that the number of reservations purchased is just a function of the number of instances to hedge, most 
                                // likely off-setting the time at which instances are purchased. "
                            logger.debug("Next month's free reservations incremented. (the 'reservations bug')");

                        } else { //the *correct way* Do not increment 'free' reservation for *next* month since we are going to purchase this for the demand unit we expect...

                             * alternative method, to fix the original 'bug'
                             * only add to free reservations in 2 months time (i.e., we do not increment next month's free reservations since 
                             * we already know it will be used.) Actually, what are these 'free reservations'? Shouldn't we instead be incrementing capacity?
                             * */
                            for (int k = month + 2; k < month + learningPeriod + 1; k++) { //k = month + 2 (i.e., do *not* increment a freeReservation for *next* month
                                freeReservations.set(k, freeReservations.get(k) + 1);

                        logger.debug("Free reservations have been incremented...");

                    } else {
              "MRU = " + mru + " is <= mruThreshold = " + mruThreshold
                                + ", so *no longer reserving more instances*");
        yearlyReservationsMade += reservationsMade;

        if (reservationsMade > 0) {
  "Month #" + month + " Creating " + reservationsMade
                    + " price requests, yearly reservations made is now: " + yearlyReservationsMade);
                    .addEvent(new QuoteRequestEvent(
                            World.getInstance().getTime() + TimeManager.secondsToSimulationTime(1),
                            reservationsMade, PriceType.RESERVED));

        long executeTime = World.getInstance().getTime() + TimeManager.daysToSimulationTime(28);
        EventQueue.getInstance().addEvent(new BrokerExecuteEvent(executeTime));

     * Log data and reset balance if end of year. 
     * NOTE: This should be called *first* when the month is incremented.
    public void resetBalance() {
        int month = BrokerModuleRunner.getInstance().getCurrentMonth();"Month #" + month + " Running totals for the year: {Balance=" + this.balance + ", "
                + "capacity=" + this.yearlySummedCapacity + ", " + "reservations=" + this.yearlyReservationsMade
                + ", " + "reservationsRequired=" + this.yearlyReservationsRequired + ", " + "onDemand="
                + this.yearlyOnDemand + "}");

        if ((month + 1) % 12 == 0) {

            // want to log here. 

            this.balance = 0.0;
            this.yearlySummedCapacity = 0;
            this.yearlyReservationsMade = 0;
            this.yearlyProbability = 0.0;
            this.yearlyReservationsRequired = 0;
            this.yearlyOnDemand = 0;
            if (ADAPT && month >= learningPeriod) {
                //maxTarget = 1.0;
  "Month #" + month + " Log output written and yearly counters zeroed.");
        } else {
  "Month #" + month + " Not logging this month.");

     * Forecast future demand using the method in Rogers & Cliff (2012): 
     * For each month, t, do: Forecast(t) = Demand(t-36)
     * i.e., forecast demand = actual demand lagged 36 months.
     * @param - recent historical demand over the last 36 months (inclusive of *this* month)
     * @return  demand forecast list for the next [learning period = 36] months 
    public List<Double> getForecastDemandUsingRogersAndCliff2012(List<Double> historicDemand) {

        List<Double> forecastDemand = new ArrayList<Double>();

        if (historicDemand.size() != learningPeriod) {
            logger.warn("*** Historic data list is incorrect size. Returning zero forecast list. *** Size = "
                    + historicDemand.size() + ", Size should be = " + learningPeriod + ", historicData: "
                    + historicDemand);
            for (int i = 0; i < learningPeriod; i++) {
            return forecastDemand;
        } else {
            for (double d : historicDemand) {
                //forecast demand is equal to historic demand (1 or 3 years lag)
                forecastDemand.add(d * BrokerModuleRunner.getInstance().getNumEachAgent());

            logger.debug("Forecast demand: " + forecastDemand);
            logger.debug("Previous demand: " + historicDemand);

            return forecastDemand;

