Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


package siddur.solidtrust.marktplaats;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;

import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardAnalyzer;
import org.apache.lucene.index.Term;
import org.apache.lucene.queryParser.QueryParser;
import org.apache.lucene.util.Version;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;
import org.springframework.ui.Model;

import siddur.solidtrust.priceAnalysis.NewMarktplaats;
import siddur.solidtrust.priceAnalysis.SortedMarktplaats;
import siddur.solidtrust.util.DateUtil;
import siddur.solidtrust.util.LuceneUtil;

public class MarktplaatsService {

    private static final Logger log4j = Logger.getLogger(MarktplaatsService.class);

    private EntityManager em;

    private String marktplaatsCarSelectSQL = "select, m.licensePlate, m.brand, m.model, m.type,, m.color, m.price, m.enginesize, m.fuel, m.ownerType, m.mileage, m.adDate, m.dateRemoved, m.dateRegisted, datediff(m.dateRegisted, m.adDate)as days ";
    private String marktplaatsCarMileageSelectSQL = "select, m.licensePlate, m.brand, m.model,, m.fuel, m.mileage ";

    public List<NewMarktplaats> findEntityByLicensePlate(String lp) {
        String jqpl = "from NewMarktplaats m where m.licensePlate='" + lp + "'";
        return em.createQuery(jqpl, NewMarktplaats.class).getResultList();

     * Used for Days for sale (sold), delete the repetitions with same license plate and registed date
    public Page<MarktplaatsCar> timeOnSale(Pageable pageable, String brand, String model, String build,
            String fuelType) {
        String baseJpql = "from SortedMarktplaats s, NewMarktplaats m where = and m.dateRegisted is not null and m.repetition is null";
        if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(brand)) {
            baseJpql += " and s.brand = '" + brand + "'";
        if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(model)) {
            baseJpql += " and s.model = '" + model + "'";
        if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(build)) {
            baseJpql += " and = '" + build + "'";
        if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(fuelType)) {
            baseJpql += " and s.fuelType = '" + fuelType + "'";

        String countSql = "select count(m) " + baseJpql;
        int count = em.createQuery(countSql, Long.class).getSingleResult().intValue();

        String jpql = marktplaatsCarSelectSQL + baseJpql;;

        List<Object[]> list = em.createQuery(jpql, Object[].class)
                .setFirstResult(pageable.getPageSize() * pageable.getPageNumber())
        List<MarktplaatsCar> results = toMarktplaatsList(list);
        Page<MarktplaatsCar> page = new PageImpl<MarktplaatsCar>(results, pageable, count);
        return page;

     * Used for Days for sale (sold), delete the repetitions with same license plate and registed date
     * 2015-10-09
     * select avg(datediff(m.dateRegisted, m.adDate)) from NewMarktplaats m where m.dateRegisted is not null and m.repetition is null;
     *  33.6601
     * select count(1) from NewMarktplaats m ;
     *    1280339
     * select count(1) from NewMarktplaats m where m.dateRegisted is not null and m.repetition is null;
     *  437297
    public int averageTimeOnSale(String brand, String model, String build, String fuelType) {
        String baseJpql = "select avg(datediff(m.dateRegisted, m.adDate)) from SortedMarktplaats s, NewMarktplaats m where = and m.dateRegisted is not null and m.repetition is null";
        if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(brand)) {
            baseJpql += " and s.brand = '" + brand + "'";
        if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(model)) {
            baseJpql += " and s.model = '" + model + "'";
        if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(build)) {
            baseJpql += " and = '" + build + "'";
        if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(fuelType)) {
            baseJpql += " and s.fuelType = '" + fuelType + "'";

        BigDecimal avg = (BigDecimal) em.createNativeQuery(baseJpql).getSingleResult();
        return avg.intValue();

     * Used in stadagen
    @Transactional(readOnly = true)
    public Page<MarktplaatsCar> timeOnSaleByLucene(Pageable pageable, String brand, String model, String build)
            throws Exception {
        List<Integer> items = searchIds(brand, model, build, null);

        String jpql = marktplaatsCarSelectSQL
                + " from NewMarktplaats m where in :ids and m.dateRegisted is not null";
        String totalJpql = "select count(m) from NewMarktplaats m where in :ids and m.dateRegisted is not null";;

