Java tutorial
/* Smart Cloud/City Engine backend (SCE). Copyright (C) 2015 DISIT Lab - University of Florence This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package sce; import; import; import*; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import static org.quartz.JobBuilder.*; import static org.quartz.TriggerBuilder.*; import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser; import org.json.simple.parser.ParseException; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Date; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import org.quartz.InterruptableJob; import org.quartz.JobExecutionException; import org.quartz.JobDetail; import org.quartz.SchedulerException; import org.quartz.UnableToInterruptJobException; import org.quartz.JobKey; import org.quartz.JobDataMap; import org.quartz.JobExecutionContext; import org.quartz.Trigger; import org.quartz.TriggerKey; import org.quartz.SchedulerMetaData; import org.quartz.SimpleScheduleBuilder; import org.w3c.dom.DOMException; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import static sce.RESTXMLJobStateful.convertToURLEscapingIllegalCharacters; import static sce.RESTXMLJobStateful.parseXMLResponse; /*@DisallowConcurrentExecution * An annotation that marks a Job * class as one that must not have * multiple instances executed concurrently * (where instance is based-upon a JobDetail * definition - or in other words based upon a JobKey). */ /*@PersistJobDataAfterExecution * An annotation that marks a Job class as one that makes * updates to its JobDataMap during execution, and wishes the * scheduler to re-store the JobDataMap when execution completes. * Jobs that are marked with this annotation should also seriously * consider using the DisallowConcurrentExecution annotation, to avoid * data storage race conditions with concurrently executing job instances. * If you use the @PersistJobDataAfterExecution annotation, you should strongly * consider also using the @DisallowConcurrentExecution annotation, in order to * avoid possible confusion (race conditions) of what data was left stored when two * instances of the same job (JobDetail) executed concurrently. */ public class RESTXMLJob implements InterruptableJob { private URLConnection urlConnection; public RESTXMLJob() { } @Override public void execute(JobExecutionContext context) throws JobExecutionException { try { //JobKey key = context.getJobDetail().getKey(); JobDataMap jobDataMap = context.getJobDetail().getJobDataMap(); String url = jobDataMap.getString("#url"); String binding = jobDataMap.getString("#binding"); if (url == null | binding == null) { throw new JobExecutionException("#url and #binding parameters must be not null"); } URL u = new URL(url); //get user credentials from URL, if present final String usernamePassword = u.getUserInfo(); //set the basic authentication credentials for the connection if (usernamePassword != null) { Authenticator.setDefault(new Authenticator() { @Override protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() { return new PasswordAuthentication(usernamePassword.split(":")[0], usernamePassword.split(":")[1].toCharArray()); } }); } //set the url connection, to disconnect if interrupt() is requested this.urlConnection = u.openConnection(); //set the "Accept" header this.urlConnection.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/sparql-results+xml"); DocumentBuilderFactory docBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder docBuilder = docBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); //detect and exclude BOM //BOMInputStream bomIn = new BOMInputStream(this.urlConnection.getInputStream(), false); Document document = docBuilder.parse(this.urlConnection.getInputStream()); String result = parseXMLResponse(document.getDocumentElement(), binding, context); //set the result to the job execution context, to be able to retrieve it later (e.g., with a job listener) context.setResult(result); //if notificationEmail is defined in the job data map, then send a notification email to it if (jobDataMap.containsKey("#notificationEmail")) { sendEmail(context, jobDataMap.getString("#notificationEmail")); } //trigger the linked jobs of the finished job, depending on the job result [true, false] jobChain(context); //System.out.println("Instance " + key + " of REST Job returns: " + truncateResult(result)); } catch (IOException | ParserConfigurationException | SAXException e) { e.printStackTrace(System.out); throw new JobExecutionException(e); } } @Override public void interrupt() throws UnableToInterruptJobException { ((HttpURLConnection) this.urlConnection).disconnect(); } //send a notification email upon job completion public void sendEmail(JobExecutionContext context, String email) throws JobExecutionException { try { Date d = new Date(); String message = "Job was executed at: " + d.toString() + "\n"; SchedulerMetaData schedulerMetadata = context.getScheduler().getMetaData(); //Get the scheduler instance id message += "Scheduler Instance Id: " + schedulerMetadata.getSchedulerInstanceId() + "\n"; //Get the scheduler name message += "Scheduler Name: " + schedulerMetadata.getSchedulerName() + "\n"; try { //Get the scheduler ip Enumeration<NetworkInterface> n = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces(); message += "Scheduler IP: "; for (; n.hasMoreElements();) { NetworkInterface e = n.nextElement(); //System.out.println("Interface: " + e.getName()); Enumeration<InetAddress> a = e.getInetAddresses(); for (; a.hasMoreElements();) { InetAddress addr = a.nextElement(); message += !addr.getHostAddress().equals("") ? addr.getHostAddress() + " " : ""; } } message += "\n"; } catch (SocketException e) { throw new JobExecutionException(e); } //Returns the result (if any) that the Job set before its execution completed (the type of object set as the result is entirely up to the particular job). //The result itself is meaningless to Quartz, but may be informative to JobListeners or TriggerListeners that are watching the job's execution. message += "Result: " + (context.getResult() != null ? truncateResult((String) context.getResult()) : "") + "\n"; //Get the unique Id that identifies this particular firing instance of the trigger that triggered this job execution. It is unique to this JobExecutionContext instance as well. message += "Fire Instance Id: " + (context.getFireInstanceId() != null ? context.getFireInstanceId() : "") + "\n"; //Get a handle to the Calendar referenced by the Trigger instance that fired the Job. message += "Calendar: " + (context.getCalendar() != null ? context.getCalendar().getDescription() : "") + "\n"; //The actual time the trigger fired. For instance the scheduled time may have been 10:00:00 but the actual fire time may have been 10:00:03 if the scheduler was too busy. message += "Fire Time: " + (context.getFireTime() != null ? context.getFireTime() : "") + "\n"; //the job name message += "Job Name: " + (context.getJobDetail().getKey() != null ? context.getJobDetail().getKey().getName() : "") + "\n"; //the job group message += "Job Group: " + (context.getJobDetail().getKey() != null ? context.getJobDetail().getKey().getGroup() : "") + "\n"; //The amount of time the job ran for (in milliseconds). The returned value will be -1 until the job has actually completed (or thrown an exception), and is therefore generally only useful to JobListeners and TriggerListeners. //message += "RunTime: " + context.getJobRunTime() + "\n"; //the next fire time message += "Next Fire Time: " + (context.getNextFireTime() != null && context.getNextFireTime().toString() != null ? context.getNextFireTime().toString() : "") + "\n"; //the previous fire time message += "Previous Fire Time: " + (context.getPreviousFireTime() != null && context.getPreviousFireTime().toString() != null ? context.getPreviousFireTime().toString() : "") + "\n"; //refire count message += "Refire Count: " + context.getRefireCount() + "\n"; //job data map message += "\nJob data map: \n"; JobDataMap jobDataMap = context.getJobDetail().getJobDataMap(); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : jobDataMap.entrySet()) { message += entry.getKey() + " = " + entry.getValue() + "\n"; } Mail.sendMail("SCE notification", message, email, null, null); } catch (SchedulerException e) { throw new JobExecutionException(e); } } //trigger the linked jobs of the finished job, depending on the job result [true, false] public void jobChain(JobExecutionContext context) throws JobExecutionException { try { //get the job data map JobDataMap jobDataMap = context.getJobDetail().getJobDataMap(); //get the finished job result (true/false) String resultjob = context.getResult() != null ? (String) context.getResult() : null; if (jobDataMap.containsKey("#nextJobs") && resultjob != null) { //read json from request JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); Object obj = parser.parse(jobDataMap.getString("#nextJobs")); JSONArray jsonArray = (JSONArray) obj; for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.size(); i++) { JSONObject jsonobject = (JSONObject) jsonArray.get(i); String operator = (String) jsonobject.get("operator"); String res = (String) jsonobject.get("result"); String nextJobName = (String) jsonobject.get("jobName"); String nextJobGroup = (String) jsonobject.get("jobGroup"); //if condition is satisfied, trigger the new job it does exist in the scheduler if ((operator.equals("==") && !isNumeric(resultjob) && !isNumeric(res) && res.equalsIgnoreCase(resultjob)) || (operator.equals("==") && isNumeric(resultjob) && isNumeric(res) && Double.parseDouble(resultjob) == Double.parseDouble(res)) || (operator.equals("!=") && !isNumeric(resultjob) && !isNumeric(res) && !res.equalsIgnoreCase(resultjob)) || (operator.equals("!