Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2012 BSI Business Systems Integration AG. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * BSI Business Systems Integration AG - initial API and implementation ******************************************************************************/ package scoutdoc.main.check.dashboard; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import scoutdoc.main.ProjectProperties; import scoutdoc.main.check.Check; import scoutdoc.main.check.Severity; import scoutdoc.main.fetch.UrlUtility; import scoutdoc.main.mediawiki.ContentFileUtility; import scoutdoc.main.structure.Page; import scoutdoc.main.structure.PageUtility; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Write list of Check into a PrintWriter */ public class DashboardWriter { private static final String FILE_NAME_FORMAT = "f%06d.html"; private static final String HTML_FILE_TOP = "<html>\n<head>"; private static final String HTML_FILE_MIDLE = "</head>\n<body>\n"; private static final String HTML_FILE_END = "</body>\n</html>"; private static final String TITLE_OPEN = "<title>"; private static final String TITLE_CLOSE = "</title>"; private static final String H1_OPEN = "<h1>"; private static final String H1_CLOSE = "</h1>"; private static final String TABLE_OPEN = "<table>"; private static final String TABLE_CLOSE = "</table>"; private static final String TR_OPEN = "<tr>"; private static final String TR_CLOSE = "</tr>"; private static final String TH_OPEN = "<th>"; private static final String TH_CLOSE = "</th>"; private static final String TD_OPEN = "<td>"; private static final String TD_CLOSE = "</td>"; private static final Context EMPTY = new Context(); final private HashMap<Check, OutputElement> elementMap = new HashMap<Check, OutputElement>(); public void write(List<Check> list, String folderName) throws IOException { File folder = new File(folderName); Files.createParentDirs(folder); folder.mkdir(); for (File f : folder.listFiles()) { if (f.isFile() && !f.isHidden()) { f.delete(); } } List<OutputElement> elements = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Check check : list) { OutputElement element = createElement(check); elements.add(element); String name = String.format(FILE_NAME_FORMAT, element.getId()); writeDetailFile(Collections.singletonList(element), folder, name, "Details > Check #" + element.getId()); } writeTypeFile(elements, folder, "index.html", "Types", true); writeNameSpaceFile(elements, folder, "namespaces.html", "Namespaces", true); writePageFile(elements, folder, "pages.html", "Pages", true); writeTableFile(elements, folder, "table.html"); writeDetailFile(elements, folder, "details.html", "Details"); File fromFolder = new File(ProjectProperties.getFolderDashboardContent()); Files.copy(new File(fromFolder, "edit.gif"), new File(folder, "edit.gif")); Files.copy(new File(fromFolder, "error.png"), new File(folder, "error.png")); Files.copy(new File(fromFolder, "history.gif"), new File(folder, "history.gif")); Files.copy(new File(fromFolder, "info.png"), new File(folder, "info.png")); Files.copy(new File(fromFolder, "style.css"), new File(folder, "style.css")); Files.copy(new File(fromFolder, "view.gif"), new File(folder, "view.gif")); Files.copy(new File(fromFolder, "warning.png"), new File(folder, "warning.png")); } public void writeTypeFile(Collection<OutputElement> list, File folder, String pageName, String pageTitle, boolean generateSubPages) throws FileNotFoundException { PrintWriter w = new PrintWriter(new File(folder, pageName)); Multimap<OutputElement, OutputElement> multimap = ArrayListMultimap.create(); for (OutputElement e : list) { Check group = new Check(); group.setType(e.getCheck().getType()); group.setSeverity(e.getCheck().getSeverity()); multimap.put(createElement(group), e); } if (generateSubPages) { for (OutputElement element : multimap.keySet()) { String name = String.format(FILE_NAME_FORMAT, element.getId()); writePageFile(multimap.get(element), folder, name, "Types > " + element.getCheck().getType(), false); } } writeFile(w, pageTitle, multimap, new OutputElementComparator(Column.TYPE), Arrays.asList(Column.TYPE, Column.TOTAL, Column.STATS)); w.close(); } public void writeNameSpaceFile(Collection<OutputElement> list, File folder, String pageName, String pageTitle, boolean generateSubPages) throws FileNotFoundException { PrintWriter w = new PrintWriter(new File(folder, pageName)); Multimap<OutputElement, OutputElement> multimap = ArrayListMultimap.create(); for (OutputElement e : list) { Check group = new Check(); Page page = new