Java tutorial
// StrutsTestCase - an extension for testing Struts actions // within the context of the ActionServlet. // Copyright (C) 2002 Deryl Seale // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the Apache Software License as // published by the Apache Software Foundation; either version 1.1 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // Apache Software Foundation Licens for more details. // // You may view the full text here: package servletunit.struts; import org.apache.commons.collections.IteratorUtils; import org.apache.commons.collections.Transformer; import org.apache.commons.collections.iterators.TransformIterator; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.struts.Globals; import org.apache.struts.action.*; import org.apache.struts.config.ActionConfig; import org.apache.struts.config.ForwardConfig; import org.apache.struts.config.ModuleConfig; import org.apache.struts.tiles.*; import org.apache.struts.util.ModuleUtils; import javax.servlet.ServletConfig; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import static; /** * Contains code common to both MockStrutsTestCase and CactusStrutsTestCase. * It's always good to get rid of redundancy! */ public class Common { protected static final String INCLUDE_SERVLET_PATH = RequestProcessor.INCLUDE_SERVLET_PATH; protected static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(Common.class); /** * Common method to verify action errors and action messages. */ protected static void verifyNoActionMessages(HttpServletRequest request, String key, String messageLabel) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("Entering - request = " + request + ", key = " + key + ", messageLabel = " + messageLabel); ActionMessages messages = (ActionMessages) request.getAttribute(key); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("retrieved ActionMessages = " + messages); } if (messages != null) { Iterator iterator = messages.get(); if (iterator.hasNext()) { StringBuffer messageText = new StringBuffer(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { messageText.append(" \""); messageText.append(((ActionMessage); messageText.append("\""); } fail("was expecting no " + messageLabel + " messages, but received: " + messageText.toString()); } } if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("Exiting"); } /** * Common method to verify action errors and action messages. */ protected static void verifyActionMessages(HttpServletRequest request, String[] messageNames, String key, String messageLabel) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("Entering - request = " + request + ", messageNames = " + messageNames + ", key = " + key + ", messageLabel = " + messageLabel); ActionMessages messages = (ActionMessages) request.getAttribute(key); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("retrieved ActionMessages = " + messages); } if (messages == null) { fail("was expecting some " + messageLabel + " messages, but received none."); } /* check length of messages as optimization */ else if (messages.size() != messageNames.length) { fail("was expecting " + messageNames.length + " " + messageLabel + " message(s), but received " + messages.size() + " " + messageLabel + " message(s)"); } else { /* alphabetize the two lists of message keys and compare them */ Iterator iter = new TransformIterator(messages.get(), new Transformer() { public Object transform(Object input) { return ((ActionMessage) input).getKey(); } }); String[] messageKeys = (String[]) IteratorUtils.toArray(iter, String.class); Arrays.sort(messageKeys); Arrays.sort(messageNames); for (int i = 0; i < messageNames.length; i++) { if (!messageNames[i].equals(messageKeys[i])) { StringBuffer mks = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer mns = new StringBuffer(); for (int j = 0; j < messageKeys.length; j++) mks.append(messageKeys[j] + " "); for (int k = 0; k < messageNames.length; k++) mns.append(messageNames[k] + " "); fail("received " + messageLabel + " messages: (" + mks + ") but expected (" + mns + ")"); } } } if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("verifyActionMessages()"); } /** * Retrieves a forward uri for tile - this is required for applications * using the tiles framework, since the actual forward URI must * be fetched from the tile definition. */ protected static ComponentDefinition getTilesForward(String forwardPath, HttpServletRequest request, ServletContext context, ServletConfig config) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("Entering - forwardPath = " + forwardPath + ", request = " + request + ", context = " + context + ", config = " + config); String result = null; try { ComponentDefinition definition; ComponentDefinition actionDefinition; // Get definition of tiles/component corresponding to uri. definition = TilesUtil.getDefinition(forwardPath, request, context); if (definition != null) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("found tiles definition - '" + forwardPath + "' = '" + result + "'"); } } actionDefinition = DefinitionsUtil.getActionDefinition(request); if (actionDefinition != null) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("found tiles definition for action - '" + forwardPath + "' = '" + result + "'"); } } if (actionDefinition != null) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("definition attributes: " + actionDefinition.getAttributes()); return actionDefinition; } else { if (logger.isDebugEnabled() && (definition != null)) logger.debug("definition attributes: " + definition.getAttributes()); return definition; } } catch (NoSuchDefinitionException nsde) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("Exiting - caught NoSuchDefinitionException"); return null; } catch (DefinitionsFactoryException dfe) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("Exiting - caught DefinitionsFactoryException"); return null; } catch (NullPointerException npe) { // can happen if tiles is not at all used. if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Exiting - caught NullPointerException"); } return null; } } /** * Verifies that ActionServlet used this logical forward or input mapping