Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012 KTH * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this * file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed * under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language * governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package; import static se.kth.ssvl.tslab.wsn.general.servlib.bundling.blocks.BlockProcessor.BP_FAIL; import static se.kth.ssvl.tslab.wsn.general.servlib.bundling.blocks.BlockProcessor.BP_SUCCESS; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.engines.AESEngine; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.modes.GCMBlockCipher; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.AEADParameters; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.KeyParameter; import se.kth.ssvl.tslab.wsn.general.bpf.BPF; import se.kth.ssvl.tslab.wsn.general.servlib.bundling.SDNV; import se.kth.ssvl.tslab.wsn.general.servlib.bundling.blocks.BlockInfo; import se.kth.ssvl.tslab.wsn.general.servlib.bundling.blocks.BlockInfoVec; import se.kth.ssvl.tslab.wsn.general.servlib.bundling.blocks.BlockProcessor.mutate_func; import se.kth.ssvl.tslab.wsn.general.servlib.bundling.blocks.BlockProcessor.mutate_func_event_data; import se.kth.ssvl.tslab.wsn.general.servlib.bundling.bundles.Bundle; import se.kth.ssvl.tslab.wsn.general.servlib.bundling.bundles.BundleDaemon; import se.kth.ssvl.tslab.wsn.general.servlib.bundling.bundles.BundleProtocol; import se.kth.ssvl.tslab.wsn.general.servlib.bundling.bundles.BundleProtocol.status_report_reason_t; import se.kth.ssvl.tslab.wsn.general.servlib.common.ServlibEventData; import se.kth.ssvl.tslab.wsn.general.servlib.contacts.links.Link; import se.kth.ssvl.tslab.wsn.general.servlib.naming.endpoint.EndpointID; import se.kth.ssvl.tslab.wsn.general.systemlib.util.BufferHelper; import se.kth.ssvl.tslab.wsn.general.systemlib.util.IByteBuffer; import se.kth.ssvl.tslab.wsn.general.systemlib.util.SerializableByteBuffer; /** * Implementation of the ciphersuite PCB-RSA-AES128-PAYLOAD-PIB-PCB, as defined * in the Bundle Security Protocol Specification. It contains the code that does * the "real" encryption work. For outgoing encrypted bundles, it implements the * required methods: generate, prepare and finalize. For incoming bundles, it * implements the validate method. */ public class Ciphersuite_C3 extends Ciphersuite { public static final int op_invalid = 0; public static final int op_encrypt = 1; public static final int op_decrypt = 2; private byte[] decMsg = null; private byte[] encMsg = null; int decMsg_length; int in_encr_length; private int decLen; private int encLen; static SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom(); private IByteBuffer tag = new SerializableByteBuffer(16); // 128 bits // recommended // Constructor public Ciphersuite_C3() { } private static String TAG = "Ciphersuite_C3"; public int cs_num() { return CSNUM_C3; } /** * "First callback for parsing blocks that is expected to append a chunk of * the given data to the given block. When the block is completely received, * this should also parse the block into any fields in the bundle class. * * The base class implementation parses the block preamble fields to find * the length of the block and copies the preamble and the data in the * block's contents buffer. * * This and all derived implementations must be able to handle a block that * is received in chunks, including cases where the preamble is split into * multiple chunks."[DTN2] * * @param bundle * (OUT): Bundle to set data after consuming * @param block * (OUT): security block to set data after consuming * @param buf * (IN): Populated buffer to read data from * @param len * (IN): Number of bytes to consume * @return "the amount of data consumed or -1 on error" * */ public int consume(Bundle bundle, BlockInfo block, IByteBuffer buf, int len) { BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, "consume()"); int cc = block.owner().consume(bundle, block, buf, len); if (cc == -1) { return -1; // protocol error } // in on-the-fly scenario, process this data for those interested if (!block.complete()) { assert (cc == len); return cc; } if (block.locals() == null) // then we need to parse it { parse(block); } return cc; } /** * Decode the value from the buffer and return it. IMPORTANT: It updates the * buffer position after reading. * * @param buf * Buffer to read encoded value form * @param val * Get the empty array and set the decoded value on the first * index of array * @return Number of bytes decoded */ public static int read_sdnv(IByteBuffer buf, long[] val) { int sdnv_len = SDNV.decode(buf, val); if (sdnv_len < 0) { BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().error(TAG, "Block processor too short"); } assert (sdnv_len < 0) : TAG + "read sdnv: incorrect length"; return sdnv_len; } /** * "Validate the block. This is called after all blocks in the bundle have * been fully received."[DTN2] * * @param bundle * @param block_list * @param block * (IN): the block with the BP_Local_CS data already loaded. * @param reception_reason * @param deletion_reason * @return : true if the block passes validation */ public boolean validate(final Bundle bundle, BlockInfoVec block_list, BlockInfo block, status_report_reason_t[] reception_reason, status_report_reason_t[] deletion_reason) { /* * 1. do we have security-dest? If yes, get it, otherwise get * bundle-dest 2. does it match local_eid ?? 