Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package SE; import Data_access.DB_controller; import java.util.HashMap; import java.sql.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; /** * * @author moroclash */ public class HtmlGner { private static HtmlGner html = null; private HtmlGner() { } public static HtmlGner Get_HtmGner() { if (html == null) html = new HtmlGner(); return html; } //omar 0_0 private HashMap<String, String> Get_User_Type(int User_type_id) { try { HashMap<String, String> H = new HashMap<>(); DB_controller Db = DB_controller.Get_DB_controller(); Db.Connect(); ResultSet res = Db.Select("Link_id", "user_type_links", "User_type_id=" + User_type_id); ResultSet res2 = null; while ( { res2 = Db.Select("*", "links", "Links_id=" + res.getInt("Link_id")); while ( { H.put(res2.getString("Function_name"), res2.getString("Physical_name")); } } Db.Close(); return H; } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(HtmlGner.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return null; } } //omar 0_0 public String DrawListHtml(User u) { HashMap<String, String> H = Get_User_Type(u.getType_id()); String htmllist = "<aside>" + "<div id=\"sidebar\" class=\"nav-collapse \">" + "<!-- sidebar menu start-->" + "<ul class=\"sidebar-menu\" id=\"nav-accordion\">" + "<p class=\"centered\"><a href=\"Show_my_profile.jsp\"><img src=\"assets/img/ui-sam.jpg\" class=\"img-circle\" width=\"60\"></a></p>" + "<h5 class=\"centered\">" + u.getF_name() + " " + u.getL_name() + "</h5>"; for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : H.entrySet()) { htmllist += "<li class=\"mt\">" + "<a " + entry.getValue() + ">" + "<i class=\"fa fa-dashboard\"></i>" + "<span>" + entry.getKey() + "</span>" + "</a>" + "</li>"; } htmllist += "</ul>" + "</div>" + "</aside>"; return htmllist; } //omar 0_0 public String Get_filed_Html(int Type_id) { try { DB_controller Db = DB_controller.Get_DB_controller(); Db.Connect(); String html = ""; ResultSet res = Db.Select("Filed_html_id", "type_filed_html", "Type_file_html_id=" + Type_id); while ( { int id = res.getInt("Filed_html_id"); ResultSet res2 = Db.Select("Html", "filed_html", "Filed_html_id=" + id); while ( { html = res2.getString("Html"); } } Db.Close(); return html; } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(HtmlGner.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return ""; } } //num_of_noty --> numper of notifyes that returned or 0 is all //n if 1 is notyfy if 2 is massages //omar public ArrayList<String> Get_Noty(int num_of_noty, int n, User user) { DB_controller Db = DB_controller.Get_DB_controller(); Service_Management ser = Service_Management.Get_Serive_Management(); System_manage sys = System_manage.Get_System_manage(); String Filed = ""; String returned = ""; ArrayList<String> html = new ArrayList<>(); html.add(""); html.add(""); if (n == 1) { Filed = Get_filed_Html(14); Customer cus = null; if (user.getType_id() != 5) return html; cus = (Customer) user; cus.Load_Notify(); ArrayList<Notify> MyNotifys = cus.Get_notify(); html.set(0, Integer.toString(MyNotifys.size())); int i; if (MyNotifys.size() == 0) return html; if (num_of_noty == 0 || num_of_noty > MyNotifys.size()) i = MyNotifys.size(); else i = num_of_noty; String used = ""; Request req = null; for (int l = i - 1; l >= 0; l--) { Notify o = MyNotifys.get(l); used = Filed.replace("<muted>2 Minutes Ago", "<muted>" + o.getTime() + " " + sys.Get_this_date(o.getDate_id())); used = used.replace(" subscribed to your newsletter.<br/>", o.getContent() + "<br/>Branch : " + o.getBranch_id()); returned += used; } html.set(1, returned); return html; } if (n == 2) { Filed = Get_filed_Html(10); user.Load_inbox(); ArrayList<Massage> massage = user.getInbox(); int i; if (massage.size() == 0) return html; html.set(0, Integer.toString(massage.size())); System.err.println(massage.size()); if (num_of_noty == 0 || num_of_noty > massage.size()) i = massage.size(); else i = num_of_noty; String used = ""; for (int l = i - 1; l >= 0; l--) { General_massge o = (General_massge) massage.get(l); User u = (User) sys.Search_user_by_id(o.getSender_id()); used = Filed.replace("Dj Sherman", u.getF_name() + " " + u.getL_name()); used = used.replace("index.html#", "ShowMessage.jsp?chars=" + l + "&id=" + o.getId()); used = used.replace("<span class=\"time\">4 hrs.", "<span class=\"time\">" + sys.Get_this_date(o.getDate_id())); used = used.replace("Please, answer asap.", o.getTime()); returned += used; } html.set(1, returned); return html; } return new ArrayList<>(); } //Emad public ArrayList<String> Get_All_HTML_Attributes(ArrayList<String> Names, int ID) { ArrayList<String> Html = new ArrayList<String>(); DB_controller DB = DB_controller.Get_DB_controller(); DB.Connect(); String Temp = ""; String Temp2 = ""; String Temp3 = ""; int i = 0; try { for (int j = 0; j < Names.size(); j++) { ResultSet result = DB.Select("*", "filed_html", "Filed_html_id=" + ID); while ( { Temp = result.getString("Html"); Temp2 = Temp.replace("value=\"\"", "value=\"" + Names.get(i) + "\"" + " "); Temp3 = Temp2.replace(" >", ">" + Names.get(i)); Html.add(Temp3); i++; } } } catch (Exception E) { System.out.println(E); } return Html; } //Emad public ArrayList<String> HTMLTypes(HashMap<Integer, String> Types) { ArrayList<String> HTML = new ArrayList<String>(); String Text = ""; String Key = ""; String Value = ""; DB_controller DB = DB_controller.Get_DB_controller(); String Temp = ""; String Temp2 = ""; ResultSet result = DB.Select("*", "filed_html", "Filed_html_id=2"); try { while ( { Text = result.getString("Html"); } for (Map.Entry<Integer, String> entry : Types.entrySet()) { Temp = Text.replace("value=\"\"", "value=\"" + entry.getValue() + "\"" + " "); Temp2 = Temp.replace(" >", ">" + entry.getValue() + ""); HTML.add(Temp2); } } catch (Exception E) { System.out.println("Error " + E); } return HTML; } //Emad //Emad public ArrayList<String> Last_Shape_Of_HTML_Attributes_Types(HashMap<String, String> H) { ArrayList<String> S = new ArrayList<String>(); String HTML = ""; String Value = ""; String Key = ""; String Temp = ""; String Temp2 = ""; String Temp3 = ""; String Temp4 = ""; int i = 1; for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : H.entrySet()) { Key = entry.getKey(); Value = entry.getValue(); Temp = Value.replace("for=\"\"", "for=\"" + Key + "\""); Temp2 = Temp.replace("</label>", "</label>" + Key + ":"); Temp3 = Temp2.replace("<input", "<input name=" + "'" + Key + "'"); i++; S.add(Temp3); } return S; } //Emad public HashMap<String, String> Load_HTML_Types(int ID) { HashMap<String, String> H = new HashMap<String, String>(); DB_controller DB = DB_controller.Get_DB_controller(); DB.Connect(); ArrayList<Integer> A = new ArrayList<Integer>(); ArrayList<String> St = new ArrayList<String>(); ResultSet result = DB.Select("*", "user_selected_option", "User_type_id=" + ID); try { while ( { A.add(result.getInt("User_option_id")); } for (int i = 0; i < A.size(); i++) { result = DB.Select("*", "user_option", "User_option_id=" + A.get(i)); while ( { St.add(result.getString("Name")); } } for (int i = 0; i < St.size(); i++) { result = DB.Select("*", "filed_html", "Filed_html_id=1"); while ( { H.put(St.get(i), result.getString("Html")); } } } catch (Exception E) { } return H; } //Emad //Emad public ArrayList<String> Last_Shape_Of_HTML_Attributes(HashMap<String, String> H, HashMap<Integer, String> Values) { ArrayList<String> S = new ArrayList<String>(); String HTML = ""; String Value = ""; String Key = ""; String Temp = ""; String Temp2 = ""; String Temp3 = ""; String Temp4 = ""; int i = 1; for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : H.entrySet()) { Key = entry.getKey(); Value = entry.getValue(); Temp = Value.replace("for=\"\"", "for=\"" + Key + "\""); Temp2 = Temp.replace("</label>", "</label>" + Key + ":"); Temp3 = Temp2.replace("<input", "<input name=" + "'" + Key + "'"); Temp4 = Temp3.replace("type=\"text\"", "type=\"text\" Value=" + "'" + Values.get(i) + "'"); i++; S.add(Temp4); } return S; } //Emad public HashMap<String, String> Get_HTML_Attributes(HashMap<Integer, String> V) { HashMap<String, String> H = new HashMap<String, String>(); DB_controller DB = DB_controller.Get_DB_controller(); DB.Connect(); String Name = ""; String HTML = ""; int Temp = -1; ResultSet result = null; for (Map.Entry<Integer, String> entry : V.entrySet()) { result = DB.Select("*", "user_option", "User_option_id=" + entry.getKey()); try { while ( { Name = result.getString("Name"); } result = DB.Select("*", "type_filed_html", "Type= 'text'"); while ( { Temp = result.getInt("Filed_html_id"); } result = DB.Select("*", "filed_html", "Filed_html_id=" + Temp); while ( { H.put(Name, result.getString("HTML")); } } catch (Exception E) { } } return H; } }