Java tutorial
/* * * PROJECT * Name * APS External Protocol HTTP Transport Provider * * Code Version * 0.10.0 * * Description * This uses aps-external-protocol-extender to provide remote calls over HTTP. It makes * any published service implementing * available for calling services over HTTP. * * COPYRIGHTS * Copyright (C) 2012 by Natusoft AB All rights reserved. * * LICENSE * Apache 2.0 (Open Source) * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * AUTHORS * Tommy Svensson ( * Changes: * 2012-01-06: Created! * */ package se.natusoft.osgi.aps.rpchttpextender.servlet; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext; import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference; import se.natusoft.osgi.aps.api.external.extprotocolsvc.APSExternalProtocolService; import se.natusoft.osgi.aps.api.external.extprotocolsvc.model.APSExternalProtocolListener; import se.natusoft.osgi.aps.api.external.extprotocolsvc.model.APSExternallyCallable; import se.natusoft.osgi.aps.api.external.model.type.DataType; import se.natusoft.osgi.aps.api.external.model.type.DataTypeDescription; import se.natusoft.osgi.aps.api.external.model.type.ParameterDataTypeDescription; import se.natusoft.osgi.aps.api.misc.json.model.JSONValue; import se.natusoft.osgi.aps.api.misc.json.service.APSJSONExtendedService; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import se.natusoft.osgi.aps.exceptions.APSException; import se.natusoft.osgi.aps.rpchttpextender.config.RPCServletConfig; import; import; import; import; import; import; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.ServletRequest; import javax.servlet.ServletResponse; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; /** * The servlet we make the RPC http transport available on. * <p/> * The http transport will be available on "http://host:port/apsrpc/protocolname/protocolversion/protocoldata/[service]/..." on http put. * <p/> * If you bring up "http://host:port/apsrpc/" in a browser you will get information about available protocols and services. */ public class RPCServlet extends HttpServlet implements APSExternalProtocolListener, OnServiceAvailable<APSSimpleDiscoveryService> { // // Cosntants // private static final String BG_COLOR = "bgcolor=\"#f5f5f5\""; private static final int AUTH_FAILED = -1; // // Private Members // /** * The logger to log to. */ private APSLogger logger = null; /** * This is used to access the externally available services. */ private APSServiceTracker<APSExternalProtocolService> externalProtocolServiceTracker = null; /** * The tracked service. */ private APSExternalProtocolService externalProtocolService = null; /** * Used for displaying result of text executions of no args methods on method display. */ private APSServiceTracker<APSJSONExtendedService> jsonServiceTracker = null; /** * The tracked service. */ private APSJSONExtendedService jsonService = null; /** * Used for registering services that are remotely available. */ private APSServiceTracker<APSSimpleDiscoveryService> discoveryServiceTracker = null; /** * The context of the bundle we belong to. */ private BundleContext bundleContext = null; /** * The host name of the server we are being served on. */ private String serverHost = null; /** * The port of the server we are being served on. */ private int serverPort = 0; /** * The base url for RPC calls. */ private String rpcBaseUrl = null; /** * The admin web login handler. */ private APSAdminWebLoginHandler loginHandler = null; // // Constructors // /** * Creates a new JSONRPCServlet instance. */ public RPCServlet() { } // // Setup and shutdown. // /** * First time setup. * * @param servletConfig The configuration for the servlet. * @throws ServletException on failure. */ public void init(javax.servlet.ServletConfig servletConfig) throws javax.servlet.ServletException { servletConfig.getServletContext().getServerInfo(); if (this.bundleContext == null) { this.bundleContext = (BundleContext) servletConfig.getServletContext() .getAttribute("osgi-bundlecontext"); if (this.bundleContext == null) { throw new ServletException( "BundleContext not found! This war must be deployed in an OSGi compatible web container!"); } this.loginHandler = new APSAdminWebLoginHandler(this.bundleContext); try { this.logger = new APSLogger(System.out); this.logger.setLoggingFor("aps-rpc-http-transport-provider"); this.logger.start(this.bundleContext); this.externalProtocolServiceTracker = new APSServiceTracker<>(this.bundleContext, APSExternalProtocolService.class, APSServiceTracker.SHORT_TIMEOUT); this.externalProtocolServiceTracker.start(); this.externalProtocolService = this.externalProtocolServiceTracker.getWrappedService(); this.externalProtocolService.addExternalProtocolListener(this); this.jsonServiceTracker = new APSServiceTracker<>(this.bundleContext, APSJSONExtendedService.class, APSServiceTracker.SHORT_TIMEOUT); this.jsonServiceTracker.start(); this.jsonService = this.jsonServiceTracker.getWrappedService(); this.discoveryServiceTracker = new APSServiceTracker<>(this.bundleContext, APSSimpleDiscoveryService.class, APSServiceTracker.SHORT_TIMEOUT); this.discoveryServiceTracker.start(); this.discoveryServiceTracker.onServiceAvailable(this); } catch (APSNoServiceAvailableException nsae) { throw new ServletException(nsae.getMessage(), nsae); } } } /** * This means the servlet is going away and thus we cleanup. */ @Override public void destroy() { if (this.bundleContext != null) { if (this.externalProtocolServiceTracker != null) { this.externalProtocolService.removeExternalProtocolListener(this); this.externalProtocolServiceTracker.stop(this.bundleContext); this.externalProtocolServiceTracker = null; this.externalProtocolService = null; } if (this.jsonServiceTracker != null) { this.jsonServiceTracker.stop(this.bundleContext); this.jsonServiceTracker = null; this.jsonService = null; } if (this.discoveryServiceTracker != null) { this.discoveryServiceTracker.onServiceAvailable(null); this.discoveryServiceTracker.onServiceLeaving(null); this.discoveryServiceTracker.stop(this.bundleContext); this.discoveryServiceTracker = null; } this.loginHandler.shutdown(); if (this.logger != null) { this.logger.stop(this.bundleContext); } this.bundleContext = null; } } // // RPC call handling // /** * Handles a get/put/post request. * <p/> * The format of requests are: * @code {http://host:port/apsrpc/<i>protocol</i>/<i>version</i>[/<i>service</i>][/<i>method</i>]} * <p/> * <i>protocol</i> - This is the name of the protocol to use. For example JSONRPC. For this to work there must be * a registered service available that implements StreamedRPCProtocolService and whose getServiceProtocolName() * method matches the specified protocol name. * <p/> * <i>version</i> - This is the version of the named protocol to use. It is possible for more than one version of * a protocol to be available at the same time. Again, for this to work there must be a registered service available * that implements StreamedRPCProtocolService whose getServiceProtocolVersion() matches the specified version in * addition to matching the protocol name. * <p/> * <i>service</i> - Depending on the RPC protocol implementation a service is specified on the URL or in the data * on the PUT stream. This case is when it is specified on the URL. The service always have to be a fully qualified * name to the service. * <p/> * <i>method</i> - Depending on the RPC protocol implementation a method can be specified on the URL. When specified * on the URL that will override any method passed in the request. * <p/> * The rest of the request data is read from the input stream, which should be passed on to the matching * StreamedRPCProtocolService. * * @param req The request * @param resp The response * @throws ServletException on servlet related failures. * @throws on IO failure. */ protected void doReq(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException { this.loginHandler.setSessionIdFromRequestCookie(req); String pathInfo = req.getPathInfo(); if (pathInfo.startsWith("/")) { pathInfo = pathInfo.substring(1); } if (pathInfo.startsWith("_help")) { // If the first page help does not end in '/' then we want to redirect so that it does. Otherwise the // relative links generated for services will be incorrect. if (pathInfo.equals("_help")) { resp.sendRedirect(pathInfo + "/"); } else { if (! {; } if (this.loginHandler.hasValidLogin()) { if ( { doHelp(req, resp); } else { resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN, "The help web has been disabled!"); } } else { resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED, "Authentication is required! Please login."); } } } else { doService(req, resp); } } @Override protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException { doReq(req, resp); } @Override protected void doPut(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException { doReq(req, resp); } @Override protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException { doReq(req, resp); } /** * Copies the request parameters providing only the first value of multivalues since we currently only support one value per name. * * @param req The http request to get parameters from. */ private Map<String, String> getParameters(HttpServletRequest req) { Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, String[]> reqParams = req.getParameterMap(); for (String name : reqParams.keySet()) { String[] value = reqParams.get(name); String rvalue = ""; if (value != null) { rvalue = value[0]; } params.put(name, rvalue); } return params; } /** * Handles a service call. * * @param req * @param resp * @throws ServletException * @throws IOException */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void doService(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException { String pathInfo = req.getPathInfo(); if (pathInfo.startsWith("/")) { pathInfo = pathInfo.substring(1); } String[] pathParts = pathInfo.split("/"); if (pathParts.length < 2) { String urlstart = "http://" + req.getServerName() + ":" + req.getServerPort(); resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, "Too short path in URL! The URL should look like this: " + "'" + urlstart + "/apsrpc/[auth:<user>:<password>/]<protocol>/<version>[/<service>]', or " + "'" + urlstart + "/apsrpc/_help/' to get a bit of help as HTML."); return; } String version = null; String service = null; String method = null; String protocolName = null; int part = 0; if ( { part = checkAuth(pathParts, part, req, resp); if (part == AUTH_FAILED) { resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED); return; } } protocolName = pathParts[part++]; version = pathParts[part++]; if (pathParts.length > part) { service = pathParts[part++]; } if (pathParts.length > part) { method = pathParts[part]; } // A service with no methods Class serviceClass = this.externalProtocolService.getCallables(service).get(0).getServiceClass(); StreamedRPCProtocol