Java tutorial
/* *************************************************************** * This file is part of STATegra EMS. * * STATegra EMS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * STATegra EMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with STATegra EMS. If not, see <>. * * More info * Technical contact * *************************************************************** */ package servlets; import bdManager.DAO.DAO; import bdManager.DAO.DAOProvider; import bdManager.DAO.User_JDBCDAO; import classes.User; import; import; import; import; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import common.ServerErrorManager; import common.UserSessionManager; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Map; import javax.servlet.http.Cookie; import resources.SHA1; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; /** * * SERVLET FOR USERS: * +----------------------+-----------------------+-------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------+ * | Resource | POST | GET | PUT | DELETE | * +----------------------+-----------------------+-------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------+ * | /rest/users | Create a new user | Get all user | Do nothing | Do nothing | * +----------------------+-----------------------+-------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------+ * | /rest/users/1234 | Do nothing | Show user details | Updates user information | Delete user | * +----------------------+-----------------------+-------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------+ * | /rest/users/session | Sign in | Validate session | Do nothing | Log out | * +----------------------+-----------------------+-------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------+ * */ public class User_servlets extends Servlet { @Override protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { response.addHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); response.setContentType("application/json"); //NEW SERVICES if (matchService(request.getPathInfo(), "/session")) { // POST /rest/user/session user_sign_in_handler(request, response); } else if (matchService(request.getPathInfo(), "/(.+)")) { // POST /rest/user/ebiokit //Do nothing } else { // POST /rest/user user_sign_up_handler(request, response); } } @Override protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { response.addHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); response.setContentType("application/json"); //NEW SERVICES if (matchService(request.getPathInfo(), "/session")) { // GET /rest/user/session validate_session_handler(request, response); } else if (matchService(request.getPathInfo(), "/(.+)")) { // GET /rest/user/ebiokit get_user_details_handler(request, response); } else { // GET /rest/user get_user_list_handler(request, response); } } @Override protected void doPut(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { response.addHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); response.setContentType("application/json"); //NEW SERVICES if (matchService(request.getPathInfo(), "/session")) { // PUT /rest/user/session //Do nothing } else if (matchService(request.getPathInfo(), "/(.+)")) { // PUT/rest/user/ebiokit update_user_handler(request, response); } else { // PUT/rest/user //Do nothing } } @Override protected void doDelete(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { response.addHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); response.setContentType("application/json"); //NEW SERVICES if (matchService(request.getPathInfo(), "/session")) { // GET /rest/user/session user_logout_handler(request, response); } else if (matchService(request.getPathInfo(), "/(.+)")) { // GET /rest/user/ebiokit delete_user_handler(request, response); } else { // GET /rest/user //Do nothing } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * * * GET REQUEST HANDLERS * * * *------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void user_sign_in_handler(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { try { DAO dao_instance = null; User user = null; try { /** * ******************************************************* * STEP 1 Check if the user exists in the DB. IF ERROR --> * throws MySQL exception, GO TO STEP 2b throws * NoSuchAlgorithmException, GO TO STEP 2b ELSE --> GO TO STEP 2 * ******************************************************* */ JsonParser parser = new JsonParser(); JsonObject requestData = (JsonObject) parser.parse(request.getReader()); String email = requestData.get("email").getAsString(); String password = requestData.get("password").getAsString(); password = SHA1.getHash(password); boolean