Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2017 Swedish E-identification Board (E-legitimationsnmnden) * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package se.tillvaxtverket.tsltrust.weblogic.utils; import com.aaasec.lib.aaacert.AaaCertificate; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import com.aaasec.lib.crypto.xml.SigVerifyResult; import; import org.etsi.uri.x02231.v2.DigitalIdentityListType; import org.etsi.uri.x02231.v2.DigitalIdentityType; import org.etsi.uri.x02231.v2.OtherTSLPointerType; import org.etsi.uri.x02231.v2.ServiceDigitalIdentityListType; import se.tillvaxtverket.tsltrust.common.tsl.OtherTSLPointerData; import se.tillvaxtverket.tsltrust.common.tsl.TSLFactory; import se.tillvaxtverket.tsltrust.common.tsl.TrustServiceList; import se.tillvaxtverket.tsltrust.common.utils.core.FnvHash; import se.tillvaxtverket.tsltrust.common.utils.general.CertificateUtils; import se.tillvaxtverket.tsltrust.common.utils.general.EuropeCountry; import se.tillvaxtverket.tsltrust.common.utils.general.FileOps; import se.tillvaxtverket.tsltrust.weblogic.content.TTConstants; import; import; import se.tillvaxtverket.tsltrust.weblogic.db.LogDbUtil; import se.tillvaxtverket.tsltrust.weblogic.issuestack.IssueChecker; import se.tillvaxtverket.tsltrust.weblogic.issuestack.TSLIssueID; import se.tillvaxtverket.tsltrust.weblogic.issuestack.TSLIssueStack; import se.tillvaxtverket.tsltrust.weblogic.issuestack.TSLIssueSubcode; import se.tillvaxtverket.tsltrust.weblogic.models.TslTrustModel; /** * Main class for handling TSL caching, either from local cache or through * downloads */ public class TslCache implements TTConstants { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(TslCache.class.getName()); private static final long maxAllowedDownloadTime = 1000 * 60 * 10; private static TSLFactory tslFact = new TSLFactory(); private static boolean enforceValidityPeriod = false; private List<TslMetaData> cachedTslList = new ArrayList<TslMetaData>(); private TslTrustModel model; private TrustServiceList lotl; File lotlTempFile, lotlFile; LogDbUtil log; /** * Creates a TSL caching object for managing TSL loading from cache and * recaching from URI source specified in the root TSL (LotL) * * @param model TSL Trust application model data */ public TslCache(TslTrustModel model) { this.model = model; lotlTempFile = new File(model.getTempDataLocation() + "lotltempTSL.xml"); lotlFile = new File(model.getTempDataLocation() + "lotl.xml"); log = model.getLogDb(); init(); } /** * Returns the currently cached TSLs. For this call to return any data, the * function loadTslData or recacheTsl must have been called at least once. * * @return The current list och cached TSLs */ public List<TslMetaData> getCachedTslList() { return cachedTslList; } /** * Returns the current cached root TSL (LotL). The root TSL is loaded from * cache when the class is instantiated. * * @return Root TSL (LotL) */ public TrustServiceList getLotl() { return lotl; } private void init() { // Check if List of the lists file is present, else, create directories for its storage below. if (!lotlFile.canRead()) { try { FileUtils.forceMkdir(lotlTempFile.getParentFile()); recacheLotl(); } catch (IOException ex) { LOG.warning(ex.getMessage()); } } else { // If a cached Lotl exists, then also get the cached TSLs. lotl = openTsl(lotlFile); } } private TrustServiceList openTsl(File tslFile) { TrustServiceList trustServiceList; try { trustServiceList = tslFact.getTsl(tslFile); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warning("Error loading TSL file: " + tslFile.toString()); trustServiceList = null; } return trustServiceList; } /** * Downloads the root TSL form the configured location (Configured in the * WEB.XML deployment descriptor) * * @return true if the root TSL was successfully downloaded and parsed. */ public boolean recacheLotl() { //recache lotl TrustServiceList reCachedLotl = null; URL url; try { url = new URL(model.getLotlUrl()); TslDownload.getTsl(url, lotlTempFile, log); reCachedLotl = validateTslFile(lotlTempFile, lotlFile, EuropeCountry.EU, model.getLotlUrl()); if (reCachedLotl == null) { return false; } lotl = reCachedLotl; return true; } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { log.addConsoleEvent(new ConsoleLogRecord("Error", "Bad List of the Lists URL", "TSL Extractor")); } return false; } /** * Checks the signature on the root TSL (LotL) and updates the valid LotL * status in the application model object. * * @return true if the signature was valid. */ public boolean lotlSignatureCheck() { //Signature check of Lotl boolean validLotlSignature = checkLotlSignature(); if (!validLotlSignature) { TSLIssueStack.push(EuropeCountry.EU, TSLIssueID.invalidSignature, TSLIssueSubcode.NULL, null); } else { TSLIssueStack.clear(EuropeCountry.EU, TSLIssueID.invalidSignature); } model.setValidLotl(validLotlSignature); return validLotlSignature; } /** * Loads TSL data from the current cached TSL files. */ public void loadTslData() { collectTslLists(true); } /** * Downloads all TSL files (except for TSL files matching the configured * exception conditions found in the WEB.XML deployment descriptor). If the * downloaded file holds a valid XML formatted TSL, this TSL is imported * into the cache. */ public void recacheTsl() { TslRecache tslRecache = new TslRecache(); tslRecache.downloadAndParseTsls(); // collectTslLists(false); } private static String getUrlId(String url) { return FnvHash.getFNV1aToHex(url); } private void collectTslLists(Boolean useCache) { List<TslMetaData> tslList = new ArrayList<TslMetaData>(); List<TslMetaData> candidateList = getLolOtherTslPointers(); String tempDir = model.getTempDataLocation(); for (TslMetaData candidate : candidateList) { File tempFile = null; try { URL url = new URL(candidate.getUrlString()); candidate.setUrl(url); String fileName = url.getPath(); String fingerPrint = FnvHash.getFNV1aToHex(candidate.getUrlString()); //Get trimmed file name (exclude url path and %20) String fn = TslCache.getUrlFileName(fileName); if (fileName.toLowerCase().endsWith("zip")) { File zipTempDir = new File(FileOps.getfileNameString(tempDir, "zipTemp/")); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(zipTempDir); zipTempDir.mkdir(); File tslFile = new File(FileOps.getfileNameString(tempDir, fingerPrint + "_" + fn.substring(0, fn.length() - 4) + ".xml")); File zipFile = new File(tslFile.toString() + ".zip"); if (!useCache) { tempFile = new File(tslFile.getAbsolutePath() + "temp.xml"); TslDownload.getTsl(url, zipFile, log); Unzip.unzipSingleXmlFile(zipFile, tempFile, log); candidate.setTsl(validateTslFile(tempFile, tslFile, candidate.getCountry(), candidate.getUrlString())); } if (tslFile.canRead()) { candidate.setTslFile(tslFile); addTslToList(candidate, tslList); } } else { if (!fn.toLowerCase().endsWith(".xml")) { fn += ".xml"; } File tslFile = new File(FileOps.getfileNameString(tempDir, fingerPrint + "_" + fn)); if (!useCache) { tempFile = new File(tslFile.getAbsolutePath() + "temp.xml"); TslDownload.getTsl(url, tempFile, log); candidate.setTsl(validateTslFile(tempFile, tslFile, candidate.getCountry(), candidate.getUrlString())); } if (tslFile.canRead()) { candidate.setTslFile(tslFile); addTslToList(candidate, tslList); } } } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { log.addConsoleEvent( new ConsoleLogRecord("Error", "Invalid TSL URL: " + ex.getMessage(), "TSL Extractor")); } if (tempFile != null) { FileUtils.deleteQuietly(tempFile); } } cachedTslList.clear(); for (TslMetaData tm : tslList) { cachedTslList.add(tm); } //Release classes tslList = null; candidateList = null; } public void addTslToList(TslMetaData candidate, List<TslMetaData> tslList) { URL url = candidate.getUrl(); File tslFile = candidate.getTslFile(); TrustServiceList tsl = candidate.getTsl(); boolean downloaded = true; // If TSL was not downloaded, try loading the previoudly cached TSL if (tsl == null) { try { tsl = tslFact.getTsl(tslFile); if (tsl == null) { return; } downloaded = false; } catch (IOException ex) { return; } } candidate.setTsl(tsl); addFreshestTSL(candidate, tslList, downloaded); } private void addFreshestTSL(TslMetaData candidate, List<TslMetaData> tslList, boolean