Java tutorial
/** * This file is part of Serianalyzer. * * Serianalyzer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Serianalyzer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Serianalyzer. If not, see <>. * * Copyright 2015,2016 Moritz Bechler <> * * Created: 15.11.2015 by mbechler */ package serianalyzer; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.jboss.jandex.DotName; import org.objectweb.asm.Label; import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes; import org.objectweb.asm.Type; import serianalyzer.types.BaseType; import serianalyzer.types.BasicConstant; import serianalyzer.types.BasicVariable; import serianalyzer.types.FieldReference; import serianalyzer.types.MultiAlternatives; import serianalyzer.types.ObjectReferenceConstant; import serianalyzer.types.SimpleType; /** * @author mbechler * */ public final class JVMImpl { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(JVMImpl.class); /** * @param opcode * @param label * @param s * @return */ static boolean handleJVMJump(int opcode, Label label, JVMStackState s) { boolean tainted; switch (opcode) { case Opcodes.IF_ICMPEQ: case Opcodes.IF_ICMPNE: case Opcodes.IF_ICMPLT: case Opcodes.IF_ICMPGE: case Opcodes.IF_ICMPGT: case Opcodes.IF_ICMPLE: case Opcodes.IF_ACMPEQ: case Opcodes.IF_ACMPNE: BaseType o1 = s.pop(); BaseType o2 = s.pop(); tainted = !(o1 != null) || !(o2 != null) || o1.isTainted() || o2.isTainted(); break; case Opcodes.IFEQ: case Opcodes.IFNE: case Opcodes.IFLT: case Opcodes.IFGE: case Opcodes.IFGT: case Opcodes.IFLE: case Opcodes.IFNULL: case Opcodes.IFNONNULL: BaseType c = s.pop(); tainted = (c == null || c.isTainted()); break; case Opcodes.JSR: s.push(new BasicConstant(Type.INT_TYPE, label)); tainted = false; break; case Opcodes.GOTO: tainted = false; break; default: log.warn("Unsupported opcode " + opcode); //$NON-NLS-1$ tainted = true; } return tainted; } /** * @param opcode * @param operand * @param s */ static void handleJVMIntInsn(int opcode, int operand, JVMStackState s) { switch (opcode) { case Opcodes.BIPUSH: s.push(new BasicConstant(Type.BYTE_TYPE, operand)); break; case Opcodes.SIPUSH: s.push(new BasicConstant(Type.SHORT_TYPE, operand)); break; case Opcodes.NEWARRAY: s.pop(); s.push(new BasicVariable(makeBasicArrayType(operand), "array", false)); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } /** * @param opcode * @param s */ static void handleJVMInsn(int opcode, JVMStackState s) { BaseType o1; BaseType o2; BaseType o3; List<BaseType> l1; List<BaseType> l2; switch (opcode) { case Opcodes.NOP: break; case Opcodes.ARRAYLENGTH: o1 = s.pop(); s.push(new BasicConstant(Type.INT_TYPE, 0, !(o1 != null && !o1.isTainted()))); break; case Opcodes.ACONST_NULL: s.push(new BasicConstant(Type.VOID_TYPE, "<null>")); //$NON-NLS-1$ break; case Opcodes.ICONST_M1: case Opcodes.ICONST_0: case Opcodes.ICONST_1: case Opcodes.ICONST_2: case Opcodes.ICONST_3: case Opcodes.ICONST_4: case Opcodes.ICONST_5: s.push(new BasicConstant(Type.INT_TYPE, opcode - 3)); break; case Opcodes.LCONST_0: case Opcodes.LCONST_1: s.push(new BasicConstant(Type.LONG_TYPE, opcode - 9L)); break; case Opcodes.FCONST_0: case Opcodes.FCONST_1: case Opcodes.FCONST_2: s.push(new BasicConstant(Type.FLOAT_TYPE, opcode - 11f)); break; case Opcodes.DCONST_0: case Opcodes.DCONST_1: s.push(new BasicConstant(Type.DOUBLE_TYPE, opcode - 14d)); break; case Opcodes.IALOAD: case Opcodes.LALOAD: case Opcodes.FALOAD: case Opcodes.DALOAD: case Opcodes.BALOAD: case Opcodes.CALOAD: case Opcodes.SALOAD: o1 = s.pop(); o2 = s.pop(); s.push(new BasicVariable(toType(opcode), "primitive array elem", //$NON-NLS-1$ (o1 == null || o1.isTainted()) | (o2 == null || o2.isTainted()))); break; case Opcodes.AALOAD: o1 = s.pop(); o2 = s.pop(); if (o1 != null && o2 instanceof SimpleType && ((SimpleType) o2).getType().toString().startsWith("[")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ Type atype = Type.getType(((SimpleType) o2).getType().toString().substring(1)); if (o2.getAlternativeTypes() != null && !o2.getAlternativeTypes().isEmpty()) { s.clear(); break; } s.push(new BasicVariable(atype, "array elem " + atype, o1.isTainted() | o2.isTainted())); //$NON-NLS-1$ } else { s.clear(); } break; case Opcodes.IASTORE: case Opcodes.LASTORE: case Opcodes.FASTORE: case Opcodes.DASTORE: case Opcodes.AASTORE: case Opcodes.BASTORE: case Opcodes.CASTORE: case Opcodes.SASTORE: s.pop(3); break; case Opcodes.POP2: s.pop(); case Opcodes.MONITORENTER: case Opcodes.MONITOREXIT: case Opcodes.POP: s.pop(); break; case Opcodes.DUP: if (!s.isEmpty()) { o1 = s.pop(); s.push(o1); s.push(o1); } break; case Opcodes.DUP_X1: o1 = s.pop(); o2 = s.pop(); s.push(o1); s.push(o2); s.push(o1); break; case Opcodes.DUP_X2: o1 = s.pop(); o2 = s.pop(); o3 = s.pop(); s.push(o1); s.push(o3); s.push(o2); s.push(o1); break; case Opcodes.DUP2: l1 = s.popWord(); if (l1.isEmpty()) { log.trace("DUP2 with unknown operand"); //$NON-NLS-1$ s.clear(); } else { s.pushWord(l1); s.pushWord(l1); } break; case Opcodes.DUP2_X1: l1 = s.popWord(); o1 = s.pop(); if (l1.isEmpty()) { log.trace("DUP2 with unknown operand"); //$NON-NLS-1$ s.clear(); } else { s.pushWord(l1); s.push(o1); s.pushWord(l1); } break; case Opcodes.DUP2_X2: l1 = s.popWord(); l2 = s.popWord(); if (l1.isEmpty() || l2.isEmpty()) { log.trace("DUP2 with unknown operand"); //$NON-NLS-1$ s.clear(); } else { s.pushWord(l1); s.pushWord(l2); s.pushWord(l1); } break; case Opcodes.SWAP: o1 = s.pop(); o2 = s.pop(); s.push(o1); s.push(o2); break; case Opcodes.IADD: case Opcodes.LADD: case Opcodes.FADD: case Opcodes.DADD: case Opcodes.ISUB: case Opcodes.LSUB: case Opcodes.FSUB: case Opcodes.DSUB: case Opcodes.IMUL: case Opcodes.LMUL: case Opcodes.FMUL: case Opcodes.DMUL: case Opcodes.IDIV: case Opcodes.LDIV: case Opcodes.FDIV: case Opcodes.DDIV: case Opcodes.IREM: case Opcodes.LREM: case Opcodes.FREM: case Opcodes.DREM: case Opcodes.IAND: case Opcodes.LAND: case Opcodes.IOR: case Opcodes.LOR: case Opcodes.IXOR: case Opcodes.LXOR: case Opcodes.LCMP: case Opcodes.FCMPL: case Opcodes.FCMPG: case Opcodes.DCMPL: case Opcodes.DCMPG: s.merge(2); break; case Opcodes.ISHL: case Opcodes.LSHL: case Opcodes.ISHR: case Opcodes.LSHR: case Opcodes.IUSHR: case Opcodes.LUSHR: s.pop(); // amount // ignore value break; case Opcodes.INEG: case Opcodes.F2I: case Opcodes.D2I: case Opcodes.L2I: s.push(cast(s.pop(), Type.INT_TYPE)); break; case Opcodes.LNEG: case Opcodes.I2L: case Opcodes.F2L: case Opcodes.D2L: s.push(cast(s.pop(), Type.LONG_TYPE)); break; case Opcodes.FNEG: case Opcodes.I2F: case Opcodes.L2F: case Opcodes.D2F: s.push(cast(s.pop(), Type.FLOAT_TYPE)); case Opcodes.DNEG: case Opcodes.I2D: case Opcodes.L2D: case Opcodes.F2D: s.push(cast(s.pop(), Type.DOUBLE_TYPE)); case Opcodes.I2B: s.push(cast(s.pop(), Type.BYTE_TYPE)); break; case Opcodes.I2C: s.push(cast(s.pop(), Type.CHAR_TYPE)); break; case Opcodes.I2S: s.push(cast(s.pop(), Type.SHORT_TYPE)); break; case Opcodes.ARETURN: s.clear(); break; case Opcodes.IRETURN: case Opcodes.LRETURN: case Opcodes.FRETURN: case Opcodes.DRETURN: case Opcodes.RETURN: if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Found return " + s.pop()); //$NON-NLS-1$ } s.clear(); break; case Opcodes.ATHROW: Object thrw = s.pop(); log.trace("Found throw " + thrw); //$NON-NLS-1$ s.clear(); break; default: log.warn("Unsupported instruction code " + opcode); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } /** * @param opcode * @param type * @param s */ static void handleJVMTypeInsn(int opcode, String type, JVMStackState s) { BaseType o; switch (opcode) { case Opcodes.NEW: s.push(new ObjectReferenceConstant(false, Type.getObjectType(type), type.replace('/', '.'))); break; case Opcodes.ANEWARRAY: s.pop(); if (type.charAt(0) == '[') { s.push(new BasicVariable(Type.getObjectType("[" + type), "array", false)); //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$ } else { s.push(new BasicVariable(Type.getObjectType("[L" + type + ";"), "array", false)); //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ } break; case Opcodes.CHECKCAST: if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Checkcast " + type); //$NON-NLS-1$ } o = s.pop(); if (o != null) { o.addAlternativeType(Type.getObjectType(type)); s.push(o); } else { s.clear(); } break; case Opcodes.INSTANCEOF: o = s.pop(); if (o != null) { o.addAlternativeType(Type.getObjectType(type)); } s.push(new BasicConstant(Type.BOOLEAN_TYPE, "typeof " + o + " = " + type, //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$ !(o != null) || o.isTainted())); break; } } /** * @param opcode * @param var * @param s */ static void handleVarInsn(int opcode, int var, JVMStackState s) { Set<BaseType> v; switch (opcode) { case Opcodes.LLOAD: case Opcodes.ILOAD: case Opcodes.FLOAD: case Opcodes.DLOAD: case Opcodes.ALOAD: v = s.getVariable(var); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("LOAD " + opcode + "@" + var + ":" + v); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ } if (v == null || v.isEmpty()) { s.push(new BasicVariable(toType(opcode), "unknown " + var, true)); //$NON-NLS-1$ } else if (v.size() == 1) { s.push(v.iterator().next()); } else { Set<BaseType> alts = new HashSet<>(); for (BaseType o : v) { if (o instanceof MultiAlternatives && !((MultiAlternatives) o).getAlternatives().isEmpty()) { alts.addAll(((MultiAlternatives) o).getAlternatives()); } else { alts.add(o); } } s.push(new MultiAlternatives(alts)); } break; case Opcodes.LSTORE: case Opcodes.ISTORE: case Opcodes.FSTORE: case Opcodes.DSTORE: case Opcodes.ASTORE: s.getVariable(var).add(s.pop()); break; case Opcodes.RET: break; default: log.warn("Unimplemented opcode " + opcode); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } /** * @param cst * @param s */ static void handleLdcInsn(Object cst, JVMStackState s) { if (cst instanceof Type) { int sort = ((Type) cst).getSort(); // TODO: not really sure about this, but the type seems expected if (sort == Type.OBJECT) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Constant type sort object " + cst); //$NON-NLS-1$ } s.push(new BasicVariable(Type.getType("Ljava/lang/Class;"), "type " + cst, false)); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } else if (sort == Type.ARRAY) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Constant type sort array" + cst); //$NON-NLS-1$ } s.push(new BasicVariable(Type.getType("Ljava/lang/Class;"), "type " + cst, false)); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } else { log.warn("Unhandled constant type sort " + sort); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } else if (cst instanceof String || cst