protocol = this.externalProtocolService .getStreamedProtocolByNameAndVersion(protocolName, version); if (protocol != null) { List<RPCRequest> requests = null; String reqMethod = req.getMethod().toUpperCase(); switch (reqMethod) { case "GET": requests = new LinkedList<>(); requests.add(protocol.parseRequest(service, serviceClass, method, getParameters(req), RequestIntention.READ)); break; case "PUT": requests = protocol.parseRequests(service, serviceClass, method, req.getInputStream(), RequestIntention.UPDATE); break; case "POST": requests = protocol.parseRequests(service, serviceClass, method, req.getInputStream(), RequestIntention.CREATE); break; case "DELETE": requests = new LinkedList<>(); requests.add(protocol.parseRequest(service, serviceClass, method, getParameters(req), RequestIntention.DELETE)); break; default: // We fallback on READ if we get something unexpected here! requests = new LinkedList<>(); requests.add(protocol.parseRequest(service, serviceClass, method, getParameters(req), RequestIntention.READ)); break; } // It is possible to send multiple requests on the stream! for (RPCRequest rpcRequest : requests) { try { if (rpcRequest.isValid()) { if (method == null) { method = rpcRequest.getMethod(); } APSExternallyCallable<Object> callable = this.externalProtocolService.getCallable(service, method); if (callable != null) { // Handle parameters List<Object> params = new LinkedList<Object>(); int param = 0; for (ParameterDataTypeDescription paramDesc : callable.getParameterDataDescriptions()) { Class paramClass = Void.class; try { // Since we don't have a dependency to any of the services we will be calling, our bundle // will not have the correct classpath required for creating arguments to the service. // Therefore we need to let the bundle of the service we are about to call load argument // classes for us. if (paramDesc.getObjectQName() != null) { paramClass = callable.getServiceBundle() .loadClass(paramDesc.getObjectQName()); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { throw new RPCErrorException(protocol.createRPCError(ErrorType.SERVICE_NOT_FOUND, cnfe.getMessage(), null, cnfe)); } params.add(rpcRequest.getIndexedParameter(param++, paramClass)); } Object[] paramsArray = new Object[params.size()]; paramsArray = params.toArray(paramsArray); // Call service Object result = null; try { result =; } catch (APSNoServiceAvailableException nsae) { throw new RPCErrorException(protocol.createRPCError(ErrorType.SERVICE_NOT_FOUND, "Service '" + service + "' is not available!", null, nsae)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RPCErrorException( protocol.createRPCError(ErrorType.SERVER_ERROR, e.getMessage(), null, e)); } // Write the normal OK response. protocol.writeResponse(result, rpcRequest, resp.getOutputStream()); } else { throw new RPCErrorException(protocol.createRPCError(ErrorType.METHOD_NOT_FOUND, "Method '" + method + "' is not available!", null, null)); } } else { this.logger.error(rpcRequest.getServiceQName() + ":" + rpcRequest.getMethod() + " - " + rpcRequest.getError().getErrorType().name() + ":" + rpcRequest.getError().getMessage()); } } // Write error responses. catch (RPCErrorException ree) { if (ree.getError() instanceof HTTPError) { resp.sendError(((HTTPError) ree.getError()).getHttpStatusCode(), ree.getError().getMessage()); } else { protocol.writeErrorResponse(ree.getError(), rpcRequest, resp.getOutputStream()); } } catch (Exception e) { RPCError error = protocol.createRPCError(ErrorType.SERVER_ERROR, e.getMessage(), null, e); if (error instanceof HTTPError) { resp.sendError(((HTTPError) error).getHttpStatusCode(), error.getMessage()); } else { protocol.writeErrorResponse(error, rpcRequest, resp.getOutputStream()); } } } } else { resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, "No RPC protocol provider found for protocol '" + protocol + "' with version '" + version + "'!"); } } /** * Handles the authentication part of the request. * * @param pathParts The split parts of the path to potentially extract credentials from. * @param part the current index in the pathParts array. * @param req The http request. * @param resp The http response. * @return The new current index in the pathParts array. * @throws IOException On failure to set header or error on response. */ private int checkAuth(String[] pathParts, int part, HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws IOException { String user = null; String password = null; if (pathParts[0].startsWith("auth:")) { String auth = pathParts[part++]; String[] authParts = auth.split(":"); if (authParts.length != 3) { resp.setHeader("WWW-Authenticate", "Basic realm=\"aps\""); resp.sendError(401, "Bad authorisation!"); return AUTH_FAILED; } user = authParts[1]; password = authParts[2]; } // Check for basic http auth as an alternative. if (user == null) { String auth = req.getHeader("Authorization"); if (auth != null) { if (auth.startsWith("Basic")) { String encoded = auth.substring(6); Base64 base64 = new Base64(); byte[] userPwBytes = base64.decodeBase64(encoded.getBytes()); String[] userPw = new String(userPwBytes).split(":"); if (userPw.length != 2) { resp.setHeader("WWW-Authenticate", "Basic realm=\"aps\""); resp.sendError(401, "Bad authorisation!"); return AUTH_FAILED; } user = userPw[0]; password = userPw[1]; } } } if (user != null && password != null) { String role = null; if (!this.loginHandler.login(user, password, role)) { resp.setHeader("WWW-Authenticate", "Basic