Java tutorial
/* Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Jesper qvist <> * * This file is part of Chunky. * * Chunky is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Chunky is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Chunky. If not, see <>. */ package; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.image.DataBufferInt; import; import; import org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath; import; import se.llbit.chunky.resources.MiscImages; import se.llbit.chunky.resources.Texture; import se.llbit.math.Color; import se.llbit.math.QuickMath; import se.llbit.util.ImageTools; /** * A layer describes the visible part of a chunk. * * A chunk typically stores three layers; * current layer, cave layer and surface layer. * * @author Jesper qvist ( */ public class Layer { private byte[] blocks = null; private int[] bitmap = null; private int avgColor = 0xFF; static int selectionColor = 0x75FF0000; /** * Singleton instance of empty layer. */ public static final Layer emptyLayer = new Layer() { @Override public synchronized void renderTopography(ChunkPosition position, Heightmap heightmap) { } @Override public synchronized void render(RenderBuffer rbuff, int cx, int cz) { ChunkView view = rbuff.getView(); int x0 = view.chunkScale * (cx - view.ix0); int z0 = view.chunkScale * (cz - view.iz0); if (view.chunkScale == 1) { rbuff.setRGB(x0, z0, averageColor); } else { rbuff.fillRect(x0, z0, view.chunkScale, view.chunkScale, averageColor); } } private final int averageColor = 0xFF000000; @Override public int getAvgColor() { return averageColor; } }; /** * An unknown layer is a layer that has not yet been parsed */ public static final Layer unknownLayer = new Layer() { @Override public synchronized void renderTopography(ChunkPosition position, Heightmap heightmap) { } @Override public synchronized void render(RenderBuffer rbuff, int cx, int cz) { ChunkView view = rbuff.getView(); int x0 = view.chunkScale * (cx - view.ix0); int z0 = view.chunkScale * (cz - view.iz0); if (view.chunkScale == 1) { rbuff.setRGB(x0, z0, averageColor); } else { Graphics g = rbuff.getGraphics(); g.drawImage(MiscImages.load, x0, z0, view.chunkScale, view.chunkScale, null); } } private final int averageColor = ImageTools.calcAvgColor(MiscImages.load); @Override public int getAvgColor() { return averageColor; } }; /** * Represents corrupt chunk data */ public static final Layer corruptLayer = new Layer() { @Override public synchronized void renderTopography(ChunkPosition position, Heightmap heightmap) { } @Override public synchronized void render(RenderBuffer rbuff, int cx, int cz) { ChunkView view = rbuff.getView(); int x0 = view.chunkScale * (cx - view.ix0); int z0 = view.chunkScale * (cz - view.iz0); if (view.chunkScale == 1) { rbuff.setRGB(x0, z0, averageColor); } else { rbuff.getGraphics().drawImage(MiscImages.corruptLayer, x0, z0, view.chunkScale, view.chunkScale, null); } } private final int averageColor = ImageTools.calcAvgColor(MiscImages.corruptLayer); @Override public int getAvgColor() { return averageColor; } }; /** * Creates a new tile layer * @param data tile data */ private Layer(byte[] data) { blocks = data; } /** * Creates a new bitmap layer * @param data bitmap data */ private Layer(int[] data) { bitmap = data; avgColor = avgBitmapColor(); } private int avgBitmapColor() { float[] avg = new float[3]; float[] frgb = new float[3]; for (int i = 0; i < 16 * 16; ++i) { Color.getRGBComponents(bitmap[i], frgb); avg[0] += frgb[0]; avg[1] += frgb[1]; avg[2] += frgb[2]; } return Color.getRGB(avg[0] / (16 * 16), avg[1] / (16 * 16), avg[2] / (16 * 16)); } /** * Create an empty layer. */ public Layer() { } /** * Render block highlight * @param rbuff * @param cx * @param cz * @param hlBlock * @param highlight */ public synchronized void