Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2013 See AUTHORS file.
 * This file is part of SleepFighter.
 * SleepFighter is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * SleepFighter is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with SleepFighter. If not, see <>.
package se.toxbee.sleepfighter.model;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Map;

import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.joda.time.DateTimeConstants;
import org.joda.time.MutableDateTime;
import org.joda.time.ReadableDateTime;

import se.toxbee.sleepfighter.model.challenge.ChallengeConfigSet;
import se.toxbee.sleepfighter.utils.message.Message;
import se.toxbee.sleepfighter.utils.message.MessageBus;
import se.toxbee.sleepfighter.utils.message.MessageBusHolder;
import se.toxbee.sleepfighter.utils.model.IdProvider;
import se.toxbee.sleepfighter.utils.string.StringUtils;
import android.provider.Settings;

import com.j256.ormlite.field.DatabaseField;
import com.j256.ormlite.table.DatabaseTable;

 * Alarm models the alarm settings and business logic for an alarm.
 * Actual model fields are described in {@link Field}
 * @version 1.0
 * @since Sep 16, 2013
@DatabaseTable(tableName = "alarm")
public class Alarm implements IdProvider, MessageBusHolder {
     * Enumeration of fields in an Alarm.
     * @author Centril<> / Mazdak Farrokhzad.
     * @version 1.0
     * @since Sep 19, 2013
    public static enum Field {

    /* --------------------------------
     * Defined Events.
     * --------------------------------

     * All events fired by {@link Alarm} extends this interface.
     * @author Centril<> / Mazdak Farrokhzad.
     * @version 1.0
     * @since Sep 19, 2013
    public static interface AlarmEvent extends Message {
         * Returns the alarm that triggered the event.
         * @return the alarm.
        public Alarm getAlarm();

         * Returns the Field that was modified in the alarm.
         * @return the modified field.
        public Field getModifiedField();

         * Returns the old value.
         * @return the old value.
        public Object getOldValue();

     * Base implementation of AlarmEvent
     * @author Centril<> / Mazdak Farrokhzad.
     * @version 1.0
     * @since Sep 19, 2013
    public static class BaseAlarmEvent implements AlarmEvent {
        private Field field;
        private Alarm alarm;
        private Object oldValue;

        private BaseAlarmEvent(Alarm alarm, Field field, Object oldValue) {
            this.alarm = alarm;
            this.field = field;
            this.oldValue = oldValue;

        public Alarm getAlarm() {
            return this.alarm;

        public Field getModifiedField() {
            return this.field;

        public Object getOldValue() {
            return this.oldValue;


     * ScheduleChangeEvent occurs when a scheduling related constraint is modified, these are:<br/>
     * <ul>
     *    <li>{@link Field#TIME}</li>
     *    <li>{@link Field#ACTIVATED}</li>
     *    <li>{@link Field#ENABLED_DAYS}</li>
     * </ul>
     * @author Centril<> / Mazdak Farrokhzad.
     * @version 1.0
     * @since Sep 19, 2013
    public static class ScheduleChangeEvent extends BaseAlarmEvent {
        private ScheduleChangeEvent(Alarm alarm, Field field, Object oldValue) {
            super(alarm, field, oldValue);

     * MetaChangeEvent occurs when a name related constraint is modified, these are:<br/>
     * <ul>
     *    <li>{@link Field#NAME}</li>
     *    <li>{@link Field#ID}</li>
     * </ul>
     * @author Centril<> / Mazdak Farrokhzad.
     * @version 1.0
     * @since Sep 19, 2013
    public static class MetaChangeEvent extends BaseAlarmEvent {
        private MetaChangeEvent(Alarm alarm, Field field, Object oldValue) {
            super(alarm, field, oldValue);

     * AudioChangeEvent occurs when a audio related constraint is modified, these are:<br/>
     * <ul>
     *    <li>{@link Field#AUDIO_SOURCE}</li>
     *    <li>{@link Field#AUDIO_CONFIG}</li>
     * </ul>
     * @author Centril<> / Mazdak Farrokhzad.
     * @version 1.0
     * @since Sep 27, 2013
    public static class AudioChangeEvent extends BaseAlarmEvent {
        private AudioChangeEvent(Alarm alarm, Field field, Object oldValue) {
            super(alarm, field, oldValue);