realm=\"aps\""); resp.sendError(401, "Authorisation failed!"); return AUTH_FAILED; } } else { if ( { resp.setHeader("WWW-Authenticate", "Basic realm=\"aps\""); resp.sendError(401, "Authorisation required!"); return AUTH_FAILED; } } return part; } /** * This is an exception used internally to handle errors and write them to the response in the end. * This is never thrown outside of a method! */ private static class RPCErrorException extends APSException { // // Private Members // /** * A passed along RPCError. */ private RPCError error = null; // // Constructors // /** * Creates a new RPCErrorException. * * @param error The RPCError to pass along. */ public RPCErrorException(RPCError error) { super(""); this.error = error; } // // Methods // /** * @return The RPCError supplied in constructor. */ public RPCError getError() { return this.error; } } // // APSDiscoveryService registration and removal. // /** * Catch our host and port information which as far as I can determine is only possible to get from a request. * * @param req * @param resp * @throws ServletException * @throws IOException */ public void service(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException { if (this.rpcBaseUrl == null) { String protocol = req.getProtocol().split("/")[0].toLowerCase(); if (req.getServerName() != null) { this.serverHost = req.getServerName(); } else if (req.getLocalName() != null) { this.serverHost = req.getLocalName(); } if (this.serverHost.equals("localhost")) { this.serverHost = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName(); } this.serverPort = req.getServerPort(); this.rpcBaseUrl = protocol + "://" + this.serverHost + ":" + this.serverPort + "/apsrpc/"; try { onServiceAvailable(this.discoveryServiceTracker.allocateService(), null); this.discoveryServiceTracker.releaseService(); } catch (Exception e) { } } super.service(req, resp); } /** * This gets called when a new externally available service becomes available. * * @param service The fully qualified name of the newly available service. */ @Override public void externalServiceAvailable(String service, String version) { if (this.rpcBaseUrl != null) { for (StreamedRPCProtocol protocol : this.externalProtocolService.getAllStreamedProtocols()) { ServiceDescriptionProvider serviceDescription = new ServiceDescriptionProvider(); serviceDescription.setDescription("Published by aps-rpc-http-transport-provider."); serviceDescription.setServiceHost(this.serverHost); serviceDescription.setServicePort(this.serverPort); serviceDescription.setServiceURL(this.rpcBaseUrl + protocol.getServiceProtocolName() + "/" + protocol.getServiceProtocolVersion() + "/" + service); serviceDescription.setVersion(version); serviceDescription.setServiceId(service); this.discoveryServiceTracker.withAllAvailableServices(new WithService<APSSimpleDiscoveryService>() { public void withService(APSSimpleDiscoveryService discoverySvc, ServiceDescriptionProvider serviceDescription) throws Exception { discoverySvc.publishService(serviceDescription);// ^ } // | // | }, serviceDescription); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ } } } /** * This gets called when an externally available service no longer is available. * * @param service The fully qualified name of the service leaving. */ @Override public void externalServiceLeaving(String service, String version) { if (this.rpcBaseUrl != null) { for (StreamedRPCProtocol protocol : this.externalProtocolService.getAllStreamedProtocols()) { ServiceDescriptionProvider serviceDescription = new ServiceDescriptionProvider(); serviceDescription.setDescription("Published by aps-rpc-http-transport-provider."); serviceDescription.setServiceHost(this.serverHost); serviceDescription.setServicePort(this.serverPort); serviceDescription.setServiceURL(this.rpcBaseUrl + protocol.getServiceProtocolName() + "/" + protocol.getServiceProtocolVersion() + "/" + service); serviceDescription.setVersion(version); serviceDescription.setServiceId(service); this.discoveryServiceTracker.withAllAvailableServices(new WithService<APSSimpleDiscoveryService>() { /** * Receives a service to do something with. * * @param discoverySvc The received service. * * @throws Exception Implementation can throw any exception. How it is handled depends on the APSServiceTracker method this * gets passed to. */ public void withService(APSSimpleDiscoveryService discoverySvc, ServiceDescriptionProvider serviceDescription) throws Exception { discoverySvc.unpublishService(serviceDescription); } }, serviceDescription); } } } /** * This gets called when a new protocol becomes available. * * @param protocolName The name of the protocol. * @param protocolVersion The version of the protocol. */ @Override public void protocolAvailable(String protocolName, String protocolVersion) { for (String service : this.externalProtocolService.getAvailableServices()) { ServiceDescriptionProvider serviceDescription = new ServiceDescriptionProvider(); serviceDescription.setDescription("Published by aps-rpc-http-extender."); serviceDescription.setServiceHost(this.serverHost); serviceDescription.setServicePort(this.serverPort); serviceDescription .setServiceURL(this.rpcBaseUrl + protocolName + "/" + protocolVersion + "/" + service); serviceDescription.setVersion(this.externalProtocolService.getCallables(service).get(0) .getServiceBundle().getVersion().toString()); serviceDescription.setServiceId(service); this.discoveryServiceTracker.withAllAvailableServices(new