     * Forecast future deficit using linear regression forecast.
     * Forecast: Using the last 3 years data (36 months):
     *    1. Use linear regression to estimate linear trend line.
     *  2. Calculate seasonal index (monthly residual from trend line) 
     *  3. Use trend line to produce linear forecast
     *  4. Add seasonal (monthly) effects to forecast demand for each future month, t: forecast(t).
     * @param - recent historical demand over the last 36 months (inclusive of *this* month)
     * @return demand forecast list for the next [learning period = 36] months 
    public List<Double> getForecastDemandUsingLinearRegression(List<Double> historicDemand) {

        List<Double> forecastDemand = new ArrayList<Double>();
        List<Double> trendLine = new ArrayList<Double>();
        List<Double> residuals = new ArrayList<Double>();
        List<Double> monthlyResiduals = new ArrayList<Double>();

        if (historicDemand.size() != learningPeriod) {
            logger.warn("*** Historic data list is incorrect size. Returning zero forecast list. *** Size = "
                    + historicDemand.size() + ", Size should be = " + learningPeriod + ", historicData: "
                    + historicDemand);
            for (int i = 0; i < learningPeriod; i++) {
            return forecastDemand;
        } else {

            //convert List into 2d array
            double[][] historicDataArray = new double[historicDemand.size()][2];
            int index = 0;
            for (double h : historicDemand) {
                historicDataArray[index][0] = index;
                historicDataArray[index][1] = h;

            logger.debug("Historic array: " + Arrays.deepToString(historicDataArray));

            // now do the regression...
            SimpleRegression regression = new SimpleRegression();
            logger.debug("Regression: m=" + regression.getSlope() + ", c=" + regression.getIntercept()
                    + ", cStdErr=" + regression.getInterceptStdErr());

            // now get the trend line & residuals
            for (int i = 0; i < historicDemand.size(); i++) {
                trendLine.add((i * regression.getSlope()) + regression.getIntercept());
                residuals.add(historicDemand.get(i) - trendLine.get(i));
            logger.debug("Trend line = " + trendLine);
            logger.debug("Residuals = " + residuals);

            // get mean residuals per month
            for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
                logger.debug("We are assuming that learning period is 36 months. Make this generic code!!!");
                //TODO use %12 and iterate through to make this generic
                monthlyResiduals.add((residuals.get(i) + residuals.get(i + 12) + residuals.get(i + 24)) / 3);

            logger.debug("mean monthly residuals: " + monthlyResiduals);

            // now forecast using monthly residuals and trend line
            // first set forecast using trendline
            for (double t : trendLine) {

            // forecast using trend line plus monthly adjustment
            for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
                //TODO: Make this code generic not fixed to 36 months
                forecastDemand.set(i, trendLine.get(i) + monthlyResiduals.get(i));
                forecastDemand.set(i + 12, trendLine.get(i + 12) + monthlyResiduals.get(i));
                forecastDemand.set(i + 24, trendLine.get(i + 24) + monthlyResiduals.get(i));

            // finally, multiply normalised demand by number of agents

            for (int i = 0; i < forecastDemand.size(); i++) {
                        Math.floor(forecastDemand.get(i) * BrokerModuleRunner.getInstance().getNumEachAgent()));

            logger.debug("final forecast with seasonal adjustment: " + forecastDemand);

            logger.debug("RForecastDemand: " + forecastDemand);
            logger.debug("Previous demand: " + historicDemand);

            return forecastDemand;