3. if not, return true 4. * if it does match, parse and validate the block 5. the actions must * exactly reverse the transforming changes made in finalize() */ Bundle deliberate_const_cast_bundle = bundle; BP_Local_CS locals = (BP_Local_CS) (block.locals()); int offset; int len; IByteBuffer key = new SerializableByteBuffer(key_len); // use AES128 // 16-byte key IByteBuffer salt = new SerializableByteBuffer(salt_len); // salt for GCM IByteBuffer iv = new SerializableByteBuffer(iv_len); // GCM "iv" length // is 8 bytes IByteBuffer nonce = new SerializableByteBuffer(nonce_len); // 12 bytes // recommended IByteBuffer buf; IByteBuffer ptr; int sdnv_len = 0; // use an int to handle -1 return values ciphersuite_fields_t item_type; long field_length = 0; long frag_offset_; // Offset of fragment in the original bundle long orig_length_; // Length of original bundle IByteBuffer db; BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, "validate()"); if (locals == null) // FAIL_IF_NULL { return false; } if (Ciphersuite.destination_is_local_node(bundle, block)) { // yes, // this is // ours so // go to // work /* * we expect this to be the "first" block, and there might or might * not be others. But we should get to this one first and, during * the processing, convert any other C3 blocks to their * unencapsulated form. That is, when this call is over, there * should be no more blocks for us to deal with. Any remaining C3 * block should be for a nested instance */ // get pieces from params -- salt, iv, range, buf = new SerializableByteBuffer(locals.security_params().capacity()); BufferHelper.copy_data(buf, buf.position(), locals.security_params(), 0, locals.security_params().capacity()); len = locals.security_params().capacity(); BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, "validate() locals.correlator() " + locals.correlator()); BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, "validate() security params, len = " + len); while (len > 0) { // we parse the params: type-length-value // we obtain the ciphersuite_fields_t (IV, key info, etc) inside // the params field. item_type = ciphersuite_fields_t.get(buf.get()); --len; long[] value = new long[1]; sdnv_len = read_sdnv(buf, value); field_length = value[0]; len -= sdnv_len; switch (item_type) { case CS_IV_field: { BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, "validate() iv item, len = " + field_length); BufferHelper.copy_data(iv, 0, buf, buf.position(), iv_len); buf.position((int) (buf.position() + field_length)); len -= field_length; } break; case CS_C_block_salt: { BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, "validate() salt item, len = " + field_length); BufferHelper.copy_data(salt, 0, buf, buf.position(), nonce_len - iv_len); buf.position((int) (buf.position() + field_length)); len -= field_length; } break; case CS_fragment_offset_and_length_field: { BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, "validate() frag info item, len = " + field_length); value = new long[1]; sdnv_len = read_sdnv(buf, value); frag_offset_ = value[0]; len -= sdnv_len; value = new long[1]; sdnv_len = read_sdnv(buf, value); orig_length_ = value[0]; len -= sdnv_len; } break; default: // deal with improper items BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().error(TAG, "validate: unexpected item type " + item_type + " in security_params"); if (locals != null) // GOTO FAIL locals.set_proc_flags((short) (proc_flags_t.CS_BLOCK_FAILED_VALIDATION.getCode() | proc_flags_t.CS_BLOCK_COMPLETED_DO_NOT_FORWARD.getCode())); return false; } } // We parse the security-result field. // get pieces from results -- key, icv buf = new SerializableByteBuffer(locals.security_result().capacity()); BufferHelper.copy_data(buf, buf.position(), locals.security_result(), 0, locals.security_result().capacity()); len = locals.security_result().capacity(); BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, "validate(). security result, len = " + len); while (len > 0) { BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, "remaining len = " + len); // we get the type of the tuple (type-length-value) item_type = ciphersuite_fields_t.get(buf.get()); --len; // we get the length long[] value = new long[1]; sdnv_len = read_sdnv(buf, value); field_length = value[0]; BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, "field length: " + field_length); len -= sdnv_len; // we process the value (type-length-value) switch (item_type) { case CS_key_ID_field: { BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, "validate() key ID item"); BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().error(TAG, "not in specs!!!"); } break; case CS_encoded_key_field: { BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, "validate(). Parsing encoded key item"); db = new SerializableByteBuffer(16); try { KeySteward.decrypt(buf, field_length, db); } catch (Exception e) { BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().error(TAG, "The key could not be decrypted. Exception: " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); return false; } // decrypt DOES NOT MOVE the buf position! BufferHelper.copy_data(key, 0, db, 0, key_len); buf.position((int) (buf.position() + field_length)); len -= field_length; } break; case CS_C_block_ICV_field: { BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, "validate(). Parsing icv item"); BufferHelper.copy_data(tag, tag.position(), buf, buf.position(), tag_len); buf.position((int) (buf.position() + field_length)); len -= field_length; } break; case CS_encap_block_field: { // don't think we should have one of these here, // only in the correlated blocks BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().error(TAG, "validate(). unexpected encap block in security_result"); if (locals != null) // GOTO FAIL locals.set_proc_flags((short) (proc_flags_t.CS_BLOCK_FAILED_VALIDATION.getCode() | proc_flags_t.CS_BLOCK_COMPLETED_DO_NOT_FORWARD.getCode())); return false; } default: // deal with improper items BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().error(TAG, "validate: unexpected item type item_type in security_result"); if (locals != null) // GOTO FAIL locals.set_proc_flags((short) (proc_flags_t.CS_BLOCK_FAILED_VALIDATION.getCode() | proc_flags_t.CS_BLOCK_COMPLETED_DO_NOT_FORWARD.getCode())); return false; } } // prepare context - one time for all usage here // gcm_init_and_key(key, key_len, (ctx_ex.c)); // ctx_ex.operation = op_decrypt; // we have the necessary pieces from params and result so now // walk all the blocks and do the various processing things needed. // First is to get the iterator to where we are (see note in // "generate()" // for why we do this) BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, "validate(). walk block list"); boolean process_blocks = false; // flag to skip the correlated // blocks in the for loop Iterator<BlockInfo> blocks_iter = block_list.iterator(); assert (blocks_iter.hasNext()); BlockInfo iter; while (blocks_iter.hasNext()) { iter =; // step over all blocks up to and including the one which // prompted this call, pointed at by "block" argument if (!process_blocks) { if (iter == block) process_blocks = true; continue; } switch (iter.type()) { case CONFIDENTIALITY_BLOCK: // for Nested Confidentiality blocks { BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, "validate() C block"); BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, "Nested Confidentiality blocks. Skipping..."); } break; case PAYLOAD_BLOCK: { System.gc(); BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, "validate(). PAYLOAD_BLOCK"); // nonce is 12 bytes, first 4 are salt (same for all blocks) // and last 8 bytes are per-block IV. The final 4 bytes in // the full block-sized field are, of course, the counter // which is not represented here ptr = nonce; BufferHelper.copy_data(ptr, ptr.position(), salt, 0, salt_len); ptr.position(ptr.position() + salt_len); BufferHelper.copy_data(ptr, ptr.position(), iv, 0, iv_len); BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, String.format( "validate(). Nonce: 0x %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h ", unsignedByteToInt(nonce.get(0)), unsignedByteToInt(nonce.get(1)), unsignedByteToInt(nonce.get(2)), unsignedByteToInt(nonce.get(3)), unsignedByteToInt(nonce.get(4)), unsignedByteToInt(nonce.get(5)), unsignedByteToInt(nonce.get(6)), unsignedByteToInt(nonce.get(7)), unsignedByteToInt(nonce.get(8)), unsignedByteToInt(nonce.get(9)), unsignedByteToInt(nonce.get(10)), unsignedByteToInt(nonce.get(11)))); offset = iter.data_offset(); len = iter.data_length(); byte[] temp_key_array = new byte[key_len]; key.get(temp_key_array); key.rewind(); byte[] temp_nonce_array = new byte[iv_len + salt_len]; nonce.rewind(); nonce.get(temp_nonce_array); nonce.rewind(); BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, String.format( "validate() symmetric key: 0x %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h", unsignedByteToInt(temp_key_array[0]), unsignedByteToInt(temp_key_array[1]), unsignedByteToInt(temp_key_array[2]), unsignedByteToInt(temp_key_array[3]), unsignedByteToInt(temp_key_array[4]), unsignedByteToInt(temp_key_array[5]), unsignedByteToInt(temp_key_array[6]), unsignedByteToInt(temp_key_array[7]), unsignedByteToInt(temp_key_array[8]), unsignedByteToInt(temp_key_array[9]), unsignedByteToInt(temp_key_array[10]), unsignedByteToInt(temp_key_array[11]), unsignedByteToInt(temp_key_array[12]), unsignedByteToInt(temp_key_array[13]), unsignedByteToInt(temp_key_array[14]), unsignedByteToInt(temp_key_array[15]))); AEADParameters parameters = new AEADParameters(new KeyParameter(temp_key_array), 128, temp_nonce_array, null); GCMBlockCipher gcmEngine = new GCMBlockCipher(new AESEngine()); gcmEngine.init(false, parameters); offset = iter.data_offset(); len = iter.data_length(); // crypto function mutate_func do_encrypt = new mutate_func() { /** * do_crypt decryption * * @param bundle * @param caller_block * @param target_block * @param buf * (IN/OUT): contains the payload, and after * encryption, contains the encrypted data. * @param len * (IN): length to decrypt */ @Override public boolean action(ServlibEventData data) { // initialization mutate_func_event_data do_crypt_data = (mutate_func_event_data) data; int len = bundle.payload().length(); GCMBlockCipher gcmEngine = do_crypt_data.context(); System.gc(); decMsg = new byte[gcmEngine.getOutputSize(len + tag_len)]; byte[] encMsg = new byte[bundle.payload().length() + tag_len]; bundle.payload().read_data(0, bundle.payload().length(), encMsg); int in_array_off = 0; for (int i = len; i < len + tag_len; i++) encMsg[i] = tag.get(i - len); assert (in_array_off == 0); String encr_payl = ""; for (int i = 0; i < len && i < 10; i++) encr_payl = new String( encr_payl + String.format("%2.2h ", unsignedByteToInt(encMsg[i]))); BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, "do_crypt(): Encrypted payload (first 10 bytes max): 0x " + encr_payl); decLen = gcmEngine.processBytes(encMsg, 0, encMsg.length, decMsg, 0); BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, "do_crypt(): operation decryption, len " + len); return (len > 0) ? true : false; } }; iter.owner().mutate(do_encrypt, deliberate_const_cast_bundle, block, iter, offset, len, gcmEngine); try { decLen += gcmEngine.doFinal(decMsg, decLen); BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().info(TAG, String.format( "validate(): Tag comparison successful for tag: 0x %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h ", unsignedByteToInt(tag.get(0)), unsignedByteToInt(tag.get(1)), unsignedByteToInt(tag.get(2)), unsignedByteToInt(tag.get(3)), unsignedByteToInt(tag.get(4)), unsignedByteToInt(tag.get(5)), unsignedByteToInt(tag.get(6)), unsignedByteToInt(tag.get(7)), unsignedByteToInt(tag.get(8)), unsignedByteToInt(tag.get(9)), unsignedByteToInt(tag.get(10)), unsignedByteToInt(tag.get(11)), unsignedByteToInt(tag.get(12)), unsignedByteToInt(tag.get(13)), unsignedByteToInt(tag.get(14)), unsignedByteToInt(tag.get(15)))); } catch (Exception e) { BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().error(TAG, "validate: tag comparison failed"); if (locals != null) // GOTO FAIL locals.set_proc_flags((short) (proc_flags_t.CS_BLOCK_FAILED_VALIDATION.getCode() | proc_flags_t.CS_BLOCK_COMPLETED_DO_NOT_FORWARD.getCode())); return false; } // update payload, swapping the new with the old. IByteBuffer temp_buf = new SerializableByteBuffer(decMsg.length); String payload_hex = ""; String payload_str = ""; for (int i = 0; i < decMsg.length; i++) { temp_buf.put(decMsg[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < decMsg.length && i < 10; i++) { payload_hex = new String( payload_hex + String.format("%2.2h ", unsignedByteToInt(decMsg[i]))); payload_str = new String(payload_str + String.format("%c ", unsignedByteToInt(decMsg[i]))); } BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, "validate(): Decrypted Plaintext (first 10 max)[hex]: 0x " + payload_hex); BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, "validate(): Decrypted Plaintext message (first 10 max)[string]: " + payload_str); temp_buf.rewind(); bundle.payload().write_data(temp_buf, 0, decMsg.length); // (from // payloadblockprocessor) temp_buf = null; decMsg = null; buf = null; encMsg = null; System.gc(); } break; default: continue; } // end switch } // end for BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, "validate() walk block list done"); locals.set_proc_flag((proc_flags_t.CS_BLOCK_PASSED_VALIDATION.getCode() | proc_flags_t.CS_BLOCK_COMPLETED_DO_NOT_FORWARD.getCode())); } else { // not for here so we didn't check this block