WithService<APSSimpleDiscoveryService>() { /** * Receives a service to do something with. * * @param discoverySvc The received service. * * @throws Exception Implementation can throw any exception. How it is handled depends on the APSServiceTracker method this * gets passed to. */ public void withService(APSSimpleDiscoveryService discoverySvc, ServiceDescriptionProvider serviceDescription) throws Exception { discoverySvc.publishService(serviceDescription); } }, serviceDescription); } } /** * This gets called when a new protocol is leaving. * * @param protocolName The name of the protocol. * @param protocolVersion The version of the protocol. */ @Override public void protocolLeaving(String protocolName, String protocolVersion) { for (String service : this.externalProtocolService.getAvailableServices()) { ServiceDescriptionProvider serviceDescription = new ServiceDescriptionProvider(); serviceDescription.setDescription("Published by aps-rpc-http-extender."); serviceDescription.setServiceHost(this.serverHost); serviceDescription.setServicePort(this.serverPort); serviceDescription .setServiceURL(this.rpcBaseUrl + protocolName + "/" + protocolVersion + "/" + service); serviceDescription.setVersion(this.externalProtocolService.getCallables(service).get(0) .getServiceBundle().getVersion().toString()); serviceDescription.setServiceId(service); this.discoveryServiceTracker.withAllAvailableServices(new WithService<APSSimpleDiscoveryService>() { /** * Receives a service to do something with. * * @param discoverySvc The received service. * * @throws Exception Implementation can throw any exception. How it is handled depends on the APSServiceTracker method this * gets passed to. */ public void withService(APSSimpleDiscoveryService discoverySvc, ServiceDescriptionProvider serviceDescription) throws Exception { discoverySvc.unpublishService(serviceDescription); } }, serviceDescription); } } /** * This gets called whenever a new APSSimpleDiscoveryService becomes available. Thereby we handle restart of the discovery service * or new implementations of it, or the case where this bundle is up and running before any discovery service. * * @param discoverySvc The received service. * @param serviceReference The reference to the received service. * @throws Exception Implementation can throw any exception. How it is handled depends on the APSServiceTracker method this * gets passed to. */ @Override public void onServiceAvailable(APSSimpleDiscoveryService discoverySvc, ServiceReference serviceReference) throws Exception { if (this.rpcBaseUrl != null) { for (StreamedRPCProtocol protocol : this.externalProtocolService.getAllStreamedProtocols()) { for (String service : this.externalProtocolService.getAvailableServices()) { ServiceDescriptionProvider serviceDescription = new ServiceDescriptionProvider(); serviceDescription.setDescription("Published by aps-rpc-http-extender."); serviceDescription.setServiceHost(this.serverHost); serviceDescription.setServicePort(this.serverPort); serviceDescription.setServiceURL(this.rpcBaseUrl + protocol.getServiceProtocolName() + "/" + protocol.getServiceProtocolVersion() + "/" + service); serviceDescription.setVersion(this.externalProtocolService.getCallables(service).get(0) .getServiceBundle().getVersion().toString()); serviceDescription.setServiceId(service); discoverySvc.publishService(serviceDescription); } } } } // // RPC service information handling on HTTP GET. // /** * Handles help information. * <p/> * Since all service calls are done using HTTP PUT we provide information about the service and available services and methods * on HTTP GET. * * @param req The request * @param resp The response * @throws ServletException * @throws */ protected void doHelp(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException { String queryStr = req.getPathInfo(); if (queryStr.startsWith("/")) { queryStr = queryStr.substring(1); } String[] query = queryStr.split("/"); HTMLWriter html = new HTMLWriter(resp.getOutputStream()); if (query.length == 1 || query[1].equals("")) { handleFirstPage(html, req); } else if (query.length == 2 && query[1].length() > 0) { String service = query[1]; handleServicePage(html, service, req); } else if (query.length == 3 && query[1].length() > 0 && query[2].length() > 0) { String service = query[1]; String method = query[2]; handleMethodPage(html, service, method, req); } else { resp.sendError(401, "Invalid path!"); } } /** * Handles the first page with general information inlcuding protocols and services. * * @param html The HTMLWriter to write to. * @param req The HttpServletRequest. * @throws IOException */ private void handleFirstPage(HTMLWriter html, HttpServletRequest req) throws IOException { html.tag("html"); { html.tag("body", "", BG_COLOR); { html.tagc("h1", "ApplicationPlatformServices (APS) Remote service call over HTTP transport provider"); html.tagc("p", "This provides an http transport for simple remote requests to OSGi services that have the \"APS-Externalizable: " + "true\" in their META-INF/MANIFEST.MF. This follows the OSGi extender pattern and makes any registered " + "OSGi services of bundles having the above manifest entry available for remote calls over HTTP. This " + "transport makes use of the aps-external-protocol-extender which exposes services with the above " + "mentioned manifest entry with each service method available as