Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package sia.airblio.servlets; import; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import sia.airblio.beans.Client; import sia.airblio.beans.Commande; import sia.airblio.beans.EquipeTechnique; import sia.airblio.beans.HibernateUtil; import sia.airblio.beans.Materiel; import sia.airblio.beans.SiteStockage; import sia.airblio.beans.Technicien; import sia.airblio.forms.CommandeForm; /** * * @author Skulldy */ @WebServlet(urlPatterns = { "/member/mappemondeRequest" }) public class MappemondeRequest extends HttpServlet { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); @Override protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { response.sendRedirect("/airblio/accueil"); } @Override protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { String requete = request.getParameter("requete"); json.clear(); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); Session session = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().openSession(); session.beginTransaction(); if ("afficheEquipes".equals(requete)) { getEquipes(session, false); } else if ("afficheEquipesIntervention".equals(requete)) { getEquipes(session, true); } else if ("arricheUneEquipe".equals(requete)) { getEquipe(session, request.getParameter("nom")); } else if ("afficheClients".equals(requete)) { getClients(session, false); } else if ("afficheClientsIntervention".equals(requete)) { getClients(session, true); } else if ("afficheMaterielsSite".equals(requete)) { getMaterielsSite(session); } else if ("afficheMaterielsClients".equals(requete)) { getMaterielsClients(session); } else if ("afficheUnClient".equals(requete)) { getClient(session, request.getParameter("nom")); } else if ("afficheClientPossedant".equals(requete)) { getClientPossedant(session, request.getParameter("nom")); } else if ("afficheInterventionDepuis".equals(requete)) { getInterventionDepuis(session, request.getParameter("nom")); } else if ("afficheMateriel".equals(requete)) { getMateriel(session, request.getParameter("nom")); } session.close(); out.println(json); out.close(); } private void getEquipes(Session session, boolean estEnIntervention) { Query query = session.createQuery("from EquipeTechnique"); List<EquipeTechnique> equipes = query.list(); for (EquipeTechnique equipe : equipes) { if ((estEnIntervention && equipe.getCommandes().isEmpty())) { continue; } String content = "<h3>" + equipe.getNom() + "</h3><p>"; Iterator it = equipe.getTechniciens().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Technicien tech = (Technicien); content += tech.getNom() + " " + tech.getPrenom() + ": " + tech.getPoste(); content += (it.hasNext() ? "<br />" : ""); } content += "</p>"; JSONObject jsonEquipe = new JSONObject(); jsonEquipe.put("nom", equipe.getNom()); jsonEquipe.put("latitude", equipe.getLatitude()); jsonEquipe.put("longitude", equipe.getLongitude()); jsonEquipe.put("content", content); json.put(equipe.getId(), jsonEquipe); } } private void getEquipe(Session session, String nom) { Query query = session.createQuery("from EquipeTechnique"); List<EquipeTechnique> equipes = query.list(); for (EquipeTechnique equipe : equipes) { if (!nom.equals(equipe.getNom())) { continue; } String content = "<h3>" + equipe.getNom() + "</h3><p>"; Iterator it = equipe.getTechniciens().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Technicien tech = (Technicien); content += tech.getNom() + " " + tech.getPrenom() + ": " + tech.getPoste(); content += (it.hasNext() ? "<br />" : ""); } content += "</p>"; json.put("nom", nom); json.put("content", content); json.put("latitude", equipe.getLatitude()); json.put("longitude", equipe.getLongitude()); break; } } private void getClients(Session session, boolean estEnIntervention) { Query query = session.createQuery("from Client"); List<Client> clients = query.list(); for (Client client : clients) { if (estEnIntervention && client.getCommandes().size() == 0) { continue; } String content = "<h3>" + client.getNom() + "</h3><p>"; content += client.getAdresse(); content += "</p>"; JSONObject jsonClient = new JSONObject(); jsonClient.put("nom", client.getNom()); jsonClient.put("adresse", client.getAdresse()); jsonClient.put("content", content); json.put(client.getId(), jsonClient); } } private void getMaterielsSite(Session session) { Query query = session.createQuery("from SiteStockage"); List<SiteStockage> sites = query.list(); for (SiteStockage site : sites) { String content = "<h3>" + site.getNom() + "</h3><p>"; Iterator it = site.getMateriauxStockes().iterator(); List<String> matUniq = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> matAll = new ArrayList<>(); while (it.hasNext()) { Materiel materiel = (Materiel); matAll.add(materiel.getNom()); } it = matAll.