Java tutorial
/* _______ __ __ _______ __ * | __|__| |.--.--.-----.----.|_ _|.----.-----.--.--.| |_ * |__ | | || | | -__| _| | | | _| _ | | || _| * |_______|__|__| \___/|_____|__| |___| |__| |_____|_____||____| * * Copyright 2008 - Gustav Tiger, Henrik Steen and Gustav "Gussoh" Sohtell * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * */ package silvertrout; import; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue; import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import silvertrout.settings.NetworkSettings; /** * Network class that handles connection to the network. Sending and * * */ public class Network { private static abstract class PluginCallback { String callbackName; PluginCallback(String callbackName) { this.callbackName = callbackName; } abstract void callback(Plugin plugin); String getCallbackName() { return callbackName; } } private static class LowerCaseMap<T> extends AbstractHashedMap<String, T> { public LowerCaseMap() { super(DEFAULT_CAPACITY, DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR, DEFAULT_THRESHOLD); } @Override protected Object convertKey(Object key) { if (key != null) { return Message.toLower(key.toString()); } return AbstractHashedMap.NULL; } } private final NetworkSettings networkSettings; private final User me; private final Map<String, Channel> channels = new LowerCaseMap<Channel>(); private final Map<String, Channel> unjoinedChannels = new LowerCaseMap<Channel>(); private final Map<String, User> users = new LowerCaseMap<User>(); private final Map<String, Plugin> plugins = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Plugin>(); private final IRC irc; private final IRCConnection connection; // do not instantiate here, let constructior decide what kind of IRCConnection we want private WorkerThread workerThread; private String motd = new String(); /** Indicator of exception frequenzy. 0 is good. Every exception adds one and one is removed every tick() */ private int exceptionFrequenzy = 0; private int tick; private boolean connected = false; /** * Create and connect to a new Network, * * @param irc * @param networkSettings the settings to use for the IRCConnection * @param me - Contains settings for nickname, username, realname * @throws IOException if connection could not be established to network */ public Network(IRC irc, NetworkSettings networkSettings, User me) throws IOException { this.irc = irc; this.networkSettings = networkSettings; = me; // Load plugins: for (Entry<String, Map<String, String>> plugin : getIrc().getSettings() .getPluginsFor(networkSettings.getName()).entrySet()) { // settings = entry.getValue(); if (loadPlugin(plugin.getKey())) { System.out.println("Plugin loaded: " + plugin.getKey()); } else { System.out.println("Unable to load plugin: " + plugin.getKey()); } } // Create worker createWorkerThread(); // Connect to server if (networkSettings.isSecure()) { connection = new SecureIRCConnection(this); } else { connection = new IRCConnection(this); } for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : getIrc().getSettings().getChannelsFor(networkSettings.getName()) .entrySet()) { Channel c = new Channel(entry.getKey(), this); c.password = entry.getValue(); unjoinedChannels.put(entry.getKey(), c); } System.err.println("Creating worker thread"); } private void createWorkerThread() { if (workerThread != null && !workerThread.isStop()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Can only start one instance of " + "workerthread for network \"" + getNetworkSettings().getName() + "\"!"); } workerThread = new WorkerThread(); workerThread.setName("Network \"" + getNetworkSettings().getName() + "\" worker thread"); workerThread.setUncaughtExceptionHandler(new Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler() { @Override public void uncaughtException(Thread t, Throwable e) { workerThread.cancel(); exceptionFrequenzy++; System.out.println( "*** Exception occured in network \"" + getNetworkSettings().getName() + "\": " + e); System.out.println("*** Exception frequenzy: " + exceptionFrequenzy); e.printStackTrace(); if (exceptionFrequenzy >= 3) { // number greater than 1. // Number found by injecting errors by messages. 