Java tutorial
/*-- $Copyright (C) 2012-13 Felix Dobslaw$ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */package se.miun.itm.input.model.param; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import org.jdom2.Element; import se.miun.itm.input.IInPUT; import se.miun.itm.input.InPUTConfig; import se.miun.itm.input.aspects.Identifiable; import se.miun.itm.input.eval.ParamEvaluationOrderComparator; import se.miun.itm.input.model.Document; import se.miun.itm.input.model.InPUTException; import; import se.miun.itm.input.model.mapping.IMappings; import se.miun.itm.input.model.mapping.Mappings; import se.miun.itm.input.util.ParamInitializer; import se.miun.itm.input.util.ParamUtil; import se.miun.itm.input.util.Q; import se.miun.itm.input.util.xml.XPathProcessor; /** * a The data-structure that manages all parameter related activities in InPUT. Every design space has a parameter store, to which it * out-sources its initialization, parameter lookup, and data consistency control. * * The ParamStore makes sure that the mappings are bound correctly to the parameter definitions, and else report otherwise. * * @author Felix Dobslaw * * @NotThreadSafe */ public class ParamStore implements Identifiable { private static final Map<String, ParamStore> stores = new HashMap<String, ParamStore>(); private final Map<String, Param<?>> inputParamElements = new HashMap<String, Param<?>>(); private final Map<Param<?>, String> paramsInv = new HashMap<Param<?>, String>(); private final String id; private final IMappings mappings; private final Document spaceTree; private final IDesignSpace space; private final Random rng; private final int hash; private final Set<String> optionalParamIds = new HashSet<String>(); private ParamStore(IDesignSpace space, Document designSpace, InputStream mappingStream) throws InPUTException { id = designSpace.getRootElement().getAttributeValue(Q.ID_ATTR); hash = id.hashCode(); = space; this.spaceTree = designSpace; this.mappings = initCodeMapping(mappingStream); rng = initRNG(id); initParams(); } @Override public int hashCode() { return hash; } private IMappings initCodeMapping(InputStream mappingStream) throws InPUTException { String mappingFilePath = spaceTree.getRootElement().getAttributeValue(Q.MAPPING_ATTR); IMappings codeMappings = initCodeMappings(mappingFilePath, mappingStream); return codeMappings; } private IMappings initCodeMappings(String mappingFilePath, InputStream mappingStream) throws InPUTException { InputStream is = null; if (mappingStream != null) is = mappingStream; else if (mappingFilePath != null) { IMappings cm = Mappings.getInstance(id); if (cm != null) { return cm; } try { is = new FileInputStream(mappingFilePath); } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) { throw new InPUTException("The file by name '" + mappingFilePath + "' could not be located. Alternatively, the mapping with id \"" + space.getId() + "\" cannot be found. Make sure that your space and mapping file have identical id attributes.", e1); } } if (is != null) { String mappingId; try { mappingId = Mappings.initMapping(is); } catch (IOException e) { throw new InPUTException("The inputStream for the codeMapping file could not be read successfully.", e); } if (mappingId != null) { Mappings.register(id, mappingId); return Mappings.getInstance(id); } } return null; } private Random initRNG(String designSpaceId) throws InPUTException { Random rng; if (designSpaceId.equals(Q.CONFIG_ID)) rng = null; else rng = InPUTConfig.getValue(Q.RANDOM); return rng; } private void initParams() throws InPUTException { preprocessTreeForTypes(); LinkedList<Element> params = ParamInitializer.getOrderedInitParams(spaceTree, mappings); for (Element param : params) initParam(id, param); initDependencies(); checkCircularDependencies(); initRanges(); } private void checkCircularDependencies() throws InPUTException { Set<Param<?>> dependees; for (Param<?> param : inputParamElements.values()) { if (!(param instanceof NParam)) continue; dependees = param.getDependees(); for (Param<?> dependee : dependees) if (param.dependsOn(dependee)) throw new InPUTException("There is a circular dependency between parameter '" + dependee.getId() + "' and '" + param.getId() + "'. It has to be resolved."); } } private void preprocessTreeForTypes() throws InPUTException { Element root = spaceTree.getRootElement(); List<Element> params = root.getChildren(); String typeId; Element param; while (params.size() > 0) { param = params.get(0); if (!param.getName().equals(Q.SCHOICE_TYPE)) break; typeId = param.getAttributeValue(Q.ID_ATTR); initTypeChoices(root, param, typeId); initTypeParams(root, param, typeId); root.removeContent(params.get(0)); } } private void initTypeParams(Element root, Element param, String typeId) throws InPUTException { initType(root, param, typeId, Q.SPARAM); } private void initTypeChoices(Element root, Element param, String typeId) throws InPUTException { initType(root, param, typeId, Q.SCHOICE); } private void initType(Element root, Element param, String typeId, String referentType) throws InPUTException { List<Element> dependers = XPathProcessor.query(createTypeQuery(typeId, referentType), Q.DESIGN_SPACE_NAMESPACE, root); for (Element referent : dependers) initElementByType(referentType, referent, param); } private void initElementByType(String referentType, Element