Java tutorial
package; /* * This file is part of experimaestro. * Copyright (c) 2014 B. Piwowarski <> * * experimaestro is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * experimaestro is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with experimaestro. If not, see <>. */ import org.apache.commons.lang.mutable.MutableInt; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import sun.font.Script; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.IdentityHashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.function.Consumer; import static java.lang.String.format; /** * Context when running a script * <p/> * This class hides away what is part of the static context and * what if part of the dynamic one */ final public class ScriptContext implements AutoCloseable { final static private Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(); /** The thread local context */ private final static ThreadLocal<ScriptContext> threadContext = new ThreadLocal<>(); /** Previous context */ private ScriptContext oldCurrent = null; /** Default locks */ Updatable<Map<Resource, Object>> defaultLocks; /** Priority */ Updatable<Integer> priority; /** * Counts the number of items output by an operator; null if not used */ private Map<Operator, MutableInt> counts; /** * The working directory */ Updatable<Path> workingDirectory; /** * Whether we should simulate */ private Updatable<Boolean> simulate; /** * The default launcher */ private Updatable<Launcher> defaultLauncher; /** * List of listeners for new jobs */ ArrayList<Consumer<Job>> newTaskListeners = new ArrayList<>(); /** * Associated experiment */ private Updatable<Long> experimentId; /** * The current task */ private TaskReference task; /** * Cached iterators */ private IdentityHashMap<Object, CachedIterable<Value>> cachedIterables = new IdentityHashMap<>(); /** * The task operator maps between */ private IdentityHashMap<TaskOperator, TaskReference> taskOperatorMap = new IdentityHashMap<>(); /** * The script static context */ final StaticContext staticContext; /** * The resource cleaner * <p> * Used to close objects at the end of the execution of a script */ Cleaner cleaner; public ScriptContext(StaticContext staticContext) { if (threadContext.get() != null) throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot create a new script context if another one is active"); LOGGER.debug("Creating script context [%s] from static context", this); this.staticContext = staticContext; this.cleaner = new Cleaner(); defaultLocks = new Updatable<>(new HashMap<>(), x -> new HashMap(x)); experimentId = Updatable.create(null); priority = Updatable.create(0); simulate = Updatable.create(false); workingDirectory = Updatable.create(null); defaultLauncher = Updatable.create(new DirectLauncher()); threadContext.set(this); } @Override public String toString() { return format("ScriptContext@%X", System.identityHashCode(this)); } private ScriptContext(ScriptContext other) { LOGGER.debug("Creating script context [%s] from context [%s]", this, other); staticContext = other.staticContext; cleaner = other.cleaner; counts = other.counts; defaultLocks = other.defaultLocks.reference(); experimentId = other.experimentId.reference(); priority = other.priority.reference(); simulate = other.simulate.reference(); workingDirectory = other.workingDirectory.reference(); defaultLauncher = other.defaultLauncher.reference(); counts = other.counts; // Sets the current thread context oldCurrent = threadContext.get(); threadContext.set(this); } public ScriptContext counts(boolean flag) { if (flag) counts = new HashMap<>(); else counts = null; return this; } public Map<Operator, MutableInt> counts() { return counts; } public boolean simulate() { return simulate.get(); } public void setCachedIterable(Object key, CachedIterable<Value> cachedIterable) { cachedIterables.put(key, cachedIterable); } public CachedIterable<Value> getCachedIterable(Object key) { return cachedIterables.get(key); } public void setTaskOperatorMap(IdentityHashMap<TaskOperator, TaskReference> taskOperatorMap) { this.taskOperatorMap = taskOperatorMap; } /** Set the current task operator */ public void setTaskOperator(TaskOperator taskOperator) { setTask(taskOperator == null ? null : taskOperatorMap.get(taskOperator)); } public ScriptContext defaultLocks(Map<Resource, Object> defaultLocks) { this.defaultLocks.set(defaultLocks); return this; } public Map<Resource, Object> defaultLocks() { return defaultLocks.get(); } public ScriptContext simulate(boolean simulate) { this.simulate.set(simulate); return this; } public Scheduler getScheduler() { return staticContext.scheduler; } public void setTask(TaskReference task) { this.task = task; } public TaskReference getTaskReference() { return task; } public void startedJob(Job job) { // Notify listeners that a job has started for (Consumer<Job> listener : newTaskListeners) { listener.accept(job); } } public Logger getLogger(String loggerName) { return (Logger) staticContext.loggerRepository.getLogger(loggerName, Logger.factory()); } /** * Prepares the task with the current task context * @param resource */ public void prepare(Resource resource) { // -- Adds default locks for (Map.Entry<? extends Resource, ?> lock : defaultLocks.get().entrySet()) { Dependency dependency = lock.getKey().createDependency(lock.getValue()); ((Job) resource).addDependency(dependency); } } public ScriptContext addNewTaskListener(Consumer<Job> listener) { newTaskListeners.add(listener); return this; } public ScriptContext addDefaultLocks(Map<Resource, Object> map) { defaultLocks.modify().putAll(map); return this; } public ScriptContext copy() { return new ScriptContext(this); } public TaskFactory getFactory(QName qName) { return staticContext.repository.getFactory(qName); } public Repository getRepository() { return staticContext.repository; } public Map<Resource, Object> getDefaultLocks() { return defaultLocks.get(); } public int getPriority() { return priority.get(); } public void setPriority(int priority) { this.priority.set(priority); } public Path getWorkingDirectory() { return workingDirectory.get(); } public void setWorkingDirectory(Path workingDirectory) { this.workingDirectory.set(workingDirectory); } public Long getExperimentId() { return experimentId.get(); } public Cleaner getCleaner() { return cleaner; } public void setExperimentId(long experimentId) { this.experimentId.set(experimentId); } @Override public void close() { if (threadContext.get() != this) { LOGGER.error("Current thread context [%s] is not ourselves [%s]", threadContext.get(), this); } LOGGER.debug("Closing script context [%s] - restoring [%s]", this, oldCurrent); threadContext.set(oldCurrent); if (oldCurrent == null) { cleaner.close(); } } public void addDefaultLock(Resource resource, Object parameters) { defaultLocks.modify().put(resource, parameters); } static public ScriptContext threadContext() { return threadContext.get(); } public void setDefaultLauncher(Launcher defaultLauncher) { this.defaultLauncher.set(defaultLauncher); } public Launcher getDefaultLauncher() { return defaultLauncher.get(); } }