3 seem // to be a good number. System.out.println("*** Too many exceptions! Closing " + " network \"" + getNetworkSettings().getName() + "\"!"); getConnection().forceClose(); return; } System.out.println("*** Creating new worker thread..."); createWorkerThread(); System.out.println( "*** New worker thread for network \"" + getNetworkSettings().getName() + "\" started!"); } }); System.err.println(" - Starting thread"); workerThread.start(); } /** * Connection notifies that it is unable to fullfill its job any more. * Something went wrong and the connection to the IRC server failed. * This method is not thread safe (not an exception) and should be invoked by the network thread * What happens if a thread cancels itself? exception? */ void onDisconnect() { connected = false; // stop worker thread workerThread.cancel(); // notify plugins callPlugin(new PluginCallback("onDisconnected") { void callback(Plugin plugin) { plugin.onDisconnected(); }; }); removeUser(me.getNickname()); // destroy this Network instance. how? If we want to reconnect the easiest way is to create a new Network } void onNoMotd() { onEndOfMotd(); } void onEndOfMotd() { onConnect(); } void onMotd(String motdLine) { motd += motdLine + "\n"; } /** * Someone did a +mode on user in a channel * @param channel * @param user * @param mode */ void onGiveMode(final User giver, final Channel channel, final User receiver, final char mode) { channel.getUsers().get(receiver).giveMode(mode); callPlugin(new PluginCallback("onGiveMode") { void callback(Plugin plugin) { plugin.onGiveMode(giver, channel, receiver, mode); }; }); } /** * Invite received from known user * @param channel */ void onInvite(final User user, final String channel) { callPlugin(new PluginCallback("onInvite") { void callback(Plugin plugin) { plugin.onInvite(user, channel); }; }); } /** * Invite received from unknown user * @param channel */ void onInvite(String nickname, String channel) { onInvite(new User(nickname, this), channel); } /** * Someone did a kick * @param kicker * @param channel * @param receiver * @param message */ void onKick(final User kicker, final Channel channel, final User receiver, final String message) { callPlugin(new PluginCallback("onKick") { void callback(Plugin plugin) { plugin.onKick(kicker, channel, receiver, message); }; }); } /** * Notice to channel received from known user * @param channel * @param message */ void onNotice(final User user, final Channel channel, final String message) { callPlugin(new PluginCallback("onNotice") { void callback(Plugin plugin) { plugin.onNotice(user, channel, message); }; }); } /** * private notice from known user to us received * @param user sender * @param message */ void onNotice(final User user, final String message) { callPlugin(new PluginCallback("onNotice") { void callback(Plugin plugin) { plugin.onNotice(user, message); }; }); } /** * notice to channel from unknown user (the user is not in the channel) * @param nickname * @param channel * @param message */ void onNotice(String nickname, Channel channel, String message) { onNotice(new User(nickname, this), channel, message); } /** * private notive from unknown user * @param nickname * @param message */ void onNotice(String nickname, String message) { onNotice(new User(nickname, this), message); } /** * We parted a channel * @param channel * @param message */ void onPart(final Channel channel, final String message) { removeChannel(channel.getName()); callPlugin(new PluginCallback("onPart") { void callback(Plugin plugin) { plugin.onPart(channel, message); }; }); } /** * Someone leaves a channel * @param user * @param channel * @param message */ void onPart(final User user, final Channel channel, final String message) { channel.delUser(user); callPlugin(new PluginCallback("onPart") { void callback(Plugin plugin) { plugin.onPart(user, channel, message); }; }); } /** * Ping question received * @param target */ void onPing(final String target) { callPlugin(new PluginCallback("onPing") { void callback(Plugin plugin) { plugin.onPing(target); }; }); } /** * Private message from unknown user * @param nickname * @param message */ void onPrivmsg(String from, String to, final String message) { /* ignore everything we send to ourself to prevent sending loops */ if (from == to) return; // Private message if (to.equals(getMyUser().getNickname())) { final User user = getUser(from) != null ? getUser(from) : new User(from, this); callPlugin(new PluginCallback("onPrivms") { void callback(Plugin plugin) { plugin.onPrivmsg(user, message); }; }); } else if (from.equals(getMyUser().getNickname())) { final User user = getUser(to) != null ? getUser(to) : new User(to, this); callPlugin(new PluginCallback("onSendmsg") { void callback(Plugin plugin) { plugin.onSendmsg(user, message); }; }); // To channel } else { final Channel channel = getChannel(to); final User user = getUser(from); if (user != null && channel != null) { callPlugin(new PluginCallback("onPrivmsg") { void callback(Plugin plugin) { plugin.onPrivmsg(user, channel, message); }; }); } else { // TODO: should not happend System.out.println("Message from unkown person or to unknown channel"); return; } } } /** * Someone quits the network * @param user * @param message */ void onQuit(final User user, final String message) { /* remove the user from all channels */ for (Channel channel : channels.values()) { channel.delUser(user); } /* remove user from user list */ removeUser(user.getNickname()); /* run the onQuit in plugins */ callPlugin(new PluginCallback("onQuit") { void callback(Plugin plugin) { plugin.onQuit(user, message); }; }); } /** * Called when someone removes a mode from a user in a channel * @param channel * @param user * @param mode */ void onTakeMode(final User taker, final Channel channel, final User affectedUser, final char mode) { channel.getUsers().get(affectedUser).takeMode(mode); callPlugin(new PluginCallback("onTakeMode") { void callback(Plugin plugin) { plugin.onTakeMode(taker, channel, affectedUser, mode); }; }); } /** * User joined a channel * @param user * @param channel */ void onJoin(String nickname, String channelName) { User user = getUser(nickname); Channel channel = getChannel(channelName); // Its'a me mario! (It's me joining) if (user != null && user.equals(getMyUser())) { System.out.println("Half-joining channel " + channelName); // Add channel to unjoined channels channel = new Channel(channelName, this); unjoinedChannels.put(channelName, channel); // Other user is joining } else { // Uknown channel (should not happend at all) if (channel == null) { // FAAAAIIL: TODO: error check, this should not happend System.out.println("JOIN: Channel was null! " + channelName + ", user: " + nickname); return; // Known channel } else { // Have not seen this user before if (user == null) { user = new User(nickname, this); addUser(user); System.out.println("New unknown user joining channel " + channelName); } System.out.println("New known user " + user + " joining channel " + channel); // Add user channel.addUser(user, new Modes()); // Tell our fine plugins about this joyus occation and let them // rejoice and be happy. final User finalUser = user; final Channel finalChannel = channel; callPlugin(new PluginCallback("onJoin") { void callback(Plugin plugin) { plugin.onJoin(finalUser, finalChannel); }; }); } } } /** * Called when someone changes nickname * @param nickname * @param newNickname */ void onNick(String nickname, String newNickname) { // TODO: can this happend without a valid user? final User user = getUser(nickname); final String oldNickname = user.getNickname(); // Move user in user hash map users.remove(oldNickname); users.put(newNickname, user); // Update channels user.setNickname(newNickname); callPlugin(new PluginCallback("onNick") { void callback(Plugin plugin) { plugin.onNick(user, oldNickname); }; }); } /** * Called on topic change * @param channel * @param newTopic */ void onTopic(String channelName, String newTopic) { System.out.println("New topic for " + channelName + " is " + newTopic); final Channel channel = getChannel(channelName); if (channel != null) { final String oldTopic = channel.getTopic(); channel.setTopic(newTopic); callPlugin(new PluginCallback("onTopic") { void callback(Plugin plugin) { plugin.onTopic(me, channel, oldTopic); }; }); } else { // TODO: check unavaible list? Channel unjoinedChannel = unjoinedChannels.get(channelName); if (unjoinedChannel != null) { unjoinedChannel.setTopic(newTopic); } else { System.out.println("Error: Topic for non joined and non unjoined channel " + channelName); } } } /** * Called on connection successful */ void onConnect() { connected = true; addUser(me); callPlugin(new PluginCallback("onConnected") { void callback(Plugin plugin) { plugin.onConnected(); }; }); for (Map.Entry<String, Channel> entry : unjoinedChannels.entrySet()) { getConnection().join(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().password); } } /** * Called when receiving a list of names from join or names command * @param channel * @param nicksWithModes */ void onNames(String channelName, String[] nicksWithModes) { Channel channel = getChannel(channelName); if (channel == null) { channel = unjoinedChannels.get(channelName); } for (int i = 0; i < nicksWithModes.length; i++) { String nickname = nicksWithModes[i]; if (nickname.startsWith("+") || nickname.startsWith("@") || nickname.startsWith("&") || nickname.startsWith("~")) { if (!existsUser(nickname.substring(1))) { addUser(new User(nickname.substring(1), this)); } if (nickname.startsWith("+")) { channel.addUser(getUser(nickname.substring(1)), new Modes("v")); } else if (nickname.startsWith("@") || nickname.startsWith("&") || nickname.startsWith("~")) { channel.addUser(getUser(nickname.substring(1)), new Modes("o")); } } else { if (!existsUser(nickname)) { addUser(new User(nickname, this)); } channel.addUser(getUser(nickname), new Modes()); } //System.out.println("*** Added user " + user + " to c " + c.getName() + "."); } // Notify plugins? } void onEndOfNames(String channelName) { // We are done joining if (unjoinedChannels.containsKey(channelName)) { System.out.println("Done half-joining channel " + channelName); Channel channel = unjoinedChannels.remove(channelName); channels.put(channelName, channel); for (Plugin plugin : plugins.values()) { try { plugin.onJoin(channel); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Plugin " + plugin + "crashed in onJoin handler:"); System.out.println(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } } // TODO: fix } // TODO: User Manager? { /** * Search for a user with a specified nickname * * @param nickname - The nickname of the user to search for * @return true iff the user with the specified nick exist */ public boolean existsUser(String nickname) { return users.containsKey(nickname); } /** * Fetch a User with a specified nickname * * @param nickname - The nickname of the user to fetch * @return The user with the specified nickname */ public User getUser(String nickname) { return users.get(nickname); } /** * Remove a User from the user list * * @param nickname - The nickname of the user to delete */ private void removeUser(String nickname) { users.remove(nickname); } /** * Fetch a map of the users known on the Network * * @return A map containing all known users on the Network. With nickname as key and user object as value. */ public Map<String, User> getUsers() { return users; } /** * Add a user to the Network * * @param u the user object */ void addUser(User u) { users.put(u.getNickname(), u); } /** * Return yourself * * @return the user representing yourself */ public User getMyUser() { return me; } // } END User Manager // TODO: Channel Manager? { /** * Fetch a collection containing all joined channels on the Network * * @return all known channels on the Network */ public Collection<Channel> getChannels() { return channels.values(); } /** * Get a reference to the top level. * * This is where the settings manage is available * * @return the IRC object */ public IRC getIrc() { return irc; } /** * Get the network settings for this connection. * * This includes the name of the network, hostname and port of server and * so on... * * @return the network settings */ public NetworkSettings getNetworkSettings() { return networkSettings; } /** * Get the configured plugins for this network * * @return the plugins */ public Map<String, Plugin> getPlugins() { return plugins; } /** * Check whether silvertrout is in a specified channel. * * @param name The name of the channel to search for * @return True if the channel with the specified name is a channel * that silvertrout is in. */ public boolean isInChannel(String name) { return channels.containsKey(name); } /** * Returns a channel with a specified name * * @param name The name of the channel to search fo * @return The channel with the specified name, orr null if the * channel does not exist */ public Channel getChannel(String name) { return channels.get(name); } /** * Add a channel in the Network. * * @param channel - The the channel to add. */ void addChannel(Channel channel) { if (!isInChannel(channel.getName())) { channels.put(channel.getName(), channel); } } /** * Remove a channel from the Network. * * @param channel - The name of the channel to remove from. */ void removeChannel(String channel) { if (channels.remove(channel) != null) { System.out.println("Parting from channel " + channel); } } // } END CHANNEL MANAGER (TODO ? ) /** * Unload a plugin with the spicified name. * * @param name The name of the plugin to unload * @return True if the plugin was unloaded, otherwise false */ public synchronized boolean unloadPlugin(String name) { synchronized (plugins) { if (plugins.containsKey(name)) { plugins.get(name).onUnload(); plugins.remove(name); // Clean up after us a bit (to allow reload) // XXX: Is this really neccessary? Runtime.getRuntime().runFinalization(); while (true) { long freeMemory = Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory(); Runtime.getRuntime().gc(); if (freeMemory == Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()) { break; } } return true; } else { return false; } } } /** * Load plugin with the specified name from a file. * * @param name Name of the plugin to load * @return True if the plugin was loaded, otherwise false */ public synchronized boolean loadPlugin(String name) { if (!plugins.containsKey(name)) { synchronized (plugins) { try { PluginClassLoader pcl = new PluginClassLoader(); Class<?