referent, Element type) { Element newChoice = type.clone(); String localId = referent.getAttributeValue(Q.ID_ATTR); addAlias(referent, type); newChoice.setAttribute(Q.ID_ATTR, localId); newChoice.setName(referentType); overrideSubElementsIfExist(referent, newChoice); Element parent = referent.getParentElement(); parent.removeContent(referent); parent.addContent(newChoice); } private void overrideSubElementsIfExist(Element referent, Element typeElement) { Element overriden; Element[] children = referent.getChildren().toArray(new Element[] {}); for (Element introduced : children) { overriden = getIfHasSuchChild(typeElement, introduced); if (overriden != null) typeElement.removeContent(overriden); referent.removeContent(introduced); typeElement.addContent(introduced); } } private Element getIfHasSuchChild(Element parent, Element potential) { Element existing = null; for (Element child : parent.getChildren()) { if (potential.getAttributeValue(Q.ID_ATTR).equals(child.getAttributeValue(Q.ID_ATTR))) { existing = child; break; } } return existing; } private void addAlias(Element choice, Element newChoice) { String paramId = ParamUtil.deriveParamId(choice); String typeId = newChoice.getAttributeValue(Q.ID_ATTR); List<Element> children = newChoice.getChildren(); for (Element typeChild : children) addSubAlias(paramId, typeId, typeChild); mappings.addAlias(paramId, typeId); } private void addSubAlias(String paramId, String typeId, Element typeChild) { String localId = typeChild.getAttributeValue(Q.ID_ATTR); String newParamId = paramId + "." + localId; String newTypeId = typeId + "." + localId; List<Element> children = typeChild.getChildren(); for (Element child : children) addSubAlias(newParamId, newTypeId, child); mappings.addAlias(newParamId, newTypeId); } // SChoice[@type='id'] private String createTypeQuery(String typeId, String typeName) { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); b.append("//"); b.append(typeName); b.append("[@"); b.append(Q.TYPE_ATTR); b.append("='"); b.append(typeId); b.append("']"); return b.toString(); } private void initRanges() throws InPUTException { for (Param<?> param : inputParamElements.values()) if (param instanceof NParam) ((NParam) param).initRanges(); } private void initParam(String id, Element param) throws InPUTException { Param<?> paramE = null; if (param.getName().equals(Q.NPARAM)) paramE = new NParam(param, id, this); else if (param.getName().equals(Q.SPARAM)) paramE = new SParam(param, id, this); else if (param.getName().equals(Q.SCHOICE)) paramE = new SChoice(param, id, this); initParam(paramE); } private void initDependencies() throws InPUTException { List<Param<?>> paramList; paramList = new ArrayList<Param<?>>(inputParamElements.values()); Param<?> first; for (int i = 0; i < paramList.size(); i++) { first = paramList.get(i); for (int j = i + 1; j < paramList.size(); j++) ParamEvaluationOrderComparator.init(first, paramList.get(j)); } } private void initParam(final Param<?> param) { String paramId = param.getId(); inputParamElements.put(paramId, param); paramsInv.put(param, paramId); if (param.isOptional()) optionalParamIds.add(param.getId()); } public boolean containsParam(String paramId) { return inputParamElements.containsKey(paramId); } public Param<?> getParam(String paramId) { return inputParamElements.get(paramId); } @Override public String getId() { return id; } public Collection<Param<?>> getImplementationSpecific() { return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(paramsInv.keySet()); } public Set<String> getAllParameterIds() { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(inputParamElements.keySet()); } public static ParamStore getInstance(String id) { return stores.get(id); } public static Set<String> getInstanceIds() { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(stores.keySet()); } public static void register(IDesignSpace space, InputStream mappingStream, Document designSpace) throws InPUTException { String id = designSpace.getRootElement().getAttributeValue(Q.ID_ATTR); if (!stores.containsKey(id)) { ParamStore ps = new ParamStore(space, designSpace, mappingStream); stores.put(id, ps); } } public static boolean exists(String id) { return stores.containsKey(id); } public Document getDesignSpaceTree() { return spaceTree; } public IDesignSpace getDesignSpace() { return space; } public Random getRNG() { return rng; } public static void releaseAllParamStores() { stores.clear(); } public List<Param<?>> getFixed() { List<Param<?>> fixed = new ArrayList<Param<?>>(); for (Param<?> param : paramsInv.keySet()) if (param.isFixed()) fixed.add(param); return Collections.unmodifiableList(fixed); } public static List<Param<?>> getFixed(IInPUT input) { List<Param<?>> fixed = new ArrayList<Param<?>>(); appendFixed(fixed, input.getAlgorithmDesignSpace()); appendFixed(fixed, input.getPropertySpace()); return fixed; } private static void appendFixed(List<Param<?>> fixed, IDesignSpace aSpace) { if (aSpace == null) return; ParamStore store = ParamStore.getInstance(aSpace.getId()); fixed.addAll(store.getFixed()); } public Param<?> getParamForAnyStore(String paramId) { Param<?> param = null; for (String storeId : stores.keySet()) { param = stores.get(storeId).getParam(paramId); if (param != null) break; } return param; } public Set<String> getOptionalParamIds() { return optionalParamIds; } }