instanceof Integer || cst instanceof Float || cst instanceof Long || cst instanceof Double) { Type type = typeFromClass(cst); s.push(new BasicVariable(type, "const prim " + cst + " type " + type, false)); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } else { log.warn("Unhandled constant type " + cst.getClass()); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } /** * @param opcode * @param owner * @param name * @param desc * @param s */ static void handleFieldInsn(int opcode, String owner, String name, String desc, JVMStackState s) { switch (opcode) { case Opcodes.GETFIELD: Object tgt = s.pop(); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("From " + tgt); //$NON-NLS-1$ } case Opcodes.GETSTATIC: // this can be more specific if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Load field " + name + " (" + desc + ")"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ } s.push(new FieldReference(DotName.createSimple(owner.replace('/', '.')), name, Type.getType(desc), true)); break; case Opcodes.PUTFIELD: s.pop(); s.pop(); break; case Opcodes.PUTSTATIC: s.pop(); break; default: log.warn("Unsupported opcode " + opcode); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } /** * @param cst * @return */ private static Type typeFromClass(Object cst) { if (cst instanceof Integer) { return Type.INT_TYPE; } else if (cst instanceof Float) { return Type.FLOAT_TYPE; } else if (cst instanceof Long) { return Type.LONG_TYPE; } else if (cst instanceof Double) { return Type.DOUBLE_TYPE; } return Type.getType(cst.getClass()); } /** * @param opcode * @return */ private static Type toType(int opcode) { switch (opcode) { case Opcodes.LLOAD: return Type.LONG_TYPE; case Opcodes.ILOAD: return Type.INT_TYPE; case Opcodes.FLOAD: return Type.FLOAT_TYPE; case Opcodes.DLOAD: return Type.DOUBLE_TYPE; case Opcodes.ALOAD: return Type.getType("Ljava/lang/Object;"); //$NON-NLS-1$ case Opcodes.IALOAD: return Type.INT_TYPE; case Opcodes.LALOAD: return Type.LONG_TYPE; case Opcodes.FALOAD: return Type.FLOAT_TYPE; case Opcodes.DALOAD: return Type.DOUBLE_TYPE; case Opcodes.BALOAD: return Type.BYTE_TYPE; case Opcodes.CALOAD: return Type.CHAR_TYPE; case Opcodes.SALOAD: return Type.SHORT_TYPE; } return Type.VOID_TYPE; } /** * @param pop * @param type * @return */ private static BaseType cast(BaseType pop, Type type) { if (pop instanceof BasicConstant) { return new BasicConstant(type, ((BasicConstant) pop).getValue(), ((BasicConstant) pop).isTainted()); } else if (pop != null) { return new BasicVariable(type, pop.toString(), pop.isTainted()); } return new BasicVariable(type, null, true); } /** * @param operand * @return */ private static Type makeBasicArrayType(int operand) { switch (operand) { case Opcodes.T_BOOLEAN: return Type.getType("[Z"); //$NON-NLS-1$ case Opcodes.T_BYTE: return Type.getType("[B"); //$NON-NLS-1$ case Opcodes.T_CHAR: return Type.getType("[C"); //$NON-NLS-1$ case Opcodes.T_DOUBLE: return Type.getType("[D"); //$NON-NLS-1$ case Opcodes.T_FLOAT: return Type.getType("[F"); //$NON-NLS-1$ case Opcodes.T_INT: return Type.getType("[I"); //$NON-NLS-1$ case Opcodes.T_LONG: return Type.getType("[J"); //$NON-NLS-1$ case Opcodes.T_SHORT: return Type.getType("[S"); //$NON-NLS-1$ default: log.error("Unknown array type " + operand); //$NON-NLS-1$ } return null; } /** * @param desc * @param dims * @param s */ static void handleMultiANewArrayInsn(String desc, int dims, JVMStackState s) { s.pop(dims); s.push(new BasicVariable(Type.getType(desc), dims + "-dim array", false)); //$NON-NLS-1$ } }