     * Get the number of months that have a forecast deficit, i.e., SUM_{t=1 to learningPeriod}: forecast(t) < capacity(t)
     * @param forecastDemand - the demand forecast for each future month
     * @param futureCapacity - the capacity available for each future month 
     *                      [NOTE: It is better to use freeReservations rather than future capacity, since this includes
     *                            reservations that the Broker does not *yet* own, but has already decided to reserve]
     * @return the number of months with an estimated deficit
    public int getMonthsWithForecastDeficit(List<Double> forecastDemand, List<Integer> futureCapacity) {


        int monthsDeficit = 0;
        //check array lengths equal (and equal to learning period)
        if (forecastDemand.size() == futureCapacity.size() && futureCapacity.size() == learningPeriod) {

            for (int i = 0; i < learningPeriod; i++) {
                int deficit = (int) (forecastDemand.get(i) - futureCapacity.get(i));
                if (deficit > 0) {

            return monthsDeficit;
        } else {
            logger.error("Array sizes unequal: forecastDemand.size()=" + forecastDemand.size()
                    + ", futureCapacity.size()=" + futureCapacity.size() + ", learningPeriod=" + learningPeriod);
            return -1;

     * Get the value of assets owned by the BrokerAgent
     * Assets value is calculated as the retail price of the reserved instances owned, multiplied by the proportion of life left on the instance
     * Example: A 36 month instance costs $300.00 retail. The Broker owns 1 instance with 36 months of life left and 2 instances with 12 months left.
     * The brokers' assets are then: ( 1 * 300 * 36/36 ) + ( 2 * 300 * 12/36 ) = ( 300 ) + ( 200 ) = $500
     * @return The sum value of the BrokerAgent's assets
    public double getAssetsValue() {

        int month = BrokerModuleRunner.getInstance().getCurrentMonth();
        double assetsValue = 0.0;

        List<Integer> recentPurchases;

        // Get recent purchases
        if (month >= learningPeriod) {
            recentPurchases = reservationPurchases.subList(month - learningPeriod + 1, month + 1);
        } else {
            recentPurchases = reservationPurchases.subList(0, month + 1);
        }"Recent purchases: " + recentPurchases);

        //TODO - this is hacky - we should have a better way of pricing the current assets. Ideally by asking the "market" for current value
        double latestReservedUpfrontPrice = ((PricingModuleConfigParams) Module.PRICING_MODULE.getParams())

        // Traverse the list in reverse order
        for (int i = recentPurchases.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {

            int reservationLength = learningPeriod; //TODO - careful! learningPeriod does not necessarily have to be equal to reservation length
            int monthsAgo = recentPurchases.size() - i;
            int monthsRemaining = reservationLength - monthsAgo;
            double proportionRemaining = monthsRemaining / (double) reservationLength;
            // TODO NOTE: reserveMonthlyCost may vary, but for now, just use last value stored
            double valueRemaining = latestReservedUpfrontPrice * proportionRemaining * recentPurchases.get(i);
            assetsValue += valueRemaining;

            if (recentPurchases.get(i) > 0) {
                logger.debug("months ago = " + monthsAgo + ", months remaining = " + monthsRemaining
                        + ", proportionRemaining = " + proportionRemaining + " #owned = " + recentPurchases.get(i)
                        + ", reservedUpFrontPrice = " + latestReservedUpfrontPrice + ", value remaining = "
                        + valueRemaining + ", assets = " + assetsValue);

        return assetsValue;


     * Approach users asking if they require resources in this period
     * First, which options do they want to use. Secondly, how many on-demand?
     * The log for the broker should not be time-based but should be called from the
     * second stage of provisioning. This is so that logs compare predicted performance
     * (in previous period) to achieved performance (in current time period)
    public void chargeExecutions() {"Calling resetBalance() ..");
        int month = BrokerModuleRunner.getInstance().getCurrentMonth();

        int numAgents = BrokerModuleRunner.getInstance().getNumAgents();
        int numEachAgent = BrokerModuleRunner.getInstance().getNumEachAgent();
        double fee = 0.0;
        int reservationsRequired = 0;
        int onDemandRequired = 0;"Charging for Executions...");

        for (int profile = 0; profile < numAgents; profile++) {
            double demand = BrokerModuleRunner.getInstance().getDemandList().get(profile).getCurrentDemand();
            demand = BrokerModuleRunner.getInstance().getDemandList().get(profile).randomiseDemand(demand,
            int numToPick = (int) (demand * numEachAgent);