    /* --------------------------------
     * Fields.
     * --------------------------------

    @DatabaseField(generatedId = true)
    private int id = NOT_COMMITTED_ID;

    /** IDs for non-committed Alarms. */
    public static final int NOT_COMMITTED_ID = -1;

    private boolean isActivated;

    private String name;

    /** The value for unnamed strings is {@value #UNNAMED} */
    public static final String UNNAMED = null;

    private int hour;

    private int minute;

    private int second;

    /** The weekdays that this alarm can ring. */
    @DatabaseField(width = 7)
    private boolean[] enabledDays = { true, true, true, true, true, true, true };
    private static final int MAX_WEEK_LENGTH = DateTimeConstants.DAYS_PER_WEEK;
    private static final int MAX_WEEK_INDEX = MAX_WEEK_LENGTH - 1;

    private int unnamedPlacement;

    private boolean isRepeating = false;

    private boolean isFlash = false;

    // whether this alarm is the preset alarm(the default alarm)
    private boolean isPresetAlarm = false;

    @DatabaseField(foreign = true, canBeNull = true)
    private AudioSource audioSource = new AudioSource(AudioSourceType.RINGTONE,

    @DatabaseField(foreign = true, canBeNull = false)
    private AudioConfig audioConfig = new AudioConfig(100, true);

    @DatabaseField(foreign = true, canBeNull = false)
    private SnoozeConfig snoozeConfig = new SnoozeConfig(true, 9);

    // the time and weather will be read out when the alarm goes off. 
    private boolean isSpeech = false;

    /** The value {@link #getNextMillis()} returns when Alarm can't happen. */
    public static final Long NEXT_NON_REAL = null;

    @DatabaseField(foreign = true, canBeNull = false)
    private ChallengeConfigSet challenges = new ChallengeConfigSet(true);

    private MessageBus<Message> bus;

    /* --------------------------------
     * Constructors.
     * --------------------------------

     * Constructs an alarm to current time.
    public Alarm() {
        this(new DateTime());

     * Copy constructor
     * @param rhs the alarm to copy from.
    public Alarm(Alarm rhs) {
        // Reset id.

        // Copy data.
        this.hour = rhs.hour;
        this.minute = rhs.minute;
        this.second = rhs.second;
        this.isActivated = rhs.isActivated;
        this.enabledDays = rhs.enabledDays; =;
        this.isRepeating = rhs.isRepeating;

        this.unnamedPlacement = 0;

        // Copy dependencies.
        this.bus = rhs.bus;

        this.audioSource = new AudioSource(rhs.audioSource);
        this.audioConfig = new AudioConfig(rhs.audioConfig);
        this.snoozeConfig = new SnoozeConfig(rhs.snoozeConfig);

        this.challenges = new ChallengeConfigSet(rhs.challenges);

        this.isSpeech = rhs.isSpeech;
        this.isFlash = rhs.isFlash;


     *  Constructs an alarm given an hour and minute.
     * @param hour the hour the alarm should occur.
     * @param minute the minute the alarm should occur.
    public Alarm(int hour, int minute) {
        this(hour, minute, 0);

     *  Constructs an alarm given an hour, minute and, second.
     * @param hour the hour the alarm should occur.
     * @param minute the minute the alarm should occur.
     * @param second the second the alarm should occur.
    public Alarm(int hour, int minute, int second) {
        this.setTime(hour, minute, second);

     * Constructs an alarm with values derived from a unix epoch timestamp.
     * @param time time in unix epoch timestamp.
    public Alarm(long time) {

     * Sets the hour, minute and second of this alarm derived from a {@link ReadableDateTime} object.
     * @param time a {@link ReadableDateTime} object. 
    public Alarm(ReadableDateTime time) {

    /* --------------------------------
     * Public methods.
     * --------------------------------

     * Sets the message bus, if not set, no events will be received.
     * @param bus the buss that receives events.
    public void setMessageBus(MessageBus<Message> bus) {
        this.bus = bus;

        // Pass it on!