        List<Object[]> list = em.createQuery(jpql, Object[].class).setParameter("ids", items)
                .setFirstResult(pageable.getPageSize() * pageable.getPageNumber())

        long total = em.createQuery(totalJpql, Long.class).setParameter("ids", items).getSingleResult();
        List<MarktplaatsCar> results = toMarktplaatsList(list);
        Page<MarktplaatsCar> page = new PageImpl<MarktplaatsCar>(results, pageable, total);
        return page;

    @Deprecated //replace by averageTimeOnSaleByLucene2
    @Transactional(readOnly = true)
    public int averageTimeOnSaleByLucene(String brand, String model, String build) throws Exception {
        List<Integer> items = searchIds(brand, model, build, null);
        if (items.isEmpty()) {
            return 0;
        String baseJpql = "select avg(datediff(m.dateRegisted, m.adDate)) from NewMarktplaats m where in :ids and m.dateRegisted is not null";
        BigDecimal avg = (BigDecimal) em.createNativeQuery(baseJpql).setParameter("ids", items).getSingleResult();
        return avg == null ? 0 : avg.intValue();

    @Transactional(readOnly = true)
    public int averageTimeOnSaleByLucene2(String brand, String model, String build) throws Exception {
        List<SortedMarktplaats> items = search(brand, model, build, null);
        if (items.isEmpty()) {
            return 0;
        }"found " + items.size());
        int perDay = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
        List<SortedMarktplaats> newList = new ArrayList<>();
        for (SortedMarktplaats sm : items) {
            if (sm.getDateRegisted() != null) {
        }"after filter, found " + newList.size());
        int total = 0;
        for (SortedMarktplaats i : newList) {
            Date d1 = DateUtil.string2Date1(i.getDateRegisted());
            Date d2 = DateUtil.string2Date1(i.getAdDate());
            total += (int) ((d1.getTime() - d2.getTime()) / perDay);
        return total / newList.size();
        //      double avg = -> i.getDateRegisted() != null)
        //         .mapToInt(i -> {
        //            Date d1 = DateUtil.string2Date1(i.getDateRegisted());
        //            Date d2 = DateUtil.string2Date1(i.getAdDate());
        //            return (int)((d1.getTime() - d2.getTime()) / perDay);
        //         }).average().getAsDouble();
        //      return (int)avg;

    @Transactional(readOnly = true)
    public void mileageByLucene(Model _model, Pageable pageable, String brand, String model, String build,
            String fuelType) throws Exception {
        List<Integer> items = searchIds(brand, model, build, fuelType);
        if (items.isEmpty()) {
        String suffix = " from NewMarktplaats m where in :ids and m.mileage > 10";
        String jpql = marktplaatsCarMileageSelectSQL + suffix;
        String totalJpql = "select count(m), avg(m.mileage)" + suffix;

        List<Object[]> list = em.createQuery(jpql, Object[].class).setParameter("ids", items)

        Object[] count = em.createQuery(totalJpql, Object[].class).setParameter("ids", items).getSingleResult();
        List<MarktplaatsCar> results = toMarktplaatsListForMileage(list);
        Page<MarktplaatsCar> page = new PageImpl<MarktplaatsCar>(results, pageable, (long) count[0]);
        _model.addAttribute("page", page);
        _model.addAttribute("mileage", ((Double) count[1]).intValue());


    //replace by mileageByLuceneForAPI2
    @Transactional(readOnly = true)
    public Double mileageByLuceneForAPI(String brand, String model, String build, String fuelType)
            throws Exception {
        List<Integer> items = searchIds(brand, model, build, fuelType);
        if (items.isEmpty()) {
            return null;
        }"found " + items.size());

        String suffix = " from NewMarktplaats m where in :ids and m.mileage > 10";
        String totalJpql = "select avg(m.mileage)" + suffix;

        Double avg = em.createQuery(totalJpql, Double.class).setParameter("ids", items).getSingleResult();
        return avg;

    @Transactional(readOnly = true)
    public Integer mileageByLuceneForAPI2(String brand, String model, String build, String fuelType)
            throws Exception {
        List<SortedMarktplaats> items = search(brand, model, build, fuelType);
        if (items.isEmpty()) {
            return null;
        }"found " + items.size());

        List<Integer> ints = new ArrayList<>();
        for (SortedMarktplaats sm : items) {
            if (sm.getMileage() > 10) {
        int total = 0;
        for (Integer i : ints) {
            total += i;
        return total / ints.size();
        //      Double avg =
        //            .filter(i -> i.getMileage() > 10)
        //            .mapToInt(i -> i.getMileage())
        //            .average()
        //            .getAsDouble();
        //      return avg;