isEmail = true; boolean last_experiment = true; Object[] params = { password, last_experiment, isEmail }; dao_instance = DAOProvider.getDAOByName("User"); user = (User) ((User_JDBCDAO) dao_instance).findByID(email, params); /** * ******************************************************* * STEP 2 Check if user exists. IF NOT --> throws Exception, GO * TO STEP 2b ELSE --> GO TO STEP 3 * ******************************************************* */ if (user == null) { throw new AccessControlException("User not found. Please check the username and password."); } user.setSessionToken(UserSessionManager.getUserSessionManager().registerNewUser(email)); } catch (Exception e) { ServerErrorManager.handleException(e, User_servlets.class.getName(), "userLoginPostHandler", e.getMessage()); } finally { /** * ******************************************************* * STEP 3b CATCH ERROR. GO TO STEP 4 * ******************************************************* */ if (ServerErrorManager.errorStatus()) { response.setStatus(400); response.getWriter().print(ServerErrorManager.getErrorResponse()); } else { /** * ******************************************************* * STEP 3A WRITE RESPONSE ERROR. GO TO STEP 4 * ******************************************************* */ response.setStatus(200); response.getWriter().print(user.toJSON()); } /** * ******************************************************* * STEP 4 Close connection. * ******************************************************** */ if (dao_instance != null) { dao_instance.closeConnection(); } } //CATCH IF THE ERROR OCCURRED IN ROLL BACK OR CONNECTION CLOSE } catch (Exception e) { ServerErrorManager.handleException(e, User_servlets.class.getName(), "userLoginPostHandler", e.getMessage()); response.setStatus(400); response.getWriter().print(ServerErrorManager.getErrorResponse()); } } private void user_sign_up_handler(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { try { DAO dao_instance = null; User user = null; boolean ROLLBACK_NEEDED = false; String error = ""; try { /** * ******************************************************* * STEP 1 Check if the user exists in the DB. IF ERROR --> * throws MySQL exception, GO TO STEP 2b throws * NoSuchAlgorithmException, GO TO STEP 2b ELSE --> GO TO STEP 2 * ******************************************************* */ JsonParser parser = new JsonParser(); JsonObject requestData = (JsonObject) parser.parse(request.getReader()); String email = requestData.get("email").getAsString(); String user_id = requestData.get("user_id").getAsString(); String password = requestData.get("password").getAsString(); password = SHA1.getHash(password); dao_instance = DAOProvider.getDAOByName("User"); Object[] params = { null, false, true }; user = (User) ((User_JDBCDAO) dao_instance).findByID(email, params); if (user != null) { throw new AccessControlException("Email already registered."); } user = (User) ((User_JDBCDAO) dao_instance).findByID(user_id, null); if (user != null) { throw new AccessControlException( "There is another user with that name. Try with another name."); } /** * ******************************************************* * STEP 2 Create the new user instance. * ******************************************************* */ user = new User(user_id, email); user.setPassword(password); user.setRandomAPICode(); /** * ******************************************************* * STEP 3 INSERT IN DATABASE. IF ERROR --> throws exception if * not valid session, GO TO STEP 4b ELSE --> GO TO STEP 4 * ******************************************************* */ dao_instance = DAOProvider.getDAOByName("User"); dao_instance.disableAutocommit(); ROLLBACK_NEEDED = true; dao_instance.insert(user); /** * ******************************************************* * STEP 4 COMMIT CHANGES IN DB. IF ERROR --> throws exception if * not valid session, GO TO STEP 4b ELSE --> GO TO STEP 5 * ******************************************************* */ dao_instance.doCommit(); } catch (AccessControlException e) { error = e.getMessage(); } catch (Exception e) { ServerErrorManager.handleException(e, User_servlets.class.getName(), "userLoginPostHandler", e.getMessage()); } finally { /** * ******************************************************* * STEP 3b CATCH ERROR. GO TO STEP 4 * ******************************************************* */ if (ServerErrorManager.errorStatus()) { response.setStatus(400); response.getWriter().print(ServerErrorManager.getErrorResponse()); if (ROLLBACK_NEEDED) { dao_instance.doRollback(); } } else { /** * ******************************************************* * STEP 3A WRITE RESPONSE ERROR. GO TO STEP 4 * ******************************************************* */ if (error.length() > 0) { JsonObject obj = new JsonObject(); obj.add("success", new JsonPrimitive(false)); obj.add("reason", new JsonPrimitive(error)); response.getWriter().print(obj.toString()); } else { JsonObject obj = new JsonObject(); obj.add("success", new JsonPrimitive(true)); response.getWriter().print(obj.toString()); } } /** * ******************************************************* * STEP 4 Close connection. * ******************************************************** */ if (dao_instance != null) { dao_instance.closeConnection(); } } //CATCH IF THE ERROR OCCURRED IN ROLL BACK OR CONNECTION CLOSE } catch (Exception e) { ServerErrorManager.handleException(e, User_servlets.class.getName(), "userSignUpPostHandler", e.getMessage()); response.setStatus(400); response.getWriter().print(ServerErrorManager.getErrorResponse()); } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * * * PUT REQUEST HANDLERS * * * *------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void validate_session_handler(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { try { /** * ******************************************************* * STEP 1 CHECK IF THE USER IS LOGGED CORRECTLY IN THE APP. IF ERROR * --> throws exception if not valid session, GO TO STEP 4b ELSE --> * ******************************************************* */ if (!checkAccessPermissions(request.getParameter("loggedUser"), request.getParameter("sessionToken"))) { throw new AccessControlException("Your session is invalid. User or session token not allowed."); } } catch (Exception e) { ServerErrorManager.handleException(e, User_servlets.class.getName(), "removeUserPostHandler", e.getMessage()); } finally { /** * ******************************************************* * STEP 4b CATCH ERROR, CLEAN CHANGES. throws SQLException * ******************************************************* */ if (ServerErrorManager.errorStatus()) { response.setStatus(400); response.getWriter().print(ServerErrorManager.getErrorResponse()); } else { response.getWriter().print("{success: " + true + "}"); } } } private void get_user_details_handler(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { try { DAO dao_instance = null; User user = null; try { Map<String, Cookie> cookies = this.getCookies(request); String loggedUser = cookies.get("loggedUser").getValue(); String sessionToken = cookies.get("sessionToken").getValue(); String userID = request.getPathInfo().replaceAll("/", ""); /** * ******************************************************* * STEP 1 CHECK IF THE USER IS LOGGED CORRECTLY IN THE APP. IF * ERROR --> throws exception if not valid session, GO TO STEP * 3b ELSE --> GO TO STEP 2 * ******************************************************* */ if (!checkAccessPermissions(loggedUser, sessionToken)) { throw new AccessControlException("Your session is invalid. User or session token not allowed."); } /** * ******************************************************* * STEP 2 GET USER. IF ERROR --> throws * exception if not valid session, GO TO STEP 3b ELSE --> GO TO * STEP 2 * ******************************************************* */ dao_instance = DAOProvider.getDAOByName("User"); boolean isEmail = false; Object[] params = { null, false, isEmail }; user = (User) ((User_JDBCDAO) dao_instance).findByID(userID, params); if (!loggedUser.equals(user.getEmail()) && !isValidAdminUser(loggedUser)) { throw new Exception("User not allowed for this action."); } if (isValidAdminUser(user.getEmail())) { user.setRole("admin"); } } catch (Exception e) { ServerErrorManager.handleException(e, User_servlets.class.getName(), "getUserPostHandler", e.getMessage()); } finally { /** * ******************************************************* * STEP 3b CATCH ERROR AND WRITE RESPONSE. * ******************************************************* */ if (ServerErrorManager.errorStatus()) { response.setStatus(400); response.getWriter().print(ServerErrorManager.getErrorResponse()); } else { response.getWriter().print(user.toJSON()); } if (dao_instance != null) { dao_instance.closeConnection(); } } } catch (Exception e) { ServerErrorManager.handleException(e, User_servlets.class.getName(), "getUserPostHandler", e.getMessage()); response.setStatus(400); response.getWriter().print(ServerErrorManager.getErrorResponse()); } } private void get_user_list_handler(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { try { DAO dao_instance = null; ArrayList<Object> userList = null; String loggedUser = ""; try { Map<String, Cookie> cookies = this.getCookies(request); loggedUser = cookies.get("loggedUser").getValue(); String sessionToken = cookies.get("sessionToken").getValue(); /** * ******************************************************* * STEP 1 CHECK IF THE USER IS LOGGED CORRECTLY IN THE APP. IF * ERROR --> throws exception if not valid session, GO TO STEP * 3b ELSE --> GO TO STEP 2 * ******************************************************* */ if (!checkAccessPermissions(loggedUser, sessionToken)) { throw new AccessControlException("Your session is invalid. User or session token not allowed."); } /** * ******************************************************* * STEP 2 GET ALL REGISTERED USERS. IF ERROR --> throws * exception if not valid session, GO TO STEP 3b ELSE --> GO TO * STEP 2 * ******************************************************* */ dao_instance = DAOProvider.getDAOByName("User"); userList = dao_instance.findAll(null); } catch (Exception e) { ServerErrorManager.handleException(e, User_servlets.class.getName(), "getUserListPostHandler", e.getMessage()); } finally { /** * ******************************************************* * STEP 3b CATCH ERROR AND WRITE RESPONSE. * ******************************************************* */ if (ServerErrorManager.errorStatus()) { response.setStatus(400); response.getWriter().print(ServerErrorManager.getErrorResponse()); } else { String usersJSON = "["; for (int i = 0; i < userList.size(); i++) { //TODO: USE FUNCTION IS ADMIN if (isValidAdminUser(loggedUser)) { ((User) userList.get(i)).setLoggedIn(UserSessionManager.getUserSessionManager() .isLoggedUser(((User) userList.get(i)).getUserID())); } usersJSON += ((User) userList.get(i)).toJSON() + ((i < userList.size() - 1) ? "," : ""); } usersJSON += "]"; response.getWriter().print(usersJSON); } if (dao_instance != null) { dao_instance.closeConnection(); } } } catch (Exception e) { ServerErrorManager.handleException(e, User_servlets.class.getName(), "getUserListPostHandler", e.getMessage()); response.setStatus(400); response.getWriter().print(ServerErrorManager.getErrorResponse()); } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * * * POST REQUEST HANDLERS * * * *------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void update_user_handler(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { try { boolean ROLLBACK_NEEDED = false; DAO dao_instance = null; try { /** * ******************************************************* * STEP 1 CHECK IF THE USER IS LOGGED CORRECTLY IN THE APP. IF * ERROR --> throws exception if not valid session, GO TO STEP * 5b ELSE --> GO TO STEP 2 * ******************************************************* */ Map<String, Cookie> cookies = this.getCookies(request); JsonParser parser = new JsonParser(); JsonObject requestData = (JsonObject) parser.parse(request.getReader()); String loggedUser, loggedUserID = null, sessionToken; loggedUser = cookies.get("loggedUser").getValue(); sessionToken = cookies.get("sessionToken").getValue(); loggedUserID = cookies.get("loggedUserID").getValue(); String userID = request.getPathInfo().replaceAll("/", ""); if (!checkAccessPermissions(loggedUser, sessionToken)) { throw new AccessControlException("Your session is invalid. User or session token not allowed."); } /** * ******************************************************* * STEP 2 PARSE THE JSON DATA AND GET THE NEW OBJECT. IF ERROR * --> throws exception if not valid session, GO TO STEP 4b ELSE * --> GO TO STEP 3 * ******************************************************* */ String newpass = requestData.get("newpass").getAsString(); if (newpass != null) { newpass = new String(Base64.decodeBase64(newpass)); newpass = SHA1.getHash(newpass); } /** * ******************************************************* * STEP 3 UPDATE IN DATABASE. IF ERROR --> throws exception if * not valid session, GO TO STEP 4b ELSE --> GO TO STEP 4 * ******************************************************* */ dao_instance = DAOProvider.getDAOByName("User"); boolean isEmail = true; Object[] params = { null, false, isEmail }; User user = (User) ((User_JDBCDAO) dao_instance).findByID(loggedUser, params); if (user == null) { throw new Exception("User not valid."); } if (!userID.equals(user.getUserID()) && !isValidAdminUser(loggedUser)) { throw new Exception("User not allowed for this action."); } user.setPassword(newpass); dao_instance.disableAutocommit(); ROLLBACK_NEEDED = true; dao_instance.update(user); /** * ******************************************************* * STEP 4 COMMIT CHANGES IN DB. IF ERROR --> throws exception if * not valid session, GO TO STEP 4b ELSE --> GO TO STEP 5 * ******************************************************* */ dao_instance.doCommit(); } catch (Exception