            List<Integer> chosen = new ArrayList<Integer>();

            for (Integer i : chosen) {
                UserAgent user = BrokerModuleRunner.getInstance().getAgent((profile * numEachAgent) + i);
                double p = user.getOrder();
                fee = costFactor * (1 + (k / 2) - (k * p));
                balance += fee;
                //TODO JPC Jul 2013: we need to start a one month instance for each user requiring it...
                //we need a Reservation class that is bought from the DC provider and stored by the broker, 
                //with a start and stop time, and a use() class
        yearlyReservationsRequired += reservationsRequired;

        int surplusReservations = futureCapacity.get(month + 1) - reservationsRequired;
        onDemandRequired = (surplusReservations < 0) ? -surplusReservations : 0;
        yearlyOnDemand += onDemandRequired;

        if (onDemandRequired > 0) {
  "Month #" + month + ": Next months capacity = " + futureCapacity.get(month + 1)
                    + ", Next month demand = " + reservationsRequired + ", Creating " + onDemandRequired
                    + " on-demand Price Requests");
            //get a quote price for each on-demand instance required
                    .addEvent(new QuoteRequestEvent(
                            World.getInstance().getTime() + TimeManager.millisecondsToSimulationTime(1),
                            onDemandRequired, PriceType.ONDEMAND));

        logger.debug("Payment bug is: " + ((implement_payment_bug) ? "on" : "off"));

        // Implement the 'payment bug' of Rogers & Cliff (2012). Used for replication experiments. Otherwise, switch off!
        if (implement_payment_bug) {
            if (reservationsRequired <= futureCapacity.get(month + 1)) {
                balance -= (reservationsRequired * reserveMonthlyCost);
            } else {
                //do nothing:- We *should* be charging for all the reserved instances used this month, but 'payment bug' in Rogers & Cliff (2012) doesn't do this.
                logger.debug("Not charging for reserved instances used this month (the 'payment bug')");
            yearlySummedCapacity += futureCapacity.get(month + 1);
        } else {
            // This is the 'Fix' of the 'payment bug' - charge for all reservations used.
            // This is what we *should* be doing
            balance -= (reservationsRequired - onDemandRequired) * reserveMonthlyCost;
            yearlySummedCapacity += futureCapacity.get(month + 1);

        long executeTime = World.getInstance().getTime() + TimeManager.daysToSimulationTime(1);
        EventQueue.getInstance().addEvent(new BrokerReserveEvent(executeTime));

    public void purchaseInstances(List<Quote> quotes) {
        Quote quote = getBestQuote(quotes);
        try {
            if (quote.getInstances() > 0) {
                // Charge the up-front cost.
                balance -= quote.getUpFrontCost();
                int totalReserved = 0;
                for (int instance = 0; instance < quote.getInstances(); instance++) {
                    if (quote.getPriceType() == PriceType.RESERVED) {
                        reserveMonthlyCost = quote.getMonthlyCostPerInstance();
                        //TODO:- Don't actually start the service in the data centre. It is just a reservation. Start when used.
                        //For now, start it here - we assume that it will be running for the entire 3 year period
                        ServiceStartEvent serviceEvent = ServiceStartEvent.create(
                                World.getInstance().getTime() + TimeManager.daysToSimulationTime(28),
                                TimeManager.daysToSimulationTime(28) * learningPeriod, Service.getNextServiceID(),
                                0, quote.getDcID());

                        logger.debug("New reserved instance: " + serviceEvent);
                    } else if (quote.getPriceType() == PriceType.ONDEMAND) {

                        balance -= quote.getMonthlyCostPerInstance();
                        ServiceStartEvent serviceEvent = ServiceStartEvent.create(World.getInstance().getTime(),
                                TimeManager.daysToSimulationTime(28), Service.getNextServiceID(), 0,
                        logger.debug("New on demand instance: " + serviceEvent);

