Java tutorial
/* Copyright KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Martin Ohlsson, Per Zetterberg * This software is provided as is. It is free to use for non-commercial purposes. * For commercial purposes please contact Peter Hndel ( * for a license. For non-commercial use, we appreciate citations of our work, * please contact, Per Zetterberg (, * for how information on how to cite. */ package; //import java.util.ArrayList; //import java.util.Arrays; //import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; //import; //import; //import; import; //import; import; //import; //import; //import; import; import; import; public class StudentCode extends StudentCodeBase { /* Varibles need for plaing sound example */ boolean init_done = false; boolean file_loaded = false; byte[] the_sound_file_contents = null; ByteBuffer the_sound_file_contents_bb = null; byte[] the_sound_file_contents2 = null; ByteBuffer the_sound_file_contents_bb2 = null; short buffer[]; String d_filename = null; // This is called before any other functions are initialized so that parameters for these can be set public void init() { // Name your project so that messaging will work within your project projectName = "DemoProject"; // Add sensors your project will use useSensors = SOUND_OUT;// CAMERA;//CAMERA_RGB;//WIFI_SCAN | SOUND_OUT; //GYROSCOPE;//SOUND_IN|SOUND_OUT;//WIFI_SCAN | ACCELEROMETER | MAGNETIC_FIELD | PROXIMITY | LIGHT;//TIME_SYNC|SOUND_IN;//TIME_SYNC | ACCELEROMETER | MAGNETIC_FIELD | PROXIMITY | LIGHT | SOUND_IN; // Set sample rate for sound in/out, 8000 for emulator, 8000, 11025, 22050 or 44100 for target device sampleRate = 22050; // If CAMERA_RGB or CAMERA, use camera GUI? useCameraGUI = false; useAutoFocus = true; // Enable or disable logging of sensor data to memory card loggingOn = false; // If message communication is used between phones in the project, enable it here and set server address, type and group names useMessaging = false; messageServer = ""; messageServerType = PHONE_SERVER;//LINUX_MESSAGE_SERVER; // WEB_MESSAGE_SERVER String temp[] = { "N1", "N2", "N3" }; messageGroups = temp; //messageGroups=null; // If using time synchronization set the NTP time server address //ntpServer = ""; //ntpServer = ""; // Set the approximate interval in milliseconds for your need for calls to your process function processInterval = 1; // If you access and modify data structures from several sensor functions and/or process you may need to make the calls // be performed in series instead of simultaneous to prevent exception when one function changes data at the same time as another // reads it. If this is the case set useConcurrentLocks to true useConcurrentLocks = false; // If you want a text on screen before start is pressed put it here introText = "This is the empty version of FrameWork"; // Stuff for the playing of sound example init_done = true; buffer = new short[1024]; // 1024 samples sent to codec at a time userInputString = true; } // This is called when the user presses start in the menu, reinitialize any data if needed public void start() { } // This is called when the user presses stop in the menu, do any post processing here public void stop() { } // Place your local field variables here String triggerTime; String gpsData; String gyroData; String magneticData; String proximityData; String lightData; String screenData; String messageData; String wifi_ap = "Start value"; int counter = 0; // Fill in the process function that will be called according to interval above public void process() { //set_output_text(""+gyroData+"\n"+gpsData + "\n"+triggerTime+"\n"+ magneticData+"\n"+proximityData+"\n"+lightData+"\n"+screenData+"\n"+messageData); //set_output_text(debug_output+"\n"); //set_output_text(wifi_ap); // Sound example. Uncomment to play sound from the file data/lga.dat formatted as described in the slides. //playsoundexample(); }; // Fill in the functions receiving sensor data to do processing public void gps(long time, double latitude, double longitude, double height, double precision) { gpsData = "G: " + format4_2.format(latitude) + ":" + format4_2.format(longitude) + ":" + format4_2.format(height) + ":" + format4_2.format(precision); } public void magnetic_field(long time, double x, double y, double z) { magneticData = "M: " + format4_2.format(x) + ":" + format4_2.format(y) + ":" + format4_2.format(z); } public void accelerometer(long time, double x, double y, double z) { triggerTime = "A: " + format4_2.format(x) + ":" + format4_2.format(y) + ":" + format4_2.format(z); } public void gyroscope(long time, double x, double y, double z) { gyroData = "G: " + format4_2.format(x) + ":" + format4_2.format(y) + ":" + format4_2.format(z); } public void proximity(long time, double p) { proximityData = "P: " + format4_2.format(p); } public void light(long time, double l) { lightData = "L: " + format4_2.format(l); } public void sound_in(long time, short[] samples, int length) { set_output_text("length=" + length); } public