    //replaced by search
    private List<Integer> searchIds(String brand, String model, String build, String fuelType) throws Exception {
        FullTextEntityManager fullTextEntityManager = Search.getFullTextEntityManager(em);
        QueryBuilder qb = fullTextEntityManager.getSearchFactory().buildQueryBuilder()
        Analyzer analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer(Version.LUCENE_36, LuceneUtil.getStopwords());
        String s = "0;0;0;0";
        String[] boostArray = null;
        boostArray = s.split(";");

        BooleanJunction bj = qb.bool();

        LuceneUtil.setBoost(0, boostArray, new TermQuery(new Term("build", build)), bj);

        LuceneUtil.setBoost(1, boostArray, new TermQuery(new Term("brand", brand)), bj);

        if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(model)) {
            QueryParser parser = new QueryParser(Version.LUCENE_36, "model", analyzer);
            LuceneUtil.setBoost(2, boostArray, parser.parse(QueryParser.escape(model)), bj);

        if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(fuelType)) {
            QueryParser parser = new QueryParser(Version.LUCENE_36, "fuelType", analyzer);
            LuceneUtil.setBoost(3, boostArray, parser.parse(QueryParser.escape(fuelType)), bj);

        Query query = bj.createQuery();
        FullTextQuery persistenceQuery = fullTextEntityManager.createFullTextQuery(query, SortedMarktplaats.class);

        List<Object[]> list = persistenceQuery.getResultList();
        List<Integer> items = new ArrayList<Integer>(list.size());
        for (Object[] array : list) {
            SortedMarktplaats item = (SortedMarktplaats) array[0];
        return items;

    private List<SortedMarktplaats> search(String brand, String model, String build, String fuelType)
            throws Exception {
        FullTextEntityManager fullTextEntityManager = Search.getFullTextEntityManager(em);
        QueryBuilder qb = fullTextEntityManager.getSearchFactory().buildQueryBuilder()
        Analyzer analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer(Version.LUCENE_36, LuceneUtil.getStopwords());
        String s = "0;0;0;0";
        String[] boostArray = null;
        boostArray = s.split(";");

        BooleanJunction bj = qb.bool();

        LuceneUtil.setBoost(0, boostArray, new TermQuery(new Term("build", build)), bj);

        LuceneUtil.setBoost(1, boostArray, new TermQuery(new Term("brand", brand)), bj);

        if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(model)) {
            QueryParser parser = new QueryParser(Version.LUCENE_36, "model", analyzer);
            LuceneUtil.setBoost(2, boostArray, parser.parse(QueryParser.escape(model)), bj);

        if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(fuelType)) {
            QueryParser parser = new QueryParser(Version.LUCENE_36, "fuelType", analyzer);
            LuceneUtil.setBoost(3, boostArray, parser.parse(QueryParser.escape(fuelType)), bj);

        Query query = bj.createQuery();
        FullTextQuery persistenceQuery = fullTextEntityManager.createFullTextQuery(query, SortedMarktplaats.class);

        List<Object[]> list = persistenceQuery.getResultList();
        List<SortedMarktplaats> items = new ArrayList<SortedMarktplaats>(list.size());
        for (Object[] array : list) {
            SortedMarktplaats item = (SortedMarktplaats) array[0];
        return items;

    public List<Fast100> top100(int maxCount, String brand, Integer buildStart, Integer buildEnd,
            Integer priceStart, Integer priceEnd) {
        return top100(maxCount, brand, buildStart, buildEnd, priceStart, priceEnd, false);

     * Don't count records with same license plate and register date.
    public List<Fast100> top100(int maxCount, String brand, Integer buildStart, Integer buildEnd,
            Integer priceStart, Integer priceEnd, boolean cache) {
        if (cache == false) {
            boolean useCache = false;
            if (maxCount == 100 && brand == null && buildStart == null && buildEnd == null && priceStart == null
                    && priceEnd == null) {
                useCache = true;
            if (useCache) {
                List<Fast100> top100 = em.createQuery("from Fast100", Fast100.class).getResultList();
                return top100;
        String brandCondition = "";
        if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(brand)) {
            brandCondition = " and s.brand = '" + brand + "'";

        String buildCondition = "";
        if (buildEnd != null && buildStart != null) {
            buildCondition = " and between '" + buildStart + "' and '" + buildEnd + "'";
        String priceCondition = "";
        if (priceEnd != null && priceStart != null) {
            priceCondition = " and price between " + priceStart + " and " + priceEnd;