an APSExternallyCallable." + "The aps-ext-protocol-http-transport acts as a mediator between the protocol implementations and " + "aps-external-protocol-extender for requests over HTTP."); html.tagc("p", "<b>Please note</b> that depending on protocol not every service method will be callable. It depends on " + "its arguments and return value. It mostly depends on how well the protocol handles types and can convert " + "between the caller and the service. Also note that bundles can specify \"APS-Externalizable: false\" in their " + "META-INF/MANIFEST.MF. In that case none of the bundles services will be callable this way!"); html.tagc("p", "This does not provide any protocol, only transport! For services " + "to be able to be called at least one protocol is needed. Protocols are provided by providing an " + "implementation of and registering " + "it as an OSGi service. The StreamedRPCProtocolService API provides a protocol name and protocol " + "version getter which is used to identify it. A call to an RPC service looks like this:"); html.text( "<ul><code>http://host:port/apsrpc/<i>protocol</i>/<i>version</i>[/<i>service</i>][/<i>method</i>]</code></ul>"); html.text("<ul>" + "<i>protocol</i>" + "<ul>" + "This is the name of the protocol to use. An implementation of that protocol must of course be available " + "for this to work. If it isn't you will get a 404 back!" + "</ul>" + "</ul>"); html.text("<ul>" + "<i>version</i>" + "<ul>" + "This is the version of the protocol. If this doesn't match any protocols available you will also get a " + "404 back." + "</ul>" + "</ul>"); html.text("<ul>" + "<i>service</i>" + "<ul>" + "This is the service to call. Depending on the protocol you might not need this. But for protocols that " + "only provide method in the stream data like JSONRPC for example, then this is needed. When provided it " + "has to be a fully qualified service interface class name." + "</ul>" + "</ul>"); html.text("<ul>" + "<i>method</i>" + "<ul>" + "This is a method of the service to call. The requirement for this also depends on the protocol. " + "The JSONRPC protocols does not need this since they provide the method in the request. A REST " + "protocol however would need this." + "</ul>" + "</ul>"); html.tagc("h2", "Security"); html.tagc("p", "This help page always require authentication. This is because it register itself with the APSAdminWeb and " + "is available as a tab there and thereby joins in the admin web authentication. For service calls however " + "authentication is only required if you enable it in the configuration (network/rpc-http-transport). " + "There are 2 variants of authentication for services:" + "<ul>" + "<li>http://.../apsrpc/<b>auth:user:password</b>/protocol/...</li>" + "<li>Basic HTTP authentication using header: 'Authorization: Basic {base 64 encoded user:password}'.</li>" + "</ul>"); html.tagc("p", "Note that this is only a transport (over http)! It has nothing to say about protocols which is why the " + "above auth methods are outside of the protocol, only part of this transport. If you make services that you " + "expose this way it is also possible to leave the authentication config at false and provide authentication " + "in your service by using the APSSimpleUserService or something else."); html.tagc("h2", "Found Protocols"); for (StreamedRPCProtocol protocol : this.externalProtocolService.getAllStreamedProtocols()) { html.tagc("h3", protocol.getServiceProtocolName() + " : " + protocol.getServiceProtocolVersion()); html.tagc("p", protocol.getRPCProtocolDescription()); html.tagc("p", "<b>Request URL:</b> http://" + req.getLocalName() + ":" + req.getLocalPort() + "/apsrpc/" + protocol.getServiceProtocolName() + "/" + protocol.getServiceProtocolVersion() + "[/<service>][/<method>]"); String reqContentType = protocol.getRequestContentType(); String respContentType = protocol.getResponseContentType(); if (reqContentType != null && reqContentType.trim().length() > 0) { html.tagc("p", "<b>Request Content-type:</b> " + reqContentType); } if (respContentType != null && respContentType.trim().length() > 0) { html.tagc("p", "<b>Response Content-type:</b> " + respContentType); } } html.tagc("h2", "Found Services"); for (String service : this.externalProtocolService.getAvailableServices()) { ServiceReference sref = this.bundleContext.getServiceReference(service); if (sref != null) { html.tagc("p", "<a href=\"" + service + "\">" + service + "</a> <i>Bundle version:</i> " + sref.getBundle().getVersion() + ", <i>Bundle symbolic name:</i> " + sref.getBundle().getSymbolicName() + ", " + "<i>Bundle id:</i> " + sref.getBundle().getBundleId()); } } } html.tage("body"); } html.tage("html"); } /** * Handles the service page showing information about a specific service, like all its methods. * * @param html The HTMLWriter to write to. * @param service The service to show information about. * @param req The HTTPServletRequest. * @throws IOException */ private void handleServicePage(HTMLWriter html, String service, HttpServletRequest req) throws IOException { Set<String> methodNames = this.externalProtocolService.getAvailableServiceFunctionNames(service); html.tag("html"); { html.tag("body", "", BG_COLOR); { html.tagc("h1", "ApplicationPlatformServices (APS) Remote service call over HTTP transport provider"); html.tagc("p", "Here the service and all its methods are displayed. Each method is clickable for details on the