     * Returns the message bus, or null if not set.
     * @return the message bus.
    public MessageBus<Message> getMessageBus() {
        return this.bus;

     * Returns the ID of the alarm.
     * @return the ID of the alarm.
    public int getId() {

     * Sets the ID of the alarm.<br/>
     * Should only be used for testing.
     * @param id the ID of the alarm.
    public void setId(int id) {
        if ( == id) {

        int old =; = id;
        this.publish(new MetaChangeEvent(this, Field.ID, old));

     * Returns the name of the Alarm.
     * @return the name of the Alarm.
    public String getName() {
        return name;

     * Sets the name of the Alarm.
     * @param name the name of the Alarm to set.
    public void setName(String name) {
        if ( != null && {

        if (name == null) {
            if ( == null) {

            throw new IllegalArgumentException("A named Alarm can not be unnamed.");

        String old =; = name;
        this.unnamedPlacement = 0;
        this.publish(new MetaChangeEvent(this, Field.NAME, old));

     * Sets the hour and minute of this alarm.<br/>
     * This is the equivalent of {@link #setTime(int, int, int)} with <code>(hour, minute, 0)</code>.
     * @param hour the hour the alarm should occur.
     * @param minute the minute the alarm should occur.
    public synchronized void setTime(int hour, int minute) {
        this.setTime(hour, minute, 0);

     * Sets the hour, minute and second of this alarm.
     * @param hour the hour the alarm should occur.
     * @param minute the minute the alarm should occur.
     * @param second the second the alarm should occur.
    public synchronized void setTime(int hour, int minute, int second) {
        if (this.hour == hour && this.minute == minute && this.second == second) {

        if (hour < 0 || hour > 23 || minute < 0 || minute > 59 || second < 0 || second > 59) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();

        int[] old = new int[] { this.hour, this.minute, this.second };

        this.hour = hour;
        this.minute = minute;
        this.second = second;

        this.publish(new ScheduleChangeEvent(this, Field.TIME, old));

     * Sets the hour, minute and second of this alarm derived from a unix epoch timestamp.
     * @param time time in unix epoch timestamp.
    public synchronized void setTime(long time) {
        this.setTime(new DateTime(time));

     * Sets the hour, minute and second of this alarm derived from a {@link ReadableDateTime} object.
     * @param time a {@link ReadableDateTime} object.
    public synchronized void setTime(ReadableDateTime time) {
        this.setTime(time.getHourOfDay(), time.getMinuteOfHour(), time.getSecondOfMinute());

     * Returns the weekdays days this alarm is enabled for.<br/>
     * For performance, a direct reference is returned.
     * @return the weekdays alarm is enabled for.
    public synchronized boolean[] getEnabledDays() {
        return this.enabledDays.clone();

     * Sets the weekdays this alarm is enabled for.<br/>
     * For performance, the passed value is not cloned.
     * @param enabledDays the weekdays alarm should be enabled for.
    public synchronized void setEnabledDays(boolean[] enabledDays) {

        if (enabledDays.length != MAX_WEEK_LENGTH) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "A week has 7 days, but an array with: " + enabledDays.length + " was passed");

        boolean[] old = this.enabledDays;
        this.enabledDays = enabledDays.clone();
        this.publish(new ScheduleChangeEvent(this, Field.ENABLED_DAYS, old));

     * Returns when this alarm will ring.<br/>
     * If {@link #canHappen()} returns false, -1 will be returned.
     * @param now the current time in unix epoch timestamp.
     * @return the time in unix epoch timestamp when alarm will next ring.
    public synchronized Long getNextMillis(long now) {
        if (!this.canHappen()) {
            return NEXT_NON_REAL;

        MutableDateTime next = new MutableDateTime(now);

        // Check if alarm was earlier today. If so, move to next day
        if (next.isBefore(now)) {
        // Offset for weekdays
        int offset = 0;

        // first weekday to check (0-6), getDayOfWeek returns (1-7)
        int weekday = next.getDayOfWeek() - 1;

        // Find the weekday the alarm should run, should at most run seven times
        for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
            // Wrap to first weekday
            if (weekday > MAX_WEEK_INDEX) {
                weekday = 0;
            if (this.enabledDays[weekday]) {
                // We've found the closest day the alarm is enabled for
                offset = i;

        if (offset > 0) {

        return next.getMillis();

     * Returns true if the alarm can ring in the future,<br/>
     * that is: if {@link #isActivated()} and some weekday is enabled.
     * @return true if the alarm can ring in the future.
    public synchronized boolean canHappen() {
        if (!this.isActivated()) {
            return false;

        for (boolean day : this.enabledDays) {
            if (day == true) {
                return true;

        return false;

