Java tutorial
/** Copyright 2012 John Cummens (aka Shadowmage, Shadowmage4513) This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License. Please see COPYING for precise license information. This file is part of Ancient Warfare. Ancient Warfare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Ancient Warfare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Ancient Warfare. If not, see <>. */ package shadowmage.ancient_framework.client.gui.elements; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import net.minecraft.client.gui.ScaledResolution; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11; import shadowmage.ancient_framework.client.gui.GuiContainerAdvanced; public class GuiScrollableAreaSimple extends GuiElement implements IGuiElementCallback { int scrollPosX;//topLeft of the screen currently being drawn int scrollPosY;//topLeft of the screen currently being drawn int parentGuiWidth; int parentGuiHeight; public int totalHeight; protected int totalWidth; public List<GuiElement> elements = new ArrayList<GuiElement>(); protected GuiContainerAdvanced parentGui; GuiScrollBarSimple scrollBar; public GuiScrollableAreaSimple(int elementNum, GuiContainerAdvanced parent, int x, int y, int w, int h, int totalWidth, int totalHeight) { super(elementNum, parent, w, h); this.parentGui = parent; this.parentGuiWidth = parent.getXSize(); this.parentGuiHeight = parent.getYSize(); this.renderPosX = x; this.renderPosY = y; this.totalHeight = totalHeight; } public void setHeight(int height) { this.height = height; if (this.height < 0) { this.height = 0; } } public void updateTotalHeight(int height) { this.totalHeight = height; } public void addGuiElement(GuiElement el) { this.elements.add(el); } @Override public void drawElement(int mouseX, int mouseY) { this.setupViewport(); mouseX = mouseX - this.scrollPosX - this.guiLeft - this.renderPosX; mouseY = mouseY + this.scrollPosY - this.guiTop - this.renderPosY; if (this.scrollBar != null) { GL11.glPushMatrix(); this.scrollBar.updateHandleHeight(totalHeight, height); this.scrollPosY = this.scrollBar.getTopIndexForSet(totalHeight, height); this.scrollBar.updateGuiPos(0, 0); this.scrollBar.drawElement(mouseX, mouseY - scrollPosY); GL11.glPopMatrix(); } for (GuiElement el : this.elements) { if (el.renderPosX < width || el.renderPosX + el.width > 0 || el.renderPosY < height || el.renderPosY + el.height > 0) { GL11.glPushMatrix(); el.drawElement(mouseX, mouseY); GL11.glPopMatrix(); } } this.resetViewPort(); } public void setupViewport() { GL11.glPushMatrix(); ScaledResolution scaledRes = new ScaledResolution(mc.gameSettings, mc.displayWidth, mc.displayHeight); int guiScale = scaledRes.getScaleFactor(); // float vAspect = (float); float w = this.width * guiScale; float h = height * guiScale; float x = guiLeft * guiScale + renderPosX * guiScale; float y = guiTop * guiScale + parentGui.getYSize() * guiScale - h - renderPosY * guiScale; float scaleY = (float) mc.displayHeight / h; float scaleX = (float) mc.displayWidth / w; GL11.glViewport((int) x, (int) y, (int) w, (int) h); GL11.glScalef(scaleX, scaleY, 1); } public void resetViewPort() { GL11.glViewport(0, 0,,; GL11.glPopMatrix(); } @Override public void updateGuiPos(int x, int y) { this.guiLeft = x; this.guiTop = y; if (this.scrollBar != null) { this.scrollBar.updateHandleHeight(totalHeight, this.height); this.scrollPosY = this.scrollBar.getTopIndexForSet(totalHeight, height); } for (GuiElement el : this.elements) { el.updateGuiPos(scrollPosX, -scrollPosY); } } @Override public void onMousePressed(int x, int y, int num) { int adjX = x - this.guiLeft - renderPosX; int