        //exclude price = 99999 999999 9999999
        String jqpl = "select s.brand, s.model,, s.engineSize, s.fuelType, m.arrangement, count(1) as count, avg(datediff(m.dateRegisted, m.adDate)) as avg, avg(s.price) as price"
                + " from SortedMarktplaats s, NewMarktplaats m"
                + " where m.repetition is null and m.dateRegisted is not null and m.price != 99999 and  m.price != 999999 and m.price != 9999999 and ="
                + brandCondition + buildCondition
                + " group by s.brand, s.model,, s.engineSize, s.fuelType, m.arrangement"
                + " having count > " + maxCount + priceCondition + " order by avg asc limit 100";

        List<Object[]> list = em.createNativeQuery(jqpl).getResultList();
        List<Fast100> results = new ArrayList<Fast100>(list.size());
        for (Object[] objs : list) {
            Fast100 f = new Fast100();
            int i = 0;
            f.setBrand((String) objs[i++]);
            f.setModel((String) objs[i++]);
            f.setBuild((String) objs[i++]);
            f.setEngineSize((Integer) objs[i++]);
            f.setFuelType((String) objs[i++]);
            f.setArrangement((String) objs[i++]);
            f.setCount(((BigInteger) objs[i++]).intValue());
            f.setAvg(((BigDecimal) objs[i++]).intValue());
            f.setAvgPrice(((BigDecimal) objs[i++]).intValue());

        return results;

     * Don't count records with same license plate and register date.
    public Sorter top100Sort(Fast100 f) {
        String baseJpql = "from SortedMarktplaats s, NewMarktplaats m where ="
                + " and m.repetition is null" + " and m.dateRegisted is not null"
                + " and m.price != 99999 and m.price != 999999 and m.price != 9999999" + " and s.brand = '"
                + f.getBrand() + "' and s.model = '" + f.getModel() + "' and = '" + f.getBuild()
                + "' and s.engineSize = " + f.getEngineSize() + " and s.fuelType = '" + f.getFuelType()
                + "' and m.arrangement = '" + f.getArrangement() + "'";
        String selectSql = "select m.ownerType, m.color, m.price, m.mileage, datediff(m.dateRegisted, m.adDate)as days ";
        String jpql = selectSql + baseJpql;;

        List<Object[]> list = em.createNativeQuery(jpql).getResultList();
        List<CarItemToSort> results = new ArrayList<CarItemToSort>(list.size());
        for (Object[] objs : list) {
            CarItemToSort car = new CarItemToSort();
            int i = 0;
            car.setOwnerType((Integer) objs[i++]);
            car.setColor((String) objs[i++]);
            car.setPrice((Integer) objs[i++]);
            car.setMileage((Integer) objs[i++]);
            car.setDays(((BigInteger) objs[i++]).intValue());

        Sorter sorter = new Sorter(results);
        return sorter;

     * Don't count records with same license plate and register date.
    public Page<MarktplaatsCar> top100Detail(Pageable pageable, Fast100 f, String type, int index, String name) {
        String baseJpql = "from SortedMarktplaats s, NewMarktplaats m where ="
                + " and m.repetition is null" + " and m.dateRegisted is not null"
                + " and m.price != 99999 and m.price != 999999 and m.price != 9999999" + " and s.brand = '"
                + f.getBrand() + "' and s.model = '" + f.getModel() + "' and = '" + f.getBuild()
                + "' and s.engineSize = " + f.getEngineSize() + " and s.fuelType = '" + f.getFuelType()
                + "' and m.arrangement = '" + f.getArrangement() + "'";

        if (type.equals("color")) {
            baseJpql += " and s.color='" + name + "'";
        } else {
            Integer[] range = type.equals("price") ? Sorter.PRICE_RANGE : Sorter.MILEAGE_RANGE;
            if (index == 0) {
                baseJpql += " and s." + type + " < " + range[index];
            } else if (index == range.length) {
                baseJpql += " and s." + type + " >= " + range[index - 1];
            } else {
                baseJpql += " and s." + type + " < " + range[index];
                baseJpql += " and s." + type + " >= " + range[index - 1];

        String jpql = marktplaatsCarSelectSQL + baseJpql;;