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String nomMat = (String); if (!matUniq.contains(nomMat)) { matUniq.add(nomMat); content += nomMat + ": " + Collections.frequency(matAll, nomMat); content += (it.hasNext() ? "<br />" : ""); } } content += "</p>"; JSONObject jsonSites = new JSONObject(); jsonSites.put("nom", site.getNom()); jsonSites.put("latitude", site.getLatitude()); jsonSites.put("longitude", site.getLongitude()); jsonSites.put("content", content); json.put(site.getId(), jsonSites); } } private void getMaterielsClients(Session session) { Query query = session.createQuery("from Commande"); List<Commande> commandes = query.list(); for (Commande commande : commandes) { String content = "<h3>" + commande.getClient().getNom() + "</h3><p>"; Iterator it = commande.getMateriaux().iterator(); List<String> matUniqClient = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> matAllClient = new ArrayList<>(); while (it.hasNext()) { Materiel materiel = (Materiel); matAllClient.add(materiel.getNom()); } it = matAllClient.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String nomMat = (String); if (!matUniqClient.contains(nomMat)) { matUniqClient.add(nomMat); content += nomMat + ": " + Collections.frequency(matAllClient, nomMat); content += (it.hasNext() ? "<br />" : ""); } } content += "</p>"; JSONObject jsonSites = new JSONObject(); jsonSites.put("nom", commande.getClient().getNom()); jsonSites.put("latitude", commande.getLatitude()); jsonSites.put("longitude", commande.getLongitude()); jsonSites.put("content", content); json.put(commande.getId(), jsonSites); } } private void getClient(Session session, String nom) { Query query = session.createQuery("from Client"); List<Client> clients = query.list(); for (Client client : clients) { if (!nom.equals(client.getNom())) { continue; } String content = "<h3>" + client.getNom() + "</h3><p>"; content += client.getAdresse(); content += "</p>"; json.put("nom", nom); json.put("content", content); json.put("adresse", client.getAdresse()); break; } } private void getClientPossedant(Session session, String nom) { Query query = session.createQuery("from Commande"); List<Commande> commandes = query.list(); for (Commande commande : commandes) { if (commande.getDebut().before(new Date()) && commande.getFin().after(new Date())) { Iterator it = commande.getMateriaux().iterator(); List<String> matAllClient = new ArrayList<>(); while (it.hasNext()) { Materiel materiel = (Materiel); matAllClient.add(materiel.getNom()); } if (!matAllClient.contains(nom)) { continue; } String content = "<h3>" + commande.getClient().getNom() + "</h3><p>"; content += commande.getClient().getAdresse(); content += "</p>"; JSONObject jsonSites = new JSONObject(); jsonSites.put("nom", commande.getClient().getNom()); jsonSites.put("adresse", commande.getClient().getAdresse()); jsonSites.put("content", content); json.put(commande.getClient().getId(), jsonSites); } } } private void getInterventionDepuis(Session session, String date) { SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); Date input = new Date(); try { input = df.parse(date); } catch (ParseException ex) { Logger.getLogger(CommandeForm.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } Query query = session.createQuery("from Commande"); List<Commande> commandes = query.list(); for (Commande commande : commandes) { if (input.after(commande.getDebut())) { continue; } String content = "<h3>" + commande.getLieu() + "</h3><p>"; content += commande.getClient().getNom() + "<br />"; content += commande.getClient().getAdresse() + "<br />"; content += "</p>"; JSONObject jsonSites = new JSONObject(); jsonSites.put("nom", commande.getClient().getNom()); jsonSites.put("latitude", commande.getLatitude()); jsonSites.put("longitude", commande.getLongitude()); jsonSites.put("content", content); json.put(commande.getId(), jsonSites); } } private void getMateriel(Session session, String nom) { Query query = session.createQuery("from Materiel"); List<Materiel> materiaux = query.list(); for (Materiel materiel : materiaux) { if (!materiel.getNom().equals(nom)) { continue; } String content = "<h3>" + materiel.getNom() + "</h3><p>"; content += materiel.getDescription() + "<br />"; JSONObject jsonSites = new JSONObject(); jsonSites.put("nom", materiel.getNom()); if (materiel.getSiteStockage() == null) { jsonSites.put("latitude", materiel.getCommande().getLatitude()); jsonSites.put("longitude", materiel.getCommande().getLongitude()); content += "client: " + materiel.getCommande().getClient().getNom(); } else { jsonSites.put("latitude", materiel.getSiteStockage().getLatitude()); jsonSites.put("longitude", materiel.getSiteStockage().getLongitude()); content += "site de stockage: " + materiel.getSiteStockage().getNom(); } content += "</p>"; jsonSites.put("content", content); json.put(materiel.getId(), jsonSites); } } }