downloaded) { String url = candidate.getUrlString(); try { String candTerritory = candidate.getTsl().getSchemeTerritory().trim(); for (int i = 0; i < tslList.size(); i++) { TslMetaData tslMd = tslList.get(i); String listedTerr = tslMd.getTsl().getSchemeTerritory().trim(); if (listedTerr.equalsIgnoreCase(candTerritory)) { Date listedDate = tslMd.getTsl().getIssueDate(); if (listedDate.before(candidate.getTsl().getIssueDate())) { checkTslSignature(candidate); tslList.set(i, candidate); if (downloaded) { log.addConsoleEvent(new ConsoleLogRecord("Duplicate TSL downloaded", "Fresher TSL from: " + url, "TSL Extractor")); } else { log.addConsoleEvent(new ConsoleLogRecord("Duplicate cached TSL loaded", "Fresher TSL originating from: " + url, "TSL Extractor")); } return; } if (downloaded) { log.addConsoleEvent(new ConsoleLogRecord("TSL discarded", "From: " + url, "TSL Extractor")); } else { log.addConsoleEvent( new ConsoleLogRecord("TSL discarded", "Originating from: " + url, "TSL Extractor")); } return; } } } catch (Exception ex) { return; } checkTslSignature(candidate); tslList.add(candidate); if (downloaded) { log.addConsoleEvent(new ConsoleLogRecord("Downloaded TSL parsed", "From: " + url, "TSL Extractor")); } else { log.addConsoleEvent( new ConsoleLogRecord("Cached TSL loaded", "Originating from: " + url, "TSL Extractor")); } } private List<TslMetaData> getLolOtherTslPointers() { List<TslMetaData> ptrs = new LinkedList<TslMetaData>(); try { for (OtherTSLPointerData otp : lotl.getOtherTSLPointers()) { String tslLocation = (otp.getTSLLocation()); EuropeCountry country = null; try { country = EuropeCountry.valueOf(otp.getSchemeTerritory().toUpperCase()); } catch (Exception ex) { // The country is not supported by TSL Browser, skip and allert error TSLIssueStack.push(null, TSLIssueID.illegalCountry, TSLIssueSubcode.NULL, otp.getSchemeTerritory()); continue; } if (otp.isMrTslPointer() || !otp.isMimeTypePresent()) { try { if (hasNonASCII(tslLocation)) { String decoded = URLDecoder.decode(tslLocation, "ISO-8859-1"); tslLocation = URLEncoder.encode(decoded, "ISO-8859-1"); } // // Normalize the URL path and query part to escape encode any illegal non ASCII characters // URL url = new URL(tslLocation); // String protocol = url.getProtocol(); // String host = url.getHost(); // String path = url.getPath(); // String query = url.getQuery(); // if (tslLocation.indexOf("")>-1){ // String decPath = URIComponentCoder.decodeURIComponent(path); // String decPathISO = URLDecoder.decode(path, "ISO-8859-1"); // String decPathUTF = URLDecoder.decode(path, "UTF-8"); // int lkasjdf=0; // // // } // URI uri = new URI(protocol, host, URIComponentCoder.decodeURIComponent(path), URIComponentCoder.decodeURIComponent(query), null); // String normalizedURLstring = uri.toASCIIString(); // tslLocation = normalizedURLstring; // Get OTP data List<AaaCertificate> certList = otp.getOtpCertificates(); ptrs.add(new TslMetaData(tslLocation, certList, country)); } catch (Exception ex) { } } } } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.log(Level.WARNING, null, ex); } return ptrs; } private static boolean hasNonASCII(String str) { for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) { char c = str.charAt(i); if ((int) c > 127) { return true; } } return false; } private List<AaaCertificate> getTSLSignerCert(OtherTSLPointerType otpt) { List<AaaCertificate> certList = new ArrayList<AaaCertificate>(); //Test try { ServiceDigitalIdentityListType sdis = otpt.getServiceDigitalIdentities(); DigitalIdentityListType[] sdil = sdis.getServiceDigitalIdentityArray(); for (DigitalIdentityListType sdi : sdil) { DigitalIdentityType[] digitalIdList = sdi.getDigitalIdArray(); for (DigitalIdentityType di : digitalIdList) { AaaCertificate certificate = CertificateUtils.getCertificate(di.getX509Certificate()); certList.add(certificate); } } } catch (Exception ex) { } return certList; } /** * Checks the signature on a TSL and updates signature validation status * * @param tslMd The metadata object holding the TSL to be checked for * validity */ public void checkTslSignature(TslMetaData