locals.set_proc_flag(proc_flags_t.CS_BLOCK_DID_NOT_FAIL.getCode()); } BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, "validate() done"); return true; } private void prepare_has_failed(BP_Local_CS locals) { if (locals != null) locals.set_proc_flag(proc_flags_t.CS_BLOCK_PROCESSING_FAILED_DO_NOT_SEND.getCode()); } /** * First callback to generate blocks for the output pass. It creates an * empty blockInfo and adds it to the correct place in the BlockInfoVec * list. * */ public int prepare(final Bundle bundle, BlockInfoVec xmit_blocks, final BlockInfo source, final Link link, BlockInfo.list_owner_t list) { BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, "prepare()"); int result = BP_FAIL; short cs_flags = 0; BP_Local_CS locals = null; BP_Local_CS source_locals = null; EndpointID local_eid = BundleDaemon.getInstance().local_eid(); if ((source != null) && (((BP_Local_CS) source.locals()).security_dest().equals(local_eid.toString()))) { BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, "prepare() - not being forwarded"); return BP_SUCCESS; // it was for us so don't forward } // bi is the new security block that we'll add to the list of blocks BlockInfo bi = new BlockInfo( BundleProtocol.find_processor(BundleProtocol.bundle_block_type_t.CONFIDENTIALITY_BLOCK), source); // null source is OK here // If this is a received block then there's not a lot to do yet. // We copy some parameters - the main work is done in generate(). // Insertion is at the end of the list, which means that // it will be in the same position as received if (list == BlockInfo.list_owner_t.LIST_RECEIVED) // executed only when // we are bypassing // a security block. { assert (source != null); if (Ciphersuite.destination_is_local_node(bundle, source)) return BP_SUCCESS; // don't forward if it's for here xmit_blocks.add(bi); BlockInfo bp = xmit_blocks.back(); bp.set_eid_list(source.eid_list()); BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, "prepare() - forward received block len " + source.full_length() + " eid_list_count " + source.eid_list().size() + " new count " + bp.eid_list().size()); if (source.locals() == null) prepare_has_failed(locals); // broken else { source_locals = (BP_Local_CS) (source.locals()); if (source_locals == null) prepare_has_failed(locals); // broken else { bp.set_locals(new BP_Local_CS()); locals = (BP_Local_CS) (bp.locals()); if (locals == null) prepare_has_failed(locals); else { locals.set_owner_cs_num(CSNUM_C3); cs_flags = source_locals.cs_flags(); locals.set_list_owner(BlockInfo.list_owner_t.LIST_RECEIVED); locals.set_correlator(source_locals.correlator()); IByteBuffer reserved_buffer = BufferHelper.reserve_and_rewind(bp.writable_contents(), 0); bp.set_contents(reserved_buffer); // copy security-src and -dest if they exist if ((source_locals.cs_flags() & ciphersuite_flags_t.CS_BLOCK_HAS_SOURCE.getCode()) > 0) { if (source_locals.security_src().length() == 0) prepare_has_failed(locals); else { BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, "prepare() add security_src EID"); cs_flags |= ciphersuite_flags_t.CS_BLOCK_HAS_SOURCE.getCode(); locals.set_security_src(source_locals.security_src()); } if ((source_locals.cs_flags() & ciphersuite_flags_t.CS_BLOCK_HAS_DEST.getCode()) > 0) { if (source_locals.security_dest().length() == 0) prepare_has_failed(locals); else { BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, "prepare() add security_dest EID"); cs_flags |= ciphersuite_flags_t.CS_BLOCK_HAS_DEST.getCode(); locals.set_security_dest(source_locals.security_dest()); } locals.set_cs_flags(cs_flags); BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, "prepare() - inserted block eid_list_count " + bp.eid_list().size()); result = BP_SUCCESS; return result; } } } } } } else { // BlockInfo.list_owner_t is not LIST_RECEIVED, i.e. it is a newly // created block. BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, "prepare() - add new block (or API block etc)"); bi.set_locals(new BP_Local_CS()); if (bi.locals() == null) prepare_has_failed(locals); else { locals = (BP_Local_CS) (bi.locals()); if (locals == null) prepare_has_failed(locals); else { locals.set_owner_cs_num(CSNUM_C3); locals.set_list_owner(list); // if there is a security-src and/or -dest, use it -- might // be specified by API if (source != null && source.locals() != null) { locals.set_security_src(((BP_Local_CS) source.locals()).security_src()); locals.set_security_dest(((BP_Local_CS) source.locals()).security_dest()); } BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, "prepare() local_eid " + local_eid.toString() + " bundle.source_ " + bundle.source().toString()); // if not, and we didn't create the bundle, specify // ourselves as sec-src EndpointID tempEID = new EndpointID(bundle.source()); tempEID.remove_service_tag(); if ((locals.security_src() == null) && (!local_eid.equals(tempEID))) locals.set_security_src(local_eid.str()); // if we now have one, add it to list, etc if (locals.security_src() != null) { BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, "prepare() add security_src EID " + locals.security_src().toString()); cs_flags |= ciphersuite_flags_t.CS_BLOCK_HAS_SOURCE.getCode(); bi.add_eid(new EndpointID(locals.security_src())); } if (locals.security_dest() != null) { BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, "prepare() add security_dest EID " + locals.security_dest().toString()); cs_flags |= ciphersuite_flags_t.CS_BLOCK_HAS_DEST.getCode(); bi.add_eid(new EndpointID(locals.security_dest())); } locals.set_cs_flags(cs_flags); // We should already have the primary block in the list. // We'll insert this after the primary and any BA blocks // and before everything else if (xmit_blocks.size() > 0) { Iterator<BlockInfo> iter = xmit_blocks.iterator(); int pos = -1; while (iter.hasNext()) { pos++; BlockInfo block_info =; switch (block_info.type()) { case PRIMARY_BLOCK: continue; // go to next for iteration default: break; // break of the switch } xmit_blocks.add(pos, bi); break;// break of the while } } else { // it's weird if there are no other blocks but, oh well... xmit_blocks.add(bi); } } result = BP_SUCCESS; } } // end LIST_RECEIVED // if there was an error return result; } /** * Second callback for transmitting a bundle. This pass generates any data * for the block that does not depend on other blocks' contents. It adds any * EID references it needs by calling block.add_eid(), then