Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2011 Jorge Aliss (jaliss at gmail dot com) - twitter: @jaliss * <p/> * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * <p/> * * <p/> * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package securesocial.provider.providers; import; import; import; import play.Logger; import play.libs.WS; import securesocial.provider.AuthenticationException; import securesocial.provider.OAuth2Provider; import securesocial.provider.ProviderType; import securesocial.provider.SocialUser; import java.util.Map; public class YahooOAuth2Provider extends OAuth2Provider { private static final String ME_API = ""; private static final String GUID = "guid"; private static final String NAME = "name"; private static final String PICTURE = "picture"; private static final String EMAIL = "email"; private static final String PROFILE = "profile"; private static final String SPACE = " "; public YahooOAuth2Provider() { super(ProviderType.yahoooauth2); } @Override protected void fillProfile(SocialUser user, Map<String, Object> authContext) {"!-*-------------------------USER ACESS TOKEN " + user.accessToken); //OBS: Eduardo Medeiros quem fez =D - Implementacao diferente da do googleOauth2provider\ //OBS: O Yahoo requer o token no cabecalho, ja o Google envia o token como parametro JsonObject me = WS.url(ME_API) .setHeader("Authorization", new StringBuilder("Bearer").append(SPACE).append(user.accessToken).toString()) .get().getJson().getAsJsonObject(); JsonObject error = me.getAsJsonObject(ERROR);"!-*-------------------------MEEEE " + me); if (error != null) { final String message = error.get(MESSAGE).getAsString(); final String type = error.get(TYPE).getAsString(); Logger.error("Error retrieving profile information from Yahoo. Error type: %s, message: %s.", type, message); throw new AuthenticationException(); } // {"profile": // {"guid":"QAI7B3PCDJQZ662E7CAJAAECME", // "addresses":[{"city":"","country":"BR","current":true,"id":1,"postalCode":"","state":"","street":"","type":"HOME"},{"city":"","country":"BR","current":true,"id":2,"postalCode":"","state":"","street":"","type":"WORK"}], // "ageCategory":"A", // "created":"2015-12-01T23:23:43Z", // "emails":[{"handle":"","id":1,"primary":true,"type":"HOME"}], // "familyName":"Silva", // "gender":"M", // "givenName":"Bruno", // "image":{"height":192,"imageUrl":"","size":"192x192","width":192}, // "intl":"br", // "jurisdiction":"br", // "lang":"pt-BR", // "memberSince":"2015-11-29T20:55:29Z", // "migrationSource":1, // "nickname":"Bruno", // "notStored":true, // "nux":"0", // "phones":[{"id":10,"number":"55-8488312000","type":"MOBILE"}], // "profileMode":"PUBLIC", // "profileStatus":"ACTIVE", // "profileUrl":"", // "timeZone":"America/Buenos_Aires", // "isConnected":true, // "profileHidden":false, // "bdRestricted":true, // "profilePermission":"PRIVATE", // "uri":""}} // = me.get(ID).getAsString(); JsonObject profile = me.get(PROFILE).getAsJsonObject(); String id = profile.get("guid").getAsString(); JsonElement givenName = profile.get("givenName"); JsonElement nickName = profile.get("givenName"); String fullName = (givenName != null) ? givenName.getAsString() : ((nickName != null) ? nickName.getAsString() : null); String surName = (profile.get("familyName")) != null ? profile.get("familyName").getAsString() : null; String gender = profile.get("gender") != null ? profile.get("gender").getAsString() : null; JsonObject image = profile.get("image") != null ? profile.get("image").getAsJsonObject() : null; String url = image != null ? image.get("imageUrl").getAsString() : null; JsonArray j = profile.get("emails").getAsJsonArray(); String asdasd = j != null ? j.iterator().next().getAsJsonObject().get("handle").getAsString() : null; = id; = asdasd; user.displayName = new StringBuilder(fullName).append(SPACE).append(surName).toString(); user.avatarUrl = url; } }