renderHighlight(RenderBuffer rbuff, int cx, int cz, Block hlBlock, java.awt.Color highlight) { ChunkView view = rbuff.getView(); int x0 = view.chunkScale * (cx - view.ix0); int z0 = view.chunkScale * (cz - view.iz0); if (blocks == null) return; Graphics g = rbuff.getGraphics(); g.setColor(new java.awt.Color(1, 1, 1, 0.35f)); g.fillRect(x0, z0, view.chunkScale, view.chunkScale); g.setColor(highlight); if (view.chunkScale == 16) { for (int x = 0; x < 16; ++x) { int xp = x0 + x; for (int z = 0; z < 16; ++z) { int yp = z0 + z; if ( == (0xFF & blocks[x * 16 + z])) { rbuff.setRGB(xp, yp, highlight.getRGB()); } } } } else { int blockScale = view.chunkScale / 16; for (int x = 0; x < 16; ++x) { int xp0 = x0 + x * blockScale; int xp1 = xp0 + blockScale; for (int z = 0; z < 16; ++z) { int yp0 = z0 + z * blockScale; int yp1 = yp0 + blockScale; if ( == (0xFF & blocks[x * 16 + z])) { g.fillRect(xp0, yp0, xp1 - xp0, yp1 - yp0); } } } } } /** * Render this layer * @param rbuff * @param cx * @param cz */ public synchronized void render(RenderBuffer rbuff, int cx, int cz) { if (blocks != null) { renderTiles(rbuff, cx, cz); } else if (bitmap != null) { renderBitmap(rbuff, cx, cz); } } private void renderTiles(RenderBuffer rbuff, int cx, int cz) { ChunkView view = rbuff.getView(); int blockScale = view.chunkScale / 16; int x0 = view.chunkScale * (cx - view.ix0); int z0 = view.chunkScale * (cz - view.iz0); if (view.chunkScale == 1) { } else if (blockScale == 1) { for (int z = 0; z < 16; ++z) { int yp = z0 + z; for (int x = 0; x < 16; ++x) { int xp = x0 + x; byte block = blocks[x * 16 + z]; if (block == { rbuff.setRGB(xp, yp, 0xFFFFFFFF); } else { rbuff.setRGB(xp, yp, Block.get(block).getAvgRGB()); } } } } else if (blockScale < 12) { for (int z = 0; z < 16; ++z) { int yp0 = z0 + z * blockScale; for (int x = 0; x < 16; ++x) { int xp0 = x0 + x * blockScale; byte block = blocks[x * 16 + z]; if (block == { rbuff.fillRect(xp0, yp0, blockScale, blockScale, 0xFFFFFFFF); } else { rbuff.fillRect(xp0, yp0, blockScale, blockScale, Block.get(block).getAvgRGB()); } } } } else { for (int z = 0; z < 16; ++z) { int yp0 = z0 + z * blockScale; for (int x = 0; x < 16; ++x) { int xp0 = x0 + x * blockScale; byte block = blocks[x * 16 + z]; if (block == { rbuff.fillRect(xp0, yp0, blockScale, blockScale, 0xFFFFFFFF); continue; } int[] tex = ((DataBufferInt) Block.get(block).getTexture().getScaledImage(blockScale) .getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData(); for (int i = 0; i < blockScale; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < blockScale; ++j) { rbuff.setRGB(xp0 + j, yp0 + i, tex[j + blockScale * i]); } } } } } } private void renderBitmap(RenderBuffer rbuff, int cx, int cz) { ChunkView view = rbuff.getView(); int x0 = view.chunkScale * (cx - view.ix0); int z0 = view.chunkScale * (cz - view.iz0); if (view.chunkScale == 1) { rbuff.setRGB(x0, z0, avgColor); } else if (view.chunkScale == 16) { for (int z = 0; z < 16; ++z) { for (int x = 0; x < 16; ++x) { rbuff.setRGB(x0 + x, z0 + z, bitmap[z + x * 16]); } } } else { int blockScale = view.chunkScale / 16; for (int z = 0; z < 16; ++z) { int yp0 = z0 + z * blockScale; for (int x = 0; x < 16; ++x) { int xp0 = x0 + x * blockScale; rbuff.fillRect(xp0, yp0, blockScale, blockScale, bitmap[z + x * 16]); } } } } /** * Load layer from block data * @param blockData * @param layer * @return The loaded layer */ public static Layer loadLayer(byte[] blockData, int layer) { byte[] data = new byte[16 * 16]; for (int x = 0; x < 16; ++x) { for (int z = 0; z < 16; ++z) { data[x * 16 + z] = blockData[Chunk.chunkIndex(x, layer, z)]; } } return new Layer(data); } /** * Load biome IDs into layer * @param chunkBiomes * @return The loaded layer */ public static Layer loadBiomes(byte[] chunkBiomes) { int[] surface = new int[16 * 16]; for (int x = 0; x < 