Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2015 Frosty Elk AB * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package se.frostyelk.cordova.mifare; import android.content.Intent; import android.nfc.NfcAdapter; import android.nfc.Tag; import com.nxp.nfclib.classic.MFClassic; import com.nxp.nfclib.exceptions.SmartCardException; import com.nxp.nfclib.icode.*; import com.nxp.nfclib.ntag.*; import; import com.nxp.nfclib.ultralight.Ultralight; import com.nxp.nfclib.ultralight.UltralightC; import com.nxp.nfclib.ultralight.UltralightEV1; import com.nxp.nfclib.utils.NxpLogUtils; import com.nxp.nfclib.utils.Utilities; import com.nxp.nfcliblite.Interface.NxpNfcLibLite; import com.nxp.nfcliblite.Interface.Nxpnfcliblitecallback; import; import; import org.apache.cordova.CallbackContext; import org.apache.cordova.CordovaPlugin; import org.apache.cordova.PluginResult; import org.apache.cordova.PluginResult.Status; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; /** * This class represents the native implementation for the MIFARE Cordova plugin. */ public class MifarePlugin extends CordovaPlugin { private static final String LOGTAG = "MifarePlugin"; private static final String ACTION_INIT = "init"; private static final String ACTION_WRITE_TAG_DATA = "writeTag"; private static final String TAG_EVENT_DETECTED = "onTagDetected"; private static final String TAG_EVENT_ERROR = "onTagError"; private static final String TAG_EVENT_ERROR_TYPE_SECURITY = "Security"; private static final String TAG_EVENT_ERROR_TYPE_IOREAD = "IORead"; private static final String TAG_EVENT_ERROR_TYPE_CARD = "Card"; private static final String TAG_EVENT_ERROR_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED = "Unsupported"; private static final int UNIVERSAL_NUMBER = 42; private static final int MAX_FAST_READ_PAGES = 50; private static String TAG = "MifarePLugin"; private String password; private byte[] payload; private NTag nTag; private Tag tagInfo; private Intent initializeIntent; // It seems that password errors returns as IOException instead of SmartCardException?! private boolean checkForPasswordSentAtIOError = false; private void sendEventToWebView(String eventName, JSONObject jsonData) { final String url = "javascript:cordova.fireDocumentEvent('" + eventName + "', " + jsonData.toString() + ");"; NxpLogUtils.i(LOGTAG, "sendEventToWebView: " + url); if ((webView != null) && (webView.getView() != null)) { webView.getView().post(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { webView.loadUrl(url); } }); } else { NxpLogUtils.w(TAG, "sendEventToWebView() without a vebview active."); } } @Override public void pluginInitialize() { super.pluginInitialize(); // Get and set the lib Singleton instance NxpNfcLibLite.getInstance().registerActivity(cordova.getActivity()); // The default for NfcLogUtils logging is off, turn it on NxpLogUtils.enableLog(); NxpLogUtils.i(LOGTAG, "MIFARE Cordova plugin pluginInitialize"); initializeIntent = cordova.getActivity().getIntent(); if (initializeIntent != null) { NxpLogUtils.i(TAG, "pluginInitialize Intent: " + initializeIntent.toString()); NxpLogUtils.i(TAG, "pluginInitialize Action: " + initializeIntent.getAction()); } else { NxpLogUtils.i(LOGTAG, "No Intent in pluginInitialize"); } } @Override public void onNewIntent(Intent intent) { super.onNewIntent(intent); NxpLogUtils.i(TAG, "onNewIntent Intent: " + intent.toString()); NxpLogUtils.i(TAG, "onNewIntent Action: " + intent.getAction()); tagInfo = intent.getParcelableExtra(NfcAdapter.EXTRA_TAG); // Only act on intents from a tag if (tagInfo == null) { return; } NxpLogUtils.i(TAG, "Tag info: " + tagInfo.toString()); Nxpnfcliblitecallback callback = new Nxpnfcliblitecallback() { @Override public void onNTag210CardDetected(NTag210 nTag210) { NxpLogUtils.i(TAG, "Found a NTag210 Card!"); handleCardDetected(nTag210); } @Override public void onNTag213215216CardDetected(NTag213215216 nTag213215216) { NxpLogUtils.i(TAG, "Found a NTag213215216 Card!"); handleCardDetected(nTag213215216); } @Override public void onNTag213F216FCardDetected(NTag213F216F nTag213F216F) { NxpLogUtils.i(TAG, "Found a NTag213F216F Card!"); handleCardDetected(nTag213F216F); } @Override public void onUltraLightCardDetected(Ultralight ultralight) { handleUnsupportedCards(); } @Override public void