method."); html.tagc("h2", "Service"); if (!methodNames.isEmpty()) { html.tagc("h3", service + " {"); html.tag("ul"); for (String method : methodNames) { APSExternallyCallable<Object> callable = this.externalProtocolService.getCallable(service, method); // String params = ""; // String comma = ""; // for (DataTypeDescription parameter : callable.getParameterDataDescriptions()) { // params = params + comma + toTypeName(parameter); // comma = ", "; // } html.tagc("h4", toMethodDecl(callable, service, method)); } html.tage("ul"); html.tagc("h3", "}"); html.tagc("h2", "Protocol URLs"); html.tagc("p", "Please note that even though these urls include the service, not all protocols require the service in " + "the URL!"); for (StreamedRPCProtocol protocol : this.externalProtocolService.getAllStreamedProtocols()) { html.tagc("h3", protocol.getServiceProtocolName() + " : " + protocol.getServiceProtocolVersion()); html.tagc("p", "http://" + req.getLocalName() + ":" + req.getLocalPort() + "/apsrpc/" + protocol.getServiceProtocolName() + "/" + protocol.getServiceProtocolVersion() + "/" + service + "/"); } } else { html.tagc("h2", "Service '" + service + "' not found!"); } } html.tage("body"); } html.tage("html"); } /** * Handles the method page showing details about a method including parameters, return type, and if no args method the * result of the execution of the method. * * @param html The HTMLWriter to write to. * @param service The service the method belongs to. * @param method The method to show information for. * @throws IOException * @pararm request */ private void handleMethodPage(HTMLWriter html, String service, String method, HttpServletRequest request) throws IOException { boolean execute = false; int paramPos = 0; if (method.indexOf("-") > 0) { String[] parts = method.split("-"); if (parts.length >= 2) { if (parts[1].equals("exec")) { execute = true; method = parts[0]; } } } APSExternallyCallable<Object> callable = this.externalProtocolService.getCallable(service, method); html.tag("html"); { html.tag("body", "", BG_COLOR); { if (callable != null) { html.tagc("h1", "ApplicationPlatformServices (APS) Remote service call over HTTP transport provider"); html.tagc("p", "This page provides details about a method. "); html.tagc("p", "The method can be executed by providing the arguments and pressing 'Execute'. For boolean values " + "specify 'true' or 'false', for floating point numbers specify 'n.n', for long and ints, etc specify " + "'n', for string values specify \"<i>value</i>\", and for objects specify the object in JSON format " + "starting with { and ending with }. This is very useful for testing/debugging services."); html.tagc("h2", toMethodDecl(callable, null, method)); html.tagc("h3", "Parameters"); html.text("<ul>"); html.text("<form name=\"input\" action=\"" + method + "-exec\" method=\"post\">"); String comma = ""; paramPos = 0; for (DataTypeDescription parameter : callable.getParameterDataDescriptions()) { html.text(comma); displayDataType(html, parameter); String value = request.getParameter("param" + paramPos); if (value == null) value = ""; html.text(" <textarea cols=\"60\" rows=\"2\" name=\"param" + paramPos + "\">" + value + "</textarea>"); comma = ",<br/>"; ++paramPos; } html.text("</ul>"); html.tagc("h3", "Returntype"); html.text("<ul>"); displayDataType(html, callable.getReturnDataDescription()); } else { html.tagc("h2", "Method '" + method + "' was not found!"); } html.text("</ul>"); html.tagc("h2", "Execution"); html.text("<ul>"); if (execute) { html.tagc("p", execute(callable, paramPos, request)); } else { html.text("<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Execute\""); } html.text("</ul>"); html.text("</form>"); } html.tage("body"); } html.tage("html"); } private String execute(APSExternallyCallable<Object> callable, int noParams, HttpServletRequest request) throws IOException { try { String paramFail = null; Object[] args = new Object[noParams]; int p = 0; for (DataTypeDescription parameter : callable.getParameterDataDescriptions()) { String paramValue = request.getParameter("param" + p); if (paramValue != null) { Object paramJavaValue = null; if (paramValue.toLowerCase().equals("true") || paramValue.toLowerCase().equals("false")) { paramJavaValue = Boolean.valueOf(paramValue); } else if (paramValue.trim().startsWith("\"")) { paramValue = paramValue.trim().substring(1); paramValue = paramValue.substring(0, paramValue.length() - 1); paramJavaValue = paramValue; } else if (paramValue.trim().startsWith("{")) { ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(paramValue.getBytes()); JSONValue jsonObj = this.jsonService.readJSON(bais, null); bais.close(); Class javaType = callable.getServiceBundle().loadClass(parameter.getObjectQName()); paramJavaValue = this.jsonService.jsonToJava(jsonObj, javaType); } else { if (paramValue.indexOf(".") >= 0) { if (parameter.getDataType() == DataType.DOUBLE) paramJavaValue = Double.valueOf(paramValue); else if (parameter.getDataType() == DataType.FLOAT) paramJavaValue = Float.valueOf(paramValue); } else if (parameter.getDataType() == DataType.LONG) paramJavaValue = Long.valueOf(paramValue); else if (parameter.getDataType() == DataType.INT) paramJavaValue = Integer.valueOf(paramValue); else if (parameter.getDataType() == DataType.SHORT) paramJavaValue = Short.valueOf(paramValue); else if (parameter.getDataType() == DataType.BYTE) paramJavaValue = Byte.valueOf(paramValue); else { paramFail = "Did