=") && isNumeric(resultjob) && isNumeric(res) && Double.parseDouble(resultjob) != Double.parseDouble(res)) || (operator.equals("<") && isNumeric(resultjob) && isNumeric(res) && Double.parseDouble(resultjob) < Double.parseDouble(res)) || (operator.equals(">") && isNumeric(resultjob) && isNumeric(res) && Double.parseDouble(resultjob) > Double.parseDouble(res)) || (operator.equals("<=") && isNumeric(resultjob) && isNumeric(res) && Double.parseDouble(resultjob) <= Double.parseDouble(res)) || (operator.equals(">=") && isNumeric(resultjob) && isNumeric(res) && Double.parseDouble(resultjob) >= Double.parseDouble(res))) { //if nextJobName contains email(s), then send email(s) with obtained result, instead of triggering jobs if (nextJobName.contains("@") && nextJobGroup.equals(" ")) { sendEmail(context, nextJobName); } //else trigger next job else if (context.getScheduler().checkExists(JobKey.jobKey(nextJobName, nextJobGroup))) { context.getScheduler().triggerJob(JobKey.jobKey(nextJobName, nextJobGroup)); } } } } } catch (SchedulerException | ParseException e) { throw new JobExecutionException(e); } } //test if a string is numeric public boolean isNumeric(String str) { try { Double.parseDouble(str); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return false; } return true; } //return a truncated result if too long for displaying public String truncateResult(String result) { if (result != null) { return result.length() > 30 ? result.substring(0, 29) + "..." : result; } return result; } //parse XML response and eventually, set the result in the context and invoke a new job with the result as the #url parameter public static String parseXMLResponse(Node node, String binding, JobExecutionContext context) throws JobExecutionException { //if node name is "uri", and the parent node name is "binding", and the node "binding" has the specified attribute name (parameter String binding), and the parent node name of the node "binding" is "result" /*<result> <binding name='s'> <uri></uri> </binding> </result> */ try { String parentNodeName = node.getParentNode().getNodeName(); Node parentNodeAttribute = node.getParentNode().getAttributes() != null ? node.getParentNode().getAttributes().getNamedItem("name") : null; String bindingValue = parentNodeAttribute != null ? parentNodeAttribute.getTextContent() : ""; String parentParentNodeName = node.getParentNode().getParentNode() != null ? node.getParentNode().getParentNode().getNodeName() : ""; if (node.getNodeName().equals("url") && parentNodeName.equals("binding") && parentNodeAttribute != null && bindingValue.equalsIgnoreCase(binding) && parentParentNodeName.equals("result")) { //System.out.println(node.getNodeName() + ": " + node.getTextContent() + " " + node.getParentNode().getAttributes().getNamedItem("name").getTextContent()); createAndExecuteJob(node.getTextContent(), context); } NodeList nodeList = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.getLength(); i++) { Node currentNode = nodeList.item(i); if (currentNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { //calls this method for all the children which is Element parseXMLResponse(currentNode, binding, context); } } return "done"; } catch (DOMException | JobExecutionException e) { e.printStackTrace(System.out); throw new JobExecutionException(e); } } //create a non durable REST job at runtime and immediately execute it one time public static void createAndExecuteJob(String callerResult, JobExecutionContext context) { try { JobDetail job = newJob(RESTJob.class) .withIdentity(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), UUID.randomUUID().toString()) //.usingJobData("#callerJobName", context.getJobDetail().getKey().getName()) //.usingJobData("#callerJobGroup", context.getJobDetail().getKey().getGroup()) .usingJobData("#url", callerResult).storeDurably(false).build(); Trigger trigger = newTrigger() .withIdentity(TriggerKey.triggerKey(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), UUID.randomUUID().toString())) .withSchedule(SimpleScheduleBuilder.simpleSchedule().withRepeatCount(0)).startNow().build(); context.getScheduler().scheduleJob(job, trigger); } catch (SchedulerException e) { e.printStackTrace(System.out); //don't throw a JobExecutionException if a job execution, invoked by this job, fails } } //not used public static URL convertToURLEscapingIllegalCharacters(String string) { try { String decodedURL = URLDecoder.decode(string, "UTF-8"); URL url = new URL(decodedURL); URI uri = new URI(url.getProtocol(), url.getUserInfo(), url.getHost(), url.getPort(), url.getPath(), url.getQuery(), url.getRef()); return uri.toURL(); } catch (MalformedURLException | URISyntaxException | UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(System.out); return null; } } //not used public static byte[] readURL(String url) { try { URL u = new URL(url); URLConnection conn = u.openConnection(); // Look like faking the request coming from Web browser solve 403 error conn.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20101203 Firefox/3.6.13 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)"); byte[] bytes; try (BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream(), "UTF-8"))) { String json = in.readLine(); bytes = json.getBytes("UTF-8"); } return bytes; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(System.out); return null; } } //not used public static ByteBuffer getAsByteArray(URL url) throws IOException { URLConnection connection = url.openConnection(); ByteArrayOutputStream tmpOut; try (InputStream in = connection.getInputStream()) { int contentLength = connection.getContentLength(); if (contentLength != -1) { tmpOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(contentLength); } else { tmpOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(16384); // Pick some appropriate size } byte[] buf = new byte[512]; while (true) { int len =; if (len == -1) { break; } tmpOut.write(buf, 0, len); } } tmpOut.close(); byte[] array = tmpOut.toByteArray(); return ByteBuffer.wrap(array); } }