with this tile definition. * * @throws Exception if the expected and actual tiles definitions do not match. */ protected static void verifyTilesForward(String actionPath, String forwardName, String expectedDefinition, boolean isInputPath, HttpServletRequest request, ServletContext context, ServletConfig config) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("Entering - actionPath = " + actionPath + ", forwardName = " + forwardName + ", expectedDefinition = " + expectedDefinition); String definitionName = null; if ((forwardName == null) && (isInputPath)) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("processing an input forward"); } forwardName = getActionConfig(actionPath, request, context).getInput(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("retrieved input forward name = " + forwardName); } if (forwardName == null) fail("Trying to validate against an input mapping, but none is defined for this Action."); ComponentDefinition definition = getTilesForward(forwardName, request, context, config); if (definition != null) definitionName = definition.getName(); } if (!isInputPath) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("processing normal forward"); } ForwardConfig expectedForward = findForward(actionPath, forwardName, request, context); if (expectedForward == null) fail("Cannot find forward '" + forwardName + "' - it is possible that it is not mapped correctly."); forwardName = expectedForward.getPath(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("retrieved forward name = " + forwardName); } ComponentDefinition definition = getTilesForward(forwardName, request, context, config); if (definition != null) definitionName = definition.getName(); } if (definitionName == null) fail("Could not find tiles definition mapped to forward '" + forwardName + "'"); if (!definitionName.equals(expectedDefinition)) fail("Was expecting tiles definition '" + expectedDefinition + "' but received '" + definitionName + "'"); if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("Exiting"); } /** * Verifies that ActionServlet used this logical forward or input mapping. * * @throws Exception if expected and actual paths do not match. */ protected static void verifyForwardPath(String actionPath, String forwardName, String actualForwardPath, boolean isInputPath, HttpServletRequest request, ServletContext context, ServletConfig config) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("Entering - actionPath = " + actionPath + ", forwardName = " + forwardName + ", actualForwardPath = " + actualForwardPath); boolean usesTiles = false; boolean useModules = false; if ((forwardName == null) && (isInputPath)) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("processing an input forward"); } forwardName = getActionConfig(actionPath, request, context).getInput(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("retrieved input forward name = " + forwardName); } if (forwardName == null) fail("Trying to validate against an input mapping, but none is defined for this Action."); String tilesForward = null; ComponentDefinition definition = getTilesForward(forwardName, request, context, config); if (definition != null) tilesForward = definition.getPath(); if (tilesForward != null) { forwardName = tilesForward; usesTiles = true; if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("retrieved tiles definition for forward = " + forwardName); } } } if (!isInputPath) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("processing normal forward"); } // check for a null forward, now allowed in Struts 1.1 if (forwardName == null) { if (actualForwardPath == null) return; else fail("Expected a null forward from action, but received '" + actualForwardPath + "'"); } ForwardConfig expectedForward = findForward(actionPath, forwardName, request, context); if (expectedForward == null) fail("Cannot find forward '" + forwardName + "' - it is possible that it is not mapped correctly."); forwardName = expectedForward.getPath(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("retrieved forward name = " + forwardName); } String tilesForward = null; ComponentDefinition definition = getTilesForward(forwardName, request, context, config); if (definition != null) tilesForward = definition.getPath(); if (tilesForward != null) { forwardName = tilesForward; usesTiles = true; if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("retrieved tiles definition for forward = " + forwardName); } } // some fowards cross outside modules - check if we need the module // in the path or not. useModules = (expectedForward.getModule() == null); } String moduleName = request.getServletPath() != null ? request.getServletPath() : ""; if ((moduleName == null || moduleName.equalsIgnoreCase("")) && request.getAttribute(INCLUDE_SERVLET_PATH) != null) // check to see if this is a MockStrutsTestCase call moduleName = (String) request.getAttribute(INCLUDE_SERVLET_PATH); if ((moduleName != null) && (moduleName.length() > 0)) moduleName = moduleName.substring(moduleName.indexOf('/'), moduleName.lastIndexOf('/')); else moduleName = ""; if (!forwardName.startsWith("/")) forwardName = "/" + forwardName; if (usesTiles) forwardName = request.getContextPath() + forwardName; else if (useModules || isInputPath) forwardName = request.getContextPath() + moduleName + forwardName; else forwardName = request.getContextPath() + forwardName; if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("added context path and module name to forward = " + forwardName); } if (actualForwardPath == null) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("actualForwardPath is null - this usually means it is not mapped properly."); } fail("Was expecting '" + forwardName + "' but it appears the Action has tried to return an ActionForward that is not mapped correctly."); } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("expected forward = '" + forwardName + "' - actual forward = '" + actualForwardPath + "'"); } if (!forwardName.equals(stripJSessionID(actualForwardPath))) fail("was expecting '" + forwardName + "' but received '" + actualForwardPath + "'"); if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("Exiting"); } /** * Strips