                // Update Future Capacity.
                int month = BrokerModuleRunner.getInstance().getCurrentMonth();
                        "Going to update future capacity with the newly reserved instances = " + totalReserved);
                logger.debug("Original capacity: " + futureCapacity);
                for (int i = month + 1; i <= month + learningPeriod; i++) {
                    futureCapacity.set(i, futureCapacity.get(i) + totalReserved);
                logger.debug("New capacity: " + futureCapacity);
                // Update reservation purchases
                reservationPurchases.set(month + 1, reservationPurchases.get(month + 1) + totalReserved);
                logger.debug("Month #" + month + " - Reservations purchased history: " + reservationPurchases);
                if (quote.getPriceType() == PriceType.RESERVED)

        } catch (NullPointerException e) {
  "No quotes were chosen to start");

     * Return reservationPurchases as a yearly matrix string - for debugging output
     * @return
    private String getReservationPurchaseHistoryAsMatrixString() {

        String output = "Reservation purchase history by year and month:\n";
        int monthCounter = 1;
        int yearCounter = 1;
        int yearlyTotal = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < reservationPurchases.size(); i++) {
            if (i % 12 == 0) {
                //next year
                if (i != 0)
                    output += " \t[Total = " + yearlyTotal + "] \n";
                yearlyTotal = 0;
                monthCounter = 1;
                output += "Year " + yearCounter + " ";
            output += "[" + monthCounter + "] " + reservationPurchases.get(i) + " ";
            yearlyTotal += reservationPurchases.get(i);
        output += " \t[Total = " + yearlyTotal + "] \n";

        return output;

    private void adaptThreshold(double demand, double reservations) {
        double target = reservations / (demand + 1);
        if (target > maxTarget) {
            maxTarget = target;
        } else if (target < minTarget) {
            minTarget = target;
        target = (target - minTarget) / (maxTarget - minTarget);
        target = (AGGRESSIVE) ? target / 2.0 : target;
        double newDelta = momentum * delta + alpha * ((1 - momentum) * (target - mruThreshold));
        double newThreshold = mruThreshold + newDelta; = newDelta;
        this.mruThreshold = newThreshold;

    private void determineAggressiveness(int month, double demand) {
        int growthMonths = 0;
        double priorMonth = Double.MAX_VALUE;
        double yearAgoDemand = 0;
        for (int i = month - 11; i <= month; i++) {
            double currentMonth = previousDemand.get(i);
            if (currentMonth > priorMonth) {
            priorMonth = currentMonth;
            if (i == month - 11) {
                yearAgoDemand = currentMonth;

        if (growthMonths >= 6 && yearAgoDemand < priorMonth) {
            AGGRESSIVE = true;
        } else {
            AGGRESSIVE = false;

    private Quote getBestQuote(List<Quote> quotes) {
        Quote chosenQuote = null;
        double bestPrice = Double.MAX_VALUE;
        for (Quote quote : quotes) {
            double total = quote.getUpFrontCost() + quote.getDuration() * quote.getTotalMonthlyCost();
            if (total < bestPrice) {
                bestPrice = total;
                chosenQuote = quote;
        return chosenQuote;

    public void logPerformance() {
        for (Datacentre dc : World.getInstance().getDatacentres()) {
            Log log = new Log();

            double tAvg = 0.0;
            for (double t : previousThresholds) {
                tAvg += t;
            tAvg /= previousThresholds.size();


            double assets = this.getAssetsValue();
  "Logging assets value = " + assets);
            log.add(String.valueOf(format.format(assets + balance)));

            LogManager.writeLog(BrokerModuleRunner.getInstance().getLogWriter(dc.getID()), log);
  "Log written: " + log);

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void updateDemand(double demand) {
        previousDemand.set(demandCounter, demand);