void screen_touched(float x, float y) { } // Implement your phone to phone receive messaging here public void message_in(StudentMessage message) { } // Implement any plotting you need here public void plot_data(Canvas plotCanvas, int width, int height) { if ((latestImage != null) && ((useSensors & CAMERA) == CAMERA)) // If camera is enabled, display { plot_camera_image(plotCanvas, latestImage, imageWidth, imageHeight, width, height); } if ((latestRGBImage != null) && ((useSensors & CAMERA_RGB) == CAMERA_RGB)) // If camera is enabled, display { plot_camera_image_rgb(plotCanvas, latestRGBImage, imageWidth, imageHeight, width, height); } } public void stringFromUser(String user_input) { set_output_text(user_input); } public void stringFromBrowseForFile(String filename) { d_filename = filename; set_output_text(d_filename); } // Implement wifi ap analysis here public void wifi_ap(long time, List<ScanResult> wifi_list) { wifi_ap = ""; for (ScanResult sr : wifi_list) wifi_ap += sr.SSID + " " + sr.level + "\n"; } // Implement reception of streaming sound here public void streaming_buffer_in(short[] buffer, int length, int senderId) { } byte[] latestImage = null; byte[] latestRGBImage = null; int imageHeight = 0; int imageWidth = 0; QRCodeReader r = new QRCodeReader(); public void camera_image(byte[] image, int width, int height) // For gray scale G8 in each byte { /* Save latest image*/ latestImage = image; imageWidth = width; imageHeight = height; } public void camera_image_rgb(byte[] image, int width, int height) // For color RGB888 interleaved { latestRGBImage = image; imageWidth = width; imageHeight = height; /* Below is example code which uses the QR decoder to detect a web address. The address is displayed in the text display. */ /* zxing start color */ Result res = null; int[] frame = new int[width / 4 * height / 4]; for (int y = 0; y < height / 4; y++) for (int x = 0; x < width / 4; x++) { int i = (y * 4 * width + x * 4) * 3; int rgbColor = 0xFF000000 | (image[i] << 16) & 0xFF0000 | (image[i + 1] << 8) & 0xFF00 | image[i + 2] & 0xFF; frame[y * width / 4 + x] = rgbColor; } RGBLuminanceSource s = new RGBLuminanceSource(width / 4, height / 4, frame); BinaryBitmap b = new BinaryBitmap(new GlobalHistogramBinarizer(s)); Detector d; DetectorResult dr = null; try { d = new Detector(b.getBlackMatrix()); dr = d.detect(); res = r.decode(b); } catch (NotFoundException e) { } catch (FormatException e) { } catch (ChecksumException e) { } if (dr != null) for (ResultPoint rp : dr.getPoints()) { image[(int) ((rp.getX() * 4 + rp.getY() * 4 * width) * 3)] = 0; image[(int) ((rp.getX() * 4 + rp.getY() * 4 * width) * 3) + 1] = 0; image[(int) ((rp.getX() * 4 + rp.getY() * 4 * width) * 3) + 1] = (byte) 0xFF; } if (res != null) { set_output_text(res.getText()); } /* zxing stop color */ } //This function is called before the framework executes normally meaning that no sensors or // initialing is done. // If you return true the execution stops after this function. // Use this to test algorithms with static data. public boolean test_harness() { boolean do_test = false; // Set to true when running test_harness_example // The below code is used together with test_harness_example.m. if (do_test) { int no_of_real; double[] in_values; double[] out_values; SimpleOutputFile out = new SimpleOutputFile(); SimpleInputFile in = new SimpleInputFile();"indata.txt");"outdata.txt"); // Read data from input file no_of_real = in.readInt(); in_values = new double[no_of_real]; // Read file from sdcard for (int i = 0; i < in_values.length; i++) { in_values[i] = in.readDouble(); } ; // Call the function to be tested out_values = square(in_values); // Write file on sdcard for (int i = 0; i < in_values.length; i++) { out.writeDouble(out_values[i]); } ; out.close(); in.close(); return true; } else return false; } /* Used in test_harness_example.m */ private double[] square(double[] in_values) { double[] out_values; out_values = new double[in_values.length]; for (int i = 0; i < in_values.length; i++) { out_values[i] = in_values[i] * in_values[i]; } return out_values; } public void playsoundexample() { if (init_done && (!file_loaded) && (!(d_filename == null))) { set_output_text(d_filename); the_sound_file_contents = read_data_from_file(d_filename); // Read file from plain file of samples in form of shorts the_sound_file_contents_bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(the_sound_file_contents); // Wrapper to easier access content. the_sound_file_contents_bb.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); file_loaded = true; } ; if (file_loaded) { if (the_sound_file_contents_bb.remaining() < 2 * buffer.length) the_sound_file_contents_bb.rewind(); // Start buffer from beginning for (int i1 = 0; i1 < buffer.length; i1++) { buffer[i1] = the_sound_file_contents_bb.getShort(); // Create a buffer of shorts } ; p_streaming_buffer_out(buffer, buffer.length, "N3"); sound_out(buffer, buffer.length); // Send buffer to player } ; }; }