16; ++x) { for (int z = 0; z < 16; ++z) { surface[x * 16 + z] = Biomes.getColor(0xFF & chunkBiomes[Chunk.chunkXZIndex(x, z)]); } } return new Layer(surface); } /** * Generate the surface bitmap. * * @param dim current dimension * @param position Chunk position * @param blocksArray block id array * @param biomes * @param blockData * @return the generated bitmap layer */ public static Layer loadSurface(int dim, ChunkPosition position, byte[] blocksArray, byte[] biomes, byte[] blockData) { int[] surface = new int[16 * 16]; for (int x = 0; x < 16; ++x) { for (int z = 0; z < 16; ++z) { // find the topmost non-empty block int y = Chunk.Y_MAX - 1; if (dim != -1) { for (; y > 0; --y) { int block = 0xFF & blocksArray[Chunk.chunkIndex(x, y, z)]; if (block != break; } } else { // nether worlds have a ceiling that we want to skip for (; y > 1; --y) { int block = 0xFF & blocksArray[Chunk.chunkIndex(x, y, z)]; if (block != break; } for (; y > 1; --y) { int block = 0xFF & blocksArray[Chunk.chunkIndex(x, y, z)]; if (block == break; } for (; y > 1; --y) { int block = 0xFF & blocksArray[Chunk.chunkIndex(x, y, z)]; if (block != break; } } float[] color = new float[4]; colorloop: for (; y >= 0 && color[3] < 1.f;) { Block block = Block.get(blocksArray[Chunk.chunkIndex(x, y, z)]); float[] blockColor = new float[4]; int biomeId = 0xFF & biomes[Chunk.chunkXZIndex(x, z)]; switch ( { case Block.LEAVES_ID: Color.getRGBComponents(Biomes.getFoliageColor(biomeId), blockColor); blockColor[3] = 1.f;// foliage colors don't include alpha y -= 1; break; case Block.GRASS_ID: case Block.VINES_ID: case Block.TALLGRASS_ID: Color.getRGBComponents(Biomes.getGrassColor(biomeId), blockColor); blockColor[3] = 1.f;// grass colors don't include alpha y -= 1; break; case Block.STAINED_CLAY_ID: int clayType = 0xFF & blockData[Chunk.chunkIndex(x, y, z) / 2]; clayType >>= (x % 2) * 4; clayType &= 0xF; Color.getRGBComponents(Texture.stainedClay[clayType].getAvgColor(), blockColor); blockColor[3] = 1.f;// wool colors don't include alpha y -= 1; break; case Block.CARPET_ID: case Block.WOOL_ID: int woolType = 0xFF & blockData[Chunk.chunkIndex(x, y, z) / 2]; woolType >>= (x % 2) * 4; woolType &= 0xF; Color.getRGBComponents(Texture.wool[woolType].getAvgColor(), blockColor); blockColor[3] = 1.f;// wool colors don't include alpha y -= 1; break; case Block.ICE_ID: Color.getRGBAComponents(Block.ICE.getAvgTopRGB(), blockColor); color = blend(color, blockColor); y -= 1; for (; y >= 0; --y) { if (Block.get(blocksArray[Chunk.chunkIndex(x, y, z)]).isOpaque) { Color.getRGBAComponents(block.getAvgTopRGB(), blockColor); break; } } break; case Block.WATER_ID: case Block.STATIONARYWATER_ID: int depth = 1; y -= 1; for (; y >= 0; --y) { Block block1 = Block.get(blocksArray[Chunk.chunkIndex(x, y, z)]); if (!block1.isWater()) break; depth += 1; } Color.getRGBAComponents(Block.WATER.getAvgTopRGB(), blockColor); blockColor[3] = QuickMath.max(.5f, 1.f - depth / 32.f); break; default: Color.getRGBAComponents(block.getAvgTopRGB(), blockColor); if (block.isOpaque && y > 64) { float fade = QuickMath.min(0.6f, (y - World.SEA_LEVEL) / 60.f); fade = QuickMath.max(0.f, fade); blockColor[0] = (1 - fade) * blockColor[0] + fade; blockColor[1] = (1 - fade) * blockColor[1] + fade; blockColor[2] = (1 - fade) * blockColor[2] + fade; } y -= 1; break; } color = blend(color, blockColor); if (block.isOpaque) break colorloop; } surface[x * 16 + z] = Color.getRGBA(color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3]); } } return new Layer(surface); } /** * Blend the two argb colors a and b. Result is stored in the array a. * @param src * @param dst */ private static final float[] blend(float[] src, float[] dst) { float[] out = new float[4]; out[3] = src[3] + dst[3] * (1 - src[3]); out[0] = (src[0] * src[3] + dst[0] * dst[3] * (1 - src[3])) / out[3]; out[1] = (src[1] * src[3] + dst[1] * dst[3] * (1 - src[3])) / out[3]; out[2] = (src[2] * src[3] + dst[2] * dst[3] * (1 - src[3])) / out[3]; return out; } /** * Add topographical gradient to this chunk and calculate average color * @param position * @param heightmap */ public synchronized void renderTopography(ChunkPosition position, Heightmap heightmap) { int cx = position.x * Chunk.X_MAX; int cz = position.z * Chunk.Z_MAX; float[] rgb = new float[3]; for (int x = 0; x < 16; ++x) { for (int z = 0; z < 16; ++z) { Color.getRGBComponents(bitmap[x * 16 + z], rgb); float gradient = (heightmap.get(cx + x, cz + z) + heightmap.get(cx + x + 1, cz + z) + heightmap.get(cx + x, cz + z + 1) - heightmap.get(cx + x - 1, cz + z) - heightmap.get(cx + x, cz + z - 1) - heightmap.get(cx + x - 1, cz + z - 1)); gradient = (float) ((FastMath.atan(gradient / 15) / (Math.PI / 1.7)) + 1); rgb[0] *= gradient; rgb[1] *= gradient; rgb[2] *= gradient; // clip the result rgb[0] = QuickMath.max(0.f, rgb[0]); rgb[0] = QuickMath.min(1.f, rgb[0]); rgb[1] = QuickMath.max(0.f, rgb[1]); rgb[1] = QuickMath.min(1.f, rgb[1]); rgb[2] = QuickMath.max(0.f, rgb[2]); rgb[2] = QuickMath.min(1.f, rgb[2]); bitmap[x * 16 + z] = Color.getRGB(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]); } } } /** * Generate the cave map. Only holes which are large enough to have mobs spawn * in them are counted towards the color of a cave. The color is then determined * by the number of unoccupied blocks beneath the topmost (surface) block. * * The more empty space, the deeper the cave color. * * @param blocksArray * @param heightmap * @return The loaded layer */ public static Layer loadCaves(byte[] blocksArray, int[] heightmap) { int[] caves = new int[16 * 16]; for (int x = 0; x < 16; ++x) { for (int z = 0; z < 16; ++z) { int y = heightmap[z * 16 + x]; y = Math.max(0, y - 1); // find ground level for (; y > 1; --y) { int block = blocksArray[Chunk.chunkIndex(x, y, z)] & 0xFF; if (block != && block != && block != break; } // find caves int luftspalt = 0; for (; y > 1; --y) { Block block = Block.get(blocksArray[Chunk.chunkIndex(x, y, z)]); if (block.isCave()) { y -= 1; Block block1 = Block.get(blocksArray[Chunk.chunkIndex(x, y, z)]); if (block1.isCave()) { luftspalt++; y -= 1; } } } if (luftspalt == 0) { caves[x * 16 + z] = 0xFFFFFFFF; } else { luftspalt = Math.min(64, luftspalt * 3 + 5); float fade = QuickMath.max(0, 1.f - luftspalt / 64.f); caves[x * 16 + z] = Color.getRGB(1.f * fade, 1.f * fade, 1.f); } } } return new Layer(caves); } /** * Load heightmap information from a chunk heightmap array * and insert into a quadtree. * * @param heightmap * @param pos * @param blocksArray * @param chunkHeightmap */ public static void updateHeightmap(Heightmap heightmap, ChunkPosition pos, byte[] blocksArray, int[] chunkHeightmap) { for (int x = 0; x < 16; ++x) { for (int z = 0; z < 16; ++z) { int y = chunkHeightmap[z * 16 + x]; y = Math.max(1, y - 1); for (; y > 1; --y) { Block block = Block.get(blocksArray[Chunk.chunkIndex(x, y, z)]); if (block != Block.AIR && !block.isWater()) break; } heightmap.set(y, pos.x * 16 + x, pos.z * 16 + z); } } } /** * @return The average color of this layer */ public int getAvgColor() { return avgColor; } /** * Write a PNG scanline * @param scanline * @param out * @throws IOException */ public void writePngLine(int scanline, OutputStream out) throws IOException { if (bitmap != null) { byte[] rgb = new byte[] { 0, 0, 0 }; for (int x = 15; x >= 0; --x) { int rgbInt = bitmap[x + scanline * 16]; rgb[0] = (byte) (rgbInt >> 16); rgb[1] = (byte) (rgbInt >> 8); rgb[2] = (byte) rgbInt; out.write(rgb); } } else { byte[] white = new byte[] { -1, -1, -1 }; byte[] black = new byte[] { 0, 0, 0 }; for (int x = 0; x < 16; ++x) { if (x == scanline) out.write(black); else out.write(white); } } } }