tslMd) { TrustServiceList tsl = tslMd.getTsl(); List<AaaCertificate> otherTslPointerCerts = tslMd.getCertList(); String sigStatus; AaaCertificate usedSignCert = null; SigVerifyResult sigVer = null; try { sigVer = tsl.verifySignature(); } catch (Exception ex) { sigStatus = SIGNSTATUS_SYNTAX; tslMd.setSignStatus(sigStatus); TSLIssueStack.push(tslMd.getCountry(), TSLIssueID.sigSyntax, TSLIssueSubcode.NULL, null); return; } try { if (sigVer.cert != null) { usedSignCert = CertificateUtils.getCertificate(sigVer.cert.getEncoded()); tslMd.setUsedTslSigCert(usedSignCert); } } catch (CertificateEncodingException ex) { } if (sigVer.status.equalsIgnoreCase("no signature")) { sigStatus = SIGNSTATUS_ABSENT; tslMd.setSignStatus(sigStatus); TSLIssueStack.push(tslMd.getCountry(), TSLIssueID.unsigned, TSLIssueSubcode.NULL, null); return; } if (usedSignCert == null) { sigStatus = SIGNSTATUS_SYNTAX; tslMd.setSignStatus(sigStatus); TSLIssueStack.push(tslMd.getCountry(), TSLIssueID.sigSyntax, TSLIssueSubcode.NULL, null); return; } if (!sigVer.valid) { sigStatus = SIGNSTATUS_INVALID; tslMd.setSignStatus(sigStatus); TSLIssueStack.push(tslMd.getCountry(), TSLIssueID.invalidSignature, TSLIssueSubcode.NULL, null); return; } if (enforceValidityPeriod) { if (!isWithinValidityPeriod(usedSignCert)) { sigStatus = SIGNSTATUS_INVALID; tslMd.setSignStatus(sigStatus); return; } } IssueChecker.checkCertExpiry(tslMd.getCountry(), usedSignCert); sigStatus = SIGNSTATUS_UNVERIFIABLE; for (AaaCertificate lotlOtpCert : otherTslPointerCerts) { // Acept cert match if (usedSignCert.getCert().equals(lotlOtpCert.getCert())) { sigStatus = SIGNSTATUS_VERIFIED; } // Allow also PK and DN match if (usedSignCert.getPublicKey().equals(lotlOtpCert.getPublicKey())) { if (usedSignCert.getCert().getSubjectDN().equals(lotlOtpCert.getCert().getSubjectDN())) { sigStatus = SIGNSTATUS_VERIFIED; } } } if (sigStatus.equals(SIGNSTATUS_UNVERIFIABLE)) { TSLIssueStack.push(tslMd.getCountry(), TSLIssueID.unknownSigCert, TSLIssueSubcode.NULL, null); } else { TSLIssueStack.clear(tslMd.getCountry(), TSLIssueID.invalidSignature); TSLIssueStack.clear(tslMd.getCountry(), TSLIssueID.sigSyntax); TSLIssueStack.clear(tslMd.getCountry(), TSLIssueID.unsigned); TSLIssueStack.clear(tslMd.getCountry(), TSLIssueID.unknownSigCert); } sigStatus = (model.isValidLotl()) ? sigStatus : SIGNSTATUS_INVALID_LOTL; tslMd.setSignStatus(sigStatus); } private boolean checkLotlSignature() { try { SigVerifyResult sigVer = lotl.verifySignature(); if (sigVer.valid) { return LotlVerifier.validateLotlSignCert(sigVer.cert, model); } } catch (Exception ex) { } return false; } private boolean isWithinValidityPeriod(AaaCertificate cert) { Calendar present = Calendar.getInstance(); Calendar certNotBefore = Calendar.getInstance(); certNotBefore.setTime(cert.getNotBefore()); Calendar certNotAfter = Calendar.getInstance(); certNotAfter.setTime(cert.getNotAfter()); if (present.before(certNotBefore)) { return false; } if (present.after(certNotAfter)) { return false; } return true; } /** * Validates a newly downloaded TSL. If that TSL is not valid. Use instead * the previously cached TSL * * @param temporaryFile * @param tslFile * @param country * @param url * @return */ private TrustServiceList validateTslFile(File temporaryFile, File tslFile, EuropeCountry country, String url) { TrustServiceList tsl; boolean valid = true; try { // Try to read the TSL from the temp file tsl = tslFact.getTsl(temporaryFile); valid = tslContentCheck(tsl); // Upon no exceptions, the temp file is OK. Now store the temp file content in the // permanent TSL file. if (valid) { FileOps.saveByteFile(FileOps.readBinaryFile(temporaryFile), tslFile); TSLIssueStack.clear(country, TSLIssueID.unavailable); } else { tsl = null; } //The replaced library does not calculate hash from the file, but from the retrieved data. } catch (IOException ex) { tsl = null; } //If tsl==null attempt to recover from prestored file. if (tsl == null) { if (tslFile == null) { log.addConsoleEvent( new ConsoleLogRecord("Error", "Failed to parse dowloaded TSL: NULL", "TSL Extractor")); } else { log.addConsoleEvent(new ConsoleLogRecord("Error", "Failed to parse dowloaded TSL: " + tslFile.getName() + " Attempting recover...", "TSL Extractor")); TSLIssueStack.push(country, TSLIssueID.unavailable, TSLIssueSubcode.NULL, url); try { tsl = tslFact.getTsl(tslFile); } catch (IOException ex) { log.addConsoleEvent(new ConsoleLogRecord("Error", "Failed to recover from precached file: " + tslFile.getName(), "TSL Extractor")); } } } //Check for expiry IssueChecker.checkTslExpiry(country, tsl); return tsl; } public void saveFile(File file, String saveString) { /**/ //if (file.canWrite()) { // jTextArea2.setText(file.getName() + (char) 10 + file.getPath()); try { Writer output = null; output = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file)); output.write(saveString); output.close(); /* * If the selected filenamne ends with .nroff - Save the encoded output as a .txt file with same file name. */ } catch (IOException ex) { LOG.log(Level.WARNING, null, ex); } } public static String getUrlFileName(String inpString) { int len = inpString.length(); char SLASH = (char) 47; StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (i < len - 2 && inpString.substring(i, i + 3).equalsIgnoreCase("%20")) { b.append("_"); i++; i++; //Skip next two chars } else { b.append(inpString.charAt(i)); } } inpString = b.toString(); len = inpString.length(); String outString = inpString; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (inpString.charAt(i) == SLASH) { outString = inpString.substring(i + 1, len); } } return outString; } private boolean tslContentCheck(TrustServiceList tsl) { try { String strVal = tsl.getSchemeTerritory(); if (!(strVal.length() > 0)) { return false; } Date issueDate = tsl.getIssueDate(); if (issueDate == null) { return false; } strVal = tsl.getSchemeOperatorName(); if (!(strVal.length() > 0)) { return false; } BigInteger sequenceNumber = tsl.getSequenceNumber(); if (sequenceNumber == null) { return false; } } catch (Exception ex) { return false; } return true; } public void httpGet(URL url, File resultFile) { if (url == null) { log.addConsoleEvent( new ConsoleLogRecord("Error", "Http error: Attempted to download null URL", "Download Utils")); return; } try { HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); conn.setRequestMethod("GET"); conn.connect(); BufferedInputStream bufIn = new BufferedInputStream(conn.getInputStream()); try { int responseCode = conn.getResponseCode(); if (responseCode == 200) { FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(resultFile); byte[] b = new byte[100]; for (;;) { int len =; if (len == -1) { break; } else { fos.write(b, 0, len); } } fos.close(); } else { log.addConsoleEvent(new ConsoleLogRecord("Error", "Http error: " + String.valueOf(responseCode) + " " + url.toString(), "Download Utils")); return; } } catch (Exception ex) { log.addConsoleEvent(new ConsoleLogRecord("Error", "I/O Error: " + url.toString() + " " + ex.getMessage(), "Download Utils")); return; } finally { bufIn.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { log.addConsoleEvent(new ConsoleLogRecord("Error", "I/O Error: " + url.toString() + " " + e.getMessage(), "Download Utils")); return; } log.addConsoleEvent(new ConsoleLogRecord("TSL downloaded", "From: " + url, "TSL Extractor")); } class TslRecache implements Runnable { Map<String, TslDownLoadData> downloadMap = new HashMap<String, TslDownLoadData>(); boolean allTslUrlDerefed = false; List<TslMetaData> tslList = new ArrayList<TslMetaData>(); List<TslMetaData> candidateList = getLolOtherTslPointers(); String tempDir = model.getTempDataLocation(); public TslRecache() { } @Override public void run() { downloadAndParseTsls(); } public void downloadAndParseTsls() { for (TslMetaData candidate : candidateList) { String urlString = candidate.getUrlString(); String urlId = getUrlId(urlString); TslDownLoadData tslData = new TslDownLoadData(urlString); downloadMap.put(urlId, tslData); Thread downloadThread = new Thread(new TslDownloader(tslData, candidate.getCountry())); downloadThread.setDaemon(true); downloadThread.start(); } allTslUrlDerefed = false; long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (!allTslUrlDerefed) { allTslUrlDerefed = isDownloaded(); if (!allTslUrlDerefed) { if (System.currentTimeMillis() > startTime + maxAllowedDownloadTime) { allTslUrlDerefed = true; LOG.warning("Reached maximum downloading time. Aborting download...."); } else { try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { } } } } processTsls(); } private void processTsls() { tslList = new ArrayList<TslMetaData>(); for (TslMetaData candidate : candidateList) { boolean success = true; String id = getUrlId(candidate.getUrlString()); if (downloadMap.containsKey(id)) { TslDownLoadData tslData = downloadMap.get(id); if (tslData.tsl != null) { candidate.setTsl(tslData.tsl); candidate.setTslFile(tslData.tslFile); candidate.setUrl(tslData.url); addTslToList(candidate, tslList); } else { success = false; } if (!success) { //Attempt to recover from stored file try { TrustServiceList tsl = tslFact.getTsl(tslData.tslFile); if (tsl != null) { tslData.tsl = tsl; candidate.setTsl(tsl); candidate.setTslFile(tslData.tslFile); candidate.setUrl(tslData.url); addTslToList(candidate, tslList); log.addConsoleEvent(new ConsoleLogRecord("Revocered TSL", "From: " + tslData.urlStr, "TSL Extractor")); } } catch (IOException ex) { } } if (tslData.tsl == null) { log.addConsoleEvent(new ConsoleLogRecord("Error", "Failed to recover from precache: " + tslData.urlStr, "TSL Extractor")); } } } //Save result cachedTslList.clear(); for (TslMetaData tm : tslList) { cachedTslList.add(tm); } //Release classes tslList = null; candidateList = null; } private boolean isDownloaded() { Set<String> keySet = downloadMap.keySet(); for (String key : keySet) { TslDownLoadData tslData = downloadMap.get(key); if (!tslData.downloaded) { return false; } } return true; } } class TslDownloader implements Runnable { TslDownLoadData tslData; EuropeCountry country; public TslDownloader(TslDownLoadData tslData, EuropeCountry country) { this.tslData = tslData; = country; } @Override public void run() { downloadTSL(tslData); tslData.tsl = validateTslFile(tslData.tempFile, tslData.tslFile, country, tslData.urlStr); tslData.downloaded = true; if (tslData.tempFile != null && tslData.tempFile.canRead()) { tslData.tempFile.delete(); } } private void downloadTSL(TslDownLoadData tslData) { String tempDir = model.getTempDataLocation(); if ( { File zipTempDir = new File(FileOps.getfileNameString(tempDir, "zipTemp/")); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(zipTempDir); zipTempDir.mkdirs(); File zipFile = new File(zipTempDir, tslData.tempFile.getName() + ".zip"); httpGet(tslData.url, zipFile); Unzip.unzipSingleXmlFile(zipFile, tslData.tempFile, log); } else { httpGet(tslData.url, tslData.tempFile); } } } class TslDownLoadData { public String id; public String urlStr; public URL url; public File tempFile; public File tslFile; public TrustServiceList tsl; public boolean downloaded = false; public boolean zip = false; public TslDownLoadData(String urlStr) { if (!urlStr.startsWith("http")) { urlStr = "http://" + urlStr; } this.urlStr = urlStr; = getUrlId(urlStr); tempFile = new File(FileOps.getfileNameString(model.getTempDataLocation(), id + "_temp.xml")); String tempDir = model.getTempDataLocation(); try { url = new URL(urlStr); String fileName = url.getPath(); String fingerPrint = getUrlId(urlStr); //Get trimmed file name (exclude url path and %20) String fn = TslCache.getUrlFileName(fileName); tempFile = new File(FileOps.getfileNameString(tempDir, fingerPrint + "_temp.xml")); if (fileName.toLowerCase().endsWith("zip")) { zip = true; tslFile = new File(FileOps.getfileNameString(tempDir, fingerPrint + "_" + fn.substring(0, fn.length() - 4) + ".xml")); } else { if (!fn.toLowerCase().endsWith(".xml")) { fn += ".xml"; } tslFile = new File(FileOps.getfileNameString(tempDir, fingerPrint + "_" + fn)); } } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { log.addConsoleEvent(new ConsoleLogRecord("Error", "Http error: " + urlStr + " is not a valid URL", "Download Utils")); Logger.getLogger(TslCache.class.getName()).warning(ex.getMessage()); } } } }