     * Returns the hour the alarm occurs.
     * @return the hour the alarm occurs.
    public int getHour() {
        return this.hour;

     * Returns the minute the alarm occurs.
     * @return the minute the alarm occurs.
    public int getMinute() {
        return this.minute;

     * Returns the second the alarm occurs.
     * @return the second the alarm occurs.
    public int getSecond() {
        return this.second;

     * Sets whether or not the alarm should be active.
     * @param isActivated whether or not the alarm should be active.
    public void setActivated(boolean isActivated) {
        if (this.isActivated == isActivated) {

        boolean old = this.isActivated;
        this.isActivated = isActivated;
        this.publish(new ScheduleChangeEvent(this, Field.ACTIVATED, old));

     * Returns true if the alarm is active.
     * @return true if the alarm is active.
    public boolean isActivated() {
        return this.isActivated;

     * Returns true if the alarm is unnamed = ({@link #getName()} == {@link #UNNAMED}.
     * @return true if the alarm is unnamed.
    public boolean isUnnamed() {
        return == UNNAMED;

     * Returns the unnamed placement.<br/>
     * The unnamed placement is a number that is set for Alarms that honor {@link #isUnnamed()}.<br/>
     * It is a leaping number that is set upon addition to {@link AlarmList#add(int, Alarm)}.
     * Let us assume that we have 3 alarms which all start out as unnamed.
     * Their placements will be 1,2,3,4.
     * When the second alarm is removed, or renamed to "Holidays",
     * the 3rd alarm will not change its placement to 2.
     * If then a 4th alarm is added, it will usurp the place that the 2nd alarm had,
     * and its unnamed placement will be 2.
    public int getUnnamedPlacement() {
        return this.unnamedPlacement;

     * Sets the unnamed placement of alarm, see {@link #getUnnamedPlacement()}.<br/>
     * This should be set directly after constructor, otherwise provided for testing.
     * @param placement the unnamed placement of alarm.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@link #isUnnamed()} returns false.
    public void setUnnamedPlacement(int placement) {
        if (!this.isUnnamed()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't set numeric placement when alarm is already named.");

        this.unnamedPlacement = placement;

    public String toString() {
        final Map<String, String> prop = Maps.newHashMap();
        prop.put("id", Integer.toString(this.getId()));
        prop.put("name", this.getName());
        prop.put("time", StringUtils.joinTime(this.hour, this.minute, this.second));
        prop.put("weekdays", Arrays.toString(this.enabledDays));
        prop.put("activated", Boolean.toString(this.isActivated()));
        prop.put("repeating", Boolean.toString(this.isRepeating()));
        prop.put("audio_source", this.getAudioSource() == null ? null : this.getAudioSource().toString());
        prop.put("audio_config", this.getAudioConfig().toString());

        return "Alarm[" + StringUtils.PROPERTY_MAP_JOINER.join(prop) + "]";

     * Returns the Alarm:s time in the format: hh:mm.
     * @return the formatted time.
    public String getTimeString() {
        return StringUtils.joinTime(this.getHour(), this.getMinute());

     * <p><code>{@link Alarm#hashCode()} == {@link Alarm#getId()}</code></p>
     * {@inheritDoc}
    public int hashCode() {

     * <p>Two alarms are considered equal iff <code>{@link Alarm#hashCode()} == {@link Alarm#getId()}</code></p>
     * {@inheritDoc}
    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (this == obj) {
            return true;

        if (obj == null || getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
            return false;

        Alarm rhs = (Alarm) obj;
        return ==;

     * Sets if the alarm is repeating or not.
     * @param isRepeating true if it is repeating.
    public void setRepeat(boolean isRepeating) {
        if (this.isRepeating == isRepeating) {

        boolean old = this.isRepeating;
        this.isRepeating = isRepeating;
        this.publish(new ScheduleChangeEvent(this, Field.REPEATING, old));

     * Returns whether or not this alarm is repeating or not.
     * @return true if it is repeating.
    public boolean isRepeating() {
        return this.isRepeating;

     * Sets if the alarm is flashing or not.
     * @param isFlash true if it is flashing.
    public void setFlash(boolean isFlash) {
        if (this.isFlash == isFlash) {

        boolean old = this.isFlash;
        this.isFlash = isFlash;
        this.publish(new BaseAlarmEvent(this, Field.FLASH, old));