you forget to quote a string value ?"; } } args[p] = paramJavaValue; } else { paramFail = "Parameter #" + p + " was null!"; } ++p; } if (paramFail == null) { Object result =; JSONValue jsonValue = this.jsonService.javaToJSON(result); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); this.jsonService.writeJSON(baos, jsonValue, false); baos.close(); return "<pre>" + baos.toString() + "</pre>"; } else { return "Bad parameter: " + paramFail; } } catch (Exception e) { return "Failed: " + e.getMessage(); } } /** * Displays the specified data type. * * @param html The HMTLWriter to display on. * @param dataType The data type to display. * @throws IOException */ private void displayDataType(HTMLWriter html, DataTypeDescription dataType) throws IOException { if (!dataType.getDataType().isStructured()) { html.text(toTypeName(dataType)); } else { if (dataType.hasMembers()) { html.text(toTypeName(dataType) + " {"); html.text("<ul>"); for (String memberName : dataType.getMemberNames()) { displayDataType(html, dataType.getMemberDataDescriptionByName(memberName)); html.text(" " + memberName + ";<br/>"); } html.text("</ul>"); html.text("}"); } else { if (dataType.getDataType() == DataType.LIST) { html.text(dataType.getDataType().getTypeName() + "<?>"); } else if (dataType.getDataType() == DataType.MAP) { html.text(dataType.getDataType().getTypeName() + "<?,?>"); } else { html.text(toTypeName(dataType)); } } } } /** * Creates a displayable method declaration. * * @param callable The callable to create the method declaration from. * @param service The service the method belongs to. If this is provided the method name will be a link. If null no link will be created. * @param method The name of the method. * @return A String with a full method declaration. */ private String toMethodDecl(APSExternallyCallable<Object> callable, String service, String method) { if (callable == null) { return ""; } String params = ""; String comma = ""; for (DataTypeDescription parameter : callable.getParameterDataDescriptions()) { String typeName = toTypeName(parameter); if (typeName.indexOf('.') > 0) { String[] parts = typeName.split("\\."); typeName = parts[parts.length - 1]; } params = params + comma + typeName; comma = ", "; } if (service != null) { return toTypeName(callable.getReturnDataDescription()) + " <a href=\"" + service + "/" + method + "\">" + method + "</a>;"; } else { return toTypeName(callable.getReturnDataDescription()) + " " + method + ";"; } } /** * Builds a displayable type name from a DataTypeDescription. * * @param dataTypeDescription The DataTypeDescripion to build a display name from. * @return A type name. */ private String toTypeName(DataTypeDescription dataTypeDescription) { String retData = dataTypeDescription.getObjectQName(); if (retData == null) { retData = dataTypeDescription.getDataType().getTypeName(); } return retData; } /** * Small utility class to produce HTML output. */ private class HTMLWriter { // // Private Members // /** * The stream to write to. */ private OutputStream out = null; // // Constructors // /** * Creates a new HTMLWriter instance. * * @param out The OutputStream to write to. */ public HTMLWriter(OutputStream out) { this.out = out; } // // Methods // /** * Writes to output stream with some conversions. * * @param text The text to write. * @throws IOException */ private void write(String text) throws IOException { String[] parts = text.split(" "); for (String part : parts) { if (part.startsWith("http://") || part.startsWith("https://")) { String link = "<a href=\"" + part + "\">" + part + "</a>"; text = text.replace(part, link); } } this.out.write(text.getBytes()); } /** * Writes text. * * @param content The text to write. * @throws IOException */ public void text(String content) throws IOException { write(content); } /** * Writes an html tag. * * @param tag The tag to write. * @param content The content of the tag. * @param attributes The attributes of the tag. Example: "color=#ffffff". * @throws IOException The one and only! */ public void tag(String tag, String content, String... attributes) throws IOException { String attrs = ""; if (attributes != null) { String comma = ""; attrs = " "; for (String attribute : attributes) { attrs += comma; attrs += attribute; comma = ", "; } } write(("<" + tag + attrs + ">" + content)); } /** * Writes an html tag. * * @param tag The tag to write. * @param content The content of the tag. * @throws IOException The one and only! */ public void tag(String tag, String content) throws IOException { tag(tag, content, null); } /** * Writes a complete ending tag. * * @param tag The tag to write. * @param content The content of the tag. * @param attributes The attributes of the tag. * @throws IOException */ public void tagc(String tag, String content, String... attributes) throws IOException { tag(tag, content, attributes); tage(tag); } /** * Writes a complete ending tag. * * @param tag The tag to write. * @param content The content of the tag. * @throws IOException */ public void tagc(String tag, String content) throws IOException { tag(tag, content, null); tage(tag); } /** * Writes an html tag. * * @param tag The tag to write. * @throws IOException The one and only! */ public void tag(String tag) throws IOException { tag(tag, "", null); } /** * Writes an end tag. * * @param tag The tag to end. * @throws IOException */ public void tage(String tag) throws IOException { write(("</" + tag + ">")); } } }