adjY = y - this.guiTop - renderPosY; if (this.isMouseOver(x, y)) { if (this.scrollBar != null) { this.scrollBar.onMousePressed(adjX, adjY, num); } for (GuiElement el : this.elements) { el.onMousePressed(adjX, adjY, num); } } super.onMousePressed(x, y, num); } @Override public void onMouseReleased(int x, int y, int num) { int adjX = x - this.guiLeft - renderPosX; int adjY = y - this.guiTop - renderPosY; if (this.scrollBar != null) { this.scrollBar.onMouseReleased(adjX, adjY, num); } for (GuiElement el : this.elements) { el.onMouseReleased(adjX, adjY, num); } super.onMouseReleased(x, y, num); } @Override public void onMouseMoved(int x, int y, int num) { int adjX = x - this.guiLeft - renderPosX; int adjY = y - this.guiTop - renderPosY; boolean over = this.isMouseOver(x, y); for (GuiElement el : this.elements) { el.isMouseOver = false; if (over) { el.onMouseMoved(adjX, adjY, num); } } if (this.scrollBar != null) { this.scrollBar.isMouseOver = false; if (over) { this.scrollBar.onMouseMoved(adjX, adjY, num); this.updateGuiPos(parentGui.getGuiLeft(), parentGui.getGuiTop()); } } super.onMouseMoved(x, y, num); } @Override public void onMouseWheel(int x, int y, int wheel) { super.onMouseWheel(x, y, wheel); if (this.isMouseOver(x, y)) { int adjX = x - this.guiLeft - renderPosX; int adjY = y - this.guiTop - renderPosY; boolean overElement = false; for (GuiElement el : this.elements) { el.onMouseWheel(adjX, adjY, wheel); if (el.isMouseOver(adjX, adjY)) { overElement = true; } } if (this.scrollBar != null && !overElement) { this.scrollBar.handleMouseWheel(x, y, wheel); this.scrollBar.updateHandleHeight(totalHeight, this.height); this.updateGuiPos(parentGui.getGuiLeft(), parentGui.getGuiTop()); } } } public void onKeyTyped(char ch, int keyNum) { for (GuiElement el : this.elements) { el.onKeyTyped(ch, keyNum); } if (this.scrollBar != null) { this.scrollBar.onKeyTyped(ch, keyNum); } super.onKeyTyped(ch, keyNum); } public void updateScrollPos(int x, int y) { int deltaX = this.mouseDownX - this.mouseLastX; int deltaY = this.mouseDownY - this.mouseLastY; x = this.scrollPosX + deltaX; y = this.scrollPosY + deltaY; if (x < 0) { x = 0; } int adjWidth = this.totalWidth - this.width; if (this.scrollBar != null) { adjWidth -= 16; } if (x > adjWidth) { x = adjWidth; } if (y < 0) { y = 0; } if (y > this.totalHeight - this.height) { y = this.totalHeight - this.height; } if (x != this.scrollPosX || y != this.scrollPosY) { this.scrollPosX = x; this.scrollPosY = y; } } @Override public boolean handleMousePressed(int x, int y, int num) { return false; } @Override public boolean handleMouseReleased(int x, int y, int num) { if (this.scrollBar == null) { this.updateScrollPos(x, y); } return true; } @Override public boolean handleMouseMoved(int x, int y, int num) { if (this.scrollBar == null) { this.updateGuiPos(parentGui.getGuiLeft(), parentGui.getGuiTop()); this.updateScrollPos(x, y); } return true; } @Override public boolean handleMouseWheel(int x, int y, int wheel) { return false; } @Override public boolean handleKeyInput(char ch, int keyNum) { return false; } @Override public void onElementActivated(IGuiElement element) { this.parent.onElementActivated(element); } @Override public void onElementReleased(IGuiElement element) { this.parent.onElementReleased(element); } @Override public void onElementDragged(IGuiElement element) { this.parent.onElementDragged(element); } @Override public void onElementMouseWheel(IGuiElement element, int amt) { this.parent.onElementMouseWheel(element, amt); } @Override public void onElementKeyTyped(char ch, int keyNum) { this.parent.onElementKeyTyped(ch, keyNum); } }