call * generate_preamble(), which will add the EIDs to the primary block's * dictionary and write their offsets to this block's preamble. * * More specifically for cryptography, this method populates all the fields * of the ASB, like salt and so on. After that,it generates the binary data * ("writable_content") of the ciphersuite-params and security-result, as * specified in the bundle security protocol. This method doesn't generate * any encrypted payload, because this is done in the 3rd pass (finalize). */ public int generate(final Bundle bundle, BlockInfoVec xmit_blocks, BlockInfo block, final Link link, boolean last) { int result = BP_FAIL; byte[] key = new byte[key_len]; // use AES128 16-byte key byte[] iv = new byte[iv_len]; // AES iv length byte[] salt = new byte[nonce_len - iv_len]; short cs_flags = 0; boolean need_correlator = false; long correlator = 0; BP_Local_CS locals = (BP_Local_CS) (block.locals()); BP_Local_CS target_locals = null; IByteBuffer ptr; int temp; int rem; IByteBuffer encrypted_key = new SerializableByteBuffer(512); int param_len = 0; int res_len = 0; int length = 0; IByteBuffer buf = new SerializableByteBuffer(256); int len = 0; int sdnv_len = 0; // use an int to handle -1 return values IByteBuffer contents = new SerializableByteBuffer(256); IByteBuffer digest_result = new SerializableByteBuffer(256); IByteBuffer params = new SerializableByteBuffer(256); BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, "generate()"); if (locals == null) { return BP_FAIL; } cs_flags = locals.cs_flags(); // get flags from prepare() // if this is a received block then it's easy if (locals.list_owner() == BlockInfo.list_owner_t.LIST_RECEIVED) //executed only when we are bypassing a security block. { // generate the preamble and copy the data. length = block.source().data_length(); generate_preamble(xmit_blocks, block, BundleProtocol.bundle_block_type_t.CONFIDENTIALITY_BLOCK, BundleProtocol.block_flag_t.BLOCK_FLAG_DISCARD_BUNDLE_ONERROR.getCode() | BundleProtocol.block_flag_t.BLOCK_FLAG_REPLICATE.getCode() | (last ? BundleProtocol.block_flag_t.BLOCK_FLAG_LAST_BLOCK.getCode() : 0), length); contents = block.writable_contents(); IByteBuffer reserved_buffer = BufferHelper.reserve_and_rewind(contents, block.data_offset() + length); block.set_contents(reserved_buffer); BufferHelper.copy_data(reserved_buffer, block.data_offset(), block.source().contents(), block.source().data_offset(), length); BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, "generate() done"); return BP_SUCCESS; } // This block will have a correlator iff there are PSBs or CBs, // no correlator if only a payload and no PSBs or CBs Iterator<BlockInfo> iter = xmit_blocks.iterator(); assert (iter.hasNext()); boolean process_blocks = false; // flag to skip the correlated blocks in // the for loop. for (BlockInfo block_aux =; iter.hasNext(); block_aux = { // Advance the iterator to our current position. // Long-winded implementation note:- // we would use "distance" but block isn't // an iterator, just a pointer. Pointer arithmetic // works in some systems but is not always portable // so we don't do that here. if (!process_blocks) { if (block_aux == block) process_blocks = true; continue; } if (block_aux.type() == BundleProtocol.bundle_block_type_t.CONFIDENTIALITY_BLOCK) { target_locals = (BP_Local_CS) (block_aux.locals()); if (target_locals == null) { locals.set_proc_flag(proc_flags_t.CS_BLOCK_PROCESSING_FAILED_DO_NOT_SEND.getCode()); return BP_FAIL; } if (target_locals.owner_cs_num() == CSNUM_C3) { need_correlator = true; // yes - we need a correlator break; } } } if (need_correlator) { correlator = create_correlator(bundle, xmit_blocks); correlator |= (int) CSNUM_C3 << 16; // add our ciphersuite number locals.set_correlator(correlator); BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, "generate() correlator " + correlator); } /* * params field will contain - salt (4 bytes), plus type and length - IV * (block-length, 8 bytes), plus type and length - fragment offset and * length, if a fragment-bundle, plus type and length - key-identifier * (optional, not implemented yet), plus type and length */ params = locals.writable_security_params(); // populate salt and IV random.nextBytes(salt); random.nextBytes(iv); // save for finalize() IByteBuffer salt_buff = new SerializableByteBuffer(salt.length); salt_buff.put(salt); salt_buff.rewind(); locals.set_salt(salt_buff, salt.length); IByteBuffer iv_buff = new SerializableByteBuffer(iv.length); iv_buff.put(iv); iv_buff.rewind(); locals.set_iv(iv_buff, iv.length); param_len = 1 + 1 + salt.length; // salt: type-lenght-value param_len += 1 + 1 + iv.length; // IV: type-lenght-value if (bundle.is_fragment()) { BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().error(TAG, "Error. fragments not implemented."); } params = BufferHelper.reserve_and_rewind(params, param_len); // will need more if there is a key identifier - TBD locals.set_security_params(params); BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, "generate() security params, len = %d" + param_len); ptr = params; ptr.put(ciphersuite_fields_t.CS_C_block_salt.getCode());// type SDNV.encode(salt.length, ptr, ptr.capacity()); salt_buff.rewind(); byte[] temp_arr_buf = new byte[salt_buff.capacity()]; salt_buff.get(temp_arr_buf); ptr.put(temp_arr_buf); // value ptr.put(ciphersuite_fields_t.CS_IV_field.getCode());// type SDNV.encode(iv.length, ptr, ptr.capacity());// Length iv_buff.rewind(); temp_arr_buf = new byte[iv_buff.capacity()]; iv_buff.get(temp_arr_buf); ptr.put(temp_arr_buf); // value // Now we calculate the Security-Result if (bundle.is_fragment()) { // memcpy(ptr, fragment_item, 2 + temp); } // generate actual key random.nextBytes(key); // save for finalize() IByteBuffer key_buff = new SerializableByteBuffer(key.length); key_buff.put(key); key_buff.rewind(); locals.set_key(key_buff, key.length); BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, String.format( "generate() random key: 0x %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h", unsignedByteToInt(key[0]), unsignedByteToInt(key[1]), unsignedByteToInt(key[2]), unsignedByteToInt(key[3]), unsignedByteToInt(key[4]), unsignedByteToInt(key[5]), unsignedByteToInt(key[6]), unsignedByteToInt(key[7]), unsignedByteToInt(key[8]), unsignedByteToInt(key[9]), unsignedByteToInt(key[10]), unsignedByteToInt(key[11]), unsignedByteToInt(key[12]), unsignedByteToInt(key[13]), unsignedByteToInt(key[14]), unsignedByteToInt(key[15]))); String