e) { ServerErrorManager.handleException(e, User_servlets.class.getName(), "updateUserPostHandler", e.getMessage()); } finally { /** * ******************************************************* * STEP 4b CATCH ERROR, CLEAN CHANGES. throws SQLException * ******************************************************* */ if (ServerErrorManager.errorStatus()) { response.setStatus(400); response.getWriter().print(ServerErrorManager.getErrorResponse()); if (ROLLBACK_NEEDED) { dao_instance.doRollback(); } } else { JsonObject obj = new JsonObject(); obj.add("success", new JsonPrimitive(true)); response.getWriter().print(obj.toString()); } /** * ******************************************************* * STEP 6 Close connection. * ******************************************************** */ if (dao_instance != null) { dao_instance.closeConnection(); } } //CATCH IF THE ERROR OCCURRED IN ROLL BACK OR CONNECTION CLOSE } catch (Exception e) { ServerErrorManager.handleException(e, User_servlets.class.getName(), "updateUserPostHandler", e.getMessage()); response.setStatus(400); response.getWriter().print(ServerErrorManager.getErrorResponse()); } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * * * DELETE REQUEST HANDLERS * * * *------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void user_logout_handler(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { Map<String, Cookie> cookies = this.getCookies(request); String loggedUser = cookies.get("loggedUser").getValue(); String sessionToken = cookies.get("sessionToken").getValue(); UserSessionManager.getUserSessionManager().removeUser(loggedUser, sessionToken); //If some errors occurred if (ServerErrorManager.errorStatus()) { response.setStatus(400); response.getWriter().print(ServerErrorManager.getErrorResponse()); } else { JsonObject obj = new JsonObject(); obj.add("success", new JsonPrimitive(true)); response.getWriter().print(obj.toString()); } } private void delete_user_handler(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { try { boolean ROLLBACK_NEEDED = false; DAO dao_instance = null; try { /** * ******************************************************* * STEP 1 CHECK IF THE USER IS LOGGED CORRECTLY IN THE APP. IF * ERROR --> throws exception if not valid session, GO TO STEP * 4b ELSE --> GO TO STEP 2 * ******************************************************* */ if (!checkAccessPermissions(request.getParameter("loggedUser"), request.getParameter("sessionToken"))) { throw new AccessControlException("Your session is invalid. User or session token not allowed."); } if (!"admin".equals(request.getParameter("loggedUser"))) { throw new AccessControlException( request.getParameter("loggedUser") + " is no allowed for this operation."); } String user_id = request.getParameter("user_id"); if (UserSessionManager.getUserSessionManager().isLoggedUser(user_id)) { throw new Exception("Unable to remove User " + user_id + ". Reason: The user is currently logged in the application."); } /** * ******************************************************* * STEP 3 UPDATE IN DATABASE. IF ERROR --> throws exception if * not valid session, GO TO STEP 4b ELSE --> GO TO STEP 4 * ******************************************************* */ dao_instance = DAOProvider.getDAOByName("User"); dao_instance.disableAutocommit(); ROLLBACK_NEEDED = true; new User_JDBCDAO().remove(user_id); /** * ******************************************************* * STEP 4 COMMIT CHANGES IN DB. IF ERROR --> throws exception if * not valid session, GO TO STEP 4b ELSE --> GO TO STEP 5 * ******************************************************* */ dao_instance.doCommit(); } catch (Exception e) { ServerErrorManager.handleException(e, User_servlets.class.getName(), "removeUserPostHandler", e.getMessage()); } finally { /** * ******************************************************* * STEP 4b CATCH ERROR, CLEAN CHANGES. throws SQLException * ******************************************************* */ if (ServerErrorManager.errorStatus()) { response.setStatus(400); response.getWriter().print(ServerErrorManager.getErrorResponse()); if (ROLLBACK_NEEDED) { dao_instance.doRollback(); } } else { response.getWriter().print("{success: " + true + "}"); } /** * ******************************************************* * STEP 6 Close connection. * ******************************************************** */ if (dao_instance != null) { dao_instance.closeConnection(); } } //CATCH IF THE ERROR OCCURRED IN ROLL BACK OR CONNECTION CLOSE } catch (Exception e) { ServerErrorManager.handleException(e, User_servlets.class.getName(), "removeUserPostHandler", e.getMessage()); response.setStatus(400); response.getWriter().print(ServerErrorManager.getErrorResponse()); } } }