onUltraLightCCardDetected(UltralightC ultralightC) { handleUnsupportedCards(); } @Override public void onUltraLightEV1CardDetected(UltralightEV1 ultralightEV1) { handleUnsupportedCards(); } @Override public void onClassicCardDetected(MFClassic mfClassic) { handleUnsupportedCards(); } @Override public void onDESFireCardDetected(DESFire desFire) { handleUnsupportedCards(); } @Override public void onNTag203xCardDetected(NTag203x nTag203x) { handleUnsupportedCards(); } @Override public void onNTagI2CCardDetected(NTagI2C nTagI2C) { handleUnsupportedCards(); } @Override public void onICodeSLIDetected(ICodeSLI iCodeSLI) { handleUnsupportedCards(); } @Override public void onICodeSLISDetected(ICodeSLIS iCodeSLIS) { handleUnsupportedCards(); } @Override public void onICodeSLILDetected(ICodeSLIL iCodeSLIL) { handleUnsupportedCards(); } @Override public void onICodeSLIXDetected(ICodeSLIX iCodeSLIX) { handleUnsupportedCards(); } @Override public void onICodeSLIXSDetected(ICodeSLIXS iCodeSLIXS) { handleUnsupportedCards(); } @Override public void onICodeSLIXLDetected(ICodeSLIXL iCodeSLIXL) { handleUnsupportedCards(); } @Override public void onPlusCardDetected(Plus plus) { handleUnsupportedCards(); } @Override public void onPlusSL1CardDetected(PlusSL1 plusSL1) { handleUnsupportedCards(); } @Override public void onICodeSLIX2Detected(ICodeSLIX2 iCodeSLIX2) { handleUnsupportedCards(); } }; NxpNfcLibLite.getInstance().filterIntent(intent, callback); } /** * */ private void handleUnsupportedCards() { JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); try { result.put("nfcType", TAG_EVENT_ERROR_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED); result.put("nfcCode", UNIVERSAL_NUMBER); result.put("nfcMessage", "Unsupported tag detected"); } catch (JSONException e) { NxpLogUtils.v(TAG, "JSONException: " + e.getMessage()); } sendEventToWebView(TAG_EVENT_ERROR, result); } /** * @param nTag210 The tag */ private void handleCardDetected(NTag210 nTag210) { nTag = nTag210; byte pack[] = { 0, 0 }; byte pw[] = password.getBytes(); try { nTag210.connect(); NxpLogUtils.i(TAG, "Connect successful!"); if (!"".equals(password)) { NxpLogUtils.i(TAG, "Trying Authenticate with Password[]: " + Utilities.dumpBytes(pw)); checkForPasswordSentAtIOError = true; nTag210.authenticatePwd(pw, pack); checkForPasswordSentAtIOError = false; NxpLogUtils.i(TAG, "Authenticate successful!"); } // Read full memory // One page = 4 bytes int userAvailableMemory = nTag.getCardDetails().freeMemory; int numbPages = userAvailableMemory / 4; NxpLogUtils.i(TAG, "Card Details User Memory size: " + userAvailableMemory); // Older devices can only read a limited number of pages, // some testing ended up with the number MAX_FAST_READ_PAGES int startPage = 0; int endPage = numbPages >= MAX_FAST_READ_PAGES ? MAX_FAST_READ_PAGES - 1 : numbPages - 1; boolean doneReading = false; payload = new byte[] {}; while (!doneReading) { payload = Utilities.append(payload, nTag210.fastRead(startPage, endPage)); if (endPage >= numbPages - 1) { doneReading = true; } else { startPage = endPage + 1; endPage = (endPage + MAX_FAST_READ_PAGES) >= numbPages ? numbPages - 1 : endPage + MAX_FAST_READ_PAGES; } } NxpLogUtils.i(TAG, "Length of payload read " + payload.length); JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); JSONArray tagUID; try { tagUID = new JSONArray(nTag.getUID()); result.put("tagUID", tagUID); result.put("tagName", nTag.getTagName()); JSONArray payloadArray = new JSONArray(payload); result.put("payload", payloadArray); payload = null; sendEventToWebView(TAG_EVENT_DETECTED, result); } catch (JSONException e) { NxpLogUtils.v(TAG, "JSONException: " + e.getMessage()); } } catch (SmartCardException e) { JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); try { if (e.getExcetionType() == SmartCardException.EXCEPTIONTYPE_SECURITY) { result.put("nfcType", TAG_EVENT_ERROR_TYPE_SECURITY); } else { result.put("nfcType", TAG_EVENT_ERROR_TYPE_CARD); } result.put("nfcCode", e.getErrorCode()); result.put("nfcMessage", e.getMessage()); } catch (JSONException e1) { NxpLogUtils.v(TAG, "JSONException: " + e1.getMessage()); } sendEventToWebView(TAG_EVENT_ERROR, result); } catch (IOException e) { JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); try { // Ugly hack here to give a better response to pw errors if (checkForPasswordSentAtIOError) { result.put("nfcType", TAG_EVENT_ERROR_TYPE_SECURITY); result.put("nfcCode", UNIVERSAL_NUMBER); result.put("nfcMessage", "Password Authentication failed"); checkForPasswordSentAtIOError = false; } else { result.put("nfcType", TAG_EVENT_ERROR_TYPE_IOREAD); result.put("nfcCode", UNIVERSAL_NUMBER); result.put("nfcMessage", e.getMessage()); } } catch (JSONException e1) { NxpLogUtils.v(TAG, "JSONException: " + e1.getMessage()); } sendEventToWebView(TAG_EVENT_ERROR, result); } finally { try { nTag210.close(); } catch (IOException e) { NxpLogUtils.v(TAG, "IOException at close(): " + e.getMessage()); } } } @Override public void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); NxpLogUtils.i(LOGTAG, "onDestroy"); } @Override public void onPause(boolean multitasking) { super.onPause(multitasking); NxpLogUtils.i(LOGTAG, "onPause"); try { NxpNfcLibLite.getInstance().stopForeGroundDispatch(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { NxpLogUtils.w(LOGTAG, "IllegalStateException for stopForeGroundDispatch in onPause, ignoring!"); } } @Override public void onResume(boolean multitasking) { super.onResume(multitasking); NxpLogUtils.i(LOGTAG, "onResume"); try { NxpNfcLibLite.getInstance().startForeGroundDispatch(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { NxpLogUtils.w(LOGTAG, "IllegalStateException for startForeGroundDispatch in onResume, ignoring!"); } } /** * This is the main method for the MIFARE Plugin. All API calls go through * here. This method determines the action, and executes the appropriate * call. * * @param action The action that the plugin should execute. * @param args The input parameters for the action. * @param callbackContext The callback context. * @return A PluginResult representing the result of the provided action. A * status of INVALID_ACTION is returned if the action is not * recognized. */ @Override public boolean execute(String action, JSONArray args, CallbackContext callbackContext) throws JSONException { PluginResult result; NxpLogUtils.enableLog(); NxpLogUtils.i(LOGTAG, "MIFARE Cordova plugin execute"); if (ACTION_INIT.equals(action)) { result = init(args.getJSONObject(0), callbackContext); } else if (ACTION_WRITE_TAG_DATA.equals(action)) { result = writeTag(args.getJSONObject(0), callbackContext); } else { result = new PluginResult(Status.INVALID_ACTION); } if (result != null) { callbackContext.sendPluginResult(result); } return true; } /** * Initialize the plugin with options * * @param options Options {password: tag password} * @param callbackContext Callback * @return PluginResult */ private PluginResult init(final JSONObject options, final CallbackContext callbackContext) { // Start the dispatch here, Cordova will not send onResume at first start if (NxpNfcLibLite.getInstance() != null) { NxpLogUtils.i(LOGTAG, "Starting startForeGroundDispatch in init"); try { NxpNfcLibLite.getInstance().startForeGroundDispatch(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { NxpLogUtils.w(LOGTAG, "IllegalStateException for startForeGroundDispatch in init, ignoring"); } } else { NxpLogUtils.w(LOGTAG, "NxpNfcLibLite.getInstance() == null"); } cordova.getThreadPool().execute(new Runnable() { public void run() { NxpLogUtils.i(LOGTAG, "init: " + options.toString()); password = options.optString("password", ""); callbackContext.success("OK"); // If this is actually a warm start from the NFC activity chooser // run the Intent for discovered tags. NxpLogUtils.i(LOGTAG, "Checking for NFC in init"); NxpLogUtils.i(TAG, "init Intent: " + initializeIntent.toString()); NxpLogUtils.i(TAG, "init Action: " + initializeIntent.getAction()); if (initializeIntent != null && "android.nfc.action.TECH_DISCOVERED".equals(initializeIntent.getAction())) { NxpLogUtils.i(LOGTAG, "Found NFC in init, running onNewIntent"); onNewIntent(initializeIntent); } } }); return null; } /** * Write tag data * * @param data JSONObject * @param callbackContext Callback * @return PluginResult */ private PluginResult writeTag(final JSONObject data, final CallbackContext callbackContext) { cordova.getThreadPool().execute(new Runnable() { public void run() { NxpLogUtils.i(LOGTAG, "writeTag executed"); // TODO: Implement write tag callbackContext.success("OK"); callbackContext.error("NOK"); } }); return null; } }