sec_dest; if (locals.security_dest() != null) sec_dest = locals.security_dest(); else { EndpointID tempEID = new EndpointID(bundle.dest()); tempEID.remove_service_tag(); sec_dest = tempEID.toString(); } BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, "generate(): sec_dest: " + sec_dest); try { // the key field contains the key to be encrypted KeySteward.encrypt(sec_dest, key, encrypted_key); } catch (Exception e) { BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().error(TAG, "Exception during key encryption in KeySteward.encrypt(): " + e.toString()); } BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, "generate(): encrypted_key len: " + encrypted_key.capacity()); // we calculate the length of the security-result field: we consider // encrypted key and ICV. res_len = 1 + SDNV.encoding_len(encrypted_key.capacity()) + encrypted_key.capacity(); res_len += 1 + 1 + tag_len; digest_result = locals.writable_security_result(); // we generate the // security-result // digest_result = BufferHelper.reserve_and_rewind (digest_result, // res_len); digest_result = new SerializableByteBuffer(res_len); locals.set_security_result(digest_result); rem = res_len; ptr = digest_result; ptr.put(Ciphersuite.ciphersuite_fields_t.CS_encoded_key_field.getCode()); rem--; temp = SDNV.encode(encrypted_key.capacity(), ptr, rem); rem -= temp; ptr = BufferHelper.reserve(ptr, encrypted_key.capacity()); locals.set_security_result(ptr); BufferHelper.copy_data(ptr, ptr.position(), encrypted_key, 0, encrypted_key.capacity()); ptr.position(ptr.position() + encrypted_key.capacity()); rem -= encrypted_key.capacity(); // First we need to work out the lengths and create the preamble length = 0; if (need_correlator) { BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, "generate() correlator " + correlator); locals.set_correlator(correlator); length += SDNV.encoding_len(locals.correlator()); cs_flags |= ciphersuite_flags_t.CS_BLOCK_HAS_CORRELATOR.getCode(); } // ciphersuite number and flags cs_flags |= ciphersuite_flags_t.CS_BLOCK_HAS_PARAMS.getCode(); cs_flags |= ciphersuite_flags_t.CS_BLOCK_HAS_RESULT.getCode(); locals.set_cs_flags(cs_flags); length += SDNV.encoding_len(CSNUM_C3); length += SDNV.encoding_len(locals.cs_flags()); param_len = locals.security_params().position(); length += SDNV.encoding_len(param_len) + param_len; locals.set_security_result_offset(length); // remember this for // finalize(), when we write // the sec-result in the // binary data of the // security block. length += SDNV.encoding_len(res_len) + res_len; contents = block.writable_contents(); generate_preamble(xmit_blocks, block, BundleProtocol.bundle_block_type_t.CONFIDENTIALITY_BLOCK, BundleProtocol.block_flag_t.BLOCK_FLAG_DISCARD_BUNDLE_ONERROR.getCode() | (last ? BundleProtocol.block_flag_t.BLOCK_FLAG_LAST_BLOCK.getCode() : 0), length); BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, "generate() preamble has len: " + block.data_offset() + ". block has len: " + length); contents = BufferHelper.reserve_and_rewind(contents, block.data_offset() + length); buf = block.writable_contents(); buf.position(block.data_offset()); len = length; // Assemble data into block contents. // ciphersuite number and flags sdnv_len = SDNV.encode(locals.owner_cs_num(), buf, len); if (sdnv_len <= 0) { locals.set_proc_flag(proc_flags_t.CS_BLOCK_PROCESSING_FAILED_DO_NOT_SEND.getCode()); return BP_FAIL; } len -= sdnv_len; sdnv_len = SDNV.encode(locals.cs_flags(), buf, len); if (sdnv_len <= 0) { locals.set_proc_flag(proc_flags_t.CS_BLOCK_PROCESSING_FAILED_DO_NOT_SEND.getCode()); return BP_FAIL; } len -= sdnv_len; if (need_correlator) { // correlator sdnv_len = SDNV.encode(locals.correlator(), buf, len); if (sdnv_len <= 0) { locals.set_proc_flag(proc_flags_t.CS_BLOCK_PROCESSING_FAILED_DO_NOT_SEND.getCode()); return BP_FAIL; } len -= sdnv_len; } // length of params sdnv_len = SDNV.encode(param_len, buf, len); if (sdnv_len <= 0) { locals.set_proc_flag(proc_flags_t.CS_BLOCK_PROCESSING_FAILED_DO_NOT_SEND.getCode()); return BP_FAIL; } len -= sdnv_len; // params data BufferHelper.copy_data(buf, buf.position(), locals.security_params(), 0, param_len); buf.position(buf.position() + param_len); len -= param_len; // length of result -- we have to put this in now sdnv_len = SDNV.encode(res_len, buf, len); BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, "generate() done"); result = BP_SUCCESS; return result; } /** * Third callback for transmitting a bundle. This pass walks over the * xmit_blocks and generates security signatures for the security block that * may depend on other blocks' contents. * * For payload blocks, it encrypts the contents (by previously generating an * IV), changing the payload. Also, it generates the ICV for this payload * block, and places/updates the total ICV in the security-result field of * the first PCB. */ public int finalize(final Bundle bundle, BlockInfoVec xmit_blocks, BlockInfo block, final Link link) { int result = BP_FAIL; Bundle deliberate_const_cast_bundle = bundle; int offset; int len; /** * symetric key. use AES128 16-byte key */ IByteBuffer key = new SerializableByteBuffer(key_len); IByteBuffer nonce = new SerializableByteBuffer(nonce_len);// 12 bytes // recommended /** * Authentication tag, also called ICV. Result of the encryption, to * check the integrity of the data. */ IByteBuffer tag = new SerializableByteBuffer(tag_len); // 128 bits // recommended IByteBuffer buf = new SerializableByteBuffer(256); /** * aux var to populate the IbyteBuffer fields. */ IByteBuffer ptr = new SerializableByteBuffer(256); BP_Local_CS locals = null; BP_Local_CS target_locals = null; ArrayList<Long> correlator_list = new ArrayList<Long>(); int sdnv_len = 0; // use an int to handle -1 return values BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, "finalize()"); locals = (BP_Local_CS) (block.locals()); if (locals == null) return BP_FAIL; // if this is a received block then we're done if (locals.list_owner() == BlockInfo.list_owner_t.LIST_RECEIVED) return BP_SUCCESS; BufferHelper.copy_data(key, key.position(), locals.key(), 0, key_len); // Walk the list and process each of the blocks. // We only change PS, C3 and the payload data, // all others are unmodified // Note