off *.do from action paths specified as such. */ protected static String stripActionPath(String path) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("Entering - path = " + path); if (path == null) return null; int slash = path.lastIndexOf("/"); int period = path.lastIndexOf("."); if ((period >= 0) && (period > slash)) path = path.substring(0, period); if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("Exiting - returning path = " + path); return path; } /** * Strip ;jsessionid=<sessionid> from path. * * @return stripped path */ protected static String stripJSessionID(String path) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("Entering - path = " + path); if (path == null) return null; String pathCopy = path.toLowerCase(); int jsess_idx = pathCopy.indexOf(";jsessionid="); if (jsess_idx > 0) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(path); int queryIndex = pathCopy.indexOf("?"); // Strip jsessionid from obtained path, but keep query string if (queryIndex > 0) path = buf.delete(jsess_idx, queryIndex).toString(); // Strip jsessionid from obtained path else path = buf.delete(jsess_idx, buf.length()).toString(); } if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("Exiting - returning path = " + path); return path; } /** * Returns any ActionForm instance stored in the request or session, if available. */ protected static ActionForm getActionForm(String actionPath, HttpServletRequest request, ServletContext context) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace( "Entering - actionPath = " + actionPath + ", request = " + request + ", context = " + context); ActionForm form; ActionConfig actionConfig = getActionConfig(actionPath, request, context); if ("request".equals(actionConfig.getScope())) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("looking for form in request scope"); } form = (ActionForm) request.getAttribute(actionConfig.getAttribute()); } else { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("looking for form in session scope"); } HttpSession session = request.getSession(); form = (ActionForm) session.getAttribute(actionConfig.getAttribute()); } if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("Exiting"); return form; } /** * Returns a ForwardConfig for the given forward name. This method first searches for the forward in the supplied * action mapping. If it is not defined there, or if the mapping is not provided, it searches for it globally. */ protected static ForwardConfig findForward(String mappingName, String forwardName, HttpServletRequest request, ServletContext context) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("Entering - mappingName = " + mappingName + ", forwardName = " + forwardName + ", request = " + request + ", context = " + context); ForwardConfig forward = null; // first, look for forward in mapping (if it's defined) if (mappingName != null) { ActionConfig mapping = getActionConfig(mappingName, request, context); forward = mapping == null ? null : mapping.findForwardConfig(forwardName); } // if it's not there, check for global forwards if (forward == null) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("looking for forward globally"); ModuleConfig moduleConfig = getModuleConfig(request, context); forward = moduleConfig.findForwardConfig(forwardName); } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("retrieved forward = " + forward); } if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("Exiting"); return forward; } /** * Returns the configuration for the given action mapping. */ protected static ActionConfig getActionConfig(String mappingName, HttpServletRequest request, ServletContext context) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("Entering - mappingName = " + mappingName + ", request = " + request + ", context = " + context); ModuleConfig config = getModuleConfig(request, context); ActionMapping actionMapping = (ActionMapping) config.findActionConfig(mappingName); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("retrieved mapping = " + actionMapping); } if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("Exiting"); return actionMapping; } /** * Returns the configuration for the current module. */ protected static ModuleConfig getModuleConfig(HttpServletRequest request, ServletContext context) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("Entering - request = " + request + ", context = " + context); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("looking for config in request context"); } ModuleConfig config = (ModuleConfig) request.getAttribute(Globals.MODULE_KEY); if (config == null) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("looking for config in application context"); } config = (ModuleConfig) context.getAttribute(Globals.MODULE_KEY); } if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("Exiting - returning " + config); return config; } /** * Sets an ActionForm instance in the request. */ protected static void setActionForm(ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, String actionPath, ServletContext context) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("Entering - form = " + form + ", request = " + request + ", actionPath = " + actionPath + ", context = " + context); if (actionPath == null || actionPath.equalsIgnoreCase("")) throw new IllegalStateException("You must call setRequestPathInfo() before calling setActionForm()!"); ActionConfig actionConfig = getActionConfig(actionPath, request, context); if (actionConfig == null) { ModuleUtils moduleUtils = ModuleUtils.getInstance(); moduleUtils.selectModule(request, context); actionConfig = getActionConfig(actionPath, request, context); } if (actionConfig.getScope().equals("request")) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("setting form in request context"); } request.setAttribute(actionConfig.getAttribute(), form); } else { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("setting form in session context"); } request.getSession().setAttribute(actionConfig.getAttribute(), form); } if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("Exiting"); } }