Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012 calabash-driver committers. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package sh.calaba.driver.server; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.conn.ClientConnectionManager; import org.apache.http.conn.scheme.Scheme; import org.apache.http.conn.scheme.SchemeRegistry; import org.apache.http.conn.ssl.SSLSocketFactory; import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import sh.calaba.driver.CalabashCapabilities; import sh.calaba.driver.server.exceptions.CalabashConfigurationException; /** * The object to hold the Calabash Driver configuration. * * @author ddary * */ public class CalabashNodeConfiguration { final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CalabashNodeConfiguration.class); public static final String CAPABILITIES = "capabilities"; public static final String CONFIGURATION = "configuration"; protected List<CalabashCapabilities> capabilities = new ArrayList<CalabashCapabilities>(); protected String driverHost = null; protected String mobileAppPath = null; protected String mobileTestAppPath = null; protected int driverMaxSession; protected int driverPort; protected boolean driverRegistrationEnabled; protected boolean installApksEnabled; protected boolean cleanSavedUserDataEnabled; protected String hubHost = null; protected String proxy = null; protected int hubPort; /** * Reads the the driver configuration form the specified file. The file is expected to be in JSON * format. * * @param driverConfigurationFile The file name of the driver configuration file. * @return The Calabash node configuration. * @throws CalabashConfigurationException On IO and Parsing errors. * @throws InvalidParameterException if parameter is null or empty */ public static CalabashNodeConfiguration readFromFile(File driverConfigurationFile) throws CalabashConfigurationException { if (driverConfigurationFile == null) { throw new InvalidParameterException( "Calabash-Driver Configuration-File is missing. Pls specifiy name like: calabashNode.json"); } String driverConfiguration; try { driverConfiguration = FileUtils.readFileToString(driverConfigurationFile); } catch (IOException e1) { throw new CalabashConfigurationException( "Error reading file content. Did you have specified the right file name and path?", e1); } try { return new CalabashNodeConfiguration(new JSONObject(driverConfiguration)); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new CalabashConfigurationException("Error occured during parsing json file: '" + driverConfigurationFile + "'. Pls make sure you are using a valid JSON file!", e); } } /** * Reads the the driver configuration from the specified URI. The file is expected to be in JSON * format. * * @param driverConfigFileURI The file name of the driver configuration file URI. * @return The Calabash node configuration. * @throws CalabashConfigurationException On IO and Parsing errors. * @throws InvalidParameterException if parameter is null or empty */ public static CalabashNodeConfiguration readFromURI(URI driverConfigFileURI) throws CalabashConfigurationException { if (driverConfigFileURI == null) { throw new InvalidParameterException("Calabash-Driver Configuration-URI is missing."); } if (driverConfigFileURI.getHost() == null || driverConfigFileURI.getPath() == null) { throw new InvalidParameterException("Calabash-Driver Configuration-URI is invalid."); } String driverConfiguration; try { HttpClient client = getDefaultHttpClient(); HttpGet request = new HttpGet(driverConfigFileURI); HttpResponse response = client.execute(request); driverConfiguration = IOUtils.toString(response.getEntity().getContent()); } catch (IOException e1) { logger.error("Error occured while reading config from URI:", e1); throw new CalabashConfigurationException( "Error reading file content. Did you have specified the right URI?", e1); } catch (KeyManagementException e) { logger.error("Error occured while creating httpclient:", e); throw new CalabashConfigurationException("Error occured while creating httpclient", e); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { logger.error("Error occured while creating httpclient:", e); throw new CalabashConfigurationException("Error occured while creating httpclient", e); } try { return new CalabashNodeConfiguration(new JSONObject(driverConfiguration)); } catch (JSONException e) { logger.error("Error occured while parsing config file: ", e); throw new CalabashConfigurationException("Error occured during parsing json file from URI: '" + driverConfigFileURI + "'. Pls make sure you are using a valid JSON file!", e); } } protected CalabashNodeConfiguration() { } protected CalabashNodeConfiguration(JSONObject config) throws JSONException, CalabashConfigurationException { readDriverConfiguration(config.getJSONObject(CONFIGURATION)); readCapabilities(config.getJSONArray(CAPABILITIES)); } /** * @return the capabilities */ public List<CalabashCapabilities> getCapabilities() { return capabilities; } /** * @return the proxy */ public String getProxy() { return proxy; } /** * @return the driverHost */ public String getDriverHost() { return driverHost; } /** * @return the driverMaxSession */ public int getDriverMaxSession() { return driverMaxSession; } /** * @return the driverPort */ public int getDriverPort() { return driverPort; } /** * @return the mobileAppPath */ public String getMobileAppPath() { return mobileAppPath; } /** * @return the mobileTestAppPath */ public String getMobileTestAppPath() { return mobileTestAppPath; } /** * @return the hubHost */ public String getHubHost() { return hubHost; } /** * @return the hubPort */ public int getHubPort() { return hubPort; } /** * @return the installApksEnabled */ public boolean isInstallApksEnabled() { return installApksEnabled; } /** * @return the cleanSavedUserData */ public boolean isCleanSavedUserDataEnabled() { return cleanSavedUserDataEnabled; } /** * @return the driverRegistrationEnabled */ public boolean isDriverRegistrationEnabled() { return driverRegistrationEnabled; } private void readCapabilities(JSONArray jsonArray) throws JSONException, CalabashConfigurationException { if (jsonArray == null || jsonArray.length() == 0) { throw new CalabashConfigurationException("No capabilities are specified."); } for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) { JSONObject capa = jsonArray.getJSONObject(i); capabilities.add(CalabashCapabilities.fromJSON(capa)); } } /** * Reads the driver configuration from given config. * * @param configuration The driver config. * @throws JSONException On JSON errors. */ private void readDriverConfiguration(JSONObject configuration) throws JSONException { hubHost = configuration.getString("hubHost"); hubPort = configuration.getInt("hubPort"); driverHost = configuration.getString("host"); driverPort = configuration.getInt("port"); driverRegistrationEnabled = configuration.getBoolean("register"); driverMaxSession = configuration.getInt("maxSession"); mobileAppPath = configuration.getString("autApk"); mobileTestAppPath = configuration.getString("autTestApk"); installApksEnabled = configuration.getBoolean("installApks"); cleanSavedUserDataEnabled = configuration.getBoolean("cleanSavedUserData"); proxy = configuration.isNull("proxy") ? "org.openqa.grid.selenium.proxy.DefaultRemoteProxy" : configuration.getString("proxy"); } protected static HttpClient getDefaultHttpClient() throws KeyManagementException, NoSuchAlgorithmException { HttpClient base = new DefaultHttpClient(); SSLContext ctx = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS"); X509TrustManager tm = new X509TrustManager() { public void checkClientTrusted(X509Certificate[] xcs, String string) throws CertificateException { } public void checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[] xcs, String string) throws CertificateException { } public X509Certificate[] getAcceptedIssuers() { return null; } }; ctx.init(null, new TrustManager[] { tm }, null); SSLSocketFactory ssf = new SSLSocketFactory(ctx); ssf.setHostnameVerifier(SSLSocketFactory.ALLOW_ALL_HOSTNAME_VERIFIER); ClientConnectionManager ccm = base.getConnectionManager(); SchemeRegistry sr = ccm.getSchemeRegistry(); sr.register(new Scheme("https", ssf, 443)); return new DefaultHttpClient(ccm, base.getParams()); } }