Page(); page.setType(e.getCheck().getPage().getType()); group.setPage(page); multimap.put(createElement(group), e); } if (generateSubPages) { for (OutputElement element : multimap.keySet()) { String name = String.format(FILE_NAME_FORMAT, element.getId()); writePageFile(multimap.get(element), folder, name, "Namespaces > " + element.getCheck().getPage().getType(), false); } } writeFile(w, pageTitle, multimap, new OutputElementComparator(Column.NAMESPACE), Arrays.asList(Column.NAMESPACE, Column.TOTAL, Column.STATS)); w.close(); } public void writePageFile(Collection<OutputElement> list, File folder, String pageName, String pageTitle, boolean generateSubPages) throws FileNotFoundException { PrintWriter w = new PrintWriter(new File(folder, pageName)); Multimap<OutputElement, OutputElement> multimap = ArrayListMultimap.create(); for (OutputElement e : list) { Check group = new Check(); group.setPage(e.getCheck().getPage()); multimap.put(createElement(group), e); } if (generateSubPages) { if (generateSubPages) { for (OutputElement element : multimap.keySet()) { String name = String.format(FILE_NAME_FORMAT, element.getId()); pageTitle = "Pages > " + PageUtility.toFullPageName(element.getCheck().getPage()); writeDetailFile(multimap.get(element), folder, name, pageTitle); } } } writeFile(w, pageTitle, multimap, new OutputElementComparator(Column.PAGE), Arrays.asList(Column.PAGE, Column.TOTAL, Column.STATS)); w.close(); } public void writeTableFile(Collection<OutputElement> list, File folder, String pageName) throws FileNotFoundException { PrintWriter w = new PrintWriter(new File(folder, pageName)); Multimap<OutputElement, OutputElement> multimap = ArrayListMultimap.create(); for (OutputElement e : list) { multimap.put(e, e); } writeFile(w, "Table", multimap, new OutputElementComparator(Column.PAGE, Column.TYPE), Arrays.asList(Column.PAGE, Column.TYPE, Column.DETAIL)); w.close(); } private OutputElement createElement(Check check) { OutputElement outputElement = elementMap.get(check); if (outputElement == null) { outputElement = new OutputElement(check, elementMap.size() + 1); elementMap.put(check, outputElement); Page page = check.getPage(); if (page != null && page.getName() != null) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Map<String, String> parameters = new HashMap<String, String>(); parameters.put("title", PageUtility.toFullPageNamee(page)); sb.append("<a href=\""); sb.append(String.format(FILE_NAME_FORMAT, outputElement.getId())); sb.append("\">"); sb.append(PageUtility.toFullPageName(page)); sb.append("</a>"); sb.append(" ("); sb.append("<a class=\"view\" href=\""); HashMap<String, String> pView = Maps.newHashMap(parameters); if (ContentFileUtility.checkRedirection(page) != null) { pView.put("redirect", "no"); } sb.append(UrlUtility.createFullUrl(ProjectProperties.getWikiIndexUrl(), pView)); sb.append("\">view</a> - "); sb.append("<a class=\"history\" href=\""); HashMap<String, String> pHist = Maps.newHashMap(parameters); pHist.put("action", "history"); sb.append(UrlUtility.createFullUrl(ProjectProperties.getWikiIndexUrl(), pHist)); sb.append("\">history</a> - "); sb.append("<a class=\"edit\" href=\""); HashMap<String, String> pEdit = Maps.newHashMap(parameters); pEdit.put("action", "edit"); sb.append(UrlUtility.createFullUrl(ProjectProperties.getWikiIndexUrl(), pEdit)); sb.append("\">edit</a>)"); outputElement.setPageOutput(sb.toString()); } else { outputElement.setPageOutput(""); } } return outputElement; } private void writeDetailFile(Collection<OutputElement> elements, File folder, String pageName, String pageTitle) throws FileNotFoundException { PrintWriter w = new PrintWriter(new File(folder, pageName)); writeFileBegin(w, pageTitle); List<OutputElement> list = Lists.newArrayList(elements); Collections.sort(list, new OutputElementComparator(Column.PAGE, Column.TYPE)); for (OutputElement element : list) { w.println(TABLE_OPEN); w.println(TR_OPEN); w.println(TH_OPEN); Column.PAGE.writeLabel(w); w.println(": "); Column.PAGE.writeCellContent(w, element, EMPTY); w.println(", "); Column.TYPE.writeLabel(w); w.println(": "); Column.TYPE.writeCellContent(w, element, EMPTY); w.println(TH_CLOSE); w.println(TR_CLOSE); w.println(TR_OPEN); w.println(TD_OPEN); Column.DETAIL.writeCellContent(w, element, EMPTY); w.println(TD_CLOSE); w.println(TR_CLOSE); w.println(TABLE_CLOSE); } writeFileEnd(w); w.close(); } public void writeFile(PrintWriter w, String title, Multimap<OutputElement, OutputElement> content, Comparator<OutputElement> comparator, List<Column> columns) { List<OutputElement> groups = Lists.newArrayList(content.keySet()); Collections.sort(groups, comparator); Context context = new Context(); context.content = content; int max = 0; for (OutputElement groupKey : groups) { Collection<OutputElement> group = content.get(groupKey); int size = group.size(); if (max < size) { max = size; } if (size == 1) { //Replace the check in the groupKey: with the check of the singleton element (constituting the group). OutputElement element = group.iterator().next(); groupKey.setCheck(element.getCheck()); } } context.distributionMax = max; List<Column> columnsInternal; if (max == 1 && !columns.contains(Column.DETAIL)) { columnsInternal = new ArrayList<DashboardWriter.Column>(columns); columnsInternal.add(Column.DETAIL); } else { columnsInternal = columns; } writeFileBegin(w, title); w.println(TABLE_OPEN); w.println(TR_OPEN); for (Column c : columnsInternal) { c.writeHeaderCell(w); } w.println(TR_CLOSE); for (OutputElement group : groups) { w.println(TR_OPEN); for (Column c : columnsInternal) { c.writeCell(w, group, context); } w.println(TR_CLOSE); } w.println(TABLE_CLOSE); writeFileEnd(w); } private void writeFileBegin(PrintWriter w, String title) { w.println(HTML_FILE_TOP); w.println("<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"style.css\" type=\"text/css\">"); w.println(TITLE_OPEN); w.println(title); w.println(TITLE_CLOSE); w.println(HTML_FILE_MIDLE); w.println(H1_OPEN); w.println(title); w.println(H1_CLOSE); //Tabs: w.println("<p>"); w.println("[<a href=\"index.html\">Types</a>] "); w.println("[<a href=\"namespaces.html\">Namespaces</a>] "); w.println("[<a href=\"pages.html\">Pages</a>] "); w.println("[<a href=\"table.html\">Table</a>] "); w.println("[<a href=\"details.html\">Details</a>] "); w.println("</p>"); } private void writeFileEnd(PrintWriter w) { w.println(HTML_FILE_END); w.flush(); } public enum Column { PAGE { @Override public void writeLabel(PrintWriter w) { w.print("Page"); } @Override public void writeCellContent(PrintWriter w, OutputElement element, Context context) { w.print(element.getPageOutput()); } }, NAMESPACE { @Override public void writeLabel(PrintWriter w) { w.print("Namespace"); } @Override public void writeCellContent(PrintWriter w, OutputElement element, Context context) { Page page = element.getCheck().getPage(); if (page != null) { w.print("<a href=\""); w.print(String.format(FILE_NAME_FORMAT, element.getId())); w.print("\">"); w.print(page.getType().name()); w.print("</a>"); } } }, TYPE { @Override public void writeLabel(PrintWriter w) { w.print("Type"); } @Override public void writeCellContent(PrintWriter w, OutputElement element, Context context) { w.print("<a href=\""); w.print(String.format(FILE_NAME_FORMAT, element.getId())); w.print("\">"); w.print(Strings.nullToEmpty(element.getCheck().getType())); w.print("</a>"); } }, TOTAL { @Override public void writeLabel(PrintWriter w) { w.print("Total"); } @Override public void writeCellContent(PrintWriter w, OutputElement element, Context context) { w.print(context.content.get(element).size()); } }, DETAIL { @Override public void writeLabel(PrintWriter w) { w.print("Detail"); } @Override public void writeCellContent(PrintWriter w, OutputElement element, Context context) { w.print(Strings.nullToEmpty(element.getCheck().getMessage())); } }, STATS { @Override public void writeLabel(PrintWriter w) { w.print("Distribution"); } @Override public void writeCellContent(PrintWriter w, OutputElement element, Context context) { Multimap<Severity, OutputElement> list = ArrayListMultimap.create(); for (OutputElement e : context.content.get(element)) { list.put(e.getCheck().getSeverity(), e); } writeImage(w, list, Severity.error, context.distributionMax); writeImage(w, list, Severity.warning, context.distributionMax); writeImage(w, list,, context.distributionMax); } private void writeImage(PrintWriter w, Multimap<Severity, OutputElement> list, Severity severity, int max) { String imgName = + ".png"; int size = list.get(severity).size(); if (size > 0) { int width = (int) (300.0 * size / max); w.print("<img src=\"" + imgName + "\" alt =\"" + + ": " + size + "\" height=\"7px\" width =\"" + width + "px\"/>"); } } }; public abstract void writeLabel(PrintWriter w); public abstract void writeCellContent(PrintWriter w, OutputElement element, Context context); public void writeHeaderCell(PrintWriter w) { w.println(TH_OPEN); writeLabel(w); w.println(TH_CLOSE); } public void writeCell(PrintWriter w, OutputElement group, Context context) { w.println(TD_OPEN); writeCellContent(w, group, context); w.println(TD_CLOSE); } } }