     * Returns whether or not this alarm is flashing or not.
     * @return true if it is flashing.
    public boolean isFlashEnabled() {
        return this.isFlash;

    // if true, then the time and weather will be read out when the alarm goes off.
    public boolean isSpeech() {
        return this.isSpeech;

    public void setSpeech(boolean isSpeech) {
        if (this.isSpeech == isSpeech) {

        boolean old = this.isSpeech;
        this.isSpeech = isSpeech;
        this.publish(new BaseAlarmEvent(this, Field.SPEECH, old));

     * Sets the audio source for this alarm.
     * @param source the audio source to set.
    public void setAudioSource(AudioSource source) {
        if (this.audioSource == source) {

        AudioSource old = this.audioSource;
        this.audioSource = source;
        this.publish(new AudioChangeEvent(this, Field.AUDIO_SOURCE, old));

     * Returns the audio source of this Alarm.
     * @return the audio source.
    public AudioSource getAudioSource() {
        return this.audioSource;

     * Returns the audio configuration for this alarm.
     * @return the audio configuration.
    public AudioConfig getAudioConfig() {
        return this.audioConfig;

     * Returns the snooze configuration for the alarm.
     * @return the snooze configuration
    public SnoozeConfig getSnoozeConfig() {
        return this.snoozeConfig;

     * Returns the ChallengeConfigSet for this alarm.<br/>
     * Modifications may be done directly to the returned set<br/>
     * as it is a well isolated module/unit.
     * @return the ChallengeConfigSet object.
    public ChallengeConfigSet getChallengeSet() {
        return this.challenges;

    /* --------------------------------
     * --------------------------------

     * <p><strong>NOTE:</strong> this method is only intended for persistence purposes.<br/>
     * This method is motivated and needed due to OrmLite not supporting results from joins.<br/>
     * This is also a better method than reflection which is particularly expensive on android.</p>
     * <p>Sets the {@link AudioConfig}, bypassing any and all checks, and does not send any event to bus.</p>
     * @param config the {@link AudioConfig} to set.
    public void setFetched(AudioConfig config) {
        this.audioConfig = config;

     * <p><strong>NOTE:</strong> this method is only intended for persistence purposes.<br/>
     * This method is motivated and needed due to OrmLite not supporting results from joins.<br/>
     * This is also a better method than reflection which is particularly expensive on android.</p>
     * <p>Sets the {@link AudioSource}, bypassing any and all checks, and does not send any event to bus.</p>
     * @param source the {@link AudioSource} to set.
    public void setFetched(AudioSource source) {
        this.audioSource = source;

     * <p><strong>NOTE:</strong> this method is only intended for persistence purposes.<br/>
     * This method is motivated and needed due to OrmLite not supporting results from joins.<br/>
     * This is also a better method than reflection which is particularly expensive on android.</p>
     * <p>Sets the {@link SnoozeConfig}, bypassing any and all checks, and does not send any event to bus.</p>
     * @param source the {@link SnoozeConfig} to set.
    public void setFetched(SnoozeConfig config) {
        this.snoozeConfig = config;

     * <p><strong>NOTE:</strong> this method is only intended for persistence purposes and factorization.<br/>
     * This method is motivated and needed due to OrmLite not supporting results from joins.<br/>
     * This is also a better method than reflection which is particularly expensive on android.</p>
     * <p>Sets the {@link ChallengeConfigSet}, bypassing any and all checks, and does not send any event to bus.</p>
     * @param challenges the {@link ChallengeConfigSet} to set.
    public void setChallenges(ChallengeConfigSet challenges) {
        this.challenges = challenges;

     * Sets whether or not this is a preset alarm.
     * @param isPresetAlarm true if it is a preset alarm, otherwise false.
    public void setIsPresetAlarm(boolean isPresetAlarm) {
        this.isPresetAlarm = isPresetAlarm;

     * Returns whether or not this is a preset alarm.
     * @return true if it is a preset alarm, otherwise false.
    public boolean isPresetAlarm() {
        return this.isPresetAlarm;

    /* --------------------------------
     * Private Methods.
     * --------------------------------

     * Publishes an event to event bus.
     * @param event the event to publish.
    private void publish(AlarmEvent event) {
        if (this.bus == null) {