> c = pcl.findClass("silvertrout.plugins." + name.toLowerCase() + "." + name); if (Plugin.class.isAssignableFrom(c)) { Plugin p = (Plugin) c.newInstance(); p.setNetwork(this); p.onLoad(getIrc().getSettings().getPluginSettingsFor(getNetworkSettings().getName(), name)); plugins.put(name, p); return true; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } return false; } /** * Call the callback in the PluginCallback for every loaded plugin. * * TODO: logging, exception handeling, exception frequency, etc * * @param pcb Plugin callback to call for every loaded plugin */ public void callPlugin(PluginCallback pcb) { for (Plugin plugin : plugins.values()) { try { pcb.callback(plugin); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Plugin " + plugin + "crashed in " + pcb.getCallbackName() + " handler:"); System.out.println(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * Get an indicator of the number of exceptions occuring in this network's working thread. * 0 is good. Every exception adds one and every tick() removes one. * * @return The exception frequencey. */ public int getExceptionFrequenzy() { return exceptionFrequenzy; } /** * Get the current tick. * * @return the current tick (i.e. seconds since silvertrout started) */ public int getTick() { return tick; } /** * * */ private void onTick(final int ticks) { if (!connected) { return; } tick = ticks; if (exceptionFrequenzy > 0) { exceptionFrequenzy--; } callPlugin(new PluginCallback("onTick") { void callback(Plugin plugin) { plugin.onTick(ticks); }; }); } /** * Get a handle for the worker thread. This should be used by caution since * this exposes the inner "pricate" class workerthread. * This is used by IRCconnection to add new incommin messages for handeling. * * @return the worker thread */ WorkerThread getWorkerThread() { return workerThread; } /** * Get the connection to this network. * Use this to send messages and other stuff * * @return the connection to the network */ public IRCConnection getConnection() { return connection; } /** * */ public class WorkerThread extends Thread { private final ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Runnable> tasks = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Runnable>(); private final Semaphore taskSempaphore = new Semaphore(0); private final IRCProcessor processor = new IRCProcessor(Network.this); private final Timer tickTimer = new Timer("Tick timer"); private int ticks = 0; private boolean stop = false; /** * Put something in queue to be invoked by the network thread. * * @param task thing to do */ public void invokeLater(Runnable task) { tasks.add(task); taskSempaphore.release(); } /** * Process an incoming message from the IRCConnection * * @param msg message to process */ public void process(final Message msg) { invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { processor.process(msg); } }); } /** * Terminates the worker thread and the tick timer. * Does not let the workerthread process its queue. * This method is not thread safe and should be invoked by the network thread. */ public void cancel() { stop = true; tickTimer.cancel(); workerThread.interrupt(); // will this work? I dont think so. Cancel is run by the workerThread. Doesn't matter. } /** * Checks if the thread stopped. * * @return True if the thread is stopped */ public boolean isStop() { return stop; } @Override public void run() { // Wroker thread started! TimerTask ticker = new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { // Executed by timer invokeLater(new Runnable() { // Give network thread a new task @Override public void run() { // Executed by network thread onTick(ticks); ticks++; } }); } }; tickTimer.schedule(ticker, 1000, 1000); // wait one second before first tick to make the exceptionFrequenzy work. for (;;) { try { if (!stop) { taskSempaphore.acquire(); tasks.poll().run(); } else { return; } } catch (InterruptedException ex) { Logger.getLogger(Network.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); cancel(); // stop the thread and die... } } } } }