        List<Object[]> list = em.createQuery(jpql, Object[].class)
                .setFirstResult(pageable.getPageSize() * pageable.getPageNumber())
        List<MarktplaatsCar> results = toMarktplaatsList(list);

        long count = em.createQuery("select count(m) " + baseJpql, Long.class).getSingleResult();
        Page<MarktplaatsCar> page = new PageImpl<MarktplaatsCar>(results, pageable, (int) count);
        return page;

    private static List<MarktplaatsCar> toMarktplaatsList(List<Object[]> list) {
        List<MarktplaatsCar> results = new ArrayList<MarktplaatsService.MarktplaatsCar>(list.size());
        for (Object[] objs : list) {
            MarktplaatsCar car = new MarktplaatsCar();
            int i = 0;
   = (Integer) objs[i++];
            car.licensePlate = (String) objs[i++];
            car.brand = (String) objs[i++];
            car.model = (String) objs[i++];
            car.type = (String) objs[i++];
   = (String) objs[i++];
            car.color = (String) objs[i++];
            car.price = (Integer) objs[i++];
            car.engineSize = (Integer) objs[i++];
            car.fuelType = (String) objs[i++];
            car.ownerType = (Integer) objs[i++];
            car.mileage = (Integer) objs[i++];
            car.adDate = (String) objs[i++];
            car.dateRemoved = (String) objs[i++];
            car.dateRegisted = (String) objs[i++];
            car.days = (Integer) objs[i++];

        return results;

    private static List<MarktplaatsCar> toMarktplaatsListForMileage(List<Object[]> list) {
        List<MarktplaatsCar> results = new ArrayList<MarktplaatsService.MarktplaatsCar>(list.size());
        for (Object[] objs : list) {
            MarktplaatsCar car = new MarktplaatsCar();
            int i = 0;
   = (Integer) objs[i++];
            car.licensePlate = (String) objs[i++];
            car.brand = (String) objs[i++];
            car.model = (String) objs[i++];
   = (String) objs[i++];
            car.fuelType = (String) objs[i++];
            car.mileage = (Integer) objs[i++];

        return results;

    public static class CarItemToSort {
        private int price;
        private int mileage;
        private int ownerType;
        private String color;
        private int days;

        public int getPrice() {
            return price;

        public void setPrice(int price) {
            this.price = price;

        public int getMileage() {
            return mileage;

        public void setMileage(int mileage) {
            this.mileage = mileage;

        public int getOwnerType() {
            return ownerType;

        public void setOwnerType(int ownerType) {
            this.ownerType = ownerType;

        public String getColor() {
            return color;

        public void setColor(String color) {
            this.color = color;

        public int getDays() {
            return days;

        public void setDays(int days) {
            this.days = days;


    public static class MarktplaatsCar {
        private int id;
        private String licensePlate;
        private String brand;
        private String model;
        private String type;
        private String build;
        private String color;
        private int engineSize;
        private String fuelType;
        private int ownerType;
        private int price;
        private int mileage;
        private String adDate;
        private String dateRemoved;
        private String dateRegisted;
        private int days;

        public int getId() {
            return id;

        public void setId(int id) {
   = id;

        public String getLicensePlate() {
            return licensePlate;

        public void setLicensePlate(String licensePlate) {
            this.licensePlate = licensePlate;

        public String getBrand() {
            return brand;

        public void setBrand(String brand) {
            this.brand = brand;

        public String getModel() {
            return model;

        public void setModel(String model) {
            this.model = model;

        public String getColor() {
            return color;

        public void setColor(String color) {
            this.color = color;

        public int getPrice() {
            return price;

        public void setPrice(int price) {
            this.price = price;

        public int getMileage() {
            return mileage;

        public void setMileage(int mileage) {
            this.mileage = mileage;

        public String getAdDate() {
            return adDate;

        public void setAdDate(String adDate) {
            this.adDate = adDate;

        public String getDateRemoved() {
            return dateRemoved;

        public void setDateRemoved(String dateRemoved) {
            this.dateRemoved = dateRemoved;

        public String getDateRegisted() {
            return dateRegisted;

        public void setDateRegisted(String dateRegisted) {
            this.dateRegisted = dateRegisted;

        public int getDays() {
            return days;

        public void setDays(int days) {
            this.days = days;

        public String getType() {
            return type;

        public void setType(String type) {
            this.type = type;

        public String getBuild() {
            return build;

        public void setBuild(String build) {
   = build;

        public int getEngineSize() {
            return engineSize;

        public void setEngineSize(int engineSize) {
            this.engineSize = engineSize;

        public String getFuelType() {
            return fuelType;

        public void setFuelType(String fuelType) {
            this.fuelType = fuelType;

        public int getOwnerType() {
            return ownerType;

        public void setOwnerType(int ownerType) {
            this.ownerType = ownerType;