that we can only process PSBs and C3s that follow this block // as doing otherwise would mean that there would be a // correlator block preceding its parent // However this causes a problem if the PS is a two-block scheme, // as we'll convert the second, correlated block to C and then // the PS processor won't have its second block. // There can also be tunneling issues, depending upon the // exact sequencing of blocks. It seems best to add C blocks // as early as possible in order to mitigate this problem. // That has its own drawbacks unfortunately BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, "finalize() we start walking the list of blocks"); Iterator<BlockInfo> blocks_iter = xmit_blocks.iterator(); assert (blocks_iter.hasNext()); boolean process_blocks = false; // flag to skip the correlated blocks in // the for loop. while (blocks_iter.hasNext()) { BlockInfo iter =; BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, "finalize() type of block: " + iter.type().toString()); BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, "data offset: " + iter.data_offset() + " data_length: " + iter.data_length()); // Advance the iterator to our current position. // While we do it, we also remember the correlator values // of any PSBs or C3 blocks we encounter. // We do this to avoid processing any related correlated blocks // Note that we include the current block in the test below // in order to prevent encapsulating it !! if (!process_blocks) { if (iter.type() == BundleProtocol.bundle_block_type_t.CONFIDENTIALITY_BLOCK) { BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, "finalize() we got a confidentialiity block.skiping"); target_locals = (BP_Local_CS) (iter.locals()); if (target_locals == null)// FAIL_IF_NULL { if (locals != null) locals.set_proc_flag(proc_flags_t.CS_BLOCK_PROCESSING_FAILED_DO_NOT_SEND.getCode()); return BP_FAIL; } if (target_locals.owner_cs_num() == CSNUM_C3) { correlator_list.add(target_locals.correlator()); } } if (iter == block) { BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, "finalize() this block was our payload security block! Next should be payload"); process_blocks = true; } continue; } switch (iter.type()) { case CONFIDENTIALITY_BLOCK: /* * For each PIB or PCB to be protected, the entire original block is * encapsulated in a "replacing" PCB. This replacing PCB is placed * in the outgoing bundle in the same position as the original * block, PIB or PCB. As mentioned above, this is one-for-one * replacement and there is no consolidation of blocks or mixing of * data in any way. */ { BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, "finalize() PSB or CB after our block. we are going to encapsulate it"); BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, "Encapsulated blocks. Skipping..."); } break; case PAYLOAD_BLOCK: { BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, "finalize(). Payload block after our block. we are going to encrypt it"); /* * prepare context -- key supplied already nonce is 12 bytes, * first 4 are salt (same for all blocks) and last 8 bytes are * per-block IV. The final 4 bytes in the full block-sized field * are, of course, the counter which is not represented here * * "For the payload, only the bytes of the bundle payload field * are affected, being replaced by ciphertext. The salt, IV and * key values specified in the first PCB are used to encrypt the * payload, and the resultant authentication tag (ICV) is placed * in an ICV item in the security-result field of that first * PCB. The other bytes of the payload block, such as type, * flags and length, are not modified." [dtn-sec draft15] */ int rem; ciphersuite_fields_t type; long field_len; ptr = nonce; // Ibytebuffer, empty BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, "finalize() PAYLOAD_BLOCK"); // we copy the salt from the ASB to the work buffer BufferHelper.copy_data(ptr, ptr.position(), locals.salt(), 0, salt_len); ptr.position(ptr.position() + salt_len); // we copy the IV from the ASB to the work buffer (generated in // 2nd pass) BufferHelper.copy_data(ptr, ptr.position(), locals.iv(), 0, iv_len); ptr.position(ptr.position() + iv_len); // We have created the prepare context BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, String.format( "finalize(). nonce: 0x %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h ", unsignedByteToInt(nonce.get(0)), unsignedByteToInt(nonce.get(1)), unsignedByteToInt(nonce.get(2)), unsignedByteToInt(nonce.get(3)), unsignedByteToInt(nonce.get(4)), unsignedByteToInt(nonce.get(5)), unsignedByteToInt(nonce.get(6)), unsignedByteToInt(nonce.get(7)), unsignedByteToInt(nonce.get(8)), unsignedByteToInt(nonce.get(9)), unsignedByteToInt(nonce.get(10)), unsignedByteToInt(nonce.get(11)))); byte[] temp_key_array = new byte[key_len]; key.get(temp_key_array); key.rewind(); byte[] temp_nonce_array = new byte[iv_len + salt_len]; nonce.rewind(); nonce.get(temp_nonce_array); nonce.rewind(); BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, String.format( "finalize() random key: 0x %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h", unsignedByteToInt(temp_key_array[0]), unsignedByteToInt(temp_key_array[1]), unsignedByteToInt(temp_key_array[2]), unsignedByteToInt(temp_key_array[3]), unsignedByteToInt(temp_key_array[4]), unsignedByteToInt(temp_key_array[5]), unsignedByteToInt(temp_key_array[6]), unsignedByteToInt(temp_key_array[7]), unsignedByteToInt(temp_key_array[8]), unsignedByteToInt(temp_key_array[9]), unsignedByteToInt(temp_key_array[10]), unsignedByteToInt(temp_key_array[11]), unsignedByteToInt(temp_key_array[12]), unsignedByteToInt(temp_key_array[13]), unsignedByteToInt(temp_key_array[14]), unsignedByteToInt(temp_key_array[15]))); AEADParameters parameters = new AEADParameters(new KeyParameter(temp_key_array), 128, temp_nonce_array, null); GCMBlockCipher gcmEngine = new GCMBlockCipher(new AESEngine()); gcmEngine.init(true, parameters); offset = iter.data_offset(); len = iter.data_length(); // crypto function mutate_func do_crypt = new mutate_func() { /** * do_crypt for encryption * * @param bundle * @param caller_block * @param target_block * @param buf * (IN/OUT): contains the payload, and after * encryption, contains the encrypted data. * @param len * (IN): length to encrypt */ @Override public boolean action(ServlibEventData data) { // initialization