Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


*   Various util functions when dealing with movies or collections
*   of movies.
*   @author Johan Brook
*   @copyright (c) 2012 Johan Brook, Robin Andersson, Lisa Stenberg, Mattias Henriksson
*   @license MIT

package se.chalmers.watchme.utils;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONObject;

import android.database.Cursor;
import se.chalmers.watchme.model.Movie;
import se.chalmers.watchme.model.Tag;

public class MovieHelper {

    private MovieHelper() {

     * Convert a JSONArray to a List
     * @param json The JSONArray to convert
     * @return A List with the generic types specified
    public static <T> List<T> jsonArrayToList(JSONArray json) {
        List<T> list = new ArrayList<T>();
        for (int i = 0; i < json.length(); i++) {
            list.add((T) json.opt(i));

        return list;

     * Get the URL for a poster from a JSONArray of poster objects.
     * <p>Since Java lacks sane collection methods like select, map, etc al,
     * we have to do this by ourselves.</p>
     * <p>From a JSONArray of posters, get the *first* URL that matches the 
     * <code>size</code> parameter.</p>
     * @param posters A non-null JSONArray of posters. Assumes the JSONArray is
     * organized as <code>image</code> objects with the keys <code>size</code>
     * and <code>url</code>.
     * @param size The desired size
     * @return A URL as string with the first matching poster size. Otherwise null.
    public static String getPosterFromCollection(JSONArray posters, Movie.PosterSize size) {
        String url = null;

        if (posters != null && posters.length() > 0) {
            for (int i = 0; i < posters.length(); i++) {
                JSONObject image = posters.optJSONObject(i).optJSONObject("image");

                if (image.optString("size").equals(size.getSize())) {
                    url = image.optString("url");

        return url;

     * Convert a JSONArray of Movies to a list of Movies
     * <p>Each Movie object is initialized with the attribute
     * <code>original_name</code> from the input array. The 
     * attribute <code>imdb_id</code> is also set on the movie.</p>
     * @param input The JSONArray of movies as JSONObjects
     * @return A List of Movies
    public static List<Movie> jsonArrayToMovieList(JSONArray input) {
        List<Movie> list = new ArrayList<Movie>();

        // Parse the JSON objects and add to list
        for (int i = 0; i < input.length(); i++) {
            JSONObject o = input.optJSONObject(i);

            Movie movie = new Movie(o.optString(Movie.JSON_KEY_NAME));
            // Don't forget the ID

        return list;

     * Return a String that represents a Cursor.
     * Creates a string with the elements in column 1 (with 0 being the first),
     * with the elements separated by ","
     * @author lisastenberg
     * @param cursor The Cursor.
     * @return a String that represents the cursor.
    public static String getCursorString(Cursor cursor) {
        String s = "";
        if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
            s = s + cursor.getString(1);

            while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
                s = s + ", " + cursor.getString(1);

        if (s.equals("null")) {
            s = "";
        return s;

     * Helper method for converting a stringArray with tag names to a list with
     * Tag objects
     * @param tagStrings The array with tag-titles to be converted to tags
     * @return A list with Tag objects
    public static List<Tag> stringArrayToTagList(String[] tagStrings) {

        List<Tag> tags = new LinkedList<Tag>();

        for (String tagString : tagStrings) {
            if (!tagString.equals("")) {

                 * Remove whitespaces from the beginning and end of each string
                 * to allow for multi-word tags.
                tags.add(new Tag(tagString.trim()));

        return tags;