mutate_func_event_data do_crypt_data = (mutate_func_event_data) data; int len = do_crypt_data.len(); GCMBlockCipher gcmEngine = do_crypt_data.context(); System.gc(); encMsg = new byte[gcmEngine.getOutputSize(len)]; byte[] inMsg = new byte[bundle.payload().length()]; bundle.payload().read_data(0, bundle.payload().length(), inMsg); int in_array_off = 0; assert (in_array_off == 0); assert (inMsg.length == len); String key_str = ""; for (int i = 0; (i < inMsg.length && i < 10); i++) key_str = new String(key_str + String.format("%2.2h ", unsignedByteToInt(inMsg[i]))); BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, "finalize(). Plaintext message (first 10 char max): 0x " + key_str); in_encr_length = inMsg.length; encLen = gcmEngine.processBytes(inMsg, in_array_off, len, encMsg, 0); BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, "Ciphersuite_C3::do_crypt() operation encryption len " + len); return (len > 0) ? true : false; } }; iter.owner().mutate(do_crypt, deliberate_const_cast_bundle, block, iter, offset, len, gcmEngine); try { encLen += gcmEngine.doFinal(encMsg, encLen); } catch (Exception e) { BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().error(TAG, e.toString()); } System.gc(); String encr_payl = ""; for (int i = 0; i < in_encr_length && i < 10; i++) encr_payl = new String(encr_payl + String.format("%2.2h ", unsignedByteToInt(encMsg[i]))); BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, "generate(): Encrypted payload using symmetric key (10 char max): 0x " + encr_payl); // update payload, swapping the new with the old. IByteBuffer temp_buf = new SerializableByteBuffer(in_encr_length); for (int i = 0; i < in_encr_length; i++) temp_buf.put(encMsg[i]); temp_buf.rewind(); bundle.payload().setIsEncrypted(true); bundle.payload() .setFile(new File(bundle.payload().file().getParentFile().getAbsolutePath() + "/" + bundle.payload().file().getName() + "_" + Integer.toString((int) (Math.random() * 10000)))); bundle.payload().write_data(temp_buf, 0, in_encr_length); // need to update the hash list here ? // BundleStore.getInstance().updateHash(bundle); tag.rewind(); assert (tag.capacity() == encMsg.length - in_encr_length); for (int i = in_encr_length; i < encMsg.length; i++) { tag.put(encMsg[i]); } decMsg_length = encMsg.length; encMsg = null; System.gc(); tag.rewind(); BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, String.format( "finalize(): tag: 0x %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h %2.2h ", unsignedByteToInt(tag.get(0)), unsignedByteToInt(tag.get(1)), unsignedByteToInt(tag.get(2)), unsignedByteToInt(tag.get(3)), unsignedByteToInt(tag.get(4)), unsignedByteToInt(tag.get(5)), unsignedByteToInt(tag.get(6)), unsignedByteToInt(tag.get(7)), unsignedByteToInt(tag.get(8)), unsignedByteToInt(tag.get(9)), unsignedByteToInt(tag.get(10)), unsignedByteToInt(tag.get(11)), unsignedByteToInt(tag.get(12)), unsignedByteToInt(tag.get(13)), unsignedByteToInt(tag.get(14)), unsignedByteToInt(tag.get(15)))); // get the security-result item, and step over the encrypted key // item IByteBuffer result_buf = new SerializableByteBuffer(256); result_buf = locals.writable_security_result(); ptr = result_buf; rem = result_buf.capacity(); // we save the last position. its // the remaining code. ptr.rewind(); long[] value = new long[1]; SDNV.decode(ptr, ptr.capacity(), value); // type: 3. encoded key type = Ciphersuite.ciphersuite_fields_t.get((byte) value[0]); if (!(type.equals(Ciphersuite.ciphersuite_fields_t.CS_encoded_key_field)))// FAIL_IF { if (locals != null) locals.set_proc_flag(proc_flags_t.CS_BLOCK_PROCESSING_FAILED_DO_NOT_SEND.getCode()); BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().error(TAG, "finalize(). We should have found CS_encoded_key_field!!"); return BP_FAIL; } rem--; value = new long[1]; sdnv_len = SDNV.decode(ptr, rem, value);// length= 2. (512) field_len = value[0]; // length of the encrypted key field rem -= sdnv_len; // We jump the enc_key field. ptr.position((int) (ptr.position() + field_len)); rem -= field_len; if (rem != 1 + 1 + tag_len)// FAIL_IF. remaining code should be // type-length-value of ICV. { if (locals != null) locals.set_proc_flag(proc_flags_t.CS_BLOCK_PROCESSING_FAILED_DO_NOT_SEND.getCode()); BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().error(TAG, "finalize(). error in if (rem != 1 + 1 + tag_len)"); return BP_FAIL; } // we are going to create the tuple type-length-value to update // the ICV signature field (which is a security result field) in // the first PCB. // we create and insert the type into the work buffer. ptr.put(ciphersuite_fields_t.CS_C_block_ICV_field.getCode()); rem--; // we insert the tag length into the work buffer SDNV.encode(tag_len, ptr); rem--; // we insert the tag data into the work buffer BufferHelper.copy_data(ptr, ptr.position(), tag, 0, tag_len); ptr.position(ptr.position() + tag_len); // now put the security-result field into the security block // binary contents // which is block.writable_contents(); IByteBuffer contents = new SerializableByteBuffer(256); ; contents = block.writable_contents(); buf = contents; rem = contents.position(); // buf.position(block.data_offset());// we need to add // data_offset as well, rem -= block.data_offset(); // since we're pointing at the whole // buffer buf.position(block.data_offset() + locals.security_result_offset()); // and this offset // is just within // the data portion // of the buffer rem -= locals.security_result_offset(); sdnv_len = SDNV.len(buf); // size of result-length field (sdnv) buf.position(buf.position() + sdnv_len); // "step over that length field". // (we have already // added it in // generate() ) rem -= sdnv_len; BufferHelper.copy_data(buf, buf.position(), result_buf, 0, result_buf.position()); BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, "finalize(). PAYLOAD_BLOCK done"); } break; // break from switch, continue for "for" loop default: continue; } // end of switch } BPF.getInstance().getBPFLogger().debug(TAG, "finalize() done"); result = BP_SUCCESS; return result; } public static int unsignedByteToInt(byte b) { return (int) b & 0xFF; } /** * Ciphersuite number * */ final static short CSNUM_C3 = 3; int key_len = 128 / 8; // 16 int nonce_len = 12; int salt_len = 4; /** * * iv_len is only 8 for GCM, which also uses 4-byte nonce */